Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Finding anything in chain that's sexy and not a bikini is... somewhat difficult.
I know. Thankfully, the mods have made it clear that going after sexy outfits is a no-no, so we get to go bare bones basic. Fitted chainmail with a belt looks like perfectly viable protection, helps make it obvious that yes she is female, and avoids the anger of They Who Must Not Be Named.
Dragon age Warden armor? The problem with looking for chain mail is it's essentially a burlap bag made of metal links.
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Going for a more Viking look would keep with the sword and sorcery but less stereotypical knight look and has added benefit of looking more wintery.

Edit: Also serves as fuck you to Jotunn going dressed as someone that kills frost giants.
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Going for a more Viking look would keep with the sword and sorcery but less stereotypical knight look and has added benefit of looking more wintery.
Now she just needs an alternate Jacket mode to make her stronger to really sell the Viking stereotype :lol:

Before anyone starts considering doing this, that was a JOKE. It would work pretty darn well for someone with a Berserker Rare Skill, but not for Laura.
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[X] Arctic Squall

I missed out on the last vote, and the name that was suggested didn't make the cut apparently but this works.

The studded leather/scale mail look works for me
Correct me if im wrong here.

But Fragarach doesnt have anything to do with ice, does it? I thought it was associated with wind?
Correct me if im wrong here.

But Fragarach doesnt have anything to do with ice, does it? I thought it was associated with wind?
It is a Celtic sword.
'It was said that, with Fragarach at their throat, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover.'
We're at 44 votes, and Fragarach is 8 votes ahead.
Doesn't look like Arctic Squall is going to win this.
Dragon age Warden armor? The problem with looking for chain mail is it's essentially a burlap bag made of metal links.

The key difference with the chainmail for Laura's Knight Armor is that it can be perfectly tailored to her form with no need for the padding under traditional chainmail, whereas traditional chain hauberks were essentially mass produced, in that they weren't tailored for individuals. She could get armor that wouldn't be possible to put on because it forms around her, meaning you don't have any narrow bits that have to get past the wide bits. That also makes more form fitting plate armor also viable in ways that traditional armor could not be.

Like somebody else said, it was the halberd that pulled me towards that option. I didn't have a real favorite until some of the suggestions near the end of voting, by which time it no longer mattered. Sword and Sorcery had won.