Her body will have its own falna.
Unconfirmed; please don't state it as fact.

If we construct a Friend whose mind is all of the bits that Dreamer decided to get rid of, would it be Taylor?
Nope; that Friend would be braindead. She hasn't actually gotten rid of anything, although not for lack of trying. The amnesia flowers keep her past mostly suppressed and numb, although it still influences her and her childhood is much easier to recall than the hell that was her more recent memories.

The child-puppet only made hardware changes, not software ones; it's closer to an overlay or a filter and she can always migrate back to adult hardware. She just isn't interested in doing so.
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Would she be horrified and indignant if someone else had done it to her? Most definitely. But since she did it to herself, she'll defend and rationalize her decisions for as long as she possibly can, and possibly double down when challenged.
That and Taylor was supposed to be a chatterbox before her mom died and she was betrayed, her current tone seems close to what I imagine a kidizized Taylor would be without almost any inhibition and almost ultimate power.
She hasn't actually gotten rid of anything, although not for lack of trying. The amnesia flowers keep her past mostly suppressed and numb, although it still influences her and her childhood is much easier to recall than the hell that was her more recent memories.

The child-puppet only made hardware changes, not software ones; it's closer to an overlay or a filter and she can always migrate back to adult hardware. She just isn't interested in doing so.
Thinking about things, this would probably be an awesome way to help with healing from past traumas.
  1. Suppress the problems so it's harder for your mind to pull up the memory.
  2. Create a child overlay to re-experience childhood.
  3. Slowly allow the filter to dissipate while growing up again.
  4. Encourage the mind to blunt the strong emotions if possible.
Thinking about things, this would probably be an awesome way to help with healing from past traumas.
  1. Suppress the problems so it's harder for your mind to pull up the memory.
  2. Create a child overlay to re-experience childhood.
  3. Slowly allow the filter to dissipate while growing up again.
  4. Encourage the mind to blunt the strong emotions if possible.
3 is the hard part. The rest already happen on their own.
I feel like Taylor would enjoy Friend-crafting a lot more than she would dungeon-diving (at least for several years). Or, hell, she could help adventurers that have lost or crippled limbs; since you don't need a personality for, say, a replacement arm or leg, it becomes either "fleshcrafting to heal an injury or regrow a limb" or "creating a biological prosthetic limb that she uses fleshcrafting to 'connect' to a person's nervous system, serving as an effective replacement". While there is the issue of "Would such a replacement limb receive benefits from their falna?", it would still be a widely appreciated service because of the massive improvement in quality of life. (And since she's not an asshole, she'd probably charge very affordable rates, with discounts for those too poor to pay otherwise--earning her familia significant popularity and disuading other familias from messing with hers, due to how liked they are.)

...oh jeez, I just realized: she can basically create wieldable weapon-Friends capable of eating monster cores to grow stronger. Since they can regenerate, they're self-repairing, and even if it "breaks", Taylor can repair it, so to speak. Obviously not something she would ever mass produce, but for the highest tiers of adventurers (like Level 5 and up) who routinely run into problems of their weapons breaking even when made by the best smiths around...

Or maybe Friends that specifically help the elite smiths of the Hephaestus familia, by being able to create superhot forges/etc (though whatever means works best; breathing especially hot fire, radiating extreme heat from its body, super conduction of heat, etc). Since creating a hot enough environment for metals/alloys (both to work them better and to better purify the alloys or create the desires molecular structure) is a key part of metalworking, this could be a way to thank Hephaestus and her familia for supporting Hestia (and Taylor) in their time of need. Given the expenses in monster cores and monster drops involved in creating such Friends, they'd probably need to still get some support/money from Hephaestus to make them, but considering the unique and valuable capabilities it would offer, it'd still be a great boon.

