Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

Lelouch has enough insanity on his plate without having to add romancing Sayako to the list.
I'm speaking long run kinda thing. Romance right now is kind of hilariously silly-stupid. Way more important and vital things to do, crushing on someone or dating them is bottom tier.

I'm just saying though.
"Only one small fact. I gave a look at the list of high-ranking officers transferred there, and there is a single name that isn't part of Cornelia's forces: Colonel Eduard Madd. He's part of the Knightmare Research and Development Division of the Army, but that's about all I could learn."
...this is a really good example of why I advocated explaining things to Nunnally.

The plot is coming for her, mark my words.
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Yeah, but frankly I think the Abyssals are more likely than the Sidereals. The Sidereals probably support the Britannian Dragon-blooded empire. However, we have seen Abyssal incursions in Japan in this quest already.
Well, we've seen them peripherally, at least; I don't think they've made any appearances outside of omakes and vague mentions as of yet?
Yeah, but frankly I think the Abyssals are more likely than the Sidereals. The Sidereals probably support the Britannian Dragon-blooded empire. However, we have seen Abyssal incursions in Japan in this quest already.
For reference sake, remember that the GSBS deathlords are... not a homogeneous power bloc. Like, at all. Mostly because their goals are almost all mutually exclusive: if the Bishop feeds everything into the Maw of Oblivion, then there's nothing for the Lion to forge a grand vision of glorious conquest eternal out of, and the Walker in Darkness' last-ditch plan to find a way of freeing the Neverborn from their torment via Exalt bullshit doesn't exactly gel with the Bodhisattva's ideas on what to do with them.

It really doesn't help that several of the deathlords have also essentially delegated management of a few of their Abyssals to other Lords of Death as a means of cementing alliances or (in Eye and Seven Despairs' case) not having to deal with other people while still technically being able to draw on their abilities, and those "manager" deathlords often have plans of their own that they can't help but try to push through using this cool new asset.

The less said about Eternal Emperor Shi Huang-Ti's recent machinations, the better.
For reference sake, remember that the GSBS deathlords are... not a homogeneous power bloc. Like, at all. Mostly because their goals are almost all mutually exclusive: if the Bishop feeds everything into the Maw of Oblivion, then there's nothing for the Lion to forge a grand vision of glorious conquest eternal out of, and the Walker in Darkness' last-ditch plan to find a way of freeing the Neverborn from their torment via Exalt bullshit doesn't exactly gel with the Bodhisattva's ideas on what to do with them.

It really doesn't help that several of the deathlords have also essentially delegated management of a few of their Abyssals to other Lords of Death as a means of cementing alliances or (in Eye and Seven Despairs' case) not having to deal with other people while still technically being able to draw on their abilities, and those "manager" deathlords often have plans of their own that they can't help but try to push through using this cool new asset.

The less said about Eternal Emperor Shi Huang-Ti's recent machinations, the better.
Er... In my previous post to the one before the one you're quoting, literally four posts above it, I suggested the reason things seemed so chaotic was that the different Deathlords were all undercutting each other.
I mentioned currying favor with the Neverborn, but it's also true that they each have their own agenda, in this quest as well as in canon Exalted.
Er... In my previous post to the one before the one you're quoting, literally four posts above it, I suggested the reason things seemed so chaotic was that the different Deathlords were all undercutting each other.
I mentioned currying favor with the Neverborn, but it's also true that they each have their own agenda, in this quest as well as in canon Exalted.
Sorry, I misread your post.

Not so sure I agree with the idea of the deathlords having different agendas in canon Exalted - in the actual book for Abyssals, the writers did a sterling job of making sure that even the handful of deathlords with interesting hooks and ideas got a paragraph crudely shoehorning in a total subservience to the Neverborn & unflinching desire to incinerate Creation and feed whatever remains afterward into Oblivion.
mahou shoujo nanarrriii saaaan


Majokko-chan, Nunally-san! Magical Princess,Geass Mark Nemo!
Solar: Diethard Ried

Name: Diethard Ried
Motivation: To witness and present history as it shapes the world, with Zero as the main character
Exaltation: Solar
Caste: Night
Anima Banner: A crystal sphere covered in gold-framed sides rotates, reflecting an endless series of different scenes from the mundane to the glorious
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3; Charisma 2; Manipulation 4; Appearance 2; Perception 2; Intelligence 3; Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 2
Abilities: Archery 1, Integrity 1, Performance 3 (Presenting Others +1), Presence 2, Craft 1 (Water), Investigation 3 (Secrets +1), Lore 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Larceny 2, Stealth 1 (Fading in the Background +1), Bureaucracy 3, Linguistics 1 (Native: English. Japanese), Ride 1, Socialize 2
Background: Backing (Black Knights) 2, Contacts 3 (Area 11 and Britannia), Resources 2
Essence: 2
Willpower: 7
Other notes: under the following Oath [Never betray Zero, never reveal his identity without his permission] (Botches: 3)

