Which of the other starter choices do you want to see interludes from most?

  • Dishonored

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Legend Of Zelda

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Shadow Of Mordor

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Preacher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Fist Of The North Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kill Six Billion Demons

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • The Zombie Knight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mob Psycho 100

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Author's Choice

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I mean, I think a literal rock is less clueless than canon Jaune.
The guy is harem protagonist levels of stupid and clueless, but about everything instead of just about girls (though he's that stupid about girls too).
This is a direct attack on the Ada x Jaune ship and I for one will not forget nor forgive this slanderous attack on the best ship.

Forreal tho, that that good shit mang. That real good shit.
"... God help me, I don't think I could sing off-key if I tried."

Oh brothers how drunk were you

So why do you use "God" in the first bit I quoted when you've used the Remnant appropriate equivalent just a bit before in the second bit I quoted? Are you just falling back on generic English phrases, or does Weiss believe in a different deity than the Brothers?

uh oh physical contact with pretty girl what do

So very relatable, especially with the extra drunken confusion. And the not drunk friend messing with you.

Missing the "runs to the bathroom to worship Lord Toilet" bit, but Aura probably lets them hold their drink a lot better than a normal person.
So why do you use "God" in the first bit I quoted when you've used the Remnant appropriate equivalent just a bit before in the second bit I quoted? Are you just falling back on generic English phrases, or does Weiss believe in a different deity than the Brothers?
There are explicitly multiple religions on remnant. Most are wrong, but still. Could just be that Mantle pulled together a monotheistic religion while Vale, by some literal miracle, managed to learn of the Brothers.
I also like Ada, who knows what would happen. Can we ask Weiss if she wants us to fix her scar?

You know, normally, I don't like scars, but I think this is a bad idea. Weiss earned that shit by 1v1ing a Geist that some jackass let get into a massive suit of armor with a matching zweihander. She killed it after her Aura broke. I'd be proud of that scar and I would bet she is too.
"... Weiss?"

"Mm?" She mumbles, still half-asleep.

"... Do you ever wonder what the moon would look like, unshattered?"

"Mm… s'metimes…"

"... Do you want to see it like that, someday?"

"'dbe nice, s'ppose… dunno how it'd happen, though..."

"... Then it's a promise."


"I'm gonna fix the moon for you."

"... Oh."

*5 Years Later*

"Jaune... Remember that night way back when we first met..."


"You know the way you promised to fix the moon for me?"


*Weiss turns and stares at the now whole moon*

"I thought you were trying to be really cheesey and romantic! Not that you'd actually do it!"

"Ah... Yeah, I actually thought it'd take a lot longer than it did to fix it. Still, it does look pretty..."

"Jaune... Why is there now a giant 'Jaune <3 Weiss' written on the moons surface!?"

"Dammit Process! I thought I told you guys not to do that!"

*Moon writing changes to :p. Jaune Facepalms*
Last edited:
I'm just having fun imagining Weiss trying to keep a straight face when her father goes on about Jaune being below her station. And all the while she's remembering "this is the guy that actually can put the moon back together"
That was pretty adorbs, especially with the soundtrack.

It's interesting seeing how Weiss gets along with someone she feels she can trust a little that isn't a member of canon RWBY.

If this was a tv show or something there would be a love triangle between Ada-Jaune-Weiss. This song to me fits things from Ada's perspective if she fell for Jaune.


Doesn't Jaune's semblance sort of like this? Basically giving him access to tons of data but unfortunately overloading his brain. Could't Jaune make a sort backup of the transistor by making an implant connected to some servers at his house or base? Sure it wouldn't let him use his abilities since it won't have the power of the Transistor but with the help of the Process it should let him be able to be away from the Transistor without being crippled, just weaker.
See, the problem there is "implant".

Jaune is the computer guy, not the bleeding-edge quantum biotech man-machine-interface guy.
The process would have to test something like that. As shown by how it doesn't know how to create proper bandages without an example.

Edit: At some point, we just need to dump an entire first aid kit into the process and let it assimilate it. That way it knows how to painkiller etc.
Weeklylife.bat, Final Cycle- Fuzz()
still as a tech geek rather then a figher geek Jaune won't be fanguying over her so she'll at least have a friend.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we did have an entire update dedicated to how much of a fighter geek Jaune is.

His excuse in canon was ignorance- he seemed to be completely and utterly ignorant on all matters to do with Huntsmen, so it made somewhat convoluted sense that he didn't know who she is. Jaune here, however, does. He's just aware enough of himself to realise that fanboying out probably isn't the way to endear himself to her.

So why do you use "God" in the first bit I quoted when you've used the Remnant appropriate equivalent just a bit before in the second bit I quoted? Are you just falling back on generic English phrases, or does Weiss believe in a different deity than the Brothers?
There are explicitly multiple religions on remnant. Most are wrong, but still. Could just be that Mantle pulled together a monotheistic religion while Vale, by some literal miracle, managed to learn of the Brothers.
Calling Remnant's philosophical background fragmented is, at best, an understatement. Just due to the sheer difficulty of travel, the whole, 'St. Patrick drives out the snakes' thing was never really an option- they either died on the way there, leaving fragments of their preaching across the land to grow into their own religions or stayed isolated from the rest of the world, growing without any cross-pollination and developing into something entirely unique.

Fast forward a few thousand years to when Kingdoms were established and people could actually roam around without much in the way of problem, some died out and became myths and legends, like the Greeks and the Romans did in the real world, others changed so much that they looked nothing like they did, with only sheer cultural drift and records that have been translated through several dead or dying languages the only evidence of how things were done back then, and connecting four dozen different religions in the process.

But, to answer your question- both are valid, 'God' canonically, and 'Brothers,' as an extrapolation of things said in canon.

See, one thing about the tale of the Two Brothers that always bugged me is that Pyrrha considered it a fairy tale. Except, it's not, it's a full-blown creation myth- it's too grand to be called a fairy tale, a story, it's more than that, to say nothing of the fact that it's canonically true. A story that big doesn't just pop out of nowhere, to say nothing of the fact that it actually, explicitly deals with gods.

Those aren't really the kind of things that are relegated to fairytales.

So, yes, the Brothers Grimm are worshipped, at least the Brother of Light, anyway, surprisingly enough the one who made the Grimm tends to be not thought very fondly of. At the very, very least, there are people out there whose personal beliefs when it comes to Genesis involves them in some way, even if they don't have a full-blown religion, so to speak.

But in the end, it's really just a matter of cultural differences- it's more prominent in Vale, alongside more polytheistic religions than not, while Atlas just kind of, lucked into the closest thing Remnant has to the common or garden Abrahamic religion. With, obvious differences, of course.

