Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Weird thing about autoguns. Considering the fact that the average autogun deals more "damage" than a 50cal sniper per bullet, autoguns aren't a quiet type of weapon unless you make them subsonic, which makes them SIGNIFICANTLY weaker.

Or because that is 40k just bullshit around that with backwards future tech saying that they can attack super since supressor bullet accelerators that make solid projectiles go faster but makes them super quiet. Like a suppressed subsonic .22lr.

Actually. Now that I remember, the needler snipers shoot invisible lasers followed by the toxic needles. If you want something powerful but sneaky all we need to do is make more needlers, or just lasguns with the invisible lasers.
Not quiet
A lazgun is a bright red beam
You can't see a bullet unless it's a tracer
Not quiet
A lazgun is a bright red beam
You can't see a bullet unless it's a tracer
You misunderstand, or failed to pick up something, brother. The needle guns. First, invisible lasers to poke a hole in armor. Then, the poison needle.
What I'm saying is we make the invisible lasers parts.

I also talked about guns being weak. A strong gun is loud. A weak gun is quiet. I then thought, future warhammer tech, so I assume there are supressors that can make strong guns quiet without compromising penetrative power too much.

Question: so do favors earned by planetary governors pass on to the next person when they die? Like, example: a father owes us five favors. He dies and his son takes over. Will the son honor the favor?

As above, but will it also ally to generals, captain, servants, and other grunts in the Imperial Guard and Navy?
Question: so do favors earned by planetary governors pass on to the next person when they die? Like, example: a father owes us five favors. He dies and his son takes over. Will the son honor the favor?

As above, but will it also ally to generals, captain, servants, and other grunts in the Imperial Guard and Navy?
Depends on the successor, and the manner of the demise of the first titular.
You misunderstand, or failed to pick up something, brother. The needle guns. First, invisible lasers to poke a hole in armor. Then, the poison needle.
What I'm saying is we make the invisible lasers parts.

I also talked about guns being weak. A strong gun is loud. A weak gun is quiet. I then thought, future warhammer tech, so I assume there are supressors that can make strong guns quiet without compromising penetrative power too much.
I am confused were you disagreeing with them using a ballistic sniper to not draw attention to themselves?
But luctus doesn't have them?????
Scout marines typically have those. I think they're by chapter standards pretty meh weapons. I think. As far as I know a majority of chapters should have these, so even I'd we don't personally have a copy we can just ask for one from out friendly Salamander succession chapter friends. Or maybe we do have a copy. I sure as shit don't know how to check if we do or don't have it already.

Depends on the successor, and the manner of the demise of the first titular.
Well shit guys. Maybe we should ask to spend our favors more often when it comes to normal faction groups. Like, expanding our forges if we spend favors from governors, or ask for Guardsmen to help us clean locations during campaigns. Because if they die then we lose the favor we worked towards.

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Ode to Mortality - A Helping Hand
Adeptus Mechanicus Religious Debate, Round 3 - FIGHT! This rounds out the Ode to Mortality miniseries, so I rescind my request to withhold formal judgement. Have at it.


Ode to Mortality - A Helping Hand

Karark Zel needed more parts.

It was an odd thing to consider, given that mechadendrites covered practically every conceivable need a Techpriest desired, but frankly he was getting tired of being dismembered in the field. He'd taken to copying Valzadai of all things, and in one section of his own personal vault was an extensive collection of hand-crafted replacement parts he'd built in his spare time. Arms and legs and eyes and ears, hearts and lungs and stomachs and spinal cords, all of them tailored to his own specifications and ready for immediate attachment. The stock had proven its worth multiple times now, making it easy to minimize recovery time - especially after the last time he'd been de-limbed and needed to be saved.

It wasn't good enough. A worthwhile fallback plan, but not enough to stay in the field and save more of his brothers and wards.

It led to an issue, because it didn't matter how many arms he needed if he started violating the Sacred Form of Man and Machine in the process. For all that some were willing to become giant ambulatory masses of hacked-together cables and wires and pistons, purging the weakness of Flesh did not entail abandoning the Flesh entirely. That way lay the Abominable Intelligence, and many other horrors only the Mechanicus knew.

The upcoming Yerma campaign had put him in a contemplative mood. Severus called it a fae one, but then he'd always been a bit too enamored of old Terran superstitions and stories. He wasn't worked up over his likely Cessation, he'd been prepared for that since he first finished his training and become an Astartes in truth.

But he needed more parts. And for himself, more arms - if only so he had more to lose should he be taken apart. Again.

He'd handed off his stock to the Initiate Techmarines, telling them to minimally modify them for general use as part of their training. None of them actually knew what that meant and none of them had succeeded yet, but that was alright. It was a cheap and simple task, forgiving of failure even if teaching demanded he be nothing of the sort. They were bright boys, they would learn.

