-[] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Infernal AP
--[][INVESTIGATIONS] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will: 1 AP
---[] Moving out. The sooner you get Rosie out of that house the better
--[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] The Other side of the Mirror: Secure Nevernever areas corresponding to the Last station: 1 AP
--[][PERSONAL TRAINING]The Bridges of the Spirit, continue your training with Brother Divsimar not in the ways of the spirit but the mind, the Bridge of Dreams. 1AP
--[][ARCANE ALLIES] NEW Getting Lydia a Good Boy: assist Lydia in getting a dog, maybe a magical one. Mouse might be interested in helping. 1 AP
--[][ARCANE ALLIES] NEW Training... Wizards?: Carlos would like to meet with you. 1 AP
--[][CRAFTING] New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential(0/10 AP)[(Joe Magarac(1d4 AP) + Tiffany(4 AP)]: 1 AP + 1 Infernal AP
--[][SCHOOL][SGI] Attend school: 1 SGI AP
--[][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Look into the Minor Talents of Chicago: 3 SGI AP
---[] Alphas, friends of Harry, close to you in age
---[] Friends in Low Places, she might work for Marcone but Grad was really cool
---[] Spirit Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is the real deal
--[][INVESTIGATIONS] Updated [SGI] Higher Education: Engage with mundane side of getting into Harvard: 2 SGI AP
--[][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be in Sanctuary: 6 SGI AP
--[][INVESTIGATIONS] [SGI] NEW Teachings of Winter: Teach unknown Paths to the spirit binders of Sanctuary.Your presence, in some manner will help smooth matters. 3 SGI AP
--[][ARCANE ALLIES] Cauldron Bubble, your new friends in the Ordo Lebetis could use more help, maybe not as... enthusiastic as the last time, but they are small fish in a very big and scary pond
---[] Updated [SGI] Online presence, See if you can convince the others to set up a strong online presence. 1 SGI AP
--[][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] Updated Family Unknown, now that you know the full story your feelings towards your maternal grandparents are complicated to say the least, but people change right? And even if they didn't you have other more distant family in Boston that it would be cool to meet. 1 SGI AP
--[][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] NEW Introductions to more of you: Twin jokes. Get your family used to other yous: 1 SGI AP
This is the rough draft.
I'll polish up and provide reasons a little later when I get back; among other things, I should put an Action for making Porter a train in the plan.