The Fall of Bretonnia - Part 10
[X] Same as always
-[X] Raise The Dead: All dukedoms are places where many battles were fought having so hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of known and unknown places where the dead were buried. An Unknown amount of undead is raised.
-[X] Garrison The New Territory: Putting a garrison on your new territory is a wise decision. (Write-In Amount)
--[X] Montfort (150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 8 necromancers)
--[X] Bastonne (150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 8 necromancers)
-[X] Next Target? (You Can Split Your Forces If You Want To)
--[X] Quenelles: The largest dukedom of Bretonnia after the annexation of Cuileux during 900 IC, Quenelles is being constantly attacked by the orcs coming from the mountain lying in its center. It borders Athel Loren.
--[X] Parravon: Located in the mountains with little fertile land dedicated to agriculture, the dukedom is the one who has a direct border with the mystical forest of Athel Loren, they are also the ones who have almost regular contact with the Asrai. It is currently being invaded by several orc warbands coming from the mountains. Led by Bahamut

Once again the dead rose in their millions, those who had fallen in the service of Bretonnia and those who had died because of it all of them rose from their marked and unmarked graves, the new forces were added to the already tens of millions strong undead army. Then Dracul decided who would be the next targets of the conquest.

Parravon and Quenelles would fall, the army would be divided with Bahamut leading half of it while Dracul led the other half. Parting ways it did not take time for them to reach the border of the two dukedoms. They quickly received information from the agents of the Illuminated who were infiltrating them about the current situation of both Quenelles and Parravon.

Quenelles is about to fall to the orc menace, the greenskins have already taken about seventy percent of its full territory and any attempts to retake have been met with disastrous consequences, the forces of Quenelles have little on the way of men -- about 3,000 in its totality -- currently, they will be easy pickings. The real problem will be the orcs of the waaagh named WAAAGH Modrig led by the warboss Modrig Ranzkar, black orcs have been sighted among his forces.

On Parravon the orcs -- name being Waaagh Grukroc -- are pushing steadily towards its capital taking many cities and castles along the way, it has reported that there seems to be a strange force on the forest region which the dukedoms have, any orc force that goes there disappears, this strange force also seems to be helping the dukedom as they are making so that the advance slows to a mere crawl. It doesn't take a genius with advanced knowledge about the world that the strange forces are Asrai coming from Athel Loren.


-Order of Battle-​

[] Write-In Attack Plan

+9,500,900 Skeletons, +8,900,780 Zombies, +10,500,650 Grave Guard, +9,250,870 Black Knights

The Army of Death
- Undead:
25,559,239 Skeletons; 23,919,344 Zombies; 17,860,265 Grave Guard; 16,709,375 Black Knights
- Dark Beasts: 155,500 Fell Bats; 155,250 Direwolves; 87,500 Vargheists; 88,000 Varghulfs; 133,750 Crypt Ghouls; 126,250 Crypt Horrors; 300 Terrorgheists
- Dragons: 12,150 Fire Dragons; 173 Doom Fire Dragons; 12,150 Storm Dragons; 172 Great Storm Dragons
- Magical Forces: 13 Necromancers; 1 Fire Wizard; 1 Metal Wizard; 1 Beast Wizard; 1 Heaven Wizard; 1 Shadow Wizard
- Special Forces: Nidhogg; Dragoth; Drakon; Galrkrond; Fafnir; Druk.
- Leader: Dracul

- Orc Boys:
- Wolf Riders: 350,000
- Magical Forces: 200 Orc Shamans
- Special Forces: 300 Black Orcs
- Leader: Warboss Modrig

- Peasant Armies:
- Knights: 2,000

The Army of Death
- Undead:
25,559,239 Skeletons; 23,919,344 Zombies; 17,860,265 Grave Guard; 16,709,375 Black Knights
- Dark Beasts: 155,500 Fell Bats; 155,250 Direwolves; 87,500 Vargheists; 88,000 Varghulfs; 133,750 Crypt Ghouls; 126,250 Crypt Horrors; 300 Terrorgheists
- Dragons: 12,150 Fire Dragons; 173 Doom Fire Dragons; 12,150 Storm Dragons; 172 Great Storm Dragons
- Magical Forces: 13 Necromancers
- Leader: Bahamut

- Orc Boys:
- Wolf Riders: 200,580
- Magical Forces: 250 Orc Shamans
- Leader: Warboss Grukroc

- Peasant Armies:
- Knights: 3,000

- ????
- ????
- ????
The Fall of Bretonnia - Part 11
Plan: Undead+Magic
-[X] Quenelles Battlefront
-[x] Cast Call of Vanhel on our undead forces before the battle and cast Birona's timewarp on our dragons and Dragon knights.
-[x] Cast hands of Karkoa on the orc shamans and black orcs then cast winds of death and curse of ages on the rest of their army.
-[x]Have our undead forces and dark beasts charge. Have our dragons and flying beasts provide air support. Have our dragon knights take some dragons and go clean up any shaman or black orc stragglers.
-[x] Have us then go personally to fight the orc warboss.
-[x] After dealing with the orcs cast invocation of Nehek and then go demand surrender from the duchy and after the battle with them heal those who surrender. After that, he has to travel to Bahamut's forces after recovering some of our magic power. (Use dragon form or ride a dragon to do this)
-[x] Parravon Battle-front
-[x]Wait for Dracul to arrive to assist in the battle.
-[x]Have Dracul cast Call of Vanhel on our undead forces before the battle and cast Birona's timewarp on our dragons and Dragon knights.
-[x] Have 2,000 fire dragons, 2,000 storm dragons, 50 doom fire dragons, and 50 great storm dragons hide above the clouds(or otherwise out of site) close to where the Asrai supposedly is to ambush them should they attack.
-[x] Have Dracul use hands of Karkoa on the orc shamans and winds of death on the wolf riders and the rest of their army as well as curse of ages.
-[x] Then have our undead army and dark beasts charge while those capable of flight provide air support.
-[x] Have Bahamut and the other dragon knights clean up any of the orc shaman stragglers then assist the rest of the army. If the Asrai attack, have them go there and assist.
-[x] Have Dracul go and fight warboss personally.
-[x]Demand the surrender of the duchy
-[x] After the battle is overcast invocation of Nehek and provide healing to those who surrendered.


Upon the duchy of Quenelles, the forces of destruction ruled, orcs the biggest and most ferocious of the greenskins. In but a couple of years they brought the duchy to its knees, and have nearly taken total control of it all. Their hordes seem to be endless as they hacked and devoted knights and peasants, plundered castles and cities, or just made general destruction.

The knights led the duke of Quenelles could do nothing, the orcs had already taken the capital from human hands, and coupled with the strange silence coming from the north of Bretonnia made many -- both peasant and noble alike -- desert from the army and go back to their lands, well the ones that were not ravaged by the orc horde that is. It seemed that Quenelles would finally fall beneath the green tide after so many centuries of its knights beating back the greenskins.

But salvation finally came and it came from a completely unexpected source.

A million horde of undead and thousands upon thousands of dragons and dark beasts led by a living god descended upon the horde and with the tactical acumen of their leaders and powerful magicks they destroyed the orc horde even as all of them down fighting against the undead taking down hundreds of thousands of the resurrected warriors even as they were devoured, burned, fried, and hacked apart, and then they fell to abyss known as death and had their souls taken towards the domain of the twin gods.

The orcs died and died but gave it as well as they got, and when the horde of undead reached the mountains the orcs fought with a ferocity not seen in centuries. That's when the leader of the massive undead horde challenged the orc warboss to a duel, which the orc eagerly accepted.

Modrig was big even by orc stands having grown significantly during the wars that he waged both to get control of the tribes which resided in the mountain that he called home and the war that he waged upon Quenelles. Modrig had even slain a grail knight and taken his armors and weapon for his own, not before making it more orky before using it, of course, he was the survivor of a thousand different battlefields and has lived close to a full-blown century.

It was not enough.

The fight lasted for approximately 2 seconds. When the blade of pure darkness met the rusty ax which had the blade of grail knight in its handle -- do not ask how he did that -- the blade cut right through and made a deep gash in the orcs abdomen, the curse of the blade spread right after as the lungs of the orc started to collapse and his breathing became erratic. The killing blow came after, with the sword piercing the eye of the orc and coming through his head. Modrig's soul would be denied to the orc gods -- not that they cared very much anyway, and be devoured by the consciousness inside the blade.

