Character Stats and Stat Checks:
There are eight stats, and they're divided into two category-acronyms- HACK, and TALK- combat stats and non-combat stats, specifically.
Hack-Slash: This is a measure of a character's raw physical ability- their ability to swing a sword, or fire a gun, or rip a door off its hinges, lift something heavy off an ally. It, along with Kinetics, is the bread and butter of most combat situations.
Arcane: This is a measure of a character's ability to attack and defend themselves in more
esoteric ways- for most, this means Aura manipulation and creative use of their Semblance, for a few, this means
real-ass goddamn magic. Creating Aura shields, achieving minor prescience, using your Semblance weirdly, wielding a shard of magic grafted onto your soul- these all fall under this stat.
Command: Command is your ability to issue orders, whether to your allies or human enemies and have them be followed- useful for coordinating attacks or just scaring the piss out of some gormless White Fang goon, it's a measure of how much people will listen when you speak.
Kinetics: Kinetics is a measure of someone's coordination, hand-eye or otherwise- all that flippy acrobatic gubbins, dodging attacks, or just pulling a dead sprint, fall under this stat. This stat is a measure of your ability to move and not look like a bunch of wet noodles stapled together while you do it.
Training: Training is a measure of the knowledge that lives in the hands rather than the head. It's a measure of skills like carpentry, coding, Dust Alchemy- knowledge that has practical applications, rather than being learned for the sake of becoming learned, as well as a measure of how well you pick up new skills. When skills are being learned, they use half your Training stat- after they're properly learned, and are marked down as being trained, they use the entire dice pool. Training is upgraded by learning new skills, with every two new skills being equivalent to another stat's breakthrough, and requiring more and more complex skills to progress. Skills may have multiple levels that give bonuses to their use or otherwise unblock certain options.
Attitude: Attitude and Karma are unique- they aren't stats in their own right, so much as gauges of useful, intangible commodities that can help with
other rolls. Attitude is a measure of a character's mental health- the lower it is, the more exhausted, strung-out, and generally not at their best they are. Attitude can be expended to add dice to just about any check- it represents you going that extra mile to ensure your efforts aren't going to waste, at the expense of some mental energy. However, it may also be used for some special roles regarding Jaune's mental health.
If Attitude ever reaches zero, or God forbid, reaches negative numbers, Jaune will gain the
Burned Out status: this applies a
universal malus to all rolls that begins at -1, and only gets worse from there.
Do not let it reach -10
Never let it reach -10.
Learning: Learning is a measure of the knowledge that lives in the head rather than the hands. It's a measure of things like history, mathematics, geography, the sciences- knowledge that doesn't have much practical use but is still useful to know in its own right. Unlike Training, this just represents a level of general knowledge on all matters- there is no granularity to it. Instead, it is the stat used to perform Information Trawling for the Library, and other such activities.
Karma: Attitude and Karma are unique- they aren't stats in their own right, so much as gauges of useful, intangible commodities that can help with
other rolls. Karma is a measure of how people feel about you- and more importantly, how much they're willing to put up with any eccentricities or weird requests you may have, without much extra effort on your part. Karma can be expended on Command rolls, or in social situations to improve people's opinion of you regardless of how much foot-sticking you do. Get it high enough, and you can act like the utter fucking sociopaths you all are, with almost zero consequences for your actions.
Stats are ranked from zero to ten, representing the size of the dice pool they have access to- if a stat is ranked zero for whatever reason, roll 2d10, and take the lower result.
Improving stats involves gathering successes to force a breakthrough- these successes are permanent and do not decay over time. Zero-ranked stats will need to gain a situational bonus to be trained at all (ya gotta go read a book, dork).
For the sake of clarity, 'success threshold' refers to the number of successes needed to complete an action, while 'dice threshold' refers to the number- usually 7- that must be met or surpassed by a d10 dice roll for it to count as a success.
Example: Jaune has to scale a building to get to the rooftop to catch Cinder. He can either a) enter the building and find a stairwell, b) scale the outside freehanded, or c) ride the Transistor up.
For the sake of simplicity, all actions suggested in this situation require his Athletics stat as a base- at a 4, that's a dice pool of 4d10.
In situation A, Jaune needs 2 successes to completely succeed- he finds a staircase, rushes up them at speed, and finds himself on the rooftop with time to spare. No successes rolled after this matter unless they are a natural 10.
Situations B and C are high-risk, high-reward- both need 4 successes to succeed. However, in situation B, Jaune can add his Hack-Slash stat to the dice pool, since it is freehand climbing and thus benefits from raw strength. This brings it to 8d10, and all but guarantees him success, says a man too regularly burned by hubris to say that kind of thing unironically.
The risk, in this case, comes from the failure states- in both of them, he slips, falls, and takes damage to his Aura- depending on how severe it is, it could easily break through and damage him directly.
Partial Successes occur when successes are gathered, but not enough to succeed completely. In most cases, this generally translates to either a consequence- Jaune slips, falls, takes Aura damage, but makes up for it fast enough that he still reaches the top before it's too late- or in the succeeding actions being significantly harder, such as a shorter timeframe in which to perform, raising the success threshold.
Rolling a 10 is a special case; they are set to the side until all other successes are counted. If it is a partial success, they will be added in as 2 successes. If it is a complete success, they cause it to become a critical success.
Critical successes follow the 'yes, and' rule- yes, you succeed,
and something happens to your benefit, or you've done it to such a high standard that it improves your position by a marked degree. To go back to our original example, Jaune chooses to climb the outside of the building- he rolls his 4d10, rolls a 7, 8, 10, and 10, rendering it a critical success. He climbs up the building with such speed and precision that he actually cuts Cinder off at the pass, placing her on the back foot.
Conversely, 1s are critical failures, but they only come into play when the overall action is a failure. In this case, you fail, but something extra happens that detriments you even further, because why
wouldn't I pile on the misery?
10s are singular in their use- if you roll a 10, and the success is partial but only missing one, you can add it on and make it a complete success- you can't then turn it into a critical success with that same 10. If you have 2 10s, this problem doesn't occur.
Going back to our example- Jaune chooses to ride the Transistor up and doesn't roll any successes whatsoever, and a 1- he slips on the Transistor, and by the time he's regained his balance, Cinder has realised his plan and begins shooting at him, weakening his Aura. He slips off entirely, falls the full height of the building, and the impact breaks both his Aura and his spine.
Stats, a Summary:
- Dice pool of d10s, dice threshold is seven, minimum roll before maluses is 2d10 keep lowest, highest roll before bonuses is 10d10.
- All actions require a certain number of successes to be performed
- Failures occur when no successes are rolled whatsoever- "no"
- Partial Successes occur when successes are rolled, but not enough to pass the success threshold- "yes, but"
- Success occurs when enough successes occur to pass the threshold- "yes"
- Critical Successes occur when a Success is reached, and a 10 has been rolled- "yes, and"
- Critical Failures occur when no successes are rolled, and also a 1 has been rolled- "no, also fuck you"