You felt a profound sort of discomfort filling in for Agueda. Your robes, the vestments you had worn as your armor for years suddenly felt awkward and ill-fitting, without the easy deflection of Agueda as lead person to take the helm. Unfortunately, with Agueda out of the picture the other options for leadership was Tekla, Kerrie, or Ophelia - Tekla rejected the position outright, Kerrie shortly followed suit, and Ophelia followed their lead.
Which is how you're holding host to a disapproving elf who you're all but certain is disdaining you. At least her office is kept with some sense of decor, an austerity that speaks to a single-minded purpose rather than the excesses of the other ones you've glimpsed.
"So, you're his replacement," Finance Minister Vivien says, and you feel as though despite the gap of years between you that she is the one condescending to a child.
"Yes, Minister Vivien," you carefully reply.
"You realize, of course, the difficulty," she says, as if you hadn't understood from the beginning that this would be the most difficult cases of your career.
"Yes, Minister Vivien," you blankly reply.
"Well, it's a good thing that your team is just about the most skilled one I can throw at this problem, because you'll probably need it," she dismissively says, as if it were possible to assemble a better team in the Kingdom.
"I understand, Minister."
She ran her hand through her while saying.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually kind of miss that annoying git's banter," she grouses. "At least he had a personality to work with."
You smile and say nothing.
She disgustedly looks at you and shakes her head.
"Regardless, your mission is, ironically enough, to prosecute traitors and liars to the Crown for the duration of the Crusade," she says, wryly smirking. "Here would be the place where I would wryly mock Agueda for claiming that that provision was oh so useless, but alas, you are here instead of him. Your targets, however, are broadly scattered, and half the problem is that we don't even know where they are. We can guess roughly where they are by what would be most inconvenient for the nation, but, well, expect heavy interference every step of the way. Since this is a matter of vital national security, the King has appropriated an appropriate sum - although unofficially, since we have a hunch that at a minimum the Minister of the Interior is on the plot, or at least sitting on the sidelines."
She shakes her head at that. "Damnable woman."
You nod. You have no idea who she is.
Budget will be
400 Budget, with fairly wide discretion - so long as it does not end up in court before we try the traitors, of course. Do you understand me?" Vivien haughtily asks.
"Of course, Minister. We will carry out the King's will," you say, bowing.
You await her dismissal, as she turns back to the stack of paperwork she has yet to sort through. She sits and rifles through them slowly - you wonder whether it is your presence, or whether it is that you are used to how fast Agueda tears through documents. Finally, your presence weighs in too long.
"Well? What are you still doing in my office? Go on, git!" she says, shooing you off with her hand.
"Gladly," you say, bowing once more. When you stand, you're careful to duck and move the chair back slowly. Wouldn't want to cause any accidents, not when Agueda actually seems to like your boss.
You make sure to be well outside of her office before you allow yourself the satisfaction of cracking your neck.
"So, the bossman isn't going to be here, huh?" Tekla asks. "Well, Cormag? Where are we off to first?"
You have no idea. Your specialty is talking to spirits and negotiation, for all that Tekla and Agueda are better than you at the latter and Agueda always manages to stay one step ahead of you in the former.
But you're the leader, which means you're supposed to have the ideas - unless, of course, you decide to use a little bit of this...delegation magic.
"Kerrie, Ophelia, thoughts?"
"Capital village is probably not a good idea," Kerrie thoughtfully says, as Ophelia closes her mouth. "At least not to start. We'll have almost no leads and no way to develop leads if we get them - we're going to have too many enemies and frankly, our tools are not well suited for the job. At least, at first."
"I mean, I hate to be the one to bring it up, but, well, the Capital streets probably still have some good feelings from two or three years ago. Couldn't we tap into that?" Tekla asks.
want to bring back the July Days?" Kerrie bitingly retorts, as you notice Ophelia blankly smile and nod.
"Let's table that thought," you say. "Ophelia, you look like you've been waiting to say something. Do you have an idea?"
"Mm...yeah," Ophelia quickly says, nodding. "I was thinking - these foreign nobles have to be coming from somewhere, right? That means they have to go through certain places, and meet up in certain towns, right?"
"Right..." Tekla hesitatingly says.
"That means that if we can figure out what their path is, we can ask around, and follow their tracks, right?"
"Right," you say, comprehension dawning on you.
"So we just need to figure out where they came from and where they're headed!" Tekla exclaims, and Ophelia grins fiercely.
"Right. Now take a look at this
map," Ophelia grins. "If they're from Etrella, they're either crossing the river Bythnia at the river fork at Etrark or coming into the port city of Cille at the mouth. If they're coming from Alanyiva, they pretty much have to set down in the northern port city of Merridge and cross the White Hills if they want to get anywhere. If they're coming from Rusmysia, they have the choice of either crossing through Brumyiva to come down the Smok River to the east, or setting down in Merridge."
