Which of the other starter choices do you want to see interludes from most?

  • Dishonored

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Legend Of Zelda

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Shadow Of Mordor

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Preacher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Fist Of The North Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kill Six Billion Demons

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • The Zombie Knight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mob Psycho 100

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Author's Choice

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
... You know, if I had a nickel for every time someone created suicide bombers using small animals in something I run, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's concerning that it's happened twice.

Well, at least it's not chickens this time.
Giving a sticky grenade legs is a logical conclusion.


You don't even have to worry about friendly fire, the Process is smart enough to not do that.
Totem Series

Basically these are stationary emplacement Units, that provide Beneficial to Harmful effects. Beneficial to Allied forces, Harmful to Enemies.

T1 Beneficial
- Attck UP: Basically, using the Principle of Resonant Entropy, Any attacks that hit by your allies are magnified.
- Def Up: Energetic Shielding prevents Allied Forces from taking damage until the Totem is Destroyed.
-Special Up: For use with Semblance users, Enhances the effects of Semblances through Harmonic Resonance.

T1 Harmful
- Electromagnetic Sphere: Basically a sphere around the Totem that constantly discharges an electrical impulse, causing a constant damaging effect
- Glue Gunner: A Totem that produces a Glue-like energy based substance that slows the targets around the Totem down.
- Exhaustive Field: A Field that makes it harder for enemies to act in GENERAL around it.
When it comes to grimm the question is always "more firepower".

You just gotta refine the delivery mechanism lol

Evenly applies significant kinetic force to a target, by default at 45° upwards and away from the Transistor, launching it at high speed without damage. Distribute Process matter, launch projetiles, reposition friends, remove foes, extract oneself from awkward social situations, the possibilities are endless!

Think "Team rocket is blasting off again!".
Hitting the target with the Transistor like a baseball bat is encouraged but not strictly required.
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The ClumpCell
Cause problems on purpose.

Make a BadCell covered in a high-strength selectively adhesive composed of Process matter. Fill the BadCell with a core of high explosive.


Also, my own Process prompt:

I see you!

A cell that's been given the fastest antigrav modules the Process can give it (launch to the moon levels speed maybe?), while also sporting its more advanced sensory mechanisms.

The result? A cell grown ovoid the size of a basketball, its "eye" now dominating the majority of its surface, with it splitting into multiple pupils as needed to focus a 360 degree view simultaneously. Think of "The Eye of Sauron" in miniature in white and red and you're practically there.

Offence/Defence-wise it should have energy based weaponry on it, but mostly it relies on speed to get in and out. It's purpose is to expand the Process- and by extension Jaune and The Transistor's information network on the area. Give coordinates for long range weaponry, reconnaissance, etc.
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I posted these before, way back, but I'm pretty sure they didn't get noticed, so I'll just post them again.

Function Category: Combat

Function: Target and remove a enemy / target from the field, shoving them into a twist of space for a time (8 seconds base). Similar to the currently Beta Function Cache() or completed Function Freeze(), Shunt() is intended to be usable in combat due to targeting enemies instead of objects. Shunt() can target beings with Aura (or not) below a certain size threshold (Nothing bigger than a regular Ursa without modification). Shunt() cannot be used in its base forms against buildings, obstacles, or terrain.

-Function, Modified: Shunt() can be modified for a variety of effects. Shunt() can be improved to effect an area instead of just a single target, to Shunt() larger targets, Shunt() terrain away for a time leaving a smoothed landscape without obstacles, or to Shunt() the target for longer. Additionally, if paired with a DoT (Damage over Time) Function (Like Purge()) Shunt() can be used to do DoT, or certain Functions can cause Shunt() to do some damage immediately or upon release to the target as well as its base effects.
Bounce(): When Shunt()+Bounce() is used the Bounce() is sent out to deal damage to a target. Upon hitting a target, Shunt() is then applied for 4 seconds. Bounce() then seeks out and hits a second target if one is within range, applying Shunt() again for 4 seconds.

Breach(): When Shunt()+Breach() is used, Shunt() deals the damage of Breach() to the target at that is Shunted() at the start of Shunt().

Crash(): When Shunt()+Crash() is used, Shunt() applies first, dealing Crash's() damage at the end of the Shunt(), any target released from Shunt() to takes more damage for 6 seconds.

Cull(): When Shunt()+Cull() is used, at the end of Cull's() damage is applied during Shunt(). If Overkill is applied, Shunt() explodes in an area at the end of Shunt(), dealing the overkill damage in an area around the Shunt() target's location.

Flood(): When Shunt()+Flood() is used, the area of Shunt is increased, turning from effectively a small target area into a medium. Increases size of Shunt() area.

Get(): When Shunt()+Get() is used, enemies and targets are pulled towards the Shunt() for 2 seconds before the Shunt() is applied. Minor Get() damage is inflicted at the end of the Shunt().

Help(): Shunt()+Help() creates a Shunt() that can remove obstacles and terrain. The area left behind is flattened. Doesn't work if an object inside the effective Shunt() terrain would be destroyed by the absence inflicted by Shunt().

Jaunt(): Shunt()+Jaunt() lengthens the time of Shunt from 8 seconds to 16 seconds.

Load(): Shunt()+Load() causes immense damage at the end of Shunt() to any enemies near the end of the Shunt() and to the target of the Shunt(). 4 second Shunt() duration.

Mask(): Shunt()+ Mask() causes User to become intangible but able to reposition about the battlefield. Essentially Ada's semblance without the Telefragging damage ability.

Ping(): Shunt()+Ping() causes Shunt to recharge quicker, enabling a Shunt to be used while another Shunt() is on the field.

Purge(): Shunt()+ Purge() causes Purge() damage to be done for the entire duration of Shunt() and for 3 seconds after Shunt(). Vicious combo.

