I just realized that in game terms, Lili's supporter ability means she ignores an equipments STR requirement, and also is immune to Encumberance effects.
To be fair, her stats are increased the more weight she carries so it's entirely possible that Lili would be unable to wield heavy weapons unless she has significant supplemental weight added to her as well. If she enters the dungeon with a bag full of weights, she'd have no where to put the magic cores. If she carries a too big bag, even if it doesn't affect her agility it would prevent her from moving through smaller passages / under a monster's legs / etc. Thankfully, heavy and dense metal is also very protective so heavy armor and an armored backpack would actually be a really good route for her.

QA> Receives support spell
QA> Learns that it links people together so they know where each other are to allow for better teamwork.
QA: I can't wait to link this to my enemies so i can shoot them in the eye without having to see them!!!
We all just know that the spell chant will soon be appended:

"You may feel you're far too slow,
Or would die from just one blow."

"They would love to let you go;
They would love to see you grow.
They are stuck in Heaven, though."

"They can only let you know:"
"'You are not alone below.'"
And you will soon wish you were...
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To be fair, her stats are increased the more weight she carries so it's entirely possible that Lili would be unable to wield heavy weapons unless she has significant supplemental weight added to her as well. If she enters the dungeon with a bag full of weights, she'd have no where to put the magic cores. If she carries a too big bag, even if it doesn't affect her agility it would prevent her from moving through smaller passages / under a monster's legs / etc. Thankfully, heavy and dense metal is also very protective so heavy armor and an armored backpack would actually be a really good route for her.
Scary thing is since she can essentially ignore the excess weight, with properly articulated armor, she should be every bit as agile as she would be in say a swimsuit.

I am now picturing Lily suited up like a Lalafell Warrior or Dark Knight from FFXIV.
Lots of fun to read as usual!
I did feel like there was a bit of awkwardness and I think I pinned down what was making me feel that way. Lefiya's reactions seemed a bit off to me, but I don't think it's because they don't fit her character. I think she'd be jealous of all the time QAylor has been spending with Aiz, but doesn't want to admit it, possibly even to herself which makes her interactions with QAylor a bit odd. The awkwardness comes from the fact that I only know that from her characterization in the DanMachi spin-off manga, and not from any actual hints in this story (that I've noticed at least).
Felicity pushed herself upright, huffed indignantly, and turned her back on Lady Sable with a dismissive tail-flick and head held high. The kitten managed to maintain her prideful bearing for all of four steps before Lady Sable decided to resume the kitten's bath and engulfed Felicity with repeated licks, knocking her over once more.
Yes, Felicity, you are still a little cat. Lady Sable's Mom instincts are on the nose. *Daww*

Lili didn't watch the Sword Princess go. Her gaze was all-but stuck to the maul as she struggled to think of a way she could possibly use it. The very idea was just wrong.
Aiz: If equipping Lili is wrong, I don't want to be right.

"May I use my spell on you to determine its properties?" Queen Administrator requested.
I'd be running at this point.

What was next, suggesting that the Supporter wear heavy armor?
That is actually a very good idea.

if she targeted enemies with it, she would know exactly where their eyes were and could aim accordingly.
Oh, QA, never change. The only downside is if the enemy also has absurd aim.

Terminator Lili, super heavy armor, a armored backpack full of supplies and weights, and a warhammer
That's a dwarf. Lili is cuter than that. Good grief, he even has a beard protector.

Ais - 'This is the best day ever! I got a Friend, and this Pallum has a really crazy skill that's so much fun to play with! Now what's the biggest weapon we have in stock?'
I want to give her this.
A Lead-filled Mace named Grond (10d8) (+5,+25)
The Hammer of the Underworld, this is Morgorth's chief
weapon. It weighs so much that it slows anything of less
than godly status. It is so awesome that it aggravates all
that see it. It makes it's wielder see all and resist all.
It slays all of Morgorth's personal creations of orcs,
trolls, demons and it executes dragons doing five times
normal damage against them, (it can kill all but a very few
dragons in one mighty blow!). Plus it causes impact
criticals that cause earthquakes and it can tunnel through
solid granite walls!

From 'The Pits of Angband' by Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
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In other news, I'd very much appreciate feedback for this update; it feels off to me.
I didn't notice anything wrong with it.
The rumormill hadn't been very clear beyond saying that training level 1s would make Aiz stronger;
Normally "rumor mill".
She was. The Sword Princess stopped before lili and wordlessly offered the hammer-like weapon, her gaze expectant.
Missing capitalization.
She didn't need to see or hear Sir Kara to know he was to her left flank with his paws feet resting on cold stone.
Extra word.
I didn't notice anything wrong with it.

Normally "rumor mill".

Missing capitalization.

Extra word.
Thanks again! (And the same goes for the other people who pointed out errors and provided feedback, but I'm on a phone and quoting is a PITA on this thing >_>)

I also made a minor edit to the last scene to make what Taylor's memories were urging slightly clearer. :V
The chapter does seem a bit choppy, but it wasn't offputting. Maybe could have tried to lean even harder on the jump cuts, go for humorous juxtaposition?
This chapter isn't your best work, but it is still good. Your muse seems to be preparing to shift to a new story arc and that usually feels a bit rough until the new plot-lines settle. The slice of life silliness fills it out nicely, I think.
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Full Armor Lili eh? I wonder if she could do Maple's One Hit K.O. "Shield Bash" with a sufficiently "hardened" backpack under a ultra heavy load. Or just dropping her backpack from a height and letting gravity do the work.

