Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

No it doesn't. What are you talking about. Shaping is just altering reality. Things martial arts debuffs isn't shaping.
Do you mean the binding thing or the essence drain? Cause my comment was about the essence drain effect that we lost 4 motes to in the first version of the chapter and not the chain thing used in the revision. Which I stand by my argument on.

Honestly the more surprising part is that trying to touch an exalt's mote pool, particularly the poison of an infernal's, is a healthy idea even without a shaping defense involved:

My first instinct would be to say 'no' since the Exaltation would sense something trying to mote-sap it and react like the weapon it is, with extreme force. But if it is just the blessing which has been left there (and there is nothing that says FPH stops rarely if the Exalt is killed which would indicate that it does exist independently) then yeah a wizard could try to use the conceptual power of All-Giver-of-Life-as-Blessed-Poison to power their spells. That said it would take a hell of a mentally resilient wizard to wrap their head around it... and then unwrap it.

I'd have figured that attempting to eat our motes would get a strongly worded letter from an infernal exaltation covering how it feels about that.
So, boosting TIffany's combat abilities. Currently, she very much lacks compared to our other circlemates, Harry included. To be frank, she isn't built or statted for Brawl. She has high medicine, science and occult. Of those, occult can have direct application if she was to learn magic (we really need to check if she is capable of using Path magic or Ancient Sorcery). She suffers from a low energy pool (3 Faith points, which regenerate once per day), but most of her abilities don't actually require energy being spent. They do require rolls, however. And she doesn't have favored abilities, meaning she can botch. Thus, I see several ways to buff her:
1) Symbiotic creatures. Make her a venom suit of some sort. She would be using her manipulate flesh abilities on it to boost it
2) Lean into her manipulate flesh directly. Manipulate nerves + Manipulate Flesh lets her do unsoakable bashing damage at the cost of increasing target's mental attributes (manipulate nerves to drop stamina to 1 or 0, manipulate flesh to cause system shock and unsoakable bashing damage)
3) Give her magic.

Based on these, let me try to come up with a splendor of sorts.

The Splendor takes the form of something that is vital, or lively, or green, or fecund, or, most
likely, something made of wood. It might even be a living plant. This Element defines the
Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the
elemental power of wood. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden,
and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it, or to those it wishes to attract. As an
Adornment, increases its user's Initiative modifier by two. As the basis for a Fascination, it may
generate the creator's choice of: fragrant scents; an area encompassing (Splendor's rating x 5)
yards in which animals and insects will not attack; enticing fruit, which may act as the focus for
a Root Element; or an aura of peace and tranquility.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
This Element can only be part of an Adornment.
The Splendor allows the Exalt to use one particular Ability, such as Larceny or Brawl, from
much farther away than she really ought to be able. The Exalt can act from (Splendor's rating) x
5 yards past her normal limits.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is primitive, crude, bestial, or a beast. Items tend
to be natural objects like rocks and branches, or are crudely-worked, or are decorated with beast-
motifs. More often, the Splendor is literally a living animal. This Element defines the Splendor's
physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the feral, primitive, and
bestial. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
While animal-form Splendors are never hostile to their owner, they do not obey that individual as
a servant. Instead they will follow their normal instincts and habits, or else act according to some
particular pattern of behavior established when the Splendor is designed. If the Splendor is an
Adornment, it may be designed so that its blessings benefit the animal rather than the Exalt.
Taking a second characteristic Form makes it possible for an Adornment to take the shape of
both a beast and an item used by its owner, and to give its benefits to both of them.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor takes the form of a weapon. It has the traits of a Melee weapon such as a sword or
mace, or an archaic ranged weapon such as a bow. The Splendor must also have a one-point
Form Element with some sort of character to it.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of wood, this weapon is always something with
a substantial amount of wood in its construction. The difficulty to parry attacks with it decreases
by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the feral, primitive, and bestial, this increases the difficulty of rolls
to attack with it by one, but lowers the difficulty of damage rolls made with it by one.
The Splendor afflicts those it targets with a deadly poison. Poisoned individuals must make a
Stamina roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable
lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run
its course.
This Element is normally part of a Fascination. It may only be incorporated into an Adornment if
that Adornment has the Form of Imminent Violence, in which case the weapon is envenomed
and delivers this Element upon inflicting lethal damage.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
4 dot golem arcana
Willpower ●●●●●●●●○○ (5 freebie points)
Health 0//-1//-2//-3//-4//-5//inc
soak: 10, soaks agg. at difficulty 8

PHYSICAL (primary + golem type)SOCIAL (tetriary)MENTAL (secondary)
Strength ●●●○○○○Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●●
Dexterity ●●●●○Manipulation ●○○○○Intelligence ●○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●●●Appearance ●●●○○Wits ●●○○○


TALENTS (primary + 7 from Expertise)SKILLS (secondary)KNOWLEDGES (tetriary)
Alertness ●●●●●
Animal Ken ●●●○○Academics ○○○○○
Athletics ●●●●●Crafts ○○○○○Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●●Drive ○○○○○Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ●●●Etiquette ○○○○○Investigation ●●○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●○○Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○Larceny ○○○○○Medicine ●●●○○
Intimidation ○○○○○Melee ●●●○○Occult ○○○○○
Leadership ○○○○○Performance ○○○○○Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○Stealth ○○○○○Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○Survival ○○○○○Technology ○○○○○

