Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

@edale gadgeteer most likely wont require large magic power as Nanohaverse magitech has things like mana generators mana batteries.

Itll likely be only a matter of how long it takes to get up the tech tree.
Because it is clearly still an issue, I will explain the Linker Core rank issue one more time in as simple language as I can. Maybe this is my fault for either not explaining it well or making it too complicated of a system. Maybe the people who are asking the same question aren't taking the time to read my previous posts when I explained it a total of five or six times. I don't know, and at this point I don't care. I'm just tired of answering the same question over and over and over again.

There are three ways to turn someone with a Linker Core into an active mage.

1) Perfect Storm installs a template into them. The size of their Linker Core is completely irrelevant. They will always start with three known spells; no more, no less. They will have access only to the skills that are part of their template until and except for cross-training.

2) A Gadgeteer or another mage gives them a Device. The size of their Linker Core determines their maximum number of spells.

3) Someone teaches them spells without giving them a template or a Device. The size of their Linker Core determines their maximum number of spells.

Just so I'm absolutely 100% no-chance-of-misunderstanding-me clear here: with regards to giving Tim or Lacey a template, there is NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER. They would start with the exact same number of spells, would grow at the exact same rate, and would reach the exact same level at the end.

This post, as does the last one I wrote explaining this, will have links in the "Making new mages" section of the FAQ. If anyone asks me this question again even with these explanations in place, I have and will exercise the right to call that person a fucking idiot. I have officially reached the limits of my patience.
Literally the only difference between the two is that we know Lacey as a family friend, who has stood with our family throughout thick and thin, while Tim... has a fun name. That is it when it comes to things to consider. Personally I voted for Lacey, but I guess some people prefer memes or something when it comes to giving out powers?
Tim... has a fun name.
A fun cape name.
I guess some people prefer memes or something when it comes to giving out powers?
Corian, I'll let you in on a little secret... People like messing around now and again, and people enjoy referencing memes.
You can't just go all serious, all hard-man-hard-decisions, all of the time. It gets boring and tiresome. So we make jokes. And a joke people are hard-wired to like is a joke the audience gets. A meme or a reference also reinforces a sense of community and familiarity.
So, when in a situation were it won't do any harm beyond someone's sense of humor, some people like to throw a little silly into their lives.
That's not to say being silly is always appropriate. But If it doesn't cause any problems for the quest/story, don't begrudge people their harmless fun.
I guess some people prefer memes or something when it comes to giving out powers?
Granted I don't have that good a picture of who does what in the Privateers, but while this seems to be the reason some people go for the cape name, people have brought up that Lacy wouldn't be involved in combat action anyway, whereas Tim might be. Thus choosing Tim and having him hang back/give him a boost sounds more sensible since that way we can 'make sure' (nothing's ever certain in this quest, is it?) that our potential third mage has the highest chances of surviving.

Like I said, my knowledge of the Privateers is spotty, so I can't really fact-check this off the top of my head, but you're kind of generalising there with those voting for Tim just doing it for the memes.
I swear, can this thread take a single pass at naming something without the frontrunner inevitably being something moronic at one point or another?
Like I said, my knowledge of the Privateers is spotty, so I can't really fact-check this off the top of my head, but you're kind of generalising there with those voting for Tim just doing it for the memes.
It's not so much voting for Tom in itself being an attempt to invoke a meme, as a noticeable number of people are voting for Tim the Enchanter as his cape name that's the attempt at meme invocation.
I'm voting for him because I'd rather have Lacey healing us.
That's...part of what I meant.

Perhaps a better way of putting it would be that while voting for Tim to receive the Transcendent Gadgeteer template in and of itself is not an attempt at invoking a meme, but voting for Tim the Enchanter as his cape name is. People can vote for Tim being templated first for a number of reasons, with any and all of them being valid, but it appears the primary reason people have for voting for Tim the Enchanter as his cape name is that it's a meme.
@ReaperofInterest : Yes, and? If you don't have a problem with the two or three reasons people have for picking him to get the first template as gadgeteer (feeling it suits him better, desire for gadgeteer first, desire to keep both candidates off the battlefield) , why is the name a big deal?

The players may know its 99% meme to pick that name, but for the characters its trivial to think up reasons why it makes sense.
Some of the casual behaviour of the Privateers, and having not expected to get this sudden power, means that the character might have chosen to name himself after a meme because he likes it too.

Our reputation via the name Witch, aside from whether we've given off any more detail of being like Merlin or the full truth we gave Dragon, suits having someone vaguely associated (and if we don't want a Trump rating, then Tim/Lacey are a Privateer that happened to trigger in their anti-gang actions, and our cape-ID's link to the Privateers is known) copying our influence by also going with a magic theme to their name. Enchanted objects are the magitech version of a mad scientists cyberware after all.

If you didn't know it was a reference, can you be certain you'd dislike the name so much? He might simply like the philosophy of New Wave in not hiding his identity (do the Privateers hide it with masks etc, or are they relatively open by now?) and keeping his very generic first name with a cape agnomen lets him make a half measure towards it. "Assault" and "Aegis" aren't exactly creative names for their powersets even if the specific reason for their Blaster and Brute? ratings are unusual in detail. And Velocity for a speedster is as bland and obvious as you can manage. So why is Tim the Enchanter a boring option for a magic-item maker?​
So why is Tim the Enchanter a boring option for a magic-item maker?
I feel it's boring precisely because of the reasons you mentioned. Remember, before we give someone a template Device, we have to spend three days constructing it. That's three days worth of time, a full 72 hours that can be applied to the purpose of coming up with a decent cape name. Tim the Enchanter is uncreative on a number of levels, one being that it contains his actual name when to my knowledge literally the only other people who do that are Case 53s, and another being that it really seems to me like something someone spent less than five minutes coming up with.

Put simply, I don't like it because I think it's extremely uncreative, and I think we can do better.
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I get the feeling that if Tim the Enchanter actually wins, his cape name is probably just going to be The Enchanter.

Probably. Tim the Enchanter would be an easy nickname for the other Privateers to privately give him as a joke, but using that as his cape name would give away his real first name.
It's not so much voting for Tom in itself being an attempt to invoke a meme, as a noticeable number of people are voting for Tim the Enchanter as his cape name that's the attempt at meme invocation.
But that's what the person I was quoting implied. That there's no reason to vote Tim other than a funny name.
I agree with your point about people voting his cape name because of memes, but my point was that not everyone who is voting for Tim himself is doing so because of memes.