Immediately sensing the death of the warboss, the orc horde fell in infighting among itself ignoring the attacking army as their base instincts took over which proved to be a mistake as the undead swarmed every place -- hidden or otherwise in the mountains for centuries the mountains of Quenelles had been infested by orcs and now they were purified from the forces of destruction.

No more would the orcs threaten the people of Quenelles. And the resources hidden in the mountains were now accessible for extraction.

The forces of the duke wisely decided to surrender themselves to the new order, some were killed in a way that did not trace back to them in 'accidents' of various degrees, this included the duke of Quenelles. Others who had the potential to be loyal were spared.

The force then marched towards the duchy of Parravon.


Upon the duchy of Parravon the leader of the army, the personal champion of Dracul Bahamut decided to wait for his lord to arrive, establishing a war camp he waited for the arrival of the other force. This does not mean that he wasn't attacked, many wandering orc warbands -- likely scouts of the main force -- had thrown themselves at the waiting blades and fangs of the army of death.

They were annihilated of course, but the leader of the attack couldn't shake up this feeling that they were being watched so he doubled the patrols and assigned a few thousand dragons on the lookout above the clouds to keep watch on the forests just in case. He had read the reports he knew that the ones who were watching him and his army were the Asrai -- or Wood Elves if you don't know that terminology.

It took a couple of days but his lord had arrived upon the war camp, and after exchanging pleasantries, officially took command over the gathering force, and marched towards the location of the orc and human forces. Keeping a close watch on the surrounding forests and hiding spots that an elven archer could use to attack his forces.

Suspiciously they were not attacked by elven rangers and proceeded unharmed until they found the main force of the orc waaagh which was laying siege to the capital of the duchy. Its defenders were fighting valiantly against the forces of destruction, but it was clear as day that they were losing, the orcs had already the outer walls and were now moving towards the inner walls which led to the private castle of the duke, orc shaman used their magicks to continuously batter the walls and the forces of Parravon having no ranged weaponry stationed on the inner walls couldn't do anything.

A mission to kill the shamans was out of the question, as not only were they heavily guarded but the shamans themselves presented a threat. That's where it started the spells which had previously given them no respite had suddenly stopped and sounds of fighting could be heard, when the defenders saw what was happening they were terrified.

A truly massive horde of undead that stretched towards the horizon was battling the orcs, and this did not account for the beasts, dragons, and mages that were located on far back launching spell after spell on the orcs. Then they saw the warboss battling against eight beings which glowed with power but not much against the leader of the eight, the battle lasted for several minutes between them. The orcs were hacked apart or blasted into nothingness by the eight strange powers.

But the warboss did not die so easily, the leader tore off his arm, crushed several of his internal organs, and he still did not go down. It was impressive seeing the orc warboss having so many wounds yet continue to live despite the dark warrior trying very hard to kill him. Finally after having his head crushed by the fist of the dark warrior finally died.

Immediately the orcs started fighting amongst themselves to assert dominance, this led to the horde of undead quickly dispatching them, and so the orc horde which had nearly taken over the dukedom of Parravon was destroyed. When the dark warrior came to the front gate and demanded their surrender they didn't have much of a choice and the duke who had watched everything announced their surrender. The process was the same that the other dukedoms received those who planned against the new order were executed and had their holdings and everything that they had in them seized, and finally, their families were put on house arrest being closely watched 24/7 by agents of the Illuminated, their fate to be decided after the war.

The bodies of the orcs who could be raised were raised, and those who needed healing were healed. And Dracul planned his next step into the war. in the forests, the Asrai wisely decided to retreat to their home, the eternal forest of Athel Loren.


Conquered Regions - Quenelles and Parravon.

Total Casualties: 1,090,260 Skeletons, 1,075,190 Zombies, 800 Direwolves, 500 Fell Bats, 20 Terrorgheists.

+500,000 Zombies

[] Raise The Dead: All dukedoms are places where many battles were fought having so hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of known and unknown places where the dead were buried. An unknown amount of undead is raised.

[] Garrison The New Territory: Putting a garrison on your new territory is a wise decision. (Write-In Amount)
- [] Lyonesse (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Doom Fire Dragon, 1 Great Storm, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 10 necromancers)
- [] Artois (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Doom Fire Dragon, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 10 necromancers)
- [] L'Anguille (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Doom Fire Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 10 necromancers)
- [] Gisoreux (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 10 necromancers)
- [] Couronne (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 10 necromancers)
- [] Montfort (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 8 necromancers)
- [] Bastonne (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 8 necromancers)
- [] Quenelles
- [] Parravon

[] Next Target? (You Can Split Your Forces If You Want To)
- [] Bordelaux: The Dukedom which produces about seventy percent of the commercial wine of Bretonnia, is even famous for it. It is currently at war with the dukedom of Aquitaine after it was discovered by the duke of the latter that its duke had an affair with his wife.
- [] Aquitaine: Aquitaine is without a doubt the dukedom with the most beautiful of landscapes in all of Bretonnia, but thanks to no unifying threat it is a perpetual state of tension between itself, it is currently in a war against the duchy of Bordelaux after it was discovered that the duke of the latter had an affair with the duke of Aquitaine's wife.
- [] Brionne: The dukedom of Brionne has a river border with the nation of Estalia, its duke is tasked with the protection of Bretonnia national waters, and so has a fleet of warships ready to be used, its capital has a seaport which is the second most busy seaport in all of Bretonnia and its said that it has been build upon the remains of an ancient High Elf settlement.
- [] Carcossone: The most militarized dukedom of Bretonnia, the people of the duchy from the lowest peasants to the highest nobles were trained in the art of war since they could hold a weapon in their hands. It is currently being invaded by the orcs of the Irrana mountains that current intelligence gatherings have discovered that is led by a black orc warboss named ____, he doesn't have a name because he believes it will make him more fearsome.

[] You Have gained Enough Already (Ends War Turns)

Current Forces
- Undead:
50,028,218 Skeletons; 47,263,49 Zombies; 35,720,530 Grave Guard; 33,418,750 Black Knights.
- Dark Beasts: 310,500 Fell Bats; 309,700 Direwolves; 175,000 Vargheists; 176,000 Varghulfs; 267,500 Crypt Ghouls; 252,500 Crypt Horrors; 580 Terrorgheists.
- Dragons: 24,300 Fire Dragons; 346 Doom Fire Dragons; 24,300 Storm Dragons; 344 Great Storm Dragons.
- Magical Forces: 26 Necromancers; 1 Fire Wizard; 1 Metal Wizard; 1 Beast Wizard; 1 Heaven Wizard; 1 Shadow Wizard.
- Special Forces: Bahamut; Nidhogg; Dragoth; Drakon; Galrkrond; Fafnir; Druk.
- Leader: Dracul
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The Fall of Bretonnia - Part 12
Plan: Redistribute and continue marching
-[X] Raise The Dead: All dukedoms are places where many battles were fought having so hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of known and unknown places where the dead were buried. An unknown amount of undead is raised.
-[X] Garrison The New Territory: Putting a garrison on your new territory is a wise decision.
-[X] Change the garrison of every duchy we have to possess 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers each. All this means is that 20 necromancers will rejoin the army. Send dragons to pick them up.
-[X] Next Target? (You Can Split Your Forces If You Want To)
-[X]Bordelaux: The Dukedom which produces about seventy percent of the commercial wine of Bretonnia, is even famous for it. It is currently at war with the dukedom of Aquitaine after it was discovered by the duke of the latter that its duke had an affair with his wife.
-[X] Aquitaine: Aquitaine is without a doubt the dukedom with the most beautiful of landscapes in all of Bretonnia, but thanks to no unifying threat it is a perpetual state of tension between itself, it is currently in a war against the duchy of Bordelaux after it was discovered that the duke of the latter had an affair with the duke of Aquitaine's wife. Bahamut leads and the dragon knights go with him.

Once the dead were raised in their literal millions. Of the necromancer's stationed in the variously conquered territories, some were taken back to rejoin the army. The Doom Fire dragons were recalled as well, being substituted by a single great storm dragon in all conquered territories.

The army once more split itself into two attack forces led by Dracul and Bahamut respectively, the first attack force would invade Bordelaux and the second would go to Aquitaine.

