Sword and Shield didn't actually fall out of use because of armor, it fell out of use because of the skill floor. Spearmen and crossbowmen are easy to train, knights are significantly harder. But, for combat against an unintelligent opponent (IE, a Grimm), a shield is actually super useful because they can't conceive of avoiding its defense more effectively than you can use it as a defense.
In other words, if a Beowulf or Borbatusk or Nevermore is always going to take the option its instincts demand, it's easy to block, and easy to use that block to your advantage, because a Grimm isn't going to be able to exploit your own openings anywhere near as well as you exploit its openings. You can develop muscle memory for "block Beowulf" or "parry Nevermore feather" and not have to think about it. That means we're less likely to be caught flat-footed and need an emergency Turn() to save our butts, because using Turn() when we haven't explicitly decided to use Turn() is a very bad thing, tactically, since it removes Turn() and most of our Functions from our list of options. It's an incredibly powerful tool but we can be forced to apply it in a suboptimal manner.
Also, I kinda want to try and make a hybrid shield/cannon because Jaune is actually kinda swole and can spontaneously generate ammunition, if not necessarily propellant, for such.
Don't you guys want to punch a Deathstalker in the face with a literal fucking cannon?
But also mechashift armor... I mean, we have the technology.
It fell out of use because armor already covered the defensive benefits from a shield and the means bypass armor demanded polearms and two handed weapons. The advent of affordable munition plate killed the shield as readily as the decline of knights.
And as for being able to casually place the shield between Grimm attackers, it's explicitly a thing where Grimm get more intelligent as they age, to the point of circling a city waiting for vulnerabilities before launching an assault. Furthermore a shield can always only block a limited amount of angles of attack- that's decidedly unideal when your standard method of fighting is to be loose ordered infantry almost always outnumbered.
And when you aren't outnumbered you're dealing with massive creatures with enough momentum that blocking could very well break your arm and still be overpowered. Now- that would still suck in armor, because all those things still stand but at least armor can be designed to be impact resistant- the way a shield is mounted means its inherently going to place a lot of stress on the arm of it's wielders.
All that being said, this is RWBY where things like conservation of momentum, leverage, and things like that are at best paid lip service to- so my whining is really more rooted in a desire to see something different a belief it doesn't fit this Jaune to favor a defensive style over concerns of realism.
[X] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.
[X] WEAPONS- Gimme a small weapon. A handgun, a sword, a mace, nothing Ruby or Nora-sized, either the girls or the weapons. This is just the base template for the weapon, we'll work out nitty gritty system stuff later.
-[X] Mechashift Armour- The perfect mix of attack and defence. Literally unbeatable. Or, it'll rip half the skin on your arm off. Better than coinflip chance.
Again, this is the man who promised to rebuild the moon on a drunken whim. Mechashift armor will be made and the world will like it! One way or another.