Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

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Omake Writer Instructions:

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Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

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Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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So, I was wondering, now that the cannibals are done for, what is stopping the Jingshen from just rolling over their hostile vassals with Nascent might and taking their lands. With two Nascent actions a turn it seems like it would be pretty easy to find the time to do it?

Plus, taking over one of their vassals and linking their territories would allow the Jingshen to reduce their vulnerability to us now that we have shown ourselves to be hostile to them.
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So, I was wondering, now that the cannibals are done for, what is stopping the Jingshen from just rolling over their hostile vassals with Nascent might and taking their lands. With two Nascent actions a turn it seems like it would be pretty easy to find the time to do it?

Plus, taking over one of their vassals and linking their territories would allow the Jingshen to reduce their vulnerability to us now that we have shown ourselves to be hostile to them.

Because it means their Nascents aren't spending their critical actions making money.

The problem with Jingshen Rebellions boils down to "Jingshen isn't actually willing to invest in making compliant vassals so much as delegating as much moneymaking as they can"
So, I was wondering, now that the cannibals are done for, what is stopping the Jingshen from just rolling over their hostile vassals with Nascent might and taking their lands. With two Nascent actions a turn it seems like it would be pretty easy to find the time to do it?

Plus, taking over one of their vassals and linking their territories would allow the Jingshen to reduce their vulnerability to us now that we have shown ourselves to be hostile to them.
Jingshen is really focused on making Wealth. It's their ace in the sky so they are spending all their actions on accumulating Wealth to get that third Nascent so that they can steamroll us and de facto sweep the board clear all at once, becoming the Desert hegemons. It's why I'm so enamored with the idea of a Flood-Devil Desert Alliance. It spikes that plan and gives us enough cover to get our own Nascent and return everything to status quo or even greater territory gains by hitting Jingshen in their exposed areas.
Because it means their Nascents aren't spending their critical actions making money.

The problem with Jingshen Rebellions boils down to "Jingshen isn't actually willing to invest in making compliant vassals so much as delegating as much moneymaking as they can"

Jingshen is really focused on making Wealth. It's their ace in the sky so they are spending all their actions on accumulating Wealth to get that third Nascent so that they can steamroll us and de facto sweep the board clear all at once, becoming the Desert hegemons. It's why I'm so enamored with the idea of a Flood-Devil Desert Alliance. It spikes that plan and gives us enough cover to get our own Nascent and return everything to status quo or even greater territory gains by hitting Jingshen in their exposed areas.

More land = More money though. It once made sense to keep those vassals to act as a buffer to the Cannibals, it makes a lot less sense now since we share borders with them anyway, negating the use of a buffer.

Never mind the fact that we kicked the hornet's nest by destroying their fortifications. If I'm looking at things from their point of view, it would seem as if we are gearing up to attack them while the rest of the Righteous Alliance are occupied.

Plus, while money is their speciality, it seems reductive to think it's the ONLY thing their nascent do and that they don't care about their defenses. They straight up gave away the Oasis (worth a lot of money) to ensure we wouldn't have easy access to their vassals. Now that said vassals have outlived their usefulness, it would make sense to nip that vulnerability in the bud before we can capitalize on it.
More land = More money though. It once made sense to keep those vassals to act as a buffer to the Cannibals, it makes a lot less sense now since we share borders with them anyway, negating the use of a buffer.

Never mind the fact that we kicked the hornet's nest by destroying their fortifications. If I'm looking at things from their point of view, it would seem as if we are gearing up to attack them while the rest of the Righteous Alliance are occupied.

Plus, while money is their speciality, it seems reductive to think it's the ONLY thing their nascent do and that they don't care about their defenses. They straight up gave away the Oasis (worth a lot of money) to ensure we wouldn't have easy access to their vassals. Now that said vassals have outlived their usefulness, it would make sense to nip that vulnerability in the bud before we can capitalize on it.
Undoubtedly Jingshen is going to consolidate their hold on the vassals. The way I see it they've invested quite a bit into the raising up a third Nascent as that means of consolidation+conquest and they think they can pull it off before we derail the plan. If they're right, diverting their attention to stomp on their vassals slows them down and gives us time to catch up which leaves them with a detente they don't like. Remember Jingshen wants us gone as a priority, over keeping us out of their territories.
Undoubtedly Jingshen is going to consolidate their hold on the vassals. The way I see it they've invested quite a bit into the raising up a third Nascent as that means of consolidation+conquest and they think they can pull it off before we derail the plan. If they're right, diverting their attention to stomp on their vassals slows them down and gives us time to catch up which leaves them with a detente they don't like. Remember Jingshen wants us gone as a priority, over keeping us out of their territories.

Raising a Nascent Soul is frought with incertainty and they have no way to ensure immediate success. After all, the chance for any Great Circle Core Formation to advance is quite small in the best of cases.

And the fact that we destroyed their fortifications indicates that we are gearing up for an attack VERY SOON, else they'd have time to repair their fortifications (plus, the war in the plains might be over). The best time to get rid of their vassals is as soon as possible.
Well, except no.

If we were really going to the knife, we wouldn't have started there.

It was a slap in the face and a reminder to them that they can't just dumpstat their border defenses so they can kill us faster, which slows the Doomclock.
Raising a Nascent Soul is frought with incertainty and they have no way to ensure immediate success. After all, the chance for any Great Circle Core Formation to advance is quite small in the best of cases.

And the fact that we destroyed their fortifications indicates that we are gearing up for an attack VERY SOON, else they'd have time to repair their fortifications (plus, the war in the plains might be over). The best time to get rid of their vassals is as soon as possible.
Repairing their fortifications takes money, which slows down their ability to get another nascent soul. We don't have to attack we've already dealt the damage.
Well, except no.

If we were really going to the knife, we wouldn't have started there.

It was a slap in the face and a reminder to them that they can't just dumpstat their border defenses so they can kill us faster, which slows the Doomclock.

I feel like it was much more than a "slap to the face". The 10 Wealth we brought back should be a small part of the damage we did after all, most of the raid consisted of ruining stuff... expensive stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if the stuff we broke/destroyed was worth about 50-80 units of Wealth.

From their perspective :
  • Their defenses are at an all time low,
  • Lady Yao is an unknown since she was betrayed by a Righteous power,
  • We have direct access to their rebellious vassals, their core lands (due to destroyed fortifications) and their new holdings,
  • Their allies are occupied (soon to be occupied even more by a convenient bee infestation).

And then there is info they might or might not know about :
  • They might not know how weak we are Core Formation-wise (for all they know we have enough for one or two of our quasi-Nascent Soul level battle-formations)
  • They might have gotten wind of our meetings with the Altar Lord. If they did, it's very suspicious that we raided them for the first time in 200 years right after said meeting.
Hell, if we want to reach a binding peace agreement with Jingshen the time is now. They might be afraid enough to accept a something decent and free us to concentrate on the bees without having to worry about being struck in the back.

After all, while we don't want to joint the Demonic Coalition, the Jingshen don't know that. In an hypothetical world where we get some help to attack them, Jingshen are in huge trouble.
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The problem is that ultimately, if we're the aggressors, we get slapped by a Coalition without question--the only difference is how long it takes, and they know that.

The fact we basically just exploited their own stupidity and limited our assault to an economic one is what kept it from further escalating, and why the Righteous Path basically went "Look, seriously, git gud" when Jingshen bitched to them. There's coalitioning and then there's literally leaving your gates open and waving a sign saying "I'M A SITTING DUCK OUT HERE! I'M DEFENSELESS!"

Even a righteous power would have taken advantage of that.
I feel like it was much more than a "slap to the face". The 10 Wealth we brought back should be a small part of the damage we did after all, most of the raid consisted of ruining stuff... expensive stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if the stuff we broke/destroyed was worth about 50-80 units of Wealth.

From their perspective :
  • Their defenses are at an all time low,
  • Lady Yao is an unknown since she was betrayed by a Righteous power,
  • We have direct access to their rebellious vassals, their core lands (due to destroyed fortifications) and their new holdings,
  • Their allies are occupied (soon to be occupied even more by a convenient bee infestation).

And then there is info they might or might not know about :
  • They might not know how weak we are Core Formation-wise (for all they know we have enough for one or two of our quasi-Nascent Soul level battle-formations)
  • They might have gotten wind of our meetings with the Altar Lord. If they did, it's very suspicious that we raided them for the first time in 200 years right after said meeting.
Hell, if we want to reach a binding peace agreement with Jingshen the time is now. They might be afraid enough to accept a something decent and free us to concentrate on the bees without having to worry about being struck in the back.

After all, while we don't want to joint the Demonic Coalition, the Jingshen don't know that. In an hypothetical world where we get some help to attack them, Jingshen are in huge trouble.
Jingshen probably think they can't afford to commit the Nascent actions to suppress their vassals. Remember that they are working with a malus that would require constant attention to get under control. This isn't a one and done strategy because that just makes leaving more attractive. It would be an active occupation, which means less Wealth making opportunity.

Their defenses are low because they're relying on coalition backing to prevent War and we're counting on the Trials to keep us distracted from raiding. The raids a foregone loss but we're still wary of War.

I get the impression that the Righteous Path as a whole think little of the Flood Dragons because they're not typical landholders. Good for raids, bad for taking and holding stuff. Besides we're Demonic Path reputation wise and I don't think Jingshen thinks that the currently weakened Gang has much threat potential. Honestly he's right, without rebuilding the Gang they're no threat to the main Jingshen holdings and the idea that a peer power would just give the Gang the seeds for regrowth doesn't compute.

Because of the new threat to their core holdings, they're gonna prioritize. Besides they have two Nascents to our one and they're not considered Demons. They probably think that they can engage on the intrigue front and delay any subversion until they're ready to go all out.

