Edit: Our current army: 2,620,000 Skeletons, 2,599,000 Zombies, 980,000 Grave Guard, 950,000 Black Knights, 625,000 Fell Bats, 625,000 Dire wolves, 350,000 Vargheists, 352,000 Varghulfs, 535,000 Crypt Ghouls, 505,000 Crypt Horrors, 1,200 Terrorgheists, 105 Necromancers, 2 Fire Wizards, 1 Metal Wizard, 1 Beast Wizard, 1 Shadow Wizard, 50,000 Fire Dragons, 700 Doom Fire Dragons, 50,000 Storm Dragons, 700 Great Storm Dragons.
Where do we keep all those undead anyway? I can't get the image that we've just had them all huddled up in one spot in our territory just waiting for a couple years now out of my head.
Where do we keep all those undead anyway? I can't get the image that we've just had them all huddled up in one spot in our territory just waiting for a couple years now out of my head.

ehh probably spread out, kind of like patrols, "graveyards", old battle-feilds, crypts/storage areas, ect. the beasts im guessing are patroling our haunted woods, keeping the beastmen and other usual nasties down. Also i have the funniest amusement of our ghouls being butchers that just haul processed skaven/rat meat up from the sewers or other areas for trade. Sometimes they bring good rat pelts or equipment to sell for gold/silver/copper that they then use to buy livestock for "Sweet-Meat", as well as marvel over the idea of spices and side dishes.

the bigger meaner wild beasties are probably slumber in a sort of pesudo light-sleep mode that can be awakened with but a word and controlled/unleashed on our enemies.

The dragons were probably housing in the probable crater that was made when we acsended...most likely around our capital city somewhere.

(now i have the idea of aleksander when he felt the acsension process happening just darted out of the city chanting "SHIT,SHIT,SHIT" repeatedly confusing the fuck out of the living guards, spell casters, and every-day towns folk...and then when hes about 100 miles out...BOOM massive fucking dark ass pillar erupts....and from that pillar? at the very bottom of it is dracul/aleksander after the transformation. of course the crater itself is large enough to house a shit-ton of dragons with ample room due to depth and width...just about 30 miles from our capital, once its properly channeled, excavated, warded, and of course gaurds posted...

then it can become a home-ground for dragons to have their hatchlings as a massive nursery/Last-defensive line for dragon-kind.

i figure once we conquer bretonnia the dragons would eventually begin carving out their own territories, driving out all sorts of competition of predatory beasts and creatures. as well as drive down rampant orks, beastmen, brigands, and dumbass mercs/adventurers brave enough to try their luck in OUR kingdom/empire.

Of course, we arent fucking dumb about the whole enlsave humans and make them cattle shit. we see them as a resource to be utilized to their fullest extend, and if it means giving them basic rights and keep them protected from the other bat-shit crazies out there then so be it. Plus they are a part of our hoard...so thats a thing.

Ok so both omakes can be considered canonical as far I am aware. Also 10/10 for the roast that Lileath received.

For The First Omake:
[] +10 To Action of Your Choosing
[] -10 To Lileath's next action involving Bretonnia
[] -10 To Lileath's next action involving the High Elves

For The Second Omake:
[] +10 To Action of Your Choosing
[] +10 To Shylla's and Ice Dragon Emperor next action
[] M??r?

No problem.
Votes are closed
Adhoc vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Nov 24, 2020 at 10:33 AM, finished with 40 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Can't declare war yet
    [X] Can't declare war yet
    -[X] Tilean Trade: the merchant princes of Tilea are offering a trade deal between them and us. DC 50
    -[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
    -[X] Home of Dragons: The dragons which have arrived need a residence, dragon homes can be constructed on the hills overlooking the duchy and can be used for the construction, either on the hills themselves or underground them. DC 20
    -[X] Cattle Pastures: Pastures for cattle, providing meat and leather for consumption and trade. DC 10
    -[X] Sabotage the conquest: Some ambitious ruler is trying to unify all of Tilea into a single nation, even if the chance of that happening is slim you will not allow that to happen. DC 50
    -[X] Strigoi Legacy: The legacy of the Strigoi runs deep among Ghoul-kind for it was at Mourkain, capital of the Strygos Empire, when they were at the pinnacle of their power. Now, the remnants of that bloodline scavenge amidst the Ghouls, awaiting a return to greatness. It is a racial memory that can be implanted into all Crypt Ghouls if the correct rituals are used. DC 50
    -[X] Invoke Animalistic Hunger: When Vargheists emerge from their tomb-like cocoons, they have a great hunger - this cantrip ensures it never slakes. DC 25
    -[X] Beastmaster: Vampires deprived of blood inevitably start to change, their human form slipping to reveal the true monster underneath. They become more bestial, feral creatures. These half-breeds can be controlled by a Vampire that is fully in control of his form or even a Necromancer, when the right words of power are spoken. The beasts are drawn to beings with such dominance. DC 30
    -[X] Bond With Your Dragons: The dragons which have arrived en masse in your territory DC 0
    -[X] Forge a Suit of Armor: Forge a suit of armor to protect you on the battlefield. DC 20
[X] -10 To Lileath's next action involving Bretonnia
Cause fuck Lileath, and fuck the grail knights. Rise up Dragon Knights, Dragon Lords, And Dragon Grandmaster Lord!!! (Our version of Grail knights, Grail Mage knight's, ect.)