Spark(): Shunt()+Spark() causes Shunt() to apply in many smaller areas, clustered together, enabling an entire Beowolf pack to be Shunted() at once. Deal no damage, lasts for 8 seconds. Large area effect.

Switch(): Shunt()+ Switch() causes Shunt() to effect a larger area for a shorter period of time.

Tap(): Shunt()+Tap() causes any enemy target Shunted() away to take damage for the 8 second duration and the User to get minor Aura restoration as life heal from the Shunted Target. Works on Grimm, may be partially magic rather than pure Aura / Science?

Void(): Shunt()+Void() causes Shunt() to reduce the attack and defense of the target caught by Shunt() once Shunt() is over for 6 seconds. Effectiveness reduced on Aura users.

Slice(): Shunt()+Slice() causes Shunt() to lock the enemy in place, but not place them in a special warp. Essentially a murder hold. Less effective on targets with Aura. Very high MEM cost. Base duration lasts for 4 seconds.

Spin(): Shunt()+Spin() turns the target area for Shunt() into a horizontal column of area in front of the user to be locked away for 15 meters and 6 seconds. Does not lock away terrain or obstacles, blocked by terrain and obstacles.

Drive(): Shunt()+Drive Increases the size of Shunt() the largest of all Shunt() size increases. You want to lock away the Grimm dragon for exactly 3 seconds? Increase the cooldown length of Shunt() based on the area locked away.

Shunt(): Shunt()+Shunt() Increases the size and length of the Shunt(). Time up to 14 seconds. Area up to medium.

-Function, Passive: As a passive, Shunt() wraps Jaune in what is effectively a damage mitigation aura that reduces all incoming physical based attacks before Aura damage. Shunt() could also be used to 'dodge' large attacks by using Shunt on Jaune himself, though this would not be used as a 'Passive' Function effect.

-Function, Upgrading: Used attached to other Functions Shunt() locks the target of the Function away for a few seconds on hit (based on what Function Shunt() was attached to), useful on close range Functions to prevent attacks or counter-attacks. Used on ranged Functions Shunt() can be used to lock away pesky ranged fighters for the time needed to close in on them or to remove them from attacking while you do something else. Used on some Functions, Shunt() no longer locks the target away but can somehow bypass physical resilience or armor, or possibly even Aura if you dare. Paired with Directory_Repair() Shunt() would shove the target (hopefully an ally) away into the spatial twist to heal them for 14 seconds, providing protection and healing. Attaching Shunt() to certain other combat Functions removes the effects of Shunt() entirely an instead freezes the target in place spatially, leaving them stunlocked and available to be damaged, but this has high MEM cost.
Bounce(): Bounce()+Shunt() causes Bounce to be able to target enemies over a larger area between bounces.

Breach(): Breach()+Shunt() causes all enemies hit by Breach() to take Breach() damage and by locked away in Shunt() for 3 seconds.

Crash(): Crash()+Breach() causes the target to be stunned by Crash() and left more vulnerable more much longer.

Cull() Cull()+Shunt() causes any enemy hit by Cull() to be thrown much higher into the air from Cull, increasing damage and causing the enemies thrown by Cull() to take 3 seconds to come back down.

Flood(): Flood()+Shunt() causes any enemy hit by Flood to be unable to move while taking damage from Flood().

Get(): Get()+Shunt(), any enemies drawn by Get() take damage and are locked away inside Shunt() for 2 seconds. Enemies drawn by this combo take doubled Get() damage at the end of the Shunt(), perfect for a light hit to kill them at the end of the combo.

Help(): Help()+Shunt() causes Luna to become intangible while moving, allowing Luna to have what is essentially Ada's Semblance.

Jaunt(): Jaunt()+Shunt() causes Jaunt() to enable User to Jaunt() through solid objects.

Load(): Load()+Shunt() causes enemies hit by Load() to take increased damage. Shunt() effects cause targets hit by the Load() to be paralyzed in place for 2 seconds.

Mask(): Mask()+Shunt() [Strike-Dependant] Hitting an enemy deals damage and causes them to be Shunted() for 8 seconds. User gains slight damage reduction for 5 seconds after becoming visible once more.

Ping(): Ping()+Shunt() enables Ping() to stop a target in its tracks for .3 seconds. Low MEM usage.

Purge(): Purge()+Shunt() causes Purge() to last longer.

Spark(): Spark()+ Shunt() causes an enemy hit by Spark() to be stunned for longer.

Switch(): Switch()+Shunt() causes Switch() to last longer.

Tap(): Tap()+ Shunt() causes an area around the User to be locked away in Shunt() but not the User. Useful as a panic move against enemy groups who have closed on the User. In addition, it does Tap() damage first and still heals the User for 1% of Tap() damage.

Void(): Void()+Shunt() causes an enemy caught within Void's() area to move slower for 2 seconds.

Slice(): Slice()+Shunt() causes an vertical arc of energy that deals Slice() damage but slows enemies hit by it for 4 seconds.

Spin(): Spin()+Shunt() increases the 'drag' Spin() has on things caught in the projectile of Spin().

Drive(): Drive()+Shunt() [Strike-Dependant] causes Drive() to stop at the first enemy hit and Shunting() that enemy for 5 seconds. Turns Drive() into a melee counter-attack.

Shunt(): Shunt()+Shunt() Increases the size and length of the Shunt(). Time up to 14 seconds. Area up to medium.

Projected MEM Cost: As a solo Function Shunt uses 3 MEM, as a passive Shunt uses 2 MEM, as an Upgrade Shunt() costs 3 MEM.
Function Discovery: Inspired by Ada, without scanning her Semblance, but based off her '4th dimensional being' state. An idea to weaponize Freeze() based on what scans the Transistor had already taken of Ada's Semblance.
Tl:dr: Temporary target removal. Like banishing your opponent's monster face down. Can be modified to adapt how it operates pretty extensively, useful for targeting big enemies who would otherwise be really nasty to have on the field but are too tough to kill outright where there's minions on the field.
Function Category: Combat

Function: A straight charge, similar but much slower than Jaunt(). Drive() maps poorly to Turn(), leaving its use best used without Turn(). On its own Drive() does decent damage, but it's real usage is hooking other Functions on it, making it a slower but much more damaging cousin to Jaunt().

