A Spy Unseen
21st of July 2006 A.D.
"You'll get your phone call Dresden and your lawyer, but unless you are planning to do something really stupid..." Agent Wright motions to the cuffs.
What are they doing? The part of you that is not viscerally offered wonders If they know about the tech-bane then they have to know those are only liable to make Harry less accurate from lack of a focus and not in any way less dangerous. Unless maybe they know more and not less than you had expected, unless they know about the First Law and are betting that Harry isn't going to use magic against them. He had been arrested before you vaguely recall, that was one of the reasons your mom had given you for Harry being disreputable when you had first met him. She had not liked it when you asked if he was actually guilty.
Alas poor Harry is dealing with something a lot worse than your mom's issues.
"You into Shakespeare Agent Wright?" He asks as he offers up his wrists. "Maybe take some advice from Hamlet on this one: There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
"I do not deal with dreams or with plays Dresden, I deal with facts and with reality, no matter how ugly it gets."
There's two police vans outside, CPD and one of them seems to be SWAT as well as three police cars one of which had stooped traffic.
So much for the locals not being in on it... you think. They are probably on the level, too bad they are shit at their job.
One of the female officers is moving towards you to spirit you away from the big bad wizard maybe. Your glare stops her cold.
So you just stick around long enough for Agent Wright to take out his phone, a blocky older model and start to type up a message.
Every move you make, every breath you take... the
song almost plays itself in your head. Maybe it's all the people making the demon shy, maybe it's you being pissed off and trying not to show it, but the spirit slips through your fingers, but of course to everyone else you hadn't done anything, so you just try a again, the flare of essence still unseen.... and you fail again.
Lost 2 Essence
Third time had better be the charm because fourth comes with blaze of balefire and all-seeing eyes that would be rather hard to explain away.
You take a deep breath and try to think of what you are doing wrong. You've been concentrating on what you need your new helper to do, not on what it is, on what it wants. The least of the Wicked City will serve and they will served willingly for a way out of hell, but you have to show them the way first: connection,
sympathy. And so you sing to yourself the bars of another song, about that they are and what they were born of and what you are sometimes
Lost 1 Essence
Demon Bound for One Month
Thus the magic from beyond sings in echo, the power catches root. Breathing a sigh of relief you realize that Agent Wright is returning your gaze insistently, like he is expecting you to blink or something. Instead you smile: "It seems really unusual to me that three agents from the the FBI's National Security Branch would be serving a murder warrant. Doesn't that seem strange to you, Harry?"
The gaze suddenly sharpens from vague annoyance to something more like the point of a dagger. "How did you know that?" he asks softly, too softly for the nearest CPD agent to hear.
What do you reply?
[] "I guessed," you glibly answer to see if you can get more answers out of a rise
[] "Magic," you say with a smile, curious to know how serious he would take it
[] "What's the answer worth to you?" Usum suggests trying to cut some kind of deal and he claims step one of that is showing you have power and are not minded to reveal it for free.
[] Write in
OOC: That was some really poor luck on the dice for the possession. Good thing you have Anima control.