A large part of the problem, which Miles and Kerry confirmed around this time was that Blakes story was more about being an abuse survivor, with the White Fang being world-building and background for the character, and not realizing they'd gotten a bit more political with her story than they initially planned. Some of the plot elements with Ghira and Sienna having the organization stolen out from under them by extremists was them trying to repair earlier stumbles.

I will freely admit that I've only ever heard them talking about them realizing they were not prepared for what they got into, not the part about it being because they were thinking of Blake's story as being primarily about her as an abuse survivor. It does explain a lot about how the White Fang and Faunus plots have played out though.
V05C11 The More the Merrier

V05C11 The More the Merrier

Fennec Albain becomes the first character (other than Ozpin, who doesn't really count) to appear in the title sequence of a Chapter after the one in which they die. Also they seem to have changed subtitlers, for these ones render the lyrics differently, up to different actual lyrics in at least one case (but still out-of-sync...).

The rarest of moon phases: shattered side facing Remnant. Wait, how is that "full moon"? How exactly do the moon phases as we know them apply here?

Anyway, Qrow, Oscar, and Teams RWY and JNR head into a main building at Haven, Ruby providing invaluable moral support for Oscar. Lionheart is surprised to see 60% more of them (he probably wasn't told about Weiss or Yang), to which Qrow drops the episode title. Qrow asks to skip to business, but Lionheart is hung up on them all coming armed, which makes Qrow (and Yang, judging by the closeup on her) really suspicious. Lionheart attempts to pass it off as having missed his evening coffee.

A raven lurks on the mezzanine, which is what Yang actually saw. When she calls attention to "Mum?", Raven gives up the pretense just in time to dodge Qrow's reflexive shot. See Lionheart, that's why they brought their weapons.

Nora apparently still didn't think that magic was a thing until moments ago. Apparently she's been passed the entire mantle of comic relief character by now.

Raven Ravens all over the conversation, throwing Lionheart under the bus to the extent he wasn't already and refusing to cooperate with Qrow in any way.

Ruby Rubies all over the conversation, appealing to teamwork and the better nature she insists on seeing in Raven. It's probably doomed, but I like her style.

"You sound just like your mother," says Raven in the most cutting dismissal I've heard in a long time, opening a portal to allow a fireball through to knock over and singe Ruby. As Yang checks on her, the portal disgorges Cinder, then her entourage and Vernal. Mercury goads them. Qrow urges calm. Then, to Ozpin's horror, Hazel wanders in the doors behind them and reports that the White Fang are securing the school grounds.

Cut to outside, where a phenomenal number of demolition charges are set on one of the main spires as Adam "Cancer" Taurus orders the minions to then proceed to perimeter watch. That is surely way more demolition charges than are actually needed; either they're going for massive redundancy in the plan, or Edgy McEdgelord I thinks maximum explosives will maximise his edginess.

Qrow demands to know how long Edgy McEdgelord II's been working against them. Cinder steals the question to call Raven "a recent addition", then throws Lionheart under the next bus for good measure. Now it all makes sense to Qrow: Lionheart, after sending Team CEM to the Vytal Festival Tournament, sent pretty much every Hunter in Mistral into traps just like this one while Team RNJR were crossing Anima.

Did I mention Cinder's back to getting on my nerves? And I'm not the only one - see Jaune, who has remembered he can speak and that he's his own flavour of emotionally compromised, and now won't be stopped as he barrels towards his own completely understandable emotional breakdown. Even Nora is concerned.

As Jaune screams at Cinder while spiralling into Ilia-style despair!anger, Ruby and Yang ignore Qrow's pleading for calm and draw their weapons; then Weiss, Nora, and Ren follow suit. Cinder, being Cinder, has the perfect line to provoke Jaune: "Who are you again?" It's probably also a truthful line, seeing as I'm not sure the two of them ever met other than briefly in Beacon's basement, but that doesn't make it any less perfect to start the somewhat inevitable fight.

Jaune charges straight for Cinder, who casually blocks him. Ruby, moving to assist, is casually intercepted and entangled by Emerald. Yang is similarly waylaid by Mercury, who continues to be insufferable.

Raven tells somebody - I think Vernal - to "take out the Aeris" - a fascinating mis-subtitling of "heiress" - without "wasting" any Maiden power on someone who's "not worth it". Qrow then comes for Raven, and they have an argument about what family means as their duel ramps up. Vernal now engages Weiss.

Hazel doesn't want to fight Nora or Ren, and neither does Ren want to fight him - but as Nora so excellently puts it, "we will if you're with Her". Hazel is with Her, so they fight.

This leaves Oscar and Lionheart. The latter is only a coward on the strategic scale; he warns Oscar to leave, then when Oscar keeps advancing, fires his overly-elaborate weapon. Oscar blocks it on Aura, then draws his own weapon, which Lionheart knows all too well.

"Not quite."
And so they fight. Lionheart acquits himself surprisingly well in melee for a guy whose only melee option is a miniature shield, but the gap between 'surprisingly well' and 'well enough' is wide.

Lionheart despairs at how quickly Ozpin reincarnated and came to check on him. Then he realises Oscar is not a fully-powered Ozpin, and can be relatively safely delivered to Salem for massive brownie points. Or something. Lionheart hasn't realised that his life is now one big negotiation with the world's biggest terrorist. He should ask Jaune how that goes.

Oscar, you were doing just fine attacking him before, start doing it again before he shoots you again!

Meanwhile, Weiss and Jaune are being outclassed in their respective duels, and Ruby's not faring much better.

Vernal traps Weiss and severely damages her Aura, giving Cinder (who is professing to remember who Jaune is) more verbal ammunition: "Are you gonna let her die too?" Jaune decides that yes, he is. Not healthy.