Increase the Arcana's Strength and Stamina by two each. This may increase their ratings above the maximums normally permitted for the Arcana's dot rating and Arcana Features. Golems may never have any Mental Attribute rated above 5 dots, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. A Golem cannot have an Appearance higher than 3, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. Golems can soak lethal damage, but not aggravated. Golems are always obviously not human, and obviously made of inanimate materials.
The Arcana can project its thoughts into the minds of other nearby people to communicate with them. It can communicate with its master across up to (Arcana rating x 100 miles) of distance. By spending a point of Willpower, it can also receive communications from someone… or, to put it another way, it actively reads their surface thoughts for the rest of the scene. The target can always sense this, and can shut the Arcana out by spending a point of Willpower.
The Arcana's body is made of tougher stuff than others of its kind. If the Arcana could normally only soak bashing damage, it can now also soak lethal damage. If the Arcana could normally soak lethal damage, it can now also soak aggravated damage at difficulty 8.
The Arcana has been reinforced with armored plates. It rolls three extra dice to soak damage.
The Arcana gains seven additional dots of Abilities, which may be used to raise them above three dots. Taking this Feature additional times provides only five bonus dots.
The Arcana's body is covered in deadly spikes, jagged stakes, or sharpened bones. Anyone who directs an unarmed attack against it must soak one level of lethal damage. The Arcana's grapples inflict Strength + 2 lethal damage.
The Arcana can shed enough light to illuminate a room through either integrated electrical lighting, bioluminescence, a mystical radiance, or partially wreathing itself in flames. It may or may not be able to direct this light like a flashlight as well.
Blessed with great vitality, you heal injuries with heroic speed and ease. Your own injuries from lethal damage heal as if they were bashing damage (see the Healing Damage chart in Mage 20, p. 406), and aggravated damage heals as if it were one level higher than it is. (Wounded-level damage, for instance, would heal at the Injured-level rate.) Bashing damage, regardless of its extent, heals within an hour.
If you're trying to heal someone else, you subtract -2 from the difficulty of the roll, even if that roll involves casting a Life Sphere healing Effect. (The usual +3 maximum modifier and minimum difficulty of 3 still apply – see Mage 20, p. 503.) As long as you remain in physical touch with the injured party, that character uses your healing rate as her own. Your touch also soothes minor pains – muscle spasms, headaches, and so forth – within a minute or two.
Beyond its healing powers, this rush of life-energy simply feels good, too. Your aura shines with bright vitality, and your Resonance reflects your strong connection to the primal life-force. On the inevitable downside, vampires find your blood delicious – twice as potent as normal human vitae (worth double the usual blood points, for players of Vampire: The Masquerade) – and unspeakably refreshing.
The Arcana lacks the necessary anatomy for easy communication. It can still understand speech,
and it could speak if it possessed the proper facilities to do so, but alas, it doesn't. It can still
communicate effectively with its master through pantomime.
5 dot golem arcana
Willpower ●●●●●●●●●● (5 freebie points)
Health 0/0//-1//-2//-3//-4//-5//inc
soak: 12, soaks agg. at difficulty 8

PHYSICAL (primary + golem type)SOCIAL (tetriary)MENTAL (secondary)
Strength ●●●●○○○○○Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●●
Dexterity ●●●●○○○Manipulation ●○○○○Intelligence ●○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●●●●●Appearance ●●●○○Wits ●●○○○


TALENTS (primary + 7 from Expertise)SKILLS (secondary)KNOWLEDGES (tetriary)
Alertness ●●●●●
Animal Ken ●●●○○Academics ○○○○○
Athletics ●●●●●Crafts ○○○○○Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●●Drive ○○○○○Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ●●●Etiquette ○○○○○Investigation ●●○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●○○Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○Larceny ○○○○○Medicine ●●●○○
Intimidation ○○○○○Melee ●●●○○Occult ○○○○○
Leadership ○○○○○Performance ○○○○○Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○Stealth ○○○○○Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○Survival ○○○○○Technology ○○○○○

Increase the Arcana's Strength and Stamina by two each. This may increase their ratings above the maximums normally permitted for the Arcana's dot rating and Arcana Features. Golems may never have any Mental Attribute rated above 5 dots, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. A Golem cannot have an Appearance higher than 3, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. Golems can soak lethal damage, but not aggravated. Golems are always obviously not human, and obviously made of inanimate materials.
The Arcana can project its thoughts into the minds of other nearby people to communicate with them. It can communicate with its master across up to (Arcana rating x 100 miles) of distance. By spending a point of Willpower, it can also receive communications from someone… or, to put it another way, it actively reads their surface thoughts for the rest of the scene. The target can always sense this, and can shut the Arcana out by spending a point of Willpower.
The Arcana's body is made of tougher stuff than others of its kind. If the Arcana could normally only soak bashing damage, it can now also soak lethal damage. If the Arcana could normally soak lethal damage, it can now also soak aggravated damage at difficulty 8.
The Arcana has been reinforced with armored plates. It rolls three extra dice to soak damage.
The Arcana gains seven additional dots of Abilities, which may be used to raise them above three dots. Taking this Feature additional times provides only five bonus dots.
The Arcana's body is covered in deadly spikes, jagged stakes, or sharpened bones. Anyone who directs an unarmed attack against it must soak one level of lethal damage. The Arcana's grapples inflict Strength + 2 lethal damage.
The Arcana can shed enough light to illuminate a room through either integrated electrical lighting, bioluminescence, a mystical radiance, or partially wreathing itself in flames. It may or may not be able to direct this light like a flashlight as well.
The Arcana's body is incorporates some sort of deadly weaponry such as metal fists, claws, fangs, horns, or sharpened bone protrusions. Her Brawl attacks inflict Strength + 1 lethal damage.
Blessed with great vitality, you heal injuries with heroic speed and ease. Your own injuries from lethal damage heal as if they were bashing damage (see the Healing Damage chart in Mage 20, p. 406), and aggravated damage heals as if it were one level higher than it is. (Wounded-level damage, for instance, would heal at the Injured-level rate.) Bashing damage, regardless of its extent, heals within an hour.
If you're trying to heal someone else, you subtract -2 from the difficulty of the roll, even if that roll involves casting a Life Sphere healing Effect. (The usual +3 maximum modifier and minimum difficulty of 3 still apply – see Mage 20, p. 503.) As long as you remain in physical touch with the injured party, that character uses your healing rate as her own. Your touch also soothes minor pains – muscle spasms, headaches, and so forth – within a minute or two.
Beyond its healing powers, this rush of life-energy simply feels good, too. Your aura shines with bright vitality, and your Resonance reflects your strong connection to the primal life-force. On the inevitable downside, vampires find your blood delicious – twice as potent as normal human vitae (worth double the usual blood points, for players of Vampire: The Masquerade) – and unspeakably refreshing.
The Arcana lacks the necessary anatomy for easy communication. It can still understand speech,
and it could speak if it possessed the proper facilities to do so, but alas, it doesn't. It can still
communicate effectively with its master through pantomime.
A combination of the angelic lore and exalted peerless ingenuity, the Seed of Life is a defensive talisman that draws upon the very essence of its master. When manifested, it appears as a necklace with a large hard seed at the end of a chain of living vines interwoven around its mistress's neck and firmly adhering to her body. Microscopic ethereal roots connect the seed to its wearer circulatory and nervous systems. As a result, she gains the ability to apply her life giving abilities from a distance, and always succeeds in her attempts to apply first three levels of her Lore of Flesh.

