Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Actually, I just thought of something: we don't necessarily have to give a template-bearing Device to teammates with Linker Cores. We could simply give them a regular device and give them more versatility, if not as many abilities as a template.

Of course, first we'd need a Gadgeteer in order to build a Device, so that's not really an option for us at the moment. Just wanted to point out something for the future.
:evil: Look back at 4.a when you have a moment. Dragon told Alexandria/Costa-Brown about the discussion of magic versus cape powers because it was necessary to justify putting a parahuman through a brain MRI, but the talk about how the tech came from outer space? Nope. That's why Alexandria and Legend were thinking it was a group of Tinkers working together to build her tech.
Basically, she wasn't specifically asked, and she's not required to volunteer information, especially information that's not yet verified.

Jesus Christ, did that city piss her off? She just told that whole city to fuck itself.
That was a nonlethal dispute btw
EDIT: And most of the damage to the city was the backscatter bouncing off Fate's shields.
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And thus why we needed a Melee option, even if it was just a brawny friend. If someone wants to get into melee range in Nanoha then between shields, barrier jackets and other nonsense they generally can.

"Guns are better" is a dangerous assumption to make when everyone is varying levels of bombproof. :p
So, since we'll be getting new teammates soon, let me remind everyone of the names we thought up for the new members based on primary templates.

Extinction Knight - Apocalypse Mage
Infinite Enhancement - Overflow Sorcerer/Sorceress
Transcendent Gadgeteer - Blackout Enchanter/Enchantress

Does anyone have any objections?
Extinction Knight - Holocaust Avatar

Infinite Enhancement - Eternity Ravager

Transcendent Gadgeteer - Void Tuner

I'm not sure if this is already fixed but I might as well give some suggestions for naming. I also think that 'Holocaust Avatar' might cause people to pause for a moment given the name.
Please god no. We're already saddled with Calamity Witch as our ridiculous edgelord 14-year-old's-fanfic-protagonist name, can we not have all our associates sound similarly ludicrous. :(
Please god no. We're already saddled with Calamity Witch as our ridiculous edgelord 14-year-old's-fanfic-protagonist name, can we not have all our associates sound similarly ludicrous. :(
While I disagree with your opinion on the Chuuni naming scheme, I do concur that picking something that won't get the staff to descend in righteous fury is a Wise Decision.
Mhm. Gotta remember that, grimdark or not, we're still in a superhero setting. For better or worse, names are coded villain or hero, and we already have a target on our backs without naming a subordinate Genocide Jeff or something.

...Though for future reference, I'm totally keeping Genocide Jeff in mind as a name for some Dark Comedy or something. :p
That's late worm. Right now we're still in the stage where the circles of society we move in function on Superhero tropes, and this sort of coding is very much alive and well.
Given the solar/fire themeing to our spells, maybe Flare Knight, Knight Sol...


I kid, but a Sun theme to the naming might work. Sun gods tend to be big goods in myth/fiction.
Void Tuner seems like it could work if Tim (the enchanter) has any interest in sci-fi or we plan to tell them about that little detail? I'm not sure if we did let anyone but Dragon know yet. Seems like one of those secrets that comes back to bite (depending what the body-horror hint was) if we 'update their parameters' with alien tech and don't let them know. But anyways, it has a nice sound that avoids the reputation Chevalier warned us about, and might even be good if we wanted to play it off as Tim triggering during a fight and not "we are a Trump that created Tim and can make more" somewhat like we aren't revealing the Samantha connection? Or to use for a future Gadgeteer, if we still wanted to keep Privateer names linked to their team theme.

So yeah, "Transcendent Gadgeteer - Void Tuner" seems a good choice.

Infinite Enhancement - Ambrosia (power-giving drink of greek gods), August Arhat (mixes Sun Wukong peaches story with Buddhism, if Lacey follows that?), or something else that keeps the "superlative" vibe of Calamity/Extinction/Infinite/Trascendent (Void implies the vastness of space and the associations of alien supertech) while being a Hero-sounding positive theme that's distinct from ours. I'm still bad with names.
Mhm. Gotta remember that, grimdark or not, we're still in a superhero setting. For better or worse, names are coded villain or hero, and we already have a target on our backs without naming a subordinate Genocide Jeff or something.

...Though for future reference, I'm totally keeping Genocide Jeff in mind as a name for some Dark Comedy or something. :p
Do realize that this is crossed over with Nanohaverse.