Seeing Cinder flying at Jaune with something nigh-unblockable, Ruby panics and starts with the silver eyes again. Emerald swiftly interrupts her by knocking her out cold, but damage is done: Cinder is left on her knees in pain, losing the concentration required to maintain her weapon (entirely a projection of her Semblance and/or the Fall Maidenship), and is barely able to dodge Jaune trying to stab her in the face - he takes a chip out of the mysterious mask covering the injured side, at which point we also see that her eye socket on that side is just empty. It's pretty unsettling.

Jaune, having overextended, falls over. Cinder marches over, plants a booted foot on his stomach, and angrily demands to know whether he thought he actually had a hope in hell. Then she realises:
"You're just a failure with a death wish."

(breathing constricted) "If I die buying them time, then it's worth it. They're the ones that matter."
Jaune, you need help. This has been one of the major themes of the show for its entire run and it still applies.

Nora, Ren, and Yang appear to be mostly holding ground in their respective fights. Weiss isn't. "You think so?" Cinder asks, and denies Jaune his heroic death, instead summoning a javelin and throwing it at Weiss.


All combat stops as everyone soaks in the sight of Weiss with a burning javelin through her side. Then Cinder unsummons the javelin. That's not good - first rule of stab wound care is leave the stabbing implement in the wound to significantly delay exsanguination. On the other hand, maybe it's at least partially cauterised...? Cut to black just as Weiss begins to slump over.

Next time: Sudden but inevitable betrayal.
Hazel doesn't want to fight Nora or Ren, and neither does Ren want to fight him - but as Nora so excellently puts it, "we will if you're with Her". Hazel is with Her, so they fight.

Hazel feels REALLY BAD about murdering children. But he'll still do it. Because he is the most disgusting of all of Salems minions. Yes, even Cinder.

"It's all Ozpins fault I'm participating in a terrorist attack! How dare he train people to defend society from the man-eating monsters and their dark queen! He's so evil! And I'll prove it by crushing this girls skull like a grape!"
Meanwhile, Weiss and Jaune are being outclassed in their respective duels, and Ruby's not faring much better.

Which brings up two of the other choices I alluded to before that I have with this volume's fights.

1) Weiss has so many tricks in her bag. Like literally the most out of everyone in this entire series. Why in the name of everything holy does she keep going for the summons when she keeps getting punished for trying? It ends up coming across like she's forgotten that she had an entirely different fighting style that summons are just a new addition to.

2) I wanted to post a picture of Jaune with his giant sword but my phone is fighting me on it.

That being said, Jaune has a giant, heavy sword he needs two hands to properly use and which has no real tip to it, just a pair of tiny prongs framing the blunted top of the main blade.

So why did he go for a stab here? Hell I don't think ever ever seen him go for a stab with his weapon in this form, which makes sense because this is not a weapon meant to stab. If he'd just swung the damn thing, even with a miss, it would have made so much more sense.
1) Weiss has so many tricks in her bag. Like literally the most out of everyone in this entire series. Why in the name of everything holy does she keep going for the summons when she keeps getting punished for trying? It ends up coming across like she's forgotten that she had an entirely different fighting style that summons are just a new addition to.

This one I took as a side effect of six-ish months stuck in the manor and unable to train, combined with the fact she recently unlocked her full family semblance, along with being disowned. She's making poor choices because surely her family semblance can handle it, right?
Which brings up two of the other choices I alluded to before that I have with this volume's fights.

1) Weiss has so many tricks in her bag. Like literally the most out of everyone in this entire series. Why in the name of everything holy does she keep going for the summons when she keeps getting punished for trying? It ends up coming across like she's forgotten that she had an entirely different fighting style that summons are just a new addition to.

2) I wanted to post a picture of Jaune with his giant sword but my phone is fighting me on it.

That being said, Jaune has a giant, heavy sword he needs two hands to properly use and which has no real tip to it, just a pair of tiny prongs framing the blunted top of the main blade.

So why did he go for a stab here? Hell I don't think ever ever seen him go for a stab with his weapon in this form, which makes sense because this is not a weapon meant to stab. If he'd just swung the damn thing, even with a miss, it would have made so much more sense.
The simple explanations would be that Weiss has new-toy syndrome and Jaune is very emotionally compromised.
V05C12 Vault of the Spring Maiden

V05C12 Vault of the Spring Maiden

All combat remains stopped as everybody tries to get used to the idea that Weiss has just been impaled (or, in Cinder's case, lets Jaune marinate in his own despair before she kills him). The exception is Oscar, who now notices Ruby out cold where Emerald left her, and knocks out Lionheart with one good hit before rushing to Ruby's aid (along with Nora, who lets Ren keep Hazel from restarting anything).

Correction, Lionheart isn't quite knocked out and Ren's just as stopped as most of the others, so Hazel neck-lifts Lionheart to inform him that "you're letting that boy make a fool of you"; Lionheart protests that "that boy" is in fact Ozpin already reincarnated, to which Hazel drops him and goes to settle his own score.

«Oh no,» says Ozpin in Oscar's head as Hazel makes his displeasure very loudly known. (Fortunately Ruby is returning to consciousness by now.)

Ow. Thanks for the foreshadowing, first World of Remnant video!
"Do we fight?!"

«No, run!»
Oscar doesn't run; it is left to Qrow to tackle him out of the way in the nick of time before Dustjacked Hazel punches him into paste on the floor.

Meanwhile, Maiden Gang are recalibrating the plan with the new knowledge that Ozpin is present. Cinder opts to go to the Relic vault now, ordering Lionheart to open the passage there.

