... Well you know I'd adore making this canon, but it covers things that haven't actually happened yet. Either way,
masterfully written, you really caught everyone's character very well, in my opinion, especially Lumen and Creme's bickering over something that probably didn't matter like an old married couple.
We'll call it canon-pending, for the moment.
You consider the list for a moment, and some of Blue's thoughts about why you're in
this class specifically… kind of, float to the top. A couple of these options are just for the sake of bragging or complaining about things in your past you'd rather just leave alone.
But there
is one that you think would help out when it comes up later.
"... And, when I was 12, I was completely banned from all Valish public transport for 6 months."
Somewhere on Remnant, a single finger curls in on a dried monkey's paw.
Doctor Oobleck chuckles just as everyone else starts to mutter curiously.
"Well," the good doctor says with a grin, "I know this is just introductions, but I think everyone here wants to hear the story behind that."
… Well, you're not going to complain about being found
too interesting.
"Uh, so technically there were two periods that I was banned from public transport, just, for different reasons; from 10 to 12, and then six months after I turned 12. The first time, I didn't have the Transistor. My Semblance, uh, likes to latch onto any electronics it can, and just…"
You make a vague exploding gesture with a hand.
"So, uh, yeah, kinda hard to convince them to let you on when the train or the bus is breaking down because of you. My mother had to drive me to and from my elementary school, which was a… two, three-hour drive, every day, for about four months, until she appealed on the grounds of discrimination."
You quite liked those drives. So long as you were asleep, your Semblance wasn't breaking things down. Sure, your spine looked like an ⅂ by the time you got let back onto public transport, but you were the most well-rested primary-schooler you knew.
"And the second time?"
"Uh, the second time was after I created the Transistor, and properly… woke it up, but that's a story for another time. I was doing great, I wasn't suffering from migraines and nosebleeds every day, I could think for the first time in my life… aaaaand I was now being followed around by a 224-centimetre giant glowing blue medical aid which, the ability to manipulate time, space, matter, and energy aside, looks like a giant sword."
Four pairs of eyes swivel to the Transistor for a moment- well,
maybe four, you can't quite tell what the invisible guy is doing, and Rashmi seems… nonplussed? Definitely the girls and Oobleck, though.
Everyone who went to Signal is damn well aware of what the Transistor looks like, you suppose.
"They tried to bar me again, which was around the point my mother threatened to get lawyers involved. They, instead of a lengthy civil suit, suggested having the Transistor classed as a medical aid for the physical strain of my Semblance, my paediatrician was more than happy to sign off on that, because she'd watched me struggle with my Semblance for about 5 years by that point, and I'm just glad that soon I'll be able to wave around a trainee Huntsman licence rather than medical papers."
You don't miss Oobleck silently scrutinising you the entire time, but when you finish, he gives you an easy smile, tinged with sadness.
"That's quite the story, Jaune. I'm glad you felt you could share it with us."
And… that's that. If he has any further feelings on the subject, he's very good at hiding them behind those glasses.
Oobleck gestures to Leathers, who blinks as if he's
surprised it finally came to him.
You note that he's also customised his uniform- he's kept the shirt and trousers, ditched the tie, and kept his leather jacket, patches and all. Surprisingly, he makes it fit.
"Uh… mos' people call me Leathers, me Semblance is… Weird, I guess, and I's got a patch fer every band I've seen live, and a few other things, 's well."
… That's a
lot of bands.
Only about 40 or so. That's about 2 of those big yearly concerts, maybe.
"Do you sew them on yourself?" Doctor Oobleck asks.
Leathers grunts affirmatively. It sounds very similar to his negative grunt, but time and experience have taught you well.
"Needle 'n thread's not 'ard to use. 'Sides, gotta know how to fix me jacket up 'f I get into a punchup."
"Very prudent of you," Oobleck says with a laugh, gesturing to the next person.
Creme calls her Semblance Rebound and reveals that it's still weird to wake up in the morning and
not see scrape marks across the top of doorways- apparently living in a house with two antlered men leads to a lot of those.
The mostly-invisible boy gives a tiny squeak as quite a lot of eyes turn to him, and then becomes
entirely invisible.