And in the true end, it's just me scrambling to justify something I didn't actually notice would raise questions while editing a short and sweet few moments of genuine, open relaxation between two friends, so, sue me.

Well this is a problem, a problem known as Too Many Best Girls.
My plan is simple: instead of outright banning shipping, I'm just going to throw so many best girls in your face that you all tear yourselves apart trying to choose, while I and those not interested in romance for this quest continue on our way unimpeded.

Quite elegant, if I say so myself.


That's the one. It was originally You're On Fire by They Might Be Giants, because I can't say no to a dumb gag to save my life, but then that came up on Spotify, and I realised how much more it just fit, in a broader sense.

... Admittedly I also enjoy Jukebox The Ghost a lot more than I enjoy TMBG, so I may be biased on which song works better.

Doesn't Jaune's semblance sort of like this? Basically giving him access to tons of data but unfortunately overloading his brain. Could't Jaune make a sort backup of the transistor by making an implant connected to some servers at his house or base? Sure it wouldn't let him use his abilities since it won't have the power of the Transistor but with the help of the Process, it should let him be able to be away from the Transistor without being crippled, just weaker.

The Transistor is a unique instance created by Jaune's Semblance, and cannot be copied by any means, purely because the technology to start building things like the Transistor doesn't exist yet.

However, you are correct in that the Process will eventually be able to help offload some of Jaune's worst symptoms, essentially freeing the Transistor from its shackles to go, do whatever. But, that's a way aways down the line. I do have to ask- why do you want to separate a Huntsman from his weapon, anyway? That seems really rather counterproductive.

You want to delete your skull

{Hey, you're awake.}

Unfortunately, yes. Yes, you are.

Ugh, God, even thinking that hard hurts your head.

{Well, for what it's worth, you enjoyed yourself last night. So did Weiss. Yeah, you enjoyed yourselves all night long.}

… You don't like that tone of voice-

Your heart doesn't sink to your feet so much as perform a total nosedive as you throw the covers off, letting shockingly cool air flow over your sweat-covered body, and find nothing but disappointment-tinged relief as you realise that one, Weiss isn't in bed with you, and two, you are in fact in your own bed. Ass-naked, but still, your own bed.

… You didn't, actually... did you?

{You did not. For two drunk teenagers, you were remarkably aware of how awkward the morning after would be. Furthest you two got was like, some cuddling in the back of the autocab home.}

Ah. Well, good. You think. You can, consider the full implications of that later.

Much, much later.

As you get out of bed, hating every second of it, you try to retrace your steps from last night as you make yourself decent, and find distressingly large chunks missing.

Dragging up a small notepad under your hand, you start to make a note of what you do remember.


  • Went to the nightclub with Weiss. Obviously.
  • Got vaporised on a Schnee credit card. Obviously.
  • Did somebody try to wreck the club? Mainly remember a bunch of fighting and flashes, but also… blonde hair? Blonde hair and shotguns. Blonde hair, shotguns, and… lots of goons.

You look to your sword for a moment, a raised eyebrow both questioning what the fuck you're writing down and making you aware of how much that particular motion aggravates your headache.

{... No, yeah, that's about right so far.}

… Well, alright.

  • Vaguely remember stopping them from wrecking the club. Or… helping them wreck the club. One of the two. Probably not important, either way.
  • Heard police sirens. Somehow got it into our heads that they were coming for us?
    • Somewhat likely they were coming for us- check outstanding public disturbance cases for our names and descriptions later.
  • Ran out of club and into an alley with a dead end.
  • "I've never jumped a brick wall this high before."

… And then you woke up in bed.

{Nothing after that?}

Nothing's certainly coming to mind right now.

{... Ah. Well, it'll probably come back to you. I'm pretty sure you weren't, blackout blackout drunk.}

… Blue.

What did you miss?

{... Check your Scroll.}

That is not a good answer-


-I just saw the news, are u ok?-

-I am-

-Just GREAT Creme-

-I may also be very drunk but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's not important-

-... Should I be concerned about the fact that ur drunk or-


-Nahnahnahnahnahnahnah it's fiiiine-

-I hope u realise that doesn't actually make me less concerned-

-Yeah I figured-

-But nah I'm just uhhhhhhhh-


-Because it has been a very stressful-


-And after saving like-

-30 people-

-I think I deserve a night of just getting absolutely annihilated-

-... That's-

-A really unhealthy way to cope with things, Jaune.-

-Look, can we talk tomorrow?-

-We don't need to meet up or anything, but I'd really like a chance to talk to you if that's ok-


-Sure, we can talk.-

-Like, I'm never NOT gonna have time for you.-

-You know that, right?-

-Yeah Jaune, I know-

-That's kinda the problem.-

… You… don't know how you're supposed to feel about that.

{You should feel like you should go and talk to her. She's really worried about you.}

You can see that, you're not blind, just...

A stab of pain through your skull keeps you from following that train of thought anywhere. Or, any train of thought anywhere.

Well. Best to just… see what she wants, you suppose.

Ugh, no, no, that's not fair, you're making it sound like it's a chore to talk to one of your teammates.

Fuck, hangovers suck.

{Yeah, that's, pretty much their sole defining trait.}

Forcing a little snort of laughter, you get up and make your way to the bathroom, hoping you can at least get some water down before your stomach protests too much.

You get one foot out the door before you bump into Jools, a pair of pills and a glass of water in her hand. To your horror, you have to bite down on the urge to snap at her, taking a calming breath before you do anything else.

God, what's gotten into you?

"Take. Drink." She orders, handing them to you in that order.

You do so silently, burning shame robbing you of your voice.

"That should settle your stomach down, drink lots of water and don't eat anything too heavy today, no matter what you might be craving. No fry ups, none of that 'hair of the dog' bullshit, just get some soup or something."

"Er... thanks." You mutter, honestly surprised at how… understanding your big sister is being about the whole thing.

She shrugs, as she walks off down the hall.

"Eh, I'm a surly little bitch when I'm hungover too, I'm not gonna hold it against you. It passes with the headache, don't worry too much about it."

Jools grabs the bannister and lazily twirls on it as she turns the corner for the stairs, the cool big sister routine firmly ruined by her losing her footing and slipping, a strangled yelp closely followed by the sound of her Semblance going off, a flash of afterimages preceding the sound of something landing at the bottom of the stairs, no doubt in a heap of flailing limbs.

"I'm ok!"


You must admit, Jools was right- your surliness did pass with the headache. You think.

At the very least, you certainly feel less likely to bite someone's head off. Which is good, because you're on the train to the Agricultural District to go and see her.

{Yes, that not being the case would be disastrous. Also, you're legal to drive again.}

Good job, liver. You knew there was a reason you kept that guy on the payroll.