Yang is the only one not currently engaged in a fight or giving medical assistance; Nora looks up from Ruby long enough to tell her to pursue. Emerald and Mercury put a stop to that idea, with Emerald making Yang hallucinate a circle of Mercuries all around her. Just what Yang needs.

"Ren, talk to me," says Jaune, frantically keeping pressure on Weiss' wound. Ren talks to him: "This is bad." That is not what Jaune wanted to hear at all.

Cinder orders Lionheart to ensure that Ruby remains alive when she gets back, before she, Vernal, and after a moment's deliberation Raven depart for the vault.

Oscar is still not running, and Hazel is a rather stronger combatant. Ozpin insists it would be a good idea if he took control; Oscar, despite his lack of skill, is reluctant to not fight his own battles, and confused as to why Ozpin is insisting this is his battle. Qrow has to save them again.

After some more goading from Hazel, Ozpin finally fills in the gap: Hazel's sister died on a training mission while enrolled at Beacon, and Hazel has never forgiven Ozpin for it. Because that's a totally acceptable reason to try to burn down the world, right? /s {{So really he's the perfect proxy for Salem!}}

Hazel throws Qrow aside like a used toy. Oscar, now informed, tries to talk Hazel down, but that was never going to work. With battle unavoidable, Ozpin takes the nuclear option, forcibly taking control of Oscar's body - ethically questionable, but they can argue all they like when Oscar's still alive after this. Or when they've both reincarnated again after this, whichever happens. Oscar, you really should have actually knocked out Lionheart.

Weiss is on the edge of death, and Jaune and Ren have no options. Jaune is now in such despair that it's probably only the White Fang keeping hordes of Grimm away, trapped in a flashback to a rocket locker that crashed in Vale with him in it.
"No, it wasn't supposed to be like this! Please! We can't lose anyone else..."
And then, they don't.

Cinder continues to Cinder as Maiden Gang descend on an overly rockpunk lift. I'd ask her to stop, but she wouldn't and I like not being flash-roasted.

The lift arrives at a highly ostentatious underground chamber. Cinder comments that it's "grander than Beacon's". She's one of very few living people who'd know. Raven encourages time-efficiency, so they all head for the structure in the middle which must be the actual Relic vault, Raven putting her mask back on on the way.

Ozpin!Oscar and Hazel remain locked in combat. Lionheart tries for a cheap shot at Ozpin, but Qrow intervenes to stop him.

Holy cow, Oscar is literally half Hazel's size. Hazel is used to solving his problems by hitting them and unused to having such a small target to hit. Combined with Ozpin's combat skill, even constrained by Oscar's half-trained body, it seems that Hazel is at a small but growing disadvantage.

Meanwhile, Weiss is inexplicably not dead yet, as Ruby takes notice. (Remember, Ruby's been out cold since before the Impaling.) It appears that Jaune is giving her an Aura transfusion. Nobody has noticed: Jaune is still stuck in flashbacks, but Ren just rolled a 1 on his perception check for why Weiss is stabilising.

Emerald and Mercury are still playing with their food. The food is Yang, to be clear, who fails to punch an illusory Mercury and is now confronted with an illusory Raven to distract her from the real Mercury. Ozpin is also in more trouble than it appeared.

Team RNJR convenes: Ruby orders Jaune to keep doing what he's doing (after breaking the physical contact that was facilitating it - exceptionally short-sighted - fortunately he has the presence of mind to re-establish it without delay), has Nora stay put to cover them, and dispatches Ren to aid Ozpin and herself to aid Yang. Yang is pretty grateful for the assist. Remember, Emerald has a much harder time illusioning two people than one.
"Thanks, sis. You okay?"

"No. I'm angry."
Ruby changed. Those responsible need to go die in a hole.

The Relic vault is inexplicably extremely ostentatious for a place nobody should be under remotely normal circumstances. Cinder continues to Cinder.

The vault door will open when the Spring Maiden touches it. Cinder will then enter and retrieve the Relic. Raven lies through her teeth that she's okay with that.

As Vernal walks towards the vault door, Raven subtly goes to draw her weapon, but Cinder starts a conversation to make it clear she's paying attention and that won't be tolerated. Then Cinder springs her own trap, applying ice Dust to freeze Raven in place while stabbing Vernal with her entirely-Grimm left arm (bad transhumanism! bad transhumanism!) to prepare to siphon the Spring Maidenship for herself. Cinder really only has one trick.

Cinder continues to monologue as Vernal screams in agony and Raven works the ice coating her. Then it goes wrong (for Cinder, that is, which is pretty delicious for the rest of us): there's nothing to siphon.
Not being in a thunderstorm myself, I'm in a position to notice that previously depicted users of Maiden powers had glowy eyes, of which Vernal gives no sign.
I knew it!

Raven's mask? Is (...was) to hide Raven's eyes going glowy.

Take a moment off the schadenfreude to think about the implications for the fate of the previous Spring Maiden.

Next time: Yep, that's downfall.
As I said, the most contemptible of Salem's minions. Tyrian is a crazy cultist, Watts is just a selfish asshole, Cinder is <REDACTED> but even at this point, it's clear Salem has done a hell of a job on her mind.

Hazel is actively shitting over his sisters life choices, doing it in her name, and blaming his own actions and decisions on Oz. Fucking hypocritical coward.