But he needed more arms. So this was his current project - a combat-purposed Servo-Arm. He could only build so much within the Strictures of the Sacred Form.

First, using primary servos derived from the Mark VI Shrike-Corvus Powered Armor, as he'd come to label it. He'd forgive his brotherly louts their irreverence of calling it P-Corvus, it's not like he had authority to make the name standard until the day came that the suits were formally accepted by the wider Adeptus Mechanicus. If ever.

But that was a tangent. Primary servos derived from the Mark VI, for a faster response time. Cables thickened by 21.27 millimeters, for the greater power flow needed for his vision. And perhaps most importantly, conduits taken from the Shock Mauls of the Adeptus Arbites then drawn along the outside of the Arm and along the outer facing of the grasping claws - a necessity to help prevent damage from the more esoteric weaponry he needed to deal with. If they proved their worth in testing, perhaps one day he'd upgrade them to produce a proper Power Field. But for now, he needed more arms more than he needed an unorthodox Thunder Hammer.

If possible he wanted to get a proper STC pattern for Imperial Hellguns, it would be nice to have a half-dozen Ballistic Mechadendrites equipped with those linked to his Potentia Coil. But not enough time, not enough resources. And he needed more arms now.

Hmmm. Power flow was demonstrating 393% more amperage than it should be. Worth investigating later, but that would burn out the wiring unacceptably fast. Perhaps decreasing the wiring's circumfrence - diameter was too large a measurement for the adjustements he wanted - by-

"Forge Master, you must stop doing this. You need your rest."
"I had my alloted four hours of sleep 28 hours ago, I am fine. I even recorded it, here are the records."
"Forge Master, the last time we had this conversation you forged the time stamps, and ever since then we've been keeping our own records. It's been 55 hours since your last sleeping period."
"Then perhaps we should take it up with the Chapter Master, which is convenient as he just entered the east door."

With the tools properly packed away, Karark Zel started running as soon as the flashbang went off, using the echos of the shouted dismay from his students and aids to pinpoint their locations and make his way to the sally port he'd installed last time they'd caught him.

They were cursing far too much for Astartes confronted with a mere Guard issue flashbang, it should only be a problem for 1.4 seconds.

Ah, there we go, now they were pursuing properly. They hadn't caught the sally port before it closed, but that was fine. They were bright students, they would learn.

He needed more parts and more arms in particular, but he had enough for now.
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Ode to Mortality - A Helping Hand
As always this is a well writing omake, and I like how you touch well the finer points of Karark Zel Character although I am curious as to why you have chosen to focus on the arms. After all, he has only lost them once.

As for the other two previous omakes, those were pretty great. The talk about cessation really nails the philosophical differences between the two Forge Worlds, and I find it a nice touch that their mentions of the Mist Shrikes are done more as an afterthought than as a focus of the Omakes.

Those two first are canonized and this one will be once I hear about your reasoning. As reward, you can choose between an increase in relationship with Smilnay without the accompanying drop from Milan, or two 100XP gains for Karark Zel in the stats of your choosing with the exception of Intelligence.
I wonder partially if the dark eldar raid had someone with a grudge from the last time the Shrikes took heavy casualties taking on a slaving band?

Otherwise you'll need to get the other factions ready for that which is simple enough though you can only select 3 for the turn to prepare. The sector head is an obvious choice as well as the dark angel descent chapter as the Shrikes share sector duties. The third is more varied. Kept thinking you could go direct to the death watch for a kill team but that might overstep authority and questions on how the data is acquired. You might be better off just chatting with the inquisitor who held the deal to be the one to sic a death watch kill team or two on the dark eldar slaving band or pull additional assets.
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Love it when we can complete a mission without much blood (thanks to our strategic persuasion methods).

This mission and that pirate mission where we won our frigates are some of my favorite bits in this quest.

We really should start a class on effective use of threats. They are really useful.
As always this is a well writing omake, and I like how you touch well the finer points of Karark Zel Character although I am curious as to why you have chosen to focus on the arms. After all, he has only lost them once.
Two reasons;

He's working on a project for beating assholes with a bigger stick, namely a combat-purposed Servo Arm that still does its other duties. So his current primary project colors the rest of what he's doing because that's where his attention is.

He's exhausted as balls and mixing things up a bit because he's staying up past his bedtime. Again. I was trying to nail the exhausted-but-refuses-to-admit-it state of mind of a mild obsessive who won't stop until he thinks he's done enough, and that entails shit getting a mite confused when you browse the internal monologue.

Thank ye kindly, and I'll figure out where to put the choices when I sleep.
So I have a question, was the Atelian Sector disproportionately conquered by the Iron Warriors? I'm not sure where I got the idea but I've been kind of operating under the assumption that they held a disproportionate role in the sectors conquest.