EVENT: The Red Knight V
[X] Tell him what you know

The hall stood before you, the guards standing by the great oaken doors to the throne room. Their full embroidered plate is flawless, the armor obviously custom made and with the slightest hint of enchantment and yet with a single uniform style - it must have cost a fortune to reserve the same smith master smith to tailor their equipment and maintain their equipment, you note.

Besides you, Vivien brushes her hair back and holds her palm to her face, as if to fix whatever defects she can in a few instants. The guards placid faces stare back with ramrod precision, awaiting your signal. Vivien's hands still, and you glance between her and the door.

It is more imposing than you think, than you objectively know it to be - the accumulated force of the power that kept your home safe, you supposed.

You glance at Vivien and she glances back, tension overwritten by resolve on your faces. You nod at each other, at the guards, and watch them nod back.

The two guards reach for the handle and swing open the heavy oaken doors without a sound, a statement of the maintenance that regularly went into this hall - or more properly, throne room.

It is a vast working of stone and lumbers, to shame any pretenders to such majesty. New and intricate tapestries decorate the banisters on the second floor, each one embroidered with all the nobles underneath its banner. Directly across the hall lies a simple one - nothing but a golden crown backed by three swords on a field of red. The royal banner, woven in the time of Second Wyvern War and ritually unspun and respun every year. Above, superior to, and larger than all other nobles and heraldry, it was the affirmation of the supremacy of the land and the king which represented it, seated directly underneath it.

The dais beneath it is no less impressive - seemingly a single slab of that most expensive material of marble, flawlessly carved and embossed. Upon the first steps to the throne, two rows of his advisors sit completely still behind gorgeous wooden desks, lacquered and carved with the symbols that represented their ministries. Inkwells and paper reserves are hidden from view by the slight tilt of the desks, and just hidden off-stage must be the staircases for the pages to quickly and discreetly resupply the advisors. You note the flashes of darkness that confirm your suspicions, just the same as you note the empty seat where the carved stacks of coin represents the Ministry of Finance.

All of this serves to draw your attention to the most important existence in the room. Seated upon the high dais is the King, whose presence fills every inch of the vast hall and dominates the attention of all present. His figure is gaunt and pale, age and stress drawing itself into stark relief even as his discipline forces him into a rigid upright stance. The crown upon his head is a simple golden crown, absent any decoration or flourishes save the peaks and the red ruby laid in the center. Across his lap is the scepter of the king, an undecorated golden rod that commands your attention with the weight of the King's authority.

His face wordlessly disapproves of reality with a hard stare and a slightly frown upon his lips.

You and Vivien stop at the base of the steps, awaiting his permission. He inclines his head only slightly, and the two of you advance up the steps. Vivien silently takes her seat, willfully ignoring Lilianne's smug placidity, even as she spares some of her attention to direct a level look at you.

With almost no sound, she takes her seat, and the King gestures at you with the scepter.

"Speak," he commands, and you nearly verbally fall over yourself to comply with the demand.

"Sire, I bring news of treachery," you state, the weight of his disapproving gaze setting into your being. "I have overheard a plot by Prince Danielsson of the Etrella and General Kirilov to seize the lands of your kingdom."

His stern face shows no signs of changing, as you feel the pressure on your being increase. Besides you, one of the nobles - Minister of Justice, you see - speaks up in his place. "And what proof do you bring?"

You present the recording of the meeting you had made.

Above all else, you focus on the King's expressions, even as you see out of your other eyes how the ministers shuffle and react to this recording.

The Minister of State speaks up first, high and cold. "You bring before the King gossip and expect anything other than a swift punishment?"

You feel a sense of burning shame, of a need to respond, to justify yourself - but you know that that would be a mistake, and say nothing beyond what you have direct evidence for.

The King closes his eyes, and leans his face against his fist. Three times his chest rises, and three times his chest falls before he opens his eyes and sits back up.

"I see," he says. "Leave the recording upon the dais. I request in my capacity as King that you investigate this matter further. I thank you for your loyalty, Agueda of the Colonies, and -"

Whatever he is about to say is interrupted by a hacking cough. It continues, long and hard, shattering the illusion of his absolute command. All that was left was a frail old man coughing blood into his fist. You were already feeling a complex mix of shame and guilt, but now you had to add something akin to pity and despair - for this was the man who was to protect your people. When it ends with a last great heave, he straightens, as if nothing ever happened - and so too did his advisors pretend as though nothing had happened.

"I thank you for your loyalty, Agueda of the Colonies, and I release you to your duties," he says, trembling all the while.

You bow and set down the recording with your face downcast to better conceal your emotions.

You're sure your face is still stormy as you exit the hall.

+1 Respect.




Achievement Get: Swift Justice: Close the Case within one year. +3 Minor Boons.
Achievement Get: The Ministry Funds Itself: In the course of normal operations, earn more than you spend. +2 Shinies.
Achievement Get: Now We're Adventurers: Acquire at high-tier items through looting. +1 Major Boon.
Achievement Get: Stocks Only Go Up: Acquire a stock that inflates more than 1000% in value, then cash out. +1 Stewardship party-wide, +3 Minor Boons.
Achievement Get: The Instrument of the Compact: Help enforce a decision of the Divine Gathering. +1 Major Boon.
Achievement Get: Authorial Fiat: Write a best-seller - and then sell it. +1 Minor Boon.

Well, now that things are at a head, you need to move quick - you have your orders from the King as well as your personal goal of moving your people. Given the timeframes, you might have just enough time to move your people before you absolutely run out of time to resolve the burning fuse of the traitorous nobility - so naturally, you will have to focus on that this year.

Hopefully, Vivien was being truthful when she said that the King actually approved of your message.

The alternative would be nightmarish.

-5 Cash Flow continues! Neighbors shifted to "In Crusades, In Discussions"! Military Strength at "Rebuilt".

Ophelia is now a full member of the team. As such, she no longer requires a full Free Action to train her each turn, and grants the +3 Cooperation Bonus when she works on a project.

