Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

I'm presuming this has to do with the 22-23 year old flirting with Lelouch. Well, I wonder what she rolled, or what the difficulty for resisting the Charm is. Should be interesting to see, either way.
Hopefully she's not a Sidereal using CaMG or something. I have no idea if that's the appropriate dice set to roll against that Charm- I haven't looked at the Sid book in forever- but it's an appropriate worst case scenario in my mind.
I'm presuming this has to do with the 22-23 year old flirting with Lelouch. Well, I wonder what she rolled, or what the difficulty for resisting the Charm is. Should be interesting to see, either way.
Hopefully she's not a Sidereal using CaMG or something. I have no idea if that's the appropriate dice set to roll against that Charm- I haven't looked at the Sid book in forever- but it's an appropriate worst case scenario in my mind.
Don't worry, this roll was unrelated with that scenario. It was successful by the way. What's CaMG?

On another note, when do Dragonblooded usually Exalt? There's a minimum and maximum age, right?
Don't worry, this roll was unrelated with that scenario. It was successful by the way. What's CaMG?

On another note, when do Dragonblooded usually Exalt? There's a minimum and maximum age, right?
Cash and Murder Games. Sidereal social charm that lets you redefine the relationship between two people however you like (make them enemies, friends, lovers, etc).
High breeding DBs generally Exalt around the age of 10ish, I think, whilst it's rare for anyone older than 20 to Exalt, and those DBs usually have low breeding.

Just as verification, Page 19 of the DB manual:

"The earliest Exaltations take place even before puberty, as early as 10 in children of exceptional breeding. From her 10th birthday until her Exaltation (or her 20th birthday, whichever comes fi rst), every day could be the day it happens."

And page 29:

"Among other things dictated by purity of blood is the age at Exaltation. Stronger blood tends to cause earlier Exaltation (as early as 10 in a few children of exceptional breeding), while the thinnest blooded Terrestrial can Exalt as late as age 20."

Given that the dragon blood has thinned greatly over the millennia, it's probably most common for DBs in this world to Exalt in their late teens.
Rolling (Willpower+Essence):

3 successes. Decidedly below average. =\

Cash and Murder Games. Sidereal social charm that lets you redefine the relationship between two people however you like (make them enemies, friends, lovers, etc).
Full text:
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Shun the Smiling Lady
The Sidereal chooses two people—a beneficiary and a victim—and twists their fates to grant the beneficiary an emotional dominion over the victim. The victim might fear the beneficiary, desire her sexually, revere her or otherwise define himself in terms of her. (The Sidereal can name herself the beneficiary in such a relationship.) Regardless, the victim cannot resist succumbing to the beneficiary's will.
To activate this Charm, the Sidereal's player rolls (Manipulation + Socialize) against the victim's Dodge Mental Defense Value, and adds the character's Essence in automatic successes. If the roll succeeds, the victim immediately views the beneficiary in terms the Sidereal defines. To overcome this effect for a scene in the beneficiary's presence, the victim must spend one Willpower point. When he has spent a number of Willpower points equal to the activation roll's threshold, the victim no longer suffers the effect of the Charm.
This Charm enhances any social attack that may include the intended target, as long as the attack evokes the desired kind of relationship the Sidereal wishes to impose. It imposes an Intimacy of an appropriate nature that cannot be suppressed or eroded without spending 1wp per scene to ignore the unnatural Emotion. Ignore the reference to threshold successes. As long as it persists, in addition to the usual MDV modifiers, it imposes internal penalties on contrary actions per the Emotion keyword.
High breeding DBs generally Exalt around the age of 10ish, I think, whilst it's rare for anyone older than 20 to Exalt, and those DBs usually have low breeding.
Just as verification, Page 19 of the DB manual:

"The earliest Exaltations take place even before puberty, as early as 10 in children of exceptional breeding. From her 10th birthday until her Exaltation (or her 20th birthday, whichever comes fi rst), every day could be the day it happens."

And page 29:

"Among other things dictated by purity of blood is the age at Exaltation. Stronger blood tends to cause earlier Exaltation (as early as 10 in a few children of exceptional breeding), while the thinnest blooded Terrestrial can Exalt as late as age 20."