Also, Ravens crack about Cinders name, despite doing the same with vernal, is now made wonderfully clear.
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Oh yeah the Raven reveal was really well done. Glad you noticed Vermal kept her eyes closed but another subtle hint is back during the almost skirmish at the bandit camp a lightning bolt interrupts. It cuts to Vernal with her hand outstretched but in the background Raven is lowering her hand too.
After some more goading from Hazel, Ozpin finally fills in the gap: Hazel's sister died on a training mission while enrolled at Beacon, and Hazel has never forgiven Ozpin for it. Because that's a totally acceptable reason to try to burn down the world, right? /s {{So really he's the perfect proxy for Salem!}

As I said, the most contemptible of Salem's minions. Tyrian is a crazy cultist, Watts is just a selfish asshole, Cinder is <REDACTED> but even at this point, it's clear Salem has done a hell of a job on her mind.

Hazel is actively shitting over his sisters life choices, doing it in her name, and blaming his own actions and decisions on Oz. Fucking hypocritical coward.

Also, Ravens crack about Cinders name, despite doing the same with vernal, is now made wonderfully clear.

Yea honestly this. Everyone else you can judge for being part of a death cult out to bring pain and devastation to the world, but at the least they all seem like they know what they're here for. They can be harshly criticized and judged for wanting to cause that pain but they are all on board for the pain.

Hazel meanwhile has an issue with one specific man, who is debatably responsible for the even hazel hates him for, and as such he decided to make even more, completely unrelated people, die or experience the same hurt that he does.
Kali charges to aid the guard, but makes the absolute rookie mistake of accompanying her charge with a war cry.
Cue Kali dragging in an unconscious Yuma. The gang's all here!
Kali doesn't need a custom weapon. She'll just use whatever she can find to BEAT YOUR HEAD IN.
I feel obligated to quote the top comment on the Crunchyroll upload of this episode:
Zeige0017 said:
Do not underestimate Moms. They get Greater Improvised Weapon Proficiency as a class feature.

The reason was therapy by combat: held down by her old bestie asking her what her parents would have wanted, Ilia is finally pushed past anger into breakdown.
Music Fun☆Facts Corner:
Leitmotif of Blake's part in Red Like Roses (Pt. 1) plays as Blake ribbon-grabs Ilia's weapon and pounces.
Black the beast
descends from shadows
literally descends, as she jumps off the balcony onto Ilia
(Then as Blake pleads with Ilia, the motif loosely repeats but altered to wind down into a brief lull before Ghira bursts in.)

Then Cinder springs her own trap, applying ice Dust to freeze Raven in place
Actually, I'm pretty sure that was Maiden powers. Cinder's hand is empty.
Remember that while each host to the powers may have personal preferences (Cinder really likes fire, for example), the seasons themselves don't have any specializations. Amber was a Fall Maiden and she used lightning, wind, and ice (freezing leaves into razors) in addition to fiery blasts.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that was Maiden powers. Cinder's hand is empty.
Remember that while each host to the powers may have personal preferences (Cinder really likes fire, for example), the seasons themselves don't have any specializations. Amber was a Fall Maiden and she used lightning, wind, and ice (freezing leaves into razors) in addition to fiery blasts.
Plausible, but would require me to actually believe that Cinder would willingly use anything other than fire.
V05C13 Downfall

V05C13 Downfall

Yet another subtitling of the title song that disagrees on the exact lyrics, and this time also chops up the last two stanzas really weirdly. You'd think they could have just done this once and then copied and pasted it thirteen times.

Ruby and Yang abruptly swap targets, heading for Mercury and Emerald respectively. Mercury swiftly disarms Ruby and taunts her about it. I'm expecting comeuppance. Yep, headbutt to the nose; Ruby remains angry.

Nora continues to cover the Aura transfusion; at her worried question, Jaune reports that Weiss is waking. Jaune complains it's going slowly, to which Nora drops the metaphorical bombshell that this is his Semblance (a word that the subtitles cannot spell correctly). He gets his head around that, then disagrees that it's healing; it merely seems to be accelerating Weiss' own Aura healing her. Nora worries that Jaune will deplete his own Aura in the process, but Jaune has apparently fallen all the way into a better headspace, for he reminds her of Pyrrha's own words (by name, even) that he "has a lot of it".

Ren is not actually faring very well against Hazel, and gets thrown onto a wall and then zapped. Nora is ...worried isn't a sharp enough word. Alarmed, that's a better one. Nora is alarmed; with Weiss awake, Jaune tells Nora to go. I wonder what Hazel could possibly blunder into here.

Weiss has undergone accelerated healing to the point that she's only mildly annoyed at being told to stay out of the fighting for now (as opposed to in terrible pain).

Hazel is wiping the floor with Qrow, Ren, and Ozpin!Oscar basically all at once. Nora arrives, and is disarmed and laid out on the floor in very short order, at which point Hazel makes exactly the blunder I thought he would: pressing his attack with electricity. It initially seems like it's working, but Nora's just lulling him into a false sense of security before she turns the tables. She's beaten a Nuckelavee that literally starred in her nightmares for most of a decade; you'll have to do better than that.

At this point Ozpin dispenses the advice that everybody could have used a lot earlier: Hazel's Semblance is ignoring pain. It's not the Dust thing (ow), it's just what enables him to make such liberal use of the Dust thing. Fortunately, Nora does not rely on inflicting pain. She just hammers him so hard he goes out through the wall beside the front door (which he wasn't exactly close to at the time) and eventually tumbles to a stop in the courtyard after about twice as far again - right in front of Adam and his latest bodyguard. Adam is understandably flummoxed as to what led to that happening. Hazel brushes him off and gets out some fire Dust to supplement his current loadout of exclusively lightning Dust. Okay, so the Nora trick's definitely not gonna work again.

I'm not sure what happened to Emerald and Mercury, but there's a lull in the fighting while everybody looks out at Hazel recharging, and our protagonists are all looking tired. They're going to need a new trick or two.