[] [Case] Highway Robbery

Ever since the army was badly damaged in the fields - but if you're being honest, the uptick began right around the time of the levy's announcements - merchants have reported far more highway robbery in the southwest provinces, even as they report stories of someone straight out of a storybook giving money to the poor. Time to ask your team to investigate. Agueda will not be available for this Case absent high background rolls.
[] [Case] Log Jam

The production of pretty much every single manufactured good must inevitably track back to wood somehow, and you've noticed that the prices of wood spiked too sharply after the announcements. Best check out what's going on in that supply chain in those eastern provinces. Agueda will be available for only one Action per month, but will be available.
[] [Case] The Web of Treason

You have the words of a geassed servant about how some of the nobility are in talks with foreign nobles about betraying Oskaria. See if you can get your team to dig up some more proof of this across the nation. Agueda will not be available for this Case - he will be migrating the Colonies and conducting his own investigations in the eastern provinces.

In exchange for funding the Ministry through normal operations, you may spend up to two Shinies.

[] [Shiny] Cold Hard Coin

Money talks, and loudly. Best to start with more.
[] [Shiny] Archbishops' Authorization
Due to your hard work, you've impressed some among the archbishops. With a little bit of cash, you can impress them a little more for an official permit to investigate matters related to the cloth.
[] [Shiny] Wide Proliferation
Word of your deeds has spread far and wide - granting you more soft authority. +1 Respect.

Tier-1 Upgrades:
[] [Shiny] Well Organized

+1 Stewardship.
[] [Shiny] Well Spoken
+1 Diplomacy
[] [Shiny] Well Trained
+1 Martial
[] [Shiny] Inspired
+1 Learning
[] [Shiny] Unremarkable
+1 Intrigue
[] [Shiny] Faithful
+1 Piety
[] [Shiny] Party Upgrades I
Kerrie gains +1 Intrigue, +1 Martial, Cormag gains +1 Piety, +1 Diplomacy, Tekla gains +2 Learning, Ophelia gains +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship.

Tier-2 Upgrades (Costs 2 Shinies):
[] [Shiny] Excellent Recall

+2 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy.
[] [Shiny] Faith-Burnished
+2 Piety, +2 Martial
[] [Shiny] Secret Explorer
+2 Intrigue, +2 Learning
[] [Shiny] Enhanced Cooperation
Cooperation gives +4 for Cooperating rather than +3.

Tier-3 Upgrades (Costs 3 Shinies):
[] [Shiny] Genius

+2 to all stats.
[] [Shiny] Eidetic Memory
+3 Stewardship, +3 Intrigue, +3 Diplomacy, +3 Learning.
[] [Shiny] Miracle Worker
+3 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +3 Diplomacy, +3 Piety
[] [Shiny] Visionary
+3 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +3 Learning, +3 Piety.
[] [Shiny] Two As One
Cooperation gives +5 instead of +3.

Tier-2 Items (Costs 1 Shiny)
[] [Shiny] Magical Tools

A proper set of magical tools rather than the improvised set that Tekla has cobbled together out of what amounts to a box of scraps. +3 Learning.

Tier-1 Items (Costs 2 Shinies)
[] [Shiny] In the Beholder's Eye

A vestment that reshapes the impression any beholders will see based on the desires of the wielder. Grants +(Piety/10 + 1) to Diplomacy and +(Diplomacy/10 + 1) to Piety.
[] [Shiny] The Vanishing Greaves

A set of greaves with a spell that appears to remove all trace of the wielder from the world temporarily. Grants +Piety/5 to Intrigue and significantly increases opposed Martial DCs.

Costs 1 Shiny:
[] [Shiny] Reroll

Reroll any roll, including Random Event Rolls. Once.

[] [Shiny] Null
Save the Shiny for later.

As a result of your tier-1 equipment, you can give those up in exchange for one shiny each. Your Tier-1 Equipment: Tax Cut, The Eye Approaching Divinity. Tag the items you wish to give up with the tag [Item].
A brief explanation of the Colonist situation in and around Oskaria
Just finished reading this, and it's a lot of fun! Did I miss something though, or is there no description anywhere of what a Colonist is or how nonhumans are handled in this world? There's mentions, but I haven't been able to find an actual explanation anywhere in the threadmarks.
I haven't actually threadmarked an explanation, but the long and short of it is:

Colonists is a shorthand for "nonhumans" and more specifically "nonhumanoid" magical sentient creatures (dragons, wyverns, and other such powerful creatures excepted*). Most everywhere else the wombo combo of humanity, adventurers, and spiritual alliances has pushed them out to be minority populations with, shall we say, tenuous rights at best.

In Oskaria specifically, however, the tradition/agreement is for the Crown to defend the rights of colonists to exist and own property and otherwise be citizens of the state defended under the color of the law so long as the Colonies provide some of their citizens as auxiliaries or in other service to the crown. This makes the Colonists much more strongly tied to the Crown and royal authority than others, in exchange for the Crown having several groups of people that it can demand service from and generally count on their loyalty.
You felt a profound sort of discomfort filling in for Agueda. Your robes, the vestments you had worn as your armor for years suddenly felt awkward and ill-fitting, without the easy deflection of Agueda as lead person to take the helm. Unfortunately, with Agueda out of the picture the other options for leadership was Tekla, Kerrie, or Ophelia - Tekla rejected the position outright, Kerrie shortly followed suit, and Ophelia followed their lead.

Which is how you're holding host to a disapproving elf who you're all but certain is disdaining you. At least her office is kept with some sense of decor, an austerity that speaks to a single-minded purpose rather than the excesses of the other ones you've glimpsed.

"So, you're his replacement," Finance Minister Vivien says, and you feel as though despite the gap of years between you that she is the one condescending to a child.

"Yes, Minister Vivien," you carefully reply.

"You realize, of course, the difficulty," she says, as if you hadn't understood from the beginning that this would be the most difficult cases of your career.