Browsing the internet to pass the time dies as a pipe dream when you realised that all of those pages and HUD elements were 90% of why your headache was so bad, and even now bringing more than the bare essentials up- Aura readout, Bracket's textbox, proximity sensor- sends a twinge of pain through your skull, so you end up whiling the time away thinking on why Creme wants to meet up with you.

Current theory is that she wants to make sure you're not going down a self-destructive path in response to the stresses of your lifestyle.

Really? You're not that stressed out.

… Are you?

{Jaune, in the past two weeks alone, you've almost been stabbed in the neck by the girl you got halfway to first base with last night, almost been assassinated by the Atlesian military, promised to face down one of Vale's most prolific serial killers when he comes to town, created a cancer ray, created a baby god, and all but singlehandedly put down a terrorist attack to save the same girl who tried to stab you in the neck. You're a lot of things, buddy, but stress-free isn't one of them.}

Ok! Ok.

Point taken.

So… maybe you live something of a stressful lifestyle. But it's not like you're getting blackout drunk every night. Shit, last night was the first time you've ever drunk alcohol.

{Well, there was that gin and tonic you had with Jools-}

The first time you've ever gotten drunk, then.

{Alright, alright. But she doesn't know that. And besides, she's right- getting blackout drunk isn't a healthy coping mechanism.}

What, worried you're developing a habit?

{Hell no. You don't have the money to pull off getting blackout drunk on a regular basis. You don't want to know what the final bill was before you left.}

… In the interest of not raising your blood pressure, you choose to take Blue's advice on this one.

-The next stop is, Heatherfield. This train is for, Seastone Central. Change here for trains to, DeLune.-

Welp, time to get off. The Transistor floats off of the luggage rack above your head, and you step off the train and into the small station, sword and Cell at your heels.

Well, station might be charitable. It's a platform separated from the street outside it by a brick wall. There's not even a guard to wave your Scroll at. Hell, not even a ticket gate.

If you'd kept your head down on the way here, you probably could have bummed a free ride.


"Jaune!" You hear Creme calling for you. Turning to look for her, you see the doe Faunus waving at you from the exit to the street, and go to join her.

The summer heat is out in full force today, and Creme seems to have gotten the memo- baggy shorts, a loose t-shirt and a sunhat make up her ensemble for the day, and, she makes it work. At her heels, you see 14, new designation: Tulip, poking out before hovering towards you at its full speed, mirroring 01 as they immediately bonk into each other, happily chirping away.

You understand they're just sharing information directly, 01 the molecular information of steel and various weapon designs, while Tulip shares various plant species and recipes he's been taught by Creme and her family, most of them edible, a few poisonous. Er, the plants, not the recipes.

You're sure they're lovely.

Creme manages to hold back her yells of adoration for them both, but you don't miss the wide grin or the swishing of her tail as she watches them, obviously overjoyed by the sight.

"You know, I was kinda surprised when you actually texted me this morning. I was worried that you might be too hungover to meet up." She tells you once the Cells are done nuzzling at each other, leading you out of the station and into…

Your first instinct is to call it Podunk, Nowhere, but that's not fair. It is a small place, but it's not quite that bad. However, you can see the other end of the town from here. Part of it is the hilly nature of the Agricultural District, and the fact you are atop one of those hills, but it's still…

Quaint, by your standards.

"No, yeah, I'm, fine. Mostly." You reassure her.

"Well, good, because I need you in top shape, mister!" She says, excitement lacing her voice.

"... Why?" You venture, entirely unsure where this is going and refusing to form an opinion on it until you are.

She smiles, before bringing up a basket roughly the same dimensions as your torso, the top covered over with a red and white cloth.

"Because it's a pretty long hike to where we're digging into this."


A picnic.

… You don't think you've ever been on a picnic in the woods before.

Song- i was down then i found a nice witch and now we're best friends, in love with a ghost


Not to, play to stereotypes or anything, but you don't think you've ever been in a proper forest before. Like, you've been to the park with your family before, but this… is probably the most natural your surroundings have ever been. A gentle breeze rustles the trees on either side of the path, bringing the smell of wild garlic and rain-soaked loam to you, shadows of leaves dancing in the sun rays shining through the branches. In the distance, you hear birdsong and things shifting in the underbrush, rabbits and squirrels and badgers making their way about their day.

{Do you see the appeal?}

… Kinda, yeah. It's certainly relaxing, in a way.

"Aaaaand we're here!" Creme says, snapping you from your thoughts.

You look around.

… It's, the same path you've been on for about half an hour now. Are you, missing something, or-

You shoot a questioning look at her. She just smiles and moves towards the trees, the drooping branches so thick here that shade has entirely overtaken this part of the path.

The smile slips into a coy little grin as, shielding the picnic basket with her body, Creme hops backwards, the branches parting behind her, and like that, she's disappeared.

… Uh…

{I swear to God if I need to push you through myself-}

You're going! You're going.

Following her example, you push aside the branches with your shoulder, finding they part easily so long as you stay somewhat centred with the curtain. You eventually make your way through, though with considerably less grace and speed than your friend.

When you finally push through the final lattice of branches, you have to shield your eyes as they adjust to the sudden brightness, but when they do, you're greeted with a sight that awes you into silence.

The Agricultural District spills out in front of you like a tipped pot of paint- rolling green hills dotted with patches of blooming heather and fields of corn and squash, stalks of yellow and green rippling in the breeze, like waves across the sea. In other patches, you can see the dark black-green of other forests, with paths connecting them all running between, looking like some kind of tree itself.

It is... breathtaking.

You're only broken out of your awe by the sound of something whistling through the air, getting closer with every passing second-

Your sword lands next to you, stalling an inch above the grass.

… Did it just- you pull up its flight logs for a moment.

Normal, normal, normal, sudden and extreme ascent, normal, sudden and extreme descent, and halt.

{Look, that branch curtain thing is cute and all, but it wasn't exactly grown with the dexterity-challenged in mind.}

… That's fair.

"Hey, you gonna stand there and gawk at nature all day, or are you gonna help me set this up?"

Suddenly remembering that yes, you did come here with someone else, you sheepishly go and help her set up your little picnic, pulling the blanket flat and settling onto it with Creme, the basket between you. She starts pulling out sandwiches and Tupperware tubs of salad, glass jars of sauces and preserves, quiches and pies and thermoses of hot liquids and good God girl where did you find the time-

She stops, suddenly feeling your eyes on her, and she manages a sheepish little grin.

"... A bit overboard?"

"No, no, just… where did you find the time for this? I only told you I'd be coming out, like, three hours ago."

"Well, er…" She looks down, staring deep into the ham and brie quiche as if divining her answer. "I… may have banked on that being the case when I texted you last night." She mumbles a little sheepishly.