-Function, Upgraded: Hook nearly any Function to Drive() to cause Drive() to perform that second Function either during or at the end of Drive(). Attach Crash() to Drive() to cause damage, stun, and leave vulnerable any target hit by the Function. Attach to Breach() to cause even more damage along the Drive() Function's length. Attach Jaunt() to Drive() to extend the length and speed of both but do only limited damage. Attach 2 Jaunt() to Drive() to hit Mach 1.

Bounce(): Drive()+Bounce() [Strike-Dependant] upon hitting a target with Drive(), Drive() is aimed for the next closest enemy after trampling through the first enemy.

Breach(): Drive()+Breach() Increase the speed and length of Drive().

Crash(): Drive()+Crash() any enemy hit by Drive() is stunned for 3 seconds and left vulnerable for 4 seconds.

Cull(): Drive()+Cull() massively increase the damage of Drive().

Flood(): Drive()+Flood() causes Drive() to have a corona of Plasma generated just in front of the User during Drive(), increasing damage.

Get(): Drive()+Get() Enemies are drawn to the front of Drive() as the User charges forwards.

Help(): Drive()+Help() transforms Drive() utterly, turning a charge the user performs into creating and then launching a duplicate of the User to perform the Drive(), leaving the User free to act.

Jaunt(): Drive()+Jaunt() increases the speed of Drive() to instantaneous speed.

Load(): Drive()+Load() build up a load as the User travels with Drive() to explode at the end of Drive(). Massive damage.

Mask(): Drive()+Mask() causes the User to become temporarily invisible at the end of Drive() for 3 seconds, enabling retreat or further attacks.

Ping(): Drive()+Ping() causes Drive to be more efficient in Turn() and recharge faster.

Purge(): Drive()+Purge() causes any enemies still alive at the end of the Drive to be afflicted with a Damage over Time effect.

Spark(): Drive()+Spark() causes Drive() to explode at the end of the Drive(), dealing more damage than a regular Drive() but costing significantly less than Drive()+Cull().

Switch(): Drive()+Switch() causes any enemies alive at the end of Drive() to be Switched() for 3 seconds.

Tap(): Drive()+Tap() causes you to heal for a third of the damage inflicted to enemies by Drive().

Void(): Drive()+Void() causes any enemy alive at the end of Drive() to be weakened, having less Attack, Defense, and increasing incoming attack's powers.

Slice(): Drive()+Slice() widens Drive's() width by double.

Spin(): Drive()+Spin() causes a trail to be left behind by Drive() that yanks the enemies crossing the trail towards the end of Drive(). Trail persists for 4 seconds.

Shunt(): Drive()+Shunt() causes any enemies alive at the end of Drive() to be Shunted() for 4 seconds, enabling retreat.

Drive(): Drive()+Drive() causes Drive() more damage and move the User faster, but also take longer to cooldown.

-Function, Passive: Drive() gives a boost to your movement speed and increases damage from non-Function attacks User performs.
-Function, Upgrading: Causes the Function Drive() is attached to do more damage and also move forward on most Functions. Functionally little difference whether Drive() is the one being Upgraded or the one Upgrading.
Bounce(): Bounce()+Drive() causes Bounce() to do more damage and move faster as a projectile.

Breach(): Breach()+Drive() causes Breach to be much wider, enabling more enemies to be caught in Breach().

Crash(): Crash()+Drive() causes Crash() to do more damage and have slightly longer range.

Cull(): Cull()+Drive() causes User to charge forwards using Drive() for a short distance, 'scooping' enemies before completing Cull() by throwing the gathered enemies into the sky.

Flood(): Flood()+Drive() causes Flood() to have more velocity and damage by a moderate amount.

Get(): Get()+Drive() causes Get() to draw enemies more fiercely and to increase Get() damage.

Help(): Help()+Drive() causes Luna to charge about with Drive() rather than attack by biting.

Jaunt(): Jaunt()+Drive() causes all enemies passed through with Jaunt() to take minor damage.

Load(): Load()+Drive() causes Load() to explode if an enemy touches the Load() bomb.

Mask(): Mask()+Drive() causes Mask() to do proximity damage to any enemy close to you while invisible. Duration of Mask changes to 4 seconds.

Ping(): Ping()+Drive() causes the User to kick with the force of Drive() without moving. Low MEM usage.

Purge(): Purge()+Drive() causes any enemy to take greatly increased Damage over Time over a shortened duration. Base damage of Purge() 120 over 3 seconds. Purge()+Drive() causes 160 damage over 2 seconds. High MEM usage.

Spark(): Spark()+Drive() is very similar to a Crash()+Spark() or Spark()+Crash(), being a three pronged near-melee attack. The user does not move during Spark()+Drive() but instead throws out three Sparks() that push enemies away from the user with Drive()-like force.

Switch(): Switch()+Drive() causes the enemy affected by Switch() to move much faster towards other enemies.

Tap(): Tap()+Drive() causes Tap() to have a greatly increased area. As Tap() causes the user to slam the Transistor into the ground at their feet and unleash a pulse of damaging energy that also heals the User by 1% of the Tap damage, this attack changes only a little by increased area of attack.

Void(): Void()+Drive() causes the enemies hit by Void() to have their defenses and attack reduced even further.

Slice(): Slice()+Drive() causes Slice() to be wider and thicker, and deal more damage on impact with enemies.

Spin(): Spin()+Drive() causes the Spin() to have more velocity and deal more damage.

Shunt(): Shunt()+Drive() Increases the size of Shunt() the largest of all Shunt() size increases. You want to lock away the Grimm dragon for exactly 3 seconds? Increase the cooldown length of Shunt() based on the area locked away.

