Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

@Silently Watches, If/When we brew a permanent serum to give someone superpowers, will there be a set power that will be given (i.e. giving multiple people the same type of serum will give the same power again and again)? Or will you be using similar rules for the Linker Core creation serum? With there being a table of related powers and/or levels of intensity that can manifest and you'll use a dice roll to determine just what powers the serum gives them and how strong they are? Would there also be another roll to determine how severe the mutation for the serum is?

Also for permanent serums, since you've stated we specify the mutation for those brews, as seen here
Make a permanent strength or speed serum with a minor mutation. 1 slot, plus 1 to specify the mutation in question. Max 2 slots total.
Does the mutation we specify for the person have to be related to the powerset being given? Or can it be unrelated to the powers that will manifest?
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Let me answer these questions in reverse order. That'll make more sense.
Does the mutation we specify for the person have to be related to the powerset being given? Or can it be unrelated to the powers that will manifest?
When it comes to mutagenics in general, the mutation isn't RELATED to the power. It is the CAUSE, and the serum is just the means of inducing that beneficial mutation. Using Boost serums bends that rule to a degree, but it doesn't BREAK the rule.

The Linker Core mutation is the exception, and that's because of just how broken that serum could be if I didn't throw in randomness to deter you. If the LCM was guaranteed only to give anime hair or eye colors, I wouldn't trust you sociopaths not to dump it into the city's water supply or something. :)
@Silently Watches, If/When we brew a permanent serum to give someone superpowers, will there be a set power that will be given (i.e. giving multiple people the same type of serum will give the same power again and again)? Or will you be using similar rules for the Linker Core creation serum? With there being a table of related powers and/or levels of intensity that can manifest and you'll use a dice roll to determine just what powers the serum gives them and how strong they are?
Depends on the serum. The base mutation serum, I'd let you spend extra build slots in order to suggest the superpower and the strength of that power. Obviously the stronger the power, the more severe the mutation would have to be to grant it. From there I don't know if I'd be rolling or just coming up with something off the top of my head. Depends on my mood at the time. I'm capricious like that.[1]

Boost serums are more predictable. That's the benefit of picking Tech Enhancement for Tim's cross-training. For the Strike Boost serum, there are only two options: strength or speed. For the Heal serum, there is only one option: regeneration. The Barret Boost serum, on the other hand, has a few[2] different abilities it can grant. The default ability for a specific character will be assigned randomly when they take the Barret serum[3] for the first time, and after that is determined you will be able to spend extra build slots to change aspects of the mutation to a certain point.
Would there also be another roll to determine how severe the mutation for the serum is?
Like I said, for the base mutation serum it would be determined by how strong the ability is. The Boost serums state what category of mutation they cause.

[1] You guys probably think I come up with so many rules to hinder your fun. A lot of them are to protect you from my impulses.
[2] Like, less than twenty.
[3] This can be the basic non-mutational serum. I would actually suggest giving somebody that to start with because the standard serum will wear off. The mutagenic serum won't.
Lets be honest, Earth Bet has so many issues that if we could simply give an entire city's population linker cores without issues, I don't see things getting that much worse.

Note, this is just if people just had linker cores and not the training or gear to properly leverage their new abilities.
I'm kind of tempted to ask about fixed mutation, random power type stuff. Part of my dastardly plan to convince everyone to my plan of making a world of orcs and elves.
Lets be honest, Earth Bet has so many issues that if we could simply give an entire city's population linker cores without issues, I don't see things getting that much worse.

Note, this is just if people just had linker cores and not the training or gear to properly leverage their new abilities.
The Linker Core mutation is the exception, and that's because of just how broken that serum could be if I didn't throw in randomness to deter you. If the LCM was guaranteed only to give anime hair or eye colors, I wouldn't trust you sociopaths not to dump it into the city's water supply or something. :)
That's why Silently included the mutation rule. It would be an entire city of Magical Case 53's. We'd have mutations ranging from anime protagonist hair to "I have no limbs and will die in the sun" worm bodies. Not worth the moral and political fallout from such an action.
The base mutation serum, I'd let you spend extra build slots in order to suggest the superpower and the strength of that power. Obviously the stronger the power, the more severe the mutation would have to be to grant it.
When it comes to mutagenics in general, the mutation isn't RELATED to the power. It is the CAUSE, and the serum is just the means of inducing that beneficial mutation. Using Boost serums bends that rule to a degree, but it doesn't BREAK the rule.
So if I'm understanding this right, and please correct me if I'm wrong @Silently Watches, the base mutation serum would be restricted to physical traits. We can reinforce bone and skin, increase muscle amount or type, at most maybe grow some new limbs so long as a large amount of biomatter is supplied to the mutate. But nothing that is impossible for a biological origin to produce.