It took only a couple of days for the two forces to reach the border of their respective targets and have the information gathered by the agents and spies there, to be delivered to them.

On Bordelaux the duchy had already lost its border regions to the forces of Aquitaine, it's duke was dead, and his eleven-year-old son ruled in his stead of course he had a regent in the form of his uncle who was the one leading the forces, organizing the troops and educating the young duke on the matters of how to rule of the duchy.

On Aquitaine, the situation was quite different than what was expected, instead of celebrating their victory, they are more occupied with taking more and more land from the border regions of their enemy, acting more like a disorganized mob than an actual army. The duke is still alive and well and still wants to continue the war against his fellow citizens.

The armies of both dukedoms are on a different level in both size and morale. The armies of Bordelaux are much reduced in size, while the armies of Aquitaine are still numerous and vigorous. Many have already deserted from the fight.


[] Write-in Attack Plan

+12,450,100 Skeletons, +10,500,000 Zombies, +8,950,100 Grave Guard, +8,900,000 Black Knights

The Army of Death
- Undead:
31,089,159 Skeletons; 28,731,745 Zombies; 22,325,315 Grave Guard; 21,149,375 Black Knights.
- Dark Beasts: 155,250 Fell Bats; 154,850 Direwolves; 87,500 Vargheists; 88,000 Varghulfs; 133,750 Crypt Ghouls; 126,250 Crypt Horrors; 290 Terrorgheists.
- Dragons: 12,050 Fire Dragons; 174 Doom Fire Dragons; 171 Great Storm Dragons.
- Magical Forces: 16 Necromancers; 1 Fire Wizard; 1 Metal Wizard; 1 Beast Wizard; 1 Heaven Wizard; 1 Shadow Wizard.
- Leader: Dracul

- Peasant Armies: 500
- Knights: 1,000

The Army of Death
- Undead:
31,089,159 Skeletons; 28,731,745 Zombies; 22,325,315 Grave Guard; 21,149,375 Black Knights.
- Dark Beasts: 155,250 Fell Bats; 154,850 Direwolves; 87,500 Vargheists; 88,000 Varghulfs; 133,750 Crypt Ghouls; 126,250 Crypt Horrors; 290 Terrorgheists.
- Dragons: 12,050 Fire Dragons; 174 Doom Fire Dragons; 171 Great Storm Dragons.
- Magical Forces: 16 Necromancers
- Special Forces: Nidhogg; Dragoth; Drakon; Galrkrond; Fafnir; Druk.
- Leader: Bahamut

- Peasant:
- Knights: 12,950
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The Fall of Bretonnia - Part 13
[X]They were not ready for us
-[x] Bordelaux Battlefront
-[x] Demand their surrender
-[x] Cast Call of Vanhel on our undead forces before the battle and cast Birona's timewarp on our dragons and Dragon knights. Then have them charge.
-[x]Provide healing to those who need it.
-[x] Aquitaine Battlefront
-[x] Have our army charge with Bahamut and the other dragon knights.
-[x] Have Dracul fly over once he is done with Bordelaux to provide healing.


The fall of the dukedom came pretty fast all things considered, after entering the dukedom the army of millions of undead marched straight towards the capital city of the duchy, where the leader of the undead army demanded the surrender of the dukedom forces. Seeing this the regent of the young duke had no choice but to surrender if he wanted his nephew and himself a chance to survive.

The surrendering of the duchy surprised Dracul as the leaders of the dukes always rejected surrendering themselves to him, but he wasn't surprised for long as he started to clean up house Nobles who would be problematic in the long term being eliminated before they could have caused problems. The peasants were then converted by the members of the cult of the dragon -- not before having all of their wounds or diseases cured or healed by their god this was also offered to nobles and knights who proved themselves loyal to the new order.

The young duke along with his uncle were both put on house arrest but away from each other. They were allowed to live for now as the two of them had the potential to be loyal officers of the new order of things.


Aquitaine did not last long. Its armies were disorganized mobs who had little in the way of training or discipline, and so were easy pickings to the attack force led by Bahamut, the battles more akin to slaughters were taken place in the battlefields were these battles would be called by future historians as the "Slaughters of Aquitaine" that beside it's oddly named title would be an observing account on how the battles went.

The army marched across the duchy, Bahamut, and the other six dragon knights in its front, they took city after city, castle after castle. Until finally they reached the capital of the dukedom where they laid siege to it. For three days the defenders did not surrender, even as the constant attacks of dragons, winged beasts, and hordes of undead threw themselves at the sides giving many heavy mental breakdowns and traumas. Until on the fourth day, a white flag was seen on the top of the castle of the duke.

The duke was thrown at the feet of the conquerors in chains shackled by his troops and given to the conquerors as a sign of loyalty. The herald and the dragon knights of Dracul rapidly took whatever positions of power they could from the nobles, those who could be problems for their master's plans were publicly executed in front of thousands, these included the duke himself who has been driven insane thanks to a combination of the siege and anger mixed with guilt.

Dracul would arrive later on the next day after he had finished business on Bordelaux, providing healing to whatever wounds and diseases they had such as missing limbs, which in a flash of golden light had returned like they were never taken on the first place.


Conquered Regions - Borderlaux and Aquitaine

[] Raise The Dead: All dukedoms are places where many battles were fought having so hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of known and unknown places where the dead were buried. An unknown amount of undead is raised.

[] Garrison The New Territory: Putting a garrison on your new territory is a wise decision. (Write-In Amount)
- [] Lyonesse (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Artois (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] L'Anguille (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Gisoreux (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Couronne (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Montfort (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Bastonne (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Quenelles (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Parravon (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
- [] Borderlaux
- [] Aquitaine

[] Next Target? (You Can Split Your Forces If You Want To)
- [] Brionne: The dukedom of Brionne has a river border with the nation of Estalia, its duke is tasked with the protection of Bretonnia national waters, and so has a fleet of warships ready to be used, its capital has a seaport which is the second most busy seaport in all of Bretonnia and its said that it has been build upon the remains of an ancient High Elf settlement.
- [] Carcossone: The most militarized dukedom of Bretonnia, the people of the duchy from the lowest peasants to the highest nobles were trained in the art of war since they could hold a weapon in their hands. It is currently being invaded by the orcs of the Irrana mountains that current intelligence gatherings have discovered that is led by a black orc warboss named ____, he doesn't have a name because he believes it will make him more fearsome.

[] You Have gained Enough Already (Ends War Turns)

Current Forces
- Undead:
62,478,318 Skeletons; 57,763,490 Zombies; 44,670,630 Grave Guard; 42,318,750 Black Knights.
- Dark Beasts: 310,500 Fell Bats; 309,700 Direwolves; 175,000 Vargheists; 176,000 Varghulfs; 267,500 Crypt Ghouls; 252,500 Crypt Horrors; 580 Terrorgheists.
- Dragons: 24,300 Fire Dragons; 346 Doom Fire Dragons; 24,300 Storm Dragons; 344 Great Storm Dragons.
- Magical Forces: 26 Necromancers; 1 Fire Wizard; 1 Metal Wizard; 1 Beast Wizard; 1 Heaven Wizard; 1 Shadow Wizard.
- Special Forces: Bahamut; Nidhogg; Dragoth; Drakon; Galrkrond; Fafnir; Druk.
- Leader: Dracul
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The Fall of Bretonnia - Part 14
[X] Plan: The Kingdom of Lies' Last Dying Breath
-[X] Raise The Dead: All dukedoms are places where many battles were fought having so hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of known and unknown places where the dead were buried. An unknown amount of undead is raised.
-[X] Garrison The New Territory: Putting a garrison on your new territory is a wise decision.
--[X] Borderlaux (150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
--[X] Aquitaine (150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
-[X] Next Target?
--[X] Brionne: The dukedom of Brionne has a river border with the nation of Estalia, its duke is tasked with the protection of Bretonnia national waters, and so has a fleet of warships ready to be used, its capital has a seaport which is the second most busy seaport in all of Bretonnia and its said that it has been build upon the remains of an ancient High Elf settlement.
--[X] Carcossone: The most militarized dukedom of Bretonnia, the people of the duchy from the lowest peasants to the highest nobles were trained in the art of war since they could hold a weapon in their hands. It is currently being invaded by the orcs of the Irrana mountains that current intelligence gatherings have discovered that is led by a black orc warboss named ____, he doesn't have a name because he believes it will make him more fearsome.
--[X] Have Dracul scout ahead on both Targets. If he can sense the Fay Enchantress in one of the Duchies, he will lead half of the Army there while Bahamut leads the other half against the Other. If Dracul can't sense the Fay Enchantress in either Duchy, he will march with half of our Forces against Carcassone, while Bahamut leads the other half against Brionne.
--[X] The six Dragon Knights will go to Carcassonne to deal with the Orcs no matter who leads the Force marching there.