For their allies, they've seen us try to get in the graces of the Righteous Path so they're probably putting War as a low probability because it won't be quick and the blowback would be crippling.
Personally I like the fact that Flood Dragons focus on speed , raiding and (I will assume, since I writing this with a degree of ignorance) no true interest in holding territory if there too much 'heat' to do so. So their alliance with the golden devils make for a amusing pair that compliment each other in a war sense (I think). the fact their leadership knows they can trust the devils to not act like cultivators is also a great thing since this make for actions that other sects 'collaborations' would not/could not do^^.
The problem is that ultimately, if we're the aggressors, we get slapped by a Coalition without question--the only difference is how long it takes, and they know that.

I understand that, but that's only if the Demonic Coalition is defeated which is far from certain if we attack them and strangle the supply of Spirit Stones. Hell, even if we do nothing at all, Old Cannibal's actions endanger the front. There is a reason the SPS was ready to pay so much for our experts' help. If the Fearless Line falls any coalition against us becomes highly theorical.

WE know that allying with the Blood Pact is a big no-no (although, the votes were close for a time), the Jingshen on the other hand have to assume that us joining the Demonic Coalition is a possibility.
I understand that, but that's only if the Demonic Coalition is defeated which is far from certain if we attack them and strangle the supply of Spirit Stones. Hell, even if we do nothing at all, Old Cannibal's actions endanger the front. There is a reason the SPS was ready to pay so much for our experts' help. If the Fearless Line falls any coalition against us becomes highly theorical.

WE know that allying with the Blood Pact is a big no-no (although, the votes were close for a time), the Jingshen on the other hand have to assume that us joining the Demonic Coalition is a possibility.

The NDA falls apart the moment the Demonic Altar Sect burns out, which the Altar Lord thinks is imminent--without that manpower and aggression, the other--more specialized--Demonic Factions can't keep up.
Gaius Antonius 47 - Runs in the Family
Gaius Antonius Omake #47: Runs in the Family

Gaius was Axia's fiance; nothing too crazy, right? That had been a constant for about twenty years already: they would go steady and get married once they were both in Foundation Building. It was a comfortable status quo which did not infringe on The Seeker's way of doing things in any capacity, and he had adjusted.

Just one problem: There was apparently a major difference between just kind of talking about maybe being engaged and actually being engaged. Apparently, behind the scenes, through Quintia family politics which he couldn't even begin to comprehend, they had gone from the former to the latter.

And so, he found himself taking a carriage(A carriage! How long had it been since he rode one of these?) drawn by two Bronze Aurochs out to the north, to visit the Quintia Family Manor. After all, this wasn't just the Quintia family bringing in just any cultivator: this was a union between noble families... theoretically.

It was all quite silly to Gaius, but apparently the Antonius family being landed nobility(again, in theory) made things both easier and harder. Easier because the extensive vetting the family would subject a social-climber to would be absent. Harder because a marriage between noble families was politically quite complicated, and a lot of family members were going to be there.

The manor was about as over the top as Gaius had expected. Easily the envy of any Core Formation king of a minor power, it towered above the oasis which it was constructed nearby. The servants' dwellings were just barely visible behind a lage sand dune, strategically placed so as to not distract from the view presented to any visitors. Constructed from fine marble, limestone, granite and other kinds of high-quality stone and painted in bright, eye-catching reds and blues, it was an architectural marvel in very old-school Golden Devil style.

"We're here, Young Master." The driver turned and told him, prompting a shiver to run down Gaius' back.

He screwed up his face, eyebrows tilting upward in a complicated expression of overall consternation. "Er... Could you please not call me that? I'm not a master of anything, that just feels strange."

"Of course, Sir." She said without missing a beat, hopping out and opening the door for Gaius.

Timidly stepping out of the carriage, Gaius was first struck by the crunching sound beneath his shoes. There was a mile-long pathway to the manor, made of gravel. Not random, haphazardly-chosen gravel either; it was nothing but smooth, small stones which were easy to walk on. As far as a display of wealth went, it was understated and tasteful, but very impressive nonetheless.

"Come on Gaius. You're meeting your fiance's family. You have nothing to be afraid of." Gaius slapped himself on both sides of his face to get his brain in gear, then made his way down the gravel path, careful to not kick up any dirt onto the expensive robes he had purchased for this occasion. They weren't really his style, being white and red with a little too much looseness in the sleeves and paired with a fresh pair of smartly tailored shoes, but they were a safe bet for an occasion like this. Formal, but not too bold. The look was finished by a pair of gold bangles on his wrists to match his earrings.

Gaius had hoped that as he approached the house, it might gradually feel more normal, more real, but that wasn't happening yet. It felt too important to just be a place you went to visit your girlfriend's parents. Oh no, even the door was intimidating; decorated with traditional art of some ancient hero, with a knocker carved into the shape of a pair of civic laurels.

Gaius could only hope that neither Elder Isidora or Elder Giorgos would be present at the meeting; his poor heart wouldn't be able to take the stress. Just his luck, to fall in with such an obscenely powerful bunch. As he extended his hand to grab the knocker, it felt as if he were willingly putting it into the open jaws of a lion, begging fate and Heaven to destroy him if they so pleased.

The knocker was smooth and cold in his hand. Well-used, but not recently. He swung it three times - perhaps that was too bold, he thought. Surely two bangs would be enough to get their attention. Three might just seem like attention-seeking behavior.

The doors opened, creaking only slightly(the doors were clearly well-oiled), revealing a pair of servants who bowed to Gaius and quickly led him into a luxurious foyer.

Wow wow wow that was a lot of everything. Off to his left, a gorgeous and freshly-polished wooden spiral staircase led upward. To his right was a similarly expertly crafted dresser with multiple vases of unimaginable value casually stored there. The fact that the Quintia were willing to so casually display the artifacts they treasured spoke of their absolute confidence in their power.

Down the hall, past another staircase, Gaius caught the reassuringly familiar sight of Axia, chatting with someone he couldn't quite see. She noticed his presence after a moment and excused herself, speed-walking over to her fiance.

Axia's face lit up, and she linked her arm with his, leading him off tthrough one sitting room into another, seemingly identical sitting room. "Ah, Gaius! You made it here sooner than expected. How was your journey?"

"It was fine. Comfortable. Not much to say about it, really." Gaius mumbled, thoroughly thrown off by this blasted house - did it really need this many rooms?

"Glad to hear it. Now, let me introduce you to everyone!" Gaius' fiance trailed off, dragging Gaius in front of no less than ten similar-looking men and women who practically smelled like stavraton. "This is aunt Alexia, and this is uncle Orestis. Here is my maternal grandmother, Alexandra..."

The Seeker really hoped he wasn't expected to remember all of these people right away; he would inevitably fail if that was the case.


Gaius spent the next two hours of greeting and conversing with an endless parade of snobby nobles. Topics ranged from local politics('Thank you Axia', he would say at least ten times tonight) to philosophy to science to even fashion.

Thankfully, he was not trapped in there until dinner - the newcomer needed to learn how to get around the manor, after all. And so, after a while some old great-aunt or another by the name of Lisa volunteered to show The Seeker around the place.

The tour was equal parts dull and fascinating, as most tours tend to be. Gaius was shown around the luxurious Quintia manor, brought into basements, side-chambers, down strange hallways and into rooms that were only used once every few years.

The art was gorgeous, of course. Ten thousand year old vases, seven thousand year old sculptures, five thousand year old oil paintings. They were all over the place, situated in such a fashion that one could not go from one major room to another without passing by at least two of these marvels. It was intimidating, being in the constant presence of so much history; it felt as if the past itself was taking on physical form and pressing on Gaius' shoulders, weighing him down with responsibility, a need to honor those who came before.

In one notable moment, Gaius passed by what he assumed to be the main dining hall, only to be informed that this was an identical room, but bugged with all manner of surveilance arrays, in case they needed to host someone from a rival family.

Besides all of that, there really wasn't anything interesting happening. The opulence and beauty of the manor stopped having an impact on The Seeker after a while, and soon he lost track of where each room does. He had struggled against this all his life, but even now it still overcame him from time to time: memorizing one subject over and over for too long turned his thoughts to mush. It was for this reason that Gaius liked to read two books at once, switching from one to the other every hour.

The old expert seemed to pick up on his growing lethargy eventually, prompting her to look disappointed but not surprized. "Hmm. Perhaps next we shall visit the family's gymnasium." Lisa said through pursed lips.

"...a gymnasium, you say?" Gaius asked with great interest, immediately perked up.

"Yes, and quite a well-furnished one at that. If you'd like to take a look and try it yourself, I would be happy to show you." ___ said with a small twinkle in her eye. "The tour is not yet complete, but perhaps the rest is best saved for tomorrow."

"That... would be lovely, thank you. This Junior is unworthy of your generosity." Gaius said with genuine gratitude. A long, hard training session was just what he needed right now to purge all of this nervous energy from his system. If he could get hiimself back to normal in time for dinner, then he could officially consider the first day of the visit a success!

The old woman led Gaius through yet another strange hallway. Something about this place made Gaius' mental map grow tangled and impossible. A mental scrambler of some kind? A ward to make the house harder to navigate by destroying an intruder's sense of direction? Regardless, it wasn't long before the two arrived at a set of double doors, tastefully decorated and bearing large hoop-shaped handles. With a snap of her fingers, a pair of servants, having followed the two discreetly, pulled open the heavy doors to reveal the paradise within.

It was the shining dream of any exercise addict. A vaunted dome with a huge sunroof through which the light streamed down gorgeously, the entire gynmasium was lined with smooth off-white stone, with the exception of a few large sand pits for wrestling. Any kind of training equipment one could imagine was here: striking dummies, weights of all shapes and sizes, ropes, targets, even a bizarre array-inscribed mannequin which Gaius couldn't make heads or tails of.

"You train in this place every day?" Gaius asked, overcome with awe.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Lisa boasted, gesturing at a wall lines with all manner of practice weapons. "If anything here is inadequate, let the staff know and they'll fix it by tomorrow."

"I can't imagine that will be a problem." Gaius answered offhandedly, stripping off his outer clothes until he wore only a comfortable tunic and pants. "Do you mind if I use it for a few hours now?"