The blonde girl sitting next to him gently reaches over, silently taking his hand in hers- it's difficult to tell, but for the severe indentation in her fingers, the way they're pressed together so tightly they've turned white. He has her in a
vice grip, but she isn't even grimacing at the pressure.
"Hoi," she whispers to him. "Hyu's safe."
The space is silent for a long moment before the hand in hers slowly fades in. She gives a great, big smile of long, sharp teeth as he pulls away from her. It clenches tight, in an obvious sign of effort as the invisibility seems to,
shrink into the boy's core.
When it does, what you see is a boy in Beacon's uniform, the shirt buttoned incorrectly, the tie far too long, and enough long, red curls to put you in mind of a humanised spaniel.
He looks around the room nervously, bright blue eyes so wide you can't tell if they're on the verge of tears or just popping out his skull, and swallows down the lump in his throat.
"... Um… M-my name is, A-Al, Al Cadwallader, my Semblance is, uh…"
He trails off for a moment, and you wonder if he's lost his nerve, before he snickers to himself. He starts to speak up a little, just enough that people don't have to strain their ears to listen.
"M-my Semblance is usually a Bad There Day, and, um… I-I, um, like art. U-um, not painting, though, I prefer, p-pencils and markers…"
{My gods, it speaks.}
Oh, hush. You remember a time when you weren't much better.
Al trails off, but Oobleck smiles at him, so warm that it borders on fatherly, obviously proud of him for making an effort.
The blonde girl is next, and she gives everyone an enthusiastic wave and a smile that includes two rows of long, pointed teeth, like a shark's, or an eel's.
"Yallo! Mhy name iz Meri Terhenatar! Hy hef name for Zemblance but, eh, I nott know de vord in
Valsh, uhhh…
{"Dead Hand." That's polar Atlesian she's speaking, by the way- the Grimm don't venture that far north unless they're
very lost.}
Meri stops for a moment, tapping her lip in thought when she has to think of an interesting thought about herself.
"Oh… ah! Hy know six languages! Dere'z
Suomi, me fazza tongue,
Íslanskur, though hydunno anyvon who speaks it much,
Niedermantal, after meeting one in the city, she vas nize, dey're not actually all cannibals hyu kno-"
You take a shot in the dark.
"Sie sprechen hohes Mantal?"
Meri blinks, before grinning at you.
<"Yes, I do! It's so nice to meet someone I can talk to properly! Valish is such a nice language, but it's so different to what I know!">
"That's very impressive, Meri- is Valish your sixth language?" Oobleck asks.
"Mm, will be seventh- hy know hy not fluent in it yet."
She's borderline conversational already- you're not sure what her standards are if she's saying
that isn't fluency.
{Well, she doesn't have the grammar down, and her accent is very thick, to say nothing of the difficulties presented by her unique jaw structure, but what she has already is impressive- she can talk her way up and down about three-quarters of Atlas.}
Next up is Rashmi- you still can't get a read on the guy, and sometimes it seems like he isn't even there- like this exact moment.
"... Hello?" Oobleck says, genuine confusion in his voice.
Rashmi doesn't respond. Kapila gently presses her hand into his arm. You don't miss the distinct
hesitation in her actions, either- as if she thinks she
shouldn't be touching him.
He jerks into wakefulness and gives a little
gah of surprise, before looking at Kapila, then Oobleck.
"... Oh, my apologies, I, um… had my head in the clouds. What was the…?"
"Please tell us your name, a word or phrase that describes your Semblance, and something interesting about yourself," Oobleck says patiently.
"Ah- my name is Rashmi Abha, my Semblance is… Unstuck In Time, and I have an avid interest in cooking- I like to learn new recipes from whoever I meet."
Oobleck's eyebrows raise by just a fraction, and you don't blame him. You can't say that cookery was on the list of hobbies you expected a boy who isn't on Remnant half the day to partake in.
"Really? What sort of cooking?"
"Oh, just about everything- from Vacuo, I enjoy the kala bhuna, biryani, I know how to make most flatbreads, though I have a preference for paratha, also injera from the borderlands. Vale-wise, your pies are something I think I could enjoy making, though puff pastry seems like a
pain, but I'm willing to learn it for the sake of creating a beef wellington. I know very little of Atlesian dishes, as of yet, but I adore how Mistrali dishes vary so much across the country. I have a soft spot for its southern cuisine, though; between
boudin noir, foie gras, moussaka, and roasting entire animals over grilling pits, I believe I'm going to be a
very tubby man by the time I settle down," he says, patting his, already somewhat prodigious belly.