Drive(): Drive()+Drive() causes Drive() more damage and move the User faster, but also take longer to cooldown.

Projected MEM Cost: As a solo Function, Drive() costs 4 MEM, as a Passive Drive() costs 3 MEM, as a upgrade Drive() costs 3 MEM.
Function Discovery: Created after witnessing Xanadu and his bullshit Inertia Semblance from Signal's Final and deciding, you know what? You want that. And so it was. It's nowhere near as impressive as the original, but it's still something that could be used to charge straight through a Beowolf pack, and with the right Upgrades attached to it you'll be able to charge straight through Ursa Majors.
Tl:dr: Drive is a damaging version of Jaunt. Slower, but rather than just being disorientating it incorporates damaging elements that can be further modded with other functions, such as Crash or Spiral, or by leaving a trail of Process matter behind us to spawn a small or medium unit behind us after we've already charged through an enemy.
Function Category: Utility / Other

Function: Teleportation. Yeah seriously. It's done in Transistor towards the end with the doors that link to other doors with weird spatial stuff. To pull it off a certain level of Process density has to have been achieved, so it's not like you'll be able to go just anywhere at will, you'll have to do work with the Process to set up 'Gates', stationary portal locations. Done right, you might even be able to bring other people with you. Who needs Raven?
Create those teleport gates in combination with the Process to create remote teleport marks and teleport to them. Not a combat skill.

Projected MEM Cost: Arbitrarily large MEM costs don't matter because it's not a combat Function so you could swap it in and out as needed with the help of the Process teleport gates. High research costs and time, but once it's done... teleport places, because travel makes us sick and we've got the capability by that point, so why not? May need to somehow capture and Trace() Raven to pull it off unless we want to spend 8 turns researching just this one Function though.

Function Discovery: You asked yourself, could it be done? You needed to fulfill that promise to fix the moon for Weiss, right? How would you even get the Process up there? This might not be the method due to needing a Process Gate on the other side, but you considered it.
Tl:dr: After achieving sufficient Process density at another location, enables the Teleport Gates you get at 'very-end-of-the-game' Transistor.
Or, I suppose, Inventory function. Carry whatever on you. Since the Process can just make stuff on the fly maybe not the most useful, but since it can't make Dust...
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[X] The Aftward Hold- you cannot risk a bigger Grimm getting out. One Imp, against three quarters of JACL, and the other teams down here? It'll be enough- at least enough to distract it so everyone else can get down here if your suspicions are correct. On the other hand, if the Imp isn't in there, there's a chance whatever is in there will be angry enough to break free on its own.
Hey Prok, I'm excited for whatever project you plan on unveil in with your new thread!

I want to remind you that you don't need a hundred bells and whistles for it, you don't need a gold-rank foundation to foster something amazing. Your inner critic will ALWAYS fight dirty when they try to undermine you.
Alright, I'm putting a moratorium on Process suggestions until it actually comes up in the quest- a lot of them are, to be blunt, 'see me after class' quality. Mostly not your faults, you're flying blind, but some of you really seem to be throwing shit at the wall and hoping I'll greenlight what sticks.

I posted these before, way back, but I'm pretty sure they didn't get noticed, so I'll just post them again.

Function Category: Combat

Function: Target and remove a enemy / target from the field, shoving them into a twist of space for a time (8 seconds base). Similar to the currently Beta Function Cache() or completed Function Freeze(), Shunt() is intended to be usable in combat due to targeting enemies instead of objects. Shunt() can target beings with Aura (or not) below a certain size threshold (Nothing bigger than a regular Ursa without modification). Shunt() cannot be used in its base forms against buildings, obstacles, or terrain.

-Function, Modified: Shunt() can be modified for a variety of effects. Shunt() can be improved to effect an area instead of just a single target, to Shunt() larger targets, Shunt() terrain away for a time leaving a smoothed landscape without obstacles, or to Shunt() the target for longer. Additionally, if paired with a DoT (Damage over Time) Function (Like Purge()) Shunt() can be used to do DoT, or certain Functions can cause Shunt() to do some damage immediately or upon release to the target as well as its base effects.
Bounce(): When Shunt()+Bounce() is used the Bounce() is sent out to deal damage to a target. Upon hitting a target, Shunt() is then applied for 4 seconds. Bounce() then seeks out and hits a second target if one is within range, applying Shunt() again for 4 seconds.

Breach(): When Shunt()+Breach() is used, Shunt() deals the damage of Breach() to the target at that is Shunted() at the start of Shunt().

Crash(): When Shunt()+Crash() is used, Shunt() applies first, dealing Crash's() damage at the end of the Shunt(), any target released from Shunt() to takes more damage for 6 seconds.

Cull(): When Shunt()+Cull() is used, at the end of Cull's() damage is applied during Shunt(). If Overkill is applied, Shunt() explodes in an area at the end of Shunt(), dealing the overkill damage in an area around the Shunt() target's location.

Flood(): When Shunt()+Flood() is used, the area of Shunt is increased, turning from effectively a small target area into a medium. Increases size of Shunt() area.

Get(): When Shunt()+Get() is used, enemies and targets are pulled towards the Shunt() for 2 seconds before the Shunt() is applied. Minor Get() damage is inflicted at the end of the Shunt().

Help(): Shunt()+Help() creates a Shunt() that can remove obstacles and terrain. The area left behind is flattened. Doesn't work if an object inside the effective Shunt() terrain would be destroyed by the absence inflicted by Shunt().

Jaunt(): Shunt()+Jaunt() lengthens the time of Shunt from 8 seconds to 16 seconds.

Load(): Shunt()+Load() causes immense damage at the end of Shunt() to any enemies near the end of the Shunt() and to the target of the Shunt(). 4 second Shunt() duration.