While admittedly Nanoha has its really dark moments the light manages to falcon punch the darkness. And we are going to be getting a fleet of TSAB cruisers showing up soon.

So let's not get preoccupied with the grimdarkness.
Nanoha is just Gundam with magical girls instead of giant mecha.

Is there a real need and desire to change the class names, they do the job as is and some of these suggestions are really cringe worthy imho.

It's not like we have to be close to the class names when it comes to cape names, and trying to tie the two together either looks silly or 'edgelordy' as the cool kids might say.

Maybe something more 'pirate-ee' to keep on theme with the privateers.
Gun beats sword. It's just How Things Work.
Just gonna chip in that while this may be true IRL, in many settings it's simply flat wrong depending how good personal protection is relative to general firepower.
Actually, in mid/close combat a knife can be more dangerous than a gun if the knife wielder has fast enough reflexes and the skills to make use of that (and a decent amount of experience).

A gun is only dangerous in one direction, and there are numerous methods to avoid being where the gun is pointing.

A knife has 360 degrees of coverage, with the potential to become a projectile at a moment's notice.
And then PHO started making jokes about Calamity Witch being Behemoth's rebellious teenage daughter.
Come on, you know they would.:V
And the the mod's would start issuing the banhammer.

Comparing a heroic cape to an Endbringer is not something they'd allow. The issues that would cause with groups like The Fallen aside.
Actually, in mid/close combat a knife can be more dangerous than a gun if the knife wielder has fast enough reflexes and the skills to make use of that (and a decent amount of experience).

A gun is only dangerous in one direction, and there are numerous methods to avoid being where the gun is pointing.

A knife has 360 degrees of coverage, with the potential to become a projectile at a moment's notice.
I must assume you're talking in superhero/Nanoha fights, because otherwise that goes from somewhat on point to nonsensical.
And the the mod's would start issuing the banhammer.

Comparing a heroic cape to an Endbringer is not something they'd allow. The issues that would cause with groups like The Fallen aside.
Considering the numerous Downfall parodies and Hitler jokes out on the internet, forgive me if I'm skeptical of that. And remember that not only does Parahumansonline let villains have accounts, but Worm!Europe has an actual Neo-Nazi party. Well, terrorist group with a legit political front, but you get the idea.
I must assume you're talking in superhero/Nanoha fights, because otherwise that goes from somewhat on point to nonsensical.

You say that, but even IRL it's way, waaaayyyyy harder to track a target at melee range than you might think. You need to make far larger movements to keep/put the barrel on target, and it becomes possible for someone to properly juke your aim. It's far from a certain thing, but guns at melee range aren't the win button a lot of people would claim.

Though I'll grant I don't get what he means about 360 degree coverage, and throwing a knife is generally the worst thing you can do with it, if you intend to do serious harm.
You say that, but even IRL it's way, waaaayyyyy harder to track a target at melee range than you might think. You need to make far larger movements to keep/put the barrel on target, and it becomes possible for someone to properly juke your aim. It's far from a certain thing, but guns at melee range aren't the win button a lot of people would claim.
Pffft, just use gun kata. :rofl:
Considering the numerous Downfall parodies and Hitler jokes out on the internet, forgive me if I'm skeptical of that. And remember that not only does Parahumansonline let villains have accounts, but Worm!Europe has an actual Neo-Nazi party. Well, terrorist group with a legit political front, but you get the idea.
Pfft, this is Worm; PHO is the entirety of the internet!:p
I must assume you're talking in superhero/Nanoha fights, because otherwise that goes from somewhat on point to nonsensical.
Nope, talking real life knife vs gun fights.
You say that, but even IRL it's way, waaaayyyyy harder to track a target at melee range than you might think. You need to make far larger movements to keep/put the barrel on target, and it becomes possible for someone to properly juke your aim. It's far from a certain thing, but guns at melee range aren't the win button a lot of people would claim.

Though I'll grant I don't get what he means about 360 degree coverage, and throwing a knife is generally the worst thing you can do with it, if you intend to do serious harm.
See, this guy knows what he's talking about.

As for the 360 degree coverage, I mean that the knife is dangerous to ANYONE close enough to the guy with the knife, even from behind. Granted a slash at something behind you isn't the most effective, but it's still enough to do some damage.

And I wasn't saying you should throw the knife, just that it's an option, and there are situations where it's advantageous (throwing the knife at the gun wielder to disrupt their aim while charging them to reach grappling distance, for example).