Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

Thank you, that's very helpful. Now, regarding the OC creation, I'm currently working on an Omake detailing how my character came to accept the Yozis deal and Exalt. What I'm trying to figure out it, should we talk to you about making our characters' stat sheets after we post something, or talk to you about the stat sheets, then post an Omake about the characters?
Both work. Sheets are mechanical fluff, while omakes are narrative fluff. I think each one can be done before the other. The only reason I think it would matter is if you want to portray your OC using a specific Charm, but even then I would a great bastard if I were to pretend you follow the game rules to the letter.

If you want my honest opinion, if you have already a clear image of your OC in your mind you can post an omake safely, and then worry about the sheet. But maybe working on the sheet first could give you a clearer idea of what to do. Your call.

In any case, I only insist that you send me the eventual sheet by PM so we can work on it, and it can be posted on the thread once it's completely finished.
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Just wanted to say I am preparing a list of possible resources for when you take possess of your palace, and also nice artifacts. Hope you will like them.

Aaand, going to sleep now. See you all tomorrow.
Unless the Yozi are doing things differently in this quest, Oramus joining the Reclamation means his charmset is open for all. Or did Oramus just open it for the one exaltation?
Is there any way to add that as a banner to the thread? Because a lot of people have asked that question.
It's not entirely clear on the front page. Persuading a Yozi to teach you charms is normally what you do to gain charms of Yozi who aren't part of the reclamation, not what you do to gain access of non-caste/favored reclamation yozi.
Just wanted to say I am preparing a list of possible resources for when you take possess of your palace, and also nice artifacts. Hope you will like them.

Aaand, going to sleep now. See you all tomorrow.
Hmm, question? Do you think the concept of some sort of Kimbery/Markduth Infernal who's motivation is to screw with sea traffic by layering up a wall of those Monolyth Mountain charms from Markduth and then expanding them by furthering her motivation (each casting counts as a major part of finishing her motivation, because she has to do each one at the bottom of the sea after fighting against the teeming hordes of Krakens and such that have found themselves down there after the great change) could be a thing? Oh, and she's incredibly creeped out by Kimberry's charms and studiously avoids using most of them, but she doesn't ignore her.
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It's not entirely clear on the front page. Persuading a Yozi to teach you charms is normally what you do to gain charms of Yozi who aren't part of the reclamation, not what you do to gain access of non-caste/favored reclamation yozi.

This has been stated so many times in this quest that it's rather annoying to keep having to repeat it - in this quest Infernals have to persuade each Yozi that is not their caste or favored Yozi to open up their Charms individually. That Malfeas is a Reclamation Yozi isn't relevant to whether or not you can learn his Charms. Lelouch has access to Ebon Dragon and Oramus Charms only, so if he wants Malfeas Charms he needs to go talk to Malfeas and convince him to open up his Charm set to him. If he does, Lelouch gets access. Not Milly, Kaguya, or Rakshata. Just Lelouch. They'd have to do the same if they wanted another Yozi's Charms.

This is the narrative restriction that comes with the anti-XP sink stuff the first page talks about.
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-She Who Lives in Her Name
-Ebon Dragon

Those were the firsts, who defined the Castes. Each Caste give access to its Patron's Charmset as Caste Patron. Only those five Yozi can be both the Caste Patron and the Exalted Patron, with the Favored Yozi being one of the other four.

Since then more Yozi joined the Reclamation. They can only be the Patron of an Exalt as their Favored Yozi, meaning that the Caste and the Caste Patron stays the same. As a rule each Champion of those Yozi must start with Charms of their Patron and their Caste Patron:


*Since there are awesome Charms for him, why waste them? The Neverborn don't matter anyway: just swap a name for another, equally impressive one.
What about Ta'akozoka?
A Beginning (GSP Nathan Coulter by ReaperofInterest)
A Beginning
"Damn him!"

This hate–and–grief–filled cry splits the air.

"How dare he! How could he do that! He said he was my friend! I trusted him! I though he-how, how, how-"

As his screams continue, they become more and more choked by grief, till by the end, the words are drowned out by the blubbering of tears.