"Yes, Minister Vivien," you blankly reply.

"Well, it's a good thing that your team is just about the most skilled one I can throw at this problem, because you'll probably need it," she dismissively says, as if it were possible to assemble a better team in the Kingdom.

"I understand, Minister."

She ran her hand through her while saying.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually kind of miss that annoying git's banter," she grouses. "At least he had a personality to work with."

You smile and say nothing.

She disgustedly looks at you and shakes her head.

"Regardless, your mission is, ironically enough, to prosecute traitors and liars to the Crown for the duration of the Crusade," she says, wryly smirking. "Here would be the place where I would wryly mock Agueda for claiming that that provision was oh so useless, but alas, you are here instead of him. Your targets, however, are broadly scattered, and half the problem is that we don't even know where they are. We can guess roughly where they are by what would be most inconvenient for the nation, but, well, expect heavy interference every step of the way. Since this is a matter of vital national security, the King has appropriated an appropriate sum - although unofficially, since we have a hunch that at a minimum the Minister of the Interior is on the plot, or at least sitting on the sidelines."

She shakes her head at that. "Damnable woman."

You nod. You have no idea who she is.

"Your Budget will be 400 Budget, with fairly wide discretion - so long as it does not end up in court before we try the traitors, of course. Do you understand me?" Vivien haughtily asks.

"Of course, Minister. We will carry out the King's will," you say, bowing.

You await her dismissal, as she turns back to the stack of paperwork she has yet to sort through. She sits and rifles through them slowly - you wonder whether it is your presence, or whether it is that you are used to how fast Agueda tears through documents. Finally, your presence weighs in too long.

"Well? What are you still doing in my office? Go on, git!" she says, shooing you off with her hand.

"Gladly," you say, bowing once more. When you stand, you're careful to duck and move the chair back slowly. Wouldn't want to cause any accidents, not when Agueda actually seems to like your boss.

You make sure to be well outside of her office before you allow yourself the satisfaction of cracking your neck.

"So, the bossman isn't going to be here, huh?" Tekla asks. "Well, Cormag? Where are we off to first?"

You have no idea. Your specialty is talking to spirits and negotiation, for all that Tekla and Agueda are better than you at the latter and Agueda always manages to stay one step ahead of you in the former.

But you're the leader, which means you're supposed to have the ideas - unless, of course, you decide to use a little bit of this...delegation magic.

"Kerrie, Ophelia, thoughts?"

"Capital village is probably not a good idea," Kerrie thoughtfully says, as Ophelia closes her mouth. "At least not to start. We'll have almost no leads and no way to develop leads if we get them - we're going to have too many enemies and frankly, our tools are not well suited for the job. At least, at first."

"I mean, I hate to be the one to bring it up, but, well, the Capital streets probably still have some good feelings from two or three years ago. Couldn't we tap into that?" Tekla asks.

"You want to bring back the July Days?" Kerrie bitingly retorts, as you notice Ophelia blankly smile and nod.

"Let's table that thought," you say. "Ophelia, you look like you've been waiting to say something. Do you have an idea?"

"Mm...yeah," Ophelia quickly says, nodding. "I was thinking - these foreign nobles have to be coming from somewhere, right? That means they have to go through certain places, and meet up in certain towns, right?"

"Right..." Tekla hesitatingly says.

"That means that if we can figure out what their path is, we can ask around, and follow their tracks, right?"

"Right," you say, comprehension dawning on you.

"So we just need to figure out where they came from and where they're headed!" Tekla exclaims, and Ophelia grins fiercely.

"Right. Now take a look at this map," Ophelia grins. "If they're from Etrella, they're either crossing the river Bythnia at the river fork at Etrark or coming into the port city of Cille at the mouth. If they're coming from Alanyiva, they pretty much have to set down in the northern port city of Merridge and cross the White Hills if they want to get anywhere. If they're coming from Rusmysia, they have the choice of either crossing through Brumyiva to come down the Smok River to the east, or setting down in Merridge."

"That's four entry points," Kerrie skeptically said. "We only have four people here - we can't search that large an area."

"Right, but that doesn't matter," Ophelia exclaims. "Look! If they all want to meet up in one place, there's only one place that makes sense! The White Hills!"

"I...don't follow?" Kerrie says out loud, as you pretend like you understand what she's talking about.

"It comes down to this: The Alanyivans are going to come to the port city of Merridge, north of the White Hills. The Etrellans are going to come in south of the White Hills. This makes the White Hills right in between them, which means that one of those groups has to go through that area! It's perfect!" Ophelia excitedly says.

"The Etrellans aren't dumb," Kerrie skeptically says. "Wouldn't they just talk - oh, but then they couldn't talk to the nobles here," she says, cutting herself off. "Heh. Smart," she chuckles, pointing finger guns at Ophelia, who tries to copy her.

"It sounds like we're in agreement to head for the White Hills, then?" you ask, affecting more confidence than you felt.

A series of nods and a chorus of agreements answered you.

One month later, you arrive in the White Hills.

The White Hills is a charming region of back country peasants and nobles who mostly stick to the land. The people here are deeply pious and in touch - they have to be, for their spirits are not the most powerful things lurking in the hills. This back country status has led to a surplus of colonies in the region - though surprisingly enough, the colonists and the humans seem to mostly get along, under the banner of the same church and the fear and respect of the things which appear at night. The King's Road that passes through the region is the main thoroughfare, and the only one regularly patrolled by all the forces in the region. There exist backcountry routes which some suggest are faster than the winding King's Road, but to go through those you generally need a guide to take you through.

You have 400 Budget, and no idea how much of it is a good idea to spend. Uh, just don't spend a lot you guess?

You have 3 [Free] Actions that may be spent in any category.

You have 6 Minor Boons and 2 Major Boons that you may attach to any Action.

You can cooperate with your teammates to add +3 base stat to an action that you are cooperating on. It is represented by using your [Free] Action on one of your already-selected Actions.

Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Power Mapping

There's a lot of things that go bump in the night and a lot of people here who are more dangerous. Find out which you should be most afraid of. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] We're Going On a Hunt

Perhaps going into the woods to present one of the groups with the corpse of a dangerous beast might be the best way to impress them. DC: Scaling. Gains: Scaling.

Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Diplomacy] The Clergy

They're priests, you're a priest. They believe in the good stuff like feeling a connection to the land and your people, and so do you. Shouldn't be too hard, right? DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Nobles

These nobles seem like the down-to-earth believe-in-the-King types. Maybe you can find some common ground there. DC: 16. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Colonies

The Colonies have always been a little bit more self-governing, so maybe you can find some allies among them. Maybe the guides responsible for the backcountry paths. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Towns

Lastly, you could pry around the towns for some information - especially since this is probably the sort of province where everybody knows everybody else. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Merchants

The traffic on the King's Road means that a thriving and healthy Merchant's Guild has thrived here - and they recognize that they're liable to see more wealth than either the nobles or the peasants will, and charge accordingly. DC: 24. Cost: 4 Budget.

Intrigue (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Intrigue] Ear to the Ground

Sometimes the simplest work is the best. Simply gossiping with the townsfolk about notable people passing through might give you a hint that you can use. DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Bribing Clerks

Perhaps you could simply bribe a clerk to make a copy of the recent manifests and arrivals without telling anyone else. Should be a straightforward affair. DC: 20. Cost: 4 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Seizing the Documents

On the other hand, you really don't feel like paying for what the merchants should be providing to you. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.

Learning (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Learning] Magical Mapping

Whatever is in these hills, you want to find out well in advance, if the rumors are anything to go by. You definitely want to find them before they find you. DC: 27. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Learning] Magical Reagents

This far out into the wilderness, however, there may be a chance to find some choice reagants that would be rather more expensive to find in the cities than out here. DC: 25. Gain: Magical Components.

Stewardship (Choose 1) {Ophelia Action}
[] [Stewardship] Official Business

You do have the King's seal and the reputation of the Red Eyes behind you - you could simply march into the assembled notables and ask for some help with your investigation. You also have no other real leads, so, uh... DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] A Rough Count

The number of people living in the White Hills has always been a little hard to keep track of. Maybe you can get a more accurate count, and stay a little bit on the quieter side. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.

Piety (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Piety] Spirit of the Towns

Fortunately, if there's anything you personally are good at, it's working out deals with spirits. The spirits inside the town should be a good place to start. DC: 23. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Piety] Spirit of the Hills

These might be a little riskier, and you are definitely calling on something a little wilder, but it should still be the same sets of ideas. DC: 27. Cost: 0 Budget.
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Plan Diplomatic Offensive wins, 8-5-1.

Roll me 12d100s.

Power Mapping

DC: 20. Base Stat: 19 + 2 + 3.1.

Cost: 0 Budget.

The Clergy

DC: 15. Base Stat: 18 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

The Nobles

DC: 16. Base Stat: 18 + 2.

Cost: 2 Budget.

The Colonies

DC: 20. Base Stat: 18 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

The Towns

DC: 20. Base Stat: 18 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Bribing Clerks

DC: 20. Base Stat: 19 + 2.

Cost: 4 Budget.

Magical Reagants

DC: 25. Base Stat: 23.

Gain: Magical Components.

A Rough Count

DC: 25. Base Stat: 20 + 4 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Spirit of the Towns

DC: 23. Base Stat: 22 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Event Chain 1

Event Chain 2

Random Event Roll
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Random Event Roll: 2

The Towns

DC: 20. Base Stat: 18 + 2 + 3.8 = 23.8 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 18.8

Spirit of the Towns

DC: 23. Roll: 22 + 2 + 2.5 = 26.5 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 21.5

The Colonies

DC: 20. Roll: 18 + 2 + 1.6 = 21.6 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 16.6

Magical Reagants

DC: 25. Roll: 23 + 4.5 = 27.5 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 22.5

The Land of Ice and Snow

It starts one chill morning, as you leave one noble estate and see the wall of clouds on the horizon. You race to get Kerrie and Ophelia from the village first, since you know where they are. As you pick up Kerrie, the first snowflakes have begun to fall. When you reach Ophelia, the snow has begun to set in. When you reach the house, you can't see the path anymore.

You shut the door, and the snow comes, hard and fast. White torrents fall upon the land and darkness looms over the horizon as all is swallowed by the endless white torrent. One stick of firewood collapses and is replenished as the snow continues to fall hard and fast, the winds howling with the fury of the damned and the walls chill to the touch. Snow falls and falls and now you understand why the homesteaders were so concerned about piling up firewood and food as the snow piles up to the ankle and then the knee and then the waist.

Anxiously, you look back at Kerrie and Ophelia - Tekla still hasn't returned from the cold.

Suddenly, a pawing noise.

The homesteaders reach for the axe, and you reach for the door.

Coated in white, from head to toe, Tekla bursts in with his suitcase Compass, shivering badly as the white wind blows through all of you, dimming the fires and striking coldness into your body. You think you see wet clothes, and immediately start moving towards him to start taking off his clothes, since his hands are trembling too badly.

"I-i-i-i think I see," he says, teeth chattering like the wind and the door, "Why they call this place the White Hills," he said, quirking his face upwards, walking towards the fireplace.

"Save your breath," you order, taking off his stiff, cracking outer coat and steadily removing the wet inner layers. Even the inner layers seem colder than they should be - your lips pinch tight about how close he was to freezing over entirely.

"I-i-i would've been fine," he insists. "Coulda cast a heater or something," he says, teeth chattering.

"In this condition?" you bitingly ask, actually casting heater spells as you work. "You can't even string together a sentence without clicking your teeth together and you think you could've cast a heater?"

"Wouldn't help, anyway," Kerrie remarks. "Heaters tire you out faster, would've just left you colder afterwards," and the people whose home you borrowed sagely nod.

