(Ellipses as original.)
"Most girls are born," explains Penny. "I was made." This apparently makes her not real.
Ruby absolutely refuses to legitimise the latter being a consequence of the former. Go Ruby! "You've got a heart," (poke poke) "and a soul, I can feel it!", which makes sense, given that Penny generates her own Aura, which I recall is the manifestation of the soul.
"I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower," wheezes Ruby snarkily while being affectionately strangled to within an inch of her life. Which is doubly hilarious because she, named after a flower, was just commiserating about overprotective fathers a few minutes ago.
Penny explains that her father had some help building her from "Mr [General] Ironwood", somewhat explaining why the soldiers were interested in her. Ruby remains skeptical that Penny needs their protection, which is fair given what happened last time Penny announced herself as combat ready.
Apparently it will one day be Penny's job to save the world. She certainly has the firepower for it, but save it from what? Oh I see, Ironwood got into her head, I should have known it. The threat to the world, and what Ruby might think of all this, will never be known, for at that moment the pursuing soldiers become audible again. Penny panics, tells Ruby she has to hide, takes it upon herself to hide Ruby, and accomplishes this by stuffing her in a bin, which I'm certain is for Comedy™ but I still don't feel great.
Apparently the hiccups are Penny's hilariously obvious tell of trying to lie. Fortunately the soldiers are only paid enough to take her words at face value. After they all leave, Ruby, who was peering out to ensure Penny's safety, panics at the sounds of some birds to put the cherry on top of the Comedy™. I wonder whether they didn't have the animation budget for bird poop or they just decided not to go there.
Now back to Yang and Neptune. One rides a motorcycle, one never will again if he has any say in it.
Junior, basking in his rebuilt establishment, questions what the door guards, who are meant to be outside, are doing trying to bar the doors from the inside. The door guards fail to shout back over the music before the doors are blown open by an explosion that startles the DJ into changing tracks to Ruby's trailer song club mix. The track then starts skipping as the DJ realises who's just walked in.
An unbelievable number of small arms are pointed at Yang, who is utterly unfazed - and why should she be fazed given how much they all accomplished last time. The DJ, still in the teddy bear suit for whatever reason, eventually pokes his head far enough out to take the record (record? in a nightclub, in a society with smartphones?) off and spare us the skipping.
"Yeah, so could you define 'friend' for me?" asks Neptune, who was told they were visiting a friend and wasn't expecting any of this nonsense when he got up this morning.
Junior makes the excellent strategic decision of calling off the firearms, and gets dragged to the bar by Yang for that drink she ordered and never got (apparently it wasn't just a codeword). Neptune makes the terrible strategic decision of verbally admiring Yang just before trying to flirt with Melanie and Miltia; shockingly, they're not interested at all.
...the drink is called a Strawberry Sunrise, which is the concatenation of Ruby's actual favourite food (so I have been told) and Yang's character metaphor. They were giggling at their foreshadowing when they were making Yang's trailer, weren't they.
Now back to Blake and Sun for a crash course in White Fang reclamation of words and other symbols. I guess it makes sense to wear anonymising masks styled after Grimm, the manifestations of anonymity, if you're past the point of caring about looking like hostis humani generis.
Surprise, they're still working with Roman Torchwick. The crowd are generally unimpressed.
{{Is Torchwick's offhand punny remark the entire source for that "character"'s "name". I am henceforth unable to can.}}
Turns out he's a canny operator who can pretty quickly whip them up into a fervent hatred of authority. Common enemies really are the best way to bring people together.
Torchwick wisely doesn't try to build suspense, he just gestures and the curtain behind him is whipped away, revealing one of those giant human-piloted mechs that Atlas was just virtually showing off to everybody. This real example has already been painted up in White Fang colours and symbols. Suffice to say the contents (live and otherwise) of this warehouse represent a major concentration of military power and Torchwick can't be planning anything good with it.
Now back to Yang and Neptune. The former does not believe in the slightest that Junior doesn't know what happened to his goons Torchwick hired. This feels very familiar. Yang's attitude aggravates me so I'm going to skim this scene. Fortunately that's about it for this scene. For some reason a few rose petals fall from the ceiling.
Now back to Blake and Sun, who have been spotted by Torchwick. Blake opts to neutralise the level playing field provided by electric lighting. Remember, many faunus have excellent night vision! Torchwick, on the other hand, is human.
The darkness masks a great deal of chaos, during which Blake and Sun jump out the window and there is a concerning sequence of powering-up noises. Yep, sometimes I hate being right, the big mech bursts through the wall below the window and sets out in hot pursuit.
Blake calls for backup. Did I mention Weiss's call and Ruby's stint in the bin took place in broad daylight, and everything depicted since then in darkness? Yet when Weiss and Ruby are among those to answer the call, they have just emerged from the CCTS Tower lift and the bin (in darkness), respectively. Time is hard.
Unfortunately Neptune does not have any say in whether he rides a motorcycle again.
Blake and Sun are burning a lot of energy parkouring to keep ahead of Torchwick the mech pilot. They decide to get some more efficiency by parkouring across cars travelling on a freeway instead. Torchwick follows them onto the freeway and starts singlehandedly ruining Vale's car insurance sector.
An alert tone informs Torchwick that Yang and Neptune are trying something, so he starts bombarding them with cars. I don't want to know how many casualties this is going to cause. Fortunately for Yang and Neptune, they are not among the casualties. Eventually Yang finds enough space without needing evasive maneuvers that Neptune can fire some kind of ice barrage at the mech.