Given that the dragon blood has thinned greatly over the millennia, it's probably most common for DBs in this world to Exalt in their late teens.
Thanks. I asked because I was wondering if, and if yes who, among the minor characters mentioned so far in the quest (semi-OC or not) and canon ones could be possible, and/or interesting to have Exalt as Dragonblooded.
Thanks. I asked because I was wondering if, and if yes who, among the minor characters mentioned so far in the quest (semi-OC or not) and canon ones could be possible, and/or interesting to have Exalt as Dragonblooded.

Could be interesting, sure. We know Ashford Academy has a number of nobles attending, and a few have Exalted and been transferred out. Those transfers out will be decreasing, methinks.

Miss Caitlin Tiffany Glass of the Survival Game Club would be a perfect candidate, methinks! Gun skills AND gives Lelouch another minion that increases his suffering? What could be better?
Rolling (Perception+Awareness):

Rolling (Wits+Awareness):



Rolling (Charisma+Presence):


Interesting. Lelouch gets five successes on Perception + Awareness, both parties get two successes on Wits + Awareness, and the opposition gets five successes on Charisma+Presence which surpasses Lelouch's Parry MDV but does not pass his Dodge MDV. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

EDIT - Though Appearance difference may also come into play as a modifier, if this is the flirting scene. Again, should be interesting.
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Thanks. I asked because I was wondering if, and if yes who, among the minor characters mentioned so far in the quest (semi-OC or not) and canon ones could be possible, and/or interesting to have Exalt as Dragonblooded.
I think it's interesting that we have a potential Dragon-Blooded in our home.

Due to our Lineage from the Emperor, both Lulu and Nunnally have Dragon's Blood, which may or may not be diluted if Marianne was a Mortal or Exalt (I don't remember if it was mentioned what she was, and I personally theorize she was actually a Solar), but the Blood is still there.

Lulu is unable to become a DB because he's an Infernal, but Nunnally is a mortal with the blood. Seeing as how she's a direct descendant of the Emperor, I'd figure that the only reason she hasn't Exalted is because she hasn't developed any semblance of a Heroic Motivation. She's probably a high Mental and Social heroic mortal with good Willpower, but her motivation isn't to change the world or avenge a wrong, but simply to live happily and peacefully with her brother.
Ashford 2.3
[X] In a decent apartment close to Ashford Academy. It will be useful to keep a safehouse and a place for other Infernals to stay that is close to your home.
[X] A Britannian Noble who is up to many illicit businesses, and is paying the police to look the other way. The security around his villa is heavy, but success would give you a huge publicity boost.

From within the depths of Lelouch's soul-structure Seyrun breaths out a sigh. Not that he really needs to, being incorporeal and all that, but old habits die hard. He may now exist only as a consciousness using Lelouch's senses to interact with the outside world without being able to control the lad's body, and has his own body only inside dreams, but he still worries. After all his life now depends on Lelouch, and while the lad has, despite his eccentricities, a healthy survival instinct...his absurd luck often put him in situations that would have given Seyrun a hearth attack, were he still capable of having one.

Seriously, meeting four Unquestionables and a Yozi, the Demon City at that, in less than five days?

For a demon such as him, who pursued his ambitions with great care to never attract the attention of Citizens and above, meeting the Kings and Queens of Hell was a terrifying experience. The most he dreamed of was being recruited by a Citizen after his own organization grew large enough, and he would have been fine with that: war is eternal in Malfeas, and good skills are valued by everyone. With a bit of luck he could have left a great legacy behind.

Until he was selected to carry an Exaltation. Well, his stupid boys are still there with him so his ambition didn't become impossible, just in need of a bit more of guile and patience. He is an Anuhle, he has plenty of patience.



"Mh?" Seyrun strains his hearing. "What's"


Hearing a voice from behind he turns around by instincts, not yet realizing such a phenomenon should have been impossible in his condition.

"By the Ebon Dragon's whiskers!!"

Not that it stops Seyrun from being surprised.