Upon reaching maturity, the Seed can be commanded to sprout. Upon feeling the command of its mistress it will burst into a myriad of fleshy vines - a mixture of a plant and animal not seen upon the surface of modern Earth, but something akin to some of the more exotic inhabitants of the sanctuary. The vines quickly cover the whole of their mistress's body, forming an intervowen organic suit which protects its wearer from harm with its own body. Each vine is covered in tiny retractable spikes, as hard as steel and as sharp as the best sword, and anyone trying to casually grab it with intent to harm will pay dearly for their impertenance. Once fully formed, hard protective plates form on the outside of the vines, akin to bark and snake scales both, and in truth unlike either. The vines are capable of producing complex bioluminescent patterns, as well as generating a bright flashbang-like pulse to disorient enemies, supplementing the angelic Lore of Light. The suit is intelligent, but only just. It possesses instinctual knowledge of medicine, and is capable of administering first aid, both to its wearer and those around her, or assisting its mistress in medical treatments.

Finally, when fully matured, and fed with enough rich essence, the suit becomes capable of manifesting a whip-like prehensile protrusion, covered in hard claw-like protrusions, which can serve as both a whip and a sword as its mistress wishes. All the spikes and the very flesh of the suit become ripe with deadliest possible poison.
3 dot version:
  • Increases Tiffany's initiative by 2
  • TIffany can apply effects that roll medicine ability at a distance of 15 yards
  • TIffany never botches Intelligence + Medicine rolls (that's Lore of Flesh 1 to 3), gets +1 autosuccess on uncontested rolls, and gets +2 autosuccesses on contested rolls.

4 dot version:
  • The range of medicine ability application is extended to 20 yards
  • Intelligence + Medicine rolls are done at -2 difficulty
  • The splendor gets a second form, that of a plant-animal hybrid armor. The armor is a 4 dot arcana - fleshy golem. The stats are given in the built section. The suit is telepathically linked to Tiffany, and acts as armor for her.

5 dot version:
  • The range of medicine ability application is extended to 25 yards
  • The suit develops natural whip-like weapon which deals strength+1 lethal damage
  • All lethal damage attacks by Tiffany also inflict poison. Poisoned individuals must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 9 each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll five times in a row, the poison has run
  • its course.

In summary, this gives Tiffany ability to use her Lore of Flesh and Lore of Awakening at a distance, and makes her always succeed when using 1 to 3 dot Lores of Flesh. At 4 and 5 dots it gives her a very powerful armor. I am fairly sure @DragonParadox isn't going to allow me to just give her +10 or +12 agg soak dice, but who knows - if perfect defense armors are on the table, why not this? At 5 dots she also adds a very, very hard poison to her attacks, which basically means that it can only be cured by perfect effects, especially since she can reduce someone's stamina to 0 so they can't stop it from acting.

@DragonParadox I would like your opinion, when and if you have time.
So, boosting TIffany's combat abilities. Currently, she very much lacks compared to our other circlemates, Harry included. To be frank, she isn't built or statted for Brawl. She has high medicine, science and occult. Of those, occult can have direct application if she was to learn magic (we really need to check if she is capable of using Path magic or Ancient Sorcery). She suffers from a low energy pool (3 Faith points, which regenerate once per day), but most of her abilities don't actually require energy being spent. They do require rolls, however. And she doesn't have favored abilities, meaning she can botch. Thus, I see several ways to buff her:
1) Symbiotic creatures. Make her a venom suit of some sort. She would be using her manipulate flesh abilities on it to boost it
2) Lean into her manipulate flesh directly. Manipulate nerves + Manipulate Flesh lets her do unsoakable bashing damage at the cost of increasing target's mental attributes (manipulate nerves to drop stamina to 1 or 0, manipulate flesh to cause system shock and unsoakable bashing damage)
3) Give her magic.

Based on these, let me try to come up with a splendor of sorts.

