Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Chrysanthos Krimta 2 - Market at Mogui
Chrysanthos Krimta

Market at Mogui

Chrysanthos had a headache. It was not because of the merchant currently arguing with. It was not because he had a bit too much flower wine during last night. No it was almost certainly due to the the sun sharing its fairly bright radiance on his head. The caravan he was escorting was currently in Mogui city, with orders to transport supplies and men to Xin Kingdom. With everything moving to war footing for the coming decade, the Sect and the Clan have agreed on bigger expeditions to Ingredient Lands and Southern Green, to quickly fill the depleting stocks. This has led to a lot of resources coming in and out of Mogui city, which connects the Golden Devil Core Clan lands and the Simmering Soup Sect. This meant that the usually profitable trade routes where buzzing with activity which meant more guards. His current assignment for the Legion was a simple escort mission, which ended as they arrived, and he would need to accept new one or continue on North. The

The Market in Mogui was rather large, though most was covered by the mortal stalls, and only the underground held cultivation treasures of some values. Considering this was indeed a mostly cultivation city, this has led to a underground market being far bigger then the mortal one. Still even then, there was a high mortal presence in the city, and as such the market stretched for at least several lǐ. While mostly full of mortal daily supplies and goods, sometimes a treasure was hidden. For a good quarter of the market was full of mortals and low Qi condensation cultivators peddling goods, hoping to get some money from wandering cultivators. Many tried their luck, and Chrysanthos was among them. His only find so far in the mortal part was a fossil with bamboo pieces in it. While he had no idea how such a thing came to be, the fossil sealed off all the Qi of the bamboo rendering it invisible to any passing cultivators. Even he would have missed it if he did not notice the fossilized bamboo and injected the rock slowly with his Qi, which caused a minor reaction. It seemed to hold fairly few minor pieces, which could net a decent profit when resold.

The pieces of Bamboo could be extracted, refined and merged. While losing in quality, it could be refined into a larger usable item. Not a weapon, since the pieces would be too small, and broken as they are, any forged weapon would be quickly destroyed by more sturdy, yet less powerful weapons. A talisman of sorts would probably need to be forged, or it could be sold as a ingredient to the Simmering Soup Sect. Spirit Bamboo was always a premium material, with its usability stretching well into Foundation Establishment. Chrysanthos would need to give his options a bit of a thought, but the mortal market was a profit so far. Along with some rarer dyes, for which he secured a decennial contract, it was a rather sounding success. It was time to check the Immortal market, for its levels where gated by the cultivation level of the guests. The first three levels where for Qi condensation only, the deeper one went, the better the treasures. Only the fourth level had any Foundation Establishment treasures, but such places where off limits for him. A 8th Heavenstage would be limited to the first three floors only. His hopes of finding a heaven defying treasures for few silvers in the mortal market have been dashed. A unexpected profit was made, but it would not be enough, since his cultivation has stalled. He would need to go further into the depths of the market, where bigger more expensive treasures could be found, but with far bigger competition.

Even without the unfortunate accident during the Trials which saw his knees shattered, he was still falling behind. During his youth, he tested an unprecedented amount of talent, with only a few in the history of the clan having his starting potential. But unlike the legendary figures, his luck made sure he did not rise above his peers. This showed both during his starting years, when he managed to reach only 5th​ Stage in a few decades, which was normal progress for just normally talented ones, but during the trials, it seemed no amount of treasures was enough then, for the cultivators of the Fifth Sea where nothing if not persistent into seeing him die. It took him years to recover from the wounds, and the debt accumulated took a even longer time. Maybe things would have been different if he was a higher stage during the trials or did not hesitate in using his life saving treasures.

Still what is done is done, his cultivation of 8th​ Heavenstage was decent for his current job, and with further preparation he could advance to Foundation Establishment with time. He was even considering going to the Qiguai Clan Secret Realm, for his stock of lifesaving items has replenished, and surely his luck would turn around one day. If nothing else, he was sure to survive it.

As Chrysanthos neared the second level, one reserved for middle Qi Condensation experts and goods, and stopped as a stall had a rather peculiar setup. At a stall a merchant was selling some failed soups, mostly from Kitchenhands, and certain soup was far away from others. In fact, it actually had a modified containment formation around it, with not even a wisp of Qi from the soup. The soup in question seemed to be devouring Qi from the surrounding area, which considering how thin the Qi was, was impressive. The formation was probably there to not rob the other soups of their Qi, rendering them almost useless.

Intrigued by the sight, Chrysanthos managed to acquire a small sample of the soup, and upon infusing it with a small portion of his Qi, it turned into a mote of black gaseous substance, which seemed to stay around and blind both sight, hearing and smell. Useless for cultivation, and with the amount of Qi required it would be a useless weapon. Which explained why nobody had bought it so far. Still, it gave him a idea.

Spiritual bamboo, refined and merged with desert salt, had a capability of absorbing a large amounts of Qi, and then realising it in a comically harmless manner, while disintegrating itself. It could be used for a quick increase in concentration of Qi in a area. It was very rarely used considering that a Clan formation and some spirit stones could do the same job far more efficiently, and the Spiritual Bamboo itself was far more precious than to be wasted in such manner.

But if the Spiritual Bamboo was shaped in a cylinder, refined with desert salt and filled with this substance, while inscribed with a stabilization formation, it would enable the substance to receive a large amount of Qi, turning itself into the smoky gaseous form at a moment's notice, when one would disable the formation. This would in turn cloud everybodies senses and enable a prepared Cultivator to escape notice.

Refining the bamboo, condensing the substance and inscribing the formations would take a pretty high toll on his savings, but it should more than make up for it by several lifesaving treasures which would be produced, especially with the incoming war.

Well, with the upcoming trial Chrysanthos needed all the help he can get, and even though it would cost him a bit, his life was far more profitable than some spirit stones.

While the caravan would be going southeast, his path led north. Towards the Qiguai Clan Secret Realm.

Turns out I can give my cultivator a smoke bomb. I just need to be creative about it. I planned to get this our earlier, but life got in the way.
Chrysanthos Krimta 3 - Inspecting a warehouse
Chrysanthos Krimta - Inspecting a warehouse

Paperwork was the bane of Chrysanthos existence. It was also the foundation of civilization, but at this moment it was very much a thorn in his side. Several batches of valuable pills and soups have been contaminated with increasing frequencies, leading to sick cultivators popping out through the new territories taken from the Blood Cannibals. That alone was not unusual, as the rush and sudden colonization of the previously desolated lands did lead to sudden lack of respect for regulations and usage of substandard alchemical ingredients and alchemists. It usually was an issue which got itself fixed through time, as the perpetrators grew more sophisticated and centralized which let to formation of organization which would either separate or take over such irregular activities. Which promptly got them integrated into the local politics or had Golden Core cultivators send after them. Some days he couldn't really tell which fate was worse.

What made this current situation so annoying, and prevented him from letting nature take its course is that some young master had decided that the Havens favor him, and bought a lot of pills from less reputable sources, doing a carefully calculated cultivation regiment tailor made to skyrocket his foundation to Peak of Qi Condensation in a matter of a decade. It would have actually worked, if he had bought the pills from trusted and verified productions instead of rather new and local hands. Which of course meant that he had suffered from several types of Qi deviation at the same time, and was heavily injured. It would be quite an expense for him family to cure him, and by all odds he was probably near the end of his self-imposed closed cultivation. Cultivation which was not rendered worthless and was actually more of a bane then a boon. With all the fuss the young masters family has risen up, the local magistrate has decided it was time to send some Foundation Building Experts at the chase. Even though a regular team of Qi condensation would be faster than him at covering the existing paperwork, and snuffing out whoever is responsible for the substandard products.

So after days of excruciating paperwork and necessary forms, he had come to a conclusion that the whatever faction had sold those pills had not actually bothered to submit all the local tribute pays and paperwork, and was mostly just a front in a warehouse at the eastern part of town. Said warehouse did seem to be very much in use, as it was referenced as a delivery and drop off point for several other businesses. So to find the source of such pills, he would need to actually go there, and go through their documentation. Which is very much annoying, as it would take too much time from his other work and cultivation.

Taking a time to sight deeply, Chrysanthos took a breath, changed to his nice official robes with long sleeves and walked out with his cane. With the warehouse being on other side of town, it would take only a few minutes to reach it at his top speed, but he needed to maintain calmness and sophistication in front of the citizens and his juniors. And he couldn't even bring a Qi Condensation squad with himself because it would harm his family name.

He really wished he was still a Qi condensation cultivator still. At least he could slack off then.

Half a hour later...

The Longevity Cup Treasure House of Storage was one of several houses belonging to the local Heavenly Glorious Bank of Cobalt, which itself was just one of branches of the Heavenly Golden House. It served as a delivery point and storage for local workshops, so that they may efficiently be distributed further down the market. Faking his cultivation as the Ninth Stage of Qi Condensation, he entered the main building and started asking some questions. The faction the specific young master had bought the pills from had apparently bought out a whole northern building according to the index, which the receptionist had supplied him with, along with several information which had indeed confirmed that this was the place to be. Which he did lack at the magister office. Something was rather fishy about that particular fact, but since he was here, there he might as well solve it. If he was lucky, it may actually devolve into a fight, netting him a combat pay. Not to mention the minor increase in reputation he would get. Got knows he would need it in his current straits.

So taking his cane, he walked to the northern warehouse and with a bit of application of Qi banged on the door. No need to use the side entrance or even the bell. He still needed to make a decent presentation of his office, or at least make an attempt at making it. And no matter how kind the receptionist was, Chrysanthos held no doubt that she secretly notified them of his coming. She may be only Qi Condensation, and early stage at that, but detecting all conceivable forms of secret communication was far out of his reach. Possibly not even Core Formation could do that. As the main gates slowly opened, he was not greeted by a kindly old man or a woman waiting him and welcoming him as is expected. Instead he was faced with two Ninth Stage Qi Condensation charging at him. Which was rude and unexpected to say the least. Blocking a single Spear with his cane, and brandishing the Fools Sceptre from his sleeves and deflecting the other one, Chrysanthos quickly shattered his Magistrate token, notifying the Magistrate he was in dire straits. He really was not, but a person would only gain the combat pay if said person could prove they were in a fight, and 2 Ninth Stage Qi Condensation classified as a fight, no matter how easy it was. He permitted a small smile to appear on his face as they backed off. At least it seems his combat pay was taken care of, and there would not even be people whispering behind his back about needlessly bullying juniors. Probably. They had after all, attacked him.

With a Scepter in his left hand and minor burst of Qi, Chrysanthos struck the ground, raising a small wave of sand which impacted both cultivators, doing no damage and only obscuring their senses for a bit. Taking a moment, a sword was launched from his belt towards the farther Qi Condensation Cultivator, which said cultivator promptly evaded. As the dust settled both cultivators stared at him, one with fierce concentration, and the other one with amusement, as he had no issue dodging his half assed attack.

"Is that all?" he stated, and Chrysanthos can hear the mocking in his voice. With a sudden but irresistible urge Chrysanthos answer leaves his lips.

"Not even close."

With but a moment thought, the Thoughtsword spears the cultivator from behind, dragging him closer towards Chrysanthos. The other cultivator noticed his compatriots' situation and charges on Chrysanthos planning to force him on a defensive, which could theoretically save his compatriots life. Theoretically. If the other side was truly a Qi Condensation Cultivator.

Unleashing his Foundation Establishment Cultivation his cane turns into a spear, and with the help of a sceptre, his superior speed and strength, the Qi Condensation junior is disabled in a single breath. The other one barely kept alive by a sword which stabbed through him.

All in all, an easy battle. Now it was his job to secure the warehouse and get to the bottom of this. It would take for a while for the reinforcements called to come, and then he would need to go through the entire complex to find the source of the pills. There may still be some minor cultivators, but he took care of the big fish here and now. As the spear slowly turns back into the cane, he slowly prepares to enter deeper into the compound.

His thoughts proven utterly wrong as a Foundation Establishment presence makes itself known from inside the warehouse. A moment later, he could see a formation forming around the warehouse, cutting off his escape. A rather shoddy one, a small part of his brain noted, as he could break it under a minute, a minute he did not have, but such standards where unbecoming. The incoming team would probably need even less, since trapping formation where notoriously weak from the outside. A blue robbed man walks outside of the building, a dashing young look, his voice full of amusement.

"It seems my faithful employees will be missing their employ of the year award. Such a shame. With the state you put them in it will take them at least several months to recover." A smile touches his lips "So fellow Daoist, I would like to study such method, would you oblige?"

His tone at the near end taking a rather hostile tone from an amused one. That is not what worries Chrysanthos. Because he know that voice. Fifteen years ago, he had heard that voice mocking him as he fought for his life. This is the voice of the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit, a Foundation Establishment Bandit which nearly ended Chrysanthos life. Him and his brother nearly slayed him, and only using his Flying Pig Treasure did he manage to escape in the end. With grievous wounds at that. A token which his departed mother left him. Both a momento and a priceless treasure.

