If we go to GG we are going to have to go with the intention of looting not trying to fix the place. GG's lack of communication network means that we can go and loot without anyone figuring out what is going on.
The only issue is that loot in question is likely to fight back, and the stuff most worth our while is the most likely to be able to harm us. We could probably get a lot of at least somewhat interesting stuff from scavenging in the Wastelands, or a trip to the black market. But the very best stuff tends to either be in active use (Castle Heterodyne, the Storm King's weapons, Albia's various creations), or in a well-guarded repository of some sort (Mechanicsburg Catacombs, the various Corbettite Vaults, etc.).
Admittedly, if this were in canon times, The Incorruptible Republic of the Immortal Library of the Grand Architect (god, I love this series) would probably have been willing to loan us some really interesting books. Alas, the Immortal Library has probably not been founded yet. I suppose we could lauch raids on the Polar Ice Lords (assuming they exist in this), or some other, similar independent faction, and avoid the current conflict. But I'd really rather not risk getting wrapped up in the Storm King-Heterodyne war due to a raid gone wrong. So most the world of GG that's been firmly established is out.
...Actually, now that I consider it, ignoring Europa and the War and just going to a bunch of the places we only hear about, but never get to see, could be really interesting. Assuming Alivaril has some idea of what those places should look like, that is. Or, hell, we could just to other random places outside Europe. Places like the Americas, Egypt, China, Japan, India, and Australia, amongst many others, would all be quite interesting to visit.
And yes, the last one is mostly because the wildlife in GG!Australia must be...
unique. I suspect the platypus in GG would have been the result of a drunken Spark's all-nighter/binge.
We really do. I think there's like two dozen hanging plot threads right now. Let's tie at least some of them up before looking for more, yeah?
If there's anything I know about this quest, it's that there's no such thing as a quick hop. Especially not a quick first hop.
Mostly agreed to both, though I don't think we have
quite that many things to juggle. At least not actively, meaning not including fairly stable situations we can leave alone and be fine (Remnant). And we're really only going to accumulate more such obligations. It's kind of inevitable, as we visit and become entangled with different planes. There's a reason why Planeswalkers tend to travel a lot, especially the oldest and strongest ones, like Sorin Markov and Nicol Bolas. Lots of commitments to juggle.
That said, GG raids can definitely wait until we're less solidly booked. But it might be good to keep in mind that we could potentially dodge the whole Storm King debacle and instead go visit Native American tribes with access to steampunk locomotives. And lots of other cool shenanigans, too, I'd wager. That whole mess is part of why we've been avoiding GG (along with the whole plane just being rather dangerous, as a rule), and it doesn't need to be.