Zero (obsessive reverence), the supernatural world (strong interest), sensational events (excitement), Solar powers (enjoyment), britannian nobility (boredom)

Anima Power:
When a Night Caste Solar expends Peripheral Essence, she may spend additional motes in order to prevent the expenditure from adding to her anima banner. This ability does not allow the character to mute Essence displays caused by the use of sorcery, however. To prevent the motes spent on a Charm that is not Obvious from adding to her anima banner, the character must add one mote to the cost of the Charm. When using an Obvious Charm, she must spend twice the normal mote cost of the Charm to prevent it from adding to her anima banner.
The Nightbringer may also extend her muted anima like an imperceptible veil around her. This extended anima last for an entire scene and costs 10 motes of Essence to evoke. The anima mutes the senses of those attempting to perceive her, as well as the evidence she leaves behind for those who would follow her trail. Shadows are darker, sounds are muffled, and scent and footprints are both much lighter than normal. This muting increases the difficulty of all rolls to notice or track the Exalted by half the character's Essence (round up), so long as this muted anima effect is active. Once the Solar spends 11-15 motes of Essence, though, she is just as obvious as any other Exalt, her features completely obscured by her anima display. Thus, assuming none of them saw her prior to her anima flaring, witnesses would be aware a Solar had been in their midst, but not her identity.

First Performance Excellency
Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Performance 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Lawgivers with this Charm are known for their moments of brilliance. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. This Charm then adds one die to that roll for each mote spent. This Charm is the paradigmatic dice adder. The rule that Solars are prohibited from increasing a dice pool by more than their (Attribute + Ability) almost always refers to the purchase of dice through the use of this Charm.
Characters can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability, usually to increase a Defense Value, for example, by increasing (Dexterity + Dodge) to protect against a physical attack. When enhancing static values, her player rolls one die for each mote spent on the First Excellency. Each success increases her effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for the task by two. Therefore, each success on the First Excellency roll increases an applicable static value by one.
Characters cannot use this or other Excellencies or diceadding Charms to "create" actions. For example, if a character attacks on tick 3 and will attack again on tick 8, she cannot buy dice for an attack on tick 4 that only exists because she used the Excellency to conjure dice for it. A character who uses this or other reflexive Charms to add to an attack can also use it to enhance her defense until the next tick when she acts, but she must spend Essence for each separate roll she wishes to modify.
This Charm can be part of a Combo or used together with the Second Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency. It can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
Respect Commanding Attitude
Cost: 5m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Others listen when the Lawgivers speak. In ancient days, they commanded the attention of Primordials, beasts and gods. This Charm involves a performance or oration, and the Solar's player rolls (an appropriate Social Attribute + Performance) when invoking Respect Commanding Attitude. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on everyone who can see or hear the character. If the extra successes exceed a given target's MDV, that target suffers a compulsion to stay in the Exalt's company and respectfully observe the performance. Resisting this compulsion for five minutes costs one Willpower, up to a maximum of three Willpower per scene, and such resistance allows the target to leave, heckle or even forcibly silence the character.
Second Investigation Excellency
Cost: 2m per success; Mins: Investigation 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Solar Exalted with this Charm are known for their unwavering perfection. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. The Exalt then spends up to (Attribute + Ability) in motes. This Charm adds one success to a roll for every two motes spent. Each success purchased with Essence Triumphant is the equivalent of purchasing two dice with the First Excellency or some other dice adder. Therefore, if a Solar had a (Dexterity + Melee) total of 8, he could purchase up to four successes with the Second Excellency. Any magical effects that hinge on the character buying dice will then react as if the character had just bought eight (Dexterity + Melee) dice. The character could not add dice from the effects of other Charms because he has reached his maximum of eight by purchasing the four successes.
The Exalt can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. Each two motes spent increases his effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for one task by two. This means that every two motes spent on this Excellency increase a static value like a DV by one. The First Excellency is thus considerably more efficient for increasing static values than the Second Excellency, but not reliably so.
This Charm can be Comboed or used together with the First Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency, and it can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
Judge's Ear Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Investigation 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any Investigation Excellency
The Lawgivers are the guardians of truth. This Charm allows the character to recognize as lies all deliberate lies presented to her. The character can also recognize the deliberate use of half-truths, though doing so does not tell her which part of the statement is true. If another Charm contests these effects, add the character's Essence in automatic successes to the (Perception + Investigation) roll to oppose the other Charm.
Irresistible Questioning Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Judge's Ear Technique
This Charm forces the truth from those who would lie to the heroes of the dawn. It involves an interrogation, and the Solar's player rolls (the appropriate Social Attribute + Investigation) when the Exalt invokes Irresistible Questioning Technique. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on the target. The target can resist with MDV. If the roll succeeds, the target is compelled to answer the Exalt's questions honestly. Resisting costs one Willpower per five minutes, to a maximum of three Willpower, and the compulsion lasts for one scene.

