[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Dream master here we go. One Outsideresuqe semi-benevolent god please!
Some combo of Outsider/Kyubbey/Neil Gaimans Lucifer. Affable in an amused sort of way, sarcastic, vaguely benevolent and helpful in a help me help you sort of way.
Or maybe people are intentionally trying to derail canon as hard as they can, who knows.
This. Also because it is a humerous way to do so, but also ironically one of the safest ways, since while Amy has some outstanding issues, it is the fact that they make eachother worse that is the real kicker.

So making Amy loosen her rules, will put the pressure off her fear of her power as she becomes more comfortable. This will in turn make her thougths about using her power on her sister go from horrifying thougth that make her flaggilate herself to those morbid thougths you have sometime that make you uncomfortable.

This won't fix all her issues, but it does mean that the remaining ones are those that make her depressed, instead of the ones that will turn her complely insane (especially since Gaea will be appeased and won't mess with her anymore).
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Safety doesn't mean anything to RNGesus. If she rolls triple 111, we could be looking at hilarious critical failure.

I can't even imagine what a Nat 100 would look like.
I think that failing-on-3-rolls statistic was for a critical failure that affected Administrator, not for a failure that affects Amy, Taylor, or any other humans. There's probably a much larger chance of a failure that affects Amy or the people around her.

I'm hoping that we'll find another Cauldron Shard that's attached to a villain. One thing I'm worried about for repairing the Cauldron Shards is - How will it affect the host? Will the host's powers change? Will the host be unconcious during the repair process? If it fails, will any backlash affect the host?

I don't really want to experiment on Shards that are attached to Battery, but if Trainwreck, Skidmark, Victor, or Alabaster are Cauldron Shards, then they're fair game. Also, if we have one Shard eat any other Shards they're combined with OR if we have Administrator eat the Shards, then we get to see the effect on the host during the consumption process. Personally, I'm hoping that Trainwreck has a Cauldron Shard. We could ask it for Tinker info.
Dream master here we go. One Outsideresuqe semi-benevolent god please!
Some combo of Outsider/Kyubbey/Neil Gaimans Lucifer. Affable in an amused sort of way, sarcastic, vaguely benevolent and helpful in a help me help you sort of way.
What kind of aestetic are we going for, while I am supportive of being Outsideresque I don't want to just rip him off.

For example I am not a fan of the hand tattoo, so do anyone have some ideas for how we will present ourselves?
Train wrecks demise would be most likely to go under the radar. He's got the least attention in Brockton Bay, only Coil would really care at this point in time.

Also I'm pretty sure he was an ass. Not even a mercanary in Fauntlines "I want to help my friends way" but in a "what I should care, give me some money and I'll kill whoever."
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Ducats I'm totally willing to discuss this with you. Did you read my Outsider dreams earlier?

We chose gender neutral so I think our dream avatar should be fluid, switching back and forth. Someone earlier said we should have Morgan Freeman and Minda Kapling's voice in a double effect. Like that, but I don't thinks those actors work for us. We want to be affable sure, but they're too warm and friendly for an eldritch being.

P.S. Or maybe just have a male and female voice, voice of the legion might be too creepy for Taylor to trust.

With Bristish Estuary accent of course.
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Oh, yeah. Does anyone have any ideas about the addresses we got from Charge?




One of them is probably Assault. Maybe Destroyer? I think the first word might be Coast, which is possibly Velocity. No idea about Forge.
Oh, right. Voting.
Forgot to do that.

[X] Send a command to [Shift]
-[X] Instruct Shift to enhance data collection by
--[X] Nullify the satisfaction yield from conflict with no goals.
--[X] Encouraging its Host to feel the same emotional reward from joining, working with, or acquiring allied units as the Host does from combat.
--[X] Increase satisfaction yield for each of the following criteria:
---[X] Conflict improves Host's resources or allied units resources.
---[X] Conflict has no loss of permanent resources to Host or allied units.
---[X] Conflict preserves the ability of all participating Hosts to participate in future conflicts.