Adam exhorts the White Fang to "stay focused, our friends are almost done here". Right on cue, Blake. Hazel of course has no idea who she is.

Blake demands the White Fang stand down. They mostly point guns at her instead. Adam tells them to wait while he monologues. Blake turns it into a dialogue, with the sadly usual subtitling failures ("faunus" → "furnace"). Adam refuses to be dialogued, telling Blake she can't hope to stop them. "Not by myself," says Blake. Right on cue, Sun, and the Kuo Kuana militia behind him. And there's Ghira leading another contingent.

One of the White Fang minions recognises the first guy who signed up for the militia. This starts a ripple of minions wondering if, perhaps, they're the baddies. Adam starts a speech to shore them up, but is interrupted by the arrival of Mistralian airships containing a bunch of Mistral police who insist they surrender (and also Kali).

Inside, Emerald (fighting Ruby) is just as dismayed at the arrival of the forces of law and order. Everyone order-aligned (if not always law-aligned) is pretty happy about it, even if they're Jaune and not entirely sure what it even is. Is this our Volume denouement already? That can't be right, there's still a Chapter to go after this one.

Adam starts on the path to villainous breakdown, which Blake indulges to the minimum extent necessary. So Adam decides he's taking them all with him and sets off the demolition charges. Or he tries to. It doesn't work. Performance anxiety joke goes here. The minion next to him visibly loses faith in his leadership, and he (Adam) can't cope at all with that, or being told that the charges were disarmed. Cut to Ilia with a fistful of inert detonators.

Adam turns to Hazel for help, which completely shreds any credibility he had left. Hazel doesn't help, citing that it's Adam's problem and Adam had best solve it. Adam solves the problem the only way he knows how: killing everyone who disagrees, starting with Blake. He's completely forgotten Blake's Semblance and gets clowned on instead, sending his credibility negative. His only option left is to roar at his minions to "KILL THEM!", and astonishingly some of them are still on board with that, but they target the airships first, which resist small-arms fire long enough for Sun, Ilia, and the Menagerie militia to corral the small-arms.

Watching the entire plan go down the drain, Hazel decides he'd better help after all. He doesn't get to before he's gored by a spectral Queen Lancer (not full size, otherwise he'd be mincemeat) and yanked back inside to face the displeasure of Weiss Schnee turned up to eleven. He's then lucky enough not to actually face that displeasure yet because Team RWY all notice Blake walking in behind him.

So did everyone else, and so Ruby orders Yang to jump down the lift to the Relic vault and Yang, bless her, doesn't even pause to think about Blake just yet. Emerald, after recovering from her distraction, is too far away to stop her. Mercury manages to grab her arm, but it's the mech-arm so instead of fighting him again (character development!) she just leaves it behind in his grip. Boot's on the other foot now, scumbag!

Ruby bids Blake to return to the courtyard as Weiss returns to being displeased at Team, uh, {{I believe they're called Team MEH.}}

Subtitling failure strikes again, mangling Vernal's name (I know she's a pain in the kidney, but really?) as Cinder speaks it at the start of goading Raven into Maiden-on-Maiden combat. Cinder, who hasn't been in a serious fight since her maiming at Beacon Tower (one more time: Go Ruby!), soon learns the folly of trying to use the manifestation of her soul to protect her arm made of soulless monster.
"You turned yourself into a monster just for power."

"Look who's talking."
For a quick game, guess which of them said which of those lines. Answer: first by Raven, second by Cinder.

The resulting fight cannot be explained, only experienced.

After a while they make such a shockwave that everyone on the surface feels it (Haven's going to need a post-earthquake inspection), bringing down a rockfall that divides them briefly. Raven, who was holding her own before that, is off her guard when Cinder extends her Grimm arm through the last of the rockfall, pins her (Raven) to the wall near the entrance, and starts siphoning the Spring Maidenship. Yang, get a move on.

Yang doesn't need to get a move on just yet; an aftershock rockfall falls on Cinder, right as Raven freezes her feet in place to stop her from evading it. Raven is not stupid enough to think Cinder's done. Now they're fighting amongst the rest of the still-falling rockfall.

And here come the lyrics!

I'm honestly not sure which of these losers the lyrics are about. Maybe both of them.

Both Maidens are now back on ground level with little, if any, Aura. Raven seems to be a little better off, able to string coherent sentences together that aren't just "Shut up!". She castigates Cinder to watch her back.

Vernal's not dead! She shoots Cinder. This doesn't accomplish much really, but it does allow Raven an opening to zap Cinder's half-mask off, hurl her off the platform, and freeze her for the drop. Did I mention that "ground level" is a platform above a really long drop? Because it is.

{{Cinder Fell.}}

I'd like to think Cinder's dead, but I thought that on Beacon Tower, and she sure survived that. Vernal, on the other hand, is definitely dead now. She died shooting Cinder, which balances out at least a few sins regardless of her motivations for doing it. Look at that, Raven, teamwork is important after all.

Raven, now alone, opens the Relic vault. It remains ostentatious as all h*ck. She's about to walk in when Yang arrives on the platform.

Nearly as many voice actors credited as three Chapters ago. Not even including Vernal, who didn't have a voice line; I think she's the first character to die without having a voice actor credit in that Chapter (checks yep, Fennec Albain had one).

Next time: Who needs fight scenes?
which Blake indulges to the minimum extent necessary

"I don't have time for you," cracks me up every time.

The minion next to him visibly loses faith in his leadership

Also the fact the stupid bastard tried to blow them up.


Mercury manages to grab her arm, but it's the mech-arm so instead of fighting him again (character development!) she just leaves it behind in his grip.

