Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I'd like to put forward my design from earlier again, if anything it's more appropriate now than it ever was:

I'm going to update the design I posted back then to reflect how the quest has evolved.

Stella Prasinus

Standing in her world made manifest the Empress-To-Be casts aside the limits of fate and, as she takes a seat on her newly risen throne, Becomes.

Bursting into poisonous radiance she seems to open like an impossibly deep flower, revealing an emerald star. Past the all too literal glare it is split down the center by a slitted pupil and crowned by five rings of brass.

The Emerald Polestar moves freely in flight, but never seems to orient herself. The eye always faces those who gaze on it, in complete disregard of the order of the world.

At rest her five rings languidly rotate about her body, each studded with five mouths of obsidian fangs. Each ring is engraved with the prayers of countless souls from one of the Empress's five cities, and when she speaks it is with a chorus of their voices.

At arms her twenty five fanged mouths yawn open so widely that they split apart as her crowns spin to a blur. Shooting forth they reassemble into something between brazen macuahuitl edged in fangs and segmented millipede like limbs.

Raised up like wings - or the stings of a many tailed scorpion - the infernal can act with uncanny dexterity and strike with unnatural speed.

Hardened Devil Body
Extra Limbs


The name for this one, and the Emerald Polestar thing, is a reference to Stella Maris. The latin element of a title for Mother Mary: Our Lady, Star of the Sea. It has an interesting history that makes for a fun bit of heretical parody.

Allegedly it's a title given by mistake*, a transcription error turned allegory for how Mother Mary as a 'guiding star' on the way to Christ. It eventually came to be used as a nickname for Polaris in the context of using it to navigate.

Polaris has a rich history with a lot of cultures, but it has a particularly interesting tie in forms from a different Abrahamic faith entirely; Mandaeans. They believe North and Polaris in particular are auspicious because they're linked to the World of Light and that the south isn't because it's linked to the World of Darkness.

Which is too good of a connection not to use. An Emerald Polestar leading towards the age to come.


Sound familiar Uriel?

Edit: error

[X] Stella Prasinus

A blessing given by mistake, leading the way back to Heaven through heresy against Hell.
I kinda want to be a building. But we are already a world. Dragon is not right? Yeah doesnt feel right.

Edit : Maybe a green phoenix?
The northstar idea is good. Im just throwing ideas at the wall.
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[X] Stella Prasinus

It's good for now, I'll see what else will be proposed but I have no problems with such a form winning.
Can someone explain me what was happening in the update?? I understood most parts except the last one


[X] Stella Prasinus
-[X] Flexible
-[X] Hardened Devil Body
-[X] Demon Armor


[X] The Empress to Come
-[X] Flexible
-[X] Hardened Devil Body
-[X] Demon Armor
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I kinda want to be a building. But we are already a world. Dragon is not right? Yeah doesnt feel right.
How do you feel about a twist on the biblical wheel of eyes Angel?

My plan is poisonous green star formed into an eye; crowned in five rings of brass, studded with five maws of obsidian fangs.

The eye doesn't turn, but looks at the world in all directions. Everyone who looks at her sees that she is staring at them alone. Simultaneously.

When she speaks each ring speaks with the chorus from a single city, and the harmony between them gives rise to her words.

When she fights the crowns snap out into weapon limbs reminiscent of wings - or the stings of a five tailed scorpion.

Quite literally she becomes the Emerald Polestar, Our Lady of this World of Darkness, to lead an Angel home.

Maximum melodrama, but this is the sort of situation to call for it.
No I mean the twist at the end, ['Choice Abides, Final Truth in an Ocean of Lies!']?
To this day I hate that SCCP was bought. I didn't understand it either.
Our vote was to tell him it wasn't too late to choose to be better. That was SCCP for trying to make him face the truth that he was lied to but could choose to be better just as he was able to choose to be worse.
The only question about Stella Prasinus is the shintai size. I almost forgot, but didn't we already vote for this or was it just a brain storm of ideas?
And so the lore points to some things. Of course Lucifer is lying. He's lying here, he's lying in the World of Darkness. But I wonder who the armies were preparing against. And overall, it's obvious that the early assumptions that the rebellion and fall happened because of free will issues may be wrong. Or they're about free will in the sense that angels shouldn't rule over humans.
That was SCCP for trying to make him face the truth that he was lied to but could choose to be better just as he was able to choose to be worse.
*Looks over the text in brackets repeatedly"
*Rereads this*
*Rereads bracketed text*
*Does this several times*
I guess I see it? I'm calling it a day.

[X] Stella Prasinus
So, uhh... Tons to comment about here:
1) I completely misunderstood what a Nephilim is. And, it turns out, at least according to Wikipedia, no one actually knows. Which totally surprised me. I was using the "human-angel hybrid" definition, when it turns out it might be a term for a (kind of) Fallen angel. And this is completely my fail - the writing is actually quite clear that Molly and Tiffany both seem to mean an angel, not an half-angelic human. Funny thing is, I am fairly certain Ebeneezer was using "half angelic human" definition earlier in the quest. As I said - the more you know.