The Splendor takes the form of something that is vital, or lively, or green, or fecund, or, most
likely, something made of wood. It might even be a living plant. This Element defines the
Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the
elemental power of wood. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden,
and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it, or to those it wishes to attract. As an
Adornment, increases its user's Initiative modifier by two. As the basis for a Fascination, it may
generate the creator's choice of: fragrant scents; an area encompassing (Splendor's rating x 5)
yards in which animals and insects will not attack; enticing fruit, which may act as the focus for
a Root Element; or an aura of peace and tranquility.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
This Element can only be part of an Adornment.
The Splendor allows the Exalt to use one particular Ability, such as Larceny or Brawl, from
much farther away than she really ought to be able. The Exalt can act from (Splendor's rating) x
5 yards past her normal limits.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is primitive, crude, bestial, or a beast. Items tend
to be natural objects like rocks and branches, or are crudely-worked, or are decorated with beast-
motifs. More often, the Splendor is literally a living animal. This Element defines the Splendor's
physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the feral, primitive, and
bestial. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
While animal-form Splendors are never hostile to their owner, they do not obey that individual as
a servant. Instead they will follow their normal instincts and habits, or else act according to some
particular pattern of behavior established when the Splendor is designed. If the Splendor is an
Adornment, it may be designed so that its blessings benefit the animal rather than the Exalt.
Taking a second characteristic Form makes it possible for an Adornment to take the shape of
both a beast and an item used by its owner, and to give its benefits to both of them.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor takes the form of a weapon. It has the traits of a Melee weapon such as a sword or
mace, or an archaic ranged weapon such as a bow. The Splendor must also have a one-point
Form Element with some sort of character to it.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of wood, this weapon is always something with
a substantial amount of wood in its construction. The difficulty to parry attacks with it decreases
by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the feral, primitive, and bestial, this increases the difficulty of rolls
to attack with it by one, but lowers the difficulty of damage rolls made with it by one.
The Splendor afflicts those it targets with a deadly poison. Poisoned individuals must make a
Stamina roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable
lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run
its course.
This Element is normally part of a Fascination. It may only be incorporated into an Adornment if
that Adornment has the Form of Imminent Violence, in which case the weapon is envenomed
and delivers this Element upon inflicting lethal damage.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
4 dot golem arcana
Willpower ●●●●●●●●○○ (5 freebie points)
Health 0//-1//-2//-3//-4//-5//inc
soak: 10, soaks agg. at difficulty 8

PHYSICAL (primary + golem type)SOCIAL (tetriary)MENTAL (secondary)
Strength ●●●○○○○Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●●
Dexterity ●●●●○Manipulation ●○○○○Intelligence ●○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●●●Appearance ●●●○○Wits ●●○○○


TALENTS (primary + 7 from Expertise)SKILLS (secondary)KNOWLEDGES (tetriary)
Alertness ●●●●●
Animal Ken ●●●○○Academics ○○○○○
Athletics ●●●●●Crafts ○○○○○Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●●Drive ○○○○○Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ●●●Etiquette ○○○○○Investigation ●●○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●○○Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○Larceny ○○○○○Medicine ●●●○○
Intimidation ○○○○○Melee ●●●○○Occult ○○○○○
Leadership ○○○○○Performance ○○○○○Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○Stealth ○○○○○Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○Survival ○○○○○Technology ○○○○○

Increase the Arcana's Strength and Stamina by two each. This may increase their ratings above the maximums normally permitted for the Arcana's dot rating and Arcana Features. Golems may never have any Mental Attribute rated above 5 dots, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. A Golem cannot have an Appearance higher than 3, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. Golems can soak lethal damage, but not aggravated. Golems are always obviously not human, and obviously made of inanimate materials.
The Arcana can project its thoughts into the minds of other nearby people to communicate with them. It can communicate with its master across up to (Arcana rating x 100 miles) of distance. By spending a point of Willpower, it can also receive communications from someone… or, to put it another way, it actively reads their surface thoughts for the rest of the scene. The target can always sense this, and can shut the Arcana out by spending a point of Willpower.
The Arcana's body is made of tougher stuff than others of its kind. If the Arcana could normally only soak bashing damage, it can now also soak lethal damage. If the Arcana could normally soak lethal damage, it can now also soak aggravated damage at difficulty 8.
The Arcana has been reinforced with armored plates. It rolls three extra dice to soak damage.
The Arcana gains seven additional dots of Abilities, which may be used to raise them above three dots. Taking this Feature additional times provides only five bonus dots.
The Arcana's body is covered in deadly spikes, jagged stakes, or sharpened bones. Anyone who directs an unarmed attack against it must soak one level of lethal damage. The Arcana's grapples inflict Strength + 2 lethal damage.
The Arcana can shed enough light to illuminate a room through either integrated electrical lighting, bioluminescence, a mystical radiance, or partially wreathing itself in flames. It may or may not be able to direct this light like a flashlight as well.
Blessed with great vitality, you heal injuries with heroic speed and ease. Your own injuries from lethal damage heal as if they were bashing damage (see the Healing Damage chart in Mage 20, p. 406), and aggravated damage heals as if it were one level higher than it is. (Wounded-level damage, for instance, would heal at the Injured-level rate.) Bashing damage, regardless of its extent, heals within an hour.
If you're trying to heal someone else, you subtract -2 from the difficulty of the roll, even if that roll involves casting a Life Sphere healing Effect. (The usual +3 maximum modifier and minimum difficulty of 3 still apply – see Mage 20, p. 503.) As long as you remain in physical touch with the injured party, that character uses your healing rate as her own. Your touch also soothes minor pains – muscle spasms, headaches, and so forth – within a minute or two.
Beyond its healing powers, this rush of life-energy simply feels good, too. Your aura shines with bright vitality, and your Resonance reflects your strong connection to the primal life-force. On the inevitable downside, vampires find your blood delicious – twice as potent as normal human vitae (worth double the usual blood points, for players of Vampire: The Masquerade) – and unspeakably refreshing.
The Arcana lacks the necessary anatomy for easy communication. It can still understand speech,
and it could speak if it possessed the proper facilities to do so, but alas, it doesn't. It can still
communicate effectively with its master through pantomime.
5 dot golem arcana
Willpower ●●●●●●●●●● (5 freebie points)
Health 0/0//-1//-2//-3//-4//-5//inc
soak: 12, soaks agg. at difficulty 8