I get what they were going for there, but honestly, that always felt kind of weak to me. Yang has never been the sort to ignore the big picture in favor of a grudge, so she was always at most going to break his grip and keep going... no matter how satisfying it would be for EVERYONE to get the visual reminder there's a difference between arena fights and honest to-the-death battles, and Yang pulling no punches in ripping off Mercury's legs and feeding them to him. Beating kids half to death and taking their limbs isn't actually training Marcus!
For a quick game, guess which of them said which of those lines. Answer: first by Raven, second by Cinder.
Not a hard guess, Cinder upon seeing someone who had turned themselves into a monster for power would by default assume that was a good decision they were happy about and maybe ask for tips, unless they were stupid enough to let her know they were a hypocrite.

No surprise the outcome of that fight. If anything, Cinder did fairly well considering she was outnumbered, her opponent was older and more experienced, and Raven had probably had the maiden powers longer (probably, I'm not actually sure when Spring died, it might have actually been post Fall of Beacon, but I'm guessing it was before since she had time to think up and execute the whole Vernal plan).
Hazel doesn't help, citing that it's Adam's problem and Adam had best solve it.
This is also a callback to when Adam killed Sienna without telling Hazel.
V5C2 Dread in the Air said:
Hazel: When were you planning on telling me about that?
Adam: This was my business, not yours.
V5C13 Downfall said:
Adam: What do we do?!
Hazel: This... is your business. Not mine. Fix it.

(probably, I'm not actually sure when Spring died, it might have actually been post Fall of Beacon, but I'm guessing it was before since she had time to think up and execute the whole Vernal plan).
Remember that the Maiden power transfer require the candidate to be fairly young ("Unless it's a dude or some old hag", to quote Qrow in V3C6.)
Word of God (Miles Luna in a Reddit AMA. Spoilers too for subreddit theming, obviously) is that while CRWBY "don't like having super hard-fast rules for certain things", the unofficial rough cutoff point is around ~30 years.
Given her daughter's age, and assuming she didn't get pregnant until after graduating from Beacon, Raven is at minimum almost 40, and thus has been the Spring Maiden for at least a decade.
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V05C14 Haven's Fate

V05C14 Haven's Fate

Vernal becomes the second character to appear in the title sequence of a Chapter after the one in which they die. Fennec, the first, is still there shortly afterward. The subtitle desync is worse than it's ever been.

The Mistral police and Menagerie militia continue to round up pockets of White Fang in the courtyard. One pocket of three minions sees two of them surrender when the militia surround them; the third goes to shoot their way out, but is prevented from doing so by Ilia, who is perhaps going a bit harder on the police brutality than absolutely necessary (but with the mitigating factor that they did just actually try to shoot someone, and haven't exactly been filled with bullets in return, just knocked over and sat on).

Adam hasn't updated his psychological warfare database in a while and it's bouncing off Blake's firewall (yes, this is also a ship pun) and Sun's usual sunny demeanour. He's got no minions left, any allies he claims to have aren't here, and they see right through his cunning plan to run and lure them into a fight on his terms. "Now he can see what it feels like to run away." Go Blake! With the White Fang thoroughly under control, Sun tells her to go help with Hazel.

Speaking of Hazel, he has incredible Aura regen, either from being Dustjacked or just from seasonal power creep, and he and Lionheart have just shot down Weiss' summoned Queen Lancer. To this scene arrives Blake with a war cry and a Goomba-stomp to Hazel, to Weiss' mild surprise.

Weiss asks Ruby what the plan is. Ruby shoots Lionheart, who notes his low Aura and flees; Mercury can't believe it (not sure why...). Hazel roars again; Ruby orders tactic Checkmate. I guess Hazel's so huge he almost qualifies as a mech...

Down out front of the Relic vault, Raven is displeased with Yang turning up in her business again and accuses her of blindly following Ozpin and Qrow. Nah, says Yang, she's asking questions, e.g. given the Maiden succession rules, what happened to the Spring Maiden before you? Yes, Yang really asked that. Raven deflects, which is answer enough.

Raven spins a probably-tall tale about how the previous Spring Maiden was "weak" and "wasn't cut out for this world", and murdering her was a mercy because someone would have done it eventually. "Are you merciful," asks Yang, "or are you a survivor?" And as a followup, exactly what was Raven's motivation for letting Yang walk into the trap at Haven?

Raven is on the verbal defensive, and not handling it well. She literally starts with "You don't know me". Of course not, says Yang, you left. Yang only knew the Raven she heard about recently from Tai, who was a much better Raven. "Did you kill her, too?" The armour-piercing stat on that question is off the charts. Raven protests way too much that she keeps surviving because she's strong. Yang is completely unconvinced by Raven confusing power with strength, given how often Raven employs human shields (coughs in Vernal) and the Sir Robin strategy. Raven, increasingly headed for meltdown, accuses Yang of being scared.
"Yeah, I'm scared. But I'm still standing here. I'm not like you - I won't run. Which is why you're going to give me the Relic."

"And why would I-"

"Because you're afraid of Salem! And if you thought having Maiden powers put a target on your back, imagine what she'll do when she finds out you have a Relic. She'll come after you with everything she has. Or she could come after me. And I'll be standing there, waiting for her."

(much quieter) "You don't want to do this, Yang."

"Nope. But I'm gonna do it anyway."
And shoves Raven on the way by.

Yang has just cowed a demigod (who was fresh off maybe-killing another one) into giving her a priceless object of power, while down an arm. Fight scenes go home, I don't care how much of a coward the demigod actually was, that's the most badass thing I've seen all show.