The source of those tears, the light-brown haired boy, is named Nathan Coulter. He is Britannian, but not a noble. He is intelligent when it comes to things, such as coding and machines. When it comes to people though, he is not nearly as good. He finds it uncomfortable to look people in the eye, dislikes large crowds, and prefers music or silence to the chattering of people. Earlier today, Alexander Capell, one of Nathan's close friends, and the only one who is a Noble, has betrayed him.

A few weeks ago there was a programming contest announced, hosted by a rich computer company. The winner would receive a cash prize, some fame, and the possibility of an internship depending on what the winning code comprised of. This was very attractive to Nathan, who wanted all three. So, he began to work on code for making data entry and retrieval easier. However, he asked his friends to help him with testing this code. While most of them agreed, Alexander took it a step further. He offered to help write the code, to help tweak it so it would be easier to work with. In exchange for this and signing up the both of them up for the contest, he proposed that both he and Nathan would be credited as the creators of the code. Nathan agreed, and Alexander kept his side of the bargain and more. The resulting code was essay to use, effective, simple enough that it had a very low chance of crashing, and was the product of enough brainstorming that it could truthfully be said to be the brainchild of both of them.

However, when it came time to head to the contest, Nathan found out that his friend had betrayed him. In addition to lying to Nathan about when their entry was, Alexander claimed that he was the one who came up with the program. Naturally, Nathan confronted Alexander after the demonstration, which infuriatingly enough, went perfectly. Suffice to say, words were spoken, insults were thrown, and eventually Alexander revealed that he had only used Nathan for his own amusement, and eventually, advancement. Devestated by the fact that someone he had cared about had in fact, never repicrocated the emotions, Nathan fled, and wound up running into the local woods. Well, perhaps they were not so much a woods, as a very unkempt park. It is here, that our story began.

"Hello there, young one."

With a choked gasp, Nathan tries to quickly find the source of the voice. He is hampered by the fact that he has spent a past few minutes crying, but manages to determine the origin of the voice. The fact that a purple, hairless, covered-in-many-piercings, completely-black-eyed woman was the one talking to him made him immediantly start wondering if the whole day had been one long dream.

"Um...hello ma'am. Can you?"

With a shake of her head, and a jangle of a few of the piercings, she answered "No, but I do believe I can help you."

"You've been hurt, haven't you? Betrayed by someone you held dear to your heart? Someone who possesses power, that means you can't hurt them back?"

Feeling very unsure, Nathan nodded in agreement.

"Tell me young one, how what you do, if I told you I could give you power of your own? Indeed, power that is not only capable of, but likely to eclipse your betrayer's power?"

"I'd say that you're offering something that comes with a hook. Brittanian Nobles, even lesser nobles, are extremely powerful. Anything that could give me the power to outmatch one would have to have a catch in it somewhere. I doubt even gods would be able to guarantee that."

"True, it has a catch. Put simply, the catch is in exchange for the power to make your desires reality, to catapult you amongst the technological geniuses of the world, you agree to serve my masters. And your right about the gods, but my masters are so much more."

"And...who are your masters?"

"Suffice to say, they are extremely powerful ,and are in fact the ones who MADE the gods. Your plight has caused them to extend a hand in offering. Accept this bargain, and you will be granted power immeasurable. Reject it, and you will never hear from me again. So, will you accept this power, in exchange for becoming a servant of my masters, the Yozis?"

"I..." with a gulp, Nathan reaches out a hand, and says "yes. I accept your bargain."

With a smile, the woman says "Excellent."

She moves towards Nathan fast enough that he can hardly blink, and then...darkness.

Nathan dreams of order, of everything being in its proper place, of hierarchies. He watches, and is inspired. However, eventually, the order leaves, to be replaced by something that seems to Nathan like a story made manifest.

With a jerk, he opens his eyes to see his fellows, but...why are there strings attached to them? They laugh, and tell him of their lives, in tounges that switch to a different language with nearly every sentence that he can somehow still understand. He sees people, guided by the strings, as they go about their day. He walks, and eventually comes upon a library, stained black with words. They are on everything, from the people, to the books, to the walls, to the strange beasts that seems to be made of words. Then, books open, words begin to leak out, and the words begin to speak, in a voice that speaks in hundreds of langauges.

"Who are you?"

