[X] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.
[X] WEAPONS- Gimme a small weapon. A handgun, a sword, a mace, nothing Ruby or Nora-sized, either the girls or the weapons. This is just the base template for the weapon, we'll work out nitty gritty system stuff later.
-[X] Mechashift Armour- The perfect mix of attack and defence. Literally unbeatable. Or, it'll rip half the skin on your arm off. Better than coinflip chance.
-[x] Incorporate a dedicated foundry into the armor to allow the it to matter-convert as needed, allowing for situational armor modification, automatic repair, and potentially infinite ammo for incorporated ranged weapons.
I get that Jaune might be concerned with tying himself to the process further, but with some camoflague this would be an IMMENSELY flexible and valuable ability for your armor to have. Predator-themed shoulder-guns, wrist-mounted Stabbing daggers, a Mass Effect armblade, a wrist-mounted pistol or process-generated physical shields. As for the look... perhaps something like below, only suitably "processed" and having something like the posted helmet? Something vaguely knightly, but with a helmet that just really looks strange.