PHYSICAL (primary + golem type)SOCIAL (tetriary)MENTAL (secondary)
Strength ●●●●○○○○○Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●●
Dexterity ●●●●○○○Manipulation ●○○○○Intelligence ●○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●●●●●Appearance ●●●○○Wits ●●○○○


TALENTS (primary + 7 from Expertise)SKILLS (secondary)KNOWLEDGES (tetriary)
Alertness ●●●●●
Animal Ken ●●●○○Academics ○○○○○
Athletics ●●●●●Crafts ○○○○○Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●●Drive ○○○○○Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ●●●Etiquette ○○○○○Investigation ●●○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●○○Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○Larceny ○○○○○Medicine ●●●○○
Intimidation ○○○○○Melee ●●●○○Occult ○○○○○
Leadership ○○○○○Performance ○○○○○Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○Stealth ○○○○○Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○Survival ○○○○○Technology ○○○○○

Increase the Arcana's Strength and Stamina by two each. This may increase their ratings above the maximums normally permitted for the Arcana's dot rating and Arcana Features. Golems may never have any Mental Attribute rated above 5 dots, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. A Golem cannot have an Appearance higher than 3, even if another Feature might potentially provide it. Golems can soak lethal damage, but not aggravated. Golems are always obviously not human, and obviously made of inanimate materials.
The Arcana can project its thoughts into the minds of other nearby people to communicate with them. It can communicate with its master across up to (Arcana rating x 100 miles) of distance. By spending a point of Willpower, it can also receive communications from someone… or, to put it another way, it actively reads their surface thoughts for the rest of the scene. The target can always sense this, and can shut the Arcana out by spending a point of Willpower.
The Arcana's body is made of tougher stuff than others of its kind. If the Arcana could normally only soak bashing damage, it can now also soak lethal damage. If the Arcana could normally soak lethal damage, it can now also soak aggravated damage at difficulty 8.
The Arcana has been reinforced with armored plates. It rolls three extra dice to soak damage.
The Arcana gains seven additional dots of Abilities, which may be used to raise them above three dots. Taking this Feature additional times provides only five bonus dots.
The Arcana's body is covered in deadly spikes, jagged stakes, or sharpened bones. Anyone who directs an unarmed attack against it must soak one level of lethal damage. The Arcana's grapples inflict Strength + 2 lethal damage.
The Arcana can shed enough light to illuminate a room through either integrated electrical lighting, bioluminescence, a mystical radiance, or partially wreathing itself in flames. It may or may not be able to direct this light like a flashlight as well.
The Arcana's body is incorporates some sort of deadly weaponry such as metal fists, claws, fangs, horns, or sharpened bone protrusions. Her Brawl attacks inflict Strength + 1 lethal damage.
Blessed with great vitality, you heal injuries with heroic speed and ease. Your own injuries from lethal damage heal as if they were bashing damage (see the Healing Damage chart in Mage 20, p. 406), and aggravated damage heals as if it were one level higher than it is. (Wounded-level damage, for instance, would heal at the Injured-level rate.) Bashing damage, regardless of its extent, heals within an hour.
If you're trying to heal someone else, you subtract -2 from the difficulty of the roll, even if that roll involves casting a Life Sphere healing Effect. (The usual +3 maximum modifier and minimum difficulty of 3 still apply – see Mage 20, p. 503.) As long as you remain in physical touch with the injured party, that character uses your healing rate as her own. Your touch also soothes minor pains – muscle spasms, headaches, and so forth – within a minute or two.
Beyond its healing powers, this rush of life-energy simply feels good, too. Your aura shines with bright vitality, and your Resonance reflects your strong connection to the primal life-force. On the inevitable downside, vampires find your blood delicious – twice as potent as normal human vitae (worth double the usual blood points, for players of Vampire: The Masquerade) – and unspeakably refreshing.
The Arcana lacks the necessary anatomy for easy communication. It can still understand speech,
and it could speak if it possessed the proper facilities to do so, but alas, it doesn't. It can still
communicate effectively with its master through pantomime.
A combination of the angelic lore and exalted peerless ingenuity, the Seed of Life is a defensive talisman that draws upon the very essence of its master. When manifested, it appears as a necklace with a large hard seed at the end of a chain of living vines interwoven around its mistress's neck and firmly adhering to her body. Microscopic ethereal roots connect the seed to its wearer circulatory and nervous systems. As a result, she gains the ability to apply her life giving abilities from a distance, and always succeeds in her attempts to apply first three levels of her Lore of Flesh.

Upon reaching maturity, the Seed can be commanded to sprout. Upon feeling the command of its mistress it will burst into a myriad of fleshy vines - a mixture of a plant and animal not seen upon the surface of modern Earth, but something akin to some of the more exotic inhabitants of the sanctuary. The vines quickly cover the whole of their mistress's body, forming an intervowen organic suit which protects its wearer from harm with its own body. Each vine is covered in tiny retractable spikes, as hard as steel and as sharp as the best sword, and anyone trying to casually grab it with intent to harm will pay dearly for their impertenance. Once fully formed, hard protective plates form on the outside of the vines, akin to bark and snake scales both, and in truth unlike either. The vines are capable of producing complex bioluminescent patterns, as well as generating a bright flashbang-like pulse to disorient enemies, supplementing the angelic Lore of Light. The suit is intelligent, but only just. It possesses instinctual knowledge of medicine, and is capable of administering first aid, both to its wearer and those around her, or assisting its mistress in medical treatments.