You feel his forehead. Cold, not burning. Fortunately, fever hadn't flared - this might just be being outside too long. Right - that meant you needed to ask the homeowners for blankets, since needed heavier.

"Would you be willing to spare us some blankets?" you ask, layering your own coat over Tekla's shivering form.

The homeowners agree, and you all huddle in for the night.

Outside, the snow continues to pile up, until you no longer know night from day.

You grimace. You weren't going to be able to do anything except hunker down and maybe go out for lumber and game anymore, clearly. If you were reading the Gnarled Rod right too, the blizzard had come packing some serious magical and spiritual power - this was a storm that would blanket everything in a wall of white and drain the life from any fool enough to risk passage in its domain.

Power Mapping

DC: 20. Roll: 19 + 2 + 3.1 + 8.0 = 32.1 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 27.1

The Clergy

DC: 15. Roll: 18 + 2 + 1.1 = 21.1 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 16.1

The Nobles

DC: 16. Roll: 18 + 2 + 5.7 = 25.7 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 20.7

Bribing Clerks

DC: 20. Roll: 19 + 2 + 8.0 = 29 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 24.0

The Hunt for the Red Sedan I

The second morning - or at least, what you think is morning, and you're fairly ashamed you had to use the Eye Approaching Divinity to check - of the howling blizzard, you decide to pool together what pieces of information you have.

The first bit of important information is the balance of power in the province - Kerrie points out that the primary forces are, well, all snowed in right now, but the primary forces are usually the town militias and the adventurers that seem to just constantly pop out of this place in response to the beasts and the snow in the hills. Apparently, one of them even made it all the way up to being a King's Pillar, though where she is right now nobody knows. Right now, the adventurers seem to have mostly answered the Crusade, but with, well, the blizzard outside when it submerges there might be quite a few more adventurers being made out in the snow and the cold, she points out.

What she did notice, however, was that those weapons did not seem oriented to killing people - instead of the pikes and shot she expected for fighting other infantry, she saw very little musketry and much more ludicrously oversized pikes and axes, so large they were more piercing and cutting rams than infantry weapons. She saw the occasional long musket as well - possibly containing some sort of technology that would make the long barrel a help rather than a hindrance to firing.

That said a lot about the threats they were facing - giant beasts in the hills. You...did not very much like the sound of that.

Then you get to pooling information about the delegations that you had found.

You personally had talked with the nobility and the clergy, who mentioned hosting some foreign delegations over the years, and starting to pick up in frequency - frankly, they had been somewhat concerned with the sheer number of them passing through, and were glad that the King's agents had finally come through to ease their fears somewhat. You had decided to roll with the lie, and asked them what those delegations were like - and they described in great detail the processions that had passed through the King's Road, featuring beautiful horses, luxurious seats, and a generous nobility, led by a man so important his personal sedan was colored a shade of brilliant, unmistakable red.

At least, that's what the nobility and the clergy associated with the towns said. The colonial priests had much fewer kind things to say, since the delegations had sped through the colonies as fast as possible, demanding the roads be cleared and the colonists out of sight as they passed. Not a coin was spared for them, despite the poorer state of their churches, and while this could simply be the difference in treatment between colonists and humans, they said it was like they were foreigners to the country - which meant that they probably were.

Kerrie nodded. That's just about what she found out from these documents, she reports; there's a record here of a delegation entering roughly about the same time as you just said they had. Also, she smirked, these documents also came with travel destinations, so that the Merchant Guild at their destination could collect the debts of the horses and feed that the Merchant Guild had given them at this location. The clerk, in fact, had been so kind as to give her the destinations for several of these delegations, along with their points of origin. Of those, there were two that concerned you:

The delegations headed north from the Bythnian river to Merridge, and the delegations headed southeast from Merridge to Lake Vlona.

A Rough Count

DC: 25. Roll: 20 + 4 + 2 + 6.4 = 32.4 - 5 (The Land of Ice and Snow) = 27.4

The winter is one of the worst in memory, the homeowners remark. Since you're all practically stuck indoors until the snow melts or you dig your way out, Ophelia decides to at least spend some of that time productively with the Eye Approaching Divinity and the Interlocked Abacuses Array doing a rough count of all the people in this province, thinly populated as it is. Of course, you're not sure whether you've gotten all the counting right - you might've missed a Colony you didn't know about, and even the best divination tools don't work all that well when vast amounts of magic are percolating outside in a once-a-century cold spell, but overall, you have a better picture of the province than you had beforehand.

Still, it feels more productive than losing game three hundred sixty two of this...chess thing that Tekla's been obsessed with, that's for sure.

Checkmate, Tekla smirks.

Damn. Three hundred sixty three straight losses.

Event Chain 1: 9 [6/10]
Event Chain 2: 54 [2/20]

With the coming of March, the cold spell begins to lift, the ice and snow at least beginning to fade to reasonable levels rather than burying everything beneath the hues of wintry blue and white - now you could actually see the sun and the sky in the morning, even if the rivers and lakes were frozen to a deep level.

Remaining Budget: 386

On the other hand, with the documents of travel receipts in hand, you had two large movements in the last year - a foreign delegation from somewhere to the South (probably Etrella) headed north to Merridge and a few noble delegations from Merridge headed south and east - which means you all had a decision.

[] Head for Merridge
The northern port city on the other side of the White Hills, this port city is tenuously connected to the rest of Oskaria at best - however, it sounds like a bunch of these foreign delegations decided to meet up here first. Perhaps you can find out more up there.
[] Head south along the Etrellan Border
You now know for sure that the Etrellans crossed through the White Hills from the south - which means that you can follow the path along the border and see what comes up.
[] Head south and east towards the Lake Vlona
The noble delegations from Merridge, which likely included Alanyivan and Rusmysian nobility, were headed in the direction of Lake Vlona. Follow their tracks.
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EVENT CHAIN 1 [10/10] [0/10]
EVENT CHAIN 2 [7/20]

Random Event Roll: 93

The month-long journey to Merridge is easier than you had dared hope, the frozen ice providing bridges across the streams when it comes time to cross them. As if to make up for the howling fury of the past month's blizzard, the sun shines long and bright through the Aurora for what seems like every day, providing you a direct path straight to the city of Merridge as you head down alongside the thawing Claudale River, swelling up to the banks as the waterwheels along its path furiously spins, powering the great flour mills within. You hitch a ride with an extremely excitable flour merchant charting a course downstream in her barge, happily chattering away about everything that's happened under the sun.

