Mmm, that's what confused me about Vebyast's assertion that Jade is too busy to practice overchanneling. Her schedule's actually about as free in the next few days as it will ever be. The only thing she needs to worry about is finding an unused adept-potential gift for Nanoha. If this doesn't count as a free period, I'm not sure what does.
...I disagree with your assessment.
- It's the 9th right now.
- 10th, probably also 11th: Check for Hotaru's reply tomorrow and presumably meet with her. We have to get that done ASAP because we can't safely attend the Red conference until we've talked to her.
- 15th: Meet with Reaper representative.
- 16th or 17th: Red Conference, and that's hoping that Agneyastra sent some more detail than "about a week from now" so they don't schedule it overlapping with the meeting we have with the Reaper rep. It is vaguely plausible that they schedule it for the 14th.
We have four-ish consecutive days with nothing scheduled. Our first attempt at overchanneling took "most of a week". Even if we find a mage-gift for Nanoha, get it transferred,
and talk to Hotaru tomorrow we'd need a
multi-day reduction in overchannelling recovery time to have a
chance of catching the succeeding appointment. Given that the consequence of failure would be missing our appointment with the Reaper representative I'd really rather not bet on it. I think that I'd be okay pushing to get all of that done tomorrow on the off-chance that our precognition chimes in if an opportunity presents itself, luck being the residue of design and all, but that's a long chain of coincidences to expect.
After that, we have a lot of things on our to-do list but not many are scheduled for a specific day. Many aren't even really scheduleable. That's exactly what we want. We set Nanoha's soul on fire as soon as the Red conference is over, then dive straight into our to-do list when we wake up. As long as we don't commit to any appointments in the week following the Red conference I think we're set. We'll have to pay attention to that while we're talking to the Reaper representative.
Edit; Oops, Sidhe's birthday on the 22nd and we have to start unfreezing MGLN at some point. That's... ugly. If we're lucky and Agneyastra knew what she was doing, the Red conference is on the 16th, we set Nanoha on fire on the 17th, and a worst-case five-day recovery has us waking up the morning of the 22nd, which is
[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?
[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.