Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[] NEW Training... Wizards?: The White Council in its wisdom seems to have decided that Chicago is the ideal place to set up a training camp for young wizards to serve in the Wardens, you suspect in part because they reason the Red Court would not dare attack with you in town. Carlos would like to meet with you, in part to coordinate things so you don't trip over baby wizards, but also you suspect just to hang out

They're not wrong about this, and poking baby wizards sounds fun.

[] NEW Favors Owed: Just as you are owed favors by the Fey Courts so too do you owe others following the past month
-[] Protections for the True Ventori up to 3 AP
-[] Work for Monoc 1 AP
More practically we should take at least a few of these while we have time. They might not be in a rush, but it would be bad to have a bunch of markers called in at once because something went sideways.
Regarding the plan, we should send our clone to go to school since that's what he was created for, send another to meet the Alphas before the situation with them gets worse, one to our world and the last one to concentrate on the online part and maybe start Paranet.(4 SGI)

Three AP to, hopefully, finish the Forge in one tour and make all the outstanding artifacts in the next. (8AP - 3 = 5 AP).

Then the action with Carlos to maintain our contacts with the White Council active and get to know him better, contact with the LoC, Search for a new home with Rose, Protect the solar fragment (protect! don't let go) and finally get our little rumor mill (@DragonParadox This action is to get both mundane and supernatural information together, right? Because just mundane is too much for Molly to spend a whole month of effort)

[X]Plan Consolidating our base
-[X] [SGI] Attend school, you have friends at school and you would like to have memories of senior year and graduation, even if they don't teach you anything worthwhile
-[X] In the Sky a Thousand Eyes: If you see something, you can stick a demon in it. It occurs to you that satellites are definitely something you can see with the right tools, although you'll have to figure out which ones you want and what orders to give them.
-[X] [SGI] Look at Chicago's Minor Talents, until now you've been isolated from the Chicago supernatural scene, now that you can get in touch with them without necessarily having your dad with you all the time. came to change that... although, considering how Mouse and McCoy thought you were bad news at first, maybe you should bring Dad or Harry to some of them, just as an introduction
--[X] Alphas, Harry's friends, close in age to you and work to keep monsters off the streets near the University, they seem really cool
--[X] Friends in Low Places, she may work for Marcone, but Grad was really nice and you're curious about her. Luckily you remember the number Dad dialed to contact Marcone
--[X] Spiritual Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is the real deal, a true medium among fakes, and unlike Pauline, he's good enough at it, or just good enough at marketing to make a job of it. His books are also really cool
-[X] A friend in need. You promised Rosie she would help and will do so, with material and ethereal problems
--[X] Moving, you are already of legal age and you certainly don't lack money, the sooner you get Rosie out of that house the better
-[X] NEW Secure the Golden Shard: The Temple of Descending Ra contains a mechanism of ancient wonder at the center of which rests a shard of power born from ages past. Although they have been good guardians until now, you still worry that such a thing is only protected by mortal magic and faith. See if you can get them to accept more protections
-[X] Higher Education [SGI] Updated: Boston is even more free of supernatural suitors than when you found it, but you've done little to engage with the mundane side of getting into Harvard. While others you may not cheat as much, you are sure they could. Cost 2 AP
-[X] [SGI] Crown and Scepter, see to what extent your unique talents can be used in the Sanctuary. Can spend up to 6 SGI (x6AP)
-[X] [SGI] NEW Winter Teachings: Teach Summoning, dreamweaving, or other Paths unknown to Sanctuary's spiritbinders: Maeve's goodwill allows the teaching of magics unknown in Sanctuary. Her presence, in some way, will help smooth things out. Can spend up to 3 AP (x3 AP)
-[X] Cauldron Bubble, your new friends from Ordo Lebetis would need more help, maybe not as...enthusiastic as last time, but they are small fish in a very big and scary pond
--[X] Updated online presence [SGI], one of the few advantages lesser talents have over more powerful magicians is that they are more up to date with technology and are less likely to blow it up. See if you can convince others to establish a strong online presence, perhaps even recruiting
-[X] Contact the Librarians: Given that you are the sovereign of an interdenominational magical nation, it might be worth talking to a branch of the federal government that knows about magic, one that hasn't come forward trying to fit Harry right into your front
-[X] NEW Training... Wizards?: The White Council in their wisdom seems to have decided that Chicago is the ideal place to set up a training camp for young wizards to serve in the Watchers, you suspect in part because they reason the Red Court I wouldn't dare attack with you in the city. Carlos would like to meet with you, partly to coordinate things so you don't stumble upon wizard babies, but also you suspect just to get out
-[X] NEW Traitor, Enemy of All: Thanks to your Crown you know the names of the traitors on the White Council, the problem is how to explain this without revealing the game. Or maybe deal with them yourself
-[X] New Artifact Workshop: Creating a place of potential, a wild seed so close to the world of form is no easy thing, but once done, you are sure it will pay for itself in full (0/10 AP) ( 1AP +2AP)
-[X] [SGI] Updated Unknown Family, now that you know the complete story, your feelings towards your maternal grandparents are not at all complicated, but people change, right? And even if not, you have other family members further away in Boston who would be cool to meet.
-[X] [SGI] NEW Introductions to more of you: Twin jokes aside it's going to take a bit of time and care to get your family used to other yous and keep the secret

Remaining calculation:
6 AP + 2 AP = 0
24 SGI AP =6 remaining AP (because there was nowhere else to spend it)
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We need to vote to rename Pods. I suggest Polly.
I don't think we can. Names are a big deal in the DF and Exalted, messing with them is generally not a great plan.