For the team to arrive and break the trapping formation, it should take well over half a stick of incense. It was realistically, not enough time. The Eyeless Bone Sucker was rather famous for his Blood mist and dangerous to boot. He even had a Fourth Pillar Foundation Establishment kill to his name. As such Chrysanthos would need time. Time which he very much didn't have.

The Krimta family always stuck by its contracts, and not all contracts were made on paper. Some were made on the battlefield and written by blood, with main currency being the reputation of the Krimta family.

A half a stick of incense to kill a famous Foundation Establishment Cultivator sounded as something which would put a limit to both his cultivation and treasures. A very unprofitable venture indeed.

Popping the Meridian Rejuvenation Pill to temporarily mend his wounded leg, he used a spell to quickly change his voice. It would be foolish to repeat his enemies mistake and make himself recognizable. And his answer was short.

"Fellow Daoist, please advise."

As his words finished, the Thoughtsword finished overcharging, his cane turned back into a spear as Qi flooded the scepter in his other hand, rendering all his opponents predictions and evaluations of his capabilities unreadable. He could feel the Hundred Tailed Monkey Net vibrating in his pocket and the golem slowly making itself way towards a point between them.

The bandit wordlessly launched his eyes, forming gigantic blood soaked eyeballs as they flew towards him. Such a move got him his name, but it was well Established to render him blind to anything without Qi and blood. Such fatal flaw was usually covered by his partner, which luckily seemed to not be present here. The Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit and his partner where not one known for subtelty or ambushes.

Still, not to be outmatched Krimta launched the Thoughtsword from the nearly dead Qi Condensation Cultivator, who was barely hanging on his life due to the wound and the Qi drained from him. In a moment's notice, the Thoughtsword evaded both the orbs which tried to intercept him stabbing towards the bandit. Quickly though, a blood mist appeared over the cultivator. While not stopping the sword as it stabbed him, flinging him back, it did render the wounds inflicted meaningless. During Chrysanthos last battle with the bandits, no matter how many wounds he inflicted on the bandits, they would carry on fighting.

With the eyes launched getting close to him, Chrysanthos drops one of his few remaining smoke bombs, rendering the area around him unusable to both Qi senses and the naked eye. And his scepter obscured the more esoteric means of predicting his movements. Though said smoke inconvenienced him, it also inconvenienced the blood eyeballs far more and through the usage of his golem vision, he managed to predict and evade the incoming eyeballs through the created smoke.

During that time, the bandit had been pinned by the Thoughtsword as it's Qi absorption, poison and movements where fighting against the blood mist surrounding the bandit. While losing handily, they at the moment had him immobilized.

As Chrysanthos exited the mist he had thrown his spear and the net from his pocket rushed towards, and in a more moments thought had arrived next to the Thoughtsword trapping the bandit. But as he existed he was hit by a net very familiar to him, a net which brother was currently rushing towards the bandit. A net which he had lost in his last encounted with the bandit, when he rendered it useless with his blood mist after a mere moment. If it was anybody else, they would be in dire strate at least, but Chrysanthos had forged those nets after decades of research. For all intents and purposes he was their owner. And while he couldn't turn it against the bandit, due to it being filled with Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandits Qi, rendering it inert with a minor spell was a simplicity in itself.

"Do you not learn..." he hears the agitation in the bandits voice. It seems that he has recognized Chrysanthos, due to the identical moves he had applied during their last battle.

Which to be fair, seems true from his perspective. This fight is more or less the same as the last one. Only then, Chrysanthos Thoughtsword had less Qi in itself, his net was intercepted by his blood mist at full strength and the spear he impaled him with only made him laugh. All the while Chrysanthos had to dodge attacks from his companion as he played around with the golem at full strength, making Chrysanthos spent valuable time and Qi, while losing all the initiative. But the while the moves stayed the same, the results had changed greatly.

Instead of a single spear which has left his arm, suddenly 9 spears appeared, which hit the bandit head on, with the Thoughtsword falling down helplessly next to the bandit, drained of both Qi and momentum.With the blood mist still active, it will keep him alive unless Chrysanthos deals a fatal strike, something which is impossible with his lacking cultivation compared to the bandit.

Still, the function of spears was not only splitting them. Utilizing the formation token in his chest pocket Chrysanthos feels his Qi drain into it at rapid pace, reducing his reserves greatly. As Chrysanthos rapidly loses his Qi, the spears start emitting a aura of their own, rendering the blood mist less dense. Much less spoken of the poision with which the spears where imbued.

Chrysanthos Qi senses feel something shatter, as spears start flying away from the bandit, the mist intensifying, becoming more and more visible to the naked eye, and it's presence known. He couldn't even feel the nets presence, his Qi by all odds wiped out from the artifact. It slowly rises, until Chrysanthos feels a Peak Formation Establishment Presence, maybe even more. And as the wounded bandit slowly moves towards him, his wounds slowly healing. It seems that poision is slowly being overcome. And the nice and orderly Foundation Establishment presence has twisted, taking a far more bloody and massacring note. He can hear his voice full of pure rage.

"You dare to bring me to this state. I have spent a century building this Bloodstone, and I'll make you pay for it".

With those words he sees the mist expanding and dozens of spheres forming around him. In the same time, the trapping formation shudders. It seems that the reinforcements he called had come in early. Utilizing the last smoke bombs Chrysanthos lay a covering screen for him to hide, as the bandit unleashes blood eye after blood eye to attack him. Chrysanthos was under the impression he had to regrow them through a lengthy time period, but it seems that with enough of a Qi it is possible to render it instant, or he had faked limitations of the move a secret to surprise his enemies.

Still, with the golem having a vision on the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit attacks, and his vision still being limited by the smoke which was rapidly vanishing, Chrysanthos managed to evade most of the incoming attacks. Those few that hit, managed to rapidly drain his Qi, even as he blocked the with the sceptre, forcing him to shatter half of his inner teeth, which activated the hidden formations and spirit stones in them, rapidly restoring his Qi.

As the smoke settled Chrysanthos found himself standing in a desolated area, as the attacks had stopped, and the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit had heavy wounds, from the spears, even as blood mist seemed to have managed to overpower the poison remained from his spear.

Still, his Qi reserves should be close to none, as his heavy breathing and the lack of previous presence indicated.

Not giving the enemy chance to recover, Chrysanthos send a massive Qi pulse towards the golem, his Qi reserves still regenerating from his shattered teeth. In a moment his golem moved, growing to to fifteen meters, as formations on him started to operate, giving it a fire aura, as it launched attack after a attack at the Foundation Establishment cultivator. He was out of offensive weapons, but with the golem fighting and winning against the bandit, he in theory didn't need to do anything except supply Qi to the golem. In practice, the trapping formation was crumbling, and if he wanted to have sole rights to killing of the bandit he needed to act now. With a swoosh of his robes, Chrysanthos moved, picking up spear which was discarded by the now dead Ninth Stage Qi Cultivator and launched farther away by the blood eyeballs, Chrysanthos materialized a shield in his other arm and charged towards the bandit, as the unfamiliar spear utilized every single move he could remember from his Legion days. And in mere moments, both due to the golem onslaught, the bandits already grievous wounds and Chrysanthos spear attacks the bandit finally died.

As he finally dropped to the ground, the trapping formation shattered, as Foundation Establishment cultivator, followed by rows of Qi condensation cultivators entered the scene. It seems reinforcements he called what seemed ages ago had finally arrived.

He was not sure how a simple inspection and search for contaminated pills and soups has led to a fight which resulted in half a warehouse destroyed, but he was at this point too tired to care. The creeping realization of what happened was slowly coming towards him. He had underestimated his enemy greatly. If not for the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit desperation move being truly desperate, he would have by all odds been dead. If the bandit stayed calm, he could have overwhelmed his defenses with the Qi as the smoke scattered, overwhelming him with pure power.

Looking upon the body and the remains of the blood mist, Chrysanthos at least had an excuse for all the blood on him. And with a little luck, they wouldn't notice that a good part of it was his. Even with his Qi protecting him, the Eyeless Bone Sucker Bandit attacks have taken their toll. It payed off to dress well at least.

Now all he needed to find the All-seeing Blood Breaking bandit, and his unspoken contract would be finished. And he had a feeling that the bandit would come to him with time.
Chrysanthos Krimta 4 - Adventure in Yuan Clan Array
Chrysanthos Krimta

Adventure in Yuan Clan Array

The caravan had taken another stop, and while several beasts waves had attacked it through the journey, no permanent damage was dealt, since their strength was what normal Qi Condensation cultivators could dispatch. Hired hands and few Legionnaires where more than enough for stalling the beasts, and Chrysanthos served more of a battery for the formations in the caravan. Such tactics where more or less standard, and all the kinks worked out through the millennia. The mountains contained their fair share of dangers, far higher then the desert.

Qi Condensation disciples took care most of the fighting, and while he may have stalled in early Foundation Establishment due to several in particular suboptimal decades, it was still Foundation Establishment. Not to mention that with his artefacts, he could punch well above his cultivation level.

Still, his goal was almost in sight, even now, he could see the Yuan clan array, dominating the skyscape, and with his goal being one of many minor towns spread around it, it was a matter of days until he reached his goal. It is where he purchased his spot for the treasure realm. And with it, hopefully his luck would turn around.

Still, the date of the opening was quite far away, and he had businesses to attend to. He had brought many Qi Condensation appropriate treasures, and selling and loaning such was sure to bring profit. Sure, most of the disciples had their own, but from their own adventures and their Clans and Sects, but one of follies of a Cultivator was not known when enough was enough. Chrysanthos too had such a folly, but what made him a step ahead of others was his willingness to exploit others folly. Or at least he hoped so. It sounded as one of the things which may cost you your life if taken too far.

Still, by limiting himself to selling Qi Condensation treasures, he shouldn't come to the unfortunate end of one of the treasures he will sell. And by all odds, the various treasures should find themselves in different areas of the mountain.

The next several days passed by rather peacefully, and even his entrance into the array was not noteworthy. His adventure started rather harmlessly. He had faked his death rather early on, with his Cultivation being a bit below the average for Foundation Establishment. He had to test his luck in less Qi dense areas, hoping for a lucky chance. And he found it. In form of one of the lesser known plants which the Array knew to summon.

The Fatal Truth Bearing Tree was known for dealing insight and treasures to all around it. To a fatal degree. Its mere presence from afar was beneficial, but anything else was famous for overwhelming a poor unprepared soul. And in a presence of a Cultivator which could actually exploit it, it quite often just withered away or escaped. Considering such category included Golden Core cultivators mostly, he was not in danger of this treasure escaping him.

Switch the arteries of a mortal while feeding him 10 day morning dew for a week to form a Ghost Ascending Elixir.

And judging from a random insight he just got, his slow approach had already gotten him in it's range. Any insight would be fatal or crippling, depending on the Trees whims. One had to take a look near it, to see it's effects on the unprepared.

Since it was, of course, guarded by a Guardian beast, which kept basking in it's insight. Chrysanthos was not sure what it was, but with it's power was above his in Foundation Establishment. It may have been some sort of a wolf, but with its 8 legs, wings and a tail, it was certain it had spent quite a while near the tree, which kept boosting its cultivation and twisting it into it's defenders, advancing in certainly unpredictable ways. But he already had a plan for it. In a moment, Chrysanthos golem was summoned, slowly approaching the beast.

A talisman found itself on Chrysanthos robes, and his presence faded. If it was a more intelligent opponent. On the other hand, the talisman on the golem he summoned made its presence more pronounced. While not true invisibility, the combination of the two lesser talismans would serve its purpose, and let him step closer to the treasure. Still, even with the guardian beast distracted The puppet would have no worries attracting attention, and it was almost indestructible for the Foundation Establishment level. For all intents and purposes, it was a chew toy for the beast with its strength, but a chew toy which would last.

Approaching the tree was a truly novel experience, for the tree itself kept bombarding him with insights. And not a single one was remotely even useful. For every single one would certainly cripple him in some way.

Quickly, Chrysanthos set himself on the task of looting the tree, while trying to ignore the whisperings of the tree. The fruits where poisonous, containing potent Qi and even just the attempt of acquiring it could cost one's life, as the tree was known to defend its fruits with its life trough actually channeling Qi into it insights. The various branches which fell where minor treasures. The beast mostly protected the tree due to the trees manipulations and a ever present Qi density, but such effect was useless to a prospecting cultivator. The sap however, was the real treasure which was contained inside it could be used in various artefacts and formations, in place of knowledge based ingredients. Still, taking the sap would take time, and his Qi was consistently drained by the spirit beast pummeling his golem. He would have to take it near the roots so the tree would not even consider his intrusion as a attempt in taking the fruits. For just it's active attention at this range spelled certain doom.

Feed the lifeblood to the tree mixed with Tree-coloured Metal Liquid to acquire the fruit.

Clapping down on a insight, Chrysanthos continued his work. This was, without a doubt, getting very exhausting. For his personal bottleneck kept taunting him. At least it was painfully obvious that the insights would kill him so far if he ever acted on them.

Still, Chrysanthos had to get creative in order to store the liquid. With his mental defenses active, and while making sure that his thought process isn't corrupted by the tree.

He had some experience in harvesting spirit plants, and while he had subpar equip and no possible container, he did have some options.

