Turn 12
The Year is 2064 By The Imperial Calendar

The first wave of dragons has arrived at the shores and lands of Bretonnia, arriving at Mousilion in a few days there they met the titanic dragon who has made a new appearance. They start circling him. Fire Dragons, Doom Fire Dragons, Storm Dragons, and Great Storm Dragons. Dozens upon dozens of dragons that breathe fire and lighting a force that can destroy any kingdom of mortals when united acting like a bunch puppies trying to get their owner attention.

Some of them even went to their father's head and fell asleep there with the walking draconic mountain not having the heart to scold them for that.

First Draconic Migration Ended: Gain 50,000 Fire Dragons, 700 Doom Fire Dragons, 50,000 Storm Dragons, 700 Great Storm Dragons. A total of 101,400 Dragons.

Second Immigration: 4 Years

Third Immigration: 6 Years

Choose 0

[] Declare War On Bretonnia: The time has come, raise your legions and march towards the so-called land of chivalry. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: Until The War is Done
Result: War Turns

[X] Skeletal Walls: Not all creatures are raised back to join a Vampire's Undead horde, for bone is useful material. Larger walls that mark boundaries around Vampire strongholds are often made from the bones and skulls of former enemies. Such a terrifying structure will make any invader think twice about climbing it, especially when the embedded skulls begin to scream! DC 35
Cost: 5000 Gold
Time: 3 Years
Result: +25 To The Rose Defense Bonus

[] Abyssal Wood: there are abyssal things in the woods, even more, terrifying than the trees themselves. Such things are sought by the Midnight Aristocracy, who wish to add them to their hordes. DC 29
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Years
Result: Can now recruit vargheists

[] Build Defiled Cairn: Technically is not really defiled but whatever, defiled cairns is where the cannibalistic creatures are known as ghouls spawn, the process of transformation is a heinous affair with bones breaking and then reforming back in a new shape, the flesh starts turning green and ugly along with dozens of other changes, their claws also possess some kind of a mix between a poison and a virus any living thing which takes the slightest marks will transform into a ghoul no matter how long it takes. There is no cure to this effect. DC 38
Cost: 2,000
Time: 1 Year
Result: Can Now Recruit: Crypt Ghouls

[X] Rally Fields: The rally fields are where these mighty formations of troops – from Swordsmen to Halberdiers and Crossbowmen – are trained, mustered, and then marched out to face their foes. DC 20
Cost: 2000
Time: 1 Year
Result: +15 To Living Troops Rolls

[] Flag Signals: Using flags to improve coordination between various moving army elements will help large armies move much more smoothly, and enable coordinated assaults across large distances. DC 35
Cost: 500 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls, the possibility of ambushes, and large-scale feints unlocked.

[] Drums: Using drums or other musical instruments to keep a steady march across long distances is vital to ensuring that formations are kept together, ensuring a more powerful striking force on contact with the enemy. DC 40
Cost: 350 Gold
Time: 2 Year's
Result: +5 to all living forces combat rolls.

[] (Living) Siege Workshops: Constructing workshops to build siege engines will prove useful. DC 10
Cost: 2,000
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Unlocks the production of siege weapons such as Arbalests, Catapults, and Trebuchets. New Options

[X] (Undead) Infantry Rearmament: Mousilion's undead is equipped often with what they wielded in life, which is often as rotten and decayed as they are. Taking the undead's weapons and armor and replacing them with properly maintained equivalents will provide a substantial edge across all of the undead in the land. DC 0
Cost: 5,000
Time: 3 Years
Result: +10 to all undead infantry combat rolls, +10% maintenance cost (due to maintaining said weapons and armor).

[] Recruit Undead (Write-in number): The undead of Mousilion takes residence in the buildings you recently built inside your underground complex providing recruits for your army. DC 0
Costs: Skeletons (30 gold); Zombies (10 gold); Grave Guard (750 gold)
Time: 1 Year
Result: Recruit new (undead) units.