As Weiss pushed Yang past anger, so Yang has just pushed Raven. Raven leaves by birdform. Yang walks past Vernal's corpse into the vault.

The vault is a weird and magical place. Aside from being an inexplicable desert-like biome containing a lamp (what are the chances there's a genie in it?), there's a definite heartbeat in the background noise as Yang approaches said lamp. She picks it up, then gives herself some time for her own emotional breakdown (that's quite a few this Volume) - Raven's never coming back.

Lionheart flees back into his office and rummages around his desk for something. Not sure what he was looking for, but he doesn't find it before noticing the balloon-Grimm I've been informed it's actually a crystal-ball-Grimm, which makes more sense. Anyway, it's followed him in the door. "And where might you be going?" asks the terrorist-in-chief on the other end. He tries, as poorly as usual, to brush it off as "just looking for something". Wait, was he packing a bug-out bag? Did he not have one packed already? Really?

Salem is not fooled in the slightest. Lionheart's Plan B is to blame literally everyone but himself (Salem shows how much she buys that by remaining silent) and reckon he can leave now, slip the net and join Salem's court in person (Salem's continued silence indicates how useful she thinks he'll be without his political power). Plan C is to shoot the crystal ball; it saw that coming and disarms him (not like Yang, it just tears the bracer off him). Plan D is to run for it, which goes exactly as well as Plan C. Plan E is to throw himself on Salem's mercy, which proves utterly nonexistent.

So ends Leonardo Lionheart. He died as he lived: a coward. Even Salem thinks so.

Meanwhile in the main combat zone, there is yet another lull in the combat, Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel have had the worst of it. Mercury is somehow more frustrated than Hazel; Emerald remains defiant in her belief that Cinder will come up the lift with the Relic and save Team MEH. "She won't let us down." Yeah, about that.

Right on cue, Yang emerges from the lift alone - except for the Relic. It is now Emerald's turn to have an emotional breakdown. Mercury tries in vain to get her functional enough to get out the door.

As Emerald screams, Salem summons herself into the room in full horror-movie antagonist mode, which, look, I'm not even on Remnant and that was scary, imagine being in the room.

Then it's gone - but so are Team MEH. Turns out that was Emerald overclocking her Semblance to cover their escape. I count nine people she had to hit with it, so I hope she got a splitting headache. Oh yeah, that was the first time any of them other than Ozpin!Oscar had actually seen Salem. Imagine it again but you've never seen Salem before. Good thing it's only late afternoon as I type this. I'd like to thank the title sequence for foreshadowing Salem The Height Of The Room, and thank it even more for not foreshadowing the full horror movie experience of it.

(Emerald is out like a light. Hazel has her in a fireman's carry as Team MEH flee. Adam, lurking in a tree, sees them and leaves the tree to parts unknown.)

Blake has just enough time to breathe a sigh of relief before the travelling Belladonna family reunion coalesces around her. Reports indicate that only Adam was able to escape - the rest of the Adamite White Fang are in police custody. With the exception of Ilia, who no longer counts, and who reckons Adam's bankrupt on credibility after abandoning literally everyone. The White Fang now has a leadership vacuum, and Ghira essentially signs its death warrant by voicing support for a replacement organisation. Ghira then realises he's volunteered himself to create and lead it. Oops?

Sun, who was also there, then sends Blake to the other family reunion, by which I mean Team RWBY. But first, Yang hands off the Relic to Qrow, telling him that by the time she arrived Cinder was gone (truth), Vernal was dead (truth), and Raven was gone (lie).

It's only taken twenty-six Chapters, but finally Team RWBY are together again. And here come the lyrics. I'm going to cry again. ...Yep.

Ozpin can't come to the phone right now because he's exhausted. So is Oscar, but he manages to strain out a message from Ozpin: they have to get the Lamp to Atlas. Looks like we're going to a third Kingdom! Qrow gives the thing a Look as the heartbeat SFX returns.

Roll credits. There's a lot of time left, which was partially explained pre-Chapter: there will be trailers for other RT content afterwards, like some kind of cheap paperback.

It finally clicks at the end of the first chorus: this is a song about, and at, Menagerie. The bridge confirms it. Overall, a hopeful song, rather like last time.

Post-credits: Tai is gardening. He startles at a bird noise. A single feather descends through the air, incredibly like Raven's departure from the Relic vault. Tai isn't that impressed.

Post-post-credits: A trailer for gen:LOCK. (shrugs)

Next time: Call the oncologist!
Mercury can't believe it (not sure why...).

Because Mercury doesn't know what to do when people don't break.

Raven is displeased with Yang turning up in her business again and accuses her of blindly following Ozpin and Qrow.

Because people choosing to fight in defense of others is an alien concept to this bitch. The one who ambushed yangs team to supposedly kill Qrow. RAVEN is the one that dragged RWY, JNR and QO (OQO?) into this fight.

murdering her was a mercy because someone would have done it eventually

Which as we all know, totally justifies her doing it! Idiot.

Raven, increasingly headed for meltdown, accuses Yang of being scared.

In the words of the Doctor, bravery isn't about not being afraid. It's about being afraid and doing what needs to be done anyway.

She picks it up, then gives herself some time for her own emotional breakdown (that's quite a few this Volume) - Raven's never coming back.

Let's face it, confirmation that your birth mother will choose to save herself over you, to the point of putting the target on your back, is not an easy burden.

So ends Leonardo Lionheart. He died as he lived: a coward. Even Salem thinks so.

This is an interesting aspect of Salems character. While she largely cares little for humanity, she does seem to have some respect for people that at least stand up for themselves, within reason. We'll see it later in some scenes.