He had a waterskin filled with some darkness aspected water, which could be used to contain some sap, but to lose the water would be horrible. It was a important life saving treasure in the right conditions, and if he had it during the last Trials, he wouldn't have lost a head during it.

As such, there was only one option. He needed to fill his lungs with the darkness infused water. He had no need for breathing, and he could not store it in stomach, since he was no apocathery, and couldn't even begin to speculate what sort of a effect would a mixture of remains of the pills and water result.

Taking a moment to pull out a knife, Chrysanthos started to cut near the roots of the tree, slowly harvesting the sap, and collecting it into the waterskin, periodically taking breaks and consuming spirit stones, as to distract the beast. The sap was going rather slowly, so he removed the tip of his bamboo spear, and used it as a pipe. It's passive Qi effect more then enough to speed up the transfer of the sap. As soon as he finished, he sealed the waterskin, and reconstructed his spear, and got ready to cut off the Qi he kept channeling into the golem. He would need to collect it before he leaves the area.

Put the sap in the eyes while bathing in a Twelve Prismatic Leaf soup to gain the ability to see lies.

Still, one thing escaped him. It was not a insight passing through his defenses, nor the spirit beast finally losing it's attention on the golem, and checking the tree. It was the final drop of sap, falling from his knife. While it didn't affect the tree in any way, it's passive attention being on it's fruits, it did produce a minor Qi surge. Which promptly activated a formation below his feet. It seems that the tree was attracted by the formation, and . It's teleportation effect would have no bearing on the tree, it's conceptual weight too heavy except for the most complex of teleportation. Chrysanthos on the other hand, had no such weight. As such, he found himself at the entrance of a cave. With a pair of Qi condensation glass figurines puppets charging him. While they posed no threat and where dispatched in a moment, the sudden shift was worrying. For there is only one thing they could be guarding.

This was a trial for a legacy. Probably Foundation Establishment or higher.

For the the glass puppets where not a test, not even a beginning of it. They were a warning for the unprepared. The entire cave was by all odds one of lesser known Trials in the Man-As-World Mountain Array.

He had no strength for such a trial. Still, having no strength and not being able to gain anything from the trial where different things. Locations of such trials would sell for a pretty penny.

If he had the ability to talk to bargain.

Well, a change of priorities was in order. He either had to find a container for water, some pen and paper or just improvise with his Sound spells. Then, he would travel and try to find other cultivators to sell this information to. Which was contrary to his earlier planning, but allowances in plans must be made. Since he had no wishes of taking on a trial which by all odds was designed for late Foundation Establishments. He was greedy, not stupid.

And hopefully, with all the Qi Condensation treasures he borrowed to various Qi condensation cultivators, he would have a hefty return on investment. For while a single great cultivator could net a great profit in the secret realms, so could a minor boon to many count as a great boon to one. Their profit was his profit. In a manner of speaking.
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Chrysanthos Krimta 5 - Water Baron
Chrysanthos Krimta - Water Baron

As the sun slowly rose, Chrysanthos stirred out of his cultivation, taking a look at the caravan. In addition to the several wagons, there were several new additions to the slowly mulling caravan.

Giant canisters, each one the size of a full wagon and a bit more. And in in a liquid quite possibly more valuable then silver. One of the essential treasures of the world, water. Its value was also greatly enchanted in the desert areas, moreover in the desert regions. For a cultivator needed far less water, if any as they raised their cultivation levels. And this was not just any water was in those canisters, for it had a high value in spirit stones. Spiritual water both from the Spirit Lake in the Heavenly Bandit Kingdom and healing water from the Spirit Oasis was in those tanks.

The waters of Spirit Lake had a special property of sorts. Alone, and outside of the Spirit Lake, they had minor Qi boosting properties. For they were infused with Qi from the spirit stone veins in the Heavenly Bandit Kingdom. Though not the best source of Qi, since it was barely capable of boosting a mortal to the first stage of Qi condensation, it still had it's uses in form of at least awakening the mortals, saving some spirit stones. It's effect could be concentrated, and refined into a pseudo-formation of sorts, taking place of some spirit stones in cultivation in the early Qi condensation stages, but its effects was still not researched enough. Several alchemists have already done a extensive analysis of the Spirit Lake water through the ages, and though it was noted over and over again it had minor cultivation boosting properties, there was no Spirit Stone or even spirit energy detected in the water. Evaporating huge amounts of water did produce a substance of sorts, though it had stumped the alchemists. Even mortal waters produced a similar substance, though it's properties where vastly different, and it had not affect on either cultivators or mortals. Since the boosting effect was not present in the mortal waters, there had to be something special in the substance. Removing a part of a substance, and rehydrating it would lead to weakened effects, which could slowly be regained by exposure to Spiritual stones. Several ideas where floated that the Spirit Lake water could be used to flood exhausted Spirit Stone mines, gaining at least some profit from the exhausted lands. Since such job could be done with mortals, it was just one of cost saving measures in the Clan treasury. It was why his cargo already had a guaranteed buyer, and he could rest easy looking at the transport costs.

Spirit Oasis water had some sort of healing even outside of it's natural habitat. Several spots in the Spirit Oasis were needed for a sufficient amount to be gathered, as well as a spatial artifact for transport. Such artifact, just the loan of it, had a mind-numbing costs, and a trusted specialist which could brave the Outer Oasis did not come cheap either. Still, it had acquired a rather prodigious amount of water with healing properties. It seemed to weakened as it was taken from the Spirit Oasis, but it still had it's use, and could be not only used in refinement, but as a basis for alchemy ingredients as well. It seemed to serve as a excellent neutralizer of some toxic compounds in multitude of less safer pills, allowing one to consume cheaper and dangerous pills at no risk.

Preliminary analysis already showed that the different waters even interacted with each other. A minor beneficial effect, in which the Spirt Lake water boosted the healing properties of Spirit Oasis water, making it minorly useful. And adding spirit stones could even overcharge the effect. Such effect was badly documented, but it was one anomaly after another. And with dedicated research breakthroughs could be made, which should result in new trade good to transport. And monopoly to be had.

It could, by all odds, turn a profit then. If the odds pan out. And with a low investment such as acquiring water is, there was minimal risk , and transport costs where minimal such as transporting the water would be, moreover with the ice making formation, which made the transport rather heavy but compact. Chrysanthos kept being told that normally ice should have a larger volume then water, but that was plain silly. Everybody knew that solids took less space then liquids and gasses, and such was the case with metals, alcohols and even spiritual energy. The fact his formation masters kept insisting that he needed a formation with a core to form the special ice, and with water around to stabilize it, has led to a lot of arguments about assosiated and needed costs, but it has led to results. A single tanker could carry around half a million litres of liquid, and he several. Considering that it also seemed to have reduced the weight of it dramatically, he didn't care what sort of sorcery formation masters did, since it guaranteed a great profit at least once, as the less adventurous sorts figuratively flooded to acquire his non-reserved spiritual waters And if nothing else, it kept the caravan moving and operational. And nothing stopped him from selling the formation when he reaches his goal. It was a loan of sorts in a way. His several wagons had already traded various valuables in the Sunrise and Sunset Mountain sect, as well as the various Forts still littering the Oasis Plateau. As always profit would be had, the only question was what would be the scale of it. And with profit of all kids, his chances of advancing increased.

Now all he needed was get out of neutral lands without paying the tolls. The land was rather safe, and luckily nobody has had a idea of taxing the water, as it was both undetectable to all known spiritual senses, and rather hard to smuggle. Sometimes the obvious things where best to transport, as nobody even considered taxing what they didn't percieve as valuable.

Not really happy with this, but I sadly don't have time for anything more extensive. So have a water trader idea I basically made up on the spot. If nothing else, it's good improvised writing training.
Constans Herculius [DEAD] - Good Seed Background
Good Seed Background
Constans Herculius

Stage: 1st of qi condensation
Omake bonus 1: Lifesaving treasure.

The Herculius had ever been known as dutiful soldiers, but not as great cultivators. In the entire long history of the lineage, the number of core formation cultivators can be counted on a single hand, and generations often passed without a single foundation builder. The current family was on the upswing however, with many foundation builders of which one or two was seen as perhaps breaking through to core formation within the next few hundred years. It was therefore considered a disappointment when Constans lived down to the family reputation in the worst of ways. Lazy in terms of studies and meditation, Constans instead preferred drinking wine or brawling on the practice field (often both at the same time) looking for all the world like nothing more than a common thug with his bar mace, If an unusually skilled such.

The expected trajectory of his life would have been a mediocre but acceptable military service, followed by a mediocre but acceptable retirement languishing in the 10th heavenstage with no hope of advancement, eventually raising mediocre but acceptable children. This was complicated by him encountering a hidden forge on an early mission outside the sect. The forge had once belonged to the rogue blood path core formation smith Apostate Corpse Taker, who had temporally hidden there while avoiding his rivals. It seemed that he had been teaching an apprentice, for the forge was filled with instructions on an unusual method of artifact creation, as well as a paired anvil and hammer.

If a cultivator carried the hammer while slaying other cultivators, it would absorb a fragment of their dao. This fragment would enhance and temporarily strengthen the hammer, which could then be used to craft a single artifact imbued with the dao fragment if brought to the demonic anvil. The forging required a strong bloodthirsty mindset to subdue the fragment, however, which suited Constans more than fine. While he had no interest in bullying mortals like a blood path cultivator and only slightly more interest in being unmatched under the heavens, he was more than happy to brutalize his peers in combat.

The method was the first thing that had really interested in his life beyond fighting, and since it served as a reward for doing what he wanted to do anyway, he brought home the hammer and anvil, throwing himself into his studies with all of his underutilized intellect. Soon he had enough knowledge to begin, and now all Constans needed was an enemy to smash.

Fancy Special Bonus: demonic hammer and anvil — After slaying a cultivator while carrying the hammer, Constans can make something related to that cultivators themes/abilities at the anvil.
Basically, I really like crafting segments in Xianxia, and I wanted an excuse to maximize writing opportunities for those while also having a reason why they don't just hang out in a smithy all day.
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Constans Herculius 1 - Hobbies: Wine and Murder
Title: Hobbies: Wine and murder.

Constane had been sent out to a village of mortals that had issues with a handful of people turning up with all blood drained out of their bodies. However, he village stood within one of the most potent qi detecting formations the sect had. Even someone as weak as a cultivator of the 1st heavenstage would have been the detected. It was suspected that a mortal serial killer had performed the murders rather than one of the blood path, and for some reason Constance was ordered to go investigate.

It was expected finding the killer would be easy, that basic detective work combined with the mental acuity of a cultivator would be sufficient to untangle the web of personalities and relationships and thereby discover the killer. Unfortunately, the size of the settlement had been misrecorded in the archives (paperwork demons are ever insidious), and instead of a few dozen houses what greeted him was a small mountainside town of upwards of 3000 individuals by the name of.

Having given the whole thing up as a lost cause and resolving to return to the sect with another failure, Constance just went to one of the towns many bars instead. It was apparently normal for the towns inhabitants to take their breakfasts in a bar and while it wasn't full there were still plenty of people eating sweet honey pastries or olive oil and bread with their brandy reinforced tea. The locals seemed to be on their guard in the face of the large rough looking young man, understandably so considering he was armed and clearly a cultivator. There was not much he could do about that except show that he wasn't there for any sort of trouble, so he went up to the bar and ordered.

"I am new in town, and I am not familiar with the local food. What sort of drinks you got?" he said. The bartender had been watching him carefully since he came in relaxed minutely. "Well, if you don't think it's too early for it, we're known for our grape wine here. If you want something harder, we do have a distillery in town, and the brandy they make there is excellent. If that's too much, then—" "Grape Wine will do fine. What alternatives do you have?" Constance interrupted. The bartender frowned at him, but answered "Well, I make some of my own, everyone does. It'll cost you nothing more than a copper for each cup. We also have old man Chen's winery, he buys up grapes that we don't have time to deal with ourselves but his standards are high. His most popular wine is called the Karmino. Now, I assure you it's quality, merchants travel hundreds of miles to get it, but if you want something truly special there's this." With that, the bartender retrieved a clay jar, placing it on the bar counter. "My cousin makes this. Sometimes, in perfect years when mists that are neither to wet or too dry rise from the lake and sprit fungus covers the vines. If it's too dry, then you get too little fungus, but if it's too wet or if the moisture lingers for too long, the fungus make the grapes rot. But every so often you get to make this, a sweet wine with many positive qualities. The fungus dries out the grape, and both concentrates and intensifies the flavor, as well as adding entirely new dimensions. This particular harvest was of such quality that a cultivator such as yourself bought out a large part of my cousins stock for actual spirit stones, but for a good person like you, one gold will suffice." Constance looked at him questioningly "Are you cheating me?" He asked. "No no, I assure you it's a fair price" the bartender replied. "Honestly, even if you were and I found out later, tracking you down wouldn't be worth a mere gold coin."