The Britannian Noble. This is what you created the Black Knights for. This is also a good method to separate the worthy from the trash, testing your men in a grand baptism of blood...though, those reports of demon wards in the Noble's villa make you wary he could be a Dragonblooded or have one in his service, but that just means he's probably hiding something valuable. You have the Anuhles for anything supernatural, and if push comes to shove your last resort will be Milly and Akio lying ne-


You put down the pen. "Seyrun, there is no need to shout. I hear you pe-"

"Do the lucid dream thing. Now."

You frown at Seyrun's voice. If you don't know any better, you would say he's overwhelmed by so many different emotions he cannot decide on which one to fall into. But surely...? "Is it necessary? I haven't finished yet."

"You need to see this yourself."

Okay, this is worrying: what could have spooked Seyrun so much?

To your relief C.C. left while you were working. Skipping your usual rituals altogether you lie down on your bed, close your eyes and use your most successful technique to quickly fall asleep: reciting Shakespeare's Othello from memory, imagining you're back in the garden of Aries Villa where you first read it.

It works like a charm, and when your nose catches the smell of flowers you open your eyes to find yourself in the garden, sitting at a table for afternoon outside tea parties. You close the book and put it down. "Alright Seyrun, what did you want to show m-"


Something collides with your sternum, sending you tumbling and rolling on the grass floor until you stop, supine and with a weight on your chest.

"Papa is here! Papa! I finally meet you Papa-a-a!!" Hearing the young and chirpy voice you never heard before your eyes snap open.

There, sitting on your chest is a slim, young girl the same age as Nunnally with a smile that makes her resemble a cartoonishly cute mouse, wearing a purple sailor uniform. She has long, tidy white hair with a pale blue, purple, pink, green, and yellow tint...that moves. On closer inspection you notice it's not the tint that moves but the hairs themselves, quivering from top to bottom like the surface of a waterfall. A moment later you realize they are not hair at all, but rather a liquid like opalescent quicksilver.

But the most glaring proof of her not being human is the eyes: the pupils are concentric rings of golden, red and orange switching color between themselves like a neon light, the lack of any ordinate rhythm in the process causing a sort of sting in your eyes.

You are about to ask just who or what she is-

"Now, now dear sister. Please get up: that position is entirely inappropriate."

The music starts. It's like a slow, puissant concert of soft piano music and wind instruments. At the same time the light in the area dims, the clear sky without sun darkening as if dusk has arrived suddenly.

The mysterious girl turns to the side, to address the speaker and pouts. "Do-o-on't wanna!" You follow her gaze.

For a moment the image is superimposed by another, making you blink. When you re-open your eyes you realize there are glaring differences: the flawless skin is of the purest white instead of black, while her dress is the color of obsidian. The raven tresses are the same though, if shorter.

The new girl's eyes are closed in concentration as she plays an elaborate transverse flute made of black and glowing green bone, the indistinct shapes in the night-landscape behind her giving the impression there are many hidden beings following her music by playing instruments.

There is a flurrying sound, and two small bat wings spread from behind her back. At the same time she stops playing (even if the background music keeps on), her eyes opening to reveal glowing pupils of eerie green witch-light.

With a languid smile the girl walks up to the first one, puts her hands under her armpits and lifts her up. Then, keeping a perfect equilibrium even with a thrashing little girl in her arms, she performs a curtsy. "Dear progenitor, please forgive my little sister's unsightly behavior."

"I'm not the little sister! You are! I'm older than you!" The little girl protests with indignation.

"Uh uh uh, you're quite short for being a big sister."

"Wa-a-ah!! Meanie!!!"

"What is this...?" Having finally regained the use of your voice you stand up. You know you should be angry, but for some reason you are unable to muster any type of negative reaction towards those girls. "Who are you two?"

Both girls blink, as if honestly confused by your question. They look at each other and nod: the girl in black puts down the colorful girl, who quickly goes to the former's side. ""We're you!"" They say in unison. ""We're also family!!""

"What? You're not making any sense!"

"Now do you get why you had to see this for yourself?" Seyrun skitters down from the wall, shuddering when the little girl waves at him. "This is soooo outside my competence it isn't even funny."

You point at the two girls. "Who are they? Isn't this part of my soul? Shouldn't you and me be the only ones able to access it?"

