The fluff for it says it works by giving you flashes of a past life. I don't really want juices from the people we got our spiritual donor organ from seeping into Molly's brain if we can help it. The lower dots aren't too bad, but still not something I think is worth it on general principle.
past lives
Once in a while, some rare few Chosen find them-
selves lost in a waking dream of a time long ago, an age of savage adventure and forgotten glories. When this sudden vision fades, they may find that the skills they possessed in the long-vanished days of yore have carried them to victory.
Once per game session, a player may roll this Back- ground's rating and add it to the Ability rating of a roll she's about to make. This only works for Abilities which might have existed in a timeless epoch of an- cient heroes and savage fantasy. Melee, Athletics, and Occult would all apply, but Past Lives can't help with a Computer or Firearms roll.
• Once in a while you get moments of déjà vu.
•• Sometimes there's the scent of exotic spices on the air, or a memory of voices you've never heard... but no, no actual
••• You occasionally have vibrant flashes to images or words that make no sense, but
bring tears to your eyes.
•••• Once in a great while, you suddenly relive a few moments of a life from another Age.
••••• Now and again, in your darkest mo- ments, you sometimes relive entire short vignettes of the ancient lives of those forgotten heroes whose power
you've inherited.
The first extant mention of Väinämöinen in literature is in a list of Tavastian gods by Mikael Agricola in 1551. He and other writers described Väinämöinen as the god of chants, songs and poetry; in many stories Väinämöinen was the central figure at the birth of the world. The Karelian and Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, tells of his birth in the course of a creation story in its opening sections. This myth has elements of creation from chaos and from a cosmic egg, as well as of earth diver creation.
At first there were only primal waters and Sky. But Sky also had a daughter named Ilmatar. One day, Ilmatar descended to the waters and became pregnant. She gestated for a very long time in the waters not being able to give birth. One day a goldeneye was seeking a resting place and flew to the knee of Ilmatar, where it laid its eggs. As the bird incubated her eggs Ilmatar's knee grew warmer and warmer. Eventually she was burned by the heat and responded by moving her leg, dislodging the eggs that then fell and shattered in the waters. Land was formed from the lower part of one of the eggshells, while sky formed from the top. The egg whites turned into the moon and stars, and the yolk became the sun.
In the Old Kalevala (1835), an eagle laid its eggs on the knee of Väinämöinen, unlike in the standard New Kalevala (1849) where a goldeneye lays its eggs on the knee of Ilmatar.[4] (Drawing by Robert Wilhelm Ekman, 1859)
Ilmatar continued to float in the waters. Her footprints became pools for fish, and by pointing she created contours in the land. In this way she made all that is. Then one day she gave birth to Väinämöinen, the first man. Väinämöinen swam until he found land, but the land was barren. With Sampsa Pellervoinen he spread life over the land.[5]
In the eighteenth century folk tale collected by Cristfried Ganander, Väinämöinen is said to be son of Kaleva and thus brother of Ilmarinen. His name is believed to come from the Finnish word väinä, meaning stream pool.
In the nineteenth century, some folklorists, most notably Elias Lönnrot, the writer of Kalevala, disputed Väinämöinen's mythological background, claiming that he was an ancient hero, or an influential shaman who lived perhaps in the ninth century.[6] Stripping Väinämöinen from his direct godlike characteristics, Lönnrot turned Väinämöinen into the son of the primal goddess Ilmatar, whom Lönnrot had invented himself. In this story, it was she who was floating in the sea when a duck laid eggs on her knee. He possessed the wisdom of the ages from birth, for he was in his mother's womb for seven hundred and thirty years, while she was floating in the sea and while the earth was formed. It is after praying to the sun, the moon, and the great bear (the stars, referring to Ursa Major) that he is able to leave his mother's womb and dive into the sea.
Väinämöinen is presented as the 'eternal bard', who exerts order over chaos and established the land of Kaleva, and around whom revolve so many of the events in Kalevala. His search for a wife brings the land of Kaleva into, at first friendly, but later hostile contact with its dark and threatening neighbour in the north, Pohjola. This conflict culminates in the creation and theft of the Sampo, a magical artifact made by Ilmarinen, the subsequent mission to recapture it, and a battle which ends up splintering the Sampo and dispersing its parts around the world to parts unknown.
In the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg, a similar hero is called Vanemuine. In neighbouring Scandinavia, Odin shares many attributes with Väinämöinen, such as connections to magic and poetry.
Väinämöinen has been identified as a source for Gandalf, the wizard in J. R. R. Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings.[7] Another Tolkienian character with great similarities to Väinämöinen is Tom Bombadil. Like Väinämöinen, he is one of the most powerful beings in his world, and both are ancient and natural beings in their setting. Both Tom Bombadil and Väinämöinen rely on the power of song and lore. Likewise, Treebeard and the Ents in general have been compared to Väinämöinen.[8]
Dude is either a god, or close to it, and far enough back that he'll have descendants in a decent spread of the Finnish population.
The way Genghis Khan does.