[X] M??r?

now this is intresting as fuck...i think Shylla's dad is taking notice of this...hopefully not in a negative way as we ARE only going for ancient grave-yards right now.

edit: also i think my +10 bonus should go to whatever roll will result in a crit or get a success from a failure please.
Morr: Death is the end, his kin and abominations are a pervension of the cycle and now one of them has possibly ascended to godhood they must be destroyed no matter what you say Sigmar!

eh Morr will chill out eventually, i mean we can eventually figure out a way to create "Living" vampires...while we would lose allot of the undead rules, immortality (and VERY limited ability to create more of out kind with ridiculous restrictions involved besides VERY low fertility borderline elven fertility levels).

also thanks for this, this is going to give me ideas for the omake!
Hey @Alucard Vampiry are we hitting crits in there

please stop double-posting, I know your excited but you can edit your posts...don't want you to get in trouble with the mods and/or people here. but still ill get the empire gods tonight, and maybe the dwarven gods.

for undead part? well...we have bullshit learning, maybe we can find a way around that eventually with the right resources. Making living vampires (you know Warhammer is essentially grim-dark shonen anime right?) kind of like their living counter-parts? only with more restrictions on both how they make more, and since the Red Kiss might not work anymore...turning them wont be a option anymore so you might have to go with seeking partners for the rest of your new immortal living life.

also would kind of be more squishyer, and not count as undead...but still might be able to better resist chaos corruption and other average means of killing vamps in this setting. Still weak to them, just not crippling so...
Turn 12 Results
[X] Can't declare war yet
-[X] Tilean Trade: the merchant princes of Tilea are offering a trade deal between them and us. DC 50
-[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
-[X] Home of Dragons: The dragons which have arrived need a residence, dragon homes can be constructed on the hills overlooking the duchy and can be used for the construction, either on the hills themselves or underground them. DC 20
-[X] Cattle Pastures: Pastures for cattle, providing meat and leather for consumption and trade. DC 10
-[X] Sabotage the conquest: Some ambitious ruler is trying to unify all of Tilea into a single nation, even if the chance of that happening is slim you will not allow that to happen. DC 50
-[X] Strigoi Legacy: The legacy of the Strigoi runs deep among Ghoul-kind for it was at Mourkain, capital of the Strygos Empire, when they were at the pinnacle of their power. Now, the remnants of that bloodline scavenge amidst the Ghouls, awaiting a return to greatness. It is a racial memory that can be implanted into all Crypt Ghouls if the correct rituals are used. DC 50
-[X] Invoke Animalistic Hunger: When Vargheists emerge from their tomb-like cocoons, they have a great hunger - this cantrip ensures it never slakes. DC 25
-[X] Beastmaster: Vampires deprived of blood inevitably start to change, their human form slipping to reveal the true monster underneath. They become more bestial, feral creatures. These half-breeds can be controlled by a Vampire that is fully in control of his form or even a Necromancer, when the right words of power are spoken. The beasts are drawn to beings with such dominance. DC 30
-[X] Bond With Your Dragons: The dragons which have arrived en masse in your territory DC 0
Cost: 0
-[X] Forge a Suit of Armor: Forge a suit of armor to protect you on the battlefield. DC 20

Skeletal Walls: Not all creatures are raised back to join a Vampire's Undead horde, for bone is useful material. Larger walls that mark boundaries around Vampire strongholds are often made from the bones and skulls of former enemies. Such a terrifying structure will make any invader think twice about climbing it, especially when the embedded skulls begin to scream! DC 35
Cost: 5000 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Roll: 1d100+35 = 86

The construction of the skeletal walls continues as the materials arrives and the the base of the walls is finished.

