Thank you for the update Sylvena!
It's somewhat both a relief and a concern to know that the Lore Warden isn't that much of a narrow-minded fool to think Lily is only suitable for birthing magically powerful babies. Still, fuck him and the
princess healer in the tower bullshit. Glad that that Lily's old man agrees.
Huh, it makes sense that Yolun grew up under the shadow of a great man who failed his family, a family that only survived due to female leadership and hardiness. Wonder which of the three sisters Lily reminds him of? Probably not Cherish.
Only seven months until Lily is thirteenth. I thought she only turned twelve last month. Am I mistaken or does the year composed of only eight months?
Yolun's relief when Lily behaved childlike and wished to hang with a friend rather than shadow him for adults' responsibilities was cute. Sad to see that we were close to discovering what worries Myah so much, but at least Lily isn't in the habit of becoming a fainting seer. I am rather worried for the poor girl, hope she can join Lily in the forest but nothing to do about it right now.
I liked the scene with Zach, a very nice job of depicting a preteen sibling relationship. In general, I like this entire family and how you write their interactions.
So thoughts concerning the votes. Still not planning to vote since I want to hear other people opinions and I am currently rather busy, but here are my few cents:
Family and Trust- Dad solidify himself as an important ally, this combined with Lily's tendency toward partial truth rather than outright lying points me toward the more open options. The problem is the involvement of our mystery (probable eldritch) benefactor and its probable enemies might mean the more other people know the greater risk they are in. Ignorance might be bliss and I have no idea what to vote.
The Early Morn- Experimenting with her powers might before training might tire Lily too much, leaving me with the first two options. Doing early chores is the responsible option, which might improve Lily's animal magic and the chance of her riding off to the wilds with Chariot. Playing with Marcus is irresponsible but it let Lily rest and behave like a child while also comforting at least one baby brother after a month of grieving which seems rather important after the scene with Zach.
The [Blessed Armsman] -I don't know and I am rather tired of thinking.
Risks and Gambles - Related to the reasoning for the
Family and Trust and
The [Blessed Armsman] votes. AKA I'm too tired.
Level Up - Oh boy I actually have ramblings for this vote:
They came to hang from her branches, to rest beneath her canopy. -> Safety, related to the tree role as a home and mini-ecosystem for others. On a grimmer note, the way this option is phrased makes me think of hanging trees and corpses, but that might just be me.
The roots sank deep, searching, yearning, until finally, water. -> Survival and dedication, particularity for one the sake of oneself and wishes. Roots might uproot important structures (both man-made and natural) but they also help in anchoring unstable surroundings and making them more livable to others. Also, roots play an important part in inter-plants communications (even if scientists still don't know how) and how the forest as a singular organism acts. Of course, the last one might not be relevant for this specific vote.
He grew taller each day, until the sun came to rest in his embrace. -> Growth, fulfillment, and ambition. Combines part of the dedication theme of the previous option with the survival aspect replaced by ambition undertone.
Claw scratched and tail lashed, but the bark remained unmarred. -> Survival and defense against hostile beings (and their society?). Can't say that entering survivor mode already is the most appealing option in my eyes, but we can't ignore that one of our goals is that Lily won't die and actually reach the impressive age of fifteen years old.
New Ethos-Unsurprisingly this is another vote for which I have thoughts:
Service to Man -> NO.
More seriously family and duty are important and I am sure it has some nice benefits but Lily as she is currently doesn't want to live for and through others' achievements.
Keeper -> Interesting choice after seeing a bit of the Ministry of Lore and especially after meeting the oh so wonderful Lore Warden. Might create a path for Lily to become a keeper of secret knowledge. Considering that Lily doesn't know how to read this ethos might help her learn or will lead to her creating a new written language for her own use. Both will be useful for building an outsiders' tree-punk society. Come into the forest we have cookies and we are getting rid of the patriarchy!
Lamenter -> This one is rather cool. It combines rather well with Lily's wish to comfort and connect with members of her family (especially as seen in today's interaction with her dad). In real life cultures, the role of a professional mourner creates a place outside normal society accepted behavior and it sounds like some of this freedom can happen here as well. The big downside of this cool ethos and potential freedom is the sheer level of emotional labor implied.
Heartsworn -> Sounds like it would let Lily to force her fairy tale logic upon the world, which is definitely cool.
Brave Blood -> Lily will become a more martial bent adventurer. Obviously will show in the training and might hint people about Lilt multi-ethos abilities.
Engraver -> Probably a good way to combine Lily's abilities and her heritage as a carpenter without harming trees. Also witching vibes and creating her own magical language.
Intuitor -> Sounds like the most practical ethos considering Lily's multi-ethos skill. I suspect it might force a certain level cap in different skills.
This thing took too much time to write, so I might have missed some relevant discussion. Anyway I am off to write my actual essay, thanks again Slyvena.