Meanwhile, the Boost Serums introduce magic into the equations, so we can stretch the "impossible" bar a bit further up. So a Strike Boost Serum for strength could introduce powers such as unnatural durability or tactile telekinesis that are physically impossible for a non-parahuman. One for speed could reduce gravity on their body, increase foot friction, or potentially grow their limbs longer for wider strides (I guess overall growth would work for a strength serum as well). The issue here is tying the power back to a potential mutation, as it is still the cause of the power. Hopefully connecting them conceptually will work, otherwise several of the ideas I've thought of won't work.

An example of the differences in mutations between these two types of serums I thought of is for generation of electricity. The base mutation serum could achieve this by literally turning the mutate's arms into electric eels. No more fingers, but can severely zap an opponent with their gross eel limbs.
A Barrel Boost Serum for someone who rolled electricity on the power list, on the other hand, could have a mutation like a Lichtenberg figure appearing on their body, either covering their entire skin like a raised full-body tattoo or perhaps they sprout antennae shaped like this structure 🤷‍♂️ . There's no biological structure for generating electricity, but it is still created (because magic).
If I've misunderstood how this works, could you please explain what I've missed so I don't spout erroneous ideas in the future.
Like I said, for the base mutation serum it would be determined by how strong the ability is. The Boost serums state what category of mutation they cause.
1) Previous mutations improve the odds of a better mutation. Or, more accurately, turn negative categories to more positive ones.
So the mutation type for a Boost serum is fixed, but I assume the "previous mutations" rule applies to the base mutation serum
The Barret Boost serum
.... Oh my god. I've been calling it the Barrel Boost serum/spell ever since I started posting for this quest. Both mentally and whenever I've written it down. :facepalm::redface:
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An example of the differences in mutations between these two types of serums I thought of is for generation of electricity. The base mutation serum could achieve this by literally turning the mutate's arms into electric eels. No more fingers, but can severely zap an opponent with their gross eel limbs.

I figure you meant this particular version in jest, but giving somebody an electrical strike power would just need the right kinds of cells lining the inside of their arms. You wouldn't even need obvious visual changes to accomplish that(though closer examination would reveal it unless you want to be shocked just as badly as your target).

Meanwhile, the Boost Serums introduce magic into the equations, so we can stretch the "impossible" bar a bit further up. So a Strike Boost Serum for strength could introduce powers such as unnatural durability or tactile telekinesis that are physically impossible for a non-parahuman. One for speed could reduce gravity on their body, increase foot friction, or potentially grow their limbs longer for wider strides (I guess overall growth would work for a strength serum as well). The issue here is tying the power back to a potential mutation, as it is still the cause of the power. Hopefully connecting them conceptually will work, otherwise several of the ideas I've thought of won't work.

Or increase the speed of nerve conductivity or of muscle contraction to grant an increase to reaction speed and actual motion.
I figure you meant this particular version in jest, but giving somebody an electrical strike power would just need the right kinds of cells lining the inside of their arms. You wouldn't even need obvious visual changes to accomplish that(though closer examination would reveal it unless you want to be shocked just as badly as your target).
I'm not really joking. These are mutation serums, where the ability granted originates from the mutation created, so anything sufficiently powerful creates a mutation too dramatic to be hidden. Add to that a chance of unforeseen randomness and I'm certain the scenario I described is entirely possible. Your version of this power would be if Panacea was allowed to create an electro-human, seeing as she can control the entire process from start to finish, so if we ever social her enough to suggest it, we could see that.
Or increase the speed of nerve conductivity or of muscle contraction to grant an increase to reaction speed and actual motion.
I'd slot those abilities in with the base mutation serum, where the changes are purely biological. The powers I listed for the Boost serums are ones where I envision the power that is granted would not arise from solely internal factors from the person and thus needs an extra external element to function (the secret ingredient is magic🤫)
I'm not really joking. These are mutation serums, where the ability granted originates from the mutation created, so anything sufficiently powerful creates a mutation too dramatic to be hidden. Add to that a chance of unforeseen randomness and I'm certain the scenario I described is entirely possible. Your version of this power would be if Panacea was allowed to create an electro-human, seeing as she can control the entire process from start to finish, so if we ever social her enough to suggest it, we could see that.

