Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

So, some thoughts on what the next update is likely going to be about...

Lelouch: I'm Lelouch vi Britannia, bitches.
Coven: *gapes in shock*
Lelouch: Well, now let's get to know eachother. Who are your patron Yozis?
Coven: *tells who their patrons are, looks at Lelouch*
Lelouch: Oramus.
Coven: *gapes in shock, except Leila who doesn't know who that is*
Lelouch: Well then, what are your Urges?
Coven: *tells what their Urges are, looks at Lelouch*
Lelouch: I'm to create an empire greater and more unique than Britannia.
Coven: *gapes in shock*
Lelouch: This is never going to get old!
So, some thoughts on what the next update is likely going to be about...

Lelouch: I'm Lelouch vi Britannia, bitches.
Coven: *gapes in shock*
Lelouch: Well, now let's get to know eachother. Who are your patron Yozis?
Coven: *tells who their patrons are, looks at Lelouch*
Lelouch: Oramus.
Coven: *gapes in shock, except Leila who doesn't know who that is*
Lelouch: Well then, what are your Urges?
Coven: *tells what their Urges are, looks at Lelouch*
Lelouch: I'm to create an empire greater and more unique than Britannia.
Coven: *gapes in shock*
Lelouch: This is never going to get old!
And of course Milly is there with a camera to record the moment.
I didn't put the actual plan did I? Convert everyone before the Yozi get free, and only the sadists will torture people.
Problem is that as things stand, all Yozi are sadists.
They need therapy before anything can be done (and other things as well - for instance, Malfeas needs that second Fetich back, I think, and SWLIHN needs to work out her issues about Theion no longer being around, possibly together with Malfeas).
Problem is that as things stand, all Yozi are sadists.

Well, that's not quite true. Many of the not-reclamation Yozis are ok, like Elloge or Cytherea. Is the reclamation Yozis the ones that really want to screw everything forever, and even many of those aren't exactly sadists. Adorjan is just showing how much she loves you.
Well, that's not quite true. Many of the not-reclamation Yozis are ok, like Elloge or Cytherea. Is the reclamation Yozis the ones that really want to screw everything forever, and even many of those aren't exactly sadists. Adorjan is just showing how much she loves you.
The Reclaimation bunch are probably the saltiest, as they are the ones who have suffered direct contraventions of their core concepts, and, even remade, cannot be in peace.

The rest have made some accommodation with their new circumstances, or are left insensate and unable to care too much.
As his friend Milly wont allow Lulu to get with anything less then a harem... only the best for her best friend/victim...
Kaguya doesn't mind if her husband has mistresses, so she and Milly might work together on that. Oh, you have no idea of the crazy omake ideas I have should most of our Coven attend Ashford Academy.
Don't be silly; we all know that Lelouch and Kaguya (and Rakshata and Akito and Leila and Nina and Rivalz and Kallen and Suzaku and C.C. and...) are going to end up in Milly's harem!
The Reclamation is unlikely to succeed, but it's not impossible. It's more difficult than most goals, but one of the key things about Exalted as a setting is that there's not much the Exalted can't do when they really put their minds to it. Of course, the biggest reason it's unlikely to succeed is because the Infernals aren't likely to go through with it.

As they are now the majority of the Yozis would be very, very bad for Creation if they were let out. They will punish humanity along with the gods, and while the Infernals may get to keep their demon hookers and magic cocaine the majority of humanity will suffer until something stops the Yozis again, which would likely be the Infernals themselves if they do end up allowing the Yozis out.

Now, mind you, some of the Yozis might be able to be let out as long as they've agreed to some conditions. Szoreny isn't so bad, for instance, though he'll want Isidoros released as well and that's problematic.

On the other hand, there may be other solutions, and it's understandable that one might pity the Yozis enough to try to figure something out - after all, they're insane rather than evil, and they're eternally imprisoned and in pain, so wanting to help them in some manner isn't unusual. Simply putting the Yozis out of their misery is certainly an option, though they'd likely become Neverborn if you did that. Another option would be to repeatedly impose fetich death on them until they are altered into something acceptable, though you risk releasing them by doing this since they may become beings that are no longer bound by their surrender oaths. One thought I've had is seeing about having Autobot make some kind of reverse-Exaltation that would make the Yozis more human, maybe putting their minds to rest and reincarnating them as humans over and over again so they are at least partially free in a way that doesn't make them such a danger to others.

Thats awesome (and amusing) LETS DO IT!

Healing the Yozis thorugh soul-surgery therapy and charm making is cool and all, but is an epic quest in its own right and we are kinda busy conquering the world right now.