"Well, it's lovely. Thank you."

It does your heart good to see that relieved smile.

A shame you've been told to lay off the heavy food for a while.

{You'll be fine, just take it slow for a bit.}


The two of you dig in, perhaps somewhat more ravenously than considered polite, though you both have the excuse of being Hunters, yourself doubly so because you haven't eaten anything since you woke up. Or, at all in the past... 18 hours?

"So… I...have noticed…"

You give her a questioning noise around a mouthful of some sandwich of pork, ham and cheese, grilled flat and chilled, somehow not losing any of its flavours to the cold.

"That you seem to like staring at my rear end."

A small core of ice forms in your stomach.

You swallow your food before responding.

"... Beg pardon?" You ask, blandness the only thing you allow in your voice.

"Well, I was just curious about whether you were staring at my butt, or at my tail."

Your eyes flick to your sword, silently begging for some help.

{I am exactly as confused as you are.}

Damn that useless hunk of math.

"... I don't feel like there's a safe answer here." You tell her honestly.

Creme giggles, which doesn't fill you with hope.

"I'm not mad about it, I know I've got a nice tush, I'm just curious about what the draw is to you."

You say nothing. A moment passes.

"Jaune, seriously, I'm not gonna bite your head off, I really am just curious."

Death before admission.

"Alright, the hard way then- so if I do this-" you pointedly do not watch as Creme flips onto her stomach, her brown and white tail now looking skywards, "and start doing this-" her tail begins to gently sway from side to side, left, right, left, right-

"Oh my gosh, it is my tail you're obsessed with!" She exclaims, breaking you out of your trance, much to your immediate and everlasting horror.

You question whether or not she'd believe the truth, before figuring, fuck it, it's still your safest option.

"... Ok, yes, i-it's your tail, b-but it's not a sexual thing!"

She raises an eyebrow, a disbelieving smirk crawling up her lips, looking you over for a second.

"... You know what, if it was pretty much any other guy, I would call bullshit, but honestly I can believe that coming from you."

Oh thank God- wait, what's that supposed to mean?!

You know what, nevermind, you don't- that's probably the best reaction you can hope for here.

Saying nothing, you stare out into the landscapes, hoping to overpower your burning embarrassment with the awe of nature's beauty.

"... Wanna touch it?"

Now staring at Creme, you motion for her to repeat herself because you know you didn't hear her right.

"Do. You want. To touch. My tail?" She elaborates, leaving you absolutely no wiggle room here.

"... Again, no safe answer." You tell her meekly.

She giggles at your embarrassment, the little shit.

"Jaune, Faunus with tails, Faunus in general, but especially Faunus with furry tails, get three reactions when people notice it- either they're racists, they wanna use it like a handlebar, or they just wanna know what it feels like. I'm pretty sure you're not a racist, so just don't, yank it or anything, I'm not into that."

… Wait, a handlebar, what?

{I'll, tell you when you're older.}

… Wh- oh that's disgusting.

Well, you have a choice here-

[X] touch fluffy tail touch fluffy tail touch fluffy tail TOUCH FLUFFY TAIL-


With a halting, awkward motion, keeping an eye on your friend for even the slightest bit of discomfort, you slowly reach over and place your hand on Creme's tail.


Fuzzy tail feels so niiiiiiiiiiiice~

Creme is laughing but you don't caaaaaaare it's so fuzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~

"Holy shit, you sure it isn't kinda sexual for you?"

"{It isn't. It's just weird.}"

Wait who was that- BLUE YOU UTTER BASTARD-



Somehow, after so much food, and your sword happily ruining your fun, your stomach somehow doesn't feel like it's going to violently reject everything it's been given.

{Hey, if the average drunk can survive a full fried breakfast, this isn't much worse. At the very least, your left ventricle's not slamming shut.}

True. You hesitate to call this healthy, but you don't doubt your arteries appreciate the lack of cholesterol to harden them.

"Oh… God, I just wanna take a nap." Creme groans, leaning back on her palms to stare at the sky.

"I'm shocked we emptied the whole basket."

It's true. Where once there was enough food to feed a family of five, there is now only empty wrappers, balls of foil and baking tins and Tupperware devoid of their goods.

You… think you'll have a light dinner tonight.

"So… I've been thinking," Creme eventually breaks the silence, "about, what I said last night. It… wasn't fair of me to act like you getting drunk is a regular thing. You didn't deserve that."

"Well, for what it's worth, it's not going to happen again. This morning made sure of that."

She giggles at your pain, the little shit.

"Is a hangover really that bad?"

"Ugh, God, yes it was. My head was killing me, my stomach was doing backflips, and my mouth felt like I slept with a bunch of those cotton buds dentists use stuffed in my mouth. As if that wasn't bad enough, I just, don't remember most of last night past a certain point."

Your friend's smile shrinks a little, concern filling her face.

"... O...k, what do you remember about your night out with Weiss Schnee?"

"Well, I remember-" You cut yourself off, thinking about what she just asked you.

Wait. You… did not tell her that you were out with Weiss Schnee. You haven't told anybody that.

"... Creme, how did you know I was out with Weiss?"

"Ooh, you're on first name terms?" She teases, wiggling her eyebrows at you.

The withering glare you give her only makes her giggle some more, and you can't say you appreciate it.

"I told you- I saw it on my newsfeed."

Wait, what?

You bring up your text history in one corner, ignoring the dull pain it still causes you for a moment.


-I just saw the news, are u ok?-

-I just saw the news, are u ok?-

-I just saw the news, are u ok?-

-I just saw the news, are u ok?-

How did you miss that? How did something that important just escape your notice?

{You were severely hungover the first go around.}

Ok, sure, but still, how are you in the news? The Transistor makes it all but impossible to take a picture… of…

Except the Transistor wasn't exactly there to stop them, was it.

{Look, we died for five minutes, cut us some slack, ok?}


"How bad is it?


"There are pictures of semi-obscured Process units out there. We taught it how to obscure itself with low-level infrared, but T2-2 was… too far gone, to keep it up, by the time it had completed its task. On top of that, apparently, some of these aspiring red top photographers actually buy and use infrared camera filters now, which means anything short of an output actually damaging to the human eye does nothing. We can mess with metadata, sure, but the Process… we're, leery to teach them something like that just yet."

"Wh- who are you?!"


"My name is Bracket. I am also part of Jaune's sword."

Ohh that's bad.

"... Well, ok then."

A high-profile entrance involving violence, even against a terrorist group, is the absolute worst possible entrance the Process ever could have had. On top of that, people are adapting to the methods you've used to keep your privacy for so long, necessitating much more invasive measures, which is only going to make people take more drastic steps to get pictures-

You're only broken out of that loop by Creme literally grabbing you by the cheeks and turning you to look her in the eye.