At that, Constance utilized one of the most sacred of cultivator arts: retrieving money as from nowhere in order to hide were you keep you money. "Let us see if this wine lives up to the hype. Do you have glasses? Special products need neutral vessels, I find. No palate is so refined that it can totally shut out any distractions. True of everything, I would argue." With a polite smile, the bartender pulled out a bulbous glass and put it on the table. Pouring himself a drink, Constance began analyzing the aroma "First of all, this is some serious intensity. I am surprised I couldn't smell it right in the jar. In terms of fruit, I detect yellow pear and apple, peach and apricot. The peach and apricot tastes dried, but it seems to coverall youthfulness of the wine, is this the effect of the fungus? Almonds and honey. Finally, we have some floral and herbal characteristics characteristics. Acacia and elder flower, as well as a hint of mint. Now to taste. Incredibly sweet, as you said, but also extremely sour. Maybe not to the point of lemon juice but not too far off either. Alcohol levels are higher than I expected, too, even considering the qi imbued into the wine. Extremely heavy in terms of texture, of course. In conclusion, this is wine that will outlive you, and maybe even me, a cultivator, and while already outstanding, it will reach it's peak first a hundred years from now."

By this point, the bartender was figuratively glowing with reflected glory from his cousin. "I hear you know your stuff! It's always nice to serve an expert" he said. "Does he have a stockpile he's willing to sell me? Where does he live?" Constance asked. "He does, and if you leave the shop, turn right, continue until you hit the main street, right again, and then seventh left, at around 300 spans down the road there's a well. Take next right and you'll find his house at the end. There's not a lot of work this, so he's not very busy. He'll probably be meditating, he's actually a cultivator now from the success he had recently, but he's never minded being interrupted, wants the excuse I imagine."

Giving his regards, Constance left the bar, tried to follow the directions, got lost, asked for help, and eventually found a large two story fieldstone house next to set of terraced vineyards. With his wine trained nose, he was smelling something. Fresh blood. Someone had died here so recently that there was no doubt the killer was still at the scene of the crime. Constance crouched and considered his next mo— The wooden shutters that served as windows blew open and darkly dressed figure flew out, rolling across the hard soil on the ground. "Yooooo, Golden Devil come out!" the figure carried a vast saber, taller than a man, but nevertheless a normal mortal weapon. There were no qi diffusions. He looked directly in Constance's direction. "Will the real Golden Devil please stand up?" he said.

Constance, stood, tossed off his shoes and began slowly circling the strange man while channeling energy to his feet, weapon and shield in hands. "Why the hell you taking off your shoes, man?" The strange man asked. "To make it easier to move around, yeah?" Constance bullshitted. "Ah, I get it, it lets you control space and move closer or further away without moving your legs. Now that I look, you're way closer now than when you started circling me, real sneaky. It's nice to see another cultivator taking interest in mortal martial arts rather than training how to shoot explosive fumes out their ass better, even if you're 1st of condensation trash." The man seemed utterly calm and controlled, like this was just a friendly discussion rather than the prelude to a deathmatch "Condensation trash? I mean, I get we're not a big deal to say the least, but you don't seem to be a cultivator at all." Constance was not quite as nonchalant, but he was still quite collected even if he was getting some light adrenaline shivers. "You have the honor of speaking to someone in the great circle of foundation establishment, or well, this one is a mere clone of the mortal level, but with clones like this I have slain tens of golden devils like yourself, you know. Over a thousand years of experience and greater insights into the dao counts for a lot, though it's not gotten me as much fuel for my blood path as I hoped. You're not going home today, that's for sure" The clone said. "I haven't really been interested in cultivating that much, since it feels like fights at higher cultvation get boring. I just want to hit things, not faff around with dumb energy. Does senior have any insights?" Constance asked. "Yes and no, like many things. It's mostly that most people have daos that let them do other things and aren't interested in hitting or slashing people as such. Even sword cultivators, often prefer energy. If you prefer differently, however, your dao most likely does involve getting close. Maybe you'll even get an art that forces other people to fight with their bodies, though that's less likely."

At that, the clone frowned "Wait, what the hell am I saying, you're dying today!" At that, he did some peculiar movement that seemed slow but accelerated him to speeds that Constance could barely follow—until a large amount of almost transparent heavy chains materialized, bound to the clone's body, stopping him short "How can this be?" he asked. "We've been talking for more than the time it takes to boil a cup of tea. I just made a binding circle while we were talking" Constance said. "Your feet, that's why you went barefoot, not for mobility, but so that you could send your qi into the ground. I am afraid it's my loss." Constance ran forward but had dodge under a chain flying towards him "Your loss, my ass!" "Well, you can't blame an old man for trying." Constance had to deflect a weak, weighted down saber blow, but his mace struck true and broke the clone's arm. "You know, even if you kill me, I'll can make more clones. I'll just lose a bit of cultivation base." Constance smiled in response. "The golden devils are of the demonic path too, you know" he said, and crushed the clones skull.

He felt the hammer he had hidden away in his pack thrum with energy and went into the house. A dead and partially eaten corpse lay there, with features somewhat close to the bartender. "Rest in peace, winemaker." He then called his sandworm, carefully loaded it up with over five hundred bottles and told it to meet him on the other side of town. He then went back to tell the major what had happened, and gave him three times the market of the wine he had "borrowed". He explained it was for the next of kin as payment for the wine, since he didn't have time to contact them about buying the wine directly and departed homeward to report a successfully completed mission with a few complications.

Before that, however, he loaded the bottles off into his wine cellar (but not before opening one to celebrate success and survival), and went to his forge. Listening to the fragment in the hammer, he forged a bronze effigy, which he believed would create a decoy and teleport him away just before he would be hit with a killing attack. It would then shatter, possibly as a consequence of being harvested from a clone, he supposed.

Bonus: Lifesaving treasure

Authors note: Concentrating grape must with fungus is a real wine making practice. Historically, the single most prestigious type of wine was made this way (well, eszencia is it's own beast, even among botrytized wines) and though it has unfairly fallen in prestige, they still make excellent wines this way in (among others) Austria, Hungary and Germany. It's possible to find as "cheaply" as 30€ per liter and as expensively as 2000€ a liter, depending on the origin, type and quality. Barrier to entry is very high, since the harvest often fails. The Tokaji Aszu appellation from Hungary and (technically) Slovakia is the standard example and it comes highly recommended from me. The tasting portion is a pretty representative as to how a tasting of this "type" of wine might go down.
Constantine Nikeodemos - Good Seed Background
Constantine Nikeodemos

The Golden Devil Clan has no shortage of ancient bloodlines suffering into obscurity during their exile to the most wretched corner of the Third Sea, the long history of the Sea Conquering Army slowly whittled away through isolation, malice, and time. House Nikeodemos seemed to defy this paradigm, proudly holding their status as one of the Clan's most senior and powerful dynasties through times thick and thin, assiduously passing down their prized secrets and legacy from generation to generation. A fecund and resilient line, they could recover from disaster and seize providence with alacrity, even when it was far too much of the former and little of the latter. For time and time again, the 'Harbingers of Victory' kept their heads above the water and awaiting the time when the Clan's fortunes would once again rise, when they could proclaim their ancient legacy to all and sundry without hesitation or remorse.

At long last, however, their luck ran out. During the Trials two centuries ago, the Fifth Sea Invaders once again broke their own twisted rules and punched down, massacring over 70% of the Clan's Core Formation Elders in a horrific moment. And among them, the mighty and proud House Nikeodemos saw its leadership decapitated. Even among the rest of the winnowing, a spell of poor luck saw much of the House slain, meaning at the end of the bloodletting the proud dynasty had a fraction of themselves left. At long last, House Nikeodemos had hit rock bottom, with nothing left but ash, grief ... and their history.

The final Elder, fueled by grief and desperation, was driven to the line no Nikeodemos had been willing to before: they cracked open the honored tombs of their ancestors. Looted graves kept for thousands of years, sarcophagi meant only to be disturbed once the Imperial Optomoi's grand purpose had been fulfilled and they could once again return home. Stripped their legacy, burned their history on the pyre of survival, searching for trinkets and tools to keep what was left of their lineage alive, to not only keep their heads above the water but to reclaim the heights of glory they once knew. Just one more sacrifice for the ultimate goal, for which nothing else could be held more sacred: Victory.

And the twisted thing was that it worked. Although it tasted like ash in their mouths, the House was able to recover, seemingly alongside the fortunes of the Clan itself as they crushed the Battle-Blood Cannibals, withstood the next Trial better than had been done in living memory, and now pivoted against the Jingshen. Two dozen Scions, equipped in the regalia of their ancestors, were raised and thrived in this new Era, a better crop than the House had known for ages. The ranks were filled, the damage repaired, faith restored. A bittersweet hope was felt, as the Nikeodemos burned their past to have a chance of grasping the future, determined to make this unbearable sacrilege worth it. No matter the cost.

Constantine Neikodemos is the newest product of the House, a Good Seed raised on stories of his glorious heritage and the need to do it justice, of what had been lost and what he was expected to give in the name of the ultimate triumph. Initially viewed as a disappointment compared to his siblings, the boy looked to be shunted off to a job as an array builder or bureaucrat, something relatively important but requiring little Talent or providing much glory. A fate worse than death for some, but to Constantine, he found himself feeling little enthusiasm for the thought of perishing for a cause he had no real passion in, and quietly looked forward to the time when he could leave his family behind and live a less ... intense life with a safe administrative position far away from any real danger.

This plan was turned on its head when it was discovered Constantine had a strong reaction to the Clan's new bloodline-boosting technique that seemed to synergize with his granted artifacts, turning him from one of the House's weakest scions into one of its strongest, and with incredible potential for more growth. Suffering mild whiplash from being instantly turned from his family's black sheep into its newest golden boy, replete with references to him being their own 'Rina Callista,' Constantine found it increasingly difficult to disguise his horror as his Elders laid out the path he would take. Setting out for the first time to begin his journey as a cultivator festooned with treasures and wealth fit for a higher realm, he can only reassure himself that it's just a matter of time before expectations once again die down and he can finally get his dream of a peaceful, easy exile into the Clan's bureaucracy. All Constantine needs to do is keep his head down for a while, and surely that can't be too difficult?


Concept: Scion of a Great House (that isn't in ruins) struggles with expectations to be a Good Seed protag despite actually wanting nothing more than to be given an administrative job well away from danger, and is thrust into Caiphus Cain-esk shenanigans because he's unwilling to be honest about it.
Cool Thing: The Regalia of House Nikeodemos, Harbingers of Victory. A greatshield the length and height of an arm, a pike adorned with a grand banner depicting Nike leading an ancient army forward, a sword of celestial bronze humming with shackled power, a silver helm crested by a grand plume ... armaments and armor from a time before the Clan's long decline, it's glory and potential frankly wasted on a Qi Condescension junior. Treasures, stripped from an ancient mausoleum out of desperation and shoved upon the unworthy. In time, perhaps, Constantine might be able to utilize more than a fraction of their real utility, but even now they provide a significant boost to his combat ability.

Name: Constantine Nikeodemos
Age: 15
Cultivation: 12th Heavenstage
Cultivation years: 209
Health: Healthy
Impact: 9
Life Saving Treasures: 2
Lifespan Enhancements: 0
Other Treasures: N/A
Cultivation Goals: 12th Heavenstage

Omake Links

@no. - This should be sufficient for the intro, right?
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Constantine Nikeodemos 1 - An Auspicious Beginning
Constantine Nikeodemos 1 - An Auspicious Beginning

The shield was brought out with all the reverence of a religious object - which, Constantine supposed, wasn't far from the truth. Even though it was probably tougher than everyone present, his family still handled it gingerly, as if the massive hunk of engraved metal meant to withstand blows from demigods would crumple if they breathed on it too hard. He himself was hesitant to touch the thing, although for a very different reason. It was two-thirds the size of his entire body, Constantine genuinely wasn't sure that if he tried to pick it up, the weight wouldn't knock him on his ass. So instead, he let his hand hover over the surface, slowly tracing the thing which he would be putting between himself and everything trying to kill him in the all-too-near future.

"The Aegis of Quintus Aedinius Titianus," Grandma spoke, startling Constantine out of his reverie. She somberly gazed at the treasure, intoning what they knew of its history in a tone far different from the stories she would tell as a child. He had always viewed her as someone possessing a degree of softness and sympathy that was so keenly absent elsewhere in the family, but now she was all business.

His entire family was staring at him with a wide pastel of emotion, everything from awe to jealousy to pride writ on their faces, and he couldn't honestly blame them for the mixed feelings. Decius, the previous favorite, hadn't even shown up. Constantine was about the last person anybody thought would be standing here, being granted the regalia of House Nikeodemos, the prize his generation had been competing for their entire lives, least of all himself. A long, long time ago, this might have been a dream come true ... but at the moment, the only emotion he could muster was a sense of vague shock and increasing dread. Trying to muster himself, Constantine hefted up the shield before nearly staggering anyways, not because it was too heavy but that he'd overcompensated. Even with over a week to get used to the new bronze hue to his flesh, he hadn't gotten used to his new strength yet. After a moment of awkward posturing, he found a position he could hold the shield with relative comfort, which would be important. The procession had only gotten started, after all.