It's not like she has to go by that name to the public, she'll just answer to Molly most of the time.

If it's really that big of a deal I'd say we're better off giving her a nickname based on one component word of her name. That's a lot less like rejecting part of Molly's soul and more choosing a different use-name convention.

Considering the mess of Molly's names it doesn't even need to be that close to follow a comfortable pattern.

That or employ the time honored tradition of translating it to a different language that you think sounds better.
I don't think we can. Names are a big deal in the DF and Exalted, messing with them is generally not a great plan.

It's not like she has to go by that name to the public, she'll just answer to Molly most of the time.

If it's really that big of a deal I'd say we're better off giving her a nickname based on one component word of her name. That's a lot less like rejecting part of Molly's soul and more choosing a different use-name convention.

Considering the mess of Molly's names it doesn't even need to be that close to follow a comfortable pattern.

That or employ the time honored tradition of translating it to a different language that you think sounds better.
We can still call her Polly, though, even if that isn't here true name. Just like Molly isn't Molly's name.
If we are going to be sending the clones out we need to use IDU on them first to at least try and take precautions. I'm guessing that would come later but I'm not sure if it has to be voted for now or not.
We can still call her Polly, though, even if that isn't here true name. Just like Molly isn't Molly's name.

You guys can call her Polly if you like, but the way she thinks of herself is Molly Carpenter [Pursuer of Dutiful Scholarship]. She is the Demon of Pursuing Dutiful Scholarship in the Soul Hierarchy of Molly Carpenter, though Molly herself does not know those names yet.
Speaking of which, @DragonParadox I would like to congratulate you on the way you approached the SGI actions, giving them certain amounts of AP necessary to be completed, as well as the constructions we make. This both helps us and doesn't completely take us out of AP Hell, which still means that what we choose to do on a given turn is important and deserves a lot of thought. I really liked it.
SGI AP cannot be used for the Workshop, that takes exalted magic, Angelic power or steel fey know-how. Otherwise yes, will add the traitors and the dogs.
? Bonus ap is from coffee.
Can Molly even direct it? I'm not sure even Unconquered Sun could do it without going through a redemption/detox and Molly is an Infernal.
the short answer is "probably " and the long answer is "it depends on a lot of factors":
1) If Should the Sun not Rise is in effect, then it's a matter of negotiating with the Pharaoh
2) It's possible to arrange the situation to prime a certain person to get the Exaltation. That doesn't involve manipulating the Exaltation itself
3) With a lot of ancient sorcery is might be doable, in a limited way

More practically we should take at least a few of these while we have time. They might not be in a rush, but it would be bad to have a bunch of markers called in at once because something went sideways.
Which is why we need tk rush the forge first, ideally in a month, to lower the cost.

They're not wrong about this, and poking baby wizards sounds fun.
This screams "infiltration by compromised assets" gambit from Peabody and the like to take advantage of. Deal with them now, get baby wizards next.
2) It's possible to arrange the situation to prime a certain person to get the Exaltation. That doesn't involve manipulating the Exaltation itself
3) With a lot of ancient sorcery is might be doable, in a limited way
As far as I remember the only guys who managed to direct exaltations basically corrupted them with their own essence. And with billions of people in the world it would be kinda hard to arrange a favourable situation without something else equally or more attractive to it happening elsewhere.

And dragging it to Molly's Hell would most likely be a really bad idea. Like nuclear explosion on both sides bad idea.
Are you sure? Like absolutely, no doubt, no hesitation sure? Isn't this going to grind the quest to a full stop? I am talking Xander quest over on SB level of time dilation.

Yes, the kind of actions you would send SGI clones on are not going to take anywhere near as much time OOC. Not to mention that one of them will likely just stay in Sanctuary, another will be busy with school. You guys have a lot of time consuming ongoing duties that have sort of skated by so far. This gives you the chance to feel more like you have underlings that you can organize and underlings under those. At need you can to a Power Rangers Assemble of all the Mollies but for the most part they are going to handle low level things.
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@DragonParadox Seriously though if people vote to let the clones out on Earth do we need to specify the use of IDU beforehand like will not including that in a vote result in one being in school without?
@DragonParadox Seriously though if people vote to let the clones out on Earth do we need to specify the use of IDU beforehand like will not including that in a vote result in one being in school without?

No, first I need to see how many SGI AP you guys use, you do not have to use all of them and then once they have their duties Molly will spin them up, give them their gifts and send them on their way.

.....wait what?

Hmm.... @DragonParadox this seems like Las Vagas 2.0 the time stop edition.

Unless they are resolved OOC and not on screen?

For the most part yes, the focus will stay on Molly Prime
Which is why we need tk rush the forge first, ideally in a month, to lower the cost.
We can get 4 + 1d4 AP from other people, so it shouldn't take too long.

This screams "infiltration by compromised assets" gambit from Peabody and the like to take advantage of. Deal with them now, get baby wizards next.
The baby wizards are vulnerable and depending on their involvement with the council this might actually be the point where they get subverted. It might actually be the place to contrive noticing the problem in action so we can report on it in a useful fashion.
tbf, it is probably also the council putting down the baby wizards close to the one that brings out the new magitech stuff that is probably going to be a big thing for wizards going forward.

Have them learn and get used to it early.
Between Daniel and Michael, the father should be the obvious choice here.
The father is a good, heroic man, but he doesn't burn with the desire to go out and smite evil. That is his mission, not his passion, I think. He is a family man first. Daniel, on the other hand, wants this. And it puts him on equal grounds with his girlfriend. And pragmatically, it's better to use Daniel and let Michael stay the knight.