Choosing this, as it's a pretty sensible plan with altruistic intentions.
Possibly aberrant, but I find the alcohol plan a bit too machiavellian.
You don't want to talk to Gaea or do anything else? Just talk to Shift?

Ducats if you don't like the hand mark, do you have a suggestion for a representative symbol. Something that says, "This is the Administrator" or maybe even for Kettle?

Oh man. A stylized K, put clearly on all or stuff. Too much yes, we shouldn't do it but it would freak Cauldron out so much.

Imagine it. We access the internet shardside. Do like Cauldorn and reach out to people trying to find Cauldron, and introduce ourself as an Agent of Kettle. We never meet them in person just have them tell us what they want, define what we want in return, and then bam Trigger right there, no time eleapsed. Make it clear there's no where they can go and nothing they can do to escape our sight. Cauldron would freak so hard.
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Oh, yeah. Does anyone have any ideas about the addresses we got from Charge?




One of them is probably Assault. Maybe Destroyer? I think the first word might be Coast, which is possibly Velocity. No idea about Forge.

the first one is coat. presumably, it refers to coating something, rather than a piece of clothing
Oh, yeah. Does anyone have any ideas about the addresses we got from Charge?




One of them is probably Assault. Maybe Destroyer? I think the first word might be Coast, which is possibly Velocity. No idea about Forge.

It's [Coat]. I wouldn't worry about it, you'll have all the Shard ID's (if not necessarily Parahumans) by two Story posts from now. Three at the outside.

Ducats if you don't like the hand mark, do you have a suggestion for a representative symbol. Something that says, "This is the Administrator" or maybe even for Kettle?

Oh man. A stylized K, put clearly on all or stuff. Too much yes, we shouldn't do it but it would freak Cauldron out so much.

Imagine it. We access the internet shardside. Do like Cauldorn and reach out to people trying to find Cauldron, and introduce ourself as an Agent of Kettle. We never meet them in person just have them tell us what they want, define what we want in return, and then bam Trigger right there, no time eleapsed. Make it clear there's no where they can go and nothing they can do to escape our sight. Cauldron would freak so hard.
Branding Hosts is well within your capabilities. You'd need to research things to modify/brand humans you don't currently administer. (Alternatively, you could make it so a power Taylor has leaves a Brand/Tattoo behind)
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Ducats I'm totally willing to discuss this with you. Did you read my Outsider dreams earlier?

We chose gender neutral so I think our dean avatar should be fluid, switching back and forth. Someone earlier said we should have morgan freeman and minds kaplings voice double. Like that, but I don't thinks too actors work for us. We want to affable, but they're too warm and friendly for an elsriych being.

Yeah, I really liked them, especially the Blackwell scene. Though one of the worriws I have is that we will be too alien and distant to appeal to Taylor and other hosts. This is important to not do when dealing with potential parahumans, they are often people in a bad situation, so I think we should tailor our approch accordingly.

For example, when dealing with Taylor I think we should focus more on being a friend and mentor, two things that Taylor needs and wants. This will give us greater trust from her and will likley result in less resentment when things go wrong. But most importantly, she is our first host and we are just starting out and will likley talk a lot more with her than with most hosts, so it would probably be best in the long run to be more personable with her and our mystique would likley be diminsished over time.

The mentor bit comes in because it is something Taylor would sorley need, someone with a different perspective and could show her things that would allow her to make better decisions, like that Blackwell scene, we let Taylor experience that and her whole perspective on authority figures are put into doubt. I believe the mentor route will lead to better results with her since we will be a stark contrast between all the other authority in her life, the fact that her doing well is in our best intrest will just make it wasier on our end.

Also I think the changing appearance and echoing voices will turn away alot of people (and bring in some other people), so I think we will have to custom make our interactions, but I think the standard will be one form and voice per sleep, make it known that we are not completly like them, but still approachable.

Ducats if you don't like the hand mark, do you have a suggestion for a representative symbol. Something that says, "This is the Administrator" or maybe even for Kettle?

For more coolness factor and chuuni, I recommend modifying the iris in the eys into blue cogs that turn, they would only be visible to our hosts, but could be made to appear at will. This will let our hosts recognize eachother and would be a brand we could use when doing buisness.