[] Recruit Dark Beast (Write-in number): The beasts mutated by the fel energies emitted by necromancy, serve the masters of the undead. DC 0
Time: 1 Year
Cost: Fell Bats (315 gold); Dire Wolves (450 gold)
Result: Recruit new beasts.

[] Recruit Living Troops (Write-in Number): Now that you build barracks you can recruit living troops to bolster your army. DC 0
Cost: Swords (50 gold; 20 upkeep)
Time: 1 Year
Result: Recruit new (living) units.

Choose 2

[] Meeting of Brothers: The von carstein are your lineage, you think it is time to finally meet your brothers and sisters. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: 7 Years
Result: Talks Opened With The Von Carsteins

[X] Dwarf Outreach (Grey Mountains): The Dwarven Holds have long been allies of Brettonia and the Empire, and indeed they make excellent weapons, roads, and fortifications. Making friends with them and establishing trade is a good idea, at the least to sow some level of mixed loyalties in future conflicts. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Results: diplomatic talks opened with various Dwarven Holds from the Grey Mountains. Roll depends on what comes out of said talks.

[] Elven Outreach (Athel Loren): The Wood Elves of Athel Loren are mighty and know the true power of nature, turning it on invaders and foreigners alike. Establishing relations with these proud dwellers of the forest may yield unexpected benefits. DC 95
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Results: Talks opened with Athel Loren. ???

[] Tilean Trade: the merchant princes of Tilea are offering a trade deal between them and us. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Results: Trade deal with Tilea, +450 Income If Successful.

[] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Results: Talks with Estalia opened up, roll dependent on what emerges from them.

Choose 0

[X] Priest Training (Heresy): Train your priests so that they can detect the signs of corruption. DC 25
Cost: 200
Time: 2 Years
Result: +5 To Anti-Corruption Rolls

[X] Priest Training (Converting): Train your priests so they can better convert new mortals to your faith. DC 40
Cost: 300
Time: 3 Years
Result: +5 To Converting Rolls

[] Emissaries (Bretonnia): Send emissaries to the location to lay down the seeds of the new faith, your faith. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: 9 Years
Result: Roll Depended.

[] Emissaries (Empires of Man): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 11 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

[] Emissaries (Tilea): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 8 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

[X] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
Cost: 0
Time: 7 Years
Result: Roll Dependent

Choose 2

[] Home of Dragons: The dragons which have arrived need a residence, dragon homes can be constructed on the hills overlooking the duchy and can be used for the construction, either on the hills themselves or underground them. DC 20
Cost: 2,000
Expenses: 500
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Home for your dragons, prevention of fiery and lighting death by 99%.

[] Weaving Houses: Creation of cloth is a necessary step if one has the clothing for winter, summer, and other seasons, merchants buy these cloths produced by the houses they sell them to populace and the cycle repeats. DC 15
Cost: 750
Time: 1 Year
Result: +250 Income
Expenses: 50

[] The Future of War Part 1: Factories will be needed, their purpose to sorely create the supplies needed to use your new weapons and the weapons themselves. DC 25
Cost: 800
Expenses: 250
Result: The Future of War Part 2 Unlocked

[X] Expand Mines: Expanding both the gold and iron mines will increase the amount of gold you get per year, while also allowing other things if the people of the engineering team are anything to go by. DC 23
Cost: 890
Time: 3 Years
Result: +1,200 income. New options

[] Cattle Pastures: Pastures for cattle, providing meat and leather for consumption and trade. DC 10
Cost: 500
Time: 1 Year
Result: +350 Income, +30% to human Population growth

[] Hunting Camps: Mousilion still has many other types of animals that have adapted to the new ambient, their meat is very delicious and their fur of very high quality can be used for consumption and trade. DC 10
Cost: 500
Time: 2 Years
Result: +350 Income, +5% to human population growth

[] Armorsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating high-end military armor such as plate and half plate. DC 35
Cost: 350
Expenses: 230
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks higher-end armor production such as half-plate and full plate armor.