"What? Um, I'm Nathan."

With that, the walls dissapear, to replaced by enourmous letters that spell out what used to be there.

"No you're not. There isn't a role called Nathan in this story."

"Yes I am. I'm Nathan, I would think I would if I wasn't who I said I was!"

The books dissapear, replaced by masses of black words.

"I meant in the story of the world. And I have looked all through my books, and in all the stories, all the could-bes and should-haves and what-ifs, there is no character called Nathan. Do you know why there no role called Nathan?"

"I'm beginning to think it's because I went mad."

The floor is consumed by the words that spread like an sprawling inkblot.

"A good guess. In most stories you'd be right. But this ISN'T most stories, now is it? Or even the Grand Story that is Fate."

"Wait, Fate is real?"

The words begin to collapse into a single center, forming a slowly growing sphere.

"Indeed, and it is ultimately by Fate's design that you failed. For Fate has determined that the nobles Britannia make for the main characters of this story of the current age, and you aren't a noble, are you?"

"And how would you know what Fate has determined?"

The voices suddenly reorient, and Nathan can now determine that the voices are coming from the growing sphere made of words.

"Because, mortal child, my fellows and I were the ones who MADE your world, and everything governing it. From the Gods, to the spirits, and everything in between. And with my power, you can claim a role for yourself in the spotlight."

Dumbfounded, he can't think of anything else to say. He was in the presence of something that made the world he lived in, and was offering him some of its power. What...what do you even say to that? After a moment that felt like an eternity, the sphere broke the silence that had fallen.


"Well what?"

"Are you going to let them get away with it? With stealing your work, for themselves? Are you going to be relegated to a bit character, a piece of the background, in your own life story?"

"No, never! I will not let something as nebulas as Fate dictate my life! I refuse to be relegated to a mere footnote in the chapters of history!"

"Last question. Who am I?"

"You are a Yozi."


With that, the sphere breaks apart, with streamers each containing entire sagas rushing away in an invisible hurricane.

I am Elloge, the Sphere of Speech.
Go Forth, and in my name, remind Creation of the power stories hold.

With a smile that could scarcely look more fitting on a hungry shark, Nathan replies "As you command, my master."

Name: Nathan Coulter

Age: 16

Titles: Chosen of the Sphere of Speech

Motivation: Using nothing more than your own knowledge and efforts, create a Wonder unlike any other

Urge: Reveal to the world the atrocities Brittannia will commit to achieve its goals. (Dramatic)

Caste: Defiler

Patron Yozi: Elloge

Anima Barrier: A Cape and Wings of made of words that tell a story

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3; Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2,Temperance 3, Valor 2

Abilities: Craft (Air) 3, Craft (Fire) 3, Craft (Water) 3, Craft (Wood) 1, Occult 3, Lore 3 (Specialty: Programming 2), Investigation 2, Linguistics 2 (Native: English, Japanese, Old Ream), Socialize 1, Dodge 1, Awareness 1, Drive/Ride 1

Backgrounds: Backing (Yozi): 1, Cult (Yozi): 1, Influence (Yozi): 1, Unwoven Coadjutor (Namaht) 1

Notes: Unwoven Coadjutor is a Neomah

Essence: 2

Willpower: 5/5

Intimacies: Mother (Positive, Familial), Father (Positive, Familial), Alexander Capell (Hatred)

Traits from Unwoven Coadjutor: His iris' have turned a much darker brown, almost black

Anima Power:
Infernal Exalted of the Defiler Caste may perceive Essence through their anima, allowing them to hone their senses for magic. By spending five motes, a Defiler may add (Essence) automatic successes on any (Intelligence + Occult) roll to identify a Charm or to analyze it with Essence sight, and on any (Perception + Awareness) roll made to notice a magical effect or Charm. In addition, this supernatural perception easily pierces through deception, adding a +3 bonus to the Infernal's Dodge MDV against unnatural Illusions. These effects come into play automatically once the Infernal spends 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.