Apparently, it was a stroke of extremely good fortune that the river was full enough to let her take a full load of grain down to the city - last month saw the rivers all frozen shut, so she couldn't sail downstream with a barge - she'd have to hire a team of mules and wagon if she wanted to move goods down the river, and even if she did the mills wouldn't work when the rivers were so frozen, but now that the spring thaws had come slightly earlier than expected she could take the full load of grain down to the city.

Yep, she affirmed, it was a pretty good month to be a food merchant. She's actually curious about your group though - a group of Colonist adventurers looking to ply their trade in Merridge? You sound kind of south...eastern Oskarian, if she had to peg your accent.

Something like that, you noncommittally agree. You suspect your reception would be much colder if she realized you were the King's finest taxmen - well, after Agueda, of course.

She laughs, and tells you you're probably a little too early, then - the westerlies aren't due to blow through for a while yet, and even if they were she hears that all the adventure's to the south by Transulinia nowadays - the westerlies would only take you up to the Rusmysian and Alanyivan circuit through the north, supposedly so cold there are whole continents of ice up there!

Of course, you probably know more about than that than a humble grain merchant, she bashfully admits, and you nod your head sagely.

It makes for pleasant company as you head into the city of Merridge.

You realized that something was different about the city of Merridge from the moment you arrive. It wasn't just the gaunt faces desperately offering the price of one and a half loaves of bread in exchange for a smaller loaf - it was something about the city itself that you couldn't quite place, a way that it was different from the Oskarian cities to the south. The scent was all wrong, the smell of city fires and smoke harsher and more sulfurous than wood-fired charcoal ought to be, laced with the scents of death and decay. Smoke seemed to linger in the air like a shimmer, not enough to truly block out the sky but enough to tell its existence. The scent of pork hung in the air, carried by great blazes to the southwest as covered wagons trundled down the streets with a particularly strong smell of death.

"Starvation," Kerrie quietly uttered, and in that moment it becomes real for you.

"The cold, too," Tekla murmured.

Ophelia looked woozy.

You quietly nod, and guide Ophelia to a side alley - to be confronted with a pale, frozen corpse. Curled up, eyes shut and hands clutching its stomach, it looked like a a child who had been unfortunate enough to get caught outside - and now all it had was a blanket of snow for a funeral.

Ophelia retched, the steamy bile splashing against the snow-covered stones as you give the child its final rites. Your face was stony as you picked the child up, looking towards the inner city. You didn't doubt for a moment that the clergy in the inner city never lacked for food, and you wondered whether all the jewels the clergy were wearing was worth this one child.

But first - you'd find a place to bury this child. It's the least you could do.

The docks that define Merridge are empty this early in the year, even as the flour and the grain comes down the Claudale River provides much needed relief to the hungry and starving city. The merchants and the nobles have locked themselves into their own districts ringing the inside of the city, barring entry through liberal use of the city guard. The city guard themselves are well-fed, with first rights to buy items in the marketplaces for the people and the lesser artisans locked out of the inner ring - even as the other residents hold on to their gaunt children.

As of this moment, you're nondescript adventurers, which confines you to the outer ring. Getting into the inner ring requires some form of authorization - legally, of course.

Remaining Budget: 380

You have 3 [Free] Actions that may be spent in any category.

You have 6 Minor Boons and 2 Major Boons that you may attach to any Action.

You can cooperate with your teammates to add +3 base stat to an action that you are cooperating on. It is represented by using your [Free] Action on one of your already-selected Actions.

Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Power Mapping

As is tradition, figure out who controls what forces - or at least, what forces to be concerned about in this city. DC: 24. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] Kicking Down the Door

You're the King's agents, and you're going to slap this Royal Seal in the face of anyone who tries to block your passage into the inner city. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.

Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Diplomacy] The City Guard

You want to figure out what the deal with the city guard is out here. Perhaps you can talk with them a little bit. Preferably with gifts. DC: 20. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Outer Clergy

While nominally the church in this city is under one unitary authority, in practice you suspect it's just like everywhere else - the inner clergy get rich, the outer clergy get overstretched. Check it out. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Poor

Maybe it'd be meaningless, but you want to start distributing some food and helping to feed the poor people on the outskirts. It's not easy to forget that child, after all. DC: 15. Cost: 8 Budget.

Intrigue (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Intrigue] Inner City Infiltration

Kerrie might be able to just slip past the guards and check out the inner city. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Greasing the Gates

You might be able to bribe one of the city guards to let you into the city - though of course, you'll be counting on their goodwill to not report it, which means that you'll naturally have to pay more. DC: 20. Cost: 6 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Investigating the Guard

Maybe you can look into the City Guard a bit, and look around their internal documentation. DC: 24. Cost: 0 Budget.

Learning (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Learning] Magical Mapping

Perhaps Tekla can assemble a picture of the local spirit population - and maybe give some clues on the inner functioning of the inner city. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Learning] Brewing Up a Solution

Tekla also happens to have some skill with alchemy. Not a lot, but perhaps enough to impress some and make some money - and a pass into the inner city. DC: 25. Cost: 4 Budget.

Stewardship (Choose 1) {Ophelia Action}
[] [Stewardship] Document Analysis

You picked up the documents from the White Hills Merchant Guild last month - but you hadn't had the chance to really dig down and see what details you could wrest out. Perhaps now is the time. DC: 24. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] Shipping Manifests

The ships will be coming in soon next month, which means that you may want to see what ships are expected to be here - and then, when they arrive, which ones aren't. DC: 20. Cost: 4 Budget.