"Jaune, breathe." She outright orders you, cutting through the panic for a moment and giving you something to focus on.

… It kinda helps. You keep breathing, focusing on that for a moment, and slowly, you calm down to a panic.


"Y-yeah. A bit."

"Good. Good. A-anyway, it's not all bad! I mean… most outlets are just focused on the attack, or Weiss apparently having a new boy-toy. Whatever you did with the Process is… it isn't headline material, apparently. I've only seen like… two places talking about it, and that's after I searched 'white robots at terrorist attack' and got to like, the third page of Roya."

You nod, not saying anything just yet.

"... I'm sorry. I thought you knew. I- ugh, God, this sounds stupid- I… I planned this to give you a day to just… not worry about all that stuff. And then I screwed it up and stressed you out even more."

Oh goddammit, now she's sad. Damn you, amateur paparazzi, do you only exist to ruin the days of others?

The answer is yes. Yes, they do.

"... Creme, you can't blame yourself for that. I don't…"

… You don't… what? Need a day to decompress with a friend? Don't care that the Process has been exposed in some small way, well before you were comfortable publicising it?

Where were you going with that?

"... Thank you." You try instead.

Her self-flagellation is swiftly replaced with confusion, thank God.

"Thank you?"

"... I don't think I'd want to find this out by myself. You did just nip a panic attack in the bud, after all."

Creme blinks before a little smile works its way up her face.

"... Well, you're welcome. I think."

You silently let go of the breath you didn't realise you were holding.

Crisis averted. You think.


Moving out of the forest is both easier and harder for the two of you than getting there was- on the one hand, the basket is lighter, on the other hand, that weight is now in your stomachs.

… Actually, it's harder. It's-it's just harder.

Still, you both make it back to town without much problem and find yourselves wandering for a while.

"So, this is where you live?" You ask, actually making an effort to learn more about your friend like someone who actually knows what they're doing socially.

"Ehh… not here here, exactly. I live on the other side of town. There's a river about 20 minutes walk past the outskirts, and I live a little bit beyond that- pretty much on the edge of the forest over there, now that I think about it-"

Before Creme can finish what she was saying, she's cut off by the sound of glass breaking, a startled yell, and hurried footfall. She stops, eyes widening for a moment as she looks around, trying to pinpoint where the sound came from.

The yelling quickly becomes sobbing, the hurried footfall speckled with the sound of panicky, adrenaline-fueled laughter.

"... I think that's Mrs Mai. This way!" She tells you, taking off down the street, leaving you to grab your sword and follow her.

{Tracking five people fleeing the scene. We can pursue.}

Not important, log names and faces for the police report, you're more use helping whoever got hurt.


You gently push down both 01 and Tulip's urges to shift into Badcells, at least for the moment. You need cute and harmless right now, not angry and blasty.

Leave angry and blasty for if they come back.

Creme is slightly more athletic than you, your sword slowing you down somewhat thanks to its bulk over your shoulder, and she slowly outpaces you until she decides to just forgo the street entirely and jump onto someone's roof and over. By the time you've caught up with her the sane way, she's already in someone's front garden, looking through the broken window. You just catch the sight of fleeing cowards- calm, calm... fleeing criminals, at the other end of the street.

"Mrs Mai? Are you-" she catches a thrown book, quickly bringing her hands up to defend herself, "WOAH, woah, Mai, honey, it's me, it's Creme!"

You come to a stop outside the front garden and finally see what's happened in detail.

In short, some, absolute fucking pondscum have put in someone's window, and hurt them in the process. Mrs Mai is staring out, a pair of broken spectacles next to her chair, a wide cut on her forehead from the rock that did the job. The old dear gently sobs, tears flowing freely from all four of her eyes as she clutches her head.

You pointedly... pointedly ignore the things written on that rock.

Don't disintegrate it, it's evidence.

So help you God you are not in the mood for ensuring the justice system works smoothly.

No. Stop. You are fine. You are calm. You can deal with this as a calm, rational person would. Calm, rational people do not break down evidence of a crime to its constituent atoms.

"... Creme?" She finally responds, sounding somewhat dazed, though whether by blood loss or concussion, you can't entirely tell, and that concerns you.

{Neither, far as I can tell. It must just be shock.}

"Yeah, Mrs Mai, it's me. And, er, this is my friend, Jaune, he can help you, ok? Can we come in?"

The old woman silently nods, not entirely taking in what's happening, you don't think, but Creme quickly moves away from the window, and trying to open a key box next to the front door. It takes her two tries to give up and just crush it in her hands with a snarl, extracting the key that way. Soon, the door is open, and you're in this poor woman's living room, the Transistor helpfully sitting outside to spare her heart the shock.

"Hey, hey hey hey, it's gonna be alright," Creme tells her, grasping the spider Faunus's hands in her own, before turning to you. "You did first-aid, didn't you?"

"I did, but I don't exactly have bandages with me-" you stop right there, and pinch the bridge of your nose, realising in that exact moment how dumb what you just said is. "... Yes, I do. Hold on."

The nitrogen around your hands is processed, quickly taking the same setup as it did yesterday- a pair of sterile white gloves, gauze, now able to absorb liquids, since you realised this particular shortcoming of Process catoms and fed it one of the nightclub's napkins, and a needle and suture, the last two left floating helpfully around 01, now perched on your shoulder. Always observing.

Never judging.

With your equipment in hand and on hand, you step forward, grabbing the old woman's attention.

"Hi, Mrs Mai, my name's Jaune, do you mind if I take a look at that cut, and see if it needs stitches?" You ask her directly, slipping back into your first response training. When she nods, you move closer, taking the gauze and gently wiping it against her forehead, cleaning the blood off as best you can and revealing a shallow, wide graze.

Right, head wounds always bleed a lot.

{Hairline fracture, but otherwise... nothing. She was lucky, a rock like that could have killed someone half her age.}

You somehow doubt she feels lucky.

"I'm gonna call the police, you gonna be good here?"

"We'll be fine." You answer, turning back to your patient after a moment as Creme steps outside. "Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news, is, you won't need stitches, it's just a graze."

You create a small bowl and hand it to 01, who happily takes it.

"Go fill that with water for me, ok?" You tell the little Cell, who chitters out a little 'can do' and rushes off, the bowl swaying atop its head. "The bad news is, you have a small fracture in your skull. It should heal up on its own, though."

"That would explain the dull throbbing along my forehead, yes." She speaks to you for the first time, sarcasm and a thick Mistrali accent tinging her words.

You like this woman already.

While it does that, you return to your task. The bleeding is slowing, thankfully, and all that's really left is to clean her face off, put some butterfly strips or something on it, and comfort the old dear until people vastly more qualified for this can get here.