I have worked out why the Torchwick camera shots seem uncanny: the cockpit isn't wildly bouncing about with the dramatic motion of the mech. Clearly Atlas is at the forefront of gyrostabilisation. Anyway, Neptune goes to melee mode and jumps onto the mech. This was a questionable idea; which part of "dramatic motion of the mech" did he not realise? Sun pulls out the power of Semblance clone-selves (less ephemeral than Blake's, but still disintegrate if hit hard) to buy enough time to rescue him, but fails to use the distraction effectively, and both of them are hurled off the side of the freeway.
Weiss now enters the battle from an overpass. I wonder exactly how many weeks ago you would first have been able to tell her she'd be standing on a freeway staring down the latest in Atlas military technology (among other oncoming traffic) without being laughed out of the room. Anyway, she makes a giant ice patch on the freeway which will doubtless cause even more traffic accidents; the first one is the mech, which slips over and goes tumbling off the side of the freeway express to Ruby's threat zone. Team WBY swiftly drop in to reinforce. Yang's motorcycle has gone missing.
"Freezerburn!" shouts Ruby, which is a signal for Weiss to make another giant ice patch and Yang to punch it hard enough it sublimates into a wide cloud of mist that is implied to be much more opaque than it actually appears on our screens. Torchwick can't see a darn thing, which buys time for Team RWBY to reposition and Ruby to make a melee attack on the cockpit that accomplishes absolutely nothing.
"Checkmate!" shouts Ruby, which is a signal for Weiss and Blake to attack. Weiss manages to inflict an actuator critical - I think it's an elbow, but it might be a knee, there's not much context on camera - before deploying a glyph that allows Blake to narrowly avoid being stepped on.
Torchwick has had about enough of all of this and fires missiles. Team WB are able to dodge or block them all, but Torchwick exploits an opening with cannons and knocks Weiss away. She manages to cast a glyph under Blake before hitting the ground hard. Meanwhile, the glyph has given Blake superspeed, with which she contemptuously bullet-times the next volley of missiles.
"Ladybug!" shouts Ruby, which is the signal for herself and Blake to attack. They're capable of similar speeds now, allowing them to bamboozle their way around the mech's feet before somehow attacking out of the air above to inflict an Arm Blown Off.
Did you wonder where Yang was? I did. Anyway, she's here now, jumping onto the top of the mech while Torchwick was dealing with the lost arm, and repeatedly rolling on the Special Hit Location Table (Above). Now the cockpit-cam view is being shaken about. Torchwick gets his own back by power-reversing through a pillar and into another one, flattening Yang against it, and then using that moment she's dazed to torso-twist 180 degrees and punch her clean through it. I hope those weren't structural for anything important, like a freeway or something.
Blake is pretty concerned about the damage Yang just took, but Ruby waves her off: Yang's Semblance is getting stronger by tanking hits. Which apparently nobody told Blake, her partner, in an entire semester.
And here come the lyrics! Oh boy, Torchwick has no idea he's in for a beatdown.
Sure enough, Yang effortlessly blocks the mech's next punch. Oh boy, now her eyes are red. She blows the surviving arm to kingdom come.
Torchwick's next stratagem is to kick Yang away, which is more effective at moving her away.
"Bumblebee!" shouts Ruby as Yang flies past. Bees have yellow and black stripes, so this will be the signal for Blake and Yang to attack. I'm right! Blake tosses Yang her weapon and uses the ribbon to swing her around like a human battering ram. Torchwick just backsteps out of the way - the ribbon is fixed-length.
"We have to slow it down!" shouts Ruby, which doesn't sound like a pre-rehearsed signal. When Weiss asks how, Ruby shouts "Iceflower!", which does. Sure enough, Weiss casts glyphs in front of Ruby's gun barrel, so Ruby's shots coat the mech in ice, immobilising it. Yang, brought back around by ribbon, then punches it so hard it flies backwards and shatters.
Torchwick mutters that he just got his suit cleaned. Well then maybe don't wear it to a live mech demonstration! Yang fires at him, and some random I recognise from when they were standing around on Roman's side of the mech display stage drops in and blocks it on her parasol. Clearly Remnant parasols are built different. The question is, is it a gun, or does it glow funny colours? The camera spends enough time dwelling on Torchwick and whom-he-addresses-as Neo that I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of the pair of them.
As they basically just stand there, Yang attacks. The instant she hits Neo, the pair shatter into weird glassy fragments. Cue the tiltjet they've actually boarded under cover of stealth Semblance or something leaving in a hurry.
I may actually be voice-blind, because I had to watch Yang's mouth movements to be sure it wasn't Blake speaking just now.
Oh no, Weiss just made a Yang pun. Everybody out of the universe. Yang claims it wasn't very good, but sadly I know better.
Ruby has just remembered Sun and Neptune. Raise your hand if you also forgot about them. (raises hand)
Sun and Neptune have gone full 'h*ck mech fights, get noodles'. I'm beginning to think this show only has one character model for shopkeepers, because here he is again. (Well, two, but RIP Tukson.)
Today's credits music is, I'm fairly sure, the music from the latter stage of the mech fight (checks yes it is). Today's credits fanart is of Sun, and really isn't that good IMO.
Oh look, Rooster Teeth has a little post-credits outro now.
Next time: Now I get why they hate him.