Fourth-Soul Devil Domain
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Unwoven (1)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: One Yozi Pantheon-keyworded Charm, one Yozi geomantic Charm
The Sun-Heart Furnace Soul stirs a new soul to life inside the Infernal. But the princes of the green sun already have a fourth soul, and so, with this new realisation of one's own metabiology and knowledge of terrain and how it can be manipulated, a sanctum akin to those possessed by gods may be forged within the Infernal for the coadjutor. This Charm creates a sanctum within the Infernal. This unreal place, called a Devil Domain, has a rating which is equal to and tracks the current rating in the Unwoven Coadjutor background - which gives the demon a reason to cooperate, as a disagreement can radically decrease the living space available to the coadjutor. The coadjutor is permanently materialised within the sanctum, recovering its body, and has full access to its own Charms and Essence while in it - it still fulfils all the normal tasks of a coadjutor. Unlike normal sanctums, there is no entrance to it; the Infernal controls passage exclusively. No entity or object may exit or enter it, save by methods described in this or later expansion Charms; this is resolved as if it was a defence again any effect which would contest this.
The Devil Domain lacks the grandeur and splendour of the later Spirit of the Living World; it is a strange un-place, a product of the coadjutor and the arcane spiritual machinery of the Yozi Charms known by the Heretic. Its geography and territory is produced by a fusion between the nature of the demon, and Charms known by the Infernal. For example, a neomah coadjutor may live in a great tower shaped like a nautilus, as might be expected from its kind, but Holy Land Infliction will introduce silver sands to the walls and floors, Mother Sea Mastery will make the walls drowned and wet, or Witness to Darkness may make thick dark clouds which obscure the tiny sun of Sun-Heart Furnace Soul. Even this Charm exists within the Devil Domain; a tiny model of the sanctum which exists at its heart... and to touch it will see a giant finger come down from above, for space is folded up in this oroborus-world. The world exists as long as the Infernal possesses the necessary rating in the Unwoven Coadjutor background, and expands and contracts when the background rating changes, destroying and/or making new terrain as it does so. As a result of this bribery and incentive, the Infernal may choose to render all of her social attacks against her coadjutor undodgeable unnatural mental influence; it is now fully aware of how its comfort depends on its good relationship with its greater self, and though it may argue against her, it cannot ignore her.
The rating in the Unwoven Coadjutor defines the maximum size of the Devil Domain; there is no way to expand it beyond the size limits of that background. The Infernal may visit the Devil Domain by meditating as per Spirit of the Living World. In addition, the coadjutor may invite the Infernal in whenever she sleeps; she is free to reject this invitation, and dream normally. The Infernal's Charms are represented as features of the world, and the coadjutor may reconfigure the world within those parameters and themes as if it knew Creative Convergence of Principles, spending its own motes and willpower to do so, save any sentient beings it would produce are hollow shells as produced by Will-Crushing Force. The Devil Domain counts as Bordermarches for the purposes of any Wyld Shaping Charms used within, and may not be used to create demesnes or magical things by such methods. Changes which violate the established thematics of the Devil Domain revert over the course of one tick. Many coadjutors will change the appearance of larger Devil Domains radically; some may delight in surprising their Infernal each time they visit.
As a Miscellaneous Obvious action which may not be flurried, the Infernal may send any smaller-than-man-sized object that she owns and is touching into the Devil Domain, whether by forcing it into her own chest, tearing a hole in reality to lay it to rest, tossing the object into the air whereupon a demonic hand snatches it and it vanishes, or any other way. Objects may be recovered by taking another unflurryable Miscellaneous Obvious action, and require that the coadjutor, in the sanctum, be touching the object too. At least one Slayer with a heranhal coadjutor has put his demon to work making objects using raw materials he sends it, for which it thanks him for the appreciation of its craft and the joys of having flesh once more. Any artifacts within the Devil Domain are sent spinning into Elsewhere with the death of the Exalt, whereupon they wash up on the shores of Creation five days later. Anything else within the Devil Domain is destroyed if the Infernal dies.
Should the Infernal later learn Spirit of the Living World, she may chose to keep this place separate from her Inner World, or alternative expand it from this sanctum, which forms the omphalous of the new reality. The XP cost of this Charm is refunded if the Infernal merges the Devil Domain into the Living World.
Blossoms of the Tiger Empire
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Unwoven (1)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Fourth-Soul Devil Domain, Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi)
Once, in the long ago, the spire of Yu Shan was surrounded by the unbounded firmament and upon this blank canvas the Primordials built their play-worlds. Now within their own souls the Green Sun Princes repeat such deeds. The inner world granted by Fourth Soul Devil Domain unfolds, expanding within Elsewhere. From the borders of the world defined by the Devil Domain, it now extends for an extra (Coadjutor rating) kilometres. This terrain will take on a general theme and appearance similar to the core Devil Domain, but is not composed of representations of the Infernal's Charms. Any additional Pantheon souls the character possesses will likely claim areas of the Tiger Empire for themselves, much as the Unquestionable do in Malfeas - they may reshape it as the coadjutor may reshape the Devil Domain.
The borders of this unreal place brush up against reality where the Infernal's essence pools and swirls, much as Cecelyne touches all places of desolation. When the character is within land affected by one of their Infernal geomantic charms or which has undergone significant modification via their sorcerous effects, they may carry out a personalised Sorcerous ritual to transfer larger objects or structures to or from their Tiger Empire. The ritual costs 20 motes and 1 willpower, and takes four hours in which omen weather flares, the earth shakes, and the aesthetics of their Tiger Empire intrude upon the world as an Essence 1 Blasphemy. They must own the object or structure, and its largest dimension may measure no more than (Essence + Coadjutor) times ten metres across. This charm may not affect objects or structures anchored into the geomancy of another realm of existence, such as manses or the Devil Domain representations of their charms.
At Essence 4 this Charm automatically upgrades, increasing the radius of the Tiger Empire by (Essence) kilometres. At Essence 5 it further upgrades by multiplying its radius by ten.
Self-Within-Self Inversion
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 7, -3DV)
Keywords: Unwoven (1), Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms:
Fourth-Soul Devil Domain
To enter a spirit's sanctum is a special thing, and yet comes naturally to its owner. How much more special is it to enter the very soul of an Exalt; so wondrous is it, in fact, that only its greater self may enter this special place. As she raises one hand, the Infernal's anima flares totemic, in blinding brightness. Then it collapses in on itself, folding down in a way which gives the horrifying feeling that the Infernal is retreating at an incredible velocity. When the light clears, the green sun prince has gone from this world (only actually vanishing at the end of the speed 7 action). She now exists physically within her Devil Domain. Nothing else, living or animate-dead, may follow her through, apart from attuned living artifacts - this is also a convenient way of getting rid of parasites.
Within the Devil Domain, the Exalt is physical and material, existing within herself. In this state, use of her own Charms warps the landscape of the Devil Domain, the aspects representing her Charms swelling in importance, pulsing with cosmic power. As a result, the coadjutor may well request that the Infernal not destroy or warp too much of the landscape through her use of Charms, as it does live in this place. There is no way to see in or out of the Devil Domain, so characters can only guess whether or not it is safe to leave.
To leave, the Infernal activates this Charm again. She appears in the same place she departed. However, this time she appears instantly in the real world, in an explosion of anima-light, and must wait seven ticks before acting again.