"Yes. Which should give you an inkling of what's going on." At you questioning glare he elaborates. "Now, I am not expert so I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong, because this is downright heresy. I think...I think your soul budded."

"My soul what?"

"Remember how Yozis and Unquestionables have multiple souls? I think...Cecelyne forgives me." He gulps. "I think that, by taking on the powers of the Yozis, you started a similar process. Those two?" He points to the two girls. "They appeared some time after you unlocked your last powers."

"That is correct." The raven-haired girl says, the flute resting near her lips without playing. "I was born from the power of Sacred Ebon Dragon." She blows a single note. "And mother's love."

"I was born from the power of Sacred Oramus!" The silver-haired girl flails her arms, jumping from one foot to the other. "And I'm the oldest! Really-y-y!!"

"From a human perspective, I guess they're your daughters?" Seyrun shrugs hopelessly. "So...congratulations Boss, you're a father? Is that how humans say it?"

"...Ehehe. I see. Ehehe." You begin to giggle, but both your smile and eyes are hollow. "Excuse me for a moment."

You run into the palace.

A few moments later there is the sound of something crashing, someone yelling in pain, a wide variety of curses, what sounded a bit like a head impacting wood, another loud crash, loud pleadings for mercy, and silence.

Seyrun stares with wide eyes.

"Papa is funny!" The short girl giggles.

A loud crash comes from the palace, curses, yelling, cries of agony, more crashes, the sound of breaking glass, shouting, clashing steel, and finally deranged laughter.

Lelouch crawls back, clothes torn as if someone savagely bit them. He grabs Seyrun's face and pushes him to his level, staring at him with wide, crazy eyes. "Did you know this would happen?"

"No!" Seyrun protests. Then, more calmly. "I think nobody expected it. It's not as if something like the Green Sun Princes ever existed before..."

"How bad it is?"

"Showing signs of being like an Unquestionable? While I like to believe you have great value as Peer, I find it more probable they'll torture you to death. And then torture your ghost for eternity." He pauses. "Or they may open you up to see how exactly it works before doing the torture part."

"Don't worry Papa!" The silver-haired girl's face appears in front of you. Upside-down. Somehow, without you realizing it she moved into a handstand between you and Seyrun. "We will protect Papa from the bad guys!!"

"Sister is right." The raven haired girl instead is sitting in seiza position to your side. "You're our dear progenitor. Now and forever, we're on your side."

Of course. There is no one who you trust more than yourself.

You would have liked that parts of you didn't take life of their own and resembled girls though!!!

"Alright. Alright alright alright." You breathe deeply. In out. In out. "I can deal with this. Like everything else. I can. First-" You ask Seyrun, pointing at the girls. "Can their presence be detected?"

"It should be the same as me. Impossible to be perceived unless using machines to manipulate the soul."

"Good! You...Wait." You turn the girls. "What are your names?"

""We don't have names."" They both say.

You stammer. "What?"

"We were born only recently." The shorter girl replies with the tone of someone stating the obvious.

"As such, our identities are still not clearly defined." The taller girl puts a hand over her chest and spreads the other. "Dear progenitor, would you do us the honor of naming us?"

Naming them? But it's true you can't just refer to them as 'you' and 'the other one'. Calming down you sit down and begin to think.

"I've decided." You speak up after several minutes. "From now on, your names will be-"

[] Name for Muse-chan: (write-in)
[] Name for Darkness-chan: (write-in)

"Kimbery's wrath, I feel a headache coming." Seyrun protests afterwards, the two sisters celebrating their new names by dancing and singing. "What I wouldn't do for a cigar."

"Recall the memory of one." You deadpan, trying to ward off your migraine.

"I never smoked a cigar strong enough to deal with what I am experiencing right now."

The annoyance in his voice is what tips you off. "Oh, really? Let me help." You put one hand on the ground.

"What are yo-" Seyrun's voice is drowned out by the sound of inchoate Essence surging out of your hand. Concentrating deeply you visualize the end goal, and tweak it until the project resonates with the power of Oramus. The local reality twists, flowing like clay by your will. You stand up before pulling your hand upward.