Or creating Friends to act as bodyguards and clinically immortal companions to friendly gods and goddesses, which would not only be a great way to earn gratitude and prestige from a bunch of other familias, it would also be greatly appreciated by the receiving gods/goddesses as well. A guardian that is a friendly companion that won't die to old age is a priceless gift to immortal beings who undoubtedly worry about their Children and non-divine friends growing old and dying all the time. And since physical threats to gods/goddesses are a big deal (since it's not like they're vulnerable to aging or disease, and given the underhandedness and ruthlessness gods and goddesses sometimes exercise on each other--or even normal humans would on one if they get the opportunity), it'd put a lot of minds at ease.
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..oh jeez, I just realized: she can basically create wieldable weapon-Friends capable of eating monster cores to grow stronger. Since they can regenerate, they're self-repairing, and even if it "breaks", Taylor can repair it, so to speak. Obviously not something she would ever mass produce, but for the highest tiers of adventurers (like Level 5 and up) who routinely run into problems of their weapons breaking even when made by the best smiths around...
Dreamer becomes a MMORPG Special merchant, who trades Dungeon currency for sweet gear and unique weapons. Every so often, the overall theme, design, and magical bonuses for the items change. When asked, she mentions something about "seasons", but since they only seem to last 8-10 weeks, they just assume it's some weird Spirit thing.
"Jinx!" Dreamer chirped, then blinked and giggled. "I won't force it, though, even if I can now. Or, no, never mind. Too much work."
Oh god, if she jinxes a god in the wordplay sense then actually jinxes the god that would be so perfect. I can't wait to see the other Familia's reaction to a freaking Spirit in their midst that's basically the most durable one there.
Didn't Lisa latch on to Taylor because she realized that T was suicidal? I would rank becoming Dreamer as a better outcome for her than becoming Skitter.
Suicidal is a strong word, she would have never killed herself, and this is supported by WoG, even if she didn't get powers, but she did have a serious martyr complex that made her disregard things like safety, she was also pretty depressed, and this being modifications she had willingly done to herself, I would say that Dreamer is the better outcome as well.
How would it feel getting trounced by a little girl, she should totally do it.
and disuading other familias from messing with hers
It sounds more like a big disadvantages for her, maybe do it after a few kidnapping attempt?
Or creating Friends to act as bodyguards and clinically immortal companions to friendly gods and goddesses, which would not only be a great way to earn gratitude and prestige from a bunch of other familias, it would also be greatly appreciated by the receiving gods/goddesses as well
She can't just give others Friends, and their excuse of it only being for royalty make it impossible, I mean they could find a way around it, but as of right now I don't think anyone is planning to do something like it.
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BTW, any future aggressively defensive introspection or actions from Dreamer are not directed at, or prompted by, readers. I'm not one of those terrible authors who beats up reviewer-based strawmen in a story. o.o;

Or: Just because Dreamer doesn't remember worrying about the opinions of other people as a child doesn't mean she didn't (or can't) worry about the opinions of other people as a child. (And then aggressively react to them.)
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Fun chapter :)
"She's a gossip," New-Mom reminded Dreamer. "We can discuss this at home."

"Hey, I can keep secrets when it counts!" Huntress objected defensively. "I mean… no, actually, never mind. I have a bad habit of accidentally revealing them through hints, I guess. But I think I already know this one!"
"You really are terrible at keeping secrets," Dreamer pointedly interrupted.

Tiona's mouth snapped shut. A second later, she laughed once and rubbed at the back of her head with one hand.

"Right, yeah. I deserved that.
Anyone mind reminding me what kinds of things this is referring to?
I really like how Dreamer always gets lost in thought, but that can't be pleasant to talk to someone who does that right?
Like you are just talking to her and after the first sentence she just spaces out and everything you say gets ignored, that's got to be irritating right?
I feel attacked
*pats* On the Internet, nobody can tell you forgot what you were doing and/or going to say in the middle of a post. (Poster child for ADD speaking~)

Anyone mind reminding me what kinds of things this is referring to?
Mostly offscreen gossip. Tiona believes she's the sort of person to say, for instance, "It's a secret, but I can say she's totally worth Aiz's time" (or even more revealing things) as a reply to whether or not QA is a Spirit. Not directly saying any secrets, but hinting in a manner that could give it away – which is arguably about as bad.

The interruption was because she was about to indirectly mention how Shard-Spirits apparently have a language that's debilitating and painful to outsiders.
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Here are some ideas that I got, to follow events in Danmachi:
  • A visit to the world of Guren Lagan. QA undergoes HBSoD when she realizes what Spiral Power does.
  • A trip to Final Fantasy 7 - I had the idea she ends up as part of the first iteration of AVALANCE, and puts them on a better path. Minerva would be the 'shard' supported, and QA distains JENOVA.
  • Queen Administrator becomes Goddess Adminstrator (getting ALL the permissions) when she shows up to Golden Morning, and has to confront the reality of what her :parents: are like
One realization about them - Taylor REALLY qualifies for Dreamer, having accomplished the Dream of The Entities. And she did so NOT by playing it safe! She did this as a SIDE EFFECT of her having fun (read: playing around. Not caring TOO much about energy expenditure, though she didn't throw it around thoughtlessly...)