"The Banner of Nike, Harbinger of Victory," his grandmother continued as the next artifact was brought out, this one a long pike with an ancient banner hanging from the top. Seamed in faded fabric, a winged woman crowned with a laurel wreath stood over an army garbed in the Clan's distinct armor, marching forward over a horizon. So aged was the cloth it seemed like it would decay to dust any second, but the unmistakable hum of power pulsed from the figurehead, enough that upon grabbing the haft, Constantine's arm went numb from the pseudo-electric charge before he leaned it against his shoulder.

"The Cobolt Helm," A helmet right out of the classics, colored as its sobriquet would suggest with some strange metal perhaps completely absent from the Third Sea. There was no long story to go with this one, as the tomb they'd recovered it from was so ancient even the achingly meticulous records of the House failed to put a name to its bearer or history to the artifact. Slipping it over his head, Constantine blinked in surprise as his vision suddenly opened up - he'd assume by the thin slits in the helm that'd he barely be able to see out of it, but after a moment of adjustment, some arcane process activated and allowed him to peer through the inside of the metal, only the solid weight of the helmet reminding him that he'd put it on at all.

"The Talisman of Cantilia Moderata," Constantine had no idea what it did if he were to be totally frank, but everyone else seemed to assume he automatically would, and not wanting to appear like a doofus, the scion didn't ask.

"The Triarii's Blade,"

"The Panopoly of Marcus Pompey,"

"Gnaeus Senna's Amulet,"

On and on it went, one priceless treasure after another being presented before him, their names and histories all blending in one stress-fueled slurry, all the while Constantine began to struggle to hold them all. Desperately trying not to turn the ceremony into a farce by letting the sword tucked under his arm clatter to the ground, it was with quiet relief that he noticed the stream of artifacts had come to a halt. However, the feeling died when he realized there was nothing left to serve as a distraction and everyone was just staring at him. House Nikeodemos had suffered harshly in the past, as Constantine had been taught from a young age, but sitting in the amphitheater with dozens of gazes raptly locked on him, the scion couldn't help but regard the statement with some skepticism - it certainly didn't feel like the House was struggling to fill the seats with young masters who'd give anything to be in Constantine's position.

For a long, awful moment as the silence stretched on, he considered that they might all expect him to say something or even give a speech ... but then one man stood up.

Sertorius Nikeodemos. The renowned patriarch of House Nikeodemos, the man Constantine and everyone he knew looked at with a combination of awe and fear. The man, who upon being orphaned during the House's lowest point, had pulled himself out of the dust and sworn not to shed a single tear until each and every loss was repaired and then repaid in full. The man who had stormed his way to Core Formation and restored the House's position in the Clan during a time when it looked like they might be left behind in obscurity, a man who had dragged the House from near-deprivation, raised three generations of prolific and successful scions, and has so successfully restored the House's fortunes that it's youngest members today might be completely unable to imagine a time where their very existence had been threatened.

To his friends and close confidants, Sertorius can be harsh and uncompromising, someone who has sacrificed so much for his family and Clan there's little left of the man beneath his strict facade. A figure as tragic as heroic, they see him as someone deeply scarred by the harsh losses in his life and the many compromises he's had to make in bringing his House back from the brink. Anyone, however, whether they knew him for a week or a lifetime, knew that the compromise that grieved him the most was the one that had arguably been his greatest triumph: opening House Nikeodemos' ancient mausoleums to loot them of the treasures that had been buried with the Clan's honored dead in a time when such luxuries could have been afforded. For time immemorial, the House had refused to touch the tombs, no matter how desperate the situation grew, for to them, it was the ultimate sacrilege. Yet, it was under Sertorius that this final line in the sand was finally breached after all his efforts, it didn't seem as if he would be able to stop the death spiral his House had entered. And it was this failure that he never forgave himself over, above all others. And yet still, his companions know that he did this out of love because he couldn't bear to see the living perish for the sake of the dead, that he had entered one child into those venerated catacombs too many. A prideful and tortured and majestic and flawed man, the patriarch was a deeply complex individual who was in some ways more human and vulnerable than the legion of devoted progeny he had raised.

To Constantine, Sertorius bore more relation to the ancestors in the mausoleum he'd been taught to worship than a grandfather. Him rising from his seat and looking directly at his grandson had the same effect as if one of the statues standing over the tombs had walked off its pedestal. Constantine's siblings and cousins trained like animals to be granted a moment away from his duties and meditation, the most successful among them perhaps hearing him speak a word of encouragement or advice. A figure straight out of the tales of that grand and glorious past they were all taught - someone that, needless to say, a black sheep like Constantine could count the times he'd laid eyes on with the fingers of a single hand.

So Sertorius Nikeodemos standing from his quiet meditation and walking down the steps until he stood face to face with his grandson, his face etched with grave purpose, suddenly drove in the singular, undeniable truth that Constantine had managed to avoid confronting for nearly a week: that he wasn't going to be moving into a safe, administrative position anytime soon.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity in which his heart never beat once, the Elder placed a hand on the scion's shoulder, still looking him straight in the eyes, and spoke.

"Return with your shield, or on it."

Constantine considered it an excellent indication of his herculean willpower that he didn't openly whimper, which was good, because he would be needing it.


Word Count: 1563
T11 Reward: LST
Constantine Nikeodemos 2 - The Mausoleum
Constantine Nikeodemos 2 - The Mausoleum

Like most of the major noble houses of the Golden Devil Clan, the Nikeodemos' power stems from two primary sources. Most prominently, of course, is their bloodline. There's no special gimmick inherent to it, but nonetheless the linage consistently proves fruitful and produces capable cultivators, which is, at the end of the day, the most basic requirement to hold any meaningful power in the Third Sea. House Nikeodemos's long and proud history of serving the Clan stretches back into antiquity, they have a pedigree of heroism and never fail a chance to display it. That being said, there are plenty of noble dynasties in the Golden Devil Clan boasting unfathomable histories, potent inheritances, and reputations for valor. Depressingly often, this does not translate into much material fortune, proud and ancient lineages hovering barely above poverty, or simply passing into the long night. House Nikeodemos doesn't boast of it in the same way they do of their martial prowess or ancient legacy, but what fundamentally sets them apart from their less fortunate peers is not their fecundity or strength, but the 600,000 total mortals that the House directly governs.

If a young Nikeodemos scion fails to match up to the expectations of his family to achieve glory through cultivation, then they are undoubtedly greatly ashamed at failing their ancestors and clan in such a manner. They are not, however, discarded into a corner to be forgotten about. Instead, the House quietly shuffles those who cannot stand in the limelight as heroes to take up the less glorious tasks that maintaining a major noble house requires. In specific, they set about governing House Nikeodemos's vast material possessions, the great stretches of land and prosperous cities all requiring guidance from upon up high to maintain order and productivity, to ensure that the wealth flows back into the coffers of the House. Taxation and mortal management are no glorious things, but they are part and parcel of maintaining the little empire the Nikeodemos' have accumulated, and it is from their efforts that the House enjoys its exalted position. And it was their ranks that Constantine long thought he was going to entire, his noted diligence and intelligence but lack of talent for cultivation earning him a nice, cozy position as a governor of some major settlement, playing his part in the constant battle to hold back the desert and serve the Clan from a nice, comfortable, safe, lazy seat of telling mortals what to do and filing paperwork.

Alas, it was not to be. Certainly, he could blame whatever bastard found that new substance the Clan had been using to boost bloodlines. It was "only" by a fifth, on a rough mathematical scale, but that was still no small boost in power and so Constantine, along with the rest of the scions who were weak enough for it to work properly, underwent the procedure at the earliest possible opportunity. For everyone else it worked as expected, but Constantine ... he was special, as it turned out. "Blessed." A decade of sandbagging undone in a single, horrible moment. Worse, the apparently drastic transformation had convinced the Elders that he must be their own version of Rina Callista, some former irrelevant bookworm suddenly gaining drastic power and now clearly set for a magnificent fate. And from there it had all spiraled - someone had the genius idea to concentrate the artifacts on his person to maximize the chances of survival and growth, as a new Single-Piller cultivator was just the shot in the arm the House needed.

It was there, Constantine groused, where the heart of the problem really laid. Face. The House had undergone tragedy before. Perhaps nothing quite so shocking and severe as losing all their Core Formation Elders at once, but tragedies and setbacks nonetheless, and they had been recovered from in due time. But that was the issue - the House didn't have centuries to pull themselves back together. Even the moment after the Trials had ended things were already in motion, with the Clan inflicting a stunning and total defeat on the Cannibals ... but one that the Nikeodemos' had been in little position to assist or take advantage of, the Harbingers of Victory having been absent from the Golden Devil's greatest triumph in recent memory. It was a humiliation, and already new, fresh bloodlines were awarded swaths of the conquered lands and turned eager eyes to the vulnerable House's vaunted privileges.

For all that ancestry and tradition defined the Clan, it was remarkably meritocratic in its governance. Your status was defined by what you provided, and the land was no exception. House Nikeodemos fundamentally ruled their miniature empire because they were effective at running it and provided significant amounts of skilled manpower. For this, they were awarded more and more land, granted greater privileges, and overall earned and kept themselves a lofty position amongst the nobility of the Golden Devil Clan for a very long time. But this could all be taken away. It had, with other, less fortunate Houses. Once the Myias and the Theodorsi had also been grand, vaunted Houses with vast demesnes, but once they lost their power, the land and the wealth didn't take long the follow.

Sertorius's breakneck ascension to Core Formation had served to stabilize the situation and stanch the bleeding of influence, but simply having one Core Elder wasn't enough to truly maintain the House's position. It had been the numbers and the consistency that truly cemented the House's status, and if they wanted to keep it, they needed to restore that prior state of affairs, if not go even further. It was a Grand Era, after all, and thus far the Nikeodemos' had been left behind. Hence, the almost obsessive focus on raising new scions. That was the reason why his family wouldn't just let Constantine slip away, not before when he had shown a glimmer of promise, and certainly not now.

Needless to say, Constantine was feeling the pressure. After a few days of 'preparation,' his new treatment and the crushing implicit expectations had gotten to him. Increasingly being driven up a wall, he had turned to the one place he was sure he could find privacy, for all he had avoided it for so long.

The Mausoleum of House Nikeodemos.


How to describe the Mausoleum? On an elementary level, you could call it the tombs of the clan, where they kept their deceased ancestors since evacuating the Mountains. It was very big and very deep, placed at the center of the House's grand Keep. A grand temple carved far into the sand and stone in memorial of the revered dead, twisting further and further into the ground, and always, always under expansion.

To Constantine, it was a haunting and horrifying thing. As a child, he'd had nightmares of the walls of plaques and statues to long-dead kinsmen, feeling the gazes of a thousand spirits come to punish him for disappointing his parents. He'd looked down the grand cavern in the center of the construction, upon which stairs wound around and alcoves were carved from, and saw no end the Mausoleum. In his mind, you could walk forever and only find further and further catacombs, all the while the air grew thinner and colder until it would eventually suck the life from you to join them.

His family had never understood his attitude, and eventually Constantine understood to keep such thoughts to himself. Now, however, reeling from his entire life having been turned on its head, the scion sought to touch upon the peace and purpose they all seemed to take from the place. Maybe if he meditated in the place where his ancestors rested forever, he'd be able to touch upon a fraction of the storied bravery he was now expected to emulate.

Five minutes into the descent, he was having second thoughts. Wanting to avoid the shrines set up for people to meditate at, he'd decided to go deeper, but although his feet no longer ached from the endless decline like as a kid, walking past walls so thick with plaques you couldn't see the stone behind it, avenues branching off to tombs after tombs, and of course the statues was having an effect on his resolve. It felt like those great clay armies the mortal barbaroi would construct for their chieftains, but instead of mass-produced peons to aggrandize some perished king, the mausoleum held masterfully crafting artworks depicting a great hero in the apex of their life, accumulating over thousands of years to form an endless marble legion gazing upon their descendants. If Constantine hadn't a specific destination in mind, he probably would've second-guessed himself, but he carried on.

Time felt difficult to keep track of the further you went, the only sources of light being the flickering of candles and incense, the only sound your muted footsteps and subdued breathing, the only sensation the ever-increasing sense of pressure from the depth - and the corpses of cultivators from a time when the Clan was far mightier and didn't need to melt their own deceased down for material. He'd been told that if a mortal were to traverse far enough into the crypt the sheer power emanating from the tombs would kill them and Constantine believed it.

After a while, it became too much, and he stopped for a breather and to recuperate himself. Sitting by the entrance to an unusually large sepulcher, Constantine noted the jarring gash where some treasure had been pried off the wall, like a scar from a traumatic surgery. The House could replace the decorations and cover up such distasteful sights, but grandfather insisted on leaving them - a reminder, he said, of what their failures had costed. Even Constantine, the cynic he was, felt an angry twinge at the sight of someone's final resting place defiled like that. Trying not to dwell on the matter, or if one of the treasures he now owned had perhaps come from here, the scion moved on.