Lili could really abuse her skill by hauling cheap-but-heavy construction material (metal nails, braces, bricks, mortar etc.) and tools that she could trade for monster drops in the 18th Floor safe zone. Turn Rivira from a fenced outpost into a properly fortified defensive position.
...Barbarian Lili...I didn't know how much I needed this in my life...I eagerly look forward to the blunt forced violence unleashed in the future.
Fun times all around, nice to see this story back!

QA could've managed to have other people raise a powerful army with only a minimal time and resource expenditure. It was always nice to turn Friends against host-species who thought the allegiance of Friends could be stolen.

It would be amazing if QA could do this. If only she had an excuse... I still remember that it from an earlier chapter where QA wanted to gift Friends to all the Ishtar survivors to have a network of surveillance Friends throughout the city, but she couldn't think of an appropriate excuse for it.

Queen Administrator had to bribe the unrepentant adventurer just to get Lefiya to stop complaining about something that even her own Familia had acknowledged was her fault.

That is rather childish of Lefiya. You'd think she'd be trying harder to get into QA's good graces now. Also, if, as people have said, she is jealous of QA taking up Aiz's time, I didn't really see any evidence of it here. I wouldn't have noticed if not for people pointing it out.

"I mean, zero children and suddenly whoosh. A foreign, Spirit-guarded queen and a Supporter abruptly rescued from a Familia filled with alcoholics. It's pretty blatant, you know?"
"It's not exactly a secret at this point," Lefiya failed to reassure them. "She is practically the Goddess of Family, right? It makes sense that she'd have something related to that."

...I mean, it does kind of make sense, but I'm surprised the rumour mill is activating after only 2 incidents? Usually it takes 3 before people start suspecting a trend. And QA grabbed Lili very publicly, so it definitely looked more like QA's idea than Hestia's. If I was an average Orario citizen, I'd believe the rumour that QA's Spirit chose Hestia so QA could be the head of the Familia, and subsequently picked up Lilli as well with its mysterious spirit senses. If Hestia actually had some kind of discerning eye, she'd have picked up more members than just those two. And don't people remember that segment of time when Hestia was basically wandering around asking random people to join her Familia?

Lili hadn't heard any orders from Queen Administrator, yet Lady Sable still followed them out of the room.

Aww, it's sweet that Lili notices QA is still looking out for her.

All the kitty stuff is terribly adorable. Kitty camouflaged in Aiz's hair is really great, and so are the interactions with it and Aiz, as well as with Lady Sable.

But wouldn't she be just the same as the adventurers if she was so selfish? She already would've had to spend that money on escaping the Soma Familia. It wasn't fair that Loki's loud, selfish, inconsiderate Familia should get to have nice things while Hestia lived in a little basement. Admittedly, Lili did feel oddly fond of the idea of an underground lair. It was easier to defend and several parts of her simply enjoyed the idea of making an impenetrable fortress of a home. She should still keep some in reserve for an emergency, but donating the rest to the Familia should work, shouldn't it? Hestia didn't seem like the sort to be financially irresponsible the moment an opportunity was provided.

I like this glimpse into Lili's reasoning. Best of both worlds would be if Lili's money was used to improve and fortify the abandoned church basement instead of buying a new place entirely. Perhaps Lili's wealth can be used for magic stones to make burrowing, excavating, and construction Friends! And like any Friends of QA, they will certainly be useful for home defence too.

Lili coughed and used one hand to wave floating particles of pulverized straw and wood away from her mouth. Her other hand still gripped the maul she'd destroyed the straw dummy with. Aiz's polite clapping wasn't helping her feel any better about the feat; even if it had somehow worked, a maul-wielding pallum remained an utterly absurd idea and one likely to draw the attention Lili wanted none of.

Heavy armour and maul Lili is best Lili. Look, Lili, there will already be a ton of attention on you, just because of how publicly QA grabbed you, and the great efforts she took to keep you. You might as well show you were worth the effort of being kept.

Host's memories seemed to want Queen Administrator to hold the end of the staff before their face and pace in place as the shard finally began their chant.

... Taylor wants QA to act like she'd the head of a marching band?

There were the obvious applications for allies, of course, but offensive uses existed as well. If she targeted enemies with it, she would know exactly where their eyes were and could aim accordingly.

I'm not sure this is the best idea QA. Yes, you'll be able to aim better this way, but unless you can turn off the automatic proprioception, the enemy will be able to feel you aiming at them too, and will probably dodge.

I wonder if sending magic down the lines will allow QA to actually take control of those affected by her power here. Mini-Khepri, go?
Perhaps Lili's wealth can be used for magic stones to make burrowing, excavating, and construction Friends!
It doesn't make sense for adventures to ever pay retail prices for magic stones.
Edit: However it would make sense to buy a few cows and make Friends from the bio mass.
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