Mask(): Shunt()+ Mask() causes User to become intangible but able to reposition about the battlefield. Essentially Ada's semblance without the Telefragging damage ability.

Ping(): Shunt()+Ping() causes Shunt to recharge quicker, enabling a Shunt to be used while another Shunt() is on the field.

Purge(): Shunt()+ Purge() causes Purge() damage to be done for the entire duration of Shunt() and for 3 seconds after Shunt(). Vicious combo.

Spark(): Shunt()+Spark() causes Shunt() to apply in many smaller areas, clustered together, enabling an entire Beowolf pack to be Shunted() at once. Deal no damage, lasts for 8 seconds. Large area effect.

Switch(): Shunt()+ Switch() causes Shunt() to effect a larger area for a shorter period of time.

Tap(): Shunt()+Tap() causes any enemy target Shunted() away to take damage for the 8 second duration and the User to get minor Aura restoration as life heal from the Shunted Target. Works on Grimm, may be partially magic rather than pure Aura / Science?

Void(): Shunt()+Void() causes Shunt() to reduce the attack and defense of the target caught by Shunt() once Shunt() is over for 6 seconds. Effectiveness reduced on Aura users.

Slice(): Shunt()+Slice() causes Shunt() to lock the enemy in place, but not place them in a special warp. Essentially a murder hold. Less effective on targets with Aura. Very high MEM cost. Base duration lasts for 4 seconds.

Spin(): Shunt()+Spin() turns the target area for Shunt() into a horizontal column of area in front of the user to be locked away for 15 meters and 6 seconds. Does not lock away terrain or obstacles, blocked by terrain and obstacles.

Drive(): Shunt()+Drive Increases the size of Shunt() the largest of all Shunt() size increases. You want to lock away the Grimm dragon for exactly 3 seconds? Increase the cooldown length of Shunt() based on the area locked away.

Shunt(): Shunt()+Shunt() Increases the size and length of the Shunt(). Time up to 14 seconds. Area up to medium.

-Function, Passive: As a passive, Shunt() wraps Jaune in what is effectively a damage mitigation aura that reduces all incoming physical based attacks before Aura damage. Shunt() could also be used to 'dodge' large attacks by using Shunt on Jaune himself, though this would not be used as a 'Passive' Function effect.

-Function, Upgrading: Used attached to other Functions Shunt() locks the target of the Function away for a few seconds on hit (based on what Function Shunt() was attached to), useful on close range Functions to prevent attacks or counter-attacks. Used on ranged Functions Shunt() can be used to lock away pesky ranged fighters for the time needed to close in on them or to remove them from attacking while you do something else. Used on some Functions, Shunt() no longer locks the target away but can somehow bypass physical resilience or armor, or possibly even Aura if you dare. Paired with Directory_Repair() Shunt() would shove the target (hopefully an ally) away into the spatial twist to heal them for 14 seconds, providing protection and healing. Attaching Shunt() to certain other combat Functions removes the effects of Shunt() entirely an instead freezes the target in place spatially, leaving them stunlocked and available to be damaged, but this has high MEM cost.
Bounce(): Bounce()+Shunt() causes Bounce to be able to target enemies over a larger area between bounces.

Breach(): Breach()+Shunt() causes all enemies hit by Breach() to take Breach() damage and by locked away in Shunt() for 3 seconds.

Crash(): Crash()+Breach() causes the target to be stunned by Crash() and left more vulnerable more much longer.

Cull() Cull()+Shunt() causes any enemy hit by Cull() to be thrown much higher into the air from Cull, increasing damage and causing the enemies thrown by Cull() to take 3 seconds to come back down.

Flood(): Flood()+Shunt() causes any enemy hit by Flood to be unable to move while taking damage from Flood().

Get(): Get()+Shunt(), any enemies drawn by Get() take damage and are locked away inside Shunt() for 2 seconds. Enemies drawn by this combo take doubled Get() damage at the end of the Shunt(), perfect for a light hit to kill them at the end of the combo.

Help(): Help()+Shunt() causes Luna to become intangible while moving, allowing Luna to have what is essentially Ada's Semblance.

Jaunt(): Jaunt()+Shunt() causes Jaunt() to enable User to Jaunt() through solid objects.

Load(): Load()+Shunt() causes enemies hit by Load() to take increased damage. Shunt() effects cause targets hit by the Load() to be paralyzed in place for 2 seconds.

Mask(): Mask()+Shunt() [Strike-Dependant] Hitting an enemy deals damage and causes them to be Shunted() for 8 seconds. User gains slight damage reduction for 5 seconds after becoming visible once more.

Ping(): Ping()+Shunt() enables Ping() to stop a target in its tracks for .3 seconds. Low MEM usage.

Purge(): Purge()+Shunt() causes Purge() to last longer.

Spark(): Spark()+ Shunt() causes an enemy hit by Spark() to be stunned for longer.

Switch(): Switch()+Shunt() causes Switch() to last longer.

Tap(): Tap()+ Shunt() causes an area around the User to be locked away in Shunt() but not the User. Useful as a panic move against enemy groups who have closed on the User. In addition, it does Tap() damage first and still heals the User for 1% of Tap() damage.

Void(): Void()+Shunt() causes an enemy caught within Void's() area to move slower for 2 seconds.

Slice(): Slice()+Shunt() causes an vertical arc of energy that deals Slice() damage but slows enemies hit by it for 4 seconds.

Spin(): Spin()+Shunt() increases the 'drag' Spin() has on things caught in the projectile of Spin().

Drive(): Drive()+Shunt() [Strike-Dependant] causes Drive() to stop at the first enemy hit and Shunting() that enemy for 5 seconds. Turns Drive() into a melee counter-attack.

Shunt(): Shunt()+Shunt() Increases the size and length of the Shunt(). Time up to 14 seconds. Area up to medium.