However, when you do manage to look Mrs Mai in the eyes...

You can't. It's like your throat locks up, refusing to give you air to speak with. Like... what do you say to someone who just had their window put in by a bunch of racists?

... Oh, right-

"For what it's worth, I saw their faces. I'm going to give a description to the police, and, they'll find them."

The promise of vindication is always a safe one in these situations, you think.

"... I... thank you. I... I had hoped, just a little bit, that we had finally left this kind of thing behind us. Once the war ended. Naïveté at its finest, I suppose."

She remembers the Faunus Rights Revolution?

{Deed for this property shows a Mrs Thanh Mai living here, birth record for her says she's 86. She would have been, 22, 23 when it first started.}

"Were you around for the revolution? I didn't peg you for a day over 50." You tell her, trying light humour as your opening deflection tactic.

Mildly manipulative, maybe, but you need all the help you can get right now.

To your surprise, it seems to work, pulling her out of the little sad spot she just put herself in. She smiles, giggling a little at your obvious flattery, before shifting and straightening herself. You suddenly recognise, in some way, the same kind of military bearing that Ironwood carried himself with.

"Young man, I fought in the revolution." She tells you, the hint of steel in her voice, before leaning in, keeping her voice low. "And between you and me? I was bloody good at it."

You smile, trying not to focus too much on the fact that this old woman technically just admitted to having killed at least a man. Before that can, settle in, the Cell returns, a bowl of sloshing water atop its head, which you take a hold of. Producing a new bundle of gauze, you dip it in the water and begin cleaning her up.

You don't miss her finally focusing on the Cell, occupying itself by picking up shards of glass and placing them in neat little piles on the table next to the TV.

"What a curious little creature you have there. I've never seen anything like it."

"I built him myself. Him, and Creme's."

You do not like the look she's giving you. Its smug aura mocks you.

"Soo, how did you meet Creme, dear?"

"We go, er, we went to Signal together, but we only really met at the final exam." You answer her, figuring that you can take a bit of good-natured teasing to help her.

"Mm. And when did you get together?"

There it is.

"She's just a friend and a teammate." You answer, the words sounding rather like a stock response even as they leave your mouth. Granted, that's because they are, but still.

"... But you wouldn't mind, would you?"


"... Where are you going with this?"

"I just think you'd make a cute couple, is all. Besides, between you and me-" She glances out of her living room door to see if Creme's there before leaning in. "No playing, I think she might be sweet on you- the girl hasn't stayed quiet about you for weeks now."

... Oh.

Not to dash your dreams of cuddling Faunus tail every day or anything, but I haven't even gotten subconscious cues from her on that front. Either she's Atlesian special forces or your new friend's reading far too much into this.

Oh. Well, thanks, Bracket.

{Crushing hopes and dreams is his one true vocation.}

Yeah, nah, nah, it's fine, God for-fucking-bid you get your hopes up for five seconds-

Eventually, you get the worst of the blood off of her, steering the conversation as far away from that subject as you politely can. Creme eventually returns, a mug of tea in hand for your patient, and she joins the polite conversation, and everything is lovely and dandy and goes absolutely perfectly until the police get there-

"... Why did those people attack you?"

Oh God fucking damn it all to HELL-

As if, sensing your desire for things to go right, the most innocent creature in the room asks a question it has no real idea the... sensitivity of. Mrs Mai, surprisingly, probably takes 01's ability to talk in the calmest way you've seen since you made the little shit, and honestly considers the question for a moment.

You, quite wisely in your opinion, keep your fucking mouth shut about the social problems inherent with being a Faunus in small-town Vale while directly next to a close friend capable of incredible violence and a war veteran.

There's being socially awkward, and then there's being fucking stupid.

"Er..." Creme mumbles, apparently just as uncomfortable with the question as you are. "W-well... when, bad things happen, like yesterday, people get scared, then they get angry, and they feel like they have to take that anger out on someone. So, they do things like this."

Its head tilts to the side slightly, lens pinning in confusion.

"Why? Process records show no indication of any of the attackers yesterday being women of advanced age. Additionally, if she were an attacker, she would currently be in custody of the CVPD. As far as can be logically assumed, Mrs Mai had nothing to do with yesterday's attack."

"It's because I'm a Faunus, little one. If there's one thing Humans are good at, it's painting us all with the broadest brush they can find and using it as an excuse to hurt someone." The old spider Faunus tells your Cell, more than a little venom creeping into her words near the end, before she seems to remember you. "Er, no offense meant, dear."

"None taken." You reply blandly.

"... So... they hurt you, just because you happen to be part of the same demographic as people who perpetrated a terrorist attack?"

01 pauses for a moment, looking to the ground as it thinks. You feel an uptick in the CPU usage of the entire Process as it digests what it's just been told. Eventually, it looks up again, ready to deliver its freshly acquired opinion.

"... That is... erroneous." It delivers with finality, its opinion on the subject now set in stone.

It also seems to amuse Mrs Mai to no end, the old dear giggling her heart out.

You're almost tempted to offer her one of her own-



The police finally arrive, followed by an ambulance car, and you hand the care of Mrs Mai over to them, and a full set of names and addresses to the police.

"Oh, er, one thing- can I repair the window, or would that, interfere with the crime scene, or...?"

They look between each other for a moment, then the bagged brick that started this whole ordeal. A silent decision is made.

"We've got a bloody brick with their handwriting on it. If that's not enough to get these idiots time, the judge was probably gonna throw the case out anyway."

Well, that's as good as a yes to you.

One wireframe flash later, and the window is whole, and everyone but you and Mrs Mai is blinking spots out of their eyes. Though, you do see her eyes almost, glistening, somewhat, as if she's about to oh god please no one day just one day without this crying bullshit you DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT-

She sniffs, and thankfully, thankfully composes herself.

"... Thank you, dear. You've... helped me more than I rightfully deserve from a... a stranger."

You manage a small smile at her.

"Hey, it's the least I could do."

Mrs Mai gently shakes her head, her own smile tightening at the edges.

"No. It isn't."

song- i know it's not easy but you're not alone anymore, in love with a ghost
The walk back to the train station is a short one, but the two of you take it slow.

"... Thank you. Mrs Mai's, kind of like a second grandmama to me, so, thank you for helping her so much." Creme tells you after a while.

"I'm not gonna leave an old woman with a bleeding head wound. I'm certainly not going to let the punks that did it have the satisfaction of their actions having any permanence."

Creme... looks at you oddly, a moment after you say that. For just a moment, you swear you see a look of guilt flash across her face.

"... I'm sorry."

You blink.

"... For?"

She hesitates for a moment, before taking a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever she's about to say.

