Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

From a more out-of-world perspective, do we, as questers, want to pursue this thread when we already have lots of plots ongoing (managing and growing Arcana, fighting the Fallen, defeating the Endbringers, working with the Protectorate / PRT, dealing with local villain gangs, etc.)?
I'm not going to tell you how to play the game or what to do/what not to do, but I would like to point out the following:

1. Besides Standstill, whom you are already preparing to give a template, and maybe Jujak, who is a candidate for that Cauldron vial you have, there haven't been any recommendations for anyone else you guys are interested in recruiting to the team.

2. By taking out the Simurgh branch, you broke the back of the Fallen. The risk they pose will be nearly eradicated by the end of this arc.

3. Defeating the Endbringers is certainly the goal of the quest, but right now there is little to nothing you can do to them directly. Focusing on that goal to the exclusion of everything else gets you Weaver, who was boring as fuck to read about and the kind of protagonist I WILL NOT write. I would rather drop the quest entirely.
If it were a bunch of options to pursue where if we ignored them we knew there would not be a bunch of negative consequences coming back to bite us in the butt, that would be a whole different story and we might pick options like this or the generic "patrol with X" or "explore X". However, there are too many crises where failing to act has bad consequences and we can't take the interesting diversions.
So… we need another social arc?
So… we need another social arc?
I think it would be a good idea. I know a lot of the items seem like they have to be done or else disaster could occur and then as such we do not want to spend time on just fun social things. So an opporunity to have those occassionally without worrying about negative consequences from choosing them is a good thing in my book.
On the one hand, talking charge of this community is a massive time sink. It'd be a long term investment, we'd probably have to dedicate an action at every opportunity until we can automate it a little, and then take an action at every other opportunity.

However, it does have massive potential in the sense that we can bootstrap a civilization from scratch. Remember how Earth Bet has this problem where the greater galactic community doesn't deal with individual countries, only united worlds?

This has the potential for some lateral solutions. We can't unite Earth Bet and we've probably already started an arms race by giving the PRT magic, but we could invest in uniting this other Earth. On Vav, using this community as our base, we could make these people mages and educate them. It would be very long term, but we could spread a message of unity and learning from a vastly advanced centralized position, one that could eventually interact with Bet and with TSAB.

Now most of that would be beyond the scope of the quest, but that's fine. In the immediate interests of the story, we could pick out the best and brightest for magical education, and frankly, real education. Magiteck would probably the best bet for improving quality of life and for procuring a lot of gear. I imagine if we can create unison devices we could likely set up schools and better farming practices, but I'm shaky on that. And yes, we'd probably have to lean into our inherent authority to centralize.

I'm not really advocating one way or the other, but that's kind of what I see happening if we want to do work in Vav. It's a major investment with potentially major rewards, but it would greatly alter the very nature of the quest. There'd be some civ building elements, like abstract policy, depending on how much we dedicate ourselves to this. I'm sure it'd be enjoyable, at least I enjoy that kind of thing, but I can only imagine it'd be a departure from what we've seen before.

Frankly I'm surprised Silently Watches is even giving us the option to dedicate actions to Vav like this, but maybe we just have very different ideas of where this rabbit hole goes. I could be entirely wrong, and maybe the deep intricacies of working with Vav will just get brushed over behind the scenes of what we see.
Quite frankly, as much as Weaver is not a particularly compelling character to follow, playing White Witch's Burden doesn't strike me as much better in terms of interesting and is jam-packed with yikes to boot. Let's just call this a teachable moment about actions and consequences and move on to a social arc, okay? Please?
Frankly I'm surprised Silently Watches is even giving us the option to dedicate actions to Vav like this, but maybe we just have very different ideas of where this rabbit hole goes. I could be entirely wrong, and maybe the deep intricacies of working with Vav will just get brushed over behind the scenes of what we see.
I don't have ANY clue where the rabbit hole goes. I thought the scene with Taylor finding out she is these people's god would be funny. The consequences only hit me as I was writing it, and I have no clue what it would turn into.
Quite frankly, as much as Weaver is not a particularly compelling character to follow, playing White Witch's Burden doesn't strike me as much better in terms of interesting and is jam-packed with yikes to boot. Let's just call this a teachable moment about actions and consequences and move on to a social arc, okay? Please?
If you don't find it an interesting path to take, that's fine, I'm not overly drawn to it either beyond thinking it could be a neat twist. But outright refusing a course of action that could help people purely on the basis of bad optics strikes me as a rather shallow argument.
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I don't have ANY clue where the rabbit hole goes. I thought the scene with Taylor finding out she is these people's god would be funny. The consequences only hit me as I was writing it, and I have no clue what it would turn into.
Well damn. And here I thought you had a grand master plan, with various branches of where the story could go.
As interesting as this idea is, I want to do other stuff now. As Silently pointed out, Arcana doesn't need guidance right now. The Fallen have pretty much been neutered, and we can't do anything about the Endbros yet.
What about more difficult things, like poverty, world hunger, or climate change? I want to see Calamity Witch try to solve small scale stuff, to give us a break from the world-changing serious stuff.
A social arc sounds good to me. Maybe we could have Taylor give money to a Charity to Teach Illiterate Kids to Read, or something like that.
To improve our congregation's life we don't exactly need to play an uplifter and spend tonnes of actions on Earth-Vav.

It's enough to visit them time to time, to make sure other 'gods' won't conquer them, to make sure they won't worship us excessively, to make sure their leaders who rule in our name are not assholes.