Projected MEM Cost: As a solo Function Shunt uses 3 MEM, as a passive Shunt uses 2 MEM, as an Upgrade Shunt() costs 3 MEM.
Function Discovery: Inspired by Ada, without scanning her Semblance, but based off her '4th dimensional being' state. An idea to weaponize Freeze() based on what scans the Transistor had already taken of Ada's Semblance.
Tl:dr: Temporary target removal. Like banishing your opponent's monster face down. Can be modified to adapt how it operates pretty extensively, useful for targeting big enemies who would otherwise be really nasty to have on the field but are too tough to kill outright where there's minions on the field.
Function Category: Combat

Function: A straight charge, similar but much slower than Jaunt(). Drive() maps poorly to Turn(), leaving its use best used without Turn(). On its own Drive() does decent damage, but it's real usage is hooking other Functions on it, making it a slower but much more damaging cousin to Jaunt().

-Function, Upgraded: Hook nearly any Function to Drive() to cause Drive() to perform that second Function either during or at the end of Drive(). Attach Crash() to Drive() to cause damage, stun, and leave vulnerable any target hit by the Function. Attach to Breach() to cause even more damage along the Drive() Function's length. Attach Jaunt() to Drive() to extend the length and speed of both but do only limited damage. Attach 2 Jaunt() to Drive() to hit Mach 1.

Bounce(): Drive()+Bounce() [Strike-Dependant] upon hitting a target with Drive(), Drive() is aimed for the next closest enemy after trampling through the first enemy.

Breach(): Drive()+Breach() Increase the speed and length of Drive().

Crash(): Drive()+Crash() any enemy hit by Drive() is stunned for 3 seconds and left vulnerable for 4 seconds.

Cull(): Drive()+Cull() massively increase the damage of Drive().

Flood(): Drive()+Flood() causes Drive() to have a corona of Plasma generated just in front of the User during Drive(), increasing damage.

Get(): Drive()+Get() Enemies are drawn to the front of Drive() as the User charges forwards.

Help(): Drive()+Help() transforms Drive() utterly, turning a charge the user performs into creating and then launching a duplicate of the User to perform the Drive(), leaving the User free to act.

Jaunt(): Drive()+Jaunt() increases the speed of Drive() to instantaneous speed.

Load(): Drive()+Load() build up a load as the User travels with Drive() to explode at the end of Drive(). Massive damage.

Mask(): Drive()+Mask() causes the User to become temporarily invisible at the end of Drive() for 3 seconds, enabling retreat or further attacks.

Ping(): Drive()+Ping() causes Drive to be more efficient in Turn() and recharge faster.

Purge(): Drive()+Purge() causes any enemies still alive at the end of the Drive to be afflicted with a Damage over Time effect.

Spark(): Drive()+Spark() causes Drive() to explode at the end of the Drive(), dealing more damage than a regular Drive() but costing significantly less than Drive()+Cull().

Switch(): Drive()+Switch() causes any enemies alive at the end of Drive() to be Switched() for 3 seconds.

Tap(): Drive()+Tap() causes you to heal for a third of the damage inflicted to enemies by Drive().

Void(): Drive()+Void() causes any enemy alive at the end of Drive() to be weakened, having less Attack, Defense, and increasing incoming attack's powers.

Slice(): Drive()+Slice() widens Drive's() width by double.

Spin(): Drive()+Spin() causes a trail to be left behind by Drive() that yanks the enemies crossing the trail towards the end of Drive(). Trail persists for 4 seconds.

Shunt(): Drive()+Shunt() causes any enemies alive at the end of Drive() to be Shunted() for 4 seconds, enabling retreat.

Drive(): Drive()+Drive() causes Drive() more damage and move the User faster, but also take longer to cooldown.

-Function, Passive: Drive() gives a boost to your movement speed and increases damage from non-Function attacks User performs.
-Function, Upgrading: Causes the Function Drive() is attached to do more damage and also move forward on most Functions. Functionally little difference whether Drive() is the one being Upgraded or the one Upgrading.
Bounce(): Bounce()+Drive() causes Bounce() to do more damage and move faster as a projectile.

Breach(): Breach()+Drive() causes Breach to be much wider, enabling more enemies to be caught in Breach().

Crash(): Crash()+Drive() causes Crash() to do more damage and have slightly longer range.

Cull(): Cull()+Drive() causes User to charge forwards using Drive() for a short distance, 'scooping' enemies before completing Cull() by throwing the gathered enemies into the sky.

Flood(): Flood()+Drive() causes Flood() to have more velocity and damage by a moderate amount.

Get(): Get()+Drive() causes Get() to draw enemies more fiercely and to increase Get() damage.

Help(): Help()+Drive() causes Luna to charge about with Drive() rather than attack by biting.

Jaunt(): Jaunt()+Drive() causes all enemies passed through with Jaunt() to take minor damage.

Load(): Load()+Drive() causes Load() to explode if an enemy touches the Load() bomb.

Mask(): Mask()+Drive() causes Mask() to do proximity damage to any enemy close to you while invisible. Duration of Mask changes to 4 seconds.

Ping(): Ping()+Drive() causes the User to kick with the force of Drive() without moving. Low MEM usage.

Purge(): Purge()+Drive() causes any enemy to take greatly increased Damage over Time over a shortened duration. Base damage of Purge() 120 over 3 seconds. Purge()+Drive() causes 160 damage over 2 seconds. High MEM usage.

Spark(): Spark()+Drive() is very similar to a Crash()+Spark() or Spark()+Crash(), being a three pronged near-melee attack. The user does not move during Spark()+Drive() but instead throws out three Sparks() that push enemies away from the user with Drive()-like force.

Switch(): Switch()+Drive() causes the enemy affected by Switch() to move much faster towards other enemies.

Tap(): Tap()+Drive() causes Tap() to have a greatly increased area. As Tap() causes the user to slam the Transistor into the ground at their feet and unleash a pulse of damaging energy that also heals the User by 1% of the Tap damage, this attack changes only a little by increased area of attack.

