Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

So are the rakshasa and the outsiders the same. They sound really really the same.

This thing did not quite feel like the tentacle monsters you fought in the Red Court ambush, it was more weighty like it has its own name and story and it also felt more than a little fey at first before you pealed back the skeins of memory. The Red Court allies did not feel the least bit fey, more like a jumble of fractures being manipulated from a place behind reality.
This thing did not quite feel like the tentacle monsters you fought in the Red Court ambush, it was more weighty like it has its own name and story and it also felt more than a little fey at first before you pealed back the skeins of memory. The Red Court allies did not feel the least bit fey, more like a jumble of fractures being manipulated from a place behind reality.
… was that thing an actual outer god? Did this just turn into Call of Cthulhu?
Jack gives you an apologetic glance, but you pay him no mind, someone who is passionate about things is all the more likely to talk and talk Helen does. By the end of the meeting you have gained a new appreciation how how to make a 'proper' late... and a list of names including everyone who had died from drinking too much Dreamless Sleep
I'm not sure what this sentence is trying to say, DP.

So, there are probably Outsiders or their rough equivalent involved in this mess. I guess maybe the Dreamless Sleep stuff was Pathways' attempt to circumvent the Gates in some manner (or the normally required summoning for scary shit that still exists somewhere inside the universe), to open a route for something to get into the sleeping people using the drug. This makes it even more important that we get a look at some of the survivors to see what, if anything, has been growing inside them for the past half century.

[X] Find out who participated in the Dreamless Sleep study, then have Clippy track down the locations of those who survived up to this point.
-[X] We'll focus on those still living in the Cleveland area, especially any who just happen to be residents of Soul's Rest.
Uh oh.

Well, we know why we're here, now. Outer god plots and the foiling thereof are definitely the kind of thing Knights do. And sending the Knight with Exalted backup certainly isn't overkill if this goes wrong.

Bright side: Exalted have been fighting Raksha basically forever, and more importantly winning, and we have ways of doing a ton of aggravated damage on command. We can handle this, even if I would rather have Sapphire Circle Exorcism for this mission to help with the victims.
Molly is certainly smashing out those Occult rolls

Interesting to see what looks like a raksha as part of Finnish mythology.
This looks like Oblivion War stuff. Very good odds are we are about to run into an analogue of the Stygian Sisterhood running this entire operation.

Supernatural secret unlocked this scene. +2 Essence.
We should be back up to 10/12
If this is a real Raksha it's propably not finnish, exept in so far that that is its latest story to play out.

These things have been around forever, since long before time, causality or any order in existance.
Molly is certainly smashing out those Occult rolls
It's kind of hilariously bullshit how well she's doing. A senior council member with max occult, int, and a relevant specialty could do the same, but they'd be rolling less dice than she is.
If this is a real Raksha it's propably not finnish, exept in so far that that is its latest story to play out.

These things have been around forever, since long before time, causality or any order in existance.
What I'm curious about is how the Rakasha ended up like this. Sure they're formless monsters from beyond time, but they also had conflicting motives.

Creation Rakasha wouldn't have the commitment to play Cthulhu all the time as I understand it. At least a few would get distracted and spend an age playing other roles.
Creation Rakasha wouldn't have the commitment to play Cthulhu all the time as I understand it. At least a few would get distracted and spend an age playing other roles.
This might be new form, 50 years are nothing.

Alternativly it might have some metaphysical reason.
Like fear being one of the strongest emotions and thus the one best suited to maintain an emotion-starved Raksha in this thin and fallen world.
… was that thing an actual outer god? Did this just turn into Call of Cthulhu?
No, thats Iku-Turso.
Finnish sea monster, bound at the bottom of the ocean by a Finnish demigod and hero in the Kalevala.
You hear the words like singing far away, carried on the breath of the cold north wind, spoken in crashing of a cold tide upon the sea: Thousand Headed, Thousand Horned, Son of Old Age, Ocean Monster. Then it seems to you the song becomes color without light and shape without distinction, something that should not be seen but was. It has in it the guise of things that swim in the sea, the ivory tusks of the walrus and the grasping tentacles of the octopus but not arranged in such a manner that would allow any creature of flesh to live. A thousand horns it had indeed, a thousand mouths, like gaping maws that that opened into some other place singing songs of ruin and enchantment.

Fey, you almost call the thing in your mind, but then recalling the presence of the Queen of Air and Darkness it seems ill fitting not in form but substance. Another, older, name comes to you, one you had heard but once before from Usum when he name his offer to you in the depths of Arctis Tor: Raksha
Iku-Turso (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈikuˌturso], "the eternal Turso"; also known as Iku-Tursas, Iki-Tursas, Meritursas, Tursas, Turisas among others) is a malevolent sea monster in Finnish mythology, best known for appearing in the Kalevala. Nowadays Meritursas means octopus in Finnish, named after Iku-Turso, but originally tursas is an old name for walrus while the more common term is mursu. However, it is more common to see the word mustekala (lit. "ink fish"), the name of its Subclass Coleoidea in Finnish, for the octopus.
His appearance remains unclear, but he is described with several epithets: partalainen (the one who lives on the brink, or alternatively, the bearded one), Tuonen härkä (the ox of Tuoni, Death), tuhatpää (thousand-headed), tuhatsarvi (thousand-horned). It was sometimes said that he lived in Pohjola, but that may be because Pohjola was often perceived as the home of all evil.

In some versions of the spell The Birth of Nine Diseases Iku-Turso is mentioned as the father of diseases with Loviatar, the blind daughter of Tuoni, the god of death. The Scandinavian giants (þursar, sg. þurs) had the ability to shoot arrows which caused diseases in people.[citation needed] This and the fact that þurs resembles Tursas gives credence to the idea that they may be related. Some runes tell that Meritursas partalainen makes pregnant the Maiden of Air (Ilman impi, Ilmatar). She later gave birth to Väinämöinen, which would make him a truly primeval creature. On the other hand, he is also mentioned as the son of Äijö (a name usually assigned to the God of sky).
Later, Iku-Turso is summoned by Louhi, the Lady of the North, to stop the theft of the magical artifact Sampo. Väinämöinen, the leader of the plunderers, grabs Iku-Turso from his ears and using magical words makes him promise to never return from the bottom of the sea.

Iku-Turso - Wikipedia

Interesting that he might be Raksha here.
It has interesting implications about the origins of this reality. Of course, he might not be native, just an immigrant.

Im going to go out on a limb and wager that everyone involved in this thing is of Finnish ancestry.
Edvard Nieminen is a Finnish name. Betting that they are descended from the original Finnish demigod that locked the beastie away. And someone is trying to use them to free the monster from the bottom of the sea.

Oblivion War stuff.
We really need something to make bleach soaks more portable. Getting a mote or two back while driving around would be nice.
There's a 1-dot charm for that. 4XP.