It's been a while for me, what happened with our home plane and mages showing up/how did Kyubey get taken over?
When we got mana magic, Kyuubey noticed and started replicating the process. This produced a lot of Black witches, but it also resulted in a Blue mage who infected the Incubator network with a magic virus. This all happened while we were away because having her soul vivisected left Jade unwilling to interact with her home plane while Kyuubey was active.
Also, what's this about our section of the planes being a sort of cut-off safe bit made by our ancestors to help out newbie planeswalkers? I don't remember knowing this previously but my memory's garbage.
Apparently Sylvester Agni made a tutorial island for his Planeswalker descendants.
It's been a while for me, what happened with our home plane and mages showing up/how did Kyubey get taken over?
Ignition (MTG/Multicross, Planeswalker PC) | Page 1146
Also, what's this about our section of the planes being a sort of cut-off safe bit made by our ancestors to help out newbie planeswalkers? I don't remember knowing this previously but my memory's garbage.
The first evidence of a cut-off was from Jade's intuitive knowledge during Nanoha's catch up:
"Um. Okay, so that's a bit hard to answer? Two big highlights, I think. The first is that I basically had a series of quick, zero-context precognitive visions around the time you collapsed, including the knowledge that one of the other planes is gone. I'd both outgrown it and never really visited it to start with, so I think it got replaced with something more helpful."

Nanoha begins hesitantly, then stops and seems to reconsider. "Um, okay, I was going to say that seemed to be ascribing too much intelligence to a universe, but I guess we don't know how your world-walking ability really works. It could have its own directory or something."

"Actually, I think it might be closer to having the plane pushed out of my range while another was brought into the shard. As usual, I don't actually know where I got that idea, so I guess it's a bit unreliable."
After that it was mentioned with some more info:
Fortunately for them, they've now been dragged into the isolated "Multiplanar Shard" constructed by your ancestors for any of their newly planeswalking family members. Until one of the planes does something to invite the Eldrazi over, this new plane is as safe from them as every other universe in your hidden pocket of Eternity.
You blink and straighten your spine, interest piqued. You'd suspected Suryastra committed a handful of atrocities to create your pendant; maybe Prince Surya picked it up on another plane instead? But if so, how did Aria end up with a Green equivalent? The planar Shard sheltering you should be hiding you from any planeswalkers who aren't part of your family line.
[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[x] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
The problem is that "Before JS event" is not the same as "right now". Between the Red Conference, finding and transferring a mage-gift, meeting with the people on XCOM, and doing all the planeswalking to make all of that happening, our next week is booked totally solid.
Part is me not being aware of all the timings on the future plans but I agree that the schedule is pretty tight for now. (I want to make sure to raise the issue so it's considered while votecrafting, even if it's ultimately discarded)

"Setting Nanoha's mage-gift on fire" can count as overchanneling practice for JS but I wonder if we need practice overchanneling for the former too, because I've been working under the assumption of we'd have to set Nanoha's mage-gift on fire (thus overchanneling) when it's being transferred.
(it's technically a double post but it's been some hours since last post, so metter make a new one...)

If someone wants to make a case to try looking at Siofra's ethernano affinities, this is a good time to do it.

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.

For now, and to keep the discussion going. Or maybe trying to aim for Sigurd?
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And how does it matter when we are aiming for him specifically?

My point is we wouldn't need to aim for him at all; he's back in the Forest of Sorrows with everyone else, or else will shortly arrive there.

The current vote works for killing time by talking with Vanyel or Sigurd, should Nanoha and Sidhe prove to still be unconscious.
My point is we wouldn't need to aim for him at all; he's back in the Forest of Sorrows with everyone else, or else will shortly arrive there.

The current vote works for killing time by talking with Vanyel or Sigurd, should Nanoha and Sidhe prove to still be unconscious.
Then what do you think Filraen's "trying to aim for Sigurd", that I have been commenting on, about?
I'm not exactly up to searching the thread to figure out exactly what our schedule looks like right now past "full".
The "short term" tab of our to-do list is rather helpful for that:
  • Get Adept-potential mage gift for Nanoha
  • Set cult straight
  • Pyro conference
  • Sep 22: Sidhe's birthday
  • Sep 28: unfreeze MGLN
Not mandatory, but still highly advisable:
  • meet Bifrovs and/or Yambala Gladiators to observe 'djinn equip' to allow Unison
  • Sep 15: meet Reaper representative
  • Get processing methods for alien alloys
If we really want to spend time looking at other planes, let's dedicate a vote to choosing what to look at. It's a pretty nuanced topic.
On one hand that's reasonable, on the other we thought the same about e.g. shopping in Magnostadt until it eventually was too late.

Maybe a compromise? I don't mind if we agree to scry next vote, I just don't want it to slip through and be forgotten.
Just like I feared, it seems everyone has forgotten that we wanted to use planar scrying...

