Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

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"When Taylor gained bug powers, a god died. When Taylor became a magical girl, the world braced...
Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication Hokay. @Always Late, @Skychan? Enough.

The rules apply to the both of y'all. All this passive-aggressive sniping and bickering or whatever is accomplishing nothing, and it's not exactly conducive to the thread's health.

I'm going to leave you both with three options. The both of you can step away from the keyboard for a while to chill, y'all could take it to PMs, or y'all could escalate and force me to kick you both out of this thread.

Please don't pick option 3.

Aight, GG out. The rest of you all, stay calm and carry on, you're free to go about your business as you so desire.
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Stop: Greetings
greetings Hello yes it's me again.

Oh wow. The TSAB went lethal. The TSAB went lethal. What the fuck.
Jail and his Numbers were minutes away from wiping Mid-Childa's capital city from the map and the TSAB still didn't go lethal against them.
The Book Of Darkness was trying to eat an entire world and they still were ttrying to deal with the situation non-lethally.
Prescia was moment away from triggering a catastrophic Dimensional Quake and they didn't set their weaponry to lethal.

And yet Taylor shows up and the lethal bolts start raining immediately. Because Being Taylor Is Suffering.
In retrospect this should have been obvious, what with the way you, for all intent and purpose, killed Danny. Tying up lose ends, huh ?

Throwing a bullshit No-Win scenario at us, blatantly misportraying the TSAB and then expecting your little interlude--whose "explanation" was utterly bullshit beside--to make everything better...

And you're surprised the player base didn't take it well ?! What the fucking FUCK ?!!

This is just an entirely unnecessary level of vitriol. While tempers getting heated is understandable, I'd prefer if you didn't graduate from the level of 'criticism' to 'attacks' in the future, hm? Take 25 points and 3 days out under Rule 3.

Silently Watches, you are a terrible person and you should feel bad!

Same as above, except this post offers literally nothing of value. Why did you even post this? 25 points under Rules 3 & 4.

Lastly, @Always Late , your conduct in this debate has been a mixture of passive-aggression and outright aggression at times, even after the QM conceded your points. Normally I'd warn you and leave it at that, but you've had warnings for similar conduct previously, so that's being upgraded to 25 points and 3 days out under Rules 3 & 4.

as for everyone else Please keep in mind that there are people on the other end of the faceless posts that you're responding to. There's no need for the sort of aggression and bile that was thrown around in here.

This thread will remain locked until @Silently Watches requests it opened, as I don't think there's anything else of value to be had in the recent discussion.
Stop: This is a thread about Minors.
this is a thread about minors.

@Wyrd, linking to an NC-17 movie that, even as a porn parody is still something that shouldn't be implied in a thread bout worm characters, most of which are minors. Now, it seems like you've had a genuine bit of confusion, but I'm going to say this. We take Rule 6, the sexualization of minors very seriously on this forum.

As such, though you were apologetic, you need to remember not to make such comments about teenagers. So, I'm giving you 25 points and a three day threadban. Don't do this again.

Or a pleasure beam.... Orgazmo (1997) - IMDb
Huh. When I watched it, it wasn't in a special part of the Blockbuster(yes, that long ago). As I recall, the movie was actually pretty clean in what it showed, it just poked a lot of fun at what was going on off camera*. Either my memory is faulty, which is admittedly likely, or I'm underestimating how much the language counted. I thought it was R, or I wouldn't have made the comment at all, or without at least spoilering it with a disclaimer or something.

*Which, since it was parodying the porn industry, was also on camera.

Warning: Some people like to go really off topic in here.
some people like to go really off topic in here.
I'm not gonna say who because they already know who they are, but knock it off. If you start a conversation like this in a thread that's not related to the topic, you're going to get hit hard.

Practice common sense and stop getting into nonsensical arguments.
Warning: Don't be jerks guys. It's not worth it.
why we gotta be jerks to each other?
Like, I'm pretty certain that it's not that hard to be civil with each other. Regardless of whether or not you're the QM or a player, you're expected to behave according to the rules of the site while while participating in the thread. Daedwartin, if you wish to actually participate in the thread in the future, I advise you to familiarize yourself with SV's rules - specifically Rule 3: Be Civil, which you have violated for your heated and unnecessary comments against the QM - and keep them in mind in the future.

We want people to enjoy themselves on this site, not try to rip each other's throats out. Please keep that in mind everybody.