{Hey, man eats good. Can't hold it against him.}
That you cannot. Neither can Meri, because her eyes are
glimmering like Ruby's when you told her that the Process is capable of creating plasma-based weaponry.
"Boudin noir-
bl-blutvurst?" she says, barely holding back from drooling.
"Yes- do you want me to make you s
oohkay-" he says as Meri
launches herself at him in a hug.
"Hyu'z de besht teammate a girl could azk for," she says, voice and eyes wavering on the verge of happy tears.
Kapila rolls her eyes and says her bit.
"My name is Kapila Agni, my Semblance is Command Me, and my favourite food is mutton kala bhuna."
Short, sweet, to the point wait did she say
Command Me?
She did.
{... Kin-}
{Sorry. Still, I have to wonder what the story behind that is.}
… Blue Lien says it involves Rashmi somehow.
{No bet.}
Finally, Oobleck gestures to Lumen, who calls his Semblance, predictably, Luxin, and reveals that he once sold a Lord's wife his jewellery. They patently ignored his advice about light exposure and its shelf-life, so it disintegrated on live TV thanks to all of the camera flashes, and now he lives in constant fear of reprisal.
"Well! Thank you all for your contributions," Oobleck says brightly, "and thank you all for coming up with such interesting names for your Semblances! These will be important in the coming weeks."
Creme frowns, confused.
"... Why?"
"The adage goes that naming something gives it power. In some circumstances, this may appear to be the case, but in truth, naming something merely gives it
form. You are all here, not because you lack control, or because your Semblance is
broken- you are here because your Semblance is veiled in the unknown."
The room is silent now, quietly considering his words. Oobleck stands, gently arching his hands across his chest, and beginning to pace towards the classroom's whiteboard.
"A name is the first step in pulling back that veil; in giving form to the formless. When something has a name, it can be described. If something can be described, it can be
understood, and understanding…" He turns, looking over you all with serious eyes, and a wide smile.
"Understanding is our sword against the darkness."
The next two hours are quite a lot of foundational stuff on what Semblances are, and how they come to form- a lot of which, quite distressingly, adds up to
we just don't know. Sometimes it seems like Semblances just form out of random chance, or at the inspiration of some higher being, rather than any actual correlation with the person in question.
Now, granted, you know of
one example that points towards formative experiences affecting what Semblance somebody gets, but it's hardly yours to share. In a way, it kind of makes this classroom format make sense- there's no scientific way to fix someone's Semblance, yet, so cultivating introspection in a group of similarly-experienced individuals is the next best thing.
Eventually, the bell rings, and you all start to shuffle out.
"Now, for next week, we're going to start exploring the mechanical effects of Semblances, so I want you all to try and find a reasonable explanation for yours!" Oobleck says as everyone starts to lea-
"Jaune," he says, "would you mind staying behind for a moment?"
Ah dangit.
You stop, shooing your friends off when they look back in concern, and once the classroom is empty, you turn.
Oobleck chuckles.
"I have a few questions about your story, if you don't mind."
You blink, entirely unsure where the doctor is going with this.
"... I'll, try my best? I was pretty young when it all happened," you admit.
If he's looking for names and faces, he's entirely out of luck, honestly; you don't even think you could remember what departments were involved-
"Why did you choose to tell
that story, specifically?"
-and like that, every thought going through your head grinds to a halt.
"... I'm… sorry, I don't know what you mean," you say, sounding more confused about this by the second.
Oobleck gives you an easy smile.
"You're not in trouble if that's what you're worried about. Now please, feel free to take a seat."
You do so, pulling one of the circle's chairs towards you, while Oobleck does the same, setting himself across from you.
"First off, I fully admit that I
did prompt you into sharing further details of your story, and if you feel I pressured you into it, then I apologise deeply. However, you still
offered that story up to begin with. I suppose I'm mostly curious as to why, out of all the possible things you could have mentioned about yourself, or the little fun facts you must have gathered as a person… I simply wonder why you chose a story about difficulties your Semblance has caused you, and the steps you, and those who support you, took to resolve them."