Void(): Void()+Drive() causes the enemies hit by Void() to have their defenses and attack reduced even further.

Slice(): Slice()+Drive() causes Slice() to be wider and thicker, and deal more damage on impact with enemies.

Spin(): Spin()+Drive() causes the Spin() to have more velocity and deal more damage.

Shunt(): Shunt()+Drive() Increases the size of Shunt() the largest of all Shunt() size increases. You want to lock away the Grimm dragon for exactly 3 seconds? Increase the cooldown length of Shunt() based on the area locked away.

Drive(): Drive()+Drive() causes Drive() more damage and move the User faster, but also take longer to cooldown.

Projected MEM Cost: As a solo Function, Drive() costs 4 MEM, as a Passive Drive() costs 3 MEM, as a upgrade Drive() costs 3 MEM.
Function Discovery: Created after witnessing Xanadu and his bullshit Inertia Semblance from Signal's Final and deciding, you know what? You want that. And so it was. It's nowhere near as impressive as the original, but it's still something that could be used to charge straight through a Beowolf pack, and with the right Upgrades attached to it you'll be able to charge straight through Ursa Majors.
Tl:dr: Drive is a damaging version of Jaunt. Slower, but rather than just being disorientating it incorporates damaging elements that can be further modded with other functions, such as Crash or Spiral, or by leaving a trail of Process matter behind us to spawn a small or medium unit behind us after we've already charged through an enemy.
Function Category: Utility / Other

Function: Teleportation. Yeah seriously. It's done in Transistor towards the end with the doors that link to other doors with weird spatial stuff. To pull it off a certain level of Process density has to have been achieved, so it's not like you'll be able to go just anywhere at will, you'll have to do work with the Process to set up 'Gates', stationary portal locations. Done right, you might even be able to bring other people with you. Who needs Raven?
Create those teleport gates in combination with the Process to create remote teleport marks and teleport to them. Not a combat skill.

Projected MEM Cost: Arbitrarily large MEM costs don't matter because it's not a combat Function so you could swap it in and out as needed with the help of the Process teleport gates. High research costs and time, but once it's done... teleport places, because travel makes us sick and we've got the capability by that point, so why not? May need to somehow capture and Trace() Raven to pull it off unless we want to spend 8 turns researching just this one Function though.

Function Discovery: You asked yourself, could it be done? You needed to fulfill that promise to fix the moon for Weiss, right? How would you even get the Process up there? This might not be the method due to needing a Process Gate on the other side, but you considered it.
Tl:dr: After achieving sufficient Process density at another location, enables the Teleport Gates you get at 'very-end-of-the-game' Transistor.
Or, I suppose, Inventory function. Carry whatever on you. Since the Process can just make stuff on the fly maybe not the most useful, but since it can't make Dust...
I very much appreciate the detail- adding them to the list. I beg of you, do not raise the bar further.

Hey Prok, I'm excited for whatever project you plan on unveil in with your new thread!

I want to remind you that you don't need a hundred bells and whistles for it, you don't need a gold-rank foundation to foster something amazing. Your inner critic will ALWAYS fight dirty when they try to undermine you.
Oh no, for once it's not my inner critic that's the problem, he's well and truly in concrete boots about this. I've received nothing but positive feedback for it, from people I deeply respect the opinions of.

This sinus infection, on the other hand, is loving its job kicking my ass up and down the street, which is also why the update hasn't materialised. But- eh, yeah, sure, why not.

Have a teaser- just to prove I'm serious about this one.

Interstellar Space, Aboard Tofaresh Capital Ship 'The Vile Fist'- Relative Earth Date, June 23rd, 2018

"Sura," a technician said, "I think we have contact. It's… faint, but it's more than just background radiation."

One of Admiral Ifan Jazhul's eyes flicked to the youth; a fresh-faced cadet, who had the bad luck to end up on a deep space scouting campaign for his first tour- Brother above, he was green enough to still have all three of his eyes. He sighed, the long, wormlike tail of the Tofaresh commander flicking in irritation; there was always one.

"Well?" he asks impatiently. "Verify the signature, cadet. Clearly we haven't a moment to spare."


The console cadet stayed silent. Ten seconds. Twenty seconds. Thirty.

A minute passed, and the two-eyed admiral wondered if the cadet was simply too embarrassed to say it. A month's bathroom-swabbing duty wasn't that bad, after all. Jazhul would kill to only have to worry about keeping the porcelain clean.

… Come to think of it, a couple 'accidental' murders would probably get him demoted-

"... Verified! Incandescent energy signature detected, 15 light-years rimward! Scanning… Class Ш star system, 8 planets, signal is coming from the inner solar system."

The bridge burst into panicked murmuring, a change from the usual silence of deep space work. Admiral Jazhul's remaining eyes widened, and he swiftly approached the console.

There, clear as day- the exact same signature they had all been taught in the academy. Taught when they were pups.

Still. For a moment, he almost didn't want to believe it. That those glorified peacekeeping zealots had somehow made it out to this edge of the galaxy as well.

"... What's your name, cadet?"

"D-D'kan, sura. D'kan Ayatul."

Admiral Jazhul smiled warmly- the boy reminded him of his grandson, in some ways. He had that same, bright-eyed optimism, and the same ring of white in the fur around his eyes.

"Well, Cadet Ayatul, you've just found evidence that the Hearthkeepers are present on this edge of the galaxy, have been for an unknown amount of time, and, correct me if I'm reading your screen wrong, one of their Glass Souls is not only present, but active. Also, I'm going to suggest you for promotion on both of those merits. How are you feeling?"

Cadet Ayatul's eyes widened, his breath coming in short, ragged bursts.

"... I'm quietly praying that it's on a dead rock and not a life-bearing planet."