After all of the dead of the new provinces were raised from their graves the army divided itself into two attack forces and moved towards the last dukedoms who were still free from the rule of Dracul, these two being Brionne and Carcassone. But as both armies marched towards their respective targets their god, Dracul, scouted ahead of them searching for signs of the Fay Enchantress, but there were no magical signs in both dukedoms. He then returned to his own army.

It took three days from both of them to arrive at their respective targets, and soon they got information about them.

Brionne appears to have entered a civil war, the rebels are apparently worshippers of the chaos god Khorne and have not only taken the capital but also slain its duke. The once mighty fleet was taken to an unknown destination by the leader of the cultists rebels along with his inner circle. The rebels now converge on the castle of the late duke's younger brother who is the leader of the loyalist forces.

On Carcassone the situation appears to have entered a stabilized front against the orcs though many are still dying against the orc threat, and the duke of Carcassone is heavily wounded thanks to the axe of the black orc warboss, it is very likely that he will die on the coming days. Also the agents have discovered that there is a force of 200 giants on the Orc WAAAGH they stay close to their warboss and are basically his bodyguards.


-Order of Battle-​

[] Write-In

+2,500,780 Skeletons, 1,850,000 Zombies, 560,000 Grave Guard, 500,000 Black Knights

The Army of Death
- Undead:
32,265,549 Skeletons; 29,581,745 Zombies; 22,600,315 Grave Guard; 21,324,375 Black Knights.
- Dark Beasts: 155,250 Fell Bats; 154,850 Direwolves; 87,500 Vargheists; 88,000 Varghulfs; 133,750 Crypt Ghouls; 126,250 Crypt Horrors; 290 Terrorgheists.
- Dragons: 12,000 Fire Dragons; 174 Doom Fire Dragons; 12,000 Storm Dragons; 171 Great Storm Dragons.
- Magical Forces: 9 Necromancers
- Leader: Bahamut

- Peasant Armies:
- Knights: 12,890

Khorne Cults
- Cultists:
800,000 (50% of the total population of Brionne)

The Army of Death
- Undead:
32,265,549 Skeletons; 29,581,745 Zombies; 22,600,315 Grave Guard; 21,324,375 Black Knights.
- Dark Beasts: 155,250 Fell Bats; 154,850 Direwolves; 87,500 Vargheists; 88,000 Varghulfs; 133,750 Crypt Ghouls; 126,250 Crypt Horrors; 290 Terrorgheists.
- Dragons: 12,000 Fire Dragons; 174 Doom Fire Dragons; 12,000 Storm Dragons; 171 Great Storm Dragons.
- Magical Forces: 9 Necromancers
- Special Forces: Nidhogg; Dragoth; Drakon; Galrkrond; Fafnir; Druk.
- Leader: Dracul

- Orc Boys:
- Wolf Riders: 500,700
- Magical Forces: 500 Orc Shamans
- Special Forces: 10,000 Black Orcs; 200 Giants
- Leader: Black Orc Warboss No Name

- Peasants Armies:
- Knights: 35,000

OOC This only took so long because of the math that I didn't bother to do for several days until now. After the next one we will finally come back to the normal updates.
Last edited:
The Fall of Bretonnia - Part 15
Brionne Battlefront
- Cast Call of Vanhel on our undead forces with bahamut before the battle and cast Birona's timewarp on our dragons with bahamut.
- Have Bahamut and the rest of the army charge against the cultists.
- After the cultists are dealt with go and talk to the loyalists and request for their surrender and inform them of how we have already conquered everywhere else in Bretonnia to try and convince them to. If they refuse, take them over forcefully.
- Once Dracul finishes with his battles, have him come and heal people. As well as cast invocation of Nehek.

Carcassonne Battle-front
- Have Dracul cast Call of Vanhel on our undead forces before the battle, cast curse of ages on the enemy forces ,and cast Birona's timewarp on our dragons and Dragon knights.
- Have Dracul open up with the hands of Karkoa to kill the giants, warboss, Shamans, and black orcs. If casting it once isn't enough to kill them, have him cast it again along with shem's burning gaze.
- Have the undead army charge while the dragons provide air support. Have our dragon knights clean up any straggler special forces or magical forces if there are any. Then have them assist the rest of the army.
- Have Dracul go to duel the warboss personally if it isn't already dead, after that have Dracul assist the rest of the army in the battle.
- Demand the surrender of the duchy
- After the battle is overcast invocation of Nehek and provide healing to those who surrendered.


The battle for Brionne began with the arrival of the forces of the god of dragons led by his greatest mortal champion, the cultists of the blood god battled against the horde, even if they died in the end, they still fought. For their minds have long since succumbed to the furious whispers of Khorne the people who they were before no longer exist. In their death they took to them thousands of undead, their souls were taken and added to the ever expanding skull throne of the blood god, as it is their final fate.

Then the army of undead marched towards the holds of the loyalists, those who still fought for the liberty of their home, there they were given two choices: They can serve in life and such continue with having their holdings, or they could die simply as that. They were also informed that Bretonnia has already fallen to the forces of the dead, no reinforcements would come.

Although the nobles did not believe him they still accepted the terms and surrendered in the following days those who would be either problematic or rebellious suffered 'accidents' and had their holdings seized and their families put on house arrest. Those who were attempting to stage a rebellion were executed by either beheading or impalement, the latter reserved to the leaders of the group.


The battle for the duchy was intense, even with the clear numerical advantage and powerful spells, the orcs still managed to inflict numerous casualties among the million strong army. But fortunately the giants, shaman, and a noticeable part of the Black Orcs were taken out by Dracul's spells, either dragged towards the ground never to be seen again or burned to ashes by the burning gaze.

Even then they were still formidable. Dragons burned entire hosts of orcs, while the knights gained a new kill count of greenskins, the Black Orc Warboss was the most formidable of all of them who gave true death to hundreds of thousands of undead, he then challenged Dracul himself to a duel to the death. It was his worst and last mistake.

He lasted far more than any of the other opponents of the god of dragons, about eight seconds and in those eight long seconds he had slashes all over his body, his left arm was ripped away, his heart and internal organs were crushed and finally about seventy percent of all bones in his body were broken.

Yet he still did not die.

He finally met his end however when Dracul had enough and crushed his head, and then turned his body to ash just to be sure. Soon the battle ended as the orcs either retreated or were killed to the last.

The duchy would surrender and the same process undergone in the others would follow. With fall of Carcassonne to the forces of Dracul meant that Bretonnia the land of knights had finally fallen and was under new management, spies and informants of other kingdoms would soon give reports to their respective faction leaders and all would know that a empire fell.


Conquered Regions - Brionne and Carcassonne

Victory - Has Conquered The Kingdom of Bretonnia

OOC: War turns have ended, options towards assigning or changing garrisons will appear in the normal turn. Rumor mill first then the normal turn.
Turn 13 Rumor Mill
The Empire of Man

- The Emperors Give Up Their Crowns: All of the emperors and empress, thanks to the holy vision of Sigmar, have given up their crowns and returned to being Elector Counts, a emperor will only be elected after the current crisis has passed. The age of the various emperors and empresses that began decades ago has finally ended.

- Vampire Civil War: It seems that something has happened on the vampire leadership, a civil war between two different sides have begun, each one supporting a candidate to leader of their lineage.

- Chaos Ships: Upon the coast of the The Empire, various ships belonging to the servants of the Ruinous Powers have been spotted, strangely enough they have not invaded or raided any coastal city or village and instead continue to move towards an unknown destination, they are heading north.

- Bretonnian Borders Fortified: The borders or passages that led towards the kingdom of Bretonnia are being fortified after its falls to a enemy that has incredible and terrifying necromantic powers.


