Star Wars and Peace on Earth
31th of January 2007 A.D.
"You know something Harry?" the blonde haired woman who wasn't really human mused to the man sitting at her side on the bench. "You never did ask me what I thought of Star Wars."
"Lemme guess? Palpatine had a good thing going for him but he should have ditched the 'evil emperor look'?" the tall man in the trenchcoat, the Wizard of Chicago answered, though without as much heat as he might once have used. He had learned over the past month and a bit that his new... roommate was as good as her word about the the big lines, the ones etched deep, even as she might sometimes tap across the little ones just to prove a point, or so it seemed to him.
"Nah, I think Anakin should have gone to a psych evaluation and the fact the Jedi Order didn't have one was their greatest failing."
"Yoda gave some pretty top notch advice it seems to me," he countered.
"Yoda failed, twice in fact over the course of two generations," she countered seriously. "The reason the Emperor lost in the end was Anakin's love of his son, attachment. That wasn't something Yoda was counting on, he would have expected Luke to win by the sword, lightsaber, or by inspiring the Rebellion
"I don't know... the little guy never struck me as much of a plotter," Harry countered. "What won the day in the end was who Luke was and his ability to see the good in his father, something reinforced by Yoda's tests."
"Oh really?" She arched an eyebrow. People passing by were starting to give them the side-eye, not that either of the pair seems to notice.
"The part where he saw himself behind Vader's helmet. If Luke has that possibility for evil within himself then it stands to reason that Vader still had a spark of good in him."
She was quiet a long moment, the being older than Ur then she came back with: "That doesn't follow, Falling is easier than the opposite, there's a reason you use that word after all." So saying she flipped a bright coin into the grass setting the small terrier already straining on his owner's leash into a mad dash. "Gravity only pulls one way."
"Not if you're on a space ship, down's a matter of perspective," Harry counters drolly.
"So you've changed your mind about talking to Marcone?" Tiffany changed the subject on a dime. "If good is relative than so is evil, and what's another word for relative evil than lesser."
"Tell you what," Harry's voice dropped into a more serious tone, though of course that did not mean giving up on the Star Wars metaphor. "When John Marcone drops the evil emperor down a reactor shaft we can talk."
"That's a bit harsh don't you think?" Lash tipped her head in askance. "I don't remember him blowing up any planets either..."
Or killing any younglings, even she knew not to say that part aloud, but there was a reason they were in this park even though it was pretty out of the way. "I'm no saying you should take the man about the shoulders and sing drinking songs, just a nonaggression pact of sorts."
"I'm not gunning for him now am I?"
Silence followed, a long moment's worth. "You are usually cute when you're obtuse, but but that's not what I meant and you know it. Right now Marcone doesn't know if you're enemy biding his time for a take down or if you just don't care one way or the other."
"What about gangsters shooting people, selling drugs, buying cops at a discount?" Harry's words were sharp. "Guess what I do care."
"Then why aren't you doing something about it?" she countered. "You have friends in this town, powerful ones, you have magic, why aren't you cleaning up the small fry before they can become a problem, before the gang problem turns into a vampire problem or a warlock problem. After all this is a man of great ambition with access to significant access into the nature of magic. A dangerous cocktail to be sure." When he did not answer, the answer being obvious she said it for him. "Because he's not a priority, which is the entire point of an explicit nonaggression pact, making everyone's red lines clear so that neither side steps on one by accident."
"And here I thought I was Luke Skywalker, Han Solo at least," he sighed. "When did I get drafted for the Republic Senate."
"When they gave you that fancy bathrobe, or the cloak that goes with it at the latest," Tiffany pointed out, not unreasonably.
OOC: One more interlude since the conversation is still ongoing. Vote will be called tomorrow.