Personality: Nathan isn't good with people, is made uncomfortable by eye contact with others, and dislikes large crowds. He also dislikes loud noises that aren't musical. However, when around people he trusts, he shows that he can be somewhat sarcastic, prideful when it comes to programming, and narrowly focused on his interests. His interests are somewhat more fluid than average, but tend to be related to science or electronics. He quickly takes offense whenever he thinks he's being mocked. He will gladly explain to someone the intricacies of something that he's interested in, but if someone started talking about sports, he's likely as not to just walk away to find something he enjoys more or someone who he prefers to talk to. He's also somewhat procrastination-prone; he'll gladly spend time when he should be working on doing something that doesn't interest him on something that does, and burst into activity when the deadline approaches.


First Elloge Excellency, Second Elloge Excellency

The Sphere of Speech weeps and bleeds a ceaseless tide of symbols and patterns, crippled so that she cannot truly invent. Instead, she willfully interprets and recalls what already exists, stealing ideas and distorting existing sentiment into her stories. She has insight into relationships of all kinds, but avoids direct interaction lest her wounds expose her as a hollow fraud. Instead, she lurks at the edge of perception, an envious audience in self-imposed isolation. The Minstrel Echo sees hidden meaning everywhere, injecting emotional drama into the most mundane situations in order to fuel confusion and validate her suspicions. Her favourite narratives are romances, but she lives vicariously through all stories, hiding inside her obsessive fantasies.

Elloge constantly reinvents herself, donning proxy personas or the trappings of roles. She is desperate to obscure her own weakness, jealous and infatuated with those whose sincerity and strength of will can make dreams real. Such heroes become perfect dolls who act out her plots, unable to betray her. Exalts can use this Charm to conceal their presence, motives or capabilities, as well as any attempt to understand something, but it comes with a major restriction – it cannot aid open, personal interaction with another character. A warlock could strangle from hiding or romance while disguised, but not duel before a crowd or directly profess their love.

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

A symbol is a lie that leads to the truth. Elloge understands such things. She lives in them. The Infernal's senses creep at the edges with mutant glyphs and variated whispers – she may activate this Charm to condense them into an actual language she knows, providing a perfect, instant translation for any text she reads or speech she hears. Even colloquialisms receive appropriate translation – though her ability to understand their original nuances depends on her Linguistics rating. This Charm gives the Infernal no ability to speak foreign languages, or understand unintelligent "languages" such as body language or birdsong.

Cost: – (1m+); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Means to Meaning

The Hermit Within Herself sees words as the beautiful ornaments they are, and can look bypass them to see the meaning that flows beneath. This Charm accelerates the rate at which the Exalt absorbs recorded information by a factor of (Essence x 10) while its prerequisite is active. If she is in physical contact with the vessel for this information, she may instantly absorb it all by spending a number of motes equal to the hours it would normally take for her to read it (minimum one), causing lettering to creep up her skin and soak into her veins.

Cost: – (2m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Jewelled Tongue Translation

The world is a tapestry upon which Elloge composes a body others may look upon. While this Charm's prerequisite is active, the Exalt can cause her words to fix themselves into the air, written as Sorcerous whispers. She dictates the style of this writing, and may choose to have it burn like a lightly flaring anima. It lasts for a day or until she wills it away, upon which it fades like words wiped from a chalk-board. Alternatively, she can write her words directly onto any surface within (Essence) yards – such text is permanent, and appears to have been etched, daubed, etc, by mundane means.

The warlock can create these words silently if she wishes, but they appear at her usual writing speed, and pictographic traceries of Essence link them directly to her. She can accelerate the process by spending motes – spending two motes allows her to produce up to (Linguistics) hours worth of writing as a miscellaneous action, calligraphy seared into reality.

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Means to Meaning

The world dissolves within the Sphere of Speech. Her perception of things is inseparable from their true bodies, and so architecture becomes alphabet, rivers run with runes, and legions march into logos. The Infernal touches any object, dissolving it into an incorporeal structure of alphabet and intonation, indistinct from the world in her mind. As normal, object-sized sections of greater structures are valid targets, and a group of small linked items may be classed as a single object at the Storyteller's discretion (Exalted, pp. 213). The Exalt may end this Charm whenever she wishes, and cannot use it in response to an attack.

Attempts to examine the object receive one automatic success and ignore penalties from physical obstructions, its inner workings laid bare for all to read. The Infernal may choose to interact with this object as though it were material, and receives the same benefits when doing so. These interactions function by directly "editing" the target's physical-symbolic structure, and ignore soak. Destroyed objects leave no debris save an echo.