So if you have a magic ritual that requires a blood relative to unlock an entity he locked away, you go somewhere there are people of Finnish descent and trawl through the population.
It would explain why most people were unaffected; most of them had no Finnish blood.
Only those with Finnish blood were sensitive to whatever it was they were passing out.
Why not in Finland, where there are a lot more descendants?
Because presumably supernaturals in Finland, both wizards and gods, would notice what was being attempted and put a stop to it right quick. Much fewer people familiar with Finnish mythology in the American Midwest.
Ocean monster, and we dont have Boiling Sea Mastery or Transcendent Lord of Flies or the anti-poison charm.
Thats going to make this significantly more difficult.
At least we can fly.
I mean, we just need toxic, not specifically bleach. The easiest solution would likely be a body bag and lye powder. Body bags are water tight and big enough for a body. Fill with water from a nearby source, climb in, dump in lye until it qualifies as toxic.
In the nineteenth century, some folklorists, most notably Elias Lönnrot, the writer of Kalevala, disputed Väinämöinen's mythological background, claiming that he was an ancient hero, or an influential shaman who lived perhaps in the ninth century.[6] Stripping Väinämöinen from his direct godlike characteristics, Lönnrot turned Väinämöinen into the son of the primal goddess Ilmatar, whom Lönnrot had invented himself.
This monster sounds like some kind of primal missing link between Raksha and Fey rather than being an outsider itself.
It could be that the Raksha split, maybe based on who was or was not stuck Outside when the walls became what they are.
Potentially born of a sky god, said god could be one of the gods pushed Outside if im remembering correctly what happened to at least some gods.
So it could be the get of something that eventually became something anathema.
Not quite outsider but mind shattering, something like a Raksha but also fey like. Some sort of in-between creature.
Assuming he had the same history in the DF AU?
He lived 82 years IRL and had at least four daughters, so if he was, it wasnt too badly.
Im assuming dude was a player in the Oblivion War.
Assuming he had the same history in the DF AU?
He lived 82 years IRL and had at least four daughters, so if he was, it wasnt too badly.
Im assuming dude was a player in the Oblivion War.
Fair enough. I was just thinking that it might provoke a reaction from some of the parties involved if they were still free to act.
Ilmatar, rolling up a godly newspaper: " I carried him for literal ages before the world began and none of you, but especially him, are allowed to forget it"
Without the loom of fate we would need a spirit killer to put it down. Also we don't have a counter to shaping, and you basically lose if don't a way to counter Raksha shaping.
Without the loom of fate we would need a spirit killer to put it down. Also we don't have a counter to shaping, and you basically lose if don't a way to counter Raksha shaping.
Things don't work exactly the same way as they did in creation, I wouldn't be surprised if there were new limits on what they can do when in reality.
If nothing else Amoraccius should be good for a shaping defense, since without one he'd have been turned into a duck or something by one of the major supernatural powers he's punched in the nose over the years.
I mean, we just need toxic, not specifically bleach. The easiest solution would likely be a body bag and lye powder. Body bags are water tight and big enough for a body. Fill with water from a nearby source, climb in, dump in lye until it qualifies as toxic.
Zip up like a sleeping bag and take a nap.
There's a 4XP charm that allows us to simply submerge into a puddle or teacup of liquid and remain conscious of stuff outside.
Rendered Villain Dispersal. 1 dot charm.
Just carry a small(syringe small), sealed metal bottle of bleach in your pocket everywhere and you're golden.
Fair enough. I was just thinking that it might provoke a reaction from some of the parties involved if they were still free to act.
Ilmatar, rolling up a godly newspaper: " I carried him for literal ages before the world began and none of you, but especially him, are allowed to forget it"
Without the loom of fate we would need a spirit killer to put it down. Also we don't have a counter to shaping, and you basically lose if don't a way to counter Raksha shaping.
1)Not our job to kill it. Just keep it from being freed.
2)If that fails, we have Agg. And Michael bears a Sword of the Cross.
3)Exalts also have native countermagick in ExWoD against magick effects if they know they are being targeted.
Chapter 9, pg 247 says to use the M20 rules on pg 546: roll Wits + Occult at a difficulty of 7 or the hostile's Arete, whichever is higher, and a dicepool cap of Willpower. That means Molly has a native pool of 7 against hostile magic or magick.
We'll be fine.
There's a 4XP charm that allows us to simply submerge into a puddle or teacup of liquid and remain conscious of stuff outside.
Rendered Villain Dispersal. 1 dot charm.
Just carry a small(syringe small), sealed metal bottle of bleach in your pocket everywhere and you're golden.
Depending on how it's played, it could also work to teleport across long distances along the bodies of water, if we get to choose our reemergence point. Disperse into a lake on one side of said lake, reemerge on the other.
Anyway, we now have two paths:
1) Investigating who's doing what
2) Investigating what this is all about, i.e. the raksha.