"Please do, I'm flattered that you think so highly of our facilities." The woman smiled, walking back to the door. "But please wash yourself before dinner." With that, Lisa left and shut the door behind her, leaving Gaius alone like a dog in a butcher shop.


After a lengthy series of stretches and sprints, Gaius was sufficiently warmed up and ready to begin training in earnest. To start, he walked along the weapon-wall until he found several practice swords in the model he typically used, the L-33 "War Shovel" Xiphon.

As expected of any massive organization, there were several different models of standard-issue weaponry across the Devils' armed forces. While many Cultivators, particularly successful and wealthy ones, used customized weapons built to fit their hands exactly, others stuck to a reliable model they preferred.

As far as xiphos swords went, the most common models among Legionnaires were the L-33, as well as the RD3 "Rain Dancer"(a slimmed down model for greater maneuverability) and the T-101 "Gardener"(a model with a blade which flared out more than the standard, sacrificing some stabbing for better chopping). Gaius enjoyed the latter for its more robust grip and slightly thicker blade near the hilt. This placed the balance of the sword slightly closer to the hilt, causing some sword cultivators to scorn it as a less sophisticated weapon whch relied on brute strength for its cutting power, but Gaius didn't mind much.

To him, the most important thing about a sword was its ability to remain useful for as long as possible out in the battlefield, and the L-33 model was the most reliable in that regard, able to endure an impressive amount of battering before it broke. Furthermore, even if it had slightly less cutting power than other models, it had enough to get the job done. As the inventor of the model, famed blacksmith Theodora Eudoxia, had once said: 'A truly good weapon is a loyal friend. Maintain it, put in the effort to treat it well, and it will never betray you.'

Gaius performed a series of twenty sword forms in sequence, ones he had memorized down to his bone marrow. With swift and efficient movements, he swung and thrust at invisible enemies and parried away invisible blades. A few beads of sweat began to emerge from his pores, dripping down his face and falling onto the immaculate stone below, ever so slightly marring it.

Soon enough, Gaius was done with his sword forms and moved on to his knife forms. After that it was his unarmed forms. Endless and fathomless were the variations of his movements. The potential combinations were without limit, and the ability to shift from one approach into another seamlessly was a crucial part of his fighting style. Grappling, punching, kicking, slashing, stabbing, Aegis, all of these options had to be accounted for. Yes, thought Gaius, this is how The Seeker ought to fight: not within the boudaries of a limited martial arts style, but with a robust, holiistic and formless kind of combat.

Much like every other approach Gaius took, he sacrificed the flashy for the practical, the easy for the dull and difficult, and the intuitive for the inhuman. Picking the greatest possible endeavor of self-improvement and grinding against it until the job was done - that was how The Seeker operated.

Okay, that was done. Now for the muscle training. There was nothing special or unique about this. Two-finger handstand pushups, weightlifting, hand, knee, elbow and foot conditioning, all that good stuff. Minutes bled together and ran like a river as he worked up an enjoyable sweat, soaking through his tunic and transforming his hair into clumps of long noodles which clung to his chest and back.

Gaius was just finishing that stage and getting into his cooldown routine when he heard the door to the gymnasium open, and a pair of bare feet quietly padding across the stone. He turned to see a fairly tall man, broad-shouldered and well-muscled, who raised his hand casually in greeting.

That would be Adam, Axia's older brother. She had talked about him quite often in the past: mid-Foundation Establishment, with a wildly successful career. He was still advancing, and the family hoped he might become an Elder someday. Gaius had seen him earlier in the initial reception, but hadn't had a chance to talk with him much before he was dragged into a tour of the manor.

He was also completely naked and coated in oil, shimmering in the sunlight.

Holy shit, they actually did that? Not just as a ceremonial practice, but for regular exercise? Gaius tried his hardest no to stare too much at... that whole situation.

Adam turned and waved to Gaius, the profile of his heavy, sturdy jaw highlighted perfectly by the shadows on his face. His perfect white teeth practically gleamed in the sunlight, and his expression was the very incarnation of casual confidence.

Fuck. He really was just going to walk around working out, wasn't he? He wasn't going to leave, he was here to train; that made sense, in hindsight. This was, after, all the Quintia Family's gymnasium. Well, that was totally fine. All Gaius had to do was block the unbelievably handsome guy out of his mind.

He wasn't going to do this part for another fifteen minutes, but that was fine - he could do some extra calisthenics later. Positioning himself in front of the spirit-steel striking post, Gaius entered the Zhan Zhuang stance and struck with a middle punch. Re-centering his energy, he reversed the motion of his waist and struck again with his other hand. Soon, a steady rhythm of punches began - the post-conditioning conditioning, solely for this punch.

Adam gave an approving 'hmm', walking up beside Gaius to inspect his form. Axia's brother casually curled a pair of iron kettlebell weights over and over as he watched, inscribed with some sort of gravity array to raise their weight to some unimaginable amount. The undulation of the man's biceps was mesmerising, like the ocean at high tide coming in and out in crashing waves, graceful but intensely powerful.

Whatever genetic miracle had occurred with Axia, it was clearly the second time it had struck; Adam was as gorgeous as she was, though in a more masculine way. He a man of very classical beauty, like a marble statue that shook off all the stone, revealing a person underneath. Every part of him exuded sturdiness and elegance in equal measure; his supple muscles were all the aesthetically perfect size and shape for a warrior. The smoothness of the man's relaxed gait was like butter, making his body amount to more than the sum of its parts in motion.

"My, you're hard at work, dear Gaius. I expected as much; Axia speaks highly of your dedication."

Gaius, for his part, stopped moving but did not break his stance. His body achieved perfect stillness, each muscle exerting the minimum amount of force necessary to hold himself in place at the end of his middle punch. Adam may have had a naturally statuesque quality, but Gaius was well on his way there(though not as beautifully proportioned, in Gaius' own opinion). "I am unworthy of your praise, Senior Brother. Was there anything you needed from me?"

"Me? I just wanted to meet the man the whole family's talking about." Adam chuckled, planting his hands firmly on his hips. Was he posing like this on purpose to distract Gaius, or did he not even realize the effect he had on people? "So, this is how you end your routine, then? An interesting approach, I must say."

Gaius nodded stoically. "Yes, Senior. I do 2,500 middle punches with each hand against a post after the rest of my training. I want to form to be perfect, so I do one per second. When performed without erros, it takes eighty-three minutes and twenty seconds." Good, that's it. Get it all out in the most boring way possible. Don't offend him, but don't get too friendly either.

As a Golden Devil, Gaius was no stranger to seeing others in the nude. Nonetheless, between the oil and the exercise and the friendliness and Adam being so ridiculously good looking, this was rapidly becoming a very dangerous situation.

Adam whistled loudly in admiration. "Five thousand repetitions per day, every day, on top of all the times you use it in sparring and regular training? I'm certainly impressed, Gaius, but why this particular punch?"

Gaius pondered the question for a moment, wanting to present his answer eloquently. "I've heard that soft style is for when things are going well, and hard style is for when they're going poorly. I figure that if I've been disarmed and I have to attack an armed opponent bare-handed, I'd rather have my secret weapon be something dependable." He struck the post again for emphasis. "Hence, I chose a reliable, fast punch that doesn't need to hit a particular weak point to get the job done, and one which can chain into just about anything."

That wasn't the complete truth, but it was close enough for Adam to be satified. Gaius was already getting stressed out with the high-class stiffness and careful consideration of language. Even a conversation like this one, which appeared very casual had a large number of moving parts, with the value of every word delicately weighed against every other.

"Sensible. You're a very sensible man, Gaius." Adam smiled. "You seem responsible enough, I'm sure you'll treat my dear sister well."

"Thank you, Senior. I have a question though. Do... do you really just..." Gaius stammered out, unsure of how to even broach the topic.

"Just what?" Adam asked, taking a step closer, seemingly oblivious.

"...never mind. It's fine."

Adam shrugged. "Alright then. I'm sure I'll see you again soon, Gaius!" He smiled, walking away without a care in the world.

That day, Gaius hit the post an extra two thousand times.


Since I finally got that omake introducing Axia, I got to write about the Quintia family and noble politics in general. The upper crust of the Devils aren't talked too much about; we've got a couple of good seeds from that background, but I wanted to flesh it out more. I also came to the conclusion that by this point, someone as talented and ambitious as Gaius wouldn't be able to remain obscure for much longer.

Most of that section with Adam in the gymnasium came about because I was wondering what the Devils' version of 'Jade Beauty' would be. I assumed it had to be 'Marble Statue', and then this happened.
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The NDA falls apart the moment the Demonic Altar Sect burns out, which the Altar Lord thinks is imminent--without that manpower and aggression, the other--more specialized--Demonic Factions can't keep up.

I guess we'll see what happens pretty soon. I still think it's a huge assumption for the Jingshen clan to see it this way.

Unless I'm mistaken, the Altar Lord thought that our help would tip the balance his way. Even if the NDA collapses, the Righteous Powers will have a lot of other problems to contend with. If we defeated Jingshen fast enough, attacking us in the desert would be a difficult proposition.

After all, even if the NDA collapses, it still leaves many powerful and bloated Demonic Powers in the plains to contend with. The plains' powers would have no reason to focus on us particuliarly until they cleaned up the plains.

And it's not like we are not at risk of a coalition either way. In fact, everything points to the conclusion that once the Blood Path is done for, we are next on the chopping block. That's why the Altar Lord's arguments were so persuasive.

