Misty Marksmen
Deep within the bowels of the Mist Shrikes Fortress Monastery, the sons of Konrad Curze were ever hard at working training for the next fight. Any conceptions of an Astartes being invincible angels of death usually evaporates once a Marine ascends and has their first taste of battle, seeing beloved battle brothers and venerated officers be slain by the alien, mutant and heretic. While the Shrikes may have won victory after victory over the decades, none are so ignorant as to believe that defeat is impossible, and with the greatest test of the Chapter to come, the taking of Yerma, everyone when not deployed is fully consumed with training, pushing beyond their limits to be the Emperor's greatest weapons.
One area in which most Astartes have focused on in the last couple of years is marksmanship. While the chapter has gone far beyond their starting quality, they have never truly dedicated themselves to supermacy in ballistic warfare save for the 10th Company where a single shot has often decided many campaigns. Part of it was due to the simple constraints of time and building a Chapter from four veterans, the other half was the age old debate of Sword vs Bolter where many Mist Shrikes as countless Astartes before them preferred to lock blades over firing shots, a debate that Severus could attest to being alive and well at the start of the Great Crusade.
So far the Mist Shrikes had been carried by their "relics" from the Great Crusade, but such superiorities wouldn't last forever, especially in wake of the great Tyrannic march, the upcoming Drukhari invasions and doing battle with a full Chapter of Marines centuries their senior. Thus everyone must improve, whether it be on the firing line, in the kill houses, or performing walks outside against the various wildlife of Luctus.
Three leading officers of the Mist Shrikes were in particular honing their skills with the gun, providing a firm example for the lower Battle Brothers, Nowalijiki and Neophytes to follow.
Captain Gallineus of the 3rd Company is at the firing line, working with the Stalker Bolter to deliver great and clean one shot kills to targets of increasing difficulty, performing feats that would be impossible for almost all Guard snipers. As he has been selected to take part in Yerma, Gallineus and the other officers of 2nd, 3rd and 10th company must deal with the challenge of fighting against Chaos Space Marines, relative equals. With the Eyes of the Mutator to have defender's advantage and perhaps greater numbers, every shot shall count and like the fine scalpel that the Emperor and Primarchs used the Astartes as ten millenia ago, they must kill each enemy in one shot to deliver victory as swiftly as possible.
Chief Victualler Cato Urica is practicing with dummy bolter rounds to deliver a hailstorm of bolts against practice automotans that the Techmarines had created to mimic the Luctusian wildlife along with human-ish foes meant to mirror an Imperial Guard regiment. For Cato, he was unleashing his anger against a foe in place of the heretic regiments, a rebellion for which he feels great shame in failing to spot even though none of the Founders placed any towards him. Well....all except Valzadai who Cato noticed act heavily on guard with Cato for a while and probed him for Nurgle infection. Cato is carrying a great deal of rage and he knew he must step up, especially with the entombment of Domitia. Luctus must never know the blight of Chaos and Cato will ensure it remains pure.
Lastly was Master of Sanctity Falce. Unlike most Astartes, Falce was not carrying out practice of ultra precision or tearing apart great mobs of enemies to shreds, he was merely performing simple drills with heavy weaponry such as the flamer and assault canon. This was an exercise of Falce facing his own mortality, for similar weapons would likely be used on the Contemptor dreadnought he knew was all but reserved for him, where he would be entombed in less than a decade. Falce had come to terms with his mortality years ago, and either he'd die in the great Battle for Yerma, or he'd be another Dreadnought and join Spartia and Domitian as the Chapter's metal titans. In the outcome where he survives Yerma, Falce is getting used to heavy weaponry in preparation, so that once he is entombed his body is well used to the tactics involved and he won't flounder like Spatha.
These three and hundreds more trained day after day, for the coming battles so their demise may be delayed and their service to the Emperor be as long lasting and glorious as possible. They are the Emperor's finest warriors, they are nightmares made manifest.