Thankfully, we can do both: [X] Look into the names of the people in Soul's reach, see if they have any connection with the experiments in the fifties or with each other
-[X] Have Skippy google the names you learned:" Thousand Headed, Thousand Horned, Son of Old Age, Ocean Monster. " See, if it's a known mythological monster
-[X] Ask Usum about raksha. What are they? How do you fight them? Try to rouse his memories. Some of what he said recently seems to indicate he might be remembering something.
Usum recently made references to Divine Ignition and, if I recall correctly, other exalted stuff. We should try and coach some of his memories out.
Have we reached the point where we can get some information on her actual build as it stands?
Knowing how her essence recovery works for example could be very important to how we plan.
Probably not
But we do know what we have seen her use. VOTE [X] Look into the names of the people in Soul's reach, see if they have any connection with the experiments in the fifties or with each other
-[X]STUNT: Squeezing your dad's hand with one hand for reassurance, yours as much as his, you fumble your phone out one-handed as you continue talking."Polku Pharmaceuticals, the current owners of the nursing home? Is the Finnish word for pathways. And Im willing to bet that if I type into Google...yes." You look up. "Edvard Nieminen is a Finnish name as well. Well, he was Finnish-American. Poor guy. Just seeing what he saw broke his mind." You pause, then look over at your other companion. "Lydia, do you remember any Finnish myth? Specifically magic sea monsters?" At the shake of her head, you go back to typing into your phone. "Clippy, please search Finnish mythology for thousand-headed, thousand-horned ocean monsters." You hesitate for a moment, then type further "And cross-reference the current list of nursing home residents with names and families from the 1950s experiments. Finnish ancestry, common schools,workplaces, anything in common." You finish typing and look up again. "Lets get back to the truck. This will take a minute." As you walk, you ask silently of your final companion. Usum? What is a raksha?
We got deep enough into the nursing home's systems to work our way up the financial chain.
We definitely should have access to the current list of residents, and their listed family and next of kin.
The rest is just having our Cyberdevils correlating public records, the information we got from the newspaper and social media for links. Those with obvious Finnish-American names are a gimme, but some are going to be harder.
Im also going to note that Lydia has her father as a Totem, and he's a Celtic death god who spent around a thousand years working for Mab, Queen of the Faerie. And this thing had some connection with both the fae and European myth.
Its entirely possible he might know of this thing.
So Im making a point of asking her, so she can ask, without specifically telling her to ask.
If she doesnt ask, when the Cyberdevils give us a name, we can then ask her to ask.
And use that name to go poking in the local supernatural scene.
We still dont know WHO is trying to release him after all. Just the shell company.
Ocean monster, and we dont have Boiling Sea Mastery or Transcendent Lord of Flies or the anti-poison charm.
Thats going to make this significantly more difficult.
At least we can fly.
Looking at the boiling oil charms, there are some real gems that've seemed to slip our notice (or at least my notice) till now.
With the right buffs spiteful sea tincture would be great. We could apply it to our demon blade and get the equivalent of +2 successes on our damage roll. Or make something like a spiked net to apply it to, and force people to soak 2 lethal damage every turn they spend getting untangled from it.
If the thing interacts well with TA then that could even be Agg damage, which would be a fun way to deal with chaff vampires.
To be fair the stunts do get put into context; presumably if Lydia or her father actually do know something she'll respond and the scene will move from there.
She still gets to roll, but Im assuming she wont know out of the blue.
Maybe after a minute or two of thinking about it, but magic sea monster out of Finnish mythology is not something I expect she'll have on the tip of her tongue.
Her father should know, given how long he's been knocking around the world, but without a name or mental picture, its unlikely she would. The Kalevala is not that well known of the European myths after all, not like the Arthurian or Norse myths.
When we get a name, we can ask if she's heard of the name, which is a second roll.
And she could always interrupt at any point that she remembers now, or her Dad told her. QM prerogative.
Even beyond the age of the memories, the existence of Lanka and the demons calling themselves Rakasha that live(d) in it muddies the water.
Edit: unrelated, but I missed a perfect soak option earlier. Bitter Heart Unbleeding also does the job, and the flaw is easier to manage because it only requires the user not be dry when using it.
So our ideal perfect suite is BHU and BME, since it covers both angles of defense with the lowest cost and most manageable flaws. They make these cooling bandanas that retain water for a long period of time, so if something like that counts we could have Molly make one and start wearing it around as a stealthy hands free way to constantly qualify for her water charms.
Even if that doesn't work directly, she could still wear it around and squeeze the water out at need instead of using a water bottle.
Sinner boiling stare is still our only perfect attack. Unless you count the AoE from laughing shrapnel arrival or giving people ebola with dreams of disease, but that isn't really the same.
The raksha can cause someone to be "dream-eaten", where they are 0 virtue, 0 willpower and 0 intimacies state. And yes, its mostly soul and literal dream devouring if I remember correctly.
While I am all for the "Solaroids trump Raksha" hype-train, I'd like to note that we don't have any shaping defences. And that's really not a good idea when playing against Raksha of any power.
Thankfully, I'm pretty sure Michael does have that in his toolkit. At least he should, thematically.