Jazhul clapped him on the shoulder as the cadet entered the state of apparent death- a damnably inconvenient reflex from their days as mere marsupials, and one Jazhul had trained out of himself through decades of battle.

"Good instincts. The Family will not grant us such luck, but we shall persevere," he said, turning and leaving the boy to his catatonia.

"Dobrenji!" Jazhul barked. "Get over here, you little-" he strangles the insult back, "my dear and trusted Vice Admiral."

"Yeth, thura?" the little weasel Jazhul was forced to call his vice admiral said.

"Fleetwide message- aim your scopes at-" he leaned over Cadet Ayatul's shoulder, ignoring the foam at his mouth- "Galactic Sector 2814. Third rock from the sun. Send everything back to us."

"Aye, thhhura," Dobrenji said.

"You. Start collating. Tell me everything about this planet."

"Y-yes, sura!"

The cadet's hands flew across her typosphere, and the lights flickered as power was redirected to every Incandescence scanner and tachyon telescope on The Vile Fist and pointed them at the system.

The data flew across her screen almost faster than Jazhul could read. Almost.

Class Ш star system, 8 planets, equal numbers rock and gas… signal was, indeed, on the third planet from the sun…

The resolution was terrible- even with the combined scopes of the entire scout fleet, the first scans were always sacrificial while they got their eye in- like pancakes.

More information filtered in- tracking the Hearthkeeper base to the large continent on the northern hemisphere, near its west coast, and closer to the middle of the landmass.

Context messages began to pop up, detailing the kind of resistance they could face on the part of the Tofaresh's greatest enemy- as if Jazhul wasn't intimately familiar.

The various classes of Hearthkeeper Armaments, those great armours of stone and stellar flame, filled the screen, each one that turned up only souring his mood more, from the unnaturally long arms and legs of the Sunspot flexing its greatbow, to the giant wall of stone that is the Inferno- complete with the miniature black hole that took up the space where its head should be.

The cadet, whimpering as Jazhul growled in her ear, swiped the context messages away, refocusing on the planet. Even with these preliminary scans, there was enough detail to see water and clouds. And there, in the dark half of the planet- lights.

Admiral Jazhul gasped, his mood flipping in a moment.

"Ohhhhh," he coos, "natives! Wonderful! My goodness, they're so primitive they haven't even established interplanetary colonies! They're still poisoning their planet with hydrocarbons! Haha!"

"Hehe, all our Winter Fattening mealth come at onthe, yeth, thura?" Dobrenji said from his comms terminal.

Even he couldn't ruin this for Jazhul.

"S-sura," one of the other bridge jockeys stammered. "Sh-should we… notify someone?"

Which didn't stop someone else from trying.

"And ruin my fun?" Jazhul asked, voice placid, and still immediately sending the bridge jockey into catatonia. "No no- a hand's worth of Tofaresh warships will be more than enough for a planet of- what are they called, cadet?"

"... Translating their internet now… they are… they don't have a unified language, sura, but the lingua franca calls them hyu-mens, sir."

"Hyu-mens," Jazhul said, testing the word on his tongue. "Hyu-mens. Hyoomins. Hoo-man. Hrngh. Not a fan. Try another."


"Too similar."


"Mm… another."


"Warmer- one more."

"... Chelovek?"

Thaaaaat's the spice.

Yes, that's the one we'll use. Good, strong, almost a Tofaresh name. Chelovek. Chelovek. We'll find this…"

"Eurghth, sura."

"Eurghth, yes- find the Hearthkeeper base, drown it in vatkan, and once the world is free of their potential tyranny, we shall personally ensure their subjugation for the glory of Empress Kyatin, may her reign be long and cruel. Anyone feel like being summarily executed for subordination?"

Nobody objected.

"Marvellous, I do enjoy it when we're all on the same page."

The admiral returned to his seat, allowing himself to sink into the plush leather for a moment, sighing as his aching bones finally had a chance to relax. Despite himself, despite the dour mask he had to put on as part of his position- Admiral Ifan Jazhul felt a smile pulling at his face.

"Spool the Chasm Engines. I want to be there yesterday."


Various Locales, Earth Date, June 22nd, 2018.

Toss. Turn. You won't sleep tonight, I'm afraid.


Past your home, past your street, past your block, borough, city, past the neverending hiss of anxiety, the weighted blanket of self-doubt. It all clouds your eyes, stuffs your ears, dampens that roiling fire that threatens to break out every time you move, every time you speak, every time you are so unabashedly you.

Let it all go. Just like that. For just a moment, let yourself be nothing but fire.

Burn your self-doubts in the flames of ego and listen to its roar.

Do you hear how it it echoes down the tunnel in the back of your skull?

[anima bridge established]

There, at the other end- a little god whispers to you from inside his mountains, using your skull on one end, a wall of glass on the other, and thousands of miles of celestial string wrapping the world in its gossamer embrace.


You are not special.

Special is too weak a word for you. Special people hear that little god whispering in their ear, 'come here, from north or south or east or west, meet me where the moon crowns the summit-' and they call it a dream. An event of no consequence, not to be worried about.


You listened. You listened, and you dreamed, and things fell into place. Let you move halfway across your world to meet it there.

Meet it where?

The place where mountains whisper and coincidence goes to die.

Perhaps you moved to avoid a confrontation. Perhaps someone worth your presence is there. Perhaps you will move for opportunity, or not of your own volition as children are so often forced to.

All your reasons are inconsequential. All your reasons are uncoincidental.

All your reasons are your own, little god and lunar wreath aside.

However you came to be here- welcome to Yonder.

It only gets weirder from here.
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As one might surmise by my stunning lack of post history, I don't usually voice any of my thoughts. On this occasion, I have to say, I need more of that lovely new setting you've got cooking. That's very much in my sphere of enjoyment, just as this whole quest has been. I anticipate, dearly and powerfully, your coming writings, that I might savor your literary prowess and skilled world craft.