There's enough ambient Grief for you to practice selective cleansing inside a Witch's Barrier. You'll need a Grief Seed or Soul Gem to bring you all the way there, but Witches would be good for the basics.
People also forgot how Alivaril suggested we could train Red Cleansing.

[X] Find a witch barrier and use the ambient Grief to start adapting Red Cleansing until 10min before the others will wake up. Before you leave, deal with the witch and take the grief seed.

[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
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[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
[X] Find a witch barrier and use the ambient Grief to start adapting Red Cleansing until 10min before the others will wake up. Before you leave, deal with the witch and take the grief seed.
-[X] might as well channel red considering that you are trying to learn a red trick and there is no chance of collateral damage in a witch barrier.

[X] Planar scrying:
-[X] If possible, take a look at the Grimm enchantment on Remnant. Why does it exist? Who created it? Does it have a directing intelligence?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
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The "short term" tab of our to-do list is rather helpful for that:
  • Get Adept-potential mage gift for Nanoha
  • Set cult straight
  • Pyro conference
  • Sep 22: Sidhe's birthday
  • Sep 28: unfreeze MGLN
Not mandatory, but still highly advisable:
  • meet Bifrovs and/or Yambala Gladiators to observe 'djinn equip' to allow Unison
  • Sep 15: meet Reaper representative
  • Get processing methods for alien alloys

Mmm, that's what confused me about Vebyast's assertion that Jade is too busy to practice overchanneling. Her schedule's actually about as free in the next few days as it will ever be. The only thing she needs to worry about is finding an unused adept-potential gift for Nanoha. If this doesn't count as a free period, I'm not sure what does.

Sure, the potential downtime from overchanneling is a concern, but it should be massively diminished from Jade's first attempt—her mana was freshly awakened then, Jade had a far weaker body, and she had a hole bitten in her by a witch's familiar. Even if you assume she'll be knocked unconscious for a while this time around, that period of inactivity is a bigger concern if we wait to experience it after transferring Nanoha's mage-gift, because then we risk missing the Reaper meeting, or the Pyro meet-up.

People also forgot how Alivaril suggested we could train Red Cleansing.

The previous vote rejected sticking around to train Red Cleansing over leaving immediately, somewhat to my chagrin.

It's no big deal, though. We can just grab a grief seed/check out a witch barrier when we hop back over to hear the response from Kyubey's controller. That'd be the easiest way to do it, really; if anyone has grief seeds to spare and knows where a witch's barrier can be found, it's Kyubey's controller.

[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

To avoid rehashing a previous argument: @Alivaril, is the 'planar scrying' that was done with Ethereal Plane something that can be repeated elsewhere?
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[X] Find a witch barrier and use the ambient Grief to start adapting Red Cleansing until 10min before the others will wake up. Before you leave, deal with the witch and take the grief seed.
-[x] might as well channel red considering that you are trying to learn a red trick and there is no chance of collateral damage in a witch barrier.

[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
@Alivaril, is the 'planar scrying' that was done with Ethereal Plane something that can be repeated elsewhere?

For each plane, yes, but when presently-existing Devoid is involved, you think it'll make it harder for you to look. Difficulty may also be inversely related to past impact on the plane; for example, the Ethereals altered the fate of their entire plane, and as such, their history was easy to find.

EDIT: Also, the blurrier the plane is, the harder it'll be to aim for targets you aren't bonded to.
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the blurrier the plane is, the harder it'll be to aim for targets you aren't bonded to.
So targetting on XCOM is going to be fuzzy for a while? Good to know...

Well that's unlikely to be a problem on Magi we are able mundanely map the place very well.
With "very well" meaning that Agneyastra sent out a swarm of drones to do a full planetary survey - by the time we'll be back, anywhere that isn't warded is going to be mapped.

-[x] might as well channel red considering that you are trying to learn a red trick and there is no chance of collateral damage in a witch barrier.
Good point, and unlike overchanneling regular Red channeling isn't an issue.

[x] fictionfan

BTW @Alivaril, do we need to explicitly mention that Jade is going to use Fire Conversion (LC fire, Ethernano fire, fire dust) to get the mana for Red Cleansing?
Getting Red from Agneyastra would be another option, but IIRC you once mentioned that mom dislikes doing that.
Mmm, that's what confused me about Vebyast's assertion that Jade is too busy to practice overchanneling. Her schedule's actually about as free in the next few days as it will ever be. The only thing she needs to worry about is finding an unused adept-potential gift for Nanoha. If this doesn't count as a free period, I'm not sure what does.
...I disagree with your assessment.
  • It's the 9th right now.
  • 10th, probably also 11th: Check for Hotaru's reply tomorrow and presumably meet with her. We have to get that done ASAP because we can't safely attend the Red conference until we've talked to her.
  • 15th: Meet with Reaper representative.
  • 16th or 17th: Red Conference, and that's hoping that Agneyastra sent some more detail than "about a week from now" so they don't schedule it overlapping with the meeting we have with the Reaper rep. It is vaguely plausible that they schedule it for the 14th.
We have four-ish consecutive days with nothing scheduled. Our first attempt at overchanneling took "most of a week". Even if we find a mage-gift for Nanoha, get it transferred, and talk to Hotaru tomorrow we'd need a multi-day reduction in overchannelling recovery time to have a chance of catching the succeeding appointment. Given that the consequence of failure would be missing our appointment with the Reaper representative I'd really rather not bet on it. I think that I'd be okay pushing to get all of that done tomorrow on the off-chance that our precognition chimes in if an opportunity presents itself, luck being the residue of design and all, but that's a long chain of coincidences to expect.