You....DON'T want to see the hilarious and awesome clusterfrack of sicking a sane, friendly (to us at least) Malfeas/the rest of the Yozi on the Britannian army would be like?

Don't be silly; we all know that Lelouch and Kaguya (and Rakshata and Akito and Leila and Nina and Ligier and Adorjan and SWLIHN and Cecelyne and Kallen and Suzaku and C.C. and...) are going to end up in Milly's harem!

Treble fixed :p

This isn't stupid Ex3 where reclamation can't be a thing (which I think it's stupid), but rather 2e which means it can be a thing.

iirc I thought it was that in Ex3 the Yozi don't NEED the Infernals to pull off the reclamation since the Infernals are linked so that as they grow in power so do the secretly created second-gen version of them (the Green Sun Princes) who will eventually become strong enough to free the Yozi and pour forth with the forces of hell into creation and killing their predecessors as well as everyone else?
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You....DON'T want to see the hilarious and awesome clusterfrack of sicking a sane, friendly (to us at least) Malfeas/the rest of the Yozi on the Britannian army would be like?

No, the problem is that healing the Yozi (Healing a single yozi) should be the objective of a whole epic campaign. Healing Malfeas is not, and shouldn't ever be, a side quest. And we already have our hands full with other goals.
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No, the problem is that healing the Yozi (Healing a single yozi) should be the objective of a whole epic campaign. Healing malfeas is not, and shouldn't ever be, a side quest. And we already have our hands full and other goals.

It's also something you probably shouldn't do before you and your Coven have Essence 10, in case you have to kill him when things go wrong.
New Keyword: Innovation
*breath* I will answer to your post in a moment (or two). In the meantime I want to announce I finished to add all Ebon Dragon's Charms, from Ink Monkeys to Modern Age to the "My Dark Lady" series of EarthScorpion, who also provided the revised "Witness to Darkness".

Now, normally I would say you are therefore free to suggest new homebrew charms. However, reading the Modern Age Charms gave me an idea:

New Keyword: Innovation

While it is true the Yozis are able to adapt some of the Charms of their siblings to their own themes and limitations, and it also true that every new Charm created by a Green Sun Prince which doesn't carry the Heretical Keyword is instantly learnt by the Yozi's whose Charmset the new Charm originate from, the Yozis themselves were not aware of the latter.

For the Exalts' imagination and creativity allow them to do in mortal lifetimes what took Titans aeons to do, the metaphysical link between their Exaltation and the Yozis' whose Charms are open to them working, indeed, two-ways.

The Keyword Innovation marks those Charms that are either created by expanding on already existing Charms, that involve technology and circumstances of the modern world (such as cars, Internet and space travel) or which are adaptations of the Charms of another Yozi, reimagined with new names and adapted mechanisms.

This is essentially a mechanism to indicate the new Charms that Infernals create from a single Yozi, instead of making an Heretical Charm from two different Yozi.
Akito is japanese, so he should be aware of which Prince "died" when his country was invaded. Leila should be aware as she has been spending time with japanese refugees.
Actually Akito was born in the E.U. It's implied that his family emigrated from Japan before the War. It's only the other members of the original W-0 units that were born in Japan and escaped in the E.U. during the war. Chances are he never heard the name Lelouch Vi Britannia.
As for the chapter, I love the language you used to describe the city. It definitely felt like a momentous occasion.
Thanks. I just thought that, even diminished, Malfeas is still capable of overwhelming people by his sole presence, because he's bigger than anyone else.
Did not expect the cult's patron to be Berengiere, but that's fine. She's not the most mercantile-minded, so she might be willing to just accept any hair-brained scheme we concoct as long as we don't cut in to her weaving time.
Why would Lelouch make a hair-brained scheme?
Now if only we could get more details about the possible exalt type created by Oramus, then things could really be fun.
Me too :confused:
This isn't stupid Ex3 where reclamation can't be a thing (which I think it's stupid), but rather 2e which means it can be a thing.
Any serious attempt to free the Yozi would take centuries, way beyond this quest's purview. This is the story of Lelouch and how his actions change the worlds, not of the Yozi getting out of hell. This is a way more efficient reason to make a campaign centered around Infernal Exalts, instead of just saying "Reclamation is impossible and doomed to die either way" as if it is gospel.
Is there a formal term for Yozi worship? Yozism? Infernic? Old Realm word for 'Submission'?
Honestly I have no idea. But the Cult Lelouch met calls itself the "Black Jade Court", in honor of Malfeas. Cults created by demons descending from other Yozis use different names to refer to their progenitors.