- Tilea Unified: The unification of Tilea has been finished, the unifier has been crowned king of Tilea and now rules his new kingdom along with his advisors.

- Undead Army: An undead army has been spotted on various parts of Tilea, the king has ordered expeditions to see if these rumors are true or false.


- The Dark Sorcerer: There are rumors of a dark sorcerer, wandering across the mountains in search of something, upon his head sits a crown that is fused with his flesh and hair. This could be only a fabrication made to terrify travelers or something much darker.
Turn 14
The Year is 2066 By The Imperial Calendar

You have done It. You have conquered the land of chivalry, and now all of Bretonnia bow to your power, and while you would have liked to commerotate your victory there are matters that need your attention. Bretonnia is frankly speaking, a mess not only socially but economically as well it seems that everything in it needs to be fixed in one way or another no matter how small and oblivious the issue seems.

You are also beginning to understand why paperwork is considered the bane of all rulers, be their mortal or divine, like really who would like paperwork? These issues will take time as well gold but fortunately you have money to spare.

+10,800,000,000 Gold Added To The Treasury Thanks To Plunder. This will be a five year turn.

Choose 1

[X] Skeletal Walls: Not all creatures are raised back to join a Vampire's Undead horde, for bone is useful material. Larger walls that mark boundaries around Vampire strongholds are often made from the bones and skulls of former enemies. Such a terrifying structure will make any invader think twice about climbing it, especially when the embedded skulls begin to scream! DC 35
Cost: 5000 Gold
Time: 1 Year
Result: +25 To The Rose Defense Bonus

[] Cleanse The Battlefield: There are still roaming bands of beastmen spread out across Bretonnia eliminating them is a must. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: 6 Years
Result: Roll Dependable.

[] Abyssal Wood: there are abyssal things in the woods, even more, terrifying than the trees themselves. Such things are sought by the Midnight Aristocracy, who wish to add them to their hordes. DC 29
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Years
Result: Can now recruit vargheists

[] Build Defiled Cairn: Technically is not really defiled but whatever, defiled cairns is where the cannibalistic creatures are known as ghouls spawn, the process of transformation is a heinous affair with bones breaking and then reforming back in a new shape, the flesh starts turning green and ugly along with dozens of other changes, their claws also possess some kind of a mix between a poison and a virus any living thing which takes the slightest marks will transform into a ghoul no matter how long it takes. There is no cure to this effect. DC 38
Cost: 2,000
Time: 1 Year
Result: Can Now Recruit: Crypt Ghouls

[] Barracks (Mousilion) - There is a need to ensure they have a battle-ready defence at any time, a barracks that houses the majority of state troops. More prestigious regiments, such as Greatswords, may have their own wing of the barracks or even separate quarters, earned for their prowess in battle. DC 25
Cost: 4,000 Gold
Time: 4 Years
Result: +15 To Human Troops, New Martial Actions

[] Training Field (Bretonnia) - The peasants of Bretonnia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 30
Cost: 800,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result:+5 To All Human Forces of Bretonnia

[] Training Fields (Northern Bretonnia) - The peasants of Bretonnia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 15
Cost: 400,000 Gold
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5 To North Bretonnia Human Forces

[] Training Fields (South Bretonnia) - The peasants of Bretonnia know very little in terms of war, training them into beter combatants is a must if they are going to be useful in future conflicts. DC 15
Cost: 400,000 Gold
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5 To South Bretonnia Human Forces

[] Guard House (Mousilion) - Guard houses are effectively small bases and mustering stations for the settlement's guards. These may be state troops on defensive duty, older veterans or even young ones. DC 30
Cost: 1,500
Time: 2 Years
Result: Human Towns in Mousilion Gain +15 To Their Defense Rolls

[] Border Fortifications (Bretonnia) - You have borders with various nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Time: 20 Years
Result: Borders with the other nations fortified.

[] Border Fortifications (Northern Bretonnia) - You have borders with various different nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Borders with the nations localized in the north fortified.

[] Border Fortifications (Southern Bretonnia) - You have borders with various different nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Borders with the nations localized in the south fortified.

[] Coastal Fortifications (Bretonnia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 80
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold
Time: 20 Years
Result: Bretonnia Coasts Fortified against raiders and invaders.

[] Coastal Fortifications (Northern Bretonnia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 40
Cost: 1,500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Northern Bretonnia coast fortified against raiders and invaders

[] Coastal Fortifications (Southern Bretonnia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 40
Cost: 1,500,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: Southern Bretonnia coast fortified against raiders and invaders

[] Garrisons (Write-in Number; Does Not Cost a Action) - Some of your holdings do not have a proper garrison in them, those include the dukedoms of Brionne and Carcassonne localized in the south holdings. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Territories selected gain or change designated garrison.
[] Lyonesse (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Artois (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] L'Anguille (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
Gisoreux (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Couronne (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Montfort (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Bastonne (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Quenelles (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Parravon (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[]Borderlaux (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Aquitaine (Existing Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

[] Brionne (No Existing Garrison)

[] Carcassonne (No Existing Garrison)

[] Flag Signals: Using flags to improve coordination between various moving army elements will help large armies move much more smoothly, and enable coordinated assaults across large distances. DC 35
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls, the possibility of ambushes, and large-scale feints unlocked.

[] Drums: Using drums or other musical instruments to keep a steady march across long distances is vital to ensuring that formations are kept together, ensuring a more powerful striking force on contact with the enemy. DC 40
Cost: 350 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls.

[] (Living) Siege Workshops: Constructing workshops to build siege engines will prove useful. DC 10
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Unlocks the production of siege weapons such as Arbalests, Catapults, and Trebuchets. New Options

[X] (Undead) Infantry Rearmament: Mousilion's undead is equipped often with what they wielded in life, which is often as rotten and decayed as they are. Taking the undead's weapons and armor and replacing them with properly maintained equivalents will provide a substantial edge across all of the undead in the land. DC 0
Cost: 5,000
Time: 15 Years
Result: +10 to all undead infantry combat rolls, +10% maintenance cost (due to maintaining said weapons and armor).

[] Raise Undead (Giants) - There are many giant bodies left over from the conquest for you to use to bolster your forces. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Undead Giants Added To Army

[] Recruit Dark Beasts: Your dark beast population is not only stable but booming you can recruit a fair share of them to your army. DC 5
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Years
Result: +35,000 Fell Bats; +40,000 Direwolves

[] Army of The Living: You have literally millions of subjects, you can start recruiting living troops off them. DC 25
Cost: 15,000 Gold
Expenses: 10,000 Gold
Time: 4 Years
Result: +50,000 Swordsmen

Choose 1

[X] Meeting of Brothers: The von carstein are your lineage, you think it is time to finally meet your brothers and sisters. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 6 Years
Result: Talks Opened With The Von Carsteins

[] Dwarven Trade (Grey Mountains) - Open trade talks with the dwarves of the grey mountains. DC 58
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Results: Roll Dependable

[] Elven Outreach (Athel Loren): The Wood Elves of Athel Loren are mighty and know the true power of nature, turning it on invaders and foreigners alike. Establishing relations with these proud dwellers of the forest may yield unexpected benefits. DC 95
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Results: Talks opened with Athel Loren. ???

[] Tilea Trade Talks: Open trade talks with the Tilean government. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Result: Roll Dependable

[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Results: Talks with Estalia opened up, roll dependent on what emerges from them.

Choose 0

[] Organize Church: The religion branched out during your coming towards Bretonnia, organizing them under the official religious organization will cause less problems to everyone involved. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Church Organized

[] Churches (Bretonnia) - Building Churchers along Bretonnia will make all of your subjects for a place to pray. DC 10
Cost: 20,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: Churchers build all over Bretonnia

[] Cleanse The Battlefield: While many herdstones were destroyed, there still is a chance that artifacts of the fell powers of chaos are still in place somewhere around Bretonnia, this also includes locations that have been completely corrupted by the forces of ruin. DC 40
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependable.

[] Temples of Shallya: The goddess Shallya is very popular amongst your subjects, and you personally have nothing against her, so building temples dedicated to her will definitely increase your popularity among them. What's the worst that can happen? DC 20
Cost: 5,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: Popularity increased; ???