Piety (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Piety] The Dead

Over the course of the last month, the dead have been piling up outside the city. Many of the clergy are overburdened - perhaps you can help ease the burdens of the clergy, and deliver the last rites yourself. DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Piety] The Local Spirits

It never hurts to offer your sacrifices in exchange for better fortune to the spirits. DC: 25. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Piety] The Spirit of Oskaria

On the last hand, well, if you brought in the spirit of Oskaria you could be fairly certain that you would be let through the gates and given a welcome reception - at the expense of tipping off everyone in the city and for miles around. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
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Yeah, let's call it for Plan Oshha, which has won 12-2-1.

We've got a boatload of dice to roll this time: 13d100s this time - along with, perhaps, a hint as to what's been going on with Event Chain 1...

Power Mapping

DC: 24. Base Stat: 19 + 2 + 3.1.

Cost: 0 Budget.

The City Watch

DC: 20. Base Stat: 20 + 2.

Cost: 2 Budget.

The Outer Clergy

DC: 20. Base Stat: 18 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

The Poor

DC: 20. Base Stat: 18 + 2.

Cost: 8 Budget.

Inner City Infiltration

DC: 20. Base Stat: 19 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Magical Mapping

DC: 25. Base Stat: 23.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Document Analysis

DC: 24. Base Stat: 20 + 4 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Shipping Manifests

DC: 20. Base Stat: 20 + 4 + 2.

Cost: 4 Budget.

The Dead

DC: 15. Base Stat: 22.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Event Chain 1A

Event Chain 1B

Event Chain 2

Random Event Roll
Power Mapping

DC: 24. Roll: 19 + 2 + 3.1 + 5.5 = 29.6.

The map of power in the outer city is as simple as it is brutal.

After the supremely harsh winter and spring months, the City Guard reigns as the supreme power with a tight fist holding onto their privileges of first mover market access. There are other gangs around the city, surprisingly charming church and business leaders to negotiate around - but at the end of the day, the one with the band of well-fed, armed guards is the City Guard, and thus they have the final say in the outer city. To go against them would be risky without your own forces, or perhaps when more armed mercenaries come into the city.

Inner City Infiltration

DC: 20. Roll: 19 + 2 + 4.5 = 25.5

The inner city is a rich and quiet place, Kerrie notes - surprisingly quiet, in fact. She saw only singular people rushing from house to market to house, steering well clear of each other. Curious, she decided to try and listen in to the people inside the houses, and found that a handful were suffering from some sort of coughing sickness, apparently from the delegation that headed to the Capital last fall. The rest, however, were kept at home and individually sending their servants out on orders of the nominal governor of the city, who seemed to profess the need to stay safe and protect the other members of the nobility with the same breaths that he ceaselessly praised the King and swore loyalty to Oskaria.

Interesting behavior, Kerrie dryly notes as she looks directly at Ophelia.

The City Guard

DC: 20 + 3 (The Wasting Cough). Roll: 20 + 2 + 1 + 1.9 = 24.9.

It's a good thing, then, that you task Tekla to meeting with and flattering the City Guard elements in the outer city. Interestingly enough, the Guard seems to conspicuously enjoy hanging out in large congregations and showing off their wealth and rich foods with great feasts exclusive to them and their rich guests - even as City Guardsmen patrol the perimeter to ensure the undesirable rabble is kept well out of sight. They also seem to have adopted some sort of inherent identity to Merridge, picking up a few habits of the Alanyivans and the Rusmysians to blend with Oskaria to create unique rules for Merridge. He doesn't even need to pry for the City Guard's opinion on the city governor - they all nearly-uniformly think him a regressive tyrant imposed from the out-of-touch Oskarian nobility, as they neatly separate their own convoluted legal statuses as the natural order of things and the convoluted legal mess that constitutes the rest of Oskaria.

Tekla does an admirable job of concealing his nervousness at their questioning, and manages to adequately deflect attention.

At least, for the short while he can safely interact with them before the wasting cough sets in.

Magical Mapping

DC: 25 + 3 (The Floods of April) = 28. Roll: 23 + 5.9 = 28.9

Tekla manages to complete the map, although with some difficulty - the flooding of the Claudale made accounting for the river spirits and the house spirits and the ancestor spirits hopelessly confused, let alone when the Wasting Cough spread all over the city and started making the whole area spiritually desolate and weaker. You're certain that this information is helpful - for one, you're definitely going to need to move some of the pyres lest they start developing death ghosts from the spite of the former spirits of the land and the sheer amount of dead corpses turned to ash there, and you're certain it can help you with negotiating better deals with the local spirits.

Document Analysis

DC: 24. Roll: 20 + 4 + 2 + 3.5 = 29.5

Shipping Manifests

DC: 20. Roll: 20 + 4 + 2 + 4.1 = 30.1

You nod and approve a budget for Ophelia to go out and track down these manifests when Kerrie just holds her hand to her forehead and tells Ophelia to just scry the answers out with the Eye Approaching Divinity. Ophelia hesitatingly agrees, and does just that - which gives you a list of manifests in a thick stack. Processing that amount would take you over a year - Ophelia sorts through the entire stack and piles up her own notes to the side, even as she digs into the documents Kerrie obtained two months ago in the White Hills.

While the vast majority of the documentation proves useless, she eventually manages to narrow down a few important facts. The first is confirmation - the travel times for delegations departing Merridge and arriving in the White Hill's King's Road match up, the red sedan indeed originating from Merridge. Fascinatingly enough, that red sedan came with a port of origin - an Alanyivan port of origin, to be specific. In fact, the vast majority of foreign noble delegations to Merridge were Alanyivan, outnumbering the other non-merchant business by nearly one and a half times over. In addition, the nobles from Alanyivan tended to be a higher rank, or at least a higher equivalent rank, since the ordering of noble titles was never clear-cut between countries.