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

How bright and hot the lights, how curious and dreadful the crowd! Those who expose themselves are fools. Better by far to stay backstage, to control unseen through direction and script. This Charm is identical to the Solar Charm Easily-Overlooked Presence Method (Exalted, pp. 230). As with the original Charm, superhuman senses do not provide situational modifiers – the Exalt slides beneath attention unless it is drawn to her, so improved perception does little to defeat the Charm.

Imperfection of the Sphere of Speech
Elloge's heart is a wounded and broken thing, the last symptom of the creative energies that were hacked away from her. So she hides it, terrified of the empty and meritless hollow within. Charms with this Imperfection suffer a one-mote surcharge for every one of the Infernal's intimacies that the attacker is aware of. While her player is aware of this surcharge, it does not serve to alert the warlock to characters that know her better than she thinks.

First She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency, Second She Who Lives in Her Name Excellency

The Principle of Hierarchy is methodical and meticulous. She analyzes every variable and chooses the most efficient and orderly method by which to achieve victory. Her utilitarianism is absolute and consistent as clockwork. She is as brilliant as she isa lien, cold and unfeeling. Her violence is dispassionate and perversely pure, unmotivated by sadism and yet capable of systematically disassembling every obstacle in her path without the slightest remorse. She builds and improves structures of all kinds and abhors chaos, randomness and free will in all its forms. She finds excessive effort wasteful and prefers to apply the minimum exertion necessary to attain the desired outcome. Her directives are fascist and totalitarian, but ruthlessly fair. She has no moral restraint against deception, nor any attachment to honesty, but her nature must choose the most expedient method even when it is not the solution that best matches her talents. She demands perfection, especially from herself.
Characters may apply this Charm to actions that create new order or reinforce existing order in any way, as well as actions that encourage others to join and loyally follow any hierarchical organization. She Who Lives In Her Name enhances efficient actions that demonstrate appropriate use of force; her power does not aid half-hearted or excessive efforts. Showing empathy for individuals invalidates that action for enhancement, though empathy toward society or another collective structure is permissible. The Charm enhances actions carried out methodically and logically but not improvised or unconventional solutions. Spreading chaos is never allowed, but ineffective organizations and policies may be dismantled to pave the way for a better order.

Factual Determination Analysis
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Principle of Hierarchy recognizes the totality of truth. This Charm may be used to test any statement the Exalt reads or overhears and provides the Infernal with certain knowledge of whether the statement was presented as a complete truth. Any intentional deception or meaningful omission of relevant data in any part of the tested statement returns the same negative response, so it is best to test a long statement frequently to isolate where the truth breaks down. If this Charm contests another, add the Infernal's Essence rating in bonus successes to the roll-off. Truth is measured from the perspective of the speaker rather than based on objective truth. Factual Determination Analysis does not supply the truth along with its binary measure.

Essence-Dissecting Stare
Cost: Special (see below); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One hour
Prerequisite Charms: Factual Determination Analysis
She Who Lives In Her Name sees all that matters. This Charm duplicates the benefits of All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight apart from its type and duration. The cost to activate this Charm is (8 - [lower of Perception or Occult]) motes normally or zero motes if the Infernal has Essence 6+.

Counter-Conceptual Interposition
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Dissecting Stare
Faced with any physical attack, the Principle of Hierarchy may reshape reality to produce a phenomenon or event capable of neutralizing the attack. This Charm is a perfect parry against any attack the Infernal can perceive, even unblockable attacks. The default manifestation is an orb of crystalline fire that appears in the path of the attack, shattering to stop the blow or projectile just before it hits the Exalt. Where the sphere shatters, a ripple of bent space flows out like a stone dropped into a pond. It is possible to manifest any instant duration effect that could provide a parry, however, such as a spray of water to snuff out a firewand's torrent or a concussive thunderclap that knocks aside an incoming arrow. Such variations are stunts, so creative use can reduce the cost of the Charm to match the perfect defenses of other Yozis. Counter-Conceptual Interposition is vulnerable to the Imperfection of the Principle of Hierarchy.

