Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] (Device) Calico Laughing
[X] Lightsaber

Why do so many want a Khopesh? Because she has catlike hair? But... lightsaber! Missy would totally take a lightsaber in a heartbeat.
[X] (Device) Scenic View
[X] Lightsaber

I'd like to go khopesh, but I don't think it would fit Missy. That weapon is cool af.
Im gonna be that guy...

[] (Device) Laughing Calico

Her device better manifest as a pair of jeweled cat ears...

Edit: to not frustatrate the QM:

[X] (Device) Calico Laughing
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I mean, if we're going full naruto blitz might fit, but considering we don't know the color of Missy's magic red might not. How about:
"It builds up a magical 'charge' and then sparks it to the other side, completing the circuit. The color of a mage's magic is individual, and the spark will be the same color."
The grin on Missy's face is positively evil. "Don't worry about. Stick around with us, and I'm sure you'll see what I mean soon enough." She snaps her fingers, and a blood red spark flashes in her hand. "Hey, Taylor? Remember what I said a while back, about how this group needs a team name? Let me reiterate. We now have not six but ten mages and Beasts running around, plus Dragon and Cassiel.
So yeah. Her magic is red. Her hardlight shield will now be red. And a lightsaber will be red to make her full on Darth Vista.
Because I've been watching too much Pacific Rim...
[J] (Device) Cherno Alpha

More seriously...
[X] (Device) Calico Laughing
[X] Khopesh or Egyptian sickle-sword
How did people not get her Magic was blood red? The device to show her color showed her color. Missy gonna have some Reverse Flash lightning going on when she Goes Fast
I'd prefer if she was full melee. I really like fisticuff characters but the voters seem set on a weapon.

Oh well, let's try again.

[X] (Device) Red Blitz
[X] No weapon (Martial arts)

In my opinion, a weapon is far better for a hit and run character. Edged weapons in particular are good for dragging across people as you're racing past, and heavy, blunt weapons excel at turning all that speed into a devastating impact. Then again, that is just my opinion.
With 27 votes Calico Laughing and 26 for khopesh, it is looking like 'Plan Bast' is the winner.
I'm good with this.:)
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In my opinion, a weapon is far better for a hit and run character. Edged weapons in particular are good for dragging across people as you're racing past, and heavy, blunt weapons excel at turning all that speed into a devastating impact. Then again, that is just my opinion.
It's not about practicality.

Do you want Generic Ninja, or do you want Rock Lee?