Edit: breaking entropy means that she doesn't have to split off - when GM happens, it's a surprise to all the others that QA is now sharing her world with another... AND that they're no longer on the planet. The former Planet is now Her MOON!
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Her body will have its own falna.
Don't you mean Fauna? :p

But more seriously. It'd uh... Could be so~so, if rigged so instead of well, having BABIES. She 'alters' the Babies, so they don't LEAVE Her Entity, sort of deal. Then magic growth happens, SPACE WHALE happens, and then you have every stray thought soon to become sentient whisper babies, like a crackshot right out of a Disco Elysium.

Except, if given the chance, those stray thoughts/concepts could very well fuck people up like a WHEEE! Energy Whale, with no wisdom and/or impulse control. And left unchecked, could very well nudge people into being conflict happy assholes...

But yeah. We get that far on 'blessings', and it could very well spiral into... Okay. Woe befall if she starts well. Claiming 'replicas' of souls 'friends' in a blessing fueled loophole. Because if there's a Hades, it might catch his interest/ire.
But more seriously. It'd uh... Could be so~so, if rigged so instead of well, having BABIES. She 'alters' the Babies, so they don't LEAVE Her Entity, sort of deal. Then magic growth happens, SPACE WHALE happens, and then you have every stray thought soon to become sentient whisper babies, like a crackshot right out of a Disco Elysium.
She doesn't want to be a teen mom, and she is right now operating on hardware of a little kid, letting her raise kids is probably a bad idea.
There seem to be some weird interaction between her and souls, she told Lili that she can bring her back from the dead as long as she wasn't killed by a god, which in my interpretation means that her keeping a copy of the mind catch the soul, that they are basically the same, so if a god kills someone, he destroys the soul, resulting in Dreamer being incapable of reviving the creature.

So this means Dreamer actually does manipulate souls, at least in my interpretation.
I would be suprised if Dreamer didn't day-dream, I mean, uppgrading/changing from human ro shard ware and eating a lot of those black flowers that got to leave a mark.

(By the way, LOVE the story, never read one before where the dungeon basically moves it ass and send a creature for contacting others.)
She doesn't want to be a teen mom, and she is right now operating on hardware of a little kid, letting her raise kids is probably a bad idea.

There seem to be some weird interaction between her and souls, she told Lili that she can bring her back from the dead as long as she wasn't killed by a god, which in my interpretation means that her keeping a copy of the mind catch the soul, that they are basically the same, so if a god kills someone, he destroys the soul, resulting in Dreamer being incapable of reviving the creature.

So this means Dreamer actually does manipulate souls, at least in my interpretation.
from what I understand of that was, that dreamer could ressurect Lily, but. That killing her in her new body would be super difficult. So much so that dreamer believes only a god.could do it.
There seem to be some weird interaction between her and souls, she told Lili that she can bring her back from the dead as long as she wasn't killed by a god, which in my interpretation means that her keeping a copy of the mind catch the soul, that they are basically the same, so if a god kills someone, he destroys the soul, resulting in Dreamer being incapable of reviving the creature.
Resurrection is off-limits though. I would guess that Dreamer would use a loophole, claiming that Lili never fully died to begin with, just like her Friends. But if a god killed her, it may be interpreted as interfering with that god's power.

And besides, it is not very clear what exactly souls are.
But more seriously. It'd uh... Could be so~so, if rigged so instead of well, having BABIES. She 'alters' the Babies, so they don't LEAVE Her Entity, sort of deal. Then magic growth happens, SPACE WHALE happens, and then you have every stray thought soon to become sentient whisper babies, like a crackshot right out of a Disco Elysium.
Or she could set it aside to make a spare body so that Q.A. can go back to being The Blob after learning The Power of Friendship. I can't see Q.A. being happy about the idea of Dreamer never letting her return to her former form.