"... Everything. You're... really, not all that stressed out, are you? By everything that's going on." She pauses for a moment but continues before you can say anything. "I-I mean, you just... knew exactly what to do with a crying old woman who just had her window put in, you handled Ada pretty much by yourself, and... it just amazes me, that you seem to be so... cool about it all."

"It's not that I'm not stressed, it's just that, everything I'm doing has a tangible solution, and, well..." You look down at the Cell currently looping your feet. "I kinda lucked into the mother of all toolboxes. It's kinda hard to stay stressed when I know that everything's gonna get fixed sooner or later."

Creme laughs a little at that, a big dumb smile working its way across your face.

"Yeah, you got that right. I just, I can't imagine how I would deal with... all... of..."

She trails off, staring into the middle distance for a moment as some realisation hits her, and she pinches the bridge of her nose after a moment.

"Ohh, Creme, you stupid, self-centred bitch-"

uh oh

"I'm, sorry, I just... realised what I've been doing all day. For, the past couple weeks, actually." She mumbles at you sheepishly. "... I... may have been projecting a little. I just kept hearing about all these things you've been dealing with, and I kept thinking to myself, 'wow, I couldn't deal with half of that, he must be so stressed, I should do something to help him,' and then you sent me those texts last night and I got really concerned about you, but... you were just venting, weren't you? I just, completely blew it out of proportion, didn't I?"

You watch her whole face tighten, eyes starting to shine.

"... Gods, I fucked up."

"Wh- how?" You ask her, unable to keep silent anymore.

It seems to shock her out of her pessimistic introspection, which you take as good a time as any to take a leaf from Creme's own book. You step in front of her, gently grab her by the shoulders, and look her straight in the eye like she did for you not even two hours ago. She stares back, wide-eyed and obviously confused about what's happening.

... No time like the present to open up.

"Creme... in the past two weeks, I've almost been stabbed, shot, burned, blown up, I've promised a friend I would face down one of Vale's worst serial killers- so did you- created a literally world-changing intelligence, and promised Weiss Schnee that I would glue the moon back together. I am, incredibly stressed, because my life has become downright surreal recently, and I'm just waiting for it to finally hit me, or stop being a problem. You... saw that. You're the only person who's seen that besides Blue and Bracket, and they're plugged directly into my brain."

You tell her all this, and almost immediately you feel something lifting off your shoulders as if putting it all into words makes it real, and makes it roll off your back.

Using your grip on her shoulders, you draw her close, wrapping her in a big hug as you do.

"... I needed this. I needed this as much as I needed last night because this is... normal. And... I need normal. Just for a while, I need normal."

She snuffles into your shirt sleeve.

"'m sorry."

"It's fine." You try your best to soothe her with words and hugs, so it surprises you more than it should when she pushes you away, actually forcing you back a few steps even without Aura.

"No, it's not, because, I didn't just, do this so I could help you, I did it because I had something to tell you because you're the only person I know who wouldn't either brush it off or have your own personal problems to deal with, and then you go on about how much everything is affecting you and I feel like such a shit person for trying to use you like that-"

Creme's voice only cracks further and further towards the end of that run on sentence, but eventually, she has to take a breath, and she does, a long, shuddering one as tears start to stream down her face.

You are... stunned. For just a moment, your mind locks up trying to process what she's saying, what she's going to do, and how to react to both of those all at once until it just skips a gear somewhere and you're left with a blank slate.

"... Yeah, I wouldn't want to talk to me either." She mumbles, looking to the ground, turning to walk away-

"Wh- hey, no! It's not like that, you just... gave me a lot to unpack."

She stops. Thank God, she stops, and you make your decision.

"... Tell me. Please."

"... It's not important, and you've already got so much stuff to deal with-" She starts.

"And none of it is more important than this."

Calm. Calm. You close your eyes, and take a deep, levelling breath.

"... Creme, I'm worried about you. And I'm going to keep worrying about you, because I hate not knowing what's wrong with people, and it's only worse when I actually care about them. So… please."

You're aware you're all but begging for her to tell you, and you don't care. Your pride is worth less than your friend's wellbeing.

Creme… just stares at you, for a few long moments. In those few long moments, she goes from tear-stricken grief, to genuine, honest confusion, to… something like being composed, maybe.

"...I think my big brother might have joined the White Fang." She finally admits. As soon as she does, her shoulders drop and she lets out another shaky breath, the sound of pure catharsis. "Ohh… God it felt way too good finally saying that out loud."

You smirk a little, getting closer to her and wrapping an arm around her in a little side hug. She leans into it, more than grateful for the little show of physical affection.

"... Yeah, it surprised me too. You wanna go sit down somewhere, we can talk about this?

"Y-yeah. That sounds… good."


You end up at the platform, simply because it's the closest place with clean public seats around.

Some less than kind part of you also notes that your train turning up is as clean a getaway as you'll get from this conversation if you need it.

"... I think I must've found out in the stupidest way possible." Creme starts, after a few moments. "I just walked into his room without knocking, because I'm a terrible person like that, and it was just, there, sitting in his lap. He scrambled to hide it, and I just… didn't say anything. I watched him squirm for a bit while I asked him some stuff, and it didn't really hit me until I left his room, then..."

She shifts, seeming somewhat uncomfortable with recounting the story for you. You give her a gentle squeeze, silently trying to comfort her.

"God, it's just been festering in my guts like an ulcer for weeks now. I-I didn't tell my mama or my daddy, I don't know what they would say, or if they'd even believe me, I don't really want to make it public knowledge, so I can't talk to any of my other friends about it, I daren't think what Mrs Mai would say, I mean, she fought in the revolution, if there's anyone who would support him, it's her, as much as I hate to say it. Then, I heard about you and Ada, then the Process, and you went straight from 'someone I can maybe talk to' to 'someone who's dealing with way too much to help me out.' I just… had to stay silent about it."

{This is… pretty rough stuff. Try and find out more about her brother, lemme see if I can pin him down.}

"... Tell me a little more about your brother. I think you've only mentioned him, like, once. I mean, what does he do, what's he like?"

She blinks, obviously not expecting that kind of curveball, but answers you anyway, once she's gotten over it.

"Er... Bruno's my older brother, he's 19, he works at a smithy. He makes parts for Huntsman weapons, sometimes whole pieces, if they're ordered for. He taught me how to make my hammer, and gave me the parts for it. He's... caustic, a lot of the time. It doesn't take a lot to get him mad about something. He's not violent, I mean, he beat up some guy when we were younger because he nearly yanked my tail straight off, but that's about it."

19, skills with weapon making, tendency to get angry, protective of his family...