[X] Priest Training (Heresy): Train your priests so that they can detect the signs of corruption. DC 25
Cost: 200
Time: 1 Year
Result: +5 To Anti-Corruption Rolls

[X] Priest Training (Converting): Train your priests so they can better convert new mortals to your faith. DC 40
Cost: 300
Time: 1 Year
Result: +5 To Converting Rolls

[] Emissaries (Empires of Man): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

[X] Emissaries (Tilea): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

[] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

Choose 3

[] Population Censor: The population of Bretonnia is immensely decentralized so you don't know exactly how many people you rule. DC 0
Cost: 200
Time: 3 Years
Result: Population numbers are now exact in their numbers. New Options unlocked

[] Dragon Orders: It is time to build the headquarters of the dragon orders. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Time: 8 Years
Result: Headquarters of the dragon orders constructed and ready to be used.

[] Weaving Houses (Bretonnia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 30
Cost: 60,000
Expenses: 1,000
Time: 10 Years
Result: +80,000 Income

[] Weaving Houses (Northern Bretonnia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 5 Years
Result: +40,000 Income

[] Weaving Houses (Southern Bretonnia) - Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 30,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 5 Years
Result: +40,000 Income

[] Farms (Bretonnia) - While there are many farms in Bretonnia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 35
Cost: 40,500
Time: 14 Years
Result: +400,000 Income; +800,000 Food

[] Farms (Northern Bretonnia) - While there are many farms in Bretonnia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 15
Cost: 20,500
Time: 9 Years
Result: +200,000 Income; +400,000 Food

[] Farms (Southern Bretonnia) - While there are many farms in Bretonnia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 15
Cost: 20,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +200,000 Income; +400,000 Food

[] The Future of War Part 1: Factories will be needed, their purpose to sorely create the supplies needed to use your new weapons and the weapons themselves. DC 25
Cost: 800
Expenses: 250
Times: 5 Years
Result: The Future of War Part 2 Unlocked

[] Mines (Bretonnia) - There are many mines spread out in Bretonnia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 80
Cost; 600,000 Gold
Time: 10 Years
Result: +800,000 Income

[] Mines (Northern Bretonnia) - There are many mines spread out in Bretonnia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 40
Cost: 300,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +300,000 Income

[] Mines (Southern Bretonnia) - There are many mines spread out in Bretonnia but all of them are in poor conditions, both for a workplace and how to get said minerals, implementing your form of mining will certainly increase not only your popularity amongst the miners as well as the amount of minerals gained. DC 40
Cost: 300,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +300,000 Income

[] Expand Mines (Mousilion) - Expanding both the gold and iron mines (hopefully without any accidents this time) will increase the amount of gold you get per year, while also allowing other things if the people of the engineering team are anything to go by. DC 23
Cost: 890
Time: 5 Years
Result: +1,200 income. New options

[] Clothier (Mousilion) - Clothes are necessary for the day to day living as well for surviving, warm clothes for winter are needed if you don't want to freeze to death after all. DC 15
Cost: 1,500
Time: 2 Years
Result: +500 Income

[] Cattle Pens (Bretonnia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 10
Cost: 10,000 Gold
Time: 8 Years
Result: +20,000 Income, +80% For Human Pop Growth.

[] Cattle Pens (Northern Bretonnia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 5
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +10,000 Income, +40% For Human Pop Growth

[] Cattle Pens (Southern Bretonnia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 5
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +10,000 Income, +40% For Human Pop Growth

[] Hunting Camps (Bretonnia) - Bretonnia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 20
Cost: 10,000
Time: 8 Years
Result: +2,000 Income, +10% to human population growth

[] Hunting Camps (Northern Bretonnia) - Bretonnia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 10
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +1,000 Income; +5% To Human Population Growth

[] Hunting Camps (Southern Bretonnia) - Bretonnia has many different animals present in it, their furs can be used for trade while the meat can be used for consumption. DC 10
Cost: 5,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +1,000 Income; +5% To Human Population Growth

[] Stone Cutters: Marble is a construction resource mainly used for construction of great buildings, while you do not have such projects in mind yet, it doesn't bother to be prepared, and many nations like marble themselves. DC 20
Cost: 1,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: New Options.

[] Cinnabar Mining Pits: Everyone likes colorful clothes after all, it is a great industry found all over the world. DC 20
Cost: 2,000
Time: 4 Years
Result: +2,000 Income

[] Vineyards: The wineries of bretonnia are famed for the wine they produce said to be the best in the whole world, but the wineries are way backwards in their approach of wine making, adding a more modern approach will certainly make so that production rises. DC 30
Cost: 3,000
Time: 5 Years
Result: +5,000 Income

[] Woodsman Huts: There are many forests in Bretonnia, the wood they give is necessary for the construction or manufacture of many different objects and materials. DC 20
Cost: 35,000
Time: 7 Years
Result: +9,000 Income

[] Armorsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating high-end military armor such as plate and half plate. DC 35
Cost: 350
Expenses: 230
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks higher-end armor production such as half-plate and full plate armor.

[] Weaponsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating weapons of war of high quality. DC 34
Cost: 340
Expenses: 220
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks the production of higher-quality weapons.

[] Build Naval Infrastructure: Naval dockyards and harbors will be necessary for future actions involving the ocean, such as sea trade, the harbors and dockyards of Bretonnia can be improved. DC 25
Cost: 10,000
Expenses: 200
Time: 4 Years
Result: Naval Infrastructure build. New options.

Choose 1

[] Incite Rebellions: The lands of the wolf emperor are in chaos thanks to new revelation thanks to yours truly, a single push is all that is needed for the people of his kingdom to start rebellions against their rule. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Result: Rebellions at the wolf's empire.

[] Root Out Spies: There are many spies and informants to other nations in your realm, root them out. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Roll Dependable.

[] Root Out Cultists: You can feel the presence of the ruinous powers in this land faint as it is, rooting out the weeds before they grow into something problematic is definitely a good thing to do. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 6 Years
Result: Roll Dependable

[] Expand Spy Network (Sylvania) - It is smart to keep tabs on the activities of your kin. DC 75
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Sylvania Rumor Mill Unlocked.

[X] Expand Spy Network (Kislev): Kislev a frozen wasteland ruled by tzars and ice mages, they are always suffering under constant attacks by forces of the dark gods of chaos. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 7 Years
Result: Kislev Rumor Mill Unlocked

[X] Expand Spy Network (Border Princes): The border princes are a region which was colonized centuries ago by humans in the hopes of serving as a bulwark against the orc and goblins of the region, now it is simply a region where small kingdoms battle themselves as much as they battle the orcs which come from the badlands. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 4 Years
Result: Border Princes Rumor Mill unlocked.

[] Steal Technology (Estalia): The steel of Estalia is famous around the world, obtaining the methods of forging will give your forces great benefits. DC 120
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Estalia Steel Acquired.

Choose 3

[] Fuelled By Fear: A Terrorgheist feeds by terrifying its prey into paralysis, this invocation invigorates the monster further making them even deadlier and more terrifying when on the hunt or in battle. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Result: +10 To Terrorgheists Rolls

[] Electronic Mechanical Engineering: Your research team is looking at the possibility of creating what they have been calling 'electricity' minor experiments have been going on for a few months and it appears to show promise. DC 100
Cost: 1,000
Time: 9 Years
Result: The wonders of electricity are discovered; New tech trees unlocked.

[] New Firearms: The previous firearms can be improved, new weapons can be made as well. DC 65
Cost: 50
Time: 5 Years
Result: +10 To Units With firearms, new weapons

Choose 3

[] Study the runeblade: The broken runeblade was quite the found, you heard of the power behind these blades, it will take time but that power will be yours. DC 100
Cost: 0
Time: 8 Years
Result: Ability to create runeblades.

[] Throw a Feast: Throw a feast to commemorate your victory and conquest of Bretonnia. DC 5
Cost: 900
Time: 1 Year
Result: Popularity increased. ???

