Well, thats just pathetic. I feel like we missing half of the options just because Comrag isn't good in this.
Is that 3rd one supposed to be empty?Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Power Mapping
There's a lot of things that go bump in the night and a lot of people here who are more dangerous. Find out which you should be most afraid of. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] We're Going On a Hunt
Perhaps going into the woods to present one of the groups with the corpse of a dangerous beast might be the best way to impress them. DC: Scaling. Gains: Scaling.
[] [Martial]
Is that last option supposed to be something, or is it just lingering before deletion?Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Power Mapping
There's a lot of things that go bump in the night and a lot of people here who are more dangerous. Find out which you should be most afraid of. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] We're Going On a Hunt
Perhaps going into the woods to present one of the groups with the corpse of a dangerous beast might be the best way to impress them. DC: Scaling. Gains: Scaling.
[] [Martial]
Lingering before deletion. I blasted it.Is that last option supposed to be something, or is it just lingering before deletion?
You must take one thing to progress along each tracks, for your team has no time for idleness even before No Wasted Movements kicking in.
Provided you don't get hit by enemy action, pretty accurate.@huhYeahGoodPoint How much can we trust the DCs to be accurate?
Ah, the endless debate over whether Mission: Impossible is supposed to be about the team as a smooth-running unit or is just about Tom Cruise running, jumping, and performing endless stunts.I like the change in perspective. The team looks more like a team under Cormag command. It reminds me a bit of how it is sometimes better to have the people who are less competent who needs to talk to people in order to keep everything running be the manager instead of a absolute expert who can rely on themselve without breaking anything (Exept themselves).
Already answered here:
You must take one thing to progress along each tracks, for your team has no time for idleness even before No Wasted Movements kicking in.
That's actually a pretty good point. Let's slot in a new action:Reading this, I feel like people might understand that being blatant is, uh....a bad thing? And thus....just...not do the blatant "I AM HERE AND REQUESTING YOUR ASSISTANCE" thing?
So...why is the stewardship 'option' mandatory?