Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

[X] You have 2 dots. Assign them.
-[X] Awareness (Sensing Ambushes)
-[X] Craft (Poison)

Ok, thinking on it, these two would be good for us.

First, sensing ambushes is a must. It's useful both at a personal level and in war. It's something an assassin would have knowledge of due to the fact that if a target is expecting to be assassinated then they would

Second, Craft (Poison) goes along well with the two dots we have in Craft (Water). It fits the poisonous nature of Anuhles, so there shouldn't be a problem there. As far as its use, poison is something we could integrate into custom weapons - poison includes not just deadly stuff, but tranquilizers and sleeping agents as well. Also, with the Craft Charms of Oramus we could make one off unique poisons, which would mean cures and antidotes wouldn't exist. Imagine poisons that drive people mad? We could totally make them.

I suggest everyone else use the format above if you want to vote for different things, as it makes it easier to count.

[X] Choose 1 Demonic Intimacy.
-[X] Silk

The Anuhles make silk, and are good at weaving. As such, I think this is a pretty decent intimacy to have that isn't likely to interfere with much. Basically make Lelouch really like silk - he'll prefer it over other fabrics. Seeing as we have a group of demons who can make silk stuff for him in their spare time and we've already ordered them to do that, that's not really much of an issue. (hopefully the first uniform is done by the morning)

@Alexander89 - let me know if these choices are acceptable, or if I'm misunderstanding something.
Remember that opening Adjoran's Charm set involves talking with Adjoran and convincing her to give us access... do you really want to try talking to a wind of murder who hates almost all noise? The only one I really would like to have is Wind-Born Stride, which we can just spend 16XP for to learn from Milly using our Caste ability.
Nope. Once a Yozi opens a charmset, it is open to all GSP. Only Devil Tigers require personal permission to learn their charms from each Exalt.
...oh god, I can see this turning out even worse than canon.

For what it's worth, I'd recommend telling at least Sayoko the bare bones of the situation.

I'd honestly say that Lelouch should tell both Sayoko and Nunnally a bit about what's recently happened, even if it boils down to, "I got magic powers and need to go save* the world now and then. Oh, and someone was insane enough to give Milly magic powers too, so she'll be helping me."

Lelouch's huge, gaping, tragic flaw in canon was his inability to tell the truth. This whole thing has a immense probability to fester into something very, very bad.

Really, I'd push for full, but slanted, honesty regarding most of the situation, but there's no way in hell (quite literally) that Lelouch would ever do something like that.

*for a given value of 'save'

It's ironic that our Patron Yozi values lies and our Favored Yozi rewards not telling things to our allies and henchmen that honesty may be the best policy.

But yes, I agree that eventually telling them the truth may end up being better, especially if Nunnally continues to worry why Lelouch feels different - Lelouch avoided telling her things to keep her from worrying, but if she's worried anyways then what's the point? Also, Sayako is awesome as a ninja-maid, so having her help earlier on would be great.

...Crap, I'd forgotten we had that houserule in play.

Still, if we expect to get into combat personally (which is something we really need to be prepared for even if we want to avoid it), I would really want to have access to either Malfeas or Adorjan eventually. I'm not sure which conversation would be worse.

Malfeas I plan on talking to. I think that one shouldn't be too bad - Lelouch and him have a few things in common. Stripped of their rightful authority and all that, a desire to burn their enemies, etc.

Nope. Once a Yozi opens a charmset, it is open to all GSP. Only Devil Tigers require personal permission to learn their charms from each Exalt.

That's not how it works in this quest. Read the house rules on the first page regarding XP.
I don't think we'd need a specialty there, when we could instead stack the two specialty points, which seems better.
High degree of specialization is rewarded, we hould use that
I don't think we'd need a specialty there, when we could instead stack the two specialty points, which seems better.
High degree of specialization is rewarded, we hould use that

Which specialty are you referring to?

Also, remember we'll get an extra specialty point when we increase our Essence next, which is one of the next things I want to do once we've got some more XP.
Malfeas I plan on talking to. I think that one shouldn't be too bad - Lelouch and him have a few things in common. Stripped of their rightful authority and all that, a desire to burn their enemies, etc.
Malfeas is still a rage-fueled asshole, but you're probably right that Lelouch can understand him well enough to talk him around.

Any other Yozis worth considering? I don't want to spread our XP too thin, but it's really hard to pass up Factual Determination Analysis for a social character (and if we had sufficiently absurd amounts of XP it leads into a lot of other useful things), and I think we could manage a chat with SWLiHN as long as Lelouch finds out what she's like before addressing her.
[X] You have 2 dots. Assign them.
-[X] Awareness (Sensing Ambushes)
-[X] Craft (Poison)

[X] Choose 1 Demonic Intimacy.
-[X] Webs

Still, if we expect to get into combat personally (which is something we really need to be prepared for even if we want to avoid it), I would really want to have access to either Malfeas or Adorjan eventually. I'm not sure which conversation would be worse.

We are planning to talk with Malfeas as soon as we can travel to the city, yes.
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Right on the first page, threadmarked as "Rules and Timeline".
You mean this?
To get another Yozi's First Excellency and access to relative Charms you need to go to Malfeas, enter in communication with said Yozi and successfully convince it to open its Charmset to you. Minimum time is a full scene.
I did not take that as 'another yozi's stuff is everything beyond your patron and whatever yozi your cast is of'. If that's true, all the infernals are going to be really unfortunately limited. I mean, I can totally see the other more oddball/latecomers not opening there's up to everyone for whatever reason on grounds of not wanting to make up that many custom charms, but the base five? Really? Talk about nerfing.

I was assuming that was about opening up the charmset of a Yozi not currently in with the infernal thing.
You mean this?

I did not take that as 'another yozi's stuff is everything beyond your patron and whatever yozi your cast is of'. If that's true, all the infernals are going to be really unfortunately limited. I mean, I can totally see the other more oddball/latecomers not opening there's up to everyone for whatever reason on grounds of not wanting to make up that many custom charms, but the base five? Really? Talk about nerfing.

I was assuming that was about opening up the charmset of a Yozi not currently in with the infernal thing.

It's better then having huge XP sinks when your upping your essence at least.
You mean this?

I did not take that as 'another yozi's stuff is everything beyond your patron and whatever yozi your cast is of'. If that's true, all the infernals are going to be really unfortunately limited. I mean, I can totally see the other more oddball/latecomers not opening there's up to everyone for whatever reason on grounds of not wanting to make up that many custom charms, but the base five? Really? Talk about nerfing.

I was assuming that was about opening up the charmset of a Yozi not currently in with the infernal thing.

It is true.

Keep in mind that this rule is due to anti-XP sink rules. Without the need to spend XP on repurchases of Excellencies and other Charms, it's possible to get rather deep into the Charm set they do have available relatively quickly as well as upping their Attributes and Abilities more frequently.

Also, it's not like it's impossible to get the other Charm sets, they just need to go talk to the Yozi in question and convince them to open the set up for them. While I suspect Oramus won't be giving his Charms to anyone because him giving them to Lelouch in the first place was an oddity, many of the other Yozis should be rather compatible to some degree or another with many of the Infernals and said Infernals shouldn't have any issues convincing at least a few of the Yozis to open their trees up to them.