Rally Fields: The rally fields are where these mighty formations of troops – from Swordsmen to Halberdiers and Crossbowmen – are trained, mustered, and then marched out to face their foes. DC 20
Cost: 2000
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 39

The construction of the rally fields has been finished, your living troops now train formations in it.

(Undead) Infantry Rearmament: Mousilion's undead are equipped often with what they wield in life, which is often as rotten and decayed as they are. Taking the undead's weapons and armor and replacing them with properly maintained equivalents will provide a substantial edge across all of the undead in the land. DC 0
Cost: 5,000
Time: 2 Year's
Roll = autosuccess

The rearmament of your undead forces continues.

Dwarf Outreach (Grey Mountains): The Dwarven Holds have long been allies of Brettonia and the Empire, and indeed they make excellent weapons, roads, and fortifications. Making friends with them and establishing trade is a good idea, at the least to sow some level of mixed loyalties in future conflicts. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Roll: 1d100+35 = 116

Your diplomatic party continues their journey toward the grey mountains and have nearly arrived there and approach the dwarven holds.

Tilean Trade: the merchant princes of Tilea are offering a trade deal between them and us. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35+10 = 58

Talks were successful and a trade deal has been made with us and the merchant princes of Tilea.

Results: +450 Income.

Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Year's
Roll: 1d100+35 = 112

Your diplomats have started their journey towards Estalia, the journey will be much faster than the other time as they discovered better paths towards it that take less time than the usual paths.

Priest Training (Heresy): Train your priests so that they can detect the signs of corruption. DC 25
Cost: 200
Time: 1 Year
Roll: 1d100+35 = 78

Your priests continue their training.

Priest Training (Converting): Train your priests so they can better convert new mortals to your faith. DC 40
Cost: 300
Time: 2 Year's
Roll: 1d100+35 = 123

Your priests continue their training.

Emissaries (Tilea): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 6 Years
Roll: 1d100+35 = 68

Your emissaries arrive in Estalia and start their work on converting new mortals to your faith, while the results are not impressive they are not mediocre either they have created cult dedicated to you which has about 756 mortals in it the size of it is definitely going to get bigger as the years passes.

Home of Dragons: The dragons which have arrived need a residence, dragon homes can be constructed on the hills overlooking the duchy and can be used for the construction, either on the hills themselves or underground them. DC 20
Cost: 2,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 1 Year
Roll: 1d100+35 = 40

The construction for a home for your dragons begin, on the hills of Mousilion your undead workforce either dug and started making artificial caves with draconic architecture inside it or started building paths to the top of the hills and started caves or structures in there.

Expand Mines: Expanding both the gold and iron mines will increase the amount of gold you get per year, while also allowing other things if the people of the engineering team are anything to go by. DC 23
Cost: 890
Time: 2 Year's
Roll: 1d100+35 = 2 Critical Failure

Expansion has stopped in its entirety as there was a massive cave in in the expanded parts of the mines, which ended with several miners trapped there before you arrived and got them out.

Cattle Pastures: Pastures for cattle, providing meat and leather for consumption and trade. DC 10
Cost: 500
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 45

The cattle present of Mousilion have much better meat and leather than common cattle found in other parts of the world, construction and arrangements of the pastures were handled well, and now in parts of the duchy there are various farmers with cattle that may or may not try to eat your face while you are feeding it.

Result: +350 Income, +30% to human Population growth

Sabotage Breetonia Kingship Selection: Breetonia will be selecting a new king soon, what about adding a bit of chaos to the coronation of the new king. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 99 Critical Success

You have no idea how they did it, but your agents caused total chaos at the selection of the future king, for starters hanks to clever manipulation they set the dukes of Aquitaine and Bordeleaux upon each other, made so that the duke of Parrone was identified as a chaos worshipper (which he wasn't), and many other things such as make new grudges between all dukes present.

In short it was complete chaos, and the coronation had to be postponed to next year.

Result: Complete Chaos at the Bretonnian coronation.

Sabotage the conquest: Some ambitious ruler is trying to unify all of Tilea into a single nation, even if the chance of that happening is slim you will not allow that to happen. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 3 4 Years
Roll: 1d100+35 = 45

Your agents set out to stop the unifier, but in their travel towards Tilea they met problems which slowed them down considerably.

Sabotage The Rot Tide: Sabotaging the rot tide by assassinating key individuals, spreading false information, and casuating dissent among the chaotic forces will surely cause problems for their leader. DC 70
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 81

The operation was successful by spreading false information and assassinating key figures in the warband, your agents have thrown the rot tide into chaos but this will not last for long as its leadership is already starting to enforce control upon them. The Rot Tide is momentarily stopped in its advance but this will not last long.