Mind-Hand Manipulation
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Dissecting Stare
The spinning orbs of She Who Lives In Her Name have no hands with which to grapple and impose order on the world. They are not so crude. With this Charm active, the Infernal may move other objects with his mind as though manipulating them with his own body, exerting force or even lifting objects and carrying them through the air at speeds up to his own current velocity. His telekinesis trails Obvious ripples of spatial distortion and white light as prehensile tendrils of mental force. This Charm has a Dexterity equal to his Willpower and a Strength equal to his Essence. The associated Ability to use this Charm is Occult, whether for attacking with direct force or hurling objects, or to determine effective (Strength + Athletics) total for a mind-powered feat of strength. If a floating weapon is wielded this way, the Ability is the lower rating of the normal trait and Occult, and all actions using the weapon suffer a -3 external penalty. Unlike most Sorcerous Charms, the Essence for this Charm must be committed, but the effect may also be terminated at will by ending this commitment. Mind-Hand Manipulation can move perceived incorporeal beings and objects, but its effective Strength is halved.
Moving objects with Mind-Hand Manipulation requires the same actions as doing so normally. All actions suffer range penalties like an attack with a range interval of (Willpower + Essence). Objects that have been lifted into the air fall when the action taken to move them ends, though up to (Essence) separate objects may be held stationary between actions, reflexively levitated through force of will. Grabbing anything that resists requires a clinch attack, but opponents who win control of a clinch do not get to grapple the Exalt and may only choose to escape. Moreover, clinches can only be maintained with renewed control rolls as normal, so victims can't be held aloft with merely reflexive effort. Unlike most ranged attacks, telekinesis granted by this Charm may be used defensively to deflect projectiles and weaken blows, as represented by the parry option provided by the Charm's Defense rating.
Infernals with Essence 3+ add a third attack option, in which they can focus their mental force to scalpel sharpness with which to vivisect those who displease or intrigue them. Repurchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows an Infernal to spend one Willpower whenever a telekinetic attack would inflict two or more actual levels of damage. Invoking this power replaces all damage with a Crippling amputation of the Exalt's choice. Such injuries self-seal as though cauterized and do not even bleed. Telekinetically wielded weapons can't amputate victims this way.

Telekinetic Blow: Speed 5, Accuracy (Willpower + Occult), Damage (Essence)B/2B, Defense (Willpower + Occult), Rate (Essence up to 5), Range (Willpower + Essence). Tags: O
Telekinetic Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy (Willpower + Occult), Damage (Essence)B/2B, Rate 1, Range (Willpower + Essence). Tags: O
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Would it be possible to have links to some of those charmsets? Because the only 'non sourcebook' ones I know how to find are these ones.

Specially because I'm pretty sure theirs going to be more then one homebrew set for some of them, knowing the internet, so knowing which ones we're supposed to use would be great.

In reference to making our own infernals for you to use and all that, I mean.
Would it be possible to have links to some of those charmsets? Because the only 'non sourcebook' ones I know how to find are these ones.

Specially because I'm pretty sure theirs going to be more then one homebrew set for some of them, knowing the internet, so knowing which ones we're supposed to use would be great.

In reference to making our own infernals for you to use and all that, I mean.
In addition to this, some guidelines on how to make the Infernals would be nice. Things like if we should leave you to think of the Urges, how many charms we can start out with and how deep into the tree they should be, what the different Craft branches are capable of, that sort of thing would be helpful.
Alright a benefit that doesn't seem to get mentioned is concentration of forces. By putting everyone on the project of creating a country they are effectively creating a safe zone for all future other exalted of their type to train up a bit there and get competent.
Would it be possible to have links to some of those charmsets? Because the only 'non sourcebook' ones I know how to find are these ones.

Specially because I'm pretty sure theirs going to be more then one homebrew set for some of them, knowing the internet, so knowing which ones we're supposed to use would be great.

In reference to making our own infernals for you to use and all that, I mean.
Here's a text document with all the links I used to enter charms into Anathema.

They include the charmsets we're using here.

