Not for tourists, but there is a ring of forests, and some areas in there should be very beautiful, in a "savage untamed land, full of glory and primal power" kind of way.
We have changed, and we haven't tried to hide it, and hiding it long term is impossible. Hiding it now is going to be very hard, and long-term counter-productive. It'll create more and more distance between Mollly and Charity. So, this leaves controlled presentation. "Mom, I am still here, and I am still me. More than I was, in a weird quantum physics like way, but me, the girl you raised, and I am willing to show it to you".
I made very, very deliberate effort not to say stuff with parallels to the Holy Trinity. Because while they fit, that's going to be the wrong choice.
We need to move her on from "I have lost my daughter, and the thing before me is just a puppet" position to something more constructive and less likely to alienate us from her.
The window metaphor is good, I think. I have more, but they are technical, like "a holographic image", or a "human scale fractal".
OK, fine, let's remove the Sanctuary bit, despite how it would be helpful, I think.
[X] Try to reassure her that she can see you just fine, there is just more of you to go around
-[X] Empathy excellency
-[X] stunt: "Only in the sense that I can't see you because the firing of the the neurons of your brain is hidden by your skull. Well, a lot more quantum-philosophical spacetime lensing, but the same principle. I am still me. The girl you raised and who gave you too much trouble. Not a puppet made in a crude imitation of the puppeteer. Not a shadow unfelt by the light that casts it. A window into my rich inner world maybe?"