At long last, he arrived at the grave of Sextus Nikeodemos. A young master who had achieved much acclaim for his accomplishments in the field despite his lack of talent at cultivation or raw power, always trying to compensate for his weakness with sheer effort and willpower. Friendly and encouraging, he'd made many relationships with his family and comrades in the field, sticking up as a notable rising star. His career had culminated in a final fit of heroics during the Great Plain War as one of the cultivators the Clan had sent as an expeditionary force, sacrificing his life to save several of his fellows from a raging blood path combatant. For his efforts, the House had commissioned a grand statue to be made of him to be placed in front of his (empty) tomb, a grand honor for someone who had never escaped Qi Condescension and a testament to what Sextus had accomplished regardless. There had been a celebration, his immediate family and many others bearing witness to the sealing of the ossuary. Constantine would always remember how proud Sextus's parents had looked seeing the effigy erected even as tears streamed down their faces, his siblings swearing to emulate his example as best as they could. It was the height of what a Nikeodemos scion could accomplish, the ultimate reward, to have your loved ones weeping proudly as a sculpture of you is placed outside your empty grave.

Sextus had also been a good friend of Constantine, although that didn't get written down on his plaque. He had sat down and comforted his nephew when a young Constantine was feeling down, introduced him to a world outside of the keep and trying to become as strong as possible. They'd shared books and traded stories, talked about what they planned to do in life. He'd had awful luck with his romantic pursuits, and although he joked about it, Constantine knew it actually bothered the scion a lot. Sextus had been the one person in the world that he'd been the most honest too, although not even he had been told the full truth about Constantine's "lack of talent," if probably suspected it. All of this ... dust in the wind. Something only Constantine remembered now, and once he inevitably perished, not even that. How was ... how was that something to be celebrated?

Looking up at the statue that Sextus had fought so hard to earn, Constantine tried to remember why he'd come here in the first place. He'd wanted to touch upon that bravery, the alien emotion that had driven his cousin to end his life for the sake of a stranger, to put himself in such danger over and over until the reaper came to collect. But staring up at that marble statue he couldn't help but ruminate on if the various flaws he saw were mistakes made in its construction, or holes that had appeared in his memory. He didn't feel any better, or braver, or anything but angry and afraid. Sextus had been a hundred times a person than his cousin, and he had died in his twenties in some foreign ditch at the hands of a blood-drunk animal. What the hell was he supposed to do? With that, Constantine came to a revelation.

He couldn't do this, not even if he'd wanted to. He didn't want to die, not anywhere but his own bed after a good, peaceful life. It didn't matter how much it shamed his family, he wasn't going to sacrifice himself so that his House could keep its vaunted position. They could find some other shmuck to take up the mantle of chasing that Callista girl's shadow, because he was -


Constantine's soliloquy came to an abrupt end as he whirled around in a heart-stopping moment where he believed somebody had somehow heard his thoughts. Standing awkwardly to the side was Decius, the House's previous favorite prodigy and Constantine's older brother. They had never been close, and needless to say after Constantine underwent the procedure, things had become strained. For a moment, lurid, paranoid predictions of some kinda revenge plot out of a bad novel being enacted whirled in the scion's brain before he was able to calm his startled mind and restore sanity. Instead, there was just a long moment where the two waited for the other to say something, and after a few false starts, Decius managed to go.

"I, uh, wanted to apologize. And give you this." He said, stepping forward, sending Constantine through another confused double-take."

"Oh, no, it's okay-" Constantine tried to protest, knowing that really he should be the one apologizing for running his brother's dream when he didn't even want to do this in the first place.

"No, I insist." Decius continued more confidently, holding up an object Constantine didn't immediately recognize - a token of some sort? "I've been acting immaturely for far too long and intended to keep this to myself. But after thinking about it, I realized I was being selfish and foolish, sabotaging the future of the House for my own gain." He pressed the token into his brother's hand, which Constantine limply accepted, still not understanding quite what was going on.

"This really isn't necessary, Decius," he protested, trying to future out what was going on, but his sibling was on a roll and barreled on.

"It - it is. I need," oh imperator is he crying "to make amends to a lot of people, but you were the most important among them. It cost the House and myself a ... great deal to get the invitation, but you're the best person suited to use it." Decius almost seemed ready to go for a hug, but thankfully managed to pull himself together before things got too painfully awkward.

"Look, it's okay. It really is, I never held a grudge about it." Constantine reassured his brother, trying to help him calm down. "I'll, uh, make sure to prize this forever!" At that, Decius seemed to brighten, and gave his brother a shaky smile.

"Thank you, Constantine." There was another long silence, and finally, Decius turned to go, but not without one final message. "Good luck - I'm sure you'll make it." Wait, what.

Now more than a little concerned, the scion waited for his sibling to disappear into the distance before furiously trying to figure out what on earth he had just made a heartfelt promise to accept. It didn't seem to be some kind of dangerous object, and it wasn't until he realized what the barbarian markings on the token meant that it all clicked together in one horrific realization.

It said Yuan.

And that's when Constantine's heart fucking stopped.


Word Count: 2,796
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Constantine Nikeodemos 3/Katha Theodoros 8 - A Matter of Reflection (Part 1)
Constantine Nikeodemos 3/Katha Theodoros 11 - A Matter of Reflection (Part 1)

The trails were choked full of tents large and small, groups of cultivators from lands near and far gathered so densely together that the place seemed more like a city, not a waiting area. There were seemingly hundreds, maybe even thousands of people around, every last one of them a Cultivator. Most of them would not be going into the Man-As-Mountain Array once it spooled to life, instead remaining safe atop the plateau cities while the treasure hunters headed off to adventure or death.

Some would wait eagerly for the participants to return, so they might head home together. Others waited eagerly so they might rob them of their valuables. A few were already getting ready for it, eyes glimmering eagerly for anything good to eat or sell.

For the majority of the participants, they came with some sort of entourage, at the very least a servant to carry their things and make camp. Katha came alone and packed light, bringing only a tent, survival supplies, her armor, and a sword on her belt. Despite the pedigree she - apparently - carried in her bloodline, it was a sobering reminder of how far the Theodoroi had fallen.

...Or so she'd been told. The Theodoroi she knew were a demanding grandfather, a kind, crippled father, a nerd for a twin, and a mother she would never know.

But that was not, in fact, what had gotten Katha down for once. Wealth was, ironically, an immaterial concept, largely irrelevant to her. What got her worried were the other participants. Cultivators far above her stage - though her senses were too dull and unrefined to know which Heavenstage they belonged in, she knew enough to know they were stronger - were worried, discussing their chances in this place.

She knew the statistics, of course. The tendency was to hit the Great Circle, or even beyond, before attempting your Secret Realm. And even for those, even in the comparatively-tame lands of the Yuan Mountains, two-thirds of them never returned, which on its own was a grim prospect. And few of the remainder even returned with anything to show for it except wounds as gruesome as the one that retired her father's ambitions of immortality forever.

She knew all this, of course. What she told Rathos was true when she said it and it was true as she looked at the misty precipice below. Either she would die today or she would die in a hundred years.

...But she was no robot. Discussing a concept and facing reality were two separate matters entirely. Only a fool, or a complete psychopath, would not balk at such dangers when they were still almost mortal, their only skills an obsessive dedication to Sword Intent - that had nothing to show for it - and blood so thin she couldn't even manifest it.

It was a crapshoot. She was all but guaranteed to die horribly.

So in order to keep her mind off such horrible ends, she spent her time watching as people joined the burgeoning tent-city and grew it to prodigious size. Hawkers going from campfire to campfire, selling amulets of luck or jade slips containing directions to trials from past years. Thieves trying to make a quick buck. The occasional brawl, and the arrival of Yuan Clan cultivators - almost always Foundation Establishment Experts, overseen by a Core Formation Elder or two - to break it up before people died.

And then this rich scion of the Optimatoi comes along, riding a long caravan of servants and luxuries and a procession of trumpets declaring the glory of the Clan, dressed in enough treasures to fight the Heavens and enough Servants to sacrifice to the fury that would come shortly after. Even by the standards of the Golden Devils, his bloodline shone through, with bronzed hair and brassy skin visibly bulging with the power of the Blood. And the strength of his blood compared to all his hangers-on definitely meant he was the one entering the Array.

To top it all off, he was in the 1st Heavenstage as well, every bit the foolhardy idiot she is but only better equipped. While all she has is an amulet that could only potentially save her life by giving her a small window to escape in, the new scion has the full regalia of a Legate, their literal legion included. The unfairness rankled, and the envy burned in the depths of her belly. Which bloodline was he from? The Duca? The Sarantapechos? The Staurakius? If this was some rich Xie asshole showing the flag and selling wares…

...Ah. Now she recognized the heraldry.

The Nikeodemos, an old and powerful clan, like so many clans of the Optimatoi, who unlike so many clans of the Optimatoi remained wealthy and stayed relatively powerful. She often heard grandfather gripe about them during his lectures, stating that 'all they have to offer is more blood to spill'. Meanwhile, after the Theodoroi splintered with the death of Elder Hestia, the main house only has an old man who peaked at Foundation Establishment, a cripple who never left Qi Condensation, and two children.

She didn't even know if she had cousins. They were the only children their age not to have cousins, or any extended family at all! She might have an aunt or an uncle or more, but grandfather forbade the topic and father simply said it was not something he was comfortable discussing!

All she knows for sure - and this is after Rathos delved the family library shelves like the nerd he is, risking scoldings and canings - is that their mother was the eldest daughter. And also that the last family holding of note is a small spirit stone mine, but details.

Some things were not fair, but she already knew that. It was what she was railing against, in fact. Just another thing the Heavens would have to answer for, judged by her hand.

But as she looked at him, envying his bloodline, his family's wealth, and the Blood that surely coursed through his veins, and as she wondered if that was the bare minimum you needed to survive in the trials…

He looked back at her, straight in the eye. And while Katha refused to accept that her cheeks flushed with heat or that she tried to immediately avert her gaze… Much like life, Biology is often disappointing, and she did so anyway.

...Katha had to admit. He had beautiful eyes.


The idea of just running away wasn't a foreign one to Constantine Nikeodemos. Although the thought of outright deserting the Clan rankled even his vestigial sense of dignity, Constantine was honest enough to admit that if the only alternative was genuinely death he would be willing to make some difficult decisions. Still, it remained a distant hypothetical for as long as he remembered, more the result of some deep self-reflection rather than any kind of coherent plan of action. Since he was intelligent enough to want it, the scion's ideal safe administrative position was always within arms reach, only a matter of patience and acting standing between him and an end to the suffocating expectations of his family.

But sitting on the floor of his carriage, arms curled around his knees and finding it oddly difficult to draw in a full breath, Constantine was out of time and options. His excuses and schemes had perished beneath the remorseless enthusiasm and attention of the House like a frog under the glare of the desert sun, and now he approached the "Yuan Secret Ream," a place which proudly boasted of its absurd lethality for the slimmest chances of grand reward. It was a place that sucked in and chewed up the hopes and dreams of the desperate and foolish, a glorified con that his naive brother had wholeheartedly bought into. There had been stars in the eyes of his sisters when Constantine had managed to extract a more detailed description of his impending "gift," but not to worry! His father, proudly clapping a hand on the shoulder of the son he'd never viewed as anything other than a disappointment, assured Constantine that he was different than all the others who'd been chewed up and spit out by the Yuan Realm - he was a Nikeodemos, a product of the Great Era, a Harbinger of Victory! He was worthy.

At that memory, a burst of hysterical laughter ripped its way out of the quietly panicking scion, a high-pitched chortling that sprawled the line between merriment and weeping. It continued on for an uncomfortably long period of time, only slowly strangling off as his air ran out, simply leaving an uncontrollable shuddering to the gasping boy.

The outburst shook Constantine to the core. If there was one lesson given to him that he'd taken to heart in his childhood, it was the importance of self-control. He could count the times he'd lost his composure on a single hand, and it was always, always in a place where nobody could possibly hear him. Now, he stood frozen for long moments, waiting for a concerned knock from a servant asking if something was wrong with stark horror. Was the inside of the carriage soundproof? He had no idea - his consternation with the unfolding events was so great he'd failed to ascertain such a basic question at the beginning of the trip.

The moments drifted into minutes, and at long last Constantine allowed himself to relax. He needed to get control of himself - if there was any possibility of surviving this situation, it wouldn't come from succumbing to his base cowardice. He needed a plan, the scion realized, some sort of scheme he could focus his attention on rather than repeatedly dwelling on his imminent demise. If all of his good plans had failed or were no longer workable, that just meant he'd have to try the bad ones.

Rattling through the more absurd ideas he'd come up with over the years, Constantine came back to the one he'd already touched upon and dismissed multiple times. Giving up on getting a safe position and simply fleeing the desert was a painful and unpalatable proposition, but he had to face the facts: he was out of viable alternatives. Other than heading into the deathtrap and hoping that he'd win the lottery, Constantine supposed, but closing his eyes and hoping for the best was even more repugnant - at least in fleeing he'd be seizing control over his own life for once, and in the worst-case scenario, dying on his own terms. Although he somehow doubted that silver lining would be much comfort to him as the Clan crucified him along with the latest batch of traitors and deserters if he got caught. He indulged in some morbid speculation over whether his family would attend his prolonged execution or if his last agonizing moments would be spent in the company of strangers.