This Charm loses effectiveness with repeated use. Increase the target's MDV by three if an Exalt has used Irresistible Questioning Technique or a similar Charm on the target this story.
Second Larceny Excellency
Cost: 2m per success; Mins: Larceny 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Solar Exalted with this Charm are known for their unwavering perfection. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. The Exalt then spends up to (Attribute + Ability) in motes. This Charm adds one success to a roll for every two motes spent. Each success purchased with Essence Triumphant is the equivalent of purchasing two dice with the First Excellency or some other dice adder. Therefore, if a Solar had a (Dexterity + Melee) total of 8, he could purchase up to four successes with the Second Excellency. Any magical effects that hinge on the character buying dice will then react as if the character had just bought eight (Dexterity + Melee) dice. The character could not add dice from the effects of other Charms because he has reached his maximum of eight by purchasing the four successes.
The Exalt can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. Each two motes spent increases his effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for one task by two. This means that every two motes spent on this Excellency increase a static value like a DV by one. The First Excellency is thus considerably more efficient for increasing static values than the Second Excellency, but not reliably so.
This Charm can be Comboed or used together with the First Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency, and it can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
Second Bureaucracy Excellency
Cost: 2m per success; Mins: Bureaucracy 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Solar Exalted with this Charm are known for their unwavering perfection. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. The Exalt then spends up to (Attribute + Ability) in motes. This Charm adds one success to a roll for every two motes spent. Each success purchased with Essence Triumphant is the equivalent of purchasing two dice with the First Excellency or some other dice adder. Therefore, if a Solar had a (Dexterity + Melee) total of 8, he could purchase up to four successes with the Second Excellency. Any magical effects that hinge on the character buying dice will then react as if the character had just bought eight (Dexterity + Melee) dice. The character could not add dice from the effects of other Charms because he has reached his maximum of eight by purchasing the four successes.
The Exalt can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. Each two motes spent increases his effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for one task by two. This means that every two motes spent on this Excellency increase a static value like a DV by one. The First Excellency is thus considerably more efficient for increasing static values than the Second Excellency, but not reliably so.
This Charm can be Comboed or used together with the First Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency, and it can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
Frugal Merchant Method
Cost: 1m; Mins: Bureaucracy 1, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Only a fool would cheat the heroes of the dawn. This Charm supplements a normal or dramatic action to estimate something's quality and price. Examples include the normal action to estimate the quality of a gem and the dramatic action to evaluate a shipment of silk and spices. This Charm gives the Exalt a perfect awareness of the target object's quality and condition. This awareness gives one bonus success on any price haggling if her bargaining opponent is honest (and using Charisma) and three bonus successes if the opponent is dishonest (and using Manipulation).
Speed the Wheels
Cost: 8m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Any Bureaucracy Excellency
The Lawgivers bring order and destroy corruption. The Solar speeds the process of a bureaucracy. Normally, an organization must first take a Begin Project dramatic action—ranging from minutes to months in its duration, depending on the organization's structure—before it can start actual work on a project. The Solar communicates his desire for speedy resolution to the organization, and his player rolls ([Intelligence or Charisma] + Bureaucracy), adding the Solar's Essence in automatic successes. The difficulty of this roll is 1. If the person responsible for this project deliberately engages in delays, subtract an external penalty of ([that person's Intelligence + Bureaucracy] / 2) from the successes on the Bureaucracy roll. The Solar is aware of such delaying tactics, however.

If the Solar succeeds, this Charm divides the time needed to begin the project by (the Solar's Essence + 1), with a maximum possible time of one season. For example, for an Essence 5 Solar, if it would normally take six months to authorize naval repairs or obtain an audience with the local king, this Charm reduces that time to a single month. If it normally takes a century to obtain necessary paperwork from a Fair Folk freehold, the Solar resolves the matter in a single season.
Mastery of Small Manners
Cost: 1m; Mins: Socialize 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Solar attunes herself to the patterns of human interaction. This Charm makes her responses to social situations so natural and appropriate that in social combat she treats all enemy groups as one point of Magnitude smaller than they are (to a minimum of 0). It also increases her effective Appearance by one dot. When in doubt, other characters will be more apt to do small favors and provide hospitality than not. Finally, this Charm ensures that the character understands the basic motivations of everyone present in the scene, as if her player had rolled three successes on a mundane Investigation roll to estimate each person's motives.
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