I actually quite like how Taylor is in a state where she's very powerful and has mind-boggling potential for greater power and development, but her current focus and needs are very much exploring her identity, who and what she wants to be, developing relationships and good memories, how she wants to change the world she's in (or not change it, as the case may be), and decide what kind of life she wants to live in the short term. Sure, she does have vague, long term plans that are extremely ambitious, but those are things she might only work on here and there in her free time; her focus is on the near future (as in, the next several years to the next century) and mostly inwards.
It's a nice character design that I wish we saw more of in fiction. Less "acquire more and more power so I can beat all the ridiculously powerful bad guys and save the world" you see all the time, and more "I have all the power I need and then some, with plenty of potential for lots more, and no ultimate enemy to fight. Now what?" It's not even a Superman-style "How do I use my overwhelming might responsibly?", it's "What do I want in my life? How much do I even use my power, and in what ways, for self-actualization? If I can choose to be anything, what's most important to me?"