There is no roll for the basic mutation serum. You specify the ability and biology needed to achieve a result, SW decides how strong of a power it is and whether it falls within the spirit of the rules. It's the magical boosts that have a roll, and even then, it isn't a roll for a chance of a hideous body horror transformation. The Linker Core serum, on the other hand.... Well, what SW has said suggests we should really social people before considering them for this.

In fairness, I would be in favor of spiking the drinking water with mutagenics for linker cores if the mutations caused were things like anime hair and more androgynous pretty boys and disturbingly dramatic girls. I mean, we already have the latter in our team, after all, so SW definitely has reason to cut that train off still sitting in the station.
There is no roll for the basic mutation serum. You specify the ability and biology needed to achieve a result, SW decides how strong of a power it is and whether it falls within the spirit of the rules.
Okay, that's one misconception corrected. I had been thinking the mutation rolls chart applied to the basic mutation as well as the Linker Core mutation. Thank you for the correction.
Obviously the stronger the power, the more severe the mutation would have to be to grant it. From there I don't know if I'd be rolling or just coming up with something off the top of my head. Depends on my mood at the time. I'm capricious like that.
So my eel arm idea is possible depending upon just how powerful the mutate becomes. Hrrmmm.🤔
💡 Okay. Electricity generation powerful enough to shock people into unconsciousness. An electric field granting 360 degrees perception in the area around the person. Improved conductivity in the nervous system so body can react and move faster than average. Definitely an extremely effective combantant. I think these abilities combined are powerful enough to warrant such a monstrous mutation.
In fairness, I would be in favor of spiking the drinking water with mutagenics for linker cores if the mutations caused were things like anime hair and more androgynous pretty boys and disturbingly dramatic girls.

Meanwhile, some :whistle: would probably be in favor of spiking the water supplies with "randomized anime hair palette" without any other reason than making the world a little more vibrant and interesting :V Much as some theorize happened with a Wish in the Madoka universe....

If we're gonna stick on boring old Earth Bet and not go zooming off to high adventure with the TSAB after our primary mission is complete, why not make the world a better place with a few Verdettes and Bleunettes
I get PTSD flashbacks to terrible anime fanfic from the late 90s whenever somebody tries to mangle the language like that so would you please stop doing that.
"Blue-haired" is just a single letter longer than "bleunette" and doesn't require figuring out how the heck it is pronounced. I think it is more succinct. *shrug*

To me, what matters is whether it is being used in speech or as a descriptor in the text. A world where blue and green hair is common would have words for it, just as we have fir the tints common to meat-space. When describing things outside of speech, though, you should stick to the vocabulary of the target audience unless you feel you have good cause.

That exception is noted because the rules of grammar and usage are meant to aid communication. Occasionally, breaking them is the right thing to do to better convey an idea. Sadly, far more people make that decision to break them than bother to learn the rules well enough to know when that is a good idea.