The carriage clattered loudly, shaking Constantine out of his black brooding and reminding him of his current surroundings. He couldn't say he'd paid much attention to the lands of the Yuan Clan, but in retrospect that might have been a mistake. Something he hadn't been taking into account was the fact that he wouldn't have to try and escape the desert. No, instead he'd be skipping to the second, equally unpalatable requirement of his plan: surviving in a foreign land with only the clothes on his back. The Sorrowful Blacksmith Sect would always be grateful for more Golden Devil defectors to operate their stolen mechanisms and trinkets that required the Blood of Bronze, and if nothing else that was something Constantine now had in abundance. Of course, the reason the blacksmiths were so welcoming is that said defectors had a distinct tendency to drop dead sooner rather than later. That is to say, if he could even reach them - it was commonly known that the barbarians policed their lands lackadaisically at best, and he might very well be set upon and raped to death by spirit beasts or some such in the mountains long before he reached his destination.

He needed an accomplice, Constantine realized. A partner in crime, somebody he could trust to watch his back during the no doubt extensive difficulties they'd have to endure in their exile. On his own, Constantine was just choosing one humiliating and painful demise over the other, but with somebody else involved, the plan was at least semi-viable. For a moment he got up to pace as his mind whirred, but a sudden turn in the carriage knocked him back down to his seat. Surely he couldn't be the only one who wasn't attending this glorified scam unwillingly, the scion reasoned. His time would be limited, but once he arrived at the staging ground there would be an opportunity to socialize with the other participants - there, if he was decisive and perceptive enough, he could find somebody else attending unwillingly and hatch an escape plan with them.

Constantine took the time he had left before the convoy's arrival to prepare himself. It was critical not to let his retinue nor the locals catch on to the fact he had no intention of dying on this foolish quest, and it was also important to make as striking a first impression on his would-be comrade as possible. Rapping a wall, unlocking a mirror with a chunk, he gave a cursory examination of his appearance. Mussing up his hair a bit - you didn't want to come across as perfectly groomed in non-formal contexts, it made everyone else feel strange - he spent a few more moments ensuring there was no sign of his internal turmoil in his face or posture. You could be as scared or miserable or angry as could be, but never show it. Another lesson imparted by his family, Constantine supposed, although not applied quite how they imagined. He smiled, and kept at it until the reflection no longer appeared as if it were in pain. Cape slightly asymmetrical, armor finely polished, helmet comfortably tucked under his shoulder, standard - there was a moment of confusion - right, one of the servants has it, it wouldn't fit in the carriage. Looking at the mirror, a stranger heroically beamed back, an easy joke on his lips and an eager spark in his eyes.


As the convoy rattled to a halt and a servant carefully knocked on the door to let him know it was time, Constantine Nikeodemos allowed himself one last moment of weakness and hesitation, a breath to shudder out of his chest. And then he was moving.


"Pyleus, my good man! Did everyone have a pleasant journey? Afraid I was quite busy preparing, but hopefully the ride back will be a little less stressful." The Young Master said with a wry grin, climbing down the stairs laid before him and accepting a drink without hesitation as he emerged from the carriage. The aged majordomo gave a dignified nod as a few of the other servants chuckled, glancing out towards the crowd of other participants with a look of gentile disapproval as their accommodations.

"Nothing that couldn't be handled, my lord. Although I must say this place is awfully haphazard for a centennial event." When hosting a lot of foreign cultivators in such a high-stress environment it perhaps made sense why the Yuan Clan weren't putting much effort into permanent constructions for their accommodations, but considering the alleged prestige of the event, something better had been expected. They could have at least laid out some refreshments!

"What can you expect?" The Young Master rhetorically asked, leading to another bit of chuckling at the expense of their alleged hosts, but after a few more moments of idle conversation he sobered in demeanor.

"Say, have you gotten a good look at the competition? I was considering 'exchanging some pointers' as a warmup for the main event, but it wouldn't do to rub elbows with a bunch of nobodies!" He joked, scanning the groups of cultivators in various stages of preparation for the secret realm.

"Afraid it mostly seems to be barbarians, my lord." The majordomo said with the Imperial Optomoi's trademark aloofness no amount of hardship had ever managed to quite stamp out. "Although there is that unattended young woman to the left." Their eyes swiveled to the person in question, who was all on her own and seemed to have noticed them first.

"Well, it'd hardly display gravitas on my behalf to leave her hanging!" The Young Master said, but there was an undeniable interest in his voice that hadn't been present before, and the servants exchanged knowing looks. "I think I'll head over and show the poor girl some hospitality, she might have gotten separated from her companions." He announced, handing back the glass of water he had been nursing. The retinue was professional enough not to make any comment as their charge wandered off, but the majordomo leaned towards and issued instructions in a low voice.

"Prepare two sets of vintage: one for if the Young Master returns with the young lady, one without. The good sets for the former, the hard for the latter." No further clarification was needed - the servants were professionals, after all, and they all knew exactly how to handle Young Masters and their antics. Although, the majordomo thought to himself, this one seemed to be particularly promising, especially judging by the visible reaction of the dame in question. He was a charming and martial sort with a brain between his ears, always a winning combination.


The genial smile on Constantine's face dipped for a moment as he attempted to improvise a plan of action, carefully avoiding engaging any of the visiting cultivators or harried Yuan custodians. Tension was thick in the air and the last thing he needed was to waste precious time by bumping into the wrong person and causing a raucous. At the same time, however, his gaze remained focused on his target: a fellow Golden Devil who seemed all on her own. Getting closer allowed him to pick up additional details, she was in the first heavenstage for some unfathomable reason, a stark contrast to practically everyone else present. She also seemed to be a fellow member of the nobility, judging by the sigil on her breastplate as well as the distinctive imperial traits of good breeding.

All in all, Constantine was feeling cautiously optimistic that he might have found someone in a similar situation to him. He thought he recognized the heraldry, actually, a sudden practical application of the long lessons about the ancient nobility of the Clan. That was the sign of the … Vanguard? The Theodoroi, right! They hadn't married into House Nikeodemos in some time, so they must have declined in prominence, which would mean they'd also be trying to raise new promising scions to resurge their fortunes. He might've had a stroke of luck, actually. It'd explain why the young lady was here without an escort, she could be trying to escape as well, and would thus also be looking for somebody to partner with before making a break for it!

Constantine made an effort to temper his optimism before closing in, but it was with an unusually light spirit that he walked up to the subject of his attention and introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am." He spoke, giving a slight bow and a genial smile, allowing her a moment to respond. … Which extended for a bit. Had he startled her by accident? Constantine had thought she'd seen him coming from a while away, actually. Perhaps she'd just been lost in thought? Best to not let the moment drag on and become awkward.

"My name is Constantine - Constantine Nikeodemos. And you are ... ?" His would-be partner jolted at the prompt, the peculiar look in her eyes departing with rapid blinking as she took a half-step back before stopping herself.

"...K-Katha. Kathalena Theodoros! J-Just Katha is fine!" She hurriedly responded, coming off as more than a little flustered. He definitely must have interrupted something, Constantine mused. Perhaps some cultivation technique? He'd have to ask her about it later.

"I couldn't help but notice you were all alone," he continued, trying to subtly probe at her intentions. Just immediately asking her to flee abroad with him was begging for disaster - he needed to be a little opaque to feel out what she was thinking and doing before he took the final dive. "May I ask where the rest of your escort is?" Discovering why such a lovely lady was kicking dust on her lonesome would be a good way to start this off, and hopefully the change in topic would help Katha regain her composure.


The Theodoroi are a house in free fall, this much is known. The famed Vanguard of the Clan, the ones who wrote a great many books - and, in the clan's own well-kept histories, the book - on the art of utilizing heavy infantry formations in a great many ways, in war and in peace, had long shattered into a thousand individual households ever since Elder Nagaethenos died over a thousand years ago.

The main family, once a mighty bastion of the Clan and a great source of Legionnaires and even heroes, was now reduced to an old man, a dying man, a nerd and herself, with no servants minding the house and a whole lot of bitterness about their lineage's loss in prestige through raw, bull-headed misfortune and heavenly smiting. She knew it and the Clan knew it. Hell, even crusty old grandpa Tormenos knew it, even as he refuses to accept it and rages against it constantly.

But she wasn't about to admit it to some Perfect Prince playing at being Legate with his regalia and his bloodline!

It was hard enough being here, silently judged by everyone for being a Golden Devil. She was not about to be loudly judged by some rich kid with a perfect smile and the jawline to sell it. There were only two ways around this, Katha knew; punching him in the face, or lying. Katha, never the most duplicitous person, was always impartial to starting a fight.

Unfortunately, there was a time and a place. And also, if she was too mean to a Nikeodemos, she might legitimately find herself cleaning latrines for a hundred years when she got back. If she got back.

...Which left lying. Great.

"...They're somewhere around here, I'm sure," Katha murmured in reply. Lying was never her strong suit. Quickly, she frowned defensively at Constantine and crossed her arms more tightly under her chest. "Why do you care? Your servants are right behind you, setting up camp and…" She sniffed at the air. "...Is that wine?"

The Perfect Nikeodemos Princeling - Constantine, his name was Constantine - took her statement in stride. Instead he laughed softly before clasping his hands upon his waist, seemingly striking a pose without even planning on it. This sort of showmanship had to be genetic, it was too much. "Perfect! You see, my fellow junior in the First Stage, you are clearly a woman of no small talent, while I am inundated with a great deal of skills myself. Perhaps the two of us could… work together?"

Katha's face did not turn red, and she did not feel the urge to turn away or to lean forward to hide her gaze. She most certainly did not feel like she was being propositioned by a highly-regarded scion of good breeding in a place where she felt vulnerable, nor did she feel like she finally felt safe in a place that was, by definition, not safe.

No, damnable nature and the instincts it forced upon her through blood and species will have to find another day to make her bend the knee. Today, Katha saw past the obvious message and saw the less obvious one, to which she tilted her head slightly, quizzically judging her peer, the Perfect Prince. "I wasn't aware that the Man-As-Mountain Array could be attempted in groups. I mean, I'm not against the idea, but is it even allowed?"

"All in good time, my dear, all in good time," Constantine said to her, still smiling like a bastard with perfectly white teeth. "I'm sure we can figure something out soon enough. But nevermind that, are we in accord, allies in these trying times?"

He was being strangely insistent, but Katha chalked it up to nerves, or maybe she was misreading him. Ancestors know, she was a bundle of nerves right now too, for all she tried to hide it behind a prickly wall. "I think it's better if we ask one of the proctors first. You should go back to your campsite first, I think your servants are just about done setting up camp, I'll come back after I check."

"Ah, that won't be necessary. It would be… unwise, I think, to return to them. Leaving their side once was difficult enough, after all, a second time so soon might be difficult!" Constantine looked over his shoulder for a moment, glancing furtively, then leaned surreptitiously closer towards Katha. "Perhaps I could wait near your campsite instead? I could help you mind your majordomo, as a show of trustworthiness and goodwill."

Katha bit on her lip. Things were spiraling out of control right now and it was becoming increasingly clear that when it unraveled it would do so spectacularly. She needed to leave this conversation as quickly as possible. "Look, I don't know what your game is here, Constantine Nikeodemos, but I did not come to the Yuan Mountains to play games. If you really want to show off your trustworthiness, then you'll go back to your camp and wait for me here. Okay?"

Constantine looked at her, still smiling, but it grew increasingly stiff and glassy even as his eyes lit up in realization. Then, he spoke, his words piercing through her immediately.

"You came alone, didn't you?"

Five simple words. Spoken not with malice, but in awful comprehension, sounding like broken dreams and shattered expectations. Yet, simply by considering who said them, it was enough to draw some measure of Katha's ire. "...Yes. Yes, I did! Unlike some people, Constantine Nikeodemos, I do not have the luxury of participating in a Secret Realm with a grand caravan of servants and finery, just to make a statement!"

Constantine was no longer smiling. His arms were crossed, one hand stroking his chin. He seemed neither outraged nor despaired, but contemplative. Coldly considering his options, as if holding his emotions in a jar elsewhere so he can think for a moment. "Then why come here?"

Her gaze hard, steadfastly refusing to shed tears, Katha looked him straight in the eye. "Because I'm here to find the secret of the Man-As-Mountain Array and return with riches and wisdom. Why are you here?"


Constantine Nikeodemos is perfectly still for several very long seconds, in which Katha meets his cold stare with a fiery glare of her own, refusing to flinch away after her bold accusation. Internally, he initially plunges back into the abyss of horror that plagued the scion during his long trip to Yuan, but unlike before, it is not the familiar icy calm that restores order, but another, long suppressed sentiment that seizes control: frustration.

"You came here alone?" He repeats with a touch of disbelief, before that touch erupts into genuine confusion and bewilderment with a half-hissed "Why?" At this point Constantine re-examines Katha, trying to figure out if there's something important he's missed or clue that's flown over his head, but that just reinforces his prior understanding - she's a first heavenstage rookie practically naked, meaning that the Secret Realm isn't so much an incredibly risky gamble for immense gain as it is an elaborate and painful form of suicide. At least Constantine's House had been kind enough to give him a metric ton of absurdly powerful artifacts, even if they were so powerful and esoteric he barely had any idea how to use them.