Also another thing I would like to discuss is standard bodymod package for our hosts. One thing we can do to circumwent the biomass problem, is rewriting the template of the host in such a way that they will grow into their major changes over time.

Edit: Got to sleep now school tomorrow.
Ducats man, I love the mechanical eyes idea. Be careful not to look into the abyss, infinite reflections. Something they can control. Like the Illusive Mans eyes maybe.

Personality wise, in that case more like Neil Gaimans Lucifer then. In that comic Luci wasn't strictly a good guy but he was down for all sentient beings controlling their own destinies. He a a niece, daughter of Michael, who he trained to take the Throne of Heaven. She's pretty similar ideologically, rebuilding the cosmos ground up instead of top down.
In that teacher role was affable but sarcastic. He prefers to let her her own thing but steps in before she makes major mistakes and is willing to have frank discussions about the state of the universe and what they're doing. He doesn't sugar coat things.

Something like that, or still too impersonal you think?

P.S. my dreams were even earlier, someone made those based on the Outsider idea.
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As an aside, NPCs are actually valuable in

Well done OCs and NPCs in fanfiction stories is something I appreciate alot. HALPING!Quest presents it pretty well in Worm for example.

One of the more esoteric techniques I've developed is running NPCs as their own personalities inside my head space - they don't know what I know, and they tend to think in ways I wouldn't.

Now that you mentioned this it reminds me of your Splinters story ;). Possibly one of my favourite Thinker powers ever in fandom. Personally I wouldn't mind giving this to Taylor, although I can see why people would prefer something more powerful.

Maybe for Greg? This may help him our, as he needs it desperately. For example studying psychology may allow him to discover that he deals with Asperger Syndrome (which is my headcanon for Greg, but it may be not the case in this quest though) and make him that 'badass normal' this way.

One of the reasons to start talking with Taylor is that she can help you strategize.

So in a way this may work like 'voices in the head quest' upgrade? Where players may present their dialogue options as part of their votes and Taylor 'hears' them and may follow those advices or not?

Also I'm pretty sure he was an ass. Not even a mercanary in Fauntlines "I want to help my friends way" but in a "what I should care, give me some money and I'll kill whoever."

He mostly wanted to learn about his origins, but he was in the end typical villain and one of those horrible ones.

We chose gender neutral so I think our dream avatar should be fluid, switching back and forth. Someone earlier said we should have Morgan Freeman and Minda Kapling's voice in a double effect. Like that, but I don't thinks those actors work for us. We want to be affable sure, but they're too warm and friendly for an eldritch being.

I think good and simple sapient animal avatar will work. Like Lion from Legend of Narnia.

Pick up majestic animal (lion works REALLY well). Some other idea may be:

A) Owl = Owl are supposed to be smart and mysterious animals according to more symbolic presentation of it.
B) Wolf = Strong, confident, intimidating. Good solid pick.
C) Tiger = Pretty much same as Lion.
D) Fox = Cunning, smart, mysterious. Also one of my favourite picks.
E) Scarab = Now this would be a very symbolic pick because of the whole Khepri thing ;).

etc. etc.

But going for more friendly approach like simple young adult body (I don't think teenager would work with her current... experiences) without any special qualities should do the trick IMO.
As far as Taylor will be concerned, we are a god beyond her comprehension. We can explain things to her and be friendly and helpful, but there will always be that primal part in the back of her mind that looks at us and is afraid. There's only so much we can do to gain her trust, and actions will speak louder than words. Show don't tell and all that, what's most important is that we back up our promises.

P.S. The Scarab is the only one that thematically works. Negotiator is a fox. Shift is a wolf. We could each have our own spirit animal motif, but I don't want to actually appear like that.

Gaea would work like a small child, appearing like some dryad version of a Bonesaw/Panacea hybrid child.
That is totally not what Amy wants to dream about, she's in her own ironic hell.
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Maybe Coat is Mush? While I'm looking forward to getting all of the Shard IDs, identifying as many as we can now means that we've narrowed down the possible parahuman matches later.