[] Weaponsmiths: Smiths with the sole purpose of creating weapons of war of high quality. DC 34
Cost: 340
Expenses: 220
Time: 1 Year
Result: Unlocks the production of higher-quality weapons.

[] Build Naval Infrastructure: Naval dockyards and harbors will be necessary for future actions involving the ocean, such as sea trade. DC 19
Cost: 1,000
Expenses: 100
Time: 2 Years
Result: Naval Infrastructure build. New options.

Choose 1

[] Incite Rebellions: The lands of the wolf emperor are in chaos thanks to new revelation thanks to yours truly, a single push is all that is needed for the people of his kingdom to start rebellions against their rule. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Rebellions at the wolf's empire.

[X] Sabotage Bretonnia Kingship Selection: Bretonnia will be selecting a new king soon, what about adding a bit of chaos to the coronation of the new king. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Chaos at the coronation.

[X] Sabotage The Rot Tide: Sabotaging the rot tide by assassinating key individuals, spreading false information, and casuating dissent among the chaotic forces will surely cause problems for their leader. DC 70
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Roll dependant

[] Expand Spy Network (Kislev): Kislev a frozen wasteland ruled by tzars and ice mages, they are always suffering under constant attacks by forces of the dark gods of chaos. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 8 Years
Result: Kislev Rumor Mill Unlocked

[] Expand Spy Network (Border Princes): The border princes are a region which was colonized centuries ago by humans in the hopes of serving as a bulwark against the orc and goblins of the region, now it is simply a region where small kingdoms battle themselves as much as they battle the orcs which come from the badlands. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Border Princes Rumor Mill unlocked.

[] Steal Technology (Estalia): The steel of Estalia is famous around the world, obtaining the methods of forging will give your forces great benefits. DC 120
Cost: 0
Time: 5 Years
Result: Estalia Steel Acquired.

[] Sabotage the conquest: Some ambitious ruler is trying to unify all of Tilea into a single nation, even if the chance of that happening is slim you will not allow that to happen. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Unification of Tilea even more unlikely.

Choose 3

[] Strigoi Legacy: The legacy of the Strigoi runs deep among Ghoul-kind for it was at Mourkain, capital of the Strygos Empire, when they were at the pinnacle of their power. Now, the remnants of that bloodline scavenge amidst the Ghouls, awaiting a return to greatness. It is a racial memory that can be implanted into all Crypt Ghouls if the correct rituals are used. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: +10 to Crypt Ghouls

[] Invoke Animalistic Hunger: When Vargheists emerge from their tomb-like cocoons, they have a great hunger - this cantrip ensures it never slakes. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: +15 To Vargheists

[] Beastmaster: Vampires deprived of blood inevitably start to change, their human form slipping to reveal the true monster underneath. They become more bestial, feral creatures. These half-breeds can be controlled by a Vampire that is fully in control of his form or even a Necromancer, when the right words of power are spoken. The beasts are drawn to beings with such dominance. DC 30
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Recruitment cost -10% for Varghulf and Vargheists units

[] New Firearms: The previous firearms can be improved, new weapons can be made as well. DC 65
Cost: 50
Time: 5 Years
Result: +10 To Units With firearms, new weapons

Choose 2

[X] Study the runeblade: The broken runeblade was quite the found, you heard of the power behind these blades, it will take time but that power will be yours. DC 120
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Year's
Result: Ability to create runeblades.

[] Forge a Suit of Armor: Forge a suit of armor to protect you on the battlefield. DC 20
Cost: 150
Time: 1 Year
Result: Roll Dependent

[] Bond With Your Dragons: Bond with the various dragons which have arrived en masse in your territory. DC 0
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Bond with adorable murder beasts.