2) I sure hope that seeing the Fall doesn't violate our agreement with God.

3) "The Throne of God is Silent " has terrifying implications. Because, yeah, ok, I can actually buy the God missing, and the only difference between Dresden Files and WoD being that Uriel and most other angels are genuinely not assholes, and are genuinely trying to keep the world a good place. It would explain the absolutism and seemingly self-defeating nature of at least some parts of the Rules. If they were meant to have some hands on manual control mode from God, and he is missing... Yeah, ok. It would also explain the request not to look into God's mind. Angels kinda may need to keep the charade going for the world to keep functioning.

4) That the Fallen's greatest shame is the Fall gives me hope for his redemption. And, uhh... redeeming a Fallen angel is probably the kind of stuff where a number of seers' brains violently explode and which heralds a beginning of a new age. Also which makes a lot of denarians have a lot of very complicated feelings.

I'll work on updating my eschaton schintai proposal. For the charm I feel that Shadow Spite Curse still works.
3) "The Throne of God is Silent "
For me it gives me flashbacks to Godbound where it led to humanity going to war over philosophical differences that broke reality. And all because they broke into heaven and found God's throne empty. Of course, all of this could be a blatant lie from Lucifer... Or we just saw why we were asked not to watch. Because God is absent at the moment.
So, uhh... Tons to comment about here:
1) I completely misunderstood what a Nephilim is. And, it turns out, at least according to Wikipedia, no one actually knows. Which totally surprised me. I was using the "human-angel hybrid" definition, when it turns out it might be a term for a (kind of) Fallen angel. And this is completely my fail - the writing is actually quite clear that Molly and Tiffany both seem to mean an angel, not an half-angelic human. Funny thing is, I am fairly certain Ebeneezer was using "half angelic human" definition earlier in the quest. As I said - the more you know.

2) I sure hope that seeing the Fall doesn't violate our agreement with God.

3) "The Throne of God is Silent " has terrifying implications. Because, yeah, ok, I can actually buy the God missing, and the only difference between Dresden Files and WoD being that Uriel and most other angels are genuinely not assholes, and are genuinely trying to keep the world a good place. It would explain the absolutism and seemingly self-defeating nature of at least some parts of the Rules. If they were meant to have some hands on manual control mode from God, and he is missing... Yeah, ok. It would also explain the request not to look into God's mind. Angels kinda may need to keep the charade going for the world to keep functioning.

4) That the Fallen's greatest shame is the Fall gives me hope for his redemption. And, uhh... redeeming a Fallen angel is probably the kind of stuff where a number of seers' brains violently explode and which heralds a beginning of a new age. Also which makes a lot of denarians have a lot of very complicated feelings.

I'll work on updating my eschaton schintai proposal. For the charm I feel that Shadow Spite Curse still works.
We didnt use the crown so we should still be respecting the agreement. The other charms are a completely different thing, what he tried us to stop using was the omniscient intellectus

How does Extra Limbs work, since we bought that with By Rage Recast?
If thats the case we should change it for another aspect
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He's lying here, he's lying in the World of Darkness.
Disagree strongly on that one.
In DtF I very much assume that Lucifer was both truthful in his words and well-meaning in his actions at almost any appearance.

He's just a colossal, hubristic fuck-up who always manages to learn the wrong lessons from his mistakes.
Disagree strongly on that one.
In DtF I very much assume that Lucifer was both truthful in his words and well-meaning in his actions at almost any appearance.

He's just a colossal, hubristic fuck-up who always manages to learn the wrong lessons from his mistakes.
Then the situation is really radically different from what we know before. Either God is absent or he is literally unresponsive. Both situations radically change the balance of power as we know it.
How do you feel about a twist on the biblical wheel of eyes Angel?
You see, the angel aspect i can take or leave. I like the motive, biblically accurate angels are one of my favourite motives since i was like 12 , but it doesnt feel in character with how devout she is. Hubris, you know.

I am more interested in the other parts of your proposal. Finding your way back to heaven? Great.
Becoming a Heretic to Heresy to find Heaven?
I love it, everytime it happens.
Big Hellboy fan.

The part where its an angel just doesnt feel right. Even if it would look awesome. Ill vote for it, if nobody has something more fitting, since its still really good.
Then the situation is really radically different from what we know before. Either God is absent or he is literally unresponsive. Both situations radically change the balance of power as we know it.
I meant in WoD, meanwhile in Dresden Files God appears more active, and Lucifer a lot worse.

Not sure from which side DP is taking what.

Still, even if God was silent in that instance, doesn't mean he always is.
Even here, Lucifer only said that God was silent and unmoved, not that he wasn't there.
Maybe the Rebellion did cause him to act again, this is long past after all.