[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as it had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New light spell

[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New vampiric spell

[] Practice Your Shadow Magic: Ulgu, is the lore of shadows which you recently learned, one of its main focuses are the art of illusions. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New shadow spell

[] Practice Beast Magic: Ghur, the Lore of Beasts is the Brown Wind of Magic, which is often called the Aethyrs wild and bestial spirit, its spells range from shapeshifting to offensive, defensive and even communication of the beasts of the wild. DC 60
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Beast Spell

[] Learn Fire Magic: Aqshy, the Lore of Fire, is the Red Wind of Magic, and it is the coalescence of the emotional experience and abstract of passion in its widest possible sense. It is the projection of brashness, courage, and enthusiasm. It is also an expression of the mortal feelings of warmth and heat that is often felt in a state of high emotion. DC 69
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore: Lore of Fire

[] Learn Metal Magic: the Lore of Metal is the Yellow Wind of Magic, and it is a manifestation of the Aethyric abstract and reality of logic, the desire to quantify, the desire and need to learn and instruct, and the wish to implement learning to practical or tangible ends. DC 65
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore: Lore of Metal

[] Learn Heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learn New Lore: Lore of The Heavens

[] Learn Life Magic: The Lore of Life is associated with Ghyran, the green wind of magic, which is closely tied to nature, water and the flow of the natural essence of life through the world. It is strongest near sources of water or in areas where life grows in abundance - around rivers and lakes, by springs, in forests and woods. Rainfall is known to unleash a torrent of Ghyran energy where it falls. The strength of Ghyran magic is generally affected by the seasons - it is most potent in spring and summer, and it declines during winter. Ghyran magic can be used in a wide range of spells - as well as giving vital energy and providing healing, it can be used to manipulate the natural environment and control water in all its forms. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore of Magic - Lore of Life

[] Learn Lore of Death: The Lore of Death is associated with Shyish, the purple wind of magic. The power of Shyish comes from the ending of things, the slow decline of the soul, and the certainty and terrible awe of death that all sentient creatures must face at some point. Shyish tells us that even though physical form must inevitably come to an end, creation is permanent, and there exist forces larger than our mortal selves that deserve respect and even reverence. Shyish is drawn to places where death must be faced, or where things are brought to an end. It blows strongly around battlefields, lingers around gallows and courts of justice, and hangs in the mournful silence around fresh graves. It is said to be strongest around times of obvious transition, when one state ends and another begins. Dawn and dusk are the most obvious examples of this, but also spring and autumn, and the equinoxes that mark the beginning of the end for winter and summer. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Larned New Lore of Magic - Lore of Death

Treasury: 10,800,024,615
Income: 20,225
Expenses: 2,340

OOC: I divided Bretonnia into North (Mousillon, Lyonesse, Artois, Gisoreux, and Couronne) and South (Quenelles, Bastonne, Montfort, Aquitaine, Borderlaux, Brionne, Parravon, and Carcassonne) because it makes things more easier, now if you excuse me I will go to the realm sheet and add/change somethings.
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Turn 14 Results
[X] Plan: Work
-[X] Cleanse The Battlefield: There are still roaming bands of beastmen spread out across Bretonnia eliminating them is a must. DC 30
-[X] Garrisons (Write-in Number; Does Not Cost a Action) - Some of your holdings do not have a proper garrison in them, those include the dukedoms of Brionne and Carcassonne localized in the south holdings. DC 0
--[x] Brionne (New Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 100 fire dragons, 1 doom fire dragon, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
--[x] Carcassonne (New Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 100 fire dragons, 1 doom fire dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
-[X] Dwarven Trade (Grey Mountains) - Open trade talks with the dwarves of the grey mountains. DC 58
-[X] Population Censor: The population of Bretonnia is immensely decentralized so you don't know exactly how many people you rule. DC 0
-[X] Farms (Southern Bretonnia) - While there are many farms in Bretonnia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 15
-[X] Cattle Pens (Northern Bretonnia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep.
-[X] Root Out Spies: There are many spies and informants to other nations in your realm, root them out. DC ???
-[X] Fuelled By Fear: A Terrorgheist feeds by terrifying its prey into paralysis, this invocation invigorates the monster further making them even deadlier and more terrifying when on the hunt or in battle. DC 20
-[X] Electronic Mechanical Engineering: Your research team is looking at the possibility of creating what they have been calling 'electricity' minor experiments have been going on for a few months and it appears to show promise. DC 100
-[X] New Firearms: The previous firearms can be improved, new weapons can be made as well. DC 65
-[X] Throw a Feast: Throw a feast to commemorate your victory and conquest of Bretonnia. DC 5
-[X] Learn Life Magic: The Lore of Life is associated with Ghyran, the green wind of magic, which is closely tied to nature, water and the flow of the natural essence of life through the world. It is strongest near sources of water or in areas where life grows in abundance - around rivers and lakes, by springs, in forests and woods. Rainfall is known to unleash a torrent of Ghyran energy where it falls. The strength of Ghyran magic is generally affected by the seasons - it is most potent in spring and summer, and it declines during winter. Ghyran magic can be used in a wide range of spells - as well as giving vital energy and providing healing, it can be used to manipulate the natural environment and control water in all its forms. DC 30
-[X] Learn Lore of Death: The Lore of Death is associated with Shyish, the purple wind of magic. The power of Shyish comes from the ending of things, the slow decline of the soul, and the certainty and terrible awe of death that all sentient creatures must face at some point. Shyish tells us that even though physical form must inevitably come to an end, creation is permanent, and there exist forces larger than our mortal selves that deserve respect and even reverence. Shyish is drawn to places where death must be faced, or where things are brought to an end. It blows strongly around battlefields, lingers around gallows and courts of justice, and hangs in the mournful silence around fresh graves. It is said to be strongest around times of obvious transition, when one state ends and another begins. Dawn and dusk are the most obvious examples of this, but also spring and autumn, and the equinoxes that mark the beginning of the end for winter and summer. DC 20

Skeletal Walls: Not all creatures are raised back to join a Vampire's Undead horde, for bone is useful material. Larger walls that mark boundaries around Vampire strongholds are often made from the bones and skulls of former enemies. Such a terrifying structure will make any invader think twice about climbing it, especially when the embedded skulls begin to scream! DC 35
Cost: 5000 Gold
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 81

The walls are done and as well as the magical defenses installed into it, the invaders who attempt to climb will have nasty surprises as the skulls in its high towers begin to launch magical projectiles at them.

Cleanse The Battlefield: There are still roaming bands of beastmen spread out across Bretonnia eliminating them is a must. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Roll: 1d100+35 = 70

In these five years expeditions were launched to exterminate the roving bands of beastmen still present in your new lands, great success was met and thousands of beastmen were slayed and their homes burned to the ground to avoid the spread of chaotic corruption, the areas they resided were also sealed and all were forbidden to enter them… just in case.

Garrisons (Write-in Number; Does Not Cost a Action) - Some of your holdings do not have a proper garrison in them, those include the dukedoms of Brionne and Carcassonne localized in the south holdings. DC 0
-[X] Brionne (New Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 100 fire dragons, 1 doom fire dragon, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)
-[X] Carcassonne (New Garrison: 150,000 skeletons, 150,000 zombies, 100 fire dragons, 100 storm dragons, 100 fire dragons, 1 doom fire dragons, 1 Great Storm Dragon, 10,000 grave guard, 10,000 black knights, and 7 necromancers)

Your holding that were undefended were given several hundred thousand undead along with hundreds of dragons and a few necromancers, this will surely help hold off any invading army if the threat is so great that the garrison will not manage to hold them off then they will give time for a proper army to arrive.

(Undead) Infantry Rearmament: Mousilion's undead are equipped often with what they wield in life, which is often as rotten and decayed as they are. Taking the undead's weapons and armor and replacing them with properly maintained equivalents will provide a substantial edge across all of the undead in the land. DC 0
Cost: 5,000
Time: 10 Years
Roll = autosuccess

The rearmament of your undead forces will now take much time since you have accumulated hundreds of millions of undead, and many of the smiths tasked with this were overworked and many collapsed from exhaustion, this does not mean that production went down in fact production went up thanks to the smiths own mentality that this was a holy task.

Dwarven Trade (Grey Mountains) - Open trade talks with the dwarves of the grey mountains. DC 58
Cost: 0
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 101

Talks with the dwarven holds went well despite tensions between them and our diplomatic party, and trade was opened between them and you, so the wonders of dwarven craft (though nothing truly serious or militaristic) are opened to you and your subjects.

Results: Trade between you and the dwarven holds of the grey mountains which grants +350,000 Income; New options.

Meeting of Brothers: The von carstein are your lineage, you think it is time to finally meet your brothers and sisters. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Roll: 1d100+35 = 120

Your diplomatic party makes great headway into reaching the land of the von carsteins, they will reach it next year.

Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 49

Unfortunately while there were talks among both your diplomats and the ruling council there were not open to the idea of trade or other things that can come up with it, you can try again since they weren't repulsed by your proposal

Priest Training (Heresy): Train your priests so that they can detect the signs of corruption. DC 25
Cost: 200
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 97

Your priests have finished their training, now they know how to see the signs of corruption, chaotic or not.

Result: +5 To Anti-Corruption Rolls.

Priest Training (Converting): Train your priests so they can better convert new mortals to your faith. DC 40
Cost: 300
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 45

Your priests finished their training and now their speeches carry more fervor and charisma than before.

Result: +5 To Converting Rolls

Emissaries (Tilea): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 118

Your emissaries have converted the total of about one to two percent of the entirety of the population of Tilea, the government will surely be aware of the new religion cropping up in their territory though they don't seem to care that much about it.

Population Censor: The population of Bretonnia is immensely decentralized so you don't know exactly how many people you rule. DC 0
Cost: 200
Time: Complete
Roll: auto success

After a careful made censor of all known and unknown human villages spread out across Bretonnia you have accounted for about 12 million humans, this is the new number of humans before the war the population was about 20 million so 8 million humans died by the wars, sickness or other causes.

Result: Population numbers are now exact in their numbers. New Options unlocked

Farms (Southern Bretonnia) - While there are many farms in Bretonnia those are all in poor conditions, introducing your more modern methods of farming will surely increase how much food is harvested. DC 15
Cost: 20,000
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 114

The farms were built or added the new modern methods on schedule, and the harvests were much more bountiful than before producing so much food that many ate three meals instead of just one or none at all!

Result: +200,000 Income; +400,000 Food

Cattle Pens (Northern Bretonnia) - Larger cattle farms have more land and better, more permanent, housing for the animals they keep. DC 5
Cost: 5,000
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 114

Cattle pens already existed in Bretonnia but they are much backwards. Your more modern approach to dealing with cattle has greatly made so that the meat they produce is much more healthy than before, as well as the fact that they are housing more cattle than before.

Result: +10,000 Income, +40% For Human Pop Growth

Expand Spy Network (Border Princes): The border princes are a region which was colonized centuries ago by humans in the hopes of serving as a bulwark against the orc and goblins of the region, now it is simply a region where small kingdoms battle themselves as much as they battle the orcs which come from the badlands. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 91

Your agents have successfully infiltrated the war torn Border Princes.

Result: Border Princes Rumor Mill unlocked.

Root Out Spies: There are many spies and informants to other nations in your realm, root them out. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 100

There were many spies from foreign nations such as the Empire present in various parts of your territory, your agents have completely and utterly rooted them out from your kingdom and have established a 'iron curtain' -- as they have named it -- around the borders that you have with the other nations and any spy who tries to pass through them is caught by them

Result: All spies from other nations completely rooted out, Iron Curtain established which gives any spy that is not yours a -30 to their rolls if they try to cross the border and your agents a +35 in catching them.

Expand Spy Network (Kislev): Kislev a frozen wasteland ruled by Tzars and ice mages, they are always suffering under constant attacks by forces of the dark gods of chaos. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Years
Roll: 1d100+35 = 73

Your agents are approaching the frozen wasteland known as Kislev.

Fuelled By Fear: A Terrorgheist feeds by terrifying its prey into paralysis, this invocation invigorates the monster further making them even deadlier and more terrifying when on the hunt or in battle. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: Complete

The Terrorgheists are terrifying beings but rituals made to them make so that they create a aura of terror that paralyzes enemies enough for them to strike them down

Result: +10 To Terrorgheists Rolls

Electronic Mechanical Engineering: Your research team is looking at the possibility of creating what they have been calling 'electricity' minor experiments have been going on for a few months and it appears to show promise. DC 100
Cost: 1,000
Time: 5 Years
Roll: 1d100+35 = 46

Research and experiments have begun, but have yielded no results that were previously shown or/and discovered by the research team.

New Firearms: The previous firearms can be improved, new weapons can be made as well. DC 65
Cost: 50
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 101

While working on the other project, the research team improved the design, reloading speed, and other things of the previous firearm models making much better than before.

Result: +10 To Units With firearms. Weapons 0 is finished; Unlocked Weapons I for research.

Throw a Feast: Throw a feast to commemorate your victory and conquest of Bretonnia. DC 5
Cost: 900
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 81

The feast you threw, devolved into a three day long feast where wine and food were plenty and everyone forgot about their misery and let themselves go, you also talked a bit with your knights and personal champion and got to know them a little better on a personal level than before.

You also saw someone try to court Jeanne only to be immediately rejected, really what he expected to happen. You also may have laughed about his misfortune. deciding to do something unpredictable you asked her for a dance which she immediately accepted, she is a good dancer but not exceptionally good. Then every single female, including the Lahmian vampires (better check up if there are any bodies), probably because you are just that great.
In the end you danced with all of them.

Result: Popularity increased. Got to know a bit more about your champions on a personal level. Made Jeanne and many other women extremely happy and broke many male hearts.

Learn Life Magic: The Lore of Life is associated with Ghyran, the green wind of magic, which is closely tied to nature, water and the flow of the natural essence of life through the world. It is strongest near sources of water or in areas where life grows in abundance - around rivers and lakes, by springs, in forests and woods. Rainfall is known to unleash a torrent of Ghyran energy where it falls. The strength of Ghyran magic is generally affected by the seasons - it is most potent in spring and summer, and it declines during winter. Ghyran magic can be used in a wide range of spells - as well as giving vital energy and providing healing, it can be used to manipulate the natural environment and control water in all its forms. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 115

It didn't take long for you to learn the lore of life, feeling the wind blowing through the forests and whatever the concept of "life" presideded. And your studies in it bear fruit in the learning of several spells related to it.

Result: Learns New Lore of Magic - Lore of Life. Learned New Life Spells - Barkskin; Awakening of the Wood; Cure Blight; Curse of Thorns.

Learn Lore of Death: The Lore of Death is associated with Shyish, the purple wind of magic. The power of Shyish comes from the ending of things, the slow decline of the soul, and the certainty and terrible awe of death that all sentient creatures must face at some point. Shyish tells us that even though physical form must inevitably come to an end, creation is permanent, and there exist forces larger than our mortal selves that deserve respect and even reverence. Shyish is drawn to places where death must be faced, or where things are brought to an end. It blows strongly around battlefields, lingers around gallows and courts of justice, and hangs in the mournful silence around fresh graves. It is said to be strongest around times of obvious transition, when one state ends and another begins. Dawn and dusk are the most obvious examples of this, but also spring and autumn, and the equinoxes that mark the beginning of the end for winter and summer. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 46

Your own nature made it easy to learn the lore of death as well as learn spells related to it.

Result: Larned New Lore of Magic - Lore of Death. Learns New Death Spells - Acceptance of Fate; Amaranth; The Animus Imprisoned; Ashes and Dust.

Treasury: 10,799,986,965
Income: 580,225
Expenses: 2,340
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Turn 14 Rumor Mill
The Empire of Man

- Cultist Rise: There has been a rise of cultist numbers throughout the empire, cults dedicated to all of the dark gods are making moves and the witch hunters do not have the numbers to properly root them out.

- Wolf Count Assassinated: The wolf emperor Siegfried III who gave up his crown to be an elector count once more has been assassinated and his 17-year-old son Ragnar is now the new elector count of Middenland and he has vowed to avenge his father. The assassin seems to be a complete unknown and no one knows what he or she even looks like.


- The Army of The King In Black: A massive undead army numbering in the hundreds of thousands have unveiled themselves from the shadows of Tilea and are making their way towards the capital of the unified nation.


- Massive Orc WAAAGH! Invades Estalia - A massive orc waaagh has invaded the nation of Estalia, the warboss being the same one that invaded it years prior, it seems that he has risen through his defeat and amassed an even bigger Warband and now seeks to conquer Estalia once more.

Border Princes

- An Empire is Born: There has been a new self-named empire that rose from the border princes but unlike many others before it, it has shown incredible prowess both military and civic, it has become noticeably big in it's territory and many of the other king and emperors of the region worry themselves of the growing power.[/U]