Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

17 Space marines dies to void armsmen? man, we gotta be the squishiest beakies ever.

Our dice gods gotta be the laughing and thirsting kind.
Imagine that you are a space marine, one of the lucky ones who got everything implanted, and can think at the speed of supercomputers, an angel of death. And then you get killed by some half-baked navel armsmen with an autogun.
>Inquisition spending 5 minutes without getting Imperium in further trouble challenge
To be somewhat fair, Adrien de Wiart has been declared Excommunicate Traitoris for his actions. But usually when that happens to an Inquisitor, another Inquisitor is sent out to hunt them down. But we didn't have any support from them last time we engaged him so I'm wondering what's going on
Counting up the casualties by the way, we're currently down 32 men. And that's before the inclusion of the WAAAGH! the Inquisitorial pursuit, or the Word Bearer assault.
Couldn't we have taken the traitor alive for interrogation?
I think Pluvia was trying to do that, but used just a little too much force in his strike to Saakarbal's throat, and by the time aid could be rendered, it was already too late. Still, it's not a total loss if this
Rozval Intelligence roll 6d10= 6, 5, 10, 4, 8, 7= 5 Successes
is anything to go by. Yeah maybe we could've gotten more out of the guy alive, but his records should provide a heck of a lot.

On a related note, what's going to happen to the Spite's Reward? It's a perfectly functional Grand Cruiser, just needs somebody to clear away the blood and corpses. Will it go to the Lord Admiral's nephew? Be auctioned off?
10 of the casualties in the boarding action were because their boarding pod got blown up. The rest due to the ogryns and focused fire.
Damn, what a waste, 10 Codex Compliant space marines have 1000 years of combat experience between them, gone, in an instant without accomplishing a damn thing. thats 1% of a chapter gone in a single hit.
Okay so we really need to dig into the navy politics.

It looks like there was a third-party the poisoned the admiral, and his successor against each other. Unfortunately, with both the admiral and his successor dead we don't have any information about the exact tactics used.

Even still this needs to get fixed so either we try and point the Inqustion at it or we try and solve it ourselves we do have a fairly good telepath
Okay so we really need to dig into the navy politics.

It looks like there was a third-party the poisoned the admiral, and his successor against each other. Unfortunately, with both the admiral and his successor dead we don't have any information about the exact tactics used.

Even still this needs to get fixed so either we try and point the Inqustion at it or we try and solve it ourselves we do have a fairly good telepath
Harker is hereticus he could be pointed towards it with us as support
Well shit, I'm going to have to omake a Hostilius Severus mist walk aren't I?

Picking a fight with a friend of the chapter like that is stupid. Somehow not drawing parallels to the de Wiart problem when this crap came up is inexcusable.

Also pissed we lost the grav gun before we could research it.
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Yeah Hostilius is due a mist walk picking a fight with a chapter ally is not a good look especially when he forgets crucial info like that one Inquisitor may be behind this

We didn't lose the grave gun its damaged yes but it can be repaired besides we got inough info on it even if we did lose it we Research to make new ones
We also confirmed that their behavior wasn´t natural, they were provoked by some kind of device."

"What kind of device?" Asks Utica. "I don't recall any imperial technology that can do something akin to what we´ve seen."

"That's because it wasn't imperial technology, at least according to Kalashnikov." Informs him Anodynon. "He suspects that it might be archaotech from the ruins, but he also says that it looked too pristine for it to be looted."
Looks like the Chaos cult isn't done yet
"I'm talking about the assassinations attempts, Hanno." Sneers the pirate. "I speak of the trail of corruption I found under your name, the misappropriated funds and the dirty work and favor trading you indulge in with the nobles of the Sector, and how you tried to kill me for discovering it!"

Saakarbal´s voice had risen as he spoke, and there was a brief silence as he struggled to reclaim his composure. Emilianus takes note of the Lord Admiral reaction, which is of undignified stupefaction. "What madness is this?" He says softly, then he speaks louder. "I don´t have the slightest idea of what you're talking about Hilmico. And why in Holy Terra´s name would I want to kill you?! I was going to make you my successor for Emperor´s Sake!"

"As you taught me once Hanno, "The best time to strike at an opponent is when he's completely confident in his safety." Recalls the pirate admiral mockingly, making a decent impression of the older man´s voice. "You just told me to lower my guard when the assassins came, and when that failed, you sent that whoreson Contreras to blow my ship to pieces."
Well either someone deliberately turned Saakarbal traitor by feeding him false intel and setting up this assasination attempt or Saakarbal found real corruption within the Navy and the assasination attempt was a genuine attempt to silence him after which the conspiritor managed to convince him the Admiral was behind it.
As who this conspiritor is could be de'Wit, the eyes, (mundane) corupt officers or a unknown group.
1d100/2=9/2=4. Spite´s Reward recovers 4/400SP
Spite´s Reward attacks Heretic´s Bane
Heretic´s Bane Hull reduced to 218/600HP

Amasec Storm attacks Heretic´s Bane
Heretic´s Bane Hull reduced to 142/600HP

Jolly Roboute attacks Heretic´s Bane
Heretic´s Bane Hull reduced to 91/600HP

Red Sun attacks Heretic´s Bane
Heretic´s Bane Hull reduced to 48/600HP
The Heretic´s Bane had 269 HP the pirat fleet deals 4D50+50+40+40+40 HP damage per turn.
The average roll of a D50 is 25,5
If the Piraten would have just rolled average the battle would have been a disaster
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>Inquisition spending 5 minutes without getting Imperium in further trouble challenge

To be fair, rogue Inquisitor de Wiart is (most probably) an Istvannian.

Istvannians have weird mindset that causes them to "engineer a crisis or two" if they deem a region of Imperium as "too peaceful"