[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as it had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 25
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New light spell

[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 15
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New vampiric spell

[] Practice Your Shadow Magic: Ulgu, is the lore of shadows which you recently learned, one of its main focuses are the art of illusions. DC 20
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: New shadow spell

[] Practice Beast Magic: Ghur, the Lore of Beasts is the Brown Wind of Magic, which is often called the Aethyrs wild and bestial spirit, its spells range from shapeshifting to offensive, defensive and even communication of the beasts of the wild. DC 60
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Beast Spell

[] Learn Fire Magic: Aqshy, the Lore of Fire, is the Red Wind of Magic, and it is the coalescence of the emotional experience and abstract of passion in its widest possible sense. It is the projection of brashness, courage, and enthusiasm. It is also an expression of the mortal feelings of warmth and heat that is often felt in a state of high emotion. DC 69
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore: Lore of Fire

[] Learn Metal Magic: the Lore of Metal is the Yellow Wind of Magic, and it is a manifestation of the Aethyric abstract and reality of logic, the desire to quantify, the desire and need to learn and instruct, and the wish to implement learning to practical or tangible ends. DC 65
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learns New Lore: Lore of Metal

[] Learn heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learn New Lore: Lore of The Heavens

Treasury: 2,916
Income: 19,425
Expenses: 1,590
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[] Sabotage the conquest: Some ambitious ruler is trying to unify all of Tilea into a single nation, even if the chance of that happening is slim you will not allow that to happen. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 3 Years
Result: Unification of Tilea even more unlikely.

I feel like we need to do this.

[] Learn heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Year
Result: Learn New Lore: Lore of The Heavens
This as well, Azyr also does divination
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holy fuck...that is ALLOT of dragons...did you roll for that or just assume there was that many...then again we are kind of emptying the damn planet of dragon-kind right now...so that makes sense.

also time to keep bonding and get a suit of armor if were going to war.
holy fuck...that is ALLOT of dragons...did you roll for that or just assume there was that many...then again we are kind of emptying the damn planet of dragon-kind right now...so that makes sense.
There a lot more dragons in both the new and old world than you mighty think, is just that the population is decentralized Dragons were never united before and their current population is not the same as the one in the past. Which is why you have a force that can potentially take over the world by force if you use them with intelligence since apparently every faction have killed dragons before (then again its a high fantasy world).
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[X] Can't declare war yet
-[X] Tilean Trade: the merchant princes of Tilea are offering a trade deal between them and us. DC 50
-[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 50
-[X] Home of Dragons: The dragons which have arrived need a residence, dragon homes can be constructed on the hills overlooking the duchy and can be used for the construction, either on the hills themselves or underground them. DC 20
-[X] Cattle Pastures: Pastures for cattle, providing meat and leather for consumption and trade. DC 10
-[X] Sabotage the conquest: Some ambitious ruler is trying to unify all of Tilea into a single nation, even if the chance of that happening is slim you will not allow that to happen. DC 50
-[X] Strigoi Legacy: The legacy of the Strigoi runs deep among Ghoul-kind for it was at Mourkain, capital of the Strygos Empire, when they were at the pinnacle of their power. Now, the remnants of that bloodline scavenge amidst the Ghouls, awaiting a return to greatness. It is a racial memory that can be implanted into all Crypt Ghouls if the correct rituals are used. DC 50
-[X] Invoke Animalistic Hunger: When Vargheists emerge from their tomb-like cocoons, they have a great hunger - this cantrip ensures it never slakes. DC 25
-[X] Beastmaster: Vampires deprived of blood inevitably start to change, their human form slipping to reveal the true monster underneath. They become more bestial, feral creatures. These half-breeds can be controlled by a Vampire that is fully in control of his form or even a Necromancer, when the right words of power are spoken. The beasts are drawn to beings with such dominance. DC 30
-[X] Bond With Your Dragons: The dragons which have arrived en masse in your territory DC 0
Cost: 0
-[X] Forge a Suit of Armor: Forge a suit of armor to protect you on the battlefield. DC 20