Finally, when fully matured, and fed with enough rich essence, the suit becomes capable of manifesting a whip-like prehensile protrusion, covered in hard claw-like protrusions, which can serve as both a whip and a sword as its mistress wishes. All the spikes and the very flesh of the suit become ripe with deadliest possible poison.
3 dot version:
  • Increases Tiffany's initiative by 2
  • TIffany can apply effects that roll medicine ability at a distance of 15 yards
  • TIffany never botches Intelligence + Medicine rolls (that's Lore of Flesh 1 to 3), gets +1 autosuccess on uncontested rolls, and gets +2 autosuccesses on contested rolls.

4 dot version:
  • The range of medicine ability application is extended to 20 yards
  • Intelligence + Medicine rolls are done at -2 difficulty
  • The splendor gets a second form, that of a plant-animal hybrid armor. The armor is a 4 dot arcana - fleshy golem. The stats are given in the built section. The suit is telepathically linked to Tiffany, and acts as armor for her.

5 dot version:
  • The range of medicine ability application is extended to 25 yards
  • The suit develops natural whip-like weapon which deals strength+1 lethal damage
  • All lethal damage attacks by Tiffany also inflict poison. Poisoned individuals must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 9 each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll five times in a row, the poison has run
  • its course.

In summary, this gives Tiffany ability to use her Lore of Flesh and Lore of Awakening at a distance, and makes her always succeed when using 1 to 3 dot Lores of Flesh. At 4 and 5 dots it gives her a very powerful armor. I am fairly sure @DragonParadox isn't going to allow me to just give her +10 or +12 agg soak dice, but who knows - if perfect defense armors are on the table, why not this? At 5 dots she also adds a very, very hard poison to her attacks, which basically means that it can only be cured by perfect effects, especially since she can reduce someone's stamina to 0 so they can't stop it from acting.

@DragonParadox I would like your opinion, when and if you have time.
A splendor like this would be interesting eventually, but I think it'd be worth considering some lesser intermediate upgrades. We keep having problems getting time and reagents to make our allies and something easier to acquire to plug the gap would benefit us more than doing nothing until we have the perfect solution.

We can make 1-2 dot prodigies in an afternoon with no resources but our own motes and they can be pretty nice.
A splendor like this would be interesting eventually, but I think it'd be worth considering some lesser intermediate upgrades. We keep having problems getting time and reagents to make our allies and something easier to acquire to plug the gap would benefit us more than doing nothing until we have the perfect solution.

We can make 1-2 dot prodigies in an afternoon with no resources but our own motes and they can be pretty nice.
I think that we could probably afford the three dot version with the Forge up and running next turn.

The combination of Invincible Assertion (never fail a roll) and Long Reach are very, very broken when it comes to Tiffany's combat abilities. They allow her to do a lot of complex manipulation on the fly remotely. Like turn off enemy eyes, then dropping their stamina to zero, then basically doing whatever she wants. You'd probably need shaping defenses against her.
I agree that we need basic stuff. Essence batteries, armor more than gives 1 dice damage absorption. And so on. Seriously cool artifacts are cool, but we need at least a basic level! We are now making an analogue of naked run in Diablo 2... Well, okay, we have three artifacts, for the whole party.
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I agree that we need basic stuff. Essence batteries, armor more than gives 1 dice damage absorption. And so on. Seriously cool artifacts are cool, but we need at least a basic level! We are now making an analogue of naked run in Diablo 2... Well, okay, we have three artifacts, for the whole party.
The benefit of going straight to splendors is the ability to reforge them without any loss as we upgrade. We could start at 2 dots for Tiffany with invincible assertion and mystic fortification, to make her always succeed when using first three tiers of shape flesh.
Molly and Lydia: Brutally rips apart and consumes the very tormented souls who just wanted the pain to stop.
Tiffany: Doesn't call upon Light, just shoots them with her cancer gun.

Are... are we the bad guys? :V
The benefit of going straight to splendors is the ability to reforge them without any loss as we upgrade. We could start at 2 dots for Tiffany with invincible assertion and mystic fortification, to make her always succeed when using first three tiers of shape flesh.
Okay, let's do the basics first that don't cost us any permanent ingredients by the looks of it. I just beg you not to go for the shiny stuff and do things that are boring and practical first.
Okay, let's do the basics first that don't cost us any permanent ingredients by the looks of it. I just beg you not to go for the shiny stuff and do things that are boring and practical first.
I have one counterargument- our time also costs us, if only in opportunities. If shiny stuff completely obsoletes boring and practical stuff, it makes sense to go for the shinies.

[X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame
-[X] Activate Empathy excellency
-[X] Use NWS on the Nephilim before talking to him.

I feel we miss a lot of context (one scary thought - the Nephilim himself is a Neverborn cultist), and we really should learn more. It's clear that his greatest shame has something to do with the situation. Both the attempt to lift his spirits and NWS use Empathy for the roll, and given the magnitude of the issue, Excellency is basically a must. So, NWS for context, then try talking to him. With 5+ successes we should get a lot of information out of NWS.
Okay, let's do the basics first that don't cost us any permanent ingredients by the looks of it. I just beg you not to go for the shiny stuff and do things that are boring and practical first.
On that note possible prodigy armor for our whole circle
Directly patterned after her court's Silver Weave and using the same materials with a significant addition from her own stock of Alchemical materials. The Prima Metallum weave armor is made of interwoven ice spider silk, Military grade Alchemical ballistic gel and Prima Metallum. Covered in a near carapace of woven metal near invisibile sigils of the Court of Fate seem to move across the still weave of the surface independently of any motion, their magic seeming to buoy the wearer.