"That's four entry points," Kerrie skeptically said. "We only have four people here - we can't search that large an area."
"Right, but that
doesn't matter," Ophelia exclaims. "Look! If they all want to meet up in one place, there's only one place that makes sense! The White Hills!"
"I...don't follow?" Kerrie says out loud, as you pretend like you understand what she's talking about.
"It comes down to this: The Alanyivans are going to come to the port city of Merridge, north of the White Hills. The Etrellans are going to come in south of the White Hills. This makes the White Hills right in between them, which means that one of those groups
has to go through that area! It's perfect!" Ophelia excitedly says.
"The Etrellans aren't dumb," Kerrie skeptically says. "Wouldn't they just talk - oh, but then they couldn't talk to the nobles here," she says, cutting herself off. "Heh. Smart," she chuckles, pointing finger guns at Ophelia, who tries to copy her.
"It sounds like we're in agreement to head for the White Hills, then?" you ask, affecting more confidence than you felt.
A series of nods and a chorus of agreements answered you.
One month later, you arrive in the White Hills.
The White Hills is a charming region of back country peasants and nobles who mostly stick to the land. The people here are deeply pious and in touch - they have to be, for their spirits are not the most powerful things lurking in the hills. This back country status has led to a surplus of colonies in the region - though surprisingly enough, the colonists and the humans seem to mostly get along, under the banner of the same church and the fear and respect of the things which appear at night. The King's Road that passes through the region is the main thoroughfare, and the only one regularly patrolled by all the forces in the region. There exist backcountry routes which some suggest are faster than the winding King's Road, but to go through those you generally need a guide to take you through.
You have 400 Budget, and no idea how much of it is a good idea to spend. Uh, just don't spend a lot you guess?
You have 3 [Free] Actions that may be spent in any category.
You have 6 Minor Boons and 2 Major Boons that you may attach to any Action.
You can cooperate with your teammates to add +3 base stat to an action that you are cooperating on. It is represented by using your [Free] Action on one of your already-selected Actions.
Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Power Mapping
There's a lot of things that go bump in the night and a lot of people here who are more dangerous. Find out which you should be most afraid of.
DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] We're Going On a Hunt
Perhaps going into the woods to present one of the groups with the corpse of a dangerous beast might be the best way to impress them.
DC: Scaling. Gains: Scaling.
Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Diplomacy] The Clergy
They're priests, you're a priest. They believe in the good stuff like feeling a connection to the land and your people, and so do you. Shouldn't be too hard, right?
DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Nobles
These nobles seem like the down-to-earth believe-in-the-King types. Maybe you can find some common ground there.
DC: 16. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Colonies
The Colonies have always been a little bit more self-governing, so maybe you can find some allies among them. Maybe the guides responsible for the backcountry paths.
DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Towns
Lastly, you could pry around the towns for some information - especially since this is probably the sort of province where everybody knows everybody else.
DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The Merchants
The traffic on the King's Road means that a thriving and healthy Merchant's Guild has thrived here - and they recognize that they're liable to see more wealth than either the nobles or the peasants will, and charge accordingly.
DC: 24. Cost: 4 Budget.
Intrigue (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Intrigue] Ear to the Ground
Sometimes the simplest work is the best. Simply gossiping with the townsfolk about notable people passing through might give you a hint that you can use.
DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Bribing Clerks
Perhaps you could simply bribe a clerk to make a copy of the recent manifests and arrivals without telling anyone else. Should be a straightforward affair.
DC: 20. Cost: 4 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Seizing the Documents
On the other hand, you really don't feel like paying for what the merchants should be providing to you.
DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
Learning (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Learning] Magical Mapping
Whatever is in these hills, you want to find out
well in advance, if the rumors are anything to go by. You
definitely want to find them before they find you.
DC: 27. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Learning] Magical Reagents
This far out into the wilderness, however, there may be a chance to find some choice reagants that would be
rather more expensive to find in the cities than out here.
DC: 25. Gain: Magical Components.
Stewardship (Choose 1) {Ophelia Action}
[] [Stewardship] Official Business
You do have the King's seal and the reputation of the Red Eyes behind you - you could simply march into the assembled notables and ask for some help with your investigation. You also have no other real leads, so, uh...
DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] A Rough Count
The number of people living in the White Hills has always been a little hard to keep track of. Maybe you can get a more accurate count, and stay a little bit on the quieter side.
DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
Piety (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Piety] Spirit of the Towns
Fortunately, if there's anything you personally are good at, it's working out deals with spirits. The spirits inside the town should be a good place to start.
DC: 23. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Piety] Spirit of the Hills
These might be a little riskier, and you are definitely calling on something a little wilder, but it should still be the same sets of ideas.
DC: 27. Cost: 0 Budget.