After that, we have a lot of things on our to-do list but not many are scheduled for a specific day. Many aren't even really scheduleable. That's exactly what we want. We set Nanoha's soul on fire as soon as the Red conference is over, then dive straight into our to-do list when we wake up. As long as we don't commit to any appointments in the week following the Red conference I think we're set. We'll have to pay attention to that while we're talking to the Reaper representative.

Edit; Oops, Sidhe's birthday on the 22nd and we have to start unfreezing MGLN at some point. That's... ugly. If we're lucky and Agneyastra knew what she was doing, the Red conference is on the 16th, we set Nanoha on fire on the 17th, and a worst-case five-day recovery has us waking up the morning of the 22nd, which is okay.

[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
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[X] Find a witch barrier and use the ambient Grief to start adapting Red Cleansing until 10min before the others will wake up. Before you leave, deal with the witch and take the grief seed.
-[x] might as well channel red considering that you are trying to learn a red trick and there is no chance of collateral damage in a witch barrier.

[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
[X] Find a witch barrier and use the ambient Grief to start adapting Red Cleansing until 10min before the others will wake up. Before you leave, deal with the witch and take the grief seed.
-[x] might as well channel red considering that you are trying to learn a red trick and there is no chance of collateral damage in a witch barrier.

[X] Planar scrying: You're now able to direct your plane glimpses, but your view gets blurry "for a while" after a few questions. The sooner you start, the sooner it will recover for a second round.
-[X] Magi plane: Are there any other pockets of devoid mana to eradicate, and who was responsible for those devoid spirits / fateless rukh?

[X] Travel to Velgarth.
-[X] Return to your friends. Worst case scenario, you talk magic with a heroic ghost for a little while. No huge loss, that.
For each plane, yes, but when presently-existing Devoid is involved, you think it'll make it harder for you to look. Difficulty may also be inversely related to past impact on the plane; for example, the Ethereals altered the fate of their entire plane, and as such, their history was easy to find.

Sounds like looking for small quantities of Devoid would be wasted effort, then. Not only is Devoid difficult to see, but such small amounts would have virtually no effect on the past. Jade might be able to puzzle out the destruction of Magi's previous world by looking for Devoid, but it's unlikely she'd be able to hunt out tiny pockets of it in the present. @fictionfan and others, could I convince you to modify your votes?

EDIT: Also, the blurrier the plane is, the harder it'll be to aim for targets you aren't bonded to.

To clarify: do you mean that the more we scry a plane, the harder it is to aim to targets we aren't bonded to? That's a pretty major trade-off.

Regarding planar scrying, it's more important to ask good questions instead of rushing to use the ability immediately, just to refresh the recharge time. It might even be wise to keep it in reserve, especially for planes we don't plan on intervening on for the next few weeks/months.

A few ideas for some of our currently active planes, though I'm only really happy with the ideas for MGLN and Remnant:
  • MGLN (when it unfreezes): Indira's history, and the scope/technological sophistication of her Empire. Maybe the location of Agni ruins.
  • Remnant: The Grimm Enchantment. What does it respond to, why does it exist, and—if we can actually manage it—who created it? Related: what's up with the moon?
  • Velgarth: V'kandis, and his reason for not intervening in Karse?
  • Magi: The group who gave Magnostadt the idea to produce Devoid mana?

We set Nanoha's soul on fire as soon as the Red conference is over, then dive straight into our to-do list when we wake up. As long as we don't commit to any appointments in the week following the Red conference I think we're set. We'll have to pay attention to that while we're talking to the Reaper representative.

The primary reason we scheduled the Red Conference week or two was so that it'd be after Nanoha had her mage gift, so she could participate. Waiting to give it to her until after the conference would defeat the entire point, and contradicts Jade's IC plans for the next several days:

Still, that leaves you with almost a week to yourself and no concrete idea for what you should do with it. You still have a good three or so hours before Sidhe wakes up, which seems like a long time but honestly isn't much time at all. You're torn between taking the first steps toward communicating with the Ethereals, going back to your home plane and getting the lay of the land, and getting a head start on finding Nanoha her mage-gift.

Really, you'd prefer to go back… not home, not exactly, but to the world where you were born. An arcade catering to MGs sounds like a lot of fun, to say nothing of how you could teach some people to purify their own souls with Red. Unfortunately, you can't do that for any sustained amount of time — or at least, not until after Nanoha is a newly-ascended demigoddess. That could take a few days.
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