As per protocol the agents sent in the operation are being watched for any signs of corruption.

Result: Rot Tide stopped in its advance for 3 years.

Strigoi Legacy: The legacy of the Strigoi runs deep among Ghoul-kind for it was at Mourkain, capital of the Strygos Empire, when they were at the pinnacle of their power. Now, the remnants of that bloodline scavenge amidst the Ghouls, awaiting a return to greatness. It is a racial memory that can be implanted into all Crypt Ghouls if the correct rituals are used. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 47 Minor Failure

Unfortunately we failed to awaken the hidden power found in the blood of the ghouls.

Invoke Animalistic Hunger: When Vargheists emerge from their tomb-like cocoons, they have a great hunger - this cantrip ensures it never slakes. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 107

Vargheists are for all intents and purposes dark beasts, they are not vampires and frankly speaking it is impossible to undo the process which transformed them, by either magical or mundane means. When they awaken they possess a great hunger this new cantrip assures that it never goes away, some say this is cruel but you couldn't care less about their opinions.

Result: +15 To Vargheists

Beastmaster: Vampires deprived of blood inevitably start to change, their human form slipping to reveal the true monster underneath. They become more bestial, feral creatures. These half-breeds can be controlled by a Vampire that is fully in control of his form or even a Necromancer, when the right words of power are spoken. The beasts are drawn to beings with such dominance. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 108

Vargheists and Varghulfs are much harder to control than the other dark beasts but if you speak the right words of power they become much easier to control.

Result: Recruitment cost -10% for Varghulf and Vargheists units

Study the runeblade: The broken runeblade was quite the found, you heard of the power behind these blades, it will take time but that power will be yours. DC 120
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Roll: 1d100+35 = 128

This year you were successful at gleaming new insights at the nature of the blade and the runes in it.

Bond With Your Dragons: Bond with the various dragons which have arrived en masse in your territory. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: Autosuccess

You bond with the various dragons which have arrived in your territory, from the fire and lighting to the nightmare dragons the latter which you have found in your realm (No idea how they got in here). Despite their power and pride all of them act like children in front of you.

Result: Bond with adorable murder beasts.

Forge a Suit of Armor: Forge a suit of armor to protect you on the battlefield. DC 20
Cost: 150
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 120

Using the resources available to you, you forge a mighty suit of armor for yourself using the fire of a doom fire dragon to light it and melt the metal granting it faint signs of draconic power, you also imbue it with your divine energy making it even more formidable. The result in the end is a set of armor which could be considered heavy to others, but you can use it like you are wearing nothing at all.

Result: Divine Level Armor Created: Ebon Battlegear of Dracul
- Description: A complete set of armor made by the dark god Dracul also known as Aleksander, made using the fire of a Emperor Fire Dragon and his own divine energy it grows in power with its master. No mortal weapons can even scratch it.

Treasury: 2,345
Income: 20,225
Expenses: 1,840
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intresting...this holds potential for both my dwarven gods omake and my empire gods omake. Wont go into the other gods because that's too much of a hassel...

but at least the Empire gods will be entertaining...

plus this time i think next turn we finish our look into Hysh, and vampiric lore...which case it will be immensely useful for the empire, sure it will piss off our blood kin next door in slyvania...but fuck em.

If we can get marienburg and Sylvania as PROPER imperial provinces with elector counts, then the last two unused/un-assigned rune blades can be given to proper owners.

also its good for us to fail in some stuff, was a bit worried about hyper-competence, then again tzeentch was probably helping a bit. Looking forward to seeing how things go from here!
bloody hell, 44 spells of hysh in total, and we got 15 of them...allot of Hysh is utterly fucking broken if we use it right. especially in regards to plans/research...no wonder we went for it first. also 42 spells of vampire/necromancy lore...of which we have 12.

We have ALLOT of work to do before we create grimoires of necromancy and Hysh, and potentially one of shadows and beasts.

edited: also our armor is bullshit, unless we have something like divine or true magic weapons (not made by mortals hands and such), then its a no-sold blow. which means we can potentially go solo against the entire fucking chaos army and go about fucking shit up ourselves. Damn, Dracul is fucking terrifying....

and this isnt without any runes we can add to the armor...if we EVER figure out what adamant is, and the rune associated with it? our armor will be called Bullshit, as in you need divine tier weapons AT LEAST to harm us.

Which makes sense, as a dragon is said to have near invulnerable coat of mail/scales.
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