Just a fact that we don't need anything from them and therefore are not trying to extract their wealth or labor is enough to improve their lives.

(which will make other people to convert into our religion)
(which will make other 'gods' jealous and willing to attack Taylor to teach her a lesson)
(which will make her to overthrow them too and add their lands to her burgeoning empire)

1. Besides Standstill, whom you are already preparing to give a template, and maybe Jujak, who is a candidate for that Cauldron vial you have, there haven't been any recommendations for anyone else you guys are interested in recruiting to the team.
I'm pretty sure some of us are planning to recruit Theo.

So… we need another social arc?
That's a good idea!
I had plenty of plans what to do for so long that I forgot most of them though... :(
We need an actual social arc in the first place, ie: not one that gets hijacked halfway through for the sake of spooking us.
Well damn. And here I thought you had a grand master plan, with various branches of where the story could go.
Grand master plan? I RARELY have one of those. I'm just really good at making things look like I know what I'm doing. :lol:

Honestly though, I don't have any plans because the realization for what all I could do with Earth Vav only hit me in the last couple of days. If there is interest in pursuing this story thread, I'm sure I could EASILY come up with something or other.
We need an actual social arc in the first place, ie: not one that gets hijacked halfway through for the sake of spooking us.
I don't appreciate what you're insinuating. What do you think Arc 11 was?
I was talking about arc 13, I don't actually remember arc 11. Been literally a year since then.
I know what you're talking about. Just because you didn't like the Fallen fight does not change the fact that you had a purely social arc just THREE arcs ago, nor the fact that it lasted for SEVEN MONTHS in real life. It's why I don't appreciate your snide remark.
I know what you're talking about. Just because you didn't like the Fallen fight does not change the fact that you had a purely social arc just THREE arcs ago, nor the fact that it lasted for SEVEN MONTHS in real life. It's why I don't appreciate your snide remark.

No you're right, it's not even been that long in-story, I had actually just IRL forgotten what else happened in that arc. The memorable part was Cassiel/Ziz, which was a spook too, but that arc went on for a while with other stuff happening I just didn't really remember as being part of it.

Anyways, I think long term our goal should be to join the TSAB. I'd like to at least attempt to uplift Earth-Bet along the way, and that means killing the Endbringers. Killing the Endbringers means getting more mages and starting the path towards an actual magic-using society, and I think we want to do that sooner rather than later anyways since if we don't control the development of mages then who else do we trust to do it?

I'll be honest, I think literally everyone else with any measure of real power in this setting is greedy and/or stupid, and would work to maximize their own gain from magic at the expense of everyone else. If we want it to develop into something egalitarian that *might* one day manage to join the TSAB, then we're gonna need to do it ourselves.
Since Lacey is a C rank mage, she can only learn Advanced tier spells as rituals.
Okay. Is it possible for Lacey to learn "Create specific Boosted Artifact" for an advanced spell? You said that the mage does not need to know the spell in question to create an artifact for it.
Also, can Kayleigh create bullets that will have the effects of Homing Bullet, Trick Shot, and Sniper Stun? (Seeker Bullet, Bounce Bullet, and Popper Bullet respectively)
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I mean, the reward would be more story content. :confused: If you don't want the story to go in that direction, that's totally fine, but this choice has the same "reward" as any other choice you make in this game.
Okay. Is it possible for Lacey to learn "Create specific Boosted Artifact" for an advanced spell? You said that the mage does not need to know the spell in question to create an artifact for it.
You know what? I'm going to say yes, since it technically fits in more of a tech skill/ritual classification than a direct effect spell and thus wouldn't be limited by Linker Core rank. However, if you want to use an advanced Boost spell you would need an advanced level of the create artifact spell, which means she would need to learn a basic-level create artifact spell for the advanced version to branch off of.
Also, can Kayleigh create bullets that will have the effects of Homing Bullet, Trick Shot, and Sniper Stun? (Seeker Bullet, Bounce Bullet, and Popper Bullet respectively)
She could, yes, but I don't know if that would fit in the basic Gun Nut skill. It would probably have to be another skill branching off the Gun Nut skill. I don't know whether that should be a Basic or Advanced tier skill, though. It is definitely too much for the modification tier unless you want each special attribute to be its own modification.
However, if you want to use an advanced Boost spell you would need an advanced level of the create artifact spell, which means she would need to learn a basic-level create artifact spell for the advanced version to branch off of.
So if we learned the specific spell "Create Physical Heal Artifact" then we could then learn "Create Healing Factor Artifact"? Or can we just learn the generalized "Create Boosted Artifact" and only the advanced spell would be specific?
Getting Stone Age cultists has no personal benefit for Taylor that she is interested in.

Getting new teamates
If any of them are magical or we want to give them Linker Core Serums (and there is always a chance of Rare Skills popping up) then this is a large source of potential mages for Taylor to recruit and train with no issues of split loyalties.
If any of them are magical or we want to give them Linker Core Serums (and there is always a chance of Rare Skills popping up) then this is a large source of potential mages for Taylor to recruit and train with no issues of split loyalties.

Taylor is deeply uncomfortable with being treated like a goddess.

Even if she found someone in that primitive world with a S rank core, getting that person in her team would have a language barrier, a cultural barrier and the whole being worshiped thing.

It would be way easier to recruit someone from Bet or Aleph who at least would be culturally similar and wouldn't need to be taught a lot of things someone from the Bronze Age would.

And that's ignoring that just like those tribes in the Amazon with barely any contact with anyone else, a person from the Bronze Age Earth would very easily die to things that don't even get a regular human from Bet sick.
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