As for Lionheart... I think having him revealed as the traitor in Ozs team before we even met him hurt the character somewhat. We never saw who he could have been, or the struggles he faced. One thing that's come up, both in behind the scenes details, along with parts from the Grimm Campaign RPG, was just how little respect Leo had in Mistral, and how isolated he was. He had no real allies in the area, everyone else in on the secrets was off on another continent, and as a faunus, he was isolated politically and culturally in Mistral. In many ways, he was set up for failure from the start. It doesn't excuse his actions, but it does explain some of them.

Mercury is somehow more frustrated than Hazel;

As I said, Merc doesn't know what to do if his targets don't go down. And Hazel's got teenagers to try and murder and blame on Oz, he's happy.

Then it's gone - but so are Team MEH. Turns out that was Emerald overclocking her Semblance to cover their escape.

It wasn't deliberate. Between her utter terror of Salem and her crush/worship of Cinder just taking a blow, yeah, girl had a FULL breakdown.

Imagine it again but you've never seen Salem before.

Try it from BLAKES point of view. She thought she was here to stop a terrorist attack by an extremist cult that had overtaken the rights group she used to be part of. She'd never even HEARD of Salem!

Ghira then realises he's volunteered himself to create and lead it. Oops?

It's worse than that. Remember, he used to lead the fang, but stood down because he didn't agree with the path they were going. A path that lead to attacks on two of the most critical locations for the survival of life on Remnant. Everyone was already looking at him to step back in, and I'm not sure he knew it, because he was too busy being proud of Blake :p

But first, Yang hands off the Relic to Qrow, telling him that by the time she arrived Cinder was gone (truth), Vernal was dead (truth), and Raven was gone (lie).

There's a LOT of questioning about this scene, Did Qrow see through that last bit, why Yang covered for her, if Yang ever told anyone Raven was the maiden, and so on. Personally, I figure Qrow saw through the lie, and even guessed that Raven had powers, although he might have assumed she just got them. There's no hard data for the age limit in-universe, after all. But if the Vault was open, why did Raven leave the relic? Obviously, because Yang happened, in a brilliant calling the bitch out. Why did Yang lie about it? Because she's not ready to talk about said calling the bitch out and what it means for the family. That wound is raw, no need to stab it.

It's only taken twenty-six Chapters, but finally Team RWBY are together again. And here come the lyrics. I'm going to cry again. ...Yep.

I love that it's Yang who invites her in, upon seeing the clear guilt and shame on Blakes face. She's just faced true abandonment, she can recognise when another case was a mistake that is clearly regretted.

they have to get the Lamp to Atlas.

Well, if nothing else, Raven didn't leave them with a way to lock the vault back up. THANKS RAVEN.

Tai is gardening. He startles at a bird noise. A single feather descends through the air, incredibly like Raven's departure from the Relic vault. Tai isn't that impressed.

I mean, if the Useless One needs advice, might as well start with the one who ended up useless for a time, but then tried to correct past mistakes. Or maybe she just wants to yell at him for telling Yang how her sembleance works.

Post-post-credits: A trailer for gen:LOCK. (shrugs)


Some context is required. Gray Haddock, voice of roman torchwick, and at the time of V5 here, head of animation at Rooster Teeth, had his own dream project that he wanted to make like Monty, Miles and Kerry made RWBY. That project is Gen:lock. Its first season aired after Volume 6 of RWBY, and was pretty good, using what Rooster Teeth had learned from making shows like RWBY, Camp Camp, Nomad of Nowhere, and of course the animated parts of Red vs Blue. It also used resources and money that was supposed to be going towards their other shows. He would regularly pull animators off producing V5 in particular to work on his show, often overtime and without pay. It was one of several scandals of mismanagement and bullying RT had (Although unlike some others, there were never any claims of sexual abuse as far as I could tell), and the one that most involved the CRWBY section of the company. RTs management didn't care until they finally realised he was basically lighting money on fire. At which point, realising their money was in danger, he got ripped out of the company like a tumor. Sadly, some of the mispractises he indulged in, and the corporate culture he encouraged, pretty much remained until the end of the company, because management decided firing him was enough proof they were 'doing something' and stopped there. Typical corporate bullshit, we've all seen it before.

As for Gen:LOCK, the first season came out, and it was pretty good, but not great, or as groundbreaking as RT pretended. I recommend it as a fun few hours. However, it left a scar on the company. Both in the eyes of the fans, and also investors. Season Two saw a lot of creative control handed over to HBO Max in exchange for funding, and the result can be summed up as burning the franchise down (Also, badly animated on-screen sex). Their attempts to blame it all on HBO didn't help matters in the eyes of a lot of people either. You know how it is, if the same thing keeps happening and you're the only constant, maybe you're the asshole.
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Man, I just can't get over how the White Fang mostly got its arc wrapped up with "and then the bad minorities plans to bomb a school were foiled, because the good minorities came in and stopped them with the help of the local sundown town police department."

Like there are many a thing you can say about stuff in RWBY so far (and there is a lot to say, for good or ill) but man that just leaves a awful taste in the mouth when you let it sit for a bit.

Like I can't even hate Adam at that point because with how FUBAR'd the racism stuff got it's just bashing on a caricature, one where an actual, tangible person to dissect and rip into could have existed instead in a better timeline.
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Yeah CRWBY have said the money issues is part of why the v5 finale fighting is kind of underwhelming. All the fighting animation budget went into the WBY character shorts so they really only had enough left to make the Maiden fight good. The Battlenof Haven was reduced to bursts of fighting and then them just standing around. Thankfully they only went with one character short for v6 and things got a bit better IMO Really looking forward to your v6 thoughts, it's gonna be a fun one.