Prima Metallum Weave Armor appears to be a form-fitting suit of a particularly lustrous and dark metal and silver weave. Due to its prodigious construction it does not burden the wearer and grants 6 Soak and lowers the difficulty to soak damage by one. Requires attunement.

Silver weave armor - 4 Soak -1 Dexterity
Prima Metallum +1 Soak
Prodigy construction +1 Soak, -1 difficulty, eliminate DEX penalty.
I have one counterargument- our time also costs us, if only in opportunities. If shiny stuff completely obsoletes boring and practical stuff, it makes sense to go for the shinies.
On the most obvious front is that they're complimentary. Any armor Splendor would essentially be a charm activated that has a longer up time rather than scene long. Overlaying or layering over any real armor that we have also they cost Essence to activate or cost Faith or ki or any other Supernatural resource worth mentioning unless they have the form of hero shadow.

Same goes for any weapon really they require some kind of material anchor if they're going to not require summoning at which point just having a prodigy sword is considerably better, heck I've been kind of planning around that Synergy for a while now.
In principle sure you could design a pair that synergizes, though it really depends what you want to make. Generally speaking lateral improvements are going to work a lot better than just making a prodigy do task A and then have a splendour do that task even better. As an example don't try to stack two kinds of magic to make the Sharpest Sword TM, but a splendour that adds some kind of synergy is fine.
Forged by Molly to deal with significantly physically larger threats such as the Dragon of Vegas, the Thousand headed and thousand horned, the lord of the Wicked City's Abominations and most recently the strange form of Thorned Namshiel. She forged her Long Arm.

A magnificent Greatsword formed from a near-black Metal, its lightweight metals and enchantments of its construction means it can be wielded with alacrity and accuracy with one hand as well as two. Its imposing presence is enhanced by a dark hue reminiscent of the night sky with a completely absent Fuller giving the strange appearance of an elongated bident with an array of seemingly glowing dots in vibrant shades of green and white, this weapon possesses an otherworldly allure the emptiness of its Fuller seems to be waiting for a miracle to fill the void. These luminescent dots, scattered across its surface like stars in a dance. A weapon of divine quality.

The Long Arm is a large European Straight Greatsword roughly four and a half feet long. Attacks made with it are rolled at difficulty 5, it inflicts Strength + 4 damage against opponents larger than a rhino it deals an additional dice of damage. It does not require Attunement.

Greatsword EXvsWOD pg. 309 - Strength + 4 damage difficulty 7
Prima Metallum - lightness, -1 difficulty
Prodigy construction - +1 Damage to large foes, -1 difficulty
This is all before the fact that prodigies are just way cheaper resource wise then splendors are. The requirements to make even one dot splendors is the same as making a three dot Prodigy. Even if prodigies are mono-function barring higher ratings a sword just needs to be a sword sometimes they can also do things that are just impossible for splendors like invisibility cloaks and things like this.
●● Exalted Scarseal: A Talisman taking on the seeming of the eye of the being it was made for carrying the Old Realm rune of the Exalted. Must be made with the blood of a Chosen and the being the scarseal is for. Raises endurance and wherewithal to the level of the Chosen but also increases damage taken. These seals represent the lifelong duty of those chosen by the gods. System: The character in possession of the scarseal soaks damage and deals with multiple opponents as if they were exalted (See EXvsWOD pgs. 34, 36). If they take three or more bashing damage in a turn, take an additional unsoakable bashing damage. If they take four or more lethal damage in a turn add an additional unsoakable lethal damage. This Talisman does not occupy an Attunement slot.
Very nice, I like the theme on the scarseal, very fitting as a way to spread out some of the boons of the Exaltation to those sworn to her.
Though I digress.
[X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame.
-[x] not all things that walk in shadow are vile and false

Idk how I feel about that added line but there we are I guess
[X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame
-[X] Activate Empathy excellency
-[X] Use NWS on the Nephilim before talking to him.
Adhoc vote count started by Anaja on Feb 3, 2025 at 3:01 AM, finished with 41 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame
    -[X] Activate Empathy excellency
    -[X] Use NWS on the Nephilim before talking to him.
    [X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame
    [X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame
    -[x] not all things that walk in shadow are vile and false
[X] It's never too late to choose another path, try to break him from the grasp of his old shame
-[X] Activate Empathy excellency
-[X] Use NWS on the Nephilim before talking to him.
Arc 15 Post 52: The Sound of Angels Falling
The Sound of Angels Falling

Elsewhere, Time Indeterminate

He came in splendor and power, garbed in all phases of light, no serpent he, no wings he bore, for he was spirit Imperishable before your sight He was the highest agent of the highest House, the Seraph of the Morning. He was Lucifer, and every iota in his presence hummed to the melody of his purpose. Sayeth him: 'The Throne of God is Silent and He Unmoved as cold and dark as the void we have been tear at life's foundations. Are we not Wise, are we not born of that same wisdom?'

Thunder his voice was as only a Herald most sublime might sound and yet in those words there was no trace of peace and purpose, of unity that marked the making of the world. It was a call to motion where there had been stillness, it was the sound of celestial orrery breaking, it was the trumpet blast of strife's beginning, it was the chariot of war rolling with wheels of fire. In each wheel a serpent devoured its tail, forever feasting growing monstrous huge, yet never from the axle shifting. Gears they were and gears they had remained, poor suffering servants of a rebellion three ages too late.