What is left is a pillar of stone, upon which rests a box. You take the latter and present it to Seyrun. "Here. Special cigars, all for you." You open it, revealing a row of cigars.

Seyrun hesitatingly takes one. "What makes them special?"

"I have no idea." You grin at his shocked face before closing your eyes. "See you later."

You will yourself awake. The moment you open your eyes in the real world the dream dissolves.

Save for the pillar of stone and the box of cigars.


1st September

The door of the Survival Game Club opens, and from it you enters, carrying a bag on your shoulder and a piece of paper in the other hand.

The President doesn't stop polishing her gun, instead grinning fiercely at you. "Welcome back, Lamperouge."

"Nice to see you again, Miss Glass." You put the paper on the table next to her. "This is a formal authorization from the Headmaster for me to be part of two clubs at once."

Caitlin Tiffany Glass just laughs like a maniac while you go to your locker to retrieve your weapon.

"The President bet a lot of money on your return." One of the second-year members, a girl called Maya Kerrigan, cheerfully tells you.

"Is that so?"

"Out of curiosity, what made you come back?"

You put the final bullet inside and close the cartridge. "A lot of reasons."

Like the fact you have yet to win a game against that gun-demoness.
-Dexterity 4 (23 days left) (7 Xp not yet paid)
-Dodge (1 day accumulated)
-Athletics (1 day accumulated)
-Resistance (1 day accumulated)
-Firearms (1 day accumulated)

Ride/Drive - max to 5 dots (12 XP, Immediate)
Occult - one dot (3 Xp not yet paid, 5 Days remaining)
War - max to 5 dots (3 XP, Immediate)
Britannia (War) - max to 3 dots (2 XP, Immediate)
Performance - go to 4 dots (3 XP, Immediate)
Presence - max to 5 dots (3 XP, Immediate)

92 -> 69 Xp

You bring the cup to your lips and drink the hot coffee, letting your gaze wander around as if annoyed. As such, to any external observer it's only a case that you linger for a second more on the large villa on the other side of the street. 'What do you think?'

"Those guards are good, but their movements are sloppy. They're only going through the motions." Seyrun points out. "There is no real tension. There hasn't been a break-in or other emergency for a long time."

'This means their guard will be low. Good. And the villa is not a Manse. Now, if only I could look directly at this Marquess Anson.'

"He isn't home yet?"

'No. Unless he returns this evening, I'll have to postpone the ope-'

"Hello there!" Someone suddenly sits down on your table, in front of you. "What is a cutie like you doing sitting all alone?"


You lower the cup, and look at the platinum blond woman with a nonplussed expression. "Drinking my coffee." You raise the cup to empathize your point.

"That's boring! See, wouldn't you prefer to do something" She bends forward on one elbow while her other hand slightly pull her tube top down, revealing more of her cleavage. She winks while blowing you a kiss. "Big sister will take care of e-ve-ry-thi-ng."

Every spoken syllable of 'everything' feels like a digit closing around your crotch, making you shudder. Then, in a moment of horrifying clarity, you realize what is happening. "Are you...flirting with me?"

"Oh come on." She waves you off. "Like it has never happened to you before."

"..." You stay silent, your ears turning slightly red.

"...Oh my Lu-God! It hasn't!" She covers her mouth with both hands and giggles. "That's, like, so cute! Kissing?"


"Holding hands?"


"Want to have your first time in all of them, and more?" She asks with a husky tone.

You slam the cup down on the table and stand up. "I'm leaving."

"Wait wait wait!" She runs in front of you and holds up both hands pressed together, as if asking for forgiveness. "Did I make you uncomfortable? Sorry about that, sometimes I get carried away. Can we start all over again?"

You stare at her right in the eyes, hoping to convey all of your annoyance like a spear through her obliviousness. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Nope. My room has only a single bed, and it gets lonely without anyone to share it."

'This loose woman!!'

You're about to call the police when she looks above your shoulder and freezes. Turning very pale she nervously tugs her jacket's collar. "Ooops. Look at the time..Gottagobyecutie!!!" And just like that she runs out of the bar at full speed, like she has a pack of rabid dogs on her heels.

'What was that?!'