Audible might be Flashbang. That leaves Jury-Rig, Gymnastics, and Knowledge from Shift's addresses. They're all probably heroes since Sophia hasn't interacted with a lot of villains. I think that we've already guessed about Jury-Rig being Aegis with no response so maybe he's either Gymnastics or Knowledge. He seems to be the only Ward we haven't matched an address with.

For the next round of voting, it might be better to have an organized template of sorts. When someone votes only to talk to one Shard, do they not want to talk to the others, or do they not care as long as they talk to that one Shard?

Maybe the general template could be something like:
[ ] Gaea - Contact about (write-in)
[ ] Gaea - Don't Contact
[ ] Shift - Contact about (write-in)
[ ] Shift - Don't Contact
[ ] (Insert name of Shard not previously contacted) - Contact about (write-in)

If we put the name of the Shard first and don't use brackets, then hopefully the voting tally won't be confused.
I'd still prefer not showing ourselves at all. We can be more obvious in how we communicate if you want, but I'd prefer the subtle mystery of never knowing exactly who or what is contacting you. Either the world around you shifts to answer things in a way that's obviously manipulated, or you just get messages in an antique copper kettle.

I wouldn't worry about it, you'll have all the Shard ID's (if not necessarily Parahumans) by two Story posts from now. Three at the outside.

Does anyone else find that ominous as hell?
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Oh yeah, we might have got noticed somehow.

Grand Mage you want to communicate but not actually appear or take a form. Like what images of what might be, words appearing on a chalkboard? That seems unnecessarily complicated.
Words on a chalkboard, in clouds, showing up scrolling across any nearby surface. Ominous voice that thunders throughout the area.

The point is if we set up a form we either have to police ourselves to one we can make if we decide to create a human form we pilot, or inevitably showcase a form that's not the one we originally gave her to believe we have. To a teenager with trust issues. That just doesn't seem like a good plan to me, unless we don't really care about her working together with us, in which case why be so obvious about contacting her?

It seems the purpose of talking to her outright is to get her as an ally, right? So we'd either have to fix her issues first, or set ourselves up in a way that later it doesn't come off as a lie. So either we keep ourselves to a form we can eventually have made for us, or have no form and thus no expectations to go against.
Grand Mage you want to communicate but not actually appear or take a form. Like what images of what might be, words appearing on a chalkboard? That seems unnecessarily complicated.

I mean, if we actually did give Greg a dialogue wheel power that had a holographic interface only he could see, we could communicate with him at any time just by popping up a text box for him.
SW Text-Scroll Quest Summary
showing up scrolling across any nearby surface.

Are you suggesting we communicate using those Star Wars scrolly text things? Because I heartily approve!

Worm: The E88 Strikes Back

The apathetic ZION,
obsessed with continuing THE CYCLE,
has dispatched thousands of SHARDS
all throughout EARTH BET.

Evading the dreaded ABERRATION REPORT,
an unnamed human nerd
has established a new identity
as the host intelligence of

It is a dark time for BROCKTON BAY.
Although the city is under PRT control,
GANGS run rampant in the streets as
the HEROES find themselves unable to cope.
Perhaps adding more to their number is what they need...

(This took way too long lol)
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We could just tell Taylor that we look like whatever we want to look like? I mean, right now we're a giant planet sized brain, but with enough research I imagine we can condense ourselves. If we're being really honest we can just show her a window to ourselves when we're explaining things. Give her a sense of scale.
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[X] Send a command to [Shift]
-[X] Instruct Shift to enhance data collection by
--[X] Nullify the satisfaction yield from conflict with no goals.
--[X] Encouraging its Host to feel the same emotional reward from joining, working with, or acquiring allied units as the Host does from combat.
--[X] Increase satisfaction yield for each of the following criteria:
---[X] Conflict improves Host's resources or allied units resources.
---[X] Conflict has no loss of permanent resources to Host or allied units.
---[X] Conflict preserves the ability of all participating Hosts to participate in future conflicts.

I think we should try to guide Gaia into trying to get Panacea to start doing improvements instead of fights until she's used to actually using her power.