The second important fact is that many delegations are coming into the city throughout the next month and the month after, as the winds and the waters finally allow for ships to sail the northern circuit at reasonable cost. Ophelia strongly suspects that these delegations are going to be following up with previous work - perhaps you might be able to get some answers from them.

Event Chain 1A [0/10] [3/10]
Event Chain 1B [6/10]
Event Chain 2 [8/20]

Rumor rides the swelling rivers downstream to say that the gargantuan blizzard that had hit the White Hills had actually moved east - or perhaps more accurately, had blanketed the whole of Oskaria, before moving to the eastern tributaries of the Smok River. Supposedly, the storm had simply never ended there, an endless howling maelstrom that stretched from horizon to horizon. It had struck fear and a respect for the spirits - for clearly perhaps Oskaria had offended the very Compact itself, and was now being punished for its sins.

But, this newfound drive for piety may have been too little, too late.

Random Event Roll: 20

The Floods of April

The rivers flood ceaselessly all throughout the month, cutting off the grain barges flowing down the Claudale and the mills for fear of damaging the great wheels. The city hungers and starves, already affected by the hunger of the last month, the merchants and the speculators buying up their stock and refusing to sell for anything less than extortionate prices. The debris that sweeps down the flooded Claudale testifies to the destruction writ upstream, as the imports of the food and the lumber that keeps the city fed and warm ironically slows to a trickle. The people hunger and freeze, but in the cold of April after the brutal winter, what energy is left to resist?

The Outer Clergy

DC: 20 - 5 (The Wasting Cough) = 15. Roll: 18 + 2 + 7.6 = 27.6 - 5 (The Wasting Cough) = 22.6

The Poor

DC: 20 - 5 (The Wasting Cough) = 15. Roll: 18 + 2 + 2.9 = 22.9 - 5 (The Wasting Cough) = 17.9

The Dead

DC: 15 + 5 (The Wasting Cough) = 20. Roll: 22 + 0.4 = 22.4.

The Wasting Cough

But misery enjoys company, and with the tide of swampy, brown water pouring through the poor districts and then the inner city before passing back through the northern slums, a disease begins to spread. The symptoms begin with a light cough - before the coughs deepen into great wracking upheavals of wind and spirit and the skin of the victims turns blue on their deathbeds. For those unfortunate enough to progress to the blue skin, there is no cure - applying fevers and giving water has no effect, and none of the concoctions that the alchemists produce can avert the inevitable death within a handful of days. Those that go hungry and cold are particularly susceptible to the skin turning blue - and there are an endless number of those in this city now.

Daily you struggle against the disease in the overcrowded sickhouses, the ill piled on top of beds and stretching through the hall. A tide of blue faces lies through the houses like an ocean of the dead and dying, and all you can do is attempt to provide what feeble comforts you can. The inner city clergy has only sent a token delegation, resentful of their presence and showing themselves as minimally as possible as you and the other priests in the outer ring work without ceasing - day and night meaning only when the torches must be lit and when you are nominally supposed to eat. You comfort and you clean and you offer your rites for the dead stacked like corded wood, the pungent scent of burning corpses warring with the scent of the disease and the scent of the plague masks whenever you find the time to close your eyes and drift to a fitful sleep. Around you, the other priests struggle on, offering only the nods of those dressed in full plague garb can as they too struggle onward through the endless sea.

You treat and you treat and you treat, and always there is more. Always another elderly patient struggling desperately in their age, always another spouse pleading with you to tell their loved ones, always more crying children to pile atop the hearses. The tide is endless and merciless, the sound of the coughs filling your living nightmare. You have to tell the infirm and the merely painfully coughing to leave the sickhouse as soon as possible, making space for more of the ones with pale faces and worsening coughs. You have to tell the resigned grandparents of their adult children's fate, you have to tell the children who outlive their parents too young, you have to tell the dying sickhouse priests that their sacrifice meant something.

You're so, so tired.

The cough continues to linger in the air - the outbreak is no gentle thing to disappear with the full bloom of spring and the incoming trade ships blowing in. For your actual case, your team has found two leads: the conflict between the City Guard and governor, and the confirmation that the delegations that had passed through the White Hills had indeed originally hailed from Alanyiva and Rusmysia. This means you have two approaches, quite aside from your team insisting that you're not well and need to take a break from going to the sickhouses day after day.

You snort. You have a decision to make quickly, and then you have to head back.

Remaining Budget: 364

[] Continue quietly investigating in Merridge.

Party members will continue to quietly investigate in Merridge for the month while Cormag continues tripling down on Wasting Cough actions until the crisis is over.
[] Swiftly act against the foreign agitators.
Perhaps you can substitute decisiveness and surprise for sustained strength - especially if you can draw out Ophelia-Oskaria in order to quickly slam through the City Guard.
[] Wrap things up here, and head for Vlona.
The nobles your King has ordered you to investigate are probably in this direction, which means that your orders are to investigate in that direction. You'd strongly regret abandoning the efforts to fight the Wasting Cough, but...your duty compels you.
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Alright, with a decisive 11-2-1 advantage, Continue Quietly Investigating in Merridge wins.

Roll me...hm. Roll me 11d100s.


DC: 25. Base Stat: 19 + 2 + 3.1.
Active Modifiers: -3 (The Wasting Cough)

Cost: ???

The Artisan Guilds

DC: 20. Base Stat: 20 + 2.
Active Modifiers: -3 (The Wasting Cough)

Cost: 2 Budget.

Investigating the Guard

DC: 22. Base Stat: 19 + 2.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Brewing Up a Solution

DC: 25. Base Stat: 23.

Cost: 4 Budget.

On the Front Lines

DC: 50. Base Stat: 16 + 3.

Cost: 0 Budget.

Searching for Answers

DC: 30. Base Stat: 20 + 4 + 2 + 3.

Cost: 0 Budget.

The Dead

DC: 25. Base Stat: 22.

Cost: 4 Budget.

Event Chain 1A.

Event Chain 1B.

Event Chain 2.

Random Event Roll.