Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

We just need to get a couple more social events with him and then give him a couple of cosmetic mutations like eye color change and hair color change and then we should be able to give him a LCM serum without too much risk of serious or moderate mutations.
@Silently Watches, I'd like to request a quick clarification. If we do the "Taylor serves as the mana source" thing for a Template construction, then we have to wait the full six weeks before making another one, right? Even if we put together the required 5 Devices needed for the Device Sacrifice method of Template Construction before then?
[X] Yes
-[X] Design a Guardian Beast (choose animal/gender/age/class, no bonus)
--[X] Rabbit, Teenage , Male, Beast of the Tome
[X] Yes
-[X] Create a randomly generated Guardian Beast (no control, bonus skills)
@Silently Watches, I'd like to request a quick clarification. If we do the "Taylor serves as the mana source" thing for a Template construction, then we have to wait the full six weeks before making another one, right? Even if we put together the required 5 Devices needed for the Device Sacrifice method of Template Construction before then?
Wait, can we say what the mutation will be for the strike boost serum or will you be rolling on a random table for the minor mutation?
  • Serum to give someone enhanced strength or speed. 5 serums per slot.
    • Make a permanent strength or speed serum with a minor mutation. 1 slot, plus 1 to specify the mutation in question. Max 2 slots total.
I went ahead and edited it just now to make it clearer that this referred to a Strike Boost serum.
Regenerate would be better than Strength, imo. I forget, can the same serum type stack traits? Or is it one of each?
Regenerate would be better than Strength, IMO. But I suppose we'd have to unlock that fist.
Quoting both questions you asked.

One of each serum per person. So Paul, just to use an example, could get both a Strike Boost and a Barret Boost, but he can only have one Barret Boost mutation.

And yes, you need the Physical Heal serum skill to do that, unless you wanted to use the more general mutagenic serum. I can't promise it would be as pretty. I tried to find a good scene from Amazing Spider-Man with the doctor turning into the lizard-guy, but no luck.
Technically yes, but with a Device regulating the mana flow (and presuming her GB, like Sam and Cat Sith, spends a lot of time in pet form), it won't be super noticeable.

Of course, if she winds up making a Tome, either by roll or design, that's MORE people her magic can heal.

[ ] Yes
-[ ] Create a randomly generated Guardian Beast (no control, bonus skills)

Let's do it. No reason to leave Lacey undefended. Better to have and not need than need and not have.
[X] Yes
-[X] Create a randomly generated Guardian Beast (no control, bonus skills)
[X] Yes
-[X] Create a randomly generated Guardian Beast (no control, bonus skills)
[X] Yes
-[X] Create a randomly generated Guardian Beast (no control, bonus skills)
[X] Yes
-[X] Create a randomly generated Guardian Beast (no control, bonus skills)

With how close the team name vote was and the popularity of all three options, would anybody really be upset if the two other names got worked into the mix in some lesser capacity?
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Hey, weird thought: what if someone turns Zeus or Ralph into a Guardian Beast? Is that even allowed? Would there be benefits?