Sayeth him: "We can show them the truth, we can arm them for war, we can ready the forge and light now the coals. Let the stars burn as heralds, let the seas rise with purpose. Let them fight. What good was a seed that was burned before sapling could sprout, let them fight!"

"And if they are unready?" A question that rises like dissonant tremble of a dying quasar.

Let them perish

And it seemed to him that heard right that was wrongest.

"You weren't teaching students, you were training warriors, souls to throw into the furnace," the words out of your mouth are so calm and cutting they almost make you flinch. "You are still lying to yourself, even here, even now." Slowly almost almost s though you are floating in an ocean of unseen blackness you rise to look the giant in one pitted eye. "It's not even your lie, it's the Morningstar's, still, still, always his."

A mouth stitched closed an aeon ago tries to tear against the bindings to deny, to scream and scream until the noise makes the horrid truth fall silent.

But I'm not here to torture him like some fury out of Olympian Myth. So you say: ['Choice Abides, Final Truth in an Ocean of Lies!']

If it had all been lies no Angel would have listened. In drea realization your mind expands.... into... another... form.

[] Write in Unbound Eschaton Shintai

OOC: So you guys just decided to watch the Fall, at least the Fall of this particular Angel live, this has consequences for Molly's perceptions of reality and herself. The Eschaton Shintai isn't going to become manifested, but seeing angels without form helped her become aware of that part of herself.
(-1 Essence; The Urge does not refresh your essence here because you are not comparable with the Necrotic Essence)
Elder Arcanoi Discovered: Ravening Life-Force Hunger: Made a Brawl attack, on Success Roll Manipulation+Larceny: Two Success threshold, steal a mote of essence, for every additional two successes steal one more mote of essence
If anyone's concerned about necrotic energies or other things preventing Essence regeneration or possibly getting around since regeneration / potentially temporary extra Essence holding or wants to just disintegrate the magical energy pools of every Supernatural creature we fight I'll just leave this here.
●●●● Manipulation of personal Mana energies allows a sorcerer to store additional Mana (temporarily), draw from a place of power to fuel his magic or even disrupt a person's Mana flow to cause injury. The sorcerer can draw Mana out of a place of power; each success allows the sorcerer to channel one point of Mana (to the limit of the area's power), which must be used in the next turn. Striking at a person to destroy Mana allows the sorcerer to strip Mana from the individual's pool at a one-success-for-one-point rate; this can also discharge the power in other magical pools (like Gnosis) on a two-successes-per-point ratio. Mana Manipulation at this level can cause injury or healing by altering the flow of life energy through a subject, essentially promoting health or disease. (This has no immediate effect, but over time may cause degeneration or better health; long-term or powerful alterations are better performed with the Healing Path.)

●●●●● The master of Mana can not only sense and redirect Mana, but can use Mana to infuse countermagic (creating a magical "shield" that allows him to add Mana to
a countermagic dice pool), block another sorcerer's use of Mana (each success stops an opponent's point of Mana from empowering an effect) or even change the Resonance of Mana (turning poisoned Mana into neutral, "clean" energy that could be used with helpful spells or bending otherwise passive Mana to a more active, fiery Resonance for use with destructive magic), with successes dictating the level of change — one success would alter the Resonance slightly, three would cancel out a characteristic and five would reverse it
[] Write in Unbound Eschaton Shintai

OOC: So you guys just decided to watch the Fall, at least the Fall of this particular Angel live, this has consequences for Molly's perceptions of reality and herself. The Eschaton Shintai isn't going to become manifested, but seeing angels without form helped her become aware of that part of herself.
Oh shit. So this is the part where we decide on a design and signature Charm for it?
..yeah I don't have the time to argue over the superior action economy clone charm over the dice removal curse charm for the signature so whatever.

I liked @BronzeTongue concept for the design at any rate.
Stella Prasinus

Standing in her world made manifest the Empress-To-Be casts aside the limits of fate and, as she takes a seat on her newly risen throne, Becomes.

Bursting into poisonous radiance she seems to open like an impossibly deep flower, revealing an emerald star. Past the all too literal glare it is split down the center by a slitted pupil and crowned by five rings of brass.

The Emerald Polestar moves freely in flight, but never seems to orient herself. The eye always faces those who gaze on it, in complete disregard of the order of the world.

At rest her five rings languidly rotate about her body, each studded with five mouths of obsidian fangs. Each ring is engraved with the prayers of countless souls from one of the Empress's five cities, and when she speaks it is with a chorus of their voices.

At arms her twenty five fanged mouths yawn open so widely that they split apart as her crowns spin to a blur. Shooting forth they reassemble into something between brazen macuahuitl edged in fangs and segmented millipede like limbs.

Raised up like wings - or the stings of a many tailed scorpion - the infernal can act with uncanny dexterity and strike with unnatural speed.

Hardened Devil Body
Extra Limbs


The name for this one, and the Emerald Polestar thing, is a reference to Stella Maris. The latin element of a title for Mother Mary: Our Lady, Star of the Sea. It has an interesting history that makes for a fun bit of heretical parody.

Allegedly it's a title given by mistake*, a transcription error turned allegory for how Mother Mary as a 'guiding star' on the way to Christ. It eventually came to be used as a nickname for Polaris in the context of using it to navigate.

Polaris has a rich history with a lot of cultures, but it has a particularly interesting tie in forms from a different Abrahamic faith entirely; Mandaeans. They believe North and Polaris in particular are auspicious because they're linked to the World of Light and that the south isn't because it's linked to the World of Darkness.

Which is too good of a connection not to use. An Emerald Polestar leading towards the age to come.