Ah. When he says it like that, it does seem kinda… pretentious?
"... I don't really know why I'm here," you say after a moment.
"I-I mean, with the Transistor, and, um, some other things, my Semblance is… fixed."
He chuckles lightly.
"So, you believe your Semblance is fixed, and that you do not need to attend counselling. Alright- that still doesn't explain to me why you shared something so deeply personal."
"... M-my understanding is that… support groups like these rely on people who've, beaten the problem, to give, hard evidence that it can be done. That, it's possible to, to-" you cycle
through about a million different phrases, trying to find one that isn't incredibly patronising, negative, or repeating yourself, and eventually come up with
"get over it."
Doctor Oobleck gives a little
ahh of comprehension, pulling his glasses off and cleaning them again. Once more, he looks directly at you,
pinning you in place with those green eyes, almost luminous against his sclera.
"... You shared a
deep trauma from the formative stages of your life, in front of people you've known for, at
best, a few years, in a public setting, just to 'give hard evidence that it can be done?'"
flinch in your seat
. Gods, outside perspective is a bitch.
"... Apparently."
Oobleck sighs.
"Jaune… I am a doctor of psychiatry, with a master's in trauma psychology. I only acquired a bachelor's in world history as a passion project, which happened to lead me to take a position at Beacon. History is my passion, but the
mind is my business. I want you to understand that this conversation only comes from a place of concern."
He finishes cleaning his glasses and places them in his shirt collar, which you
hate because now you have to look him in the
eyes and you feel like they're about to
burn a hole through you-
"How was your social life, as a child? Did you have many friends growing up?"
You snort, shaking your head without an answer.
"That bad, hm?"
"It wasn't… nonexistent, I guess, but… first, I couldn't do things with the other kids because of my migraines, and then nobody wanted to be near the kid with the big blue sword following him around. The only people I hung out with were… the same couple of people, just, weirdos and freaks like me. Then I went to Signal, and… things got better."
They didn't become good. But they got better.
Hearing yourself speak, in both your inside and outside voices, you finally start to realise how…
bitter you are about all that.
Man. The things you ignore until you're forced to confront them.
"I see. Do you want to know why I believe you shared your story, today? Beyond the, I'll admit, pragmatic reasoning you've provided."
You make a vague gesture that translates from sullen teenager to Valish as 'hit me, doc.'
"I think you want to be liked by the people around you. I think you fear being excluded like you were, so you, overextend, overshare, and you try to turn that into comedy because even then, you realised that
not trying to lighten the mood would be a terrible idea. So, you tried to play the class clown with your trauma."
"I wouldn't really say I was aiming for class clown…"
Oobleck chuckles.
"Fair enough, but you understand where the comparison is coming from. My point is… I believe you feel like Beacon is a fresh start, and your only goal right now, even if you didn't realise it, was to not have a repeat of your childhood exclusion. Am I wrong?"
You shake your head for a moment, before being a little firmer in your disagreement.
"I… I don't think you're entirely right. I still did it for the reasons I said. I don't think that would have changed if I had been better off as a kid. I still told it because it was interesting and because it was relevant."
The doctor is silent for a few moments, pondering on your point.
"Have you ever heard of… a psychological archetype, known as the wounded physician?"
… You're not sure where he's going with this.
"... No, sir."
"It is based in the premise that the analyst- the physician- is compelled to heal because they themselves have been wounded in the past."
… Ah.
Some emotion must come through on your face, because Doctor Oobleck smiles, and keeps going.
"Now, this is by no means a formal diagnosis, more of a, 'stop me if I'm wrong-' you think of all experiences as opportunities to grow, to learn, and you try your best to be empathetic and accepting of circumstances. You, feel that your own experiences are best utilised as tools, in order to help others through theirs. Sometimes, perhaps, when you help others, it feels like you're telling them something you wish you'd known when you were younger. Is this starting to sound familiar?"
You're certainly not stopping him.
"Don't most people feel that way?"
You know that's not true. Statistically and logically. You're just being
defensive and you don't know why.
Oobleck's smile hasn't really shifted- it's just as warm and, in its own way, you realise,
accepting as it's always been. But now, there's just a tinge of sadness, there. A little blue in the sun.