"A female of your species trying a courtship displa-"

'That was a rhetorical question!'


"Oh, hey Zero." Ohgi greets you. "I gathered everyone like you asked."

"Good. I hope you're ready gentlemen." You put the rolled up map on the table and open it for everyone to see. "Because the first official operation of the Black Knights is tonight."

"Which is...?" Tamaki asks.

"A corrupt Britannian Noble who is involved in many illegal activities and is paying the police to look the other way. We're going to storm into his house, find the evidence of his crimes and air it for everyone to see."


"Seriously." You phone rings. You open it and read the message. "I stand corrected: we're airing the evidence, together with the Noble himself. Because he just returned home."

After that you, Ohgi and the rest of the Black Knights begin the preparations for the assault.

[] Write-in (You can ask the GM for details or stunt them)

Aaand, done. I hope I managed to portray Muse-chan and Darkness-chan like you imagined them in your heads.

Heads-up: the next post may suffer a delay. There is a certain promise that I need to keep, and it involves resuming a quest I put on hiatus on another site. Nothing truly long, so do not despair.
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Due to our Lineage from the Emperor, both Lulu and Nunnally have Dragon's Blood, which may or may not be diluted if Marianne was a Mortal or Exalt (I don't remember if it was mentioned what she was, and I personally theorize she was actually a Solar), but the Blood is still there.

Marianne was killed before the Jade Prison was busted into five years ago, so it's impossible for her to have been a Solar since in this AU every last Solar Exaltation was captured.

Likely she's a Geass user like in canon.
Did a Lunar just flirt with us? My god, Lelouch's luck really is something.

Anyways, do we have any ideas for names? "Muse" and "Grace" are certainly possible, though we could go with something else.
i do think the flirting girl was an exalt, first guess is a lunar (i think she was saying 'by luna' before changing it), second guess a sidereal.

the luck will only keep if the lunar will keep interest in him
i do think the flirting girl was an exalt, first guess is a lunar (i think she was saying 'by luna' before changing it), second guess a sidereal.

the luck will only keep if the lunar will keep interest in him

She's probably the Lunar from the interlude with the two Lunars. Her presence there indicates she may end up barging into our operation if she's spying on the noble's house like we are, or we'll barge into hers. We'll see.

Also... what if this is Milly's Lunar-soulmate? :rofl:
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Ok, for names, how about Muse and Yami?

We're the only one who will likely ever get the Oramus Charm, so it's not like anyone else will ever have a Pantheon soul based off of Muse of Unearthly Delights, so Muse is fine.

For Darkness-chan, others will get Darkling Grace Complete and get their own Pantheon souls based on it, so Grace seems like something that might be taken. So I'm thinking Yami (Japanese for darkness) would work for Darkness-chan. Alternatively, we could go with Yoru (Japanese for night). Thoughts?
Ok, for names, how about Muse and Yami?

We're the only one who will likely ever get the Oramus Charm, so it's not like anyone else will ever have a Pantheon soul based off of Muse of Unearthly Delights, so Muse is fine.

For Darkness-chan, others will get Darkling Grace Complete and get their own Pantheon souls based on it, so Grace seems like something that might be taken. So I'm thinking Yami (Japanese for darkness) would work for Darkness-chan. Alternatively, we could go with Yoru (Japanese for night). Thoughts?
Hmm. Any non-Japanese ideas?
Hmm. Any non-Japanese ideas?

I'm not coming up with anything else I particularly like, unfortunately. I'm still thinking, though.

Soooo, we're not becoming a yozi? Or we are? Fuk i can't keep up with all this shite

We're not becoming a Yozi, but we're taking on some of their traits. Infernals are basically destined to become Primordials 2.0 - all the power, but without the weakness of being unable to operate outside of their themes.
"That is correct." The raven-haired girl, the flute resting near her lips without playing. "I was born from the Charm Darkling Grace Complete." She blows a single note. "And mother's love."
Hah! Ambiguity!

Y'know, it's funny. Darkness-chan's Maternal Grandfather is the conceptual embodiment of Darkness, Antagonism and Lies. And as Lelouch would note, her Paternal Grandfather is worse.