In addition to this, some guidelines on how to make the Infernals would be nice. Things like if we should leave you to think of the Urges, how many charms we can start out with and how deep into the tree they should be, what the different Craft branches are capable of, that sort of thing would be helpful.
Start with 7 charms like other exalts, but excellencies must be bought per essence level. So starting at E2, you buy the First (Yozi) Excellency twice. At least, for canon. For this quest it seems we freely get general charms that we qualify for. As for depth, that's entirely a personal decision. Charms vary widely in their effects, so plan carefully the character you want to build.

Urges are the orders the Yozis give you, ingrained into your psyche. Stuff like "Build an empire even greater and more unique than Britannia," or "Subvert the economy of the European Union for the glory of Hell" would be good Urges. "Build a safehouse for Infernal agents" is kind of small-scale for such plans. Generally, an Urge is going to be something you can work towards for a long time and in many ways, a grandiose goal with several steps to completion.

Craft is pretty complicated, but in general:
Air: calligraphy, jewelry-making, creating precision instruments and glassblowing (making small, decorative or high-precision items)

Earth: masonry, stone cutting, creating earthworks (creating buildings and large objects with stone or earth)

Fire: blacksmithing, making ceramics (forging and casting large metal objects and creating objects using fire)

Wood: carpentry, weaving, paper-making, flower arranging (carving, weaving and manipulating natural materials)

Water: cooking, brewing, leather working, pharmacy and poison-making (boiling and cooking plants, chemicals and animal materials)

Vitriol: Purification and use of vitriol, the Malfean element of dissolution and transformation. It's a supplemental crafting skill and requires one of the others to be truly useful. For example, to make a potent blade, you might need three dots in Craft: Fire and three dots in Craft: Vitriol to both smith the blade and treat it with vitriol.

Genesis: Life and living things. Breeding programs, mutations, demon-templates, new lifeforms, biological warfare.

Each section is rated in dots like other abilities, with more dots letting you take on projects of greater complexity and worth.
I want that as well, but I wouldn't dare use it until we can get the Charms that immunize us and our allies against the Wyld mutations it can cause.
We have some choice there. We can grab Impresario's Sure Hand and Shelter the troupe to immunise everyone, or we can skip straight up to Ornamental Lunatic Pyre Shintai. Shintai is technically a longer route, but every charm in that path is an excessively useful one, and the shintai allows us to control the mutations we give.
"Oh dear, all my allies can heal bullets wounds in minutes, whilst my enemies now have the amazing abilities to not see and drown in air. So sorry about that."
If I remember correctly, Kaguya has/will have some abilities that would allow reversing such mutations? In that case it becomes a rather hilariously cool tactical enhancer. The only real question would be if we tell the Black Knights and such about the supernatural stuff, or just make up a story about tactical use of hallucinogens and then smile smugly as our Limit decreases.

There are some other interesting charms I wouldn't mind working towards soon as well. In no particular order: A defensive utility option like Eldritch Secrets Mastery would be worth considering, and a UMI defense like Brooding Resentment Defense (or Nightmares Glanced through Mind's Eye would be ready to grab if we went for Muse of Unearthly Delights). More relevantly to our currents needs though would be Corrosive Pattern Infliction, which has so many possibilities for covert operations that I want to rub my hands in glee. We could literally sneak onto a military base, turn some guns or a single Knightmare Frame into an innocuous object and then stroll off with it. Combined with any of the various stealth/disguise options available to us, we can outfit the Black Knights however we so choose. Unforgivable Wickedness Pardons is also something that we NEED to get once Zero goes public and we start having to deal with counter-propaganda.
In the long run, Waking Dreamer Paradox Existence and Touch of the Eldest might both be quite useful, however Ululating Nightmare Wings seems like something Lelouch wouldn't tolerate because it would have negative effects on Nunnally. Can anyone think of a good way to prevent that?

Anyway, whilst we're in Malfeas, we need to have a think about what opportunities we wish to try for, since we're unlikely to return narratively for a fair while. Which Yozis do we most want to meet/request charms from? What demonic materials would we like to try and get ahold of? Do we want to make the acquaintances of any unusual demons? (For example, I really wouldn't mind hanging around with a Chernobaal for a Scene so that we later have the option to use Inner Devils Unchained on dogs or willing Yozi Cultists. Tracking, guarding AND supernatural crafting? Yes please.)