"No, Jaune. They don't, and I wouldn't wish them to. It is a different perspective, but it is one always brought on by
trauma. That sense of empathy is by no means a
flaw, but it
is a weight on your shoulders."
You choke back a snort.
Just one more for the fucking pile.
"And what do you suggest I do, doctor?"
Even as you say it, you regret it- you don't want to be snide to someone who's… just trying to help you?
"I suggest," Oobleck starts, taking your misstep in stride, "that even though you are, in your own words, 'hard evidence' when it comes to your Semblance, you may benefit from approaching this counselling from a less certain perspective. With fresh eyes, if you will."
Oobleck walks to the door, stopping and turning to face you.
"I would very much like you to stay, Jaune. This class isn't
just about Semblances, at the end of the day. Even so, my door is always open during office hours, if you'd prefer a more private setting to talk. A visit would never feel unwelcome."
He opens the door, ushers you out, and you go your separate ways for the day.
This is, technically, your self-directed sparring hour for the day, and you should be in the gymnasium, pairing off with someone and beating the absolute stuffing out of them until one of you gives in or nearly breaks the other's Aura.
You think you've earned a pleasant stroll through the garden to engage in some good old-fashioned introspection.
{Jaune, you shouldn't let what Oobleck said get to you.}
Why? Wasn't he right?
He made some correct assumptions, yes, but that doesn't mean they were made in malice.
You know that. That doesn't mean you really want to… deal with them, just yet.
{So why
aren't you in the gymnasium, beating someone senseless? I'm sure Dove would enjoy a rematch.}
Because you don't really want to do
that either. You just want to…
{... I mean I'm pretty sure you could get some of the girls interested if you really want to-}
You can't stop yourself from laughing, which garners a weird stare from someone in the year above, you think, and you swiftly move on. No, you just… you want to be alone with your thoughts, but you don't want to
deal with your thoughts, and it's just…
You need a distraction. Something that you can just mindlessly do until the sun goes down and you can go to sleep and have all of this be tomorrow Jaune's problem.
So, what do you wanna do with yourself for 6 hours? Approval voting in place, pick as many as you want, top 3 win.
[] Read: you have two books in your bag waiting for you to form an opinion on something. They're not going anywhere, and it's a nice day out, so neither are you.
-[] Read The Golem- it's an interesting story! And, frankly, it seems a little less dreary than the other one.[???: +1] (Current ???: 1/10)
-[] Read On The Souls Of Grimm: Ozpin did say to read this first, if only to get it out of the way with. [???: +1] (Current ???: 0/10)
[] Talk: surely there's someone around here who's playing not-technically-hooky. It'll help you get out of your own head, at least.
-[] The Team: find one of your new roommates. Sharing incredibly personal details is old hat for them, at this point.
-[] 75% of Team RWBY: you've become... friendly, with most of the girls on RWBY. Basically anyone except Blake could make for decent conversation right now.
-[] Someone Completely Different: find someone you've never talked to before! Oobleck's worried you're worried about being excluded? Go and find a friend you haven't made yet.
[] Explore: Beacon's an old school, and frankly, considering who built it, and his hiring practices, you don't doubt for a second that this school has all kinds of weird nooks, crannies, and spots people only know about by stumbling on them through sheer chance. But where?
-[] Explore the Garden: you're convinced there's something weird about Beacon's garden. The paths wind and twirl in a way that makes it easy to get lost in an open field. The decorations appear to be placed with care, yet without rhyme or reason for what's around them. The plants are completely regimented, but some of them shouldn't be in bloom until spring. You want to know what's up with... all of that.
-[] Explore the Building: pretty much all of Vale is still stone and stained glass, outside of the hypermodern office buildings in some parts of the Commercial District, but Beacon is... Beacon. It's a Huntsman's Academy. There has to be some weird stuff around here, somewhere. Even if it's just a weird staircase that leads to a little offshoot balcony, you'll take it.
-[] Explore the Basement: OH YEAH THAT POWER CABLE IS STILL THERE. HOPEFULLY. Really, if it isn't, that's just weirder, and you're down for weirder right now.
[] Deal With The Catgirl Currently Stalking You