I have not read any fanfiction bad enough to scar me while still being good enough that I didn't give up on them, at least not in this manner. Then again, I try to read from recommendations precisely to avoid that kind of mess. I've repeatedly been spared the worst cliches of a fandom by the simple expedient of coming to the fandom late enough for people to identify certain.... problematic trends and adjust their recommendations as a result. For instance, I've only ever read one Worm fic where Danny dates Miss Militia, but I've seen a lot of hate bouncing around regarding that pairing and how poorly written it tends to be.
So if I'm understanding this right, and please correct me if I'm wrong @Silently Watches, the base mutation serum would be restricted to physical traits. We can reinforce bone and skin, increase muscle amount or type, at most maybe grow some new limbs so long as a large amount of biomatter is supplied to the mutate. But nothing that is impossible for a biological origin to produce.
The Mutagenics skill is based off a Bakuda bomb that in turn was based off CRAWLER's power. We're already stretching "biologically possible" to the breaking point.
Meanwhile, the Boost Serums introduce magic into the equations, so we can stretch the "impossible" bar a bit further up. So a Strike Boost Serum for strength could introduce powers such as unnatural durability or tactile telekinesis that are physically impossible for a non-parahuman. One for speed could reduce gravity on their body, increase foot friction, or potentially grow their limbs longer for wider strides (I guess overall growth would work for a strength serum as well). The issue here is tying the power back to a potential mutation, as it is still the cause of the power. Hopefully connecting them conceptually will work, otherwise several of the ideas I've thought of won't work.
Like I said before, the Boost serums are more predictable. That also means there are more limited options in what they can do. A Strike Boost mutation will make someone stronger or faster in such a way that the exact mechanics are not narratively meaningful.

If you want something really off the wall, you would be better served with the base mutation serum. Because again, Crawler.
I will pay you real money if you never use those words ever again.
I will endeavor never to have green or blue-haired girls (besides Laura) show up in the story then. Just for your peace of mind.

But plumettes and pinkettes are fair game! ;) :rofl:
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To me, what matters is whether it is being used in speech or as a descriptor in the text. A world where blue and green hair is common would have words for it, just as we have fir the tints common to meat-space.
Not necessarily. The German words for hair colors are literally "brown-haired", "black-haired", "red-haired", and so on. "Blonde" is the only exception. A language doesn't need special words for things where a descriptor is sufficient.
I prefer Violette to Plumette by sheer virtue of readability. Similarly, Blunette reads better than Bluenette thanks to the similarities to Brunette.
Not necessarily. The German words for hair colors are literally "brown-haired", "black-haired", "red-haired", and so on. "Blonde" is the only exception. A language doesn't need special words for things where a descriptor is sufficient.
German is also the language that allows you to free-hand compound words.
This should be my last batch of questions about mutagenics and serums for the moment.
If we ever encounter a situation where we have a Case 53 with a Linker Core, would giving them a Device revert them to their original human form since their forms are a result of their Shard twisting their bodies?

For the purposes of Linker Core serums, would Case 53's count as "already mutated" thereby making it safer to potentially make them mages? Or is their current body formed by their Shard via Cauldron considered the "default" in which case they could get an even worse mutation on top of their Cauldron-derived form?

Is it possible for the "cosmetic feature serum" to reverse some of the less severe mutations seen in Case 53's (like Newter's orange skin perhaps) or a minor mutation with a Linker Core Serum (Missy's hair color)?

Could Tim create a "reverse mutation serum" to completely revert Case 53's back to a human-like form (maybe with inspiration from Bonesaw or another BioTinker)?
This should be my last batch of questions about mutagenics and serums for the moment.
If we ever encounter a situation where we have a Case 53 with a Linker Core, would giving them a Device revert them to their original human form since their forms are a result of their Shard twisting their bodies?

For the purposes of Linker Core serums, would Case 53's count as "already mutated" thereby making it safer to potentially make them mages? Or is their current body formed by their Shard via Cauldron considered the "default" in which case they could get an even worse mutation on top of their Cauldron-derived form?

Is it possible for the "cosmetic feature serum" to reverse some of the less severe mutations seen in Case 53's (like Newter's orange skin perhaps) or a minor mutation with a Linker Core Serum (Missy's hair color)?

Could Tim create a "reverse mutation serum" to completely revert Case 53's back to a human-like form (maybe with inspiration from Bonesaw or another BioTinker)?

I suspect most of those won't be answered unless it looks like we'll actually try it, or even be a 'you won't know until you try it' situation, like with predicting the effects of Ragnarok on an Endbringer. I doubt Tim could get enough information from Dragon to develop even a good idea of what might be possible. I'm also hesitant to consider Bonesaw's creations as being viable for Tim to study.

On the other hand, that could be why SW spared Bonesaw when the rest of the S9 died.