"Because this is my only option," Katha bitterly spat. "I don't have 'Talent,' I don't have riches, and I sure a shit don't have any luck. So for me, I either strike it rich or I die, whether I die trying or not, today or in one hundred years!"

A vein throbbed in Constantine's head as the words almost flew past him, a rote excuse he'd heard a hundred times from cousins, siblings, and friends not blessed with tremendous power. As if not being able to live thousands of years and kill people with your mind made your existence some kind of worthless agony. The world would trundle on as it always had whether or not these people burned themselves out screaming against that simple reality.

"Your - your only option?" He repeated a second time, this time the incredulous anger clear in his tone, causing Katha to flush darkly in indignation.

"You're one to talk!" She accused, infuriated with his blank non-answers and seeming judgment. "Coming here with enough toadies and glamor for a Legate. What would you know about not having any kind of choice in the matter?" Like water building up against a dam, pressure had been building against Constantine's meticulous self-control, and this last barb proved too much to bear. With a tangible snap, the scion's composure finally snapped.

"Choice!" He choked out, clenching his fingers and gritting his teeth. "Choice? Do you think I'm here because I chose to be?" He took another stride forward, his handsome features now twisted in a dour scowl, and angrily loomed over his would-be comrade. Katha blinked and took a half-step back, taken aback by the seeming swerve in tack.

"Let me tell you in on a little secret about 'Secret Realms.'" Constantine growled. "They're a scam and a deathtrap. You - all these people here -" he widely gestured at the crowds of cultivators, "have paid a fortune for the privilege of dying painfully! Or, if you're lucky, if the heavens shine on you and the fates are merciful, you'll manage to limp away, destitute and broken!"

"That's … not true," Katha uncertainly argued. "People can become legends here, make gains otherwise unthinkable." That statement earned naught but a snort of contempt from the scion.

"Oh, the winners! I'm sure we've all heard the Yuan clan boasting of the chosen few who made it big. Tell me, what proportion of them do you think compares to everyone who joins these absurd death games? One in, what, a hundred? One in a thousand? A hundred-thousand? Million?" Katha burned at the saccharine mockery of the perfect prince, but found no retort springing to her lips.

"Look," Constantine said, pointing at a barbarian cultivator who had been trying to ignore their conversation. "That fellow is five times better prepared than us, and he's practically shaking in his boots! Spent a fortune to get a Yuan Realm token and he probably won't spend more than five minutes in there." The scion continued, ignoring the increasingly foul look he was getting from the person in question.

"Yeah, well, if he wants to be a coward and dip the moment the going gets hard, let him!" Katha fumed. "He can join Rathos in building arrays and picking daisies, for all I care."

Gui Hau had, in fact, been planning to handle the secret realm cautiously. But being egged on by a pair of golden devils in such a blatant manner was too much to endure! He wouldn't leave until he had advanced to the 8th Heavenly Realm and found a priceless treasure, Hau nodded to himself, and then he'd show up those crass devils and anyone else who looked down at him!

"Here, I tell you what." Constantine suddenly said, standing back. "Let's be generous, and say the chance that entering the Secret Realm is even slightly worth it is the same as throwing your sword into the air and having it land straight on the point." There was another silence as she grimly contemplated that analogy, before Katha realized the scion was expectantly looking at her. "Well? Give it a shot! Let's see if you survive."

Scowling, Katha merely drew her xiphos, a gravebronze artifact of sufficient purity that it alone proved that she was scion to an old lineage, and threw it into the air. It spun, spiraling as it danced, and though her aim was true and her judgment almost perfect, it did not land upon its point. Instead, her sword sank a third of its length into the ground, blade-first.

"I'm not sure what you were expecting," said the young Vanguard with a harrumph.

"Then let me elaborate," Constantine declared, unhesitantly bringing out and unsheathing his own priceless blade. It was quite possibly the finest blade that Katha had ever laid her eyes upon, an ancient Clan relic of unimpeachable craft and indelible power, humming with energy beyond her comprehension. The sight of that grand heirloom stole the breath from the young girl and filled her with a profound, burning envy. For a long moment, there was nothing that Katha wanted than to reach out and claim that gleaming blade from this unworthy prince.

Then Constantine tossed it into the air.

There was no long moment where it looked like it might land correctly - Katha gave a stunned blink, and then it was over, the sword clattering into the dirt.

"Boom!" He explained, flaring his hands. "You died."

"...That proves nothing." Katha pulled her sword out of the ground, and with a single flourish flicked the dirt off its gleaming edge and sheathed it once more, the air ringing with its sharpness. "We live. We die. But nothing says we cannot tip the odds one way or another. This Secret Realm may well be the death of us! It's definitely going to be filled with horrible monsters and all kinds of devilish traps! But I'm still going, because I want to be like this sword," she said, drawing her xiphos partially as she pointed at it, "And not that sword," as she pointed at the priceless heirloom, lying sideways upon the dirt.

"Whether we live or die is up to Heaven, but how we face it is up to us. If you're going to leave that up to Heaven too, then that's on you, not the expectations placed upon you."

Constantine flushed and prepared to fire back a heated remark, the accusation of apathy striking true where any number of insults at his virtue would've gone without reaction. With long practice, however, the scion reigned in his passion with no more sign than a clenched fist, recognizing that he was running out of time and that his current strategy had proven ineffective. With equal parts calculation and no small amount of desperation, the young man switched tracks, attempting a different method to make the young lady see reason.

"Is that really it? You either achieve glory or die in the mud?" Constantine bitterly queried, turning to look at his still grounded blade. "Do our lives really turn on that brutal axis, success or failure only coming in absolute terms? There's so much more to life than the attainment of power!" He declared, gesturing derogatorily towards the crowd of nervous, ambitious barbarians. "Don't … throw it away for a dumb reason." The speech died off into somber silence, and for a moment it looked like Constantine might just leave his sword laying in the dust. But the bitter, rebellious spark in his eyes died out, and instead, he quietly picked the blade up.

"I'm not doing this out of self-gratification," Katha protested, having gotten a sense of this stranger's mood swings. "I'm doing this for my family!"

"Really." Constantine said, turning back to face her. In the face of her resolute gaze, he continued. "Do you love them? And they, you?"

"…Of course."

"Then I can assure you that giving them an empty casket in the place of a daughter, or a sibling … or a cousin. Whatever you accomplish - even if you save the entire damn clan! - it won't matter, not if they really loved you. You're just hurting them in a way that can't be healed."

There was a long moment of emotionally fraught silence, and Constantine found himself unable to meet his counterpart's eyes for a bit.

"… You don't need to explain that to me." Katha said in a low, tense tone. "Not at all. But if I don't step up, I know that the death will never stop. That it'll come for someone else I can't bear to lose, should the call not be answered. It's just a matter of time."

"And is that time not worth anything to you? Whether it be a week or a hundred years, surely it's better than ending it all right now!" Constantine vented. "Does breath curdle in your chest? Food taste like ash on your tongue? Is life such a burden that you act with such haste to bring it to an end?"


"I will never understand why some speak of glorious death like it's something to celebrate. There's nothing to celebrate about dying. Nothing at all - it is naught but the world being left a lesser place from the absence of yet another spark." At this point, Constantine locks back on to Katha's face, his formerly composed features wracked with passion of the purest sort. "A life - your life - is a precious, valuable, beautiful thing," Constantine declared, his finger jabbing into Katha's collarbone as she jerked back in startled embarrassment. "And let no man ever speak of it as something to be sacrificed," he spat. "Least of all yourself."

And then there was another silence, although one of an altogether different energy than the previous, as the Nikeodemos scion drifted off into silence and Katha backed off, flustered by both his presence and words. Gradually she recovered and offered rejoinder, but as opposed to her previous spirited words, this time she spoke in an almost shy manner, glancing away while doing so.

"... Can you really enjoy life if you're constantly waiting for the moment it's all taken away? Always aware it's only a matter of time until someone with power decides to take it all away out of malice or whim?"

Constantine hadn't imagined his unwilling exile to be a terribly pleasant affair, but where Katha's previous entreaties had bounced off his cynical armor, this quiet objection wormed its way through with startling effectiveness. The reality of owing his life to the fickle mercy of foreign barbarians, of always looking over his shoulder and fearing the Clan's inevitable retaliation, of scraping day to day a desperate existence of fundamental deprivation from all that made life enjoyable. Sure, there were thin odds he could make things work in exile and get the peaceful existence he desired … but were they really that much better than potentially surviving the Secret Realm? If it all came down to an awful gamble, then why not exit history with an once of dignity?

"...You're right."

"Look, if you care that much then just… Just run, I'll even cover for… Wait, what?" Katha, blinking, planted her hands on her hips, head craning slightly in disbelief. "That's it? All of that, just to end with… okay? Gotta say, I'm…" Struggling for words, the scion of a nearly-extinct bloodline clicked her tongue. "...Disappointed isn't the right word… Surprised. I'm surprised."

It smarted to have to deal with attitude even after agreeing, but Constantine put that out of his mind. "You helped me understand something that I've been struggling with for a long time, miss. For all my life, I've been letting myself be dragged along in the wake of those who've decided how my existence ought to be ordained, what I'll live, work and die for. It's past time I've taken my fate into my own hands, and the only way that'll happen is if I get stronger - no matter the odds or danger! I won't settle for a few years of blissful peace when the future is just within our grasp! We just need to seize it." The scion exclaimed, wildly gesturing all the while, the unfamiliar heat of raw passion burning through his veins and mind. It was as if a world had been opened to him, shutters ripped from his eyes - a life and future that had previously seemed so awfully bleak and limited all the sudden bursting with potential. Grinning spectacularly, Constantine refocused on the person who had caused such a profound revelation within him.


Clapping her hands upon Katha's bare shoulders, the young Theodoros stifled a squeak as the jewel of the Nikeodemos locked eyes with her, looking intently at her with eyes that are almost wild but undeniably captivating. Her cheeks flushed and she tried to avert her gaze, but found that she was already lost in his eyes. There was no escaping Constantine in this moment. Then, freeing one hand, Constantine gestured at the Yuan Mountains around them. "I'll do it. I'll fight for our future, brave certain death and impossible danger, endure the greatest pain and deepest torment, and I will succeed where anyone else will fail, for our sake! Yuan will be hell, but we will be together! And together…"

Shifting his hands, Constantine wrapped Katha's hands in his own, larger palms enveloping hers.

"...Together, we can face anything," he concluded, his smile wide and his eyes dazzling.

Gasping, breath quick and face red, it was all too much for Katha. For a girl who has had to struggle all her life for anything, and who has turned away all suitors for the sake of a lifelong struggle to make the cut, the apparent sincerity was too much. Constantine was strong, he was handsome, and he cared to listen. Her mind swirled as she tried to latch onto something, anything, to keep from being swept away.

"Can…" She mumbled, and Constantine raised an eyebrow. "...Can two participants even attempt the same trials together?"

"...Let's ask a proctor."


"No," the Expert of the Yuan Clan said to the two of them, firmly and with finality. "The Man-As-Mountain Array sees no difference, but we know what you and your Devil-kin can do with your Formations, and that is blatant cheating. Crossing paths is fine, but your trials are yours alone. Failure to comply will lead to your immediate ejection from the Trials and the forfeiture of your ticket, as well as a fine imposed upon your Clan or Sect."

"...Understood. Thanks."

With a harrumph, the Expert bounded away, leaving Katha and Constantine to their own devices once more. His hopes for cooperation - and, in some way, the name of an elder Lineage to obscure his own - dashed, Constantine simply looked out to the mountains once more, then back to his erstwhile companion.

"Whatever happens out there," he proposed, "We leave together. Alright?"

Jaw clenched, thinking and overthinking her words, Katha eventually decided on the simplest answer she could manage.


"I'll even give you a ride back to the Dawn Fortress!" Constantine graciously offered. "Or do you prefer Emporikopoulos? My Caravan can bring you there too."

"That's… That's very kind, thank you, but no." Her grandfather might still only be an Expert of the Clan, nothing compared to Constantine's grandfather, but he is still the Head and he may well be honor-bound to shove a sandal so far up Constantine's backside that it would start a war between the houses.

And there was no way that could end well for anyone involved. Her, mostly.


As the Servants set about creating a permanent camp in order to await the day their master returned from the Yuan Realm, a few of them joined the majordomo in squinting into the distance at said master's spirited conversation with the fecund young lady he'd attempted to reel in, although at the moment it appeared a complication had arisen.

"Should we prepare the hard liquor?" One asked, wincing a little at what appeared to be a spirited argument. "I don't think that bird's taking the bait." Pyleus remained unphased, however, keeping a steady eye on the seeming dramatics.

"It does seem like the Young Master went for a little bit too spirited of an initial pass," he noted, running a hand through his long whitened and exquisitely groomed beard. "But let's not call it off just quite yet. At times, the art of courtship requires some improvisation …" The majordomo trailed off as they suddenly saw Constantine close the space and move in for the kill, delivering a declaration of such passion it left the broad reeling, with such a luminescent blush it was visible even from back at the forming camp. "... Ah." Pyleus chuckled. "No, it appears we'll be using the good wine this time."


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