"It's better this way Boss. No corpse, no chances of Hungry Ghosts happening." Seyrun spits. "Accursed creatures of Death."
I am confused. If the spiders can eat spirits how did the War Ghosts of Shinjuku come about? Wouldn't their spirits have been eaten with their bodies? The fact they also have no body which according to you is apparently needed to spawn the ghost just doubles the reasons for there to be a lack of war ghosts.
[Exalted] Normal Charms
some fun homebrew charm ideas. The Malfeas ones are especially humorous, and useful. Speed up lulu's learning speed for lore and Sorcery, and pull off some WTF with "I'm on a Boat!" version 2. I really want your Zero to learn the Viridian Armor x2 so he can learn the Vehicle Armor Charm you added to the list. 7 motes for super magic armor on himself and his Knightmare would be so cheap lol.
You definitely do not have to use them, but they made me laugh, so I thought I would spread the laughter here.
Will Lelouch eventually count the Green Sun Princes as siblings? Technically speaking, they are all the soul adopted children of Ligier, and with the Crysalis even their DNA may be changed.
How did Lelouch create new souls within himself? I believe there are some homebrew charms that can do so (and two for making your Coadjutor [or another demon] your Fetich Soul), but Lulu didn't use any. Was Shiro-chan (cannot remember the name you gave her) born when Lulu exalted? She is older, and the 6th soul was born when he was kissed (I am assuming), so that is the only time I can think of.
Do the Infernals have an imposed lifespan as they do in canon (I believe it was 150 years)?
Ouch!" yelped the president of the Survival Game Club.
I thought you said later on, that Lulu has never beaten her before so how is this omake canon?
Wish you created links to the Plans that were voted in. You do for some but not most.
Is Reuben Ashford a Dragonblooded? With his connections, and what you have said and inferred in this fic, I would expect he would have to be Exalted to pull off everything he did. If not, does he know of the supernatural? Has he had his Essence awakened?
Some grammar mistakes, I will do a review with everything I found if you want me to.
Will Nunnally Exalt as a Dragonblooded (or any kind of Exalted)?
Artifact (Key to the Infernal Gates - Any door with a Yozi's name on it): OOO
When did Zero get this?! A pretty good one from what I can tell. Where in Mafeas does it send him, or is it truly random? Do the other Yozi exist within the Demon City? Does it send him to an area of the Yozi whose name is written on the door?
I think Lulu needs to get some Demon Maggot Amulets at least for himself and his Peers plus talented subordinates.
Another idea, could Lulu convince the Yozi to ally themselves to Autochthon? That would give them access to hundreds if not thousands of Celestial Exalted (who can manipulate the Loom of Fate on Creation). In return, they could give their essence to heal Autochthon (with several Primordials worth of essence, he should be able to heal himself), and their word to respect (and not destroy without reason) his creations (after all, his creations managed to kill and beat the crap out of the Neverborn and Yozi respectively, so they are worthy of respect). This was the primary reason he betrayed his brethren if my memory of Exalted is correct.
Enjou did not speak of the Alchemical Exalted and their coming to Creation. I also believe he took some liberties on some events. If memory serves (and it has been years so it may very well be faulty), Sol Invictus was created not originally as Ebon Dragon's opposite, but for the sole purpose of having a being powerful enough to create Exalted that could beat the Titans. While it may have been presented as you wrote it, his creation was planned for the Primordial War. He also forgot the biggest stick the Yozi hold over the GSP, which is their enforced lifespan of 150 years. While they have the potential to become Neo-Titans…they have a small time limit to accomplish what could very well have hypothetically taken millennia of infinite essence contained within the Wyld to do…they have far less than infinite essence and millennia to do it. As you said, the birth of the Titans is left to debate; the only thing that is known is that they were born/created/started in a realm of (nigh- if not) infinite essence. Still that was a wonderful summarization of Exalted!
Crimson King Shintai
This movement effect does not grant the Infernal any special ability to dodge attacks and only takes effect after any attacks against the Infernal made on that tick have been resolved
the Infernal can reflexively hold any damage he suffers Elsewhere, committing one mote for a bashing level, two motes for a lethal level and three motes for an aggravated level.
You've never watched Hellsing, I am assuming (or studied quantum mechanics for that matter). If he holds them Elsewhere, and then deletes Elsewhere, it is as if he was never injured at all and never spent the motes in the first place. Realistically, this Shintai is, at the minimum, the Ultimate Absolute Defensive Maneuver which can survive nigh anything as long as the GSP can identify himself, since the power to be anywhere and nowhere simultaneously gives them the power to deny reality and assert their own version of it (within the context of themselves).
What happened to the Scarlet Empress? She existed in your world, since she (or an equivalent to her) activated the superweapon. With the remaking of the world, did she suffer the same fate as canon or is she dead? The Ancestral Mother of the Britannian Royal Family?
Definitely another stop to add to your tour of Malfeas.
Does he actually get anything from said library? It is mentioned he had the demon servant check stuff but never what happened with it.
Someone brought up not using colors associated with the Yozi …but would anyone outside of Autochthon (who is Elsewhere), Gaia (who is silent), and the Incarnae (who are addicted to playing GoD [Games of Destiny] and thus ignoring Creation) recognize them? The Sidereal? But would they show themselves to the Britannians and risk being enslaved as well? The Dragonblooded armies overcame 600 Celestial Exalted. Can 100 Sidereal top that?
It's not I don't like it, it's just that I don't think it's balanced.
I have to point out that the definition of an Exalted can be written as such: the opposite of balanced lol
She's lying. Part of it is just omission, but the rest is a full lie. You narrow your eyes, debating forcing her to say the truth with an oath...
Wouldn't she still be under her previous oath since this is happening in the same conversation Lulu Sanctified?
Will Lulu learn of the other side of the argument of the Usurptation, what life was like under the titans?
He's had three years
I am confused, when did it say when he Exalted? (and now I am confused about where this was from...found it, this is Akito.)
@Enjou would this quest be over if Akito has maxed phys stats (10 Str, 10 Dex, 10 Sta)? That would be Incarnae level bullshit.
'I have become a Prince of Hell
Technically Lelouch is not a Prince of Hell. The Demon Princes are the Unquestionables (Third Circle) while Lulu is only a Citizen (Second) with perks. It's in the title, he is a Prince of the Green Sun. Is Lelouch confused about his position or is he exaggerating it for theatrical reasons?
"And 'devil' isn't even a real being.
Rereading this quest, and I came to this and realized that that isn't true. Akuma translates directly into Evil Demon or simply put Devil, so in Exalted devils exist.
Thanks for this great quest and fic! Sorry for the huge back log
It's homebrew. One of Earthscorpion and Aleph's Pantheon charms meant as an alternative to becoming a Devil-Tiger.
Does not really explain what it does, only its original purpose