{He's a carbon copy of every young Faunus who joins the White Fang, bar the weaponsmithing skills. That's... not a lot to work with. If this is something like just self-radicalising thanks to the internet, there's not much we can really do.}

There's not much you can do, no matter what his deal is. This isn't your problem, it's Creme's, and that means she's the one that has to deal with it, as much as it pains you.

"... I mean… what do I do? Do I finally confront him about it, do I tell someone, do I find the mask and use it to prove I'm telling the truth to my parents, what?" She asks you, not entirely expecting an answer so much as just venting about not knowing what to do. In the end, she just puts her head in her hands, a tired sigh escaping her.

"I just... I want to know what happened. I know he could get angry about stuff, but I have no idea what would make him join a terrorist group."

"I don't know either, but, I'm not exactly prime White Fang recruitment material, am I?" You say, immediately wincing because that isn't something that should have exited your mouth stupid stupid stupid- "... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be joking around-"

To your surprise, she laughs at your stupid joke.

"It's, it's fine. I didn't, really expect to come out this conversation with any solutions. I just... wanted to finally get it off my chest. Maybe once I'm not nursing an ulcer, I can actually think of what I should do. Unless you're an expert on how to get people out of terrorist groups, I don't really think there really is much you can do to help me."


The one thing you can't Process out of the way. Someone's anger at the world leading them to want to change it.

{Sound familiar?}

Har har.

{No, I'm serious. It's the same idea, isn't it? You see something wrong with society, so you want to change it with what you have at hand. It's just a different problem and a different set of tools.}



You don't think you like how that makes you feel.

{Most people who join the White Fang are just young people who are angry, and confused, and see something wrong with the world that they want to fix, and the White Fang preys on that. Right now, the best thing she can do is just talk to him and break the echo chamber he's probably being sealed in.}

... Well. Time to exceed expectations.

"... If... I was to tell you to try, something... I'd say try talking to him."

"The train approaching, platform 4, is for, Caredhina Station."

Creme looks a little confused by your suggestion and raises a questioning eyebrow at you.

"Talk to him?"

"Yeah. He's... this kind of recruitment falls apart if you can't make an echo chamber for the person you're trying to recruit. So, if you talk to him, not even necessarily about, all that stuff, you can... pry it open a little."

She silently considers your words as you rise from your seat, taking your arm from around her as you get ready to board the train coming in.

"It's just a suggestion, mind."

"Hey, better than the big fat nothing I had five minutes ago," she says, getting up after you.

The train pulls in, the brakes hissing as it comes to a complete stop. You move to the closest door, waiting for the button to light up.

"... Jaune?" You hear Creme say from directly behind you.

You turn to face her, a questioning hum on your lips-


She draws back, the feeling of her lips still hot on your cheek.

"... I hate saying goodbye on a bad note, so... thanks. For everything."

Creme Daylaw has the gall, the absolute gall, to not look even remotely as embarrassed as you are.


[] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.
-[] PUMPKIN PETE'S OR WE RIOT- I mean, hey, it hasn't broken down into its constituent quarks yet.

[] WEAPONS- Gimme a small weapon. A handgun, a sword, a mace, nothing Ruby or Nora-sized, either the girls or the weapons. This is just the base template for the weapon, we'll work out nitty gritty system stuff later.
-[] Sword N' Board- pretty much the largest thing I'll allow, and the one Jaune is most familiar with.
-[] Just Sword- Hey, dual-wielding! Is it smart? Probably not. Is it cool? Heck yea it is
-[] Rooty Tooty Point N' Shooty- it's a gun, it's point and click pain, what do you expect?
-[] Knoife- It wants to be a sword when it grows up. Swords wish to capture the innocence of knifehood again. Truly, time is a cruel mistress.
-[] Mace- Grimm clubbing is both not as fun as you think it is, and exactly as fun as you think it is.
-[] Mechashift Armour- The perfect mix of attack and defence. Literally unbeatable. Or, it'll rip half the skin on your arm off. Better than coinflip chance.
Last edited:
Looks like you left an italics tag open near the end of your update.

[x] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.

[x] WEAPONS- Gimme a small weapon. A handgun, a sword, a mace, nothing Ruby or Nora-sized, either the girls or the weapons. This is just the base template for the weapon, we'll work out nitty gritty system stuff later.
-[x] Sword N' Board- pretty much the largest thing I'll allow, and the one Jaune is most familiar with.
... *Puts down a Stop sign*

[] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.
-[] PUMPKIN PETE'S OR WE RIOT- I mean, hey, it hasn't broken down into its constituent quarks yet.
Could always go fate prototype Arthur. Guy's honestly got cool threads. And a hood still.
[x] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.

A good set of clothes can really make a man feel better.

[x] WEAPONS- Gimme a small weapon. A handgun, a sword, a mace, nothing Ruby or Nora-sized, either the girls or the weapons. This is just the base template for the weapon, we'll work out nitty gritty system stuff later.
-[x] Sword N' Board- pretty much the largest thing I'll allow, and the one Jaune is most familiar with.
[x] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.
-[x] PUMPKIN PETE'S OR WE RIOT- I mean, hey, it hasn't broken down into its constituent quarks yet.

I have strong opinions about this. We're the techno-genius, and that means we get to wear what's comfy even if it looks awful.
Last edited:
[X] WEAPONS- Gimme a small weapon. A handgun, a sword, a mace, nothing Ruby or Nora-sized, either the girls or the weapons. This is just the base template for the weapon, we'll work out nitty gritty system stuff later.
-[X] Mechashift Armour- The perfect mix of attack and defence. Literally unbeatable. Or, it'll rip half the skin on your arm off. Better than coinflip chance.
-[X] Knoife- It wants to be a sword when it grows up. Swords wish to capture the innocence of knifehood again. Truly, time is a cruel mistress.

[x] Threads- get new clothes, because that Pumpkin Pete's hoodie is an atrocity to both fashion and also been Reboot()ed enough times that there isn't just none of the original material left, there's none of the third iteration left.
-[x] PUMPKIN PETE'S OR WE RIOT- I mean, hey, it hasn't broken down into its constituent quarks yet.

  1. Sword of board is simultaneously missing the point 90% of the time of actual real world weapon combinations (here's a hint, people stopped using it because they had armor) and the lamest possible choice. Say no to mediocrity and sub-optimization everyone blindly considers 'the practical choice' kids.
  2. Knife for Turn() shenanigans combined with half of our attacks relating to making molecular/atomic weakpoints. I feel think it could get really interesting. And the absurdity would be amazing. Overcompensating Transistor wielded alongside Jaune having what by comparison is a dinner knife.
  3. Mechashift armor is just the right kind of stupid and awesome that Jaune would be the guy absolutely convinced he's the one who can make it work.
  4. Pumpkin Pete hoodey being ripped apart by our armor when?
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