I don't think it's such a stretch for Jingshen to fear that we take advantage of the once in a millenia opportunity to turn our fortunes about. Hell, the rational choice if we solely valued survival and growth would be to join the NDA and take the desert before the NDA collapses.
Chrysanthos Krimta 3 - Inspecting a warehouse
Chrysanthos Krimta - Inspecting a warehouse

Paperwork was the bane of Chrysanthos existence. It was also the foundation of civilization, but at this moment it was very much a thorn in his side. Several batches of valuable pills and soups have been contaminated with increasing frequencies, leading to sick cultivators popping out through the new territories taken from the Blood Cannibals. That alone was not unusual, as the rush and sudden colonization of the previously desolated lands did lead to sudden lack of respect for regulations and usage of substandard alchemical ingredients and alchemists. It usually was an issue which got itself fixed through time, as the perpetrators grew more sophisticated and centralized which let to formation of organization which would either separate or take over such irregular activities. Which promptly got them integrated into the local politics or had Golden Core cultivators send after them. Some days he couldn't really tell which fate was worse.

What made this current situation so annoying, and prevented him from letting nature take its course is that some young master had decided that the Havens favor him, and bought a lot of pills from less reputable sources, doing a carefully calculated cultivation regiment tailor made to skyrocket his foundation to Peak of Qi Condensation in a matter of a decade. It would have actually worked, if he had bought the pills from trusted and verified productions instead of rather new and local hands. Which of course meant that he had suffered from several types of Qi deviation at the same time, and was heavily injured. It would be quite an expense for him family to cure him, and by all odds he was probably near the end of his self-imposed closed cultivation. Cultivation which was not rendered worthless and was actually more of a bane then a boon. With all the fuss the young masters family has risen up, the local magistrate has decided it was time to send some Foundation Building Experts at the chase. Even though a regular team of Qi condensation would be faster than him at covering the existing paperwork, and snuffing out whoever is responsible for the substandard products.

So after days of excruciating paperwork and necessary forms, he had come to a conclusion that the whatever faction had sold those pills had not actually bothered to submit all the local tribute pays and paperwork, and was mostly just a front in a warehouse at the eastern part of town. Said warehouse did seem to be very much in use, as it was referenced as a delivery and drop off point for several other businesses. So to find the source of such pills, he would need to actually go there, and go through their documentation. Which is very much annoying, as it would take too much time from his other work and cultivation.

Taking a time to sight deeply, Chrysanthos took a breath, changed to his nice official robes with long sleeves and walked out with his cane. With the warehouse being on other side of town, it would take only a few minutes to reach it at his top speed, but he needed to maintain calmness and sophistication in front of the citizens and his juniors. And he couldn't even bring a Qi Condensation squad with himself because it would harm his family name.

He really wished he was still a Qi condensation cultivator still. At least he could slack off then.

Half a hour later...

The Longevity Cup Treasure House of Storage was one of several houses belonging to the local Heavenly Glorious Bank of Cobalt, which itself was just one of branches of the Heavenly Golden House. It served as a delivery point and storage for local workshops, so that they may efficiently be distributed further down the market. Faking his cultivation as the Ninth Stage of Qi Condensation, he entered the main building and started asking some questions. The faction the specific young master had bought the pills from had apparently bought out a whole northern building according to the index, which the receptionist had supplied him with, along with several information which had indeed confirmed that this was the place to be. Which he did lack at the magister office. Something was rather fishy about that particular fact, but since he was here, there he might as well solve it. If he was lucky, it may actually devolve into a fight, netting him a combat pay. Not to mention the minor increase in reputation he would get. Got knows he would need it in his current straits.

So taking his cane, he walked to the northern warehouse and with a bit of application of Qi banged on the door. No need to use the side entrance or even the bell. He still needed to make a decent presentation of his office, or at least make an attempt at making it. And no matter how kind the receptionist was, Chrysanthos held no doubt that she secretly notified them of his coming. She may be only Qi Condensation, and early stage at that, but detecting all conceivable forms of secret communication was far out of his reach. Possibly not even Core Formation could do that. As the main gates slowly opened, he was not greeted by a kindly old man or a woman waiting him and welcoming him as is expected. Instead he was faced with two Ninth Stage Qi Condensation charging at him. Which was rude and unexpected to say the least. Blocking a single Spear with his cane, and brandishing the Fools Sceptre from his sleeves and deflecting the other one, Chrysanthos quickly shattered his Magistrate token, notifying the Magistrate he was in dire straits. He really was not, but a person would only gain the combat pay if said person could prove they were in a fight, and 2 Ninth Stage Qi Condensation classified as a fight, no matter how easy it was. He permitted a small smile to appear on his face as they backed off. At least it seems his combat pay was taken care of, and there would not even be people whispering behind his back about needlessly bullying juniors. Probably. They had after all, attacked him.

With a Scepter in his left hand and minor burst of Qi, Chrysanthos struck the ground, raising a small wave of sand which impacted both cultivators, doing no damage and only obscuring their senses for a bit. Taking a moment, a sword was launched from his belt towards the farther Qi Condensation Cultivator, which said cultivator promptly evaded. As the dust settled both cultivators stared at him, one with fierce concentration, and the other one with amusement, as he had no issue dodging his half assed attack.

"Is that all?" he stated, and Chrysanthos can hear the mocking in his voice. With a sudden but irresistible urge Chrysanthos answer leaves his lips.

"Not even close."

With but a moment thought, the Thoughtsword spears the cultivator from behind, dragging him closer towards Chrysanthos. The other cultivator noticed his compatriots' situation and charges on Chrysanthos planning to force him on a defensive, which could theoretically save his compatriots life. Theoretically. If the other side was truly a Qi Condensation Cultivator.

Unleashing his Foundation Establishment Cultivation his cane turns into a spear, and with the help of a sceptre, his superior speed and strength, the Qi Condensation junior is disabled in a single breath. The other one barely kept alive by a sword which stabbed through him.

All in all, an easy battle. Now it was his job to secure the warehouse and get to the bottom of this. It would take for a while for the reinforcements called to come, and then he would need to go through the entire complex to find the source of the pills. There may still be some minor cultivators, but he took care of the big fish here and now. As the spear slowly turns back into the cane, he slowly prepares to enter deeper into the compound.

His thoughts proven utterly wrong as a Foundation Establishment presence makes itself known from inside the warehouse. A moment later, he could see a formation forming around the warehouse, cutting off his escape. A rather shoddy one, a small part of his brain noted, as he could break it under a minute, a minute he did not have, but such standards where unbecoming. The incoming team would probably need even less, since trapping formation where notoriously weak from the outside. A blue robbed man walks outside of the building, a dashing young look, his voice full of amusement.

"It seems my faithful employees will be missing their employ of the year award. Such a shame. With the state you put them in it will take them at least several months to recover." A smile touches his lips "So fellow Daoist, I would like to study such method, would you oblige?"

His tone at the near end taking a rather hostile tone from an amused one. That is not what worries Chrysanthos. Because he know that voice. Fifteen years ago, he had heard that voice mocking him as he fought for his life. This is the voice of the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit, a Foundation Establishment Bandit which nearly ended Chrysanthos life. Him and his brother nearly slayed him, and only using his Flying Pig Treasure did he manage to escape in the end. With grievous wounds at that. A token which his departed mother left him. Both a momento and a priceless treasure.

For the team to arrive and break the trapping formation, it should take well over half a stick of incense. It was realistically, not enough time. The Eyeless Bone Sucker was rather famous for his Blood mist and dangerous to boot. He even had a Fourth Pillar Foundation Establishment kill to his name. As such Chrysanthos would need time. Time which he very much didn't have.

The Krimta family always stuck by its contracts, and not all contracts were made on paper. Some were made on the battlefield and written by blood, with main currency being the reputation of the Krimta family.

A half a stick of incense to kill a famous Foundation Establishment Cultivator sounded as something which would put a limit to both his cultivation and treasures. A very unprofitable venture indeed.

Popping the Meridian Rejuvenation Pill to temporarily mend his wounded leg, he used a spell to quickly change his voice. It would be foolish to repeat his enemies mistake and make himself recognizable. And his answer was short.

"Fellow Daoist, please advise."

As his words finished, the Thoughtsword finished overcharging, his cane turned back into a spear as Qi flooded the scepter in his other hand, rendering all his opponents predictions and evaluations of his capabilities unreadable. He could feel the Hundred Tailed Monkey Net vibrating in his pocket and the golem slowly making itself way towards a point between them.

The bandit wordlessly launched his eyes, forming gigantic blood soaked eyeballs as they flew towards him. Such a move got him his name, but it was well Established to render him blind to anything without Qi and blood. Such fatal flaw was usually covered by his partner, which luckily seemed to not be present here. The Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit and his partner where not one known for subtelty or ambushes.

Still, not to be outmatched Krimta launched the Thoughtsword from the nearly dead Qi Condensation Cultivator, who was barely hanging on his life due to the wound and the Qi drained from him. In a moment's notice, the Thoughtsword evaded both the orbs which tried to intercept him stabbing towards the bandit. Quickly though, a blood mist appeared over the cultivator. While not stopping the sword as it stabbed him, flinging him back, it did render the wounds inflicted meaningless. During Chrysanthos last battle with the bandits, no matter how many wounds he inflicted on the bandits, they would carry on fighting.

With the eyes launched getting close to him, Chrysanthos drops one of his few remaining smoke bombs, rendering the area around him unusable to both Qi senses and the naked eye. And his scepter obscured the more esoteric means of predicting his movements. Though said smoke inconvenienced him, it also inconvenienced the blood eyeballs far more and through the usage of his golem vision, he managed to predict and evade the incoming eyeballs through the created smoke.

During that time, the bandit had been pinned by the Thoughtsword as it's Qi absorption, poison and movements where fighting against the blood mist surrounding the bandit. While losing handily, they at the moment had him immobilized.

As Chrysanthos exited the mist he had thrown his spear and the net from his pocket rushed towards, and in a more moments thought had arrived next to the Thoughtsword trapping the bandit. But as he existed he was hit by a net very familiar to him, a net which brother was currently rushing towards the bandit. A net which he had lost in his last encounted with the bandit, when he rendered it useless with his blood mist after a mere moment. If it was anybody else, they would be in dire strate at least, but Chrysanthos had forged those nets after decades of research. For all intents and purposes he was their owner. And while he couldn't turn it against the bandit, due to it being filled with Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandits Qi, rendering it inert with a minor spell was a simplicity in itself.

"Do you not learn..." he hears the agitation in the bandits voice. It seems that he has recognized Chrysanthos, due to the identical moves he had applied during their last battle.

Which to be fair, seems true from his perspective. This fight is more or less the same as the last one. Only then, Chrysanthos Thoughtsword had less Qi in itself, his net was intercepted by his blood mist at full strength and the spear he impaled him with only made him laugh. All the while Chrysanthos had to dodge attacks from his companion as he played around with the golem at full strength, making Chrysanthos spent valuable time and Qi, while losing all the initiative. But the while the moves stayed the same, the results had changed greatly.

Instead of a single spear which has left his arm, suddenly 9 spears appeared, which hit the bandit head on, with the Thoughtsword falling down helplessly next to the bandit, drained of both Qi and momentum.With the blood mist still active, it will keep him alive unless Chrysanthos deals a fatal strike, something which is impossible with his lacking cultivation compared to the bandit.

Still, the function of spears was not only splitting them. Utilizing the formation token in his chest pocket Chrysanthos feels his Qi drain into it at rapid pace, reducing his reserves greatly. As Chrysanthos rapidly loses his Qi, the spears start emitting a aura of their own, rendering the blood mist less dense. Much less spoken of the poision with which the spears where imbued.

Chrysanthos Qi senses feel something shatter, as spears start flying away from the bandit, the mist intensifying, becoming more and more visible to the naked eye, and it's presence known. He couldn't even feel the nets presence, his Qi by all odds wiped out from the artifact. It slowly rises, until Chrysanthos feels a Peak Formation Establishment Presence, maybe even more. And as the wounded bandit slowly moves towards him, his wounds slowly healing. It seems that poision is slowly being overcome. And the nice and orderly Foundation Establishment presence has twisted, taking a far more bloody and massacring note. He can hear his voice full of pure rage.

"You dare to bring me to this state. I have spent a century building this Bloodstone, and I'll make you pay for it".

With those words he sees the mist expanding and dozens of spheres forming around him. In the same time, the trapping formation shudders. It seems that the reinforcements he called had come in early. Utilizing the last smoke bombs Chrysanthos lay a covering screen for him to hide, as the bandit unleashes blood eye after blood eye to attack him. Chrysanthos was under the impression he had to regrow them through a lengthy time period, but it seems that with enough of a Qi it is possible to render it instant, or he had faked limitations of the move a secret to surprise his enemies.

Still, with the golem having a vision on the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit attacks, and his vision still being limited by the smoke which was rapidly vanishing, Chrysanthos managed to evade most of the incoming attacks. Those few that hit, managed to rapidly drain his Qi, even as he blocked the with the sceptre, forcing him to shatter half of his inner teeth, which activated the hidden formations and spirit stones in them, rapidly restoring his Qi.

As the smoke settled Chrysanthos found himself standing in a desolated area, as the attacks had stopped, and the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit had heavy wounds, from the spears, even as blood mist seemed to have managed to overpower the poison remained from his spear.

Still, his Qi reserves should be close to none, as his heavy breathing and the lack of previous presence indicated.

Not giving the enemy chance to recover, Chrysanthos send a massive Qi pulse towards the golem, his Qi reserves still regenerating from his shattered teeth. In a moment his golem moved, growing to to fifteen meters, as formations on him started to operate, giving it a fire aura, as it launched attack after a attack at the Foundation Establishment cultivator. He was out of offensive weapons, but with the golem fighting and winning against the bandit, he in theory didn't need to do anything except supply Qi to the golem. In practice, the trapping formation was crumbling, and if he wanted to have sole rights to killing of the bandit he needed to act now. With a swoosh of his robes, Chrysanthos moved, picking up spear which was discarded by the now dead Ninth Stage Qi Cultivator and launched farther away by the blood eyeballs, Chrysanthos materialized a shield in his other arm and charged towards the bandit, as the unfamiliar spear utilized every single move he could remember from his Legion days. And in mere moments, both due to the golem onslaught, the bandits already grievous wounds and Chrysanthos spear attacks the bandit finally died.

As he finally dropped to the ground, the trapping formation shattered, as Foundation Establishment cultivator, followed by rows of Qi condensation cultivators entered the scene. It seems reinforcements he called what seemed ages ago had finally arrived.

He was not sure how a simple inspection and search for contaminated pills and soups has led to a fight which resulted in half a warehouse destroyed, but he was at this point too tired to care. The creeping realization of what happened was slowly coming towards him. He had underestimated his enemy greatly. If not for the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit desperation move being truly desperate, he would have by all odds been dead. If the bandit stayed calm, he could have overwhelmed his defenses with the Qi as the smoke scattered, overwhelming him with pure power.

Looking upon the body and the remains of the blood mist, Chrysanthos at least had an excuse for all the blood on him. And with a little luck, they wouldn't notice that a good part of it was his. Even with his Qi protecting him, the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit attacks have taken their toll. It payed off to dress well at least.

Now all he needed to find the All-seeing Blood Breaking bandit, and his unspoken contract would be finished. And he had a feeling that the bandit would come to him with time.
Gaius Antonius 48 - A Chat With an Important Man
Gaius Antonius Omake #48: A Chat With an Important Man

Everything had been going so well. Gaius had ingratiated himself with most of the Quintia family, who were nice enough, given the circumstances. He certainly preferred some of the members more than others, but none of them seemed to outright hate him. Compared to all the nightmare scenarios Gaius had dreamed up in his head, this was an absolute breeze.

Then Giorgos Quintia, one of the family's two Core Formation Elders, summoned Gaius to his office. This was not part of the plan. Private talks with the family members of your spouse-to-be are always dangerous. Private talks with your wife-to-be's older male family, even more so. Private talks with a man who cultivates twenty hours a day and can kill you by exhaling hard? Probably not a good time.

Up the third spiral staircase, to the right, past two bathrooms and three bedrooms, to the left and down a set of normal-shaped stairs, and Gaius was in the correct wing. A surprisingly humble door stood before him, carved of a rich dark wood with a polished brass knob. Hand shaking slightly - he really should have had a smoke before he came up here - Gaius knocked.

"Come in." A smooth tenor voice answered in clipped tones. The reaction was so fast, it seemed to Gaius as if the Elder had expected the knock. He complied, opening the door and stepping into the patriarch's office.

Giorgos Quintia was not the spitting image of Manuel Konstantinos - their noses and cheekbones were completely different even if their beards were the same, and Giorgos was younger-looking - but the similarity in bearing startled Gaius nonetheless.

Could there be a distant relation? No, according to Axia the Konstantinos family were nobodies, barely even acknowledged by the Archegetes; certainly not the type who would mingle with the Quintia. Then perhaps it was simply a matter of physical manner, an old-fashioned type of presence that had since gone out of style. Or maybe it was only possible to carry oneself in such a fashion after building a Golden Core; it wasn't like Gaius had met many Elders in his life, Devil or otherwise.

His clothes were more luxurious than the typical fare of the Archegetes, though. Vivid cream and sky-blue ropes, gold civic laurels, diamond rings - Giorgos liked his fancy finery. Still, rather than looking excessive, it suited him perfectly. He gilded himself in the perfect amount of wealth and not an iota more.

"Take a seat, young Gaius." Giorgos smiled, gesturing toward a chair aross from his desk. The smile did not reach Giorgos' eyes, and the chair was notably smaller than his own.

Gaius took a seat, his heart fluttering nervously. He knew what this conversation was about; there was only one thing it could be about.

Gaius cleared his throat, then decided to start things off with something basic and bland. "Elder Giorgos, I am truly not worthy of your attention. I-"

The old man raised his hand, cutting Gaius off with the force of a large river. "I appreciate your decorum, Junior. But in this house, I would like you to call me grandfather."

Gaius smiled awkwardly. Such casual terms, that was good... right? "Very well, grandfather. I cannot even fathom how busy you must be. I'm truly honored that you would take the time to speak to me."

"Yes, well, you're certainly a man worth some time." Giorgos steepled his hands on his desk. "To be a King... it is a bold proclamation, but Axia's judgement is shrewd for her age. To win her favor, there must be more to you than boasting."

Gaius weighed his words carefully, down to the nanogram. "You're asking me to prove that I can do it? All I can do is explain myself, Grandfather. Will that be sufficient?"

"I don't know, Gaius - that's up to you. Go on, explain to me what makes you so special."


And so Gaius did what he did best: pontificate about philosophy. After the first few minutes, Giorgos called in tea for both of them. Gaius couldn't identify the type of herb used in this brew, but it refreshed his mind in a way that perhaps no other drink had. His thoughts felt clear, and were easily shaped into exactly the words he needed.

After about thirty minutes, his summarized crash course on The Dao of The Seeker was finished. Hardly enough time to truly explore its nuances, but hopefully he had at least gotten a compelling argument across.

"Fascinating..." The elder stroked his beard in thought. Gaius had no idea how sarcastic the man was being. "So you groomed yourself for the Single Pillar path from the beginning. And with that Dao of yours, you have strengthened your heart far, far beyond the norm. You might just do it... if you were speaking of the Twelfth Heavenstage, that is."

Gaius swallowed his fear, took a deep breath and forced his words to come out without quavering. "Honored E- Grandfather. I am capable of the Single Pillar Path. In fact, I believe that I am more suited to it than anyone else."

"More than anyone?"

"Yes, more than anyone." Gaius affirmed, growing more confident with each word. "My Dao is uniquely suited to forging a mind which can endure Heavenly tribulations. If anyone in the Turtle World is able to fully explore every stage of cultivation, they would have to live in the Third Sea, where Heaven's wrath is weakened. And if anyone in the Third Sea is up to the task... it would be me."

Giorgos smirked and let out a tsk at the sheer audacity of the statement. "You speak such hubris with such conviction. You claim you will not only plumb every secret of Qi Condensation, but of Single Pillar Foundation Establishment too?" He huffed, expressing a mountain's worth of skepticism. "You're a madman to say such things, but the way you do it makes me want to bet on you; you are a true Dark Horse, grandson."

"So you approve of the marriage, then?" Gaius asked, his foot bouncing. What the fuck was he doing, being so bold in front of an Elder? At least the man seemed to be taking it all in good humor.

"More than that, young Gaius." the man grinned, and the sharp beard beneath his grin paired with his big eyes to make him resemble the visage of a hawk. "All the conviction in the world won't save you if you can't cultivate enough; I shall buy you as much time as possible. Come with me."

With that, the patriarch stood up from his desk and strolled out of the room at a surprisingly fast pace for his small stature. Gaius stumbled out of his own chair, struggling to keep up despite his much longer gait.

Giorgos led Gaius to yet another staircase that Gaius didn't even know existed. It certainly hadn't been included in the tour. It led them down, past the ground floor and deep into the earth.

As the two walked, Giorgos began to explain himself. "For a plan as insane as yours, waiting to fully grasp your tribulation is not viable; you must be ready to perform it immediately. The thing I am about to show you was intended to aid in Twelfth Heavenstage tribulations by acting as a potent amplifier of soul power."

With a wave of his hand, the elder bid one heavy iron door after another to open, bringing Gaius further and further into the dark. Gaius realized now that this was why the manor was so circuitous and warded - the entire thing was built atop this tunnel, to obfuscate it. Finally, the two arrived at a huge vault door, ten feet high. Giorgos bid this one to open too, but it went much slower than the others.

The vault ground noisily as it opened, ever so slowly, revealing a vista of bizarre treasures and strange baubles alike. However, none of it drew Gaius' eye the way the structure in the center did. Sitting upon a raised dais were two ceramic pots. Within each pot grew a tiny Sal tree, basking beneath the glow of a False Sun Crystal.

Gaius instinctually knew this object was crucial toward his path. If you asked him how he knew he would not be able to answer, but his instincts were like a physical force, taking hold of his head and forcing him to look only at the trees.

"For anyone else in the world, even this would not be enough to neuter a Thirteenth Heavenstage to a manageable level. The Shining Hope waited for a few years, used a a treasure on this level and several more advantages, and even she barely made it." He tenderly brushed his finger against one of the fragile pink leaves, ever so gently. "But if your Dao Heart is truly as strong as you claim, then perhaps with this, you'll be able to challenge the tribulation instantly. That will buy you a few precious decades."

"Grandfather..." Gaius voice trembled, and tears nearly sprung from his eyes.

"Gaius... I hate the heavens. They have taken so much from me, from all of us. Three hundred years ago, a gang of Fifth Sea hunters seized my daughter and..." The elder couldn't finish the thought. The tendons in his neck tightened in rage, and his eyes glared into the distance, staring at nothing.

That rage soon evaporated, leaving behind only the white ash of exhaustion. "I don't care about the goals of the original Optimatoi, those are long behind us. But I do wish to spite the heavens, to perform something truly obscene before them. If my family could give rise to a King, that would be wonderful. These trees will be grown for you when the time is right."

Gaius smiled fondly, all the tension gone from his shoulders. "Grandfather, I don't know the words to explain how grateful I am. I will not let you down; The gate is already open, I need only walk through."


This is a segment that I wanted to put into a different omake, but I ended up splitting it off into its own thing. It's possible that my fate roll will be this weekend, instead of next weekend as I expected, so I will be posting a lot of stuff tonight and tomorrow.

Anyway, here are both of Gaius' tribulation treasures(though he hasn't gotten the second one in gameplay yet).
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Fierce Fang 11 - Waiting For Something To Happen
Fierce Fang
Waiting for Something to Happen​

Fierce Fang was wondering if he would get lucky this decade or not. He didn't just mean having good fortune though that was certainly a part of it but there was things you noticed if you lived as long as he did. Like how it seems almost every Good Seed of the clan seemed to get some treasure every decade or two either being secret techniques to maximize their impact or powerful arrays to mitigate even the Heaven's tribulations. It was just something taken for granted by the overachievers like Rina and Gaius and even Fierce Fang had experienced it a little getting techniques and lifespan increases as he need them. But there was the other side of that story that of what happened to those Good Seeds who didn't have that fortune. The Good Seeds that died or just disappeared even if they were one of the 13 without that fortune. Who even remembered Ferenike nowadays? She had been one of the Good Seeds with the most potential and power with rumors even stating she was destined to be a future elder of war but now she was gone to who knows where after the font of fortune ran out. Fierce Fang wondered if that was to be his fate as his drips of fortune became more and more sporadic. Would he just be like those many who fell to the Demon twins or would he fall in the trials about to take place? Fierce Fang had no idea but he was resolved to see things to the end one way or another even if it was just the weak gasps of an old and dying man.

A/N: Shit this out real quick cause I have too much of a head ache to finish my longer and more important omake and want to have some protection from the purge. I request a Tribulation Treasure. I have an idea for how to fluff it so no need to describe it.
Ulysses Nemo 10 - Carotenemia
Ulysses 10- Carotenemia​

Ulysses had barely returned from Jingshen lands when his services wern,e required in the infirmary once again. His legion had recently poached another cultivator who knew his way around the scalpel, but that junior had barely 10 years of experience, so there were certainly some tasks he was insufficient for yet.

One case file seemed quite interesting. The patient seemed to have potent bronze blood, his skin assuming the hue as soon as he entered Qi Condensation, but the patient was a scion of the Fecundity Stork Clan, and though they claim that they have no record of this scion's bloodline having the blood of bronze it has caused a small commotion. In addition the scion seemed to be taking ill, his skin peeling and complaining of a terrible pressure in his head. One of Ulysses's legion mates was quite fond of this scion and took him to the legion infirmary so his condition could be assessed.

Ulysses strode into the patient's section, seperated from others by curtains. He examined the patient's skin, already harboring suspicions. It had peeled away in wafer thin sheets, the pattern looking nothing like the rough shear pattern that resulted when a Golden Devil's skin peeled.

"Greetings, I am Ulysses of the Golden Devils, and I shall be your physician today. You'll feel some slight discomfort while I perform a diagnostic test." Ulysses said, drawing his scalpel in a smooth motion and inserting the tip into the patient's shoulder. As suspected the flesh parted like meat. The hypothesis that he somehow had the blood of bronze was disproven conclusively, but that meant that there had to be some other cause of the patient's complexion.

"Did you just stab me? Don't you know who I am? I'll have you know that I broke through to the fourth stage of Qi Condensation at the young age of 42. I am Xiao Zhang, a young master of the Fecundity Stork Clan, and I demand your respect."

Fortunately, Ulysses's long experience dealing with Iason had left him mostly apathetic to such proclamations. Still, he should probably counter with one of his own, so it couldn't be misunderstood as the Fecundity Stork Clan having intimidated a Golden Devil.

"fourth heavenstage at 42, that's not bad, but is that truly enough to be considered a young master? One of my senior martial brothers was at the ninth heavenstage by that age, and another survived an assassination attempt .from a Nascent Soul as a Foundation Building cultivator, Of course, the Nascent who dared such a thing is dead now. Back to the topic at hand. When did you start experiencing symptoms?"

"Ah, of course, obviously I meant no disrespect to your benevolent clan, this one was perhaps too hasty in referring to myself as young master, perhaps, promising talent would be a more apt description?" Xiao Zheng replied. Seeing ULysses rolling his eyes, Zheng continued."Well, my martial brothers first mentioned my Blood of Bronze when I broke through ot the third heavenstage, but the unpleasantness started while I was getting ready to break through to the fourth. It started mildly, but it has only gotten worse ever since then. Am I… Are they going to take me away from my clan?"

"Well, ordinarily in situations like this it would be a big political mess , but I have confirmed via that diagnostic incision earlier that you don't actually have the Blood of Bronze, so I assume that your skin discoloration is another symptom. You said that your condition hasn't stopped deteriorating, even though you've been here for some time?" Ulysses said, seeing that Xiao Zheng's file said something similar, the peeling and head pain were intensifying, however, my new junior had noted that his skin color was a deeper bronze when he was first admitted. How interesting, two different ailments was a possibility considering their different onset times, but peeling skin and head pain could have any number of causes, so Ulysses opted to exhaust the possibility that all the symptoms were related. Perhaps some kind of two-stage poison was the culprit, but who would make such a slow acting poison that didn't even seem to hinder cultivation? It was more likely that his cultivation method had a flaw in it, or perhaps some environmental factor. Trying to get someone, even from a vassal clan to divulge their cultivation method would be significantly harder than pulling teeth, so Ulysses sincerely hoped it was some environmental factor.

"I hope your conditions have been to your satisfaction here, while you wait." Ulysses probed.

"Well, it would be rude of me to disparage the hospitality of the Golden Devils Clan, since they took my clan under their wings, but since you asked… that's practically an invitation right? The food is horrible. How do you stand that Dawn Cry Congee day after day. It's the worst thing I've ever tasted." Zheng bemoaned.

"Most find it preferable to starvation. Your clan has been here for ten years now, are you telling me that you've never had Dawn Cry Congee before?" Ulysses quipped. Just how pampered were these plains cultivators anyway?

"No, before my friend sent me here, I was subsisting entirely off of Spirit Herbs. Which I would note, are undoubtedly better for my cultivation than these spirit stones you have been providing me." Zheng said, some of his earlier haughtiness returning since he had been given permission. Well, as long as he knew not to take such liberties when talking to one of Ulysses's seniors Ulysses didn't mind.

Ulysses's thought raced. According to the file Zheng's friend had been pouring in an inordinate amount of Contribution Points to ensure Zheng's cultivation wouldn't be impacted by his hospitalization. That poor junior was probably running themselves ragged trying to achieve such a feat, explaining their current absence. What that clanmate saw in Zheng was a mystery. That being said, a diet consisting of only spirit herbs meant that those herbs must be weak and common enough in the plains region that they are cheap, and you would have to eat a lot of them in order to keep up with spirit stones. An implausible amount even. Also he had only been here for a few months, by what means was he measuring progress?

"How can you tell that your Spirit Herbs are superior to the spirit stones you're getting? Surely there hasn't been enough time to tell? A few months is really not long enough to tell for sure, since spirit herbs' effects tend to be more complex than just being usable for cultivation."

"isn't it obvious? The buzzing feeling of power has been diminishing ever since I came here." Zheng said, matter of factly.

"So you've been feeling an odd sensation for so long that you thought it was just a thing that all cultivators have?" Ulysses responded, despairing for whatever poor Junior was associated with this idiot.

"There's no need to be so rude, I'll have you know that those Hearth Carrots had great benefits, I've done the math and they are the cheapest Herb per unit of Qi." Zheng said, back to being indignant.

Ulysses was already reviewing what he knew as soon as Zheng said the name of the Herb. Ever since Senior Jin Muyi's rebirth Ulysses had made it a point to purchase botanical texts from the contribution board in addition to medical and alchemical ones, since apparently people could survive being turned into plants. Hearth Carrots were relatively abundant in the Plains, and it was only common sense that the Stork Clans would have brought their Herb stockpiles with them when they moved. They had both Earth and Fire Qi, quite unusual.

There were no known overdose risks, but this fellow had probably consumed more of this in a shorter time than anyone else at Qi Condensation, and the headaches and peeling skin were some of the more common symptoms of a Qi imbalance towards those elements. The carrot essence, which he consumed faster than he processed, was likely the cause of the skin discoloration, was now being absorbed by his dantian into Fire and Earth Qi, the overabundance of which was causing the other symptoms. Quitting Carrots entirely would resolve the problem eventually, but his Junior had payed good contribution points for Ulysses to try to heal him. A few simple pills should provide enough Water, Metal, and Wood Qi to resolve things quickly, and they would be cheaper than that Junior shelling out for spirit stones until it went away on its own. Ulysses had stored some in the medicine cabinet, so he simply retrieved a few and made a note to himself to restock that the next time he made the trek to his pill cauldron.

"These should fix your current difficulties, but in the future, please eat something else." Upon seeing Zheng's face tace on a thoughtful quality, Ulysses sighed before continuing. "I think you misunderstand, please don't just exclusively eat the next cheapest herb you find, it may have much more severe effects when overindulged in. What I mean is please eat a balanced diet. Spirit Herbs are all well and good and can benefit your cultivation, especially when refined into pills, but there is a reason they aren't the primary cultivation method for anyone. Even in the plains you would definitely absorb some of the energy of heaven and earth right? That was probably balancing your qi for you, at least a little. You definitely would have had those problems sooner otherwise."

"Hmph,this is acceptable I suppose, for someone that Aoi… was it Aoi something? I can never remember those darn strange names you devils use, but that friend of mine called you a respected senior ."Xiao Zheng got up, swallowed the pills provided one after another, then began walking away.

"If you come back, make sure to pay your own way, since you can't even remember that generous junior's name!" Ulysses called after him. But his outrage faded rapidly, replaced by twin sensations of exhaustion and satisfaction. Talking for that long was tiring, especially with such a presumptuous patient, but he really felt his bedside manner was improving. He had even framed his demands for information politely.
Syntyche Theophylaktos - An Auspicious Meeting(Part 2)
Syntyche Theophylaktos

An Auspicious Meeting (Part 2)

Syntyche was not ordinarily impulsive. It was, while perhaps not a necessity, a very valuable trait to have, and one that the family encouraged. There was weakness in being more deliberate, being forced to react or less determined in action. But such was immaterial. The gains from a more diligent and developed strategy almost always outpaced the losses. How many stories have been told of the strategist overcoming the brute? How many superior foes were laid low by Golden Devil poisons, arrays, and formations? Too many to count. The family dutifully followed that creed, of thought before action, just as the clan moved in such a fashion, slow and controlled.

But staring into the red stone, bleeding the essence, hate, and rage of dozens of clansmen, she felt something stir in her. The blood of bronze wasn't as thick in a Theophylaktos: it was a necessary loss for their increased malleability. Still, it beat in tune to the tortured souls within the small jewel, a droning that ate away at any thought except one: Kill Them.

Her Qi stirred, and it was to the guards' credit that they were instantly ready to receive her. It was to their detriment that they didn't recognize her first target. He Long, the infiltrator turned traitor, had perhaps a second to contemplate the sheer idiocy of his actions before he was flayed. Certain influences were easier to call upon based on mental state, and the easiest of all, facing down a Blood Resonance Stone, was that of the blood path dervish. It could not be considered profound, or even particularly skilled, but there were few other styles which took advantage of initiative as much.

It was also very effective at inflicting pain, something Syntyche enjoyed substantially. Perhaps she did not have the sheer quantity of spiky surfaces that a true dervish would use to shred the skin from her victim's bones, but the speed of Foundation Building and the shards from a teapot were quite enough at this juncture. She split the shifty informant open, ceramic shards taking the place of twisted fangs, and was onto the next target before his body hit the ground.

She made it about half a foot forward before nearly being stabbed through the midsection. Instead, she rolled past the spear, its tip digging slightly into her side. She rose halfway to two feet before diving again, narrowly avoiding a bludgeon that would've taken off more than just a chunk of flesh.

The battle paused for a brief moment, and the throbbing of her blood resonating with the stone slowed with it. Her opponents were well trained, and quite practiced against blood path. It gave them an advantage in that particular area, though a disadvantage in another. If Syntyche was truly blood path, slowing the battle down was only to their advantage, where preparation and prepared environments worked against her. But time to scheme inevitably favored a golden devil.

The stone thrummed again. What was before a constant all-consuming rage had slowed to a tinnitus-like trilling, but was still as ever present as ever. That was fine. It was manageable, and it brought ideas to mind. Her forearm split, skin unbroken but stretched and the bone beneath rearranged, made wider, until the arm was a barbaric imitation of a harp. The Myia were known for having Golden blood that rang like bells, and while Syntyche could be but a shadow of their one-person orchestra, she hardly had to be: The beat was impossible to ignore.

She strummed her wrist, and the note both shattered every last plate on the table, and threw the spearman through the pavilion doors.

The larger guard, polearm switched to his off-hand, had thrown up a shield at the last moment, a shimmering field of interlocked hexagons which swallowed the discordant sound with admirable resilience. Syntyche dissected it instantly: a stable defence, but one immovable for it. She couldn't break it, at least not without drawing upon a Dao far beyond what she would risk, but she could besiege it.

She ran a nail down her mangled arm, and it ran from bronze into blood into glass as it flowed. She shattered it with another high note, and shards rained down all around them. The shield just expanded, but that was value enough. Losing sight of her was a much more fatal mistake. Her Qi sank deep into herself, and where she once was she simply ceased to be.

The first guard stormed back in, to be faced with an empty dining room. His partner, noticing both the absence of sound on the other side of his shield and the stone at his waist going silent also switched tracks. They didn't speak, communicating through some sign language code as the spearman delved further into the room. The other watched the door, ensuring she wouldn't escape. A classic trap-and-spook formation. Perfect for catching a rat.

But perhaps not as good at catching a snake. Syntyche sunk her fangs into his ankle. Of course, she had no poison in her system, as a proper spirit snake might. But she did borrow some more interesting concoctions from her most gracious senior during her brief internship. Mr. Turtle, because his hexagonal shield definitely gave off that feeling, didn't take it so well. His spear-wielding friend was quick on the uptake, but it didn't matter. One-on-one, Syntyche wouldn't lose to an average Foundation Building expert. He had decades of experience with his weapon, and it was a minor treasure itself, but she had a taste for his Dao by now.

Certainly, her golden devil bloodline was incomparable to a true bronze paragon, but it was miles ahead of some meager guard. She was simply faster, stronger, more durable. He made a thousand shadows with feints from his spear, and she could just walk through their wake. No half-powered strike could even break through her skin. She could see his plan in the reflection in his eyes, the moment he finally committed to a thrust, and stepped on the spear tip before it could strike.

He stepped back, letting the spear go, perhaps the only possible way he could've made his situation worse. Not that it would've mattered much. The Hungering Knife drained him dry regardless.

Syntyche picked up the Blood Resonance Stone on her way out, and slowly felt the tension drain out of her as the calls for revenge were sated. It was uncomfortable, to take things so forwardly. While she couldn't say she disliked fighting, she wasn't enthralled by it either, and it was usually not the path of least resistance, obviously. Perhaps she could've burrowed her essence, concealed her heritage from even her relatives, and defeated He Long more diplomatically. Perhaps it would've been more effective at supporting their overall objectives at the Drill. At that moment, though, it fit too well to pass up.

1150 words.

I want more cool gimmicks to 'borrow'.
Gaius Antonius 49 - Reparations
Gaius Antonius #49: Reparations

The storm of the century had come to the Dawn Fortress.

Water from the heavens pummeled the sand into submission. Thirsty as it was, it could not contain this much, at turned to sludge, then mud. Some buildings, not built to withstand heavy rain, partially collapsed as the liquid pooling on the flat roofs crushed its way inside. Training arenas were ruined and market stalls would soon rot from the sheer dampness. Perhaps worst of all, the small rodents that made their homes in alleyways and inside foundations, lacking the instinct to avoid flooding, died en masse. The next day, the stink would be unbearable.

In this chaos, a young man, despair wrought so heavily on his face that it practically oozed from his every pore, stumbled aimlessly. Breathless and exhausted, he retraced every single path he had walked in the past day, and then every path he might have forgotten about. Endlessly searching, he instead found only more sorrow, as the fat, cold raindrops beat down on him like tiny fists.

The boy fell to his knees, gasping for breath. "Why did I get the blood? I could have been happy! I could have lived a good life! All I do is meditate all day and now they're gonna kill me!" He cried out, gripped in the throes of a panic attack. But no matter how he yelled, only the storm answered him.

"You shouldn't be out in this storm. You're going to get hypothermia with your cultivation that low." A voice called out above him.

The Aspirant looked up to behold a deeply impactful sight. A very tall man, clad in a black coat with a huge hat, his face obscured by the sheets of rain cascading off the brim of his hat.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" The man asked, squatting to get a closer look at him. His voice was even, smooth and kind.

"Okay?" The Aspirant bitterly scoffed. "I lost my Bird-Controlling Horn. I'm too weak to survive the trial, that thing was my one hope."

"A horn? was this some kind of treasure?"

The boy shook his head, his soul weighed down with black iron chains. "It doesn't matter anymore. It's gone, someone took it for themself. It was my only chance, my lucky break..."

The black-clad figure stood over the Aspirant, small bright eyes seeming bore right through him. "Go to your apartment. Don't talk to anyone, don't ask any questions. What does the horn look like?"

The boy stood up and took a few steps back, stammering hesitantly. "I-it's ivory. Like, made from a tusk? And it's engraved with array carvings filled in with silver. Do you really-"

"No questions." The mysterious man chided, raising a hand to cut him off. "I can't promise your treasure will be there in the morning. All I can promise is that I'll do everything I can to make that happen. Leave now - you never saw me."

At a loss for words, the Aspirant got to his feet and nodded meekly before running off.

"Those motherfuckers are even doing it right before the trials... I suppose it was about time." Gaius muttered to himself, lighting a cigarette. The brim of his hat caught the sheets of rain, protecting the little flame. The seeker pondered the foolishness of what he was about to attempt as he watched the water steadily drip off the front of his hat, forming a curtain before his eyes.

The Quintia family would protect him. The feeble attempts of criminals wouldn't stand up to the power and wealth of an organized noble house. Not to mention the secrecy the Treasure Gang needed to operate under. Furthermore, no one would come after him for a year, what with the trials and all. No, this was the safest possible time to cross the Treasure Gang, and the time when he could do the most good.

So why were his hands shaking? Obviously this was dangerous and risky. He was going up against a group whose members were universally stronger than him after all. But physical danger alone shouldn't have been frightening him this much.

He'd already resolved to put his life on the line to protect his people, so how was this any different? By returning the treasures to their rightful owners, he would protect his juniors. There was nothing to think about; he would do what had to be done.


The Earth-Gliding technique. For someone in Qi Condensation to have this power was absolutely unfathomable, and even in Foundation Establishment it would be considered extremely potent, the kind of technique an ordinary cultivator would build their entire career around.

Naturally, this meant that when it was combined with Gaius' ability to produce an accurate qi radar, nothing beneath Core Formation could detect or defend against it. You would have to stop it with brute force - ten foot thick underground stone walls and the like. Gangsters didn't have those kinds of resources.

Gaius faced no resistance up until he was right on the edge of the tunnel network. What was once pathetically easy had now become far more complex. He had no doubt that the inside was heavily surveiled, so he would have to be cautious about where he poked his head out.

Continuing to let out qi pulses to navigate, Gaius glided around the outside of the tunnel network, mapping out its twists and turns in his head to the best of his ability. As he did so, he also left behind some little presents, some potent blasting arrays that he had shelled out a hefty sum of points for. These would be his secret weapon and last resort; even a Centurion wouldn't be able to escape a cave-in of such magnitude.

"Treasure room, treasure room. Where are you?" Gaius muttered to himself as he went back up to the surface for air. He cautiously poked his head up out of the ground in the Silver District, gulping down big breaths. "One of the dead ends, probably..."

Yes, that definitely had to be it. Gaius went back down and checked those places one by one. First he found a storage room, but a mundane one, full of rations and water. Next was a room with boxes of assorted utility arrays, some for light, some for surveilance and others for repairing objects. That left one more such room. Just one problem though: there were two Centurions on guard.

Simple enough. Gaius planted several blasting arrays ten feet below the two guards, and one much closed. Setting off one, he destabilized the ground, causing one of their feet to slip into the earth.

That one foot was all Gaius needed. From below, he grabbed the woman's foot and pulled her down several feet, letting go and backing away before she could hit him back. Gliding away, he then detonated several blasting arrays at point blank, knocking her out and driving her further down into the dirt.

If that wasn't bad enough, that part of the tunnel collapsed, buring the woman even more, beyond any hope of recovery.

Damn, the other one had already made it halfway to the entrance. Gaius returned to the ground, gliding at top speed and managing to cut the man off before he could get out of the main chamber. The man had a wild and anxious look in his eye, and in one hand he carried a large dimensional storage bag.

Bursting out of the ground in front of the man, he crossed his arms, scowling. "I need that bag, now."

The Centurion violently brandished an axe at Gaius as he tied the bag to his side. "I made you an offer and you walked away. If that was the end of it everything would have been fine. But now you spit in my face, right before the Trial? How could you do this, Gaius?"

Gaius recognized that voice, from all those years ago. "You... you were the one behind the screen, weren't you? But... you're the ringleader? Who even are you?"

"What, did you expect me to be somebody important? Somebody famous?" The man sneered. "Did you think I was fucking Jin Muyi? No, I'm just a damn good accountant."

Gaius' eyes narrowed into a glare of contempt. "Really? Because from where I'm standing, you don't look like an accountant. You look like a bandit."

"I'm serving the Clan. The needs of the many demand that the elite be empowered."

"Serve the many by feeding the few? That's funny, I thought you were good at math."

The ringleader chuckled at that remark, relaxing slightly. Then, in a flash of movement so fast Gaius could barely see it, he summoned a greataxe and flung it at Gaius' head. Only instinct saved Gaius' life, as he fell straight down into the earth, dodging the blade by a few inches.

Damn, Gaius certainly wouldn't be talking his way out of this. Though honestly, he was too mad to do that anyway. The Seeker glided about underneath the ringleader's feet like a shark, watching and waiting.

"Out of one hundred of them, only one rises to our level!" the Centurion ranted, stalking back and forth through the ruined chamber. "Attained potential will always hold greater value than that which is unattained. Why shouldn't I protect Clansmen of greater value, who can do more good?"

Gaius leapt not from the floor but from the wall, striking at the ringleader as he went. But the enemy was just too fast; the strike was mostly blocked, slightly knicking his face and drawing a single drop of blood.

Undeterred, Gaius dove straight into the floor and emerged on the other side, cutting at his legs. Again and again, The Seeker harried his Senior. With a roar of frustration, the ringleader slammed his axe into the ground, smashing it open and forcing Gaius into the open.

"If you had your way, no one would make it to your level anymore!" Gaius snarled, hurling knives at the Centurion and jumping back to gain more distance. The warrior easily deflected every projectile and charged at Gaius, gaining ground, only for Gaius to slip back into the soil just before he could be caught.

"The strongest still would! That's how the world should be, free of all this luck nonsense. Cultivators ought to succeed on their own merits, to earn prosperity!" He yelled, energy charging in the head of his axe. "A bleeding heart like you who can't see the big picture should mind his own business!"

In a flash of movement, Gaius emerged behind and beneath his enemy, only for the ringleader to turn on his heel and kick Gaius the instant he popped out. Gaius narrowly managed to block the hit, sliding across the ground before sinking back in.

"You can't beat me, Gaius! Maybe you could take a Centurion with an unformed pillar, but I've got three." the Senior bragged, slowly padding across the rubble like a cat. "I don't just move faster, I think faster. My brain is more powerful. To me, you're utterly predictable!" He turned around and fired off a blast of Sword Qi at the ceiling, forcing a halfway-emerged Gaius into the soil once more.

Dirt and rocks rained down upon where the gangster had just stood, but he was already moving again, hopping on top of a support column with its top half missing.

"You want these so bad? Come get them. I'm right here, Junior." He spread his arms boastfully. "Attack me and die or be smart and go home; your choice."

Gaius' head slowly emerged from the cieling, his long hair hanging down below him like a curtain."There's no need to attack, I've already got this wrapped up."

As he said that, a part of the cieling exploded, caving in half of the room in a cacophonous racket. "I've got it all set to blow now. I just needed you to stick around for a few minutes while I did that."

"W-w-wait, hold on! You'd destroy all these treasures just to end my operation!?" The gangster threw up his hands in a pleading gesture.

"I'm the one with the switch. No matter what happens, you're not keeping those treasures." Gaius declared. "I'm ending your operation tonight."

"You... you've killed one of your Seniors already! Don't you understand how badly you've fucked up!? Let's talk about this!" The ringleader yelled desperately.

"How much damage have you cowards done over the years?" Gaius glared coldly. "How many people died from your hoarding? I won't allow the Clan that raised me to become such a corrupt place. I will protect it." Mad determination flashed in Gaius' eyes, the sheer force of his resolve piercing through to the gangster's heart.

"You crazy bastard, you really are going to do it. Fine, take them!" The ringleader threw the bag to Gaius, who caught it and tied it to his belt. "You've beaten me. If my life is over, I'd rather someone get some use out of those. Let's go." He snarled, stomping through the one remaining tunnel.

Gaius blinked in surprise, following behing the man from a safe distance. Contrary to his expectations, nothing happened. The man turned himself in to the Elders with no further complications. Before then, however, the man left Gaius a list of which treasures came from which people.

And so, for the next few weeks, Gaius tirelessly handed the treasures back to their owners. He could only hope that this would save some lives.


And here we come to the conclusion of this gang arc that I started way back before turn 8. I didn't intend to resolve it so soon, but Earth Gliding turned out to be a pretty useful tool for, well, resolving the plot. So I banged this out as a fun variation on Saving Juniors. This way, even if we have to call off the megacollab, I can say I still wrote something that fits that theme.

Just like with the last gang chapter, I'm not super happy with this one. It ends a little bit abruptly, mostly because